Democrats and Republi- | cans Fall Into Line. BT7ALLOW A BAD THIRD. Philadelphia, Oct MM. —-With the ellos. mg weeks of the campaign (ome the sual conditions of political cumtests Men who have had grievances or ‘what they honestly thought grievances, against the state or focal Aeadership of their party will talk all summer about voting a ticket hostile to all their convictions and their faith, but when the frosty air of the month ‘before the election gets into ther lungs they put aside petty considerations Men who have sincerely preached crit felsm. often with a biting tongue, against certain things done by members of thelr party in its name take nn larger view of the importance of their right of sullrage ar November approaches. They recall the traditions of thelr party. in which they have gloried dur ing ail thedr manhood They remember Abelr prids in Hy achievements when it bas Bourn in power, and no lets exult fn their loyalty te it snd to emh other when the fortunes of politics cast them down in defeat They remiml them. selves that outside of their two great parties, ro sensilile political ood to the peapie has been accompibibed in 4 years. They vali over the list of wide issuen, propagated by all the vari- our side show political organitions, #ince anti-Masonry and Know-nothing- ism, snd they find no results from them to which those who participiited in these movemupts can point with satis- faction. And so. with the advent of frosty weather, men's minds expand to the ‘appreciation of the larger and more im- | portant public questions. They take “thought of what 8 vote cast against their party ticket will be taken 10 mean. They hear in advance the jubi- jant cheers of thos: to whom they have ‘siways been opposed until néw, but whom they have been beguiled Into _sasisting to victory. They can Imagine their jeers, as well, and realize that somebody hus been fooling them. They can smell beforehand the of- fengive smoke of the burning tar bar gels sround which their ancient ene nies will dante in triumph on election sight. and it 1s all the more offensive Cin their forebeding because they realize © that they have bevn misied int heip- ing & movement Lo deliver their party into the hands of its enemies And then their stalwart hipod is roused in thuir veins, and they east side small considerations, and march to the polis under thelr 01d and honored party standards. There have heen many [lustrations of this, but nivver a better than the re. tent subsidence of the crank wave in Pennsylvania politics, which has been Jed By Dr Saallow. As a midsummer madness it did threaten in August to submerge some of the old party lines, at least in the opinjon of those who did fit think far enough back to recall that even Horace Greeley would ap- parently have been elected In August, 197%, and yet died broken hearted by Ms overwhelming defeat in November, There is ni such consummation to Te expected In the case of the yooif. srous Swallow. or at least he will not fie of lung disease. But all the indications of the past few weeks point out that he will bo & ri- diculous third in the race. and that the lssue is now squarely joined etwesn Btone and Jenks, between Republican od fem and Democracy. A couple of weeks ago, whan the fiwallow campaign of vituperation, ig- porance and misrepresentation had al- teady reached its height blanks were “ment out to 2.000 differant precinct and township members of Republican eoun- ty committees throughout the state, aking them for uw careful Individual poll, and their most accurate estimate of how the votes of their people would ~~ probably be cast The purposs expressed was lo gel as’ near the exact situntion as possible 1 have personally been given the #pportunity to examine a bushel or more of the replies, taking them at gandom as they came in, and compar. ng them with the vote of last year. ‘There are some political piagun spots, of coqrne, where local factional differ. ances have bred party disorders, but the general run of the returns show be- yond question that the conservative Sommon sens: of the people of Fennsyl- vanis, which has so often gritical electinns in the past. has awak- ened to the situation. Thoughtful bus iness mien, whose judgment goes far something sarong their neighbvirs have THE PATTON COURIER NOVEMBER 3 ne FIRE INSURANCE HE TIE Go To the Hastings Op ra House Friliy, November 4th, 10st od § nelnimed Lotus, The jollowing letters remain in the postoffice at Palton for the weed &n ing Thursday, November 26, 180s: Fred Batcher, Mrs Sarah Dennis, John Dixon, EW. Day, Mrs Eva Fulkerson. Mrs James Haley, Mrs Lidie Klinger, P. Nickles, Mine Jennie Spence, (wo. Spence, Rev. IL F Wrigie. Persons calling for the above letiers will pleas: say they are advertised. E A Maaiox, P.M A Great Rurprise Is in store for those who have not tried the healing virtues of Gray's Balsam. It is sold 05 a positive guar. antee to cure you. Why suffer an irritating cough when you can cure yourself easily and promptly by this remedy. For sale only by . W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy A Dare ineed Fad, The fashion of the smooth face con tinnes to incremse in popularity, and mustaches are daddy sacrificed to a fad which is pot so well miapted to every wan Bs 8 great many men evidently think. The style came from England. It became so much the proper thing in England for men to appear without hair on their faces that it was finally found necessary to fortid the practice in the army, as the loss of whiskers was spreading so rapidly that there prom. ised to be a beardiess army in p short while. Unbecoming styles of are unquestionably accepted when they ure ' the mode. But it war usually thought that the selection of a mustache or a smooth face wis founded on a deeper consideration of what made a raan jock well or the reverse. But that discrimi nation bas been swept sway now by the enthusiasm with which the uushaved lip has been declaimed as the right style.—San Francisco Argon maul. Mark Tonia ad Lincoln. it were as well, says Char Miner peon in The Atlantic, bes attribute the popularity of Abrabam Lincoln to his jokes as the vogue of Mark Twain to his extravagant foolery. In the conventional sense, Mark Twain | is no more a literary artist than, in the begun to realize what a significantly conventional sense, Lincoln was a gen : large vote fur a raving crank and dem- el e¢ would meun for Pennsylvania strong evidence of this is that C—O BI ST SEI ir having pT | ment in a ustially extremely quiet sub- | Ft ei cla 5 pl SE ne this winter's reading of the sgh. Besta Trauscrint. injured, Op. tieman. But, in spite of lack of polish, Lincoln was great. May not Mark Twain, the writer, in spite of his crude ‘literary manners, be great also? The mere possibility ought to be enough in | itself to secure him sympathetic and | y . serious consideration, in the number of ale votes. and calling attention tc Provoking. ; Friend—Hello, Grombleton! Whats the matter, oid man? Grumbleton-—Matter enough! I was in that collision on the railway the other ‘day, and I'm blowed if I wasn't the _ only one in the compartment who wasn't and I've itsured in the Acci- * dental for the last thiree years too. It's - enough to provoke & saint. Pick Me Some idea of the magnitude of the coal resources of Huerfano county, | * Colo., may be formed when is ued that there are about 40,000 acres, and each acre contains 100,000 tons, or a amount | total of 4,000,000.000 tons--an amoun i A Different Question. 4 Father (impressively). Sapposy | § should be taken away suddenly, what would become of you, my boy? Irreverent Son—I1'd stay here The | | Tuestion is, What would become of you? yw i Constipation prevents the body from Fdding itself of waste maiter De. Witt's Little Early Risers will remove ‘the trouble and cure sick headache, hilousness, inactive liver and clear the complexion, Small, sugsr costed, don't gripe or case paosea OW, H xigkins, Patton Pharmacy. Wanted, Ladies and gentlemen eufiering from throat and lung difficulties to call at oar store for a sample botile of (to's ‘Core, which we are distributing free of charge. We confidently recommend it 8s a care for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption, and all of the throat and fangs. It will slap « elise ask CER quicker than any other known ro We believe it will cure you or whooping cough it is sure instant relief Large s zea 5 Sold by Patton Pharmacy Hodgkins. A congh is pot like a fever not have to run a certain course. | it quickly and effectually with One Minote cough cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most ssvere cases. We recommend it beciose it's good. CC. W. Hodgkin, Patton it doe na i i Pharmacy. The Best Paxior A pivce of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain in the chest or side, or a lame back, give ta trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Fain Balm is also a certain cure for rheuma- tism. For sale hy Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgins When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Haze] Salve don’t accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of piles being cured hy this, than all others combined. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative Ripans Tabules for sour stomach Ripans Tabules cure indigestion THE CENTRAL DISTRICT & PRINTING TELEGRAPH CO. Of course you can get along without a telephone The time was when we got along without the tel- graph, electric light, kerosene oil and ev tallow candies But nobody likes to do this and 1t the same way with a telephone. It you are in bus: ness, people think you should be up-to- date. To be up-to date you must have a telephone. ‘Qurs is the only one that Works. For rates, ete., apply to F. L. BAKER, Manager, PATTON, PA. 1s Telephone 100. NAA A roi nO Ripans Tabuisa asin digestion Ripans Tabules one gives reife! DeWitt s Witch Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. bad ds re (et Your James Mellon. J.P. Good and reliable panies, ep Lit Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. £ 4 neat and © A here Del: = pd feds ae ph pe ge Ania, WN GEG ETIES arp 2 5a RPE YE | E po a . SIEGE Hid WHE TT Vi x . ae :, Hiatal i sort of Hause we Have vou seen > { FIORE ry ER . .. ov Lia ~ FirstNation'IBank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. ER CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00, SURPLUS, $40,000.00. Asoonrsts of { oF prions, Firms, Jralivign wis and Hanis received apes She sated hv iw bie terns comsinlent with sate and oonesiryaiiive anNing sremmedinp telieis for sai Sor all dhe rd ing fines. Frovigs Drafts payabie in thw prise pes eit of the (0d Works, A corresponded will have sar prompt Andi peereomial Bisel Totem! paid on ime deqwmite A EB Parrox. Wu H Saxproni, President. Canker. look ngs = . § Fri com wrhraves $d House where things € LAETKS Te pOte ana 1 oblig 3 5 charge CRE ny pric a rE 4 - SC ir a of An a On Fae tig iil g the Ei That s the o oof it. IK Cal and ha tive Cail Aan Of Surg DRY GOODS? ow much The nest to sn When 11 vour headqu Ww ele JIC. ar{iers, in this section and at prices! 1 town make our store Ye ii will be ood, Patton, Pa. x L. W. Cook, Sull a few dags tor 10 Per Cent: Discount ll QO n all Re sass I Y ou Lat i already at 1 aye 5 our tic les 4 i ogerale } Ladies’ Jackets Our stock newest styles prices more than satisfactory without the 10 per cent. dis- count. Here are a few lead- ing styles: x tae 1 aii 1 shades 2 show ho and One lot of jackets in black and bie shades at $4.25 cach Black cheviot, strapped seams and figured linings, $6 each, Astrakhan jackets lined with black satin, trimmed with broad cloth and steel buckles, §7 50 each, Navy blue cheviot jackets, Scotch plaid linings, large pear! buttons. all sizes at $7.98 each. Black Astrakhan, with satin lapels velvet collar, pear! buttons and new cut front, $10.50 Yale bloe and tan Jackets velvet collar, full corded sleeves, lined with red silk, at $14. Brown and Kersey Cloth coats a ne trimmed, plaid and striped Viulngs, $11.50, A good line of ali new shades and black, in the right styles, from $15 ap. discount Rltoona, Pa. Our Great Offer of cular Prices. ra Enh BPE a” NeCCSsary Roo Dress Skirts. ny ga new Temp he ine we note tn Ar and elegant following: Skirts, full wh 2x wii PE wk lack figured maobair width, velvet hound, $1.95 Navy blue and black made, $2.88 Beautiful black figured «ilk Skirts at $5.00. Navy Dbive Skirts with flounce, at $4.30 Plain Mohair, with ruffies, $3 Crepon and Mobalr skirts, plain and trimmed, two styles, at 8 9% aach. Black cheviot skirt, appliqued and with folds of black satin, Plain black silk, cut dounce headed with three folds of silk, $15 Beautiful silk and wool crepon skirt, circular flounce trimmed with satin foids at $16.50. serge. well cireniar beantifuliy trimined in black Taffeta with full corded fronts at $i Black and colors with corded fronta, collar and sleeves at $6.95, We are having a special sale of Tap- gtey Curtains and Tapestries i at prices that will please you. ‘Surgeon We now have a full line of silk widsts of all aaa In 1.7 Mr. Thomas Melntosh, of Allentown, Tenn, bad an attack of dysentery which became chronic. “7 was treated by the best physicians in East Tennessee withoot a cure,” be suys. “Finally | tried Chasiberiain’s colic. cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After oeing aboot twelve hotiies I was cared soond apd well” For sale by Patton Piarmacy, C. W. Hodgkina One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it wes made for. DIRECTORY. ERNEST CHABE, Dentist, PATTON, PENNA Mice in Solomon Baiiding, City Restaurant, Fifth a DR. W.L DOWLER, Physician and Offre in M P ostalice, iT oukilm v us DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND = aEnN, DR. C. - i Surgeon. Hon block, next door to Office in Good Building, Room No 3 FFSesnrs Surgery and The Bw a Specie AL ean will revel ve print ation ios, Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Cee in A iagtan Noel wert en ew Fattoes, Pa. A5 ntent mis responded oe prommsdly. Dlectwe of (he sar, oes qbd Eros Ehven spevind atiwntion OFFICE MARR TS wiamand flip m Reue! Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Patrox, Office in the Good Bailding. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Ofloe in Good Building -10a0 Pa. WH DAVIE, ~ Attorney and Counselor at low, Eagssgr eo, AG legal toviness promptly stiesded Cee ny Jarier Ballliog TOBACUOD and CIGARS 3 ee BR Sve if Paliloen al G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restanrant on Magee avenne, near P RK. depot. MEaAl~ AT ALL BOURS J ABAFTEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, "a Lowa nba t does Hoviodese. Fest oF Lagu ard Wipes af (hes lar, Siabiing silane bed Geowae Feroutsox Pros: ur yr CREST SPRINGS FOONDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mebinery, iron kettles, staves, stove reins, plow points, plow re. Omar charges are regsonible taken in rschunge Bw ary ei ENT SPRINGS, PA £ pats - srt © EY Parnell & Cowher, LIFE AND ACCIDENT HEAL PNTATE AGENTS vag. Patton, Pa ~ Phone Xa. § FIRE, vend Baad COMPA] XY. wes Mann etnies of sind Desde) ise Lomber of all Kinds, Planing Mill Wisrk, Sash and Doors of all Kinds. MK MANSHIP AND . LUMBER GUARANTEED Prices ind terms reasonable, We have just received a oar load of doors and sash to which we cull your special aftention. OFFICE At Mill and in Room No. 7 Building. We of Good Hastings Furniture & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS. EMBALMERS, NERAL DIRECTORS, ETC, 11 calls promptly attended to. Office 1m Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho- tel, Patton Pa., and Spen- cer building, Hastings, Pa. Also office in Spiece building, Barnesboro, H.C. EASLY, FU
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