The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 03, 1898, Image 4

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    nasi ATI acc A A Se Ne TR BE
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Yatton Courier.|,
PATTON PUBLISHING 60." Proprietors. |
E. WrtLn Gree ge, Editor,
One copy. one year in advance,
S- Advertsing mies made Lnown Tpon ip |
&F No pr pers discontinued uniil all arrear-
Ben are ph G4. nnless pt the aption of the
po titistiers
Hatered at the PustoiBee pe Pration as seeds |
elisa mail mutter.
h Selig RN
AS HES 5 len iid
fries Ccovanessman mens DICKERS Mm om.
{25 the Beret Freas. Will Stand by dosph] Deeds Recorded at Ebensburg sp te Date
E. Threpp. Friday, October 28.
! Altoona, Pa, Oct. 24. = R. Barnicle et vir to Michael J. Waltz,
{| DEAR SIR:—Having been informed Chest Springs; consideration, $100.
by reliable parties that certain persons Mary M. Lehmier et vir to Cambria
in your county are birculating a report ' & Clearfield Railrcad company, Barr. §1
| that I am opposing the election of Mr. Theresa Grassherger et al to Beech
| emphatically deny the same,
1 wish it understood that 1 am a Re-
publican, and that in all contests for
the preferment in the party are settled,
83 far an | am concerned at the primary
| 1am most earnestly concerned and
am actively engaged in urging, not
| only the election of Mr. Thrapp, but
| the entire Republican ticket. 1 would
| consider it a great calamity if the
people of this District would send a
| representatine to Congress who would
‘oppose the policy of protection to
‘American industry, and the upholding
{of the policy of our honored President,
| William McKinley, in the measures
i that he must necessarily have the sup-
port of Congress to carry out, relative
to the successful conclusion and the
proper reaping of the results of our
| war with Spain.
. Every Republican who beileves in
the principles of his party, the uphold.
| ing of our National honor, and sustain.
ing the policy of President McKinley,
will dot ron any chance of the next
House of Representatives being Demo.
1.00 Thropp to Congress, I desire to most Creek BR. Uo, Carroll, $200
Benjamin F. James et ux to Mrs
Margaret E. James, Cambria, $40.
Jane Jones et vir to Ebensburg Agri
cultural Association, Cambria, $1,000.
John CC. Martin et ux to Catherine
Campbell, Portage barongh, $1.
Jeremiah Keith et ux to Mariam
Davis, Sosquehannah, $39.
John J. Troxell ot al to Conemaogh
Coal & Coke company, Aliegheny and
Cresson townships, $1,430.
Fllward J. Sybert «1 nx et al to P.
A. Sybert et al, Gallitzin township, $1
Samuel Kelly et ax to Joseph Lo
Bioom et al, Patton, $235.
Many a household is saddened hy
death becanse of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absolutely certain cure
for croup such as One Minates cough
cure. See that your little ones are
protected against emergency. . W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Prien New Lexland,
Reoflon, New Zealand, Nov, 23, 1596,
Iam very pleases] to state that since
I took the ageny of Chamberiain's
madicines the sale has been very large,
OF £1 fap we are nation of shop- cratic by casting his vote for a candi. more enpecinlly of the © ough Remedy
keepers, wholly inapprecintive of date who is opposed to these principles In two vears | have sold mare of this
the finer quittition of the high-bort Lo 4 measares. No Republican can do particular remedy than of all other
Spaniards, says the Lonisville-Courier
Journal. Here we are now notifying
Blanco and his crowd, regardless of
their sensitive consecration to honor,
that we can not allow them to sleal
otherwise but vote for Mr. Thropp.
Sincerely Yours,
J. D. Hicks,
A man who will be 21 years of age
makes for the previous five years. As
to its efficacy: | have been informed
by scores of persons of the good re
suite they have received from it, and
know ite valine from the use of it in my
any more cannon, tombstones, stores, 0h the 9th of this month can vote On own household. It is so pleasant to
ete. in Cuba.
AT THE headquarters of Republican
and Democratic Congressional Com-
mittess in Washington, the claims are
about equal as to which purty will elect
# majority of the next louse, bat the
opinion outside is that the Republicans
will retain control of the house by a
- reduced majority. Some Democrats say
the Sth. The courts have decided that
bis 21st year in completed on the day
before the anniversary of his birth.
Early to bed and early to rise, pre-
pares a man for his home in the skies.
But early to bed and a Little Early
Riser, the pill that makes life longer
‘and better and wiser. C. W. Hodgkins,
Patton Pharmacy.
take that we have to place the bottle
beyond the reach of the children - E
«J. BCANTLEBURY. For sale by Patton
Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkint.
Overcome evil with good. Overcome
your coughs and colds with One Min.
ute cough care. It is so good children
ery for it. It cares croup, bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and all throat and
lang diseases. C. W. Hodgkins, Pat-
~ whould remain Republican, because if memory the names of its friends, and
their party carried it, they would have | likewise its enemies. It seldom, if
to share in the responsibility of the ayer overlooks the opportunity to as Hoarseness in a child that is subject
that would prefer that the House |
they P Every newspaper treasurers upinie n y.
A Bure Sign of (veoup.
administration, in inaogurating the gu the former, but never goes out of to croup is a sare indication of the
axperiment of a colonial policy, or take
its way to boost the latter. Human
approach of the disease. If Chamber.
the responsibility of hampering that nature if pretty much the same every. lain’s cough Remedy is given as soon
policy, and that they would prefer where. People who show the news. asthe ohild becomes hosrss, or even
doing neither during the next two
years. If that sentiment exlets to any patter invest, or one that more surely ‘it will prevent the attack. Many
ixtent among the voters of the party,
: there is no doubt of the result of the
wim be Puniehed. i
Everett, Pa, Nov. 2
Evrror ParroN Couvrten:—Informa- |
Hon was received last night that a
_oertain vile circular containing state
thents affecting my moral character is
being quietly circulated and read to
voters by hired parties. Detectives
have been employed and I will pay
reward for information that will
lead to the arrest and conviction for
5 atminal libel of any party found ciren-
falsehoods. 1 fear no.
man's mvestigstion of my
paper people kindnees never make a
pays them a hundred fold sconer or
later. — Ex.
On November 17th, 1508, Mm. Eliza-
beth Maw will expose at public sale,
to the highest bidder, at her residence
on Bt. Mary's street, Carrolitown, her
household furniture, consisting of
‘cupboard, tables, dishes, stoves, chairs, |
lsmps, beds, bedding, etc. Also two
afler the cronpy cough has appeared,
mothers who have croupy children
always keep this remedy at hand and
find that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always be depended
upon and is pleasant to take. For sale
by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins
The sooner a cough or cold is cured
without harm to the sufferer the better,
Lingering colds are dangerous. Hack-
lots of ground 200290 feet, each Jot con- | ing cough Ie distressing. One Minute
taining a house and outbuildings, and Cough Cure quickly cores it. Why
planted with choice fruit trees. A
reasonable credit will be given to
Dissulution Nellos.
The partnership heretofore
as Invewiuion of 57 eres B. Wilbar and C. H. Perry,
0 the fullest extent of the law anyone
attacks either the one or the
: Jouer E. Tusorr.
ie len win Whiten the Hands,
's the way an exchange goss after
: “If your wife whips you, let us|
‘world. If you bave company tell
If a youngster arrives st your
je, call on us and we will furnish a
want. If you have a party or gath-
a. or eight pies and a side of ham,
hot necessarily for us to eat, hut just
show our friendship. You needn't |
mind inviting us, as it may be too cool |
wardrobe. We want the
‘under the firm name of Wilbur &
| Perry, in the milling business at Pat-
‘ton, Pa, is this day dissolved by
| mutual consent. All accounts due and
claims against said firm will be settled
‘by J. B. Wilbor. J. B. Wav
403 C. H. Pexxy.
PATTON, PaA., Oct. 17
suffer when such as cough cure ie in
reach? It is pleasant to the taste, ©.
W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Notice nf IHese ation.
Notice is bereby given that the part
Wm. McCall & B. E. Deremer, who will
assutne and pay all the bills and collect
DeWitt's Littie Early Risers,
a . Cann, rector of St.
i Thomas’ Episcopal church, returned
! from New York where he was under-
_ going treatment at the Episcopal hos-
pital, He and his sister have taken up|
~~ their residence in the Bowen residence. |
. We are glad to state that he has so far |
recovered that he will conduct, evening |
_ services in the church Sunday, Sas
Tor Sentinel.
The famews Sitthe pills.
® THE ©
Ts coe of the mos perfect heating shoves,
for household use, ever placed spon
market. pir ho n odp
incorporated into its construction. Every
feature to promote durability, cleanliness
and ecomomy bas been well planned and
Produces the Greatest Heat
From the Least Fuel. sm.
The cold sir is drawn from the floor, and
discharged through the sides and top,
thoroughly heated. This method of
And establishes that much desired uni.
form temperuture in all parts of the room.
“Wilt Burn Any Kind of Coal!
Wiil Keep Fire Twenty-four Nours'’
Can be Used as a Single or Double Neater'
All the Good Points—None of the Errors!
For Sale by
J. E. Kirk Hdw. Co.
Hew tn Cure a Cold.
of its astonishing cures and that it will
stop a cough quicker than any knows
iremedy. If you have asthma, bron-
_chitis, consumption or any disease of
the throat and lungs, a few doses of
this great remedy will surprise you. If
. you wish to try, call at cur store and we
Thousands of Yards ieoomizmenss
» wheels of business hum. We were never so busy! |
You know that means pleasing the people 1} Fine en
with extra values, low price with high
quality combi ed, FURNITURE
We put on sale toalsy 2,041 yards of Beast Sugar cured bam 10¢ per ib In every conceivable
Lancaster gingham not the cheap Best sugar cured California ham or fern to suit all tastes. A
gingham others ard selling for Lan. shoulder Te per ib. time spent ooking o our line
caster the real Lancaster gingham, = 12 cakes laundry soap ‘Ark | 250 wil hamuinee 106 shat we hive
AK 1a t % ne Mandry pia, & the goods and sell at prices that
1 only 5c a yd Try onr lowme blended coffee. t'ua'g catch the orders
846 yards of good calico, the 6¢ qual- winner. Only 15c per ib. * If you think of brightening up
your house a bit with & new
ity only 3¢ a yd. Peas 5¢ per can. i hole
3 14% v cre criting cloth, To goality at Si sold packed 3 cans for of Fursiture, raw Sute of
: yards sulmg cloth, co quant) oma Sow Packen; 2 Wm any kind, come here and see
5c a yd | 250. what we can do for you.
533 yards Jambermen's oloth, lle Gmodd Salmon 8 per can
rguality only 8: 5 yd. Cholce Bartlett pears 120 Per can.
£018 yards Vicana cloth, ie quality | Corn or mixed chop only $1 per sack.
Etc., Etc.,
only 9c a vd (rood rye and oats chop only $1 per
3.887 vard dross piawis that we are guk
Shoe Sell
; oe gc In gd. Promptly attended to.
All modern metheads used.
The best of satisfaction
i. S. BUCK,
Next to Hotel Patten.
IF YOU DON'T BUY OF PATTON SUPPLY CO. YOU| Simply take Otto's Core. We know
hoo adh aul ad ad oad dh ae aah aude ah af adh odd ad
every piece labeled
closing onl at die Lo 81 per yd.
Corse: Aitractions
. In easy when you have a line like ours
New line of P. N corsets, Paris we have no trouble in pleasing any |
shaped. In color-pink, blue and one—as to service, our line must be all |
drab. They sen beauties; see them. | ong for we are building a Shoe Trade |
We huvs the ixrpest and best line of that is a surprise to us. Men's Wom-
corsets in the city to select from. ..vy and Children's.
Taomson (ilove Fitting, Armoursidey Our $2 Shoe for Ladies, thiut are as
Dy. Wars: va 1lealt bh, True Fit, P. N., | nice as most people Are showing for
and the Food kr corset in the world, | | 2.50 and Bet %
$3. ter than gold is our
Come and see for vourself $2 Shoe.
Ladies’ | Ladies will you take a look at the
Jolla Marlowe Shoes, the most vain]
“ + fitting shoe in the world. In all widths
Shirt WAISLS. and sive, at $8 and $1.50.
Children's Shoes. The largest, finest
cheapest line to be shown soy- | On
CRT pie 25 5 iz iF dw int something : where in all sizom, all styion, all bos;
stylish and upto dnt > | from the round toe to the real wide
Ceti mtn et NEWEST
tr sm, Pt On i amt eer un vies. JOPELS,
19 pounda fine granulated sugar §1. | A large line to select from. See our
11 pounds Arbuckie's coffee §1. waterproof Shoes. FANCY
Mone y. PLA I.
Buy at the Old Reliable Store and Save
CIRACTTC: Same Price Same Day to Everybody.
Another pow line just arrived. We!
G. O. Brady, Prop'r.
AN A TA ema
Ladies Coats 2.90 and up Ladies Capes 75c and up
Call ! cov these fine garments before the choicest are solid. Also Big Values m
Misses’ ts and try s Long Cashmere and Eiderdown Coats.
Ren ember Our Shoes : are the Chicest for the price you pay, that
can be found anywhere. Men's Dress Shoes at goc
and up. Ladies’ Dress Shoes at goc and up. Ladies’ Common House Shoe 6oc and up.
Infant's Shoes, sewed sole, 20c.. Men's Double Tap Heavy Work Shoes, g4c.
When vou are looking for Genuine Bargains call
The Bazaar,
GEO. ©. BRADY, Prop'r.