The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 03, 1898, Image 5
ON COURIER, NOVEMBER 3, 1898. PATRON PoRLENING © co. Proptietors: | EW GurEXE, Eaitor, Ed. Cline came over from Hastings | Monday. There are over 6,000 known languages {and dialects. CHURCH NOTICES. AL—~Rov. Ir. M, Cann, pastor, Toon at 3 olfetork pp ig every Sunday, a school at 10a. ; CATHOLIC Father I iabins pastor, Maes | every Suminy at 8 and 10 a am. Samdny | ehont at 2 p.m. and vespers at 7 p, in, LOTHERAN Hey, BS Dise, pastor. Preseh 5 LJ, fiterrunts Sandsys a EN Bory. Nin. ‘a visitor to Patton Toesday. Defeated candidates will be hunting their holes next Wednesday. Feed and Buckwheat Mills -26¢f Note the change in the ad of R. Tozer elsewhere in the COURIER. W. J. Radcliffe attended the Peace | Jubilee at Philadelphia last week. Miss Bessie Wolfe, of Philipsburg, is visiting friends in Patton this week. | Grand opening of the Hastings Opera House Friday evening, November 4th. ! For horse collars of all kinds go to Langbein’ & harness shop, Patton, Pa + Mrs. Alfred Dodson, of this place, is | visiting her sister at Portage this week. Clayton Poorman, of Tyrone, was in town Monday looking after business interesta. . Rebt. F. Notley, of Hastings, was looking after business interests in Pat- | ton Friday. . Did you see the beantifal glassware given away as preminms at the Cash | Grocery -48tf . Mrs. EP. McCormick and three ehildren are visiting Mea, MeCormick’s parents at Osceola Mills. | Patronize home industry by buying your flour and feed at the Patton Feed and Buckwheat Mills 26:1 Mrs. George Yeckley, of Gallitzin, visiting her son, John Yeckley, pro prietor of the Central hotel. I. A. Rishell, representing J. M. Bunnell, masic dealer of Johnstown, spent Wednesday in Patton. Among every 1,000 bachelors there gre 38% criminals; among married men ‘the ratio is only 18 per 1,000, . The Patton Hotel Co. is erecting a naw walk in front of the Palmer house on Magee and Fifth avenues. 8. 0. Daggett, manager of the Paimer bouse, returned home Monday after a visit among friends at Tioga, Pa. fm. Sanday sehioo! at B® a ny and E wl 630 p. ro. ench Sunday, Meron ErmoorAl-RBey. EH. Witman, | LL Rerviees AL KEW a.m. and T80 pm, ¥ sehaniat pom. Epworth Longue | 630 p. 1 Praver moot tine every Wednes | #Vening at Tih. : oT 53 Ble ao years doo- have prescribed our for paleness, i. Ad trouble doesn't seam so bad When ane ia quite fornenst {t, Bul oh ! | makes ore raighty sud To get right up agninst it When Ara Yhuy wed she ives Bin hi! nat clothes hooks for his she re, Iban ong HH be has to hang | pants on the tame of a chair. | Next Tuesday is the day. Only 58 days till Christmas. At Firemen's Hall Friday night. © Best oy” town at the Cwmh Gvusery 4 TE ote or Gazzam, Pa., spent Tweeday in ation. Attend the oyster sapper in Fire men's Hall Friday night. J. F. MoQuown, of Punxsutawney, Pa, pent Monday in Patten. ~ Oull and see the fine line of China which haa Just arrived at Mrs. Dartt’s. In all probability a full vote will be oastin Patton at the coming election. | Gould & Beezer for first-class plambing, ec. Estimates freely given. -44tf . Mrs J E Dale, accompanied by her two children, is visiting her father at Madera, Pa, who is lying quite ill The new cable which has been laid across the Atlantic weighs 650 pounds to the mile. This the biggest of all the cables. Satarday to have his left shoulder dis located daring the game of foot ball at Gallitzin, Miss Sarah Hattnick departed for her few days. dW. Tosch, shia oF sant plas, made Patton a brief visit Wednesday. Island navy yard, Philadelphia, to join his comrades in the service. He was ar gia. of Cacti, 40d 8. A. Bhillingford, of Peale, stopped in Pat- ian Tusstiay wills eu-route en-route to Barnes boro, wherw they have extensive business interests. Ernest Bruer, of Hastings, has es tablished a photograph business in Patton. His gallery is located on the corner of Fourth and M near the P. R. R. depot. be snd sister, Mrs. F. A. Kober, ed to ! atest crop of Regiment, P. V. I, who bas been visit- this year, over ing his brother, J. L. Stratton, during | the past week, retarned to his home at Geo. W. Edmiston, of Company K, oe Twenty-first Infantry, U. 8. A, de McNamara and sister, of Eb- parted for Plattsburg, N and Miss Patton, of Curwens- ‘after spending a thirty-day furlough a, apent Friday in Patton. with his parents at this piace. elley and R. T. Wymers, tWO Mise Kate Dunegan departed for Fr. salesmen of Pitteburg, were McPherson, Ga, to visit her brother. fer busines in Patton Tues PF. N. Ducnegan, a member of the Fifth Infantry, U. 8. A. who is yg rs 5, your attention is called this seriously ill at that place with the ) the lnrge new ad of Geo. H. fever. John Farkas, of Kittaning, Pa, was Pare rye or corn chop at the Patton | You cannot do better than to call on | Magee svenues, | t Chas. Stratton, of Company L, Fifth Y., Friday, The rabbit season opened Tuesday. I An members of the Knights of the jgoiden Eagle are earnestly requested : i attend the regular meeting this | reraday i evening. ; Frank J. Love, of the wholesale grocery firm of Love, Sunshine & Co, of Johnstown was looking after busi- ness interests in Patton the first of the week. Operator Swab visited his many friends at Garway Sunday. He says the natives at that place, although 8S. 1 “wild and wooly,” are very clever and reports having had a very pleasant time. A good old-fashioned corn husking bee was held at the home of Anslem Weakland Monday night. Quite a namber from Patton were present and report having enjoyed themselves hugely. Geo. 8 Good & Co., railroad con- tractors, want £000 chestnut railroad ties distributed along the line of the new branch being built to the new mining operations of Mages & Lingle near 8t Boniface. Apply to Geo 8, Grood’s store, Patton, or at headquart- ers at Thomas’ Mills, James Reed, of Washington, D. CO, was the goest of his brother, Geo. M. Reed, of East Magee avenue Weadnes day. Mr. Reed an official of the United States pension office at the National Capitol, which position he has faithfully fAlled for several years He in a veteran of the war of the re bellion and therefore is the right man in the right place. # is Notiew All parsons are hereby notified not to give, sell or fornish my busband, Wm. H. Dummy, any intoxicating liguor of any kind ander the penalty that may ensne, Mrs Wa Duss October 25, 1898 Tiras Wanted. The undersigned contractors want 8,000 chestnut ties furnished and dis- tributed along the line of the new branch railroad being built from Patton to the Magee & Lingle colliery near St. Boniface. For information apply to headquarters at Thomas Mills, or Geo. 8 Good's store Patton, Pa Goo. 8. Goon & Co, Contractors Soothing. healing, cleansing, De- Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the im- | “huarns and : core piles. | pincable enemy of sores, woands. [t never fails to You may rely upon it. © xine, Patton Pharmacy. W. Hodg- One Minute Cough Care, That is what it was made for. James Gilliece had the misfortone = A Convincing home at Jersey Shore, Pa, SBatorday, after visiting friends in Patton for a Hamer Marts left Monday for League | sccompanied by Wm. Bolic and Ollie £ £ i 1 { i 'Brethren—A word with are i i You Cannot Do Better Than by calling at our store and inspecting our im- mense line of CLOTHING, GENTS The ‘boys’ were quite modest in their way of observing Hallowe'en. sportaman is in his glory now-- Very little mischief was done, prob- for pheasants and rabbits, ably, pear ta be quite plentiful in Police Holes kept a close watch on their movements. ph is being made foruse o.oo ‘hich the Ameri ‘ Paris Exhibition of 1900, which ire Li = h : ® Ateri a settled to bo of ai “army utilized for telephone lines in be he card by | Cuba, are now serving the same pur Bagh: over a distance extending 13 miles. The sytem relieves the monotony and -isclation of life in the back country. owing to the fact that Chief FURNISHINHS, SHOES, ETC. WOLF & gee. PATTON, Good Building. pose in Australia, thus enabling farm- ‘ers to communicate with each other ca res. : vy 3 $ S FE \ 3 x i" 1 3% has 1 : : $ : 1 cond easily advertises to sell you a Child's 8nit for 50 Cents, and we conid buy one to sell you for that price lat you wouldn't boy it A most nothing without a profit. There's the catch to so many cheap sounding suits. ny atdre can boy a shoddy suit and advertise to sell it for ale That's called advertising by some stores. Those suite are not advertised for the purpose of selling those suite: they're advertised to get yon in to look at them and sil you ancther suit at a profit. We want to sell all the goods we got, and want to make a little profit on every sale We don't carry any clothes, shoddy Every article that we sell is sold on ite merits, and sold with the distinct gnarantee that it's got to wear Yours Very Truly, MIRKIN & KU | | 3 SNER. aN $6.50 All won! Lightweight Covert Cloth Overcoat, full silk lined. You can’t duplicate this Overcoat anywhere Come in and examine. You'l buy. » ’ Ladies’ Coats. Best lines we've ever shown from #8 to $i2 ench. Bplendid values at §, $85, $7.50 and $10. Ladiew’ Cloth Capes from $1.75 to $15 each. Special values in Beald and Far-treim- med Capes at $1.50, $2, and $2.50 ete. Plush Capes, Best Selling line int Hen 156% Nice Plain Plush Capes at $1.50, §£ $4.50 to $15. Special value inch Flush thibet trimmed, at 88 each; son's price, $9. Braided and Beaded Capes from #1 to $15. Misses’ Conta, 14, 18, 18-year siz. «, beautiful sty les, from $3 to $15. Children's Coats, from 4 to 1% $1.50, $250, §3 to $16 each. SHOES. The shoe business is done here in un You fextensive way. Shoes of grind mukes, A ldown-to-date styles, and tie heat of leathers has ballt us Op a grand shoe trade. Men's Box Calf Shoe. [ull Dag toe tri low; A 1 Whiter Shoe at this price are Bosbian Calf, Ki Lined; Eraomel Gif Skin with calf lining, ot< Men's Suits. $6.50 Suite of Good Woolen Materials, nicely made and trimmed, This suit makes an elegant Ehock-abont or bosaness Suit. The quality is backed up by ns $850 Baits of Good Uingy Waorsteds, Cheviota, Homespunz, conte are ail nicely faced] and sadin piped, made as good clothes should be right, $10.00 Sagite of fine unfinished Worsted, Mel. Rona: elo. ete Cape inst w n swans of the coats are dou e faced with same material as in Die cont and have satin backs, — and double breasted coats: most of the double breasted ocats are silk faced, very stylish. $12.00 Suits here in many weavings and pat together right, so that fetain their shape. In this price range have an opportanity of jor 4 goodly sum over tailor prices. suits, of course, $15 and $18 Cool Mornings and Evenings suggest a Laghtweight Overcoat. ner W=~KEEP THIS STORE IN MIND WHEN READY FOR YOUR NEW FALL WRAP. Mirkin & Kusner, Next to Bank. PATTON, PA. PAIN, SMART OR WWATER, It is their pleading for help PECTACLES! No matter if somebody does try to dissuade Yours is the pain and danger. WE DON'T CHARGE Anything for an examination of the eyes, and if an oculist’s care 1s needed we frankly tell vou. If your glasses are crooked, or bend, or pinch, we will set them right—for nothing, perhaps. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. You. the watermarked on heel t* of papa F we sell 1S od stuf - ‘if name rrrsrsssst LC (fu ality . grade Station- * + 9 Fee in pik ds it did . yy i > 5 fen Sized Toft Dried. The as- Lenox Linenes, Engr .g tala riiles, Golden Foreign [vor- hited, Local Stationery ir mi le Velipm, Dec Kle Edge aznre smd white paper ix all band Antshed: CTV) pew made hy hand, Har to wedding shape and js strie the newest thing in stationery direct from pills to consumer ge We Introduce no Name Tablets ag * FOTOS relic i xia 1a al 2a + ¥ FIO we hire F Pressed $e & nis, { add 4% <i : Bonds, oe Y trainee we 5 pwn Do not fal to see this line; something to please all. § Corner rue Store. ITI TTTIS. rs HITT T TTT ISS. : Exp Bead Shas : Be he {rion Siation {Mahati-y). Labathumt Beech Creek Railroad. N. Y. C.&H R R Co. Lessee (“ondensed Time Table. fend down May 15 IS Popp Mall Naot NoB us NOW a1 pm vi 0 ts i m i Ser 134 [8 ar 20 i wh an E 13 is i213 T iia 3 11 A Wil wm i 13 io oe fh Hy iG 0 : il 0 ur § 15 55 ar wma i & 55 Bas = 54 A 4% 254 x5 % 13 ® ON 7H iy pin osm # ERI TE IT ar Patton ¥ Westover Maha tTey Roerranoas id (ment JF ar Kerrmoor Iv 4 N New Millpe: Hants Mitchel! lenrtte! Won ls Bigie Wanliae Merrion Mur Phi: Ms Wi $1 5g 2 ~ EERE RR Rs “ mye ya Ben Fadi Mit sigif Yay Joris RRSEXRERNRTES he ee PEER SEE a BR ed a el ht CEE ie 0 le BOE 0 y am pm *Taily “hy New adeiphia will shaw Cone Aart gi in paved 1 wi ite $ Phi igh A Fi Een Pires wits Por ¥ Fh able May 16, 1x08 Main lane Foosg ue hve Faget wand v BRK pitees. wer days $133 Tallon. Wiel « Krenn, dunits Ws i fesesnentmtioage ohniiin § 8 v8 tally it Fox pros, daily ilps & romney WW wae Pini Aad Pht in : wee Folia taney Reena Delite Foxpro daily ay Passenger daily a ® Expire Mail Fustiineg dati Johnstown Vows, weet days cambria and Clearfield. essth wand, Maorviivgr tenis Bor Patton amid Cnoason Glen Campbet! 248% Mahathes ow Jomo WG: Westover 1 Hastings &13 way Bw Orvsson: S08 Putian 5% He et Janeth Ty Rayior for Elwielaog # arriving TRE Creme at WI a om A agian rnin fr Patian ans Caan Baim fei fab iat ds pone Moa baths at 2p! TEE. Waostiwer 251 Hastings 50 Ciarwiay {rvmmods’ BF Pmilas Bradlee $i FO Was hive I seriving al ress gt $90 ol way pet days x 4a = 3a on } ns on on boy iees «MH iF 55 §* oy Somes eng me fa Beak Nerihwant, Missing (asin aves 4 he Fw Fisk Hey 1h Kaylor Hendley wed PY ton HEED dssiway Ff [fase pe Punt gw fer Maha O30 Gas Hor Mabiafey 110 Wastover (18 Ia Joe 1500 Mo bafhey FRE sFriving at (rien Camphedi at 128 Aflernoon tain for Put fists wid Gillen Camptell loaves Crossan af eZ Kavior B18 Fheoeluiog v8 Hedley Soithon Hedi Pattias BID temrway (or Mawtings: Tag Hastings Jor (ddan Cam 41: TH Camere yor Tedeny Carmel TOE vetover Soe Lado TT, Matm ey Alf arriving at Celen Csmpbet! al WG om Fir sate raags, ole or address Thess Fifth avenue, Pittisbane, Pu J.B Hutehinson, ten, Mgr. reais fs Mlabiatiey uf 3 sity ibaa ing way i Ap iy bo He Ret agent Walt, w PA , 3 HR. Waond, Gets, Pass. Ag Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT BAY 23. 1898 Westward Lonye Heel Creek Junction Motions Wetnell tr Works ¢ Sundertand ¢ Kik Lick 1 Ruranside ea pho Horton Ran 1 Puller Run wh wd wk vl ed of ol ad nd od asta? 7 B::aguneETagas?, &ee WW WW ew w SSL ARRESL SHER L £ { ~ » ve Leave Fuller Run Kun t silen ed a Burnside. Rik Lick runderiand { Works 7... Watawll Motioew . [abathamt © Matin ffi at rE - awa = =a SER EER EL TLE EE oak EY ABBE ras ¥ Bench Creek Junetion Union Station (Mahaffey f. Fiag station. Connections At Unies Sinton, with Hesw'h Crew matlrosd, 0 & © Pennsvivania milmed, and PF & NW mil at Whiskey Han with Motioes & New tonhurg raiirond: of Motos wlth PP £ NS. W rated, Nostew- 1 ntil § = farther oeliee irsinis will run aply betwen [anon Station Mabafley: sad then Cuan pbetl, A trains dally exvoept San. day =H. Hicks, General Manager Mabey. Pa Buffalo, Rochester ast Pittsburg Hy woh § wd after July 3, Bawls Crvelk Doge, 5 bil ® EY R rains wi Ha, eB y Tented aw fintloows siti frrant ENN bF fav Hig Afar Be Laws Bevin, Fails mek and ine at twitois Oar Tread Barmst aed 30 a.m. Revit Are greviibe wr fia transys iis Poa FRE How lows Aran teed lomrtiold, Py ry Tabs