Eczema Palntul Itching, Bur Ing and Swelling Hood's Cures. , Burning Smart- | # My little boy was severely afllicted | with eczema, and we gave him Hood's Sar sapariile which pured him. We always keen Hood's Sarsaparilia on hand, and I id found It very beneficial for paipi ta- tion of the haart, My mother has taker it for ehenmatism and it has halped her. Mra Viena Franklin, B. Oto, N. 'Hood’s Sarsaparilla Leven In America’s # flrentost Madi 81: six! for 88 Hood's Pills care all fiver fils. 5 At a Catarrh Capnot he Cored With loval applications asthey cannot rogeh the seat of the disease. Calarrh : corotitatinnal diseane, nd in order to on must take internal rem eekive Hall Cure is taken intern anil ats ai. rertly ori the blood and mucin susface Halla Caters Care fw not a qback medleine 11 was ine of thre wat physisians in BE contr? or years, and iva regular pre. Tiption. it ix some af the bext tories nown, rommbdned with the Hest Hilo perfect cotnbinatinon ; he ta what produces such wondering peste = ho Catareh Send for testimonials Tye. a: CHEXEY & U6, ¢ Dirnggists, price, 1. Hae AT Pills are the best, ta at] . Prope. Toler, (1 RRR do Ever Have a Dog Bother You lowest cwwithont verdtable Eh ats srl Znetier Hach The Sail Over Underdrains, Alwar in digging ¢ sabsail, often 21 IY nderd Ira [Jess mived with that dng ru face, i filling the ditch bothow mix a0 hottoorn of the : thie fast Apa Tafnl thrown in (Bevery knew this to 0s LC enee, iu bhetfer orowih Tio aot!. y over the draih Hn ¢ Aireet]y of the myaoisis 25 Taces, | Shas ine § aye _ il. than they da on either “ile and which is nenslly riche EPH as dng fre ATH “he in we that © dite h WInY that the #eitd aiten be Y#t any differ. Rind slow 5 Always crops of any kK : even dur. ing the first season's growth. After a P woRY OF Two the good eect of the drain When riding a whee! making you wander for minutes whether or Bot You are to get a 5 fall and nd & broken neck ? : given a small A Safriig of the bens £ few drops 3] Herd fromm a Liguid Pistol would do is a nd till nog permanently ininre | cents 2 Jan vw New Yor join Bt. New York City hes animal Foch pdetols sent eh very Bicrlint at tim eaignsicl Tor Pnion @ 1% wishes be had one | * . i The price for hay will nently ened No fits ar nervous | : pes E far frst fa Nerv: aad Brg RIINE rh i a ly xf tene the gums, redaces i infix ma. = (ys pine, enves wind colic. cu hottie MR ne A TY a eured rn ota 5 Throat and Lung ear’ sanding. » much good. Iam ‘now sound and well. " Mrs, Hanny Hanoy, Riverside. Tows, 5 writes. to Mrs. Pinkham the story of ; her struggle with serious ovarian tron. ble, and the benefit she received from the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. table Compound. “This is her letter: Hew thanifal I am that I took your medicine. 1 was troubled for two years with inflammation of the | aod ovaries, womb was also very was in constant misery. 1 had A ,grouble, was short of breath and could not walk five blocks to save my life. Buffered very much with my ‘back, had headache all the time, was nervous, menstruations were irrogular ind painful, had a bad discharge and abled with bloating, 1 was a wreck. Hed doctored and } loeal treatments, but still was no I was advised by one of my to write to you. I have now yd the second bottle of Mrs. Pink- 8 Vegetable Compound, and am in every way. Iam able to do yn work rive walk nearly hout ¢; somethi § ‘been able to do for or Ht Hil dE Je ell-known Yellow Label on the front of every package, and our § trade-mark, ¥1aRelle Chocolatieré, oii the oti the L plas acd a ror bare | plant food. farm Rh fue then for some moans | rant? of ami hay of course depends upon Mr Winslow" % Soothing Symp forchildren | ff there is, just burn it ial | Yelop hast and burn ia the mow, and 2 8, jus ra it up. | extends to jand on either side, an the soil freezes deeper when anrplus anter is removed from it, and the roots of plants can go deeper for moisture or fiveping Har. Hay den drying : that, ia rrolits, must consider this wavy earefnlly, naturally in winter eomes on, but advances in proports 3% The shrinkage in the amount of moistare left in it at the time of patting it away. Hay sold when quite green will weigh mach | nn & i crease as the will the price to the shrinkage? heavier than when it is thoroughly | cured. There is a difference of five | to fiftesn per cent. in the weight of | liay put away by some farmers. If one can find a good customer right after harvesting who will pay as much | per ton for green hay as for thor. oughly cured hay. he may make good | profits, but in the end it may not prove such a good transaction. The green hay will more than likely de- eventually mould and sour. The re- | sult is, the purchaser will conclude ning, and he will not buy any more As in everything else, it pays to be | honest, aud sell only thoroughly cared | : hay even early in the fall letters. 1 | | pess will not think of patting away a PA OB Ao OAR 3 AH EE Bn RO SE EA eS The farmer | who is at all np to date in his busi. green hay. He knows too well the consequence. He will see that the moisture is pretty well driad ont of it | before he stacks it in the mow. Bat the hay will shrink even then. There is moisture in it that will come out gradually. It takes months for it all to dry ont. The amonnt of shrink. age will therefore depend upon the condition of the hay when pnt in the mow. As some farmers pat away their hay the shrinkage and loss in weight will amount fully to fifteen per cent. Bat the average shrinkage will be about ten per cent. up to the middle of winter. After that the shrinkage is almost imperceptible Late-cnt hay will thus have less | the grass and late harvesting it may pay one lo ent the grass out of the ardinary season This hay properly cared will not lose | much more than five per cent. of ite] weight by early winter. Just before the midwinter holidays prices for hay | are generally good, and if sold then | the farmer may make five per cent of the whole weight by a jittle strategy. | In seasons when hay is scarce it does | not always follow that the antamn | prices are as correspondingly high as | conditions shonld warrant. Then it | pays to keep hay, even if it does’ shrink fifteen per cent A, B. Bar. rett, in American Caltivator, i A Drop Door For the Harn. | The accompanying illustration shows a very handy drop door for the bLase. | ment barpa. It is hinged to the barn sill at the top. Another pair of binges PAR IE R144 av A CONVENIENT BARN DOOR, are fitte:l about the middle. By turning : the button ‘‘a” parallel to the boards | of the door, the lower hall of the door can be raised by means of the cord “bh,” For one hundred ] wr ith !pollected by the ponl lterer at uighia | DOES, spread over it regularly after Lor ‘night, or partially so, to keep ont the ‘ eold, | pass ont BIW ET PERS peed ed. in (avy abitly days sation of sil fily and : warm, 8 Tle] anariers in whieh © the thung. Bealiy, yenient and wall vel cannot heip bat do : Lan not le five feel wide nt and eight dows are shown Pin % % - { BY eixhieren nests for of The pens should snares, with lavers extending the the building under its lowest part, being hers dark and obsenre jastihe place in which to deposit eges which, up-to-date nests, can easily be ad gr more feet Ei a he eutire engl i% not one foun? broken,’ As to the 5 or of such a budding, shronld be rased three or {our inches from the gronnd to shat out damp- and dry earth and coarse sand tha old hat been removed, for this gives the 3 iv | hens exercise and grit, both of which ‘are highly essential to their wellare. : Wire netting, of course, should be y employed to divide the pens, and in the upright part of the bwmlding shonld be arranged the roosts. Here, aizo, should be arrangad the venti Istors, which at their best ought to be A WINTER (HICKEY ROUSE. 3 wenn rari left open daring the middle of the day, when the hens are down on the floor cat of the houses, and closed at Concerning the stove {look at plani, ‘this comes available for cooking food in its ealdron or boiler before feeding the same to the flocks in the morning, { and also for keeping the building free from dampness —a thing highly im- portant where a large namber of bens | are kept. Have the stove inelosed in » small apartment by itself and then when you wish to warm the rest of the house open the door and let the heat Thas yoa keep the stove neat and clean, while if the apartinent Lis monse-proof, as it ought to be, » | sapply of grain and meal may be stored theréin for the fowls, which C poanomizes maeh an time and labor, The windows, wiash ia thew slop ing position should face directly to the south, afford the inmates a larps ‘amonnt of light and suashine ail that ‘mre | severe the weather may be, fowls thas | obtainable —xnd matter how no provided for are alw ays contented and TA A OSE CE A Sb A I YAR ISN SAT t £3 0 BLLRY ARDY FEEME PLOOW i PENS : de. hdd hho agit] INKIDE PLAN OF THE HENNERY, happy, compensating their Owner is return with an agreeable amount of i eggs. When a hard snowstorm is in progress, however, it is policy to cover the windows with straw meatling or | tthe like. for then when if clears up the mats may be removed, and with {them all the snow, leaving the glass i perfectly clean and the hens to enjoy H regular paradise. —New York Tri bane, Chicken Clatter, Fresh air and fresh water shoald Both are essential | not be forgotten, to the health of the fowls, Have a dusting-box for the hens to | wsell with ! bathe in. TPravile abundance of road dust while you can. WE It is cheap now, and in a little while you will need it. Feed regularly. for feeding and don’t vary them, of doing things ¥ See that your henhouses are good — : avoid | po cracks io the sides and which ruus over the pniley “co.” Hitis desirable to open all the door, turn the | batton ‘‘a’’ into the position shown in the cut. Then by pulling on the cord | *b," the whole door is raised. — Ameri | can Agriculturist. A House For Laying fens, In order to make hens produce eggs | when most desired, they must not only have extra care, but be provided | with proper quarters. At ‘he same time, however, it is hardly advisable for all poulterers to erect elaborate stroctures for this purpose, and espe. cially when we take into consideration the desperate competition of the present day aud the eoftentime jow prices of eggs. Accordingly, we ad- vance the idea that ordinary persoos who make a practice of keeping from fifty to one hundred fowis should in- dulge in a ponltry-house something | like the one shown Lerewith in the illnstrl ion. i As can be seen, if situated by a | bank, it affords » very suitable habita- | ' should always be fed plain; i without mining it 1 the ration. ' dialect, damp floors. A window should be shine may make cheerfal the interior. Sunshine is a good tonic for the fowls. The seratebing. shed should ‘supplied. litter, and be careful oars well envered, so that the will really have to work for | grain they ent an inereaserl exg yield A good ponltery feed for is green cut bone, It birds layne hens 1% woimal tood ther Te & of dar- wo 5] #0 mineh 18 need d weather hones fed two or three tim October until May that 1s, ug trreen eut | shoald be week fram A “unicorn carman,’ ' in the London is nn man who drives three horses. This philological fact came out of a recent Coroner's ingnest. las she alwayve did era Rome | ’ owas - LR Have certain hours Be | punctual about your work, and the | fowls will be more contented and will | soon understand your systematic way | in {each pen, so that the light and san. be | | thoroughly cleaned and fresh material | Feed all grain feed in the to keep the | every | This exercise means PAT relisted by | the fowis, and supplies the ih Y% ; e8 A: yniuly, aN FRAN Bp It | DROPS Pictare of George Flint, fGoorge Elliot was at this time a tent ears older. Bhe wore a pian > stk dregs 10 night having & white shaw! about her shopidrers and gioves nn her kand cused fry the nn tRiked ¥ ty. but looked ve Bh rE VER boing indead 4 pie have and gregt wri. wi sila n fam “Mr {as on of the ugliness of this gai Are fq Waa Jacked dim we had mirs speaking he fghted Woh 8 F Plretly : 3 the world! wi TE Le on ve en koa 135 nree, i B them a iy Mh Dereon ghlemn features nagithve light would fash from tv frradiate. noth we ha t ueT Yq d SRA pen Rem nis : y Rat an transported us into i Mina genres Lest » avn it ka ae Comnnnion forthe Rest of 15% ine 5 dn i 5 4 so) 1 Fen Toy and i WANN, i. WE § ara Beanty Is Blood Deey. (ean blood means a clean skin, Na besuty without it. Cascprets, Candy Cathar tic clean your biood and keep it clean, by gtirving up the lazy heer and driving aif 19th wits from the body. Begin to-day to aivish pimpled, boils, hintehos, blac kheads, and that sickly babous complexion by taking Casrarets —~beguty for ten cents, All drug- gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 1c, Be, Soe. Britain a man Hater. AS sr Ee oy Bow #4 vedere} the eset hep addy is aye rept By ven Par To Cure A Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Brame Quinine Tableta Al Draggints reli a 1 DY fi tails to cure. Bo. Texans an dd Settiers’ Assncia- fois sed pres Iaer onus 1 has bought x Woacre traci of land for x permanent prose ting T Bangin a Bros there is 1 ami isons Bore ¥ as oa #1 Teun Bigs that plese i. Te 3 bw 3 £0 wed Place {or In fons Fannd inmsmadinte mile! in dne hafta of Dy Rath Aroaiste d sugh Riller. Maun =, Ww Harem Box ¢91 Wallasten, Mass, Aug 17, 195 The tors) Ali Ihe % "Re PSS Ve thy ¥en raring the prossnt reign the mint Bas turned tix $2050 000 80 Including IW. Po ee in Lodi retard for all time, sian ined 2 En ramen XR nRland's p was $< 34 600 000 ary af om J paneer Mey r by Ko-To- Bac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacon Babi ore Maker wIRR men strocg. Nood pure Se BL AU druggists The number & Pent Ae CC hipens bo OER hh TE THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS i= d Ue Dob ony Yo Lhe army shmplicity of the supination, to the care amt skill manufactured hy fo known to the Catoronxia Fo vue Con only, and we wis ty impress uo ai! the ing portance of pare haxiong the trize and original remedy. As genuine Syrup of Figs is manafactun by the Catieomsia Fig Syave analy, & knowledge of that ida assist ane in aviading the worthless pritations manufactured by other par- tien. The high standing of the Cary FORNIA Fira Syxte Co with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families. makes the name of the Company a gnaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of ail other laxatives, as 1t acts ob the kidaeys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor naunseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the pame of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal LEUMVILLE. Ky. NEW YORK, X.V. F YOUR i: want Ake a wp vik 3 etits far LP safe 1 TRIS. @ tints Fd Hoan Bay REELS, Bas a 3 and i RENE PAS ¥33 with whl 1X os oa seronlifie £3 fact wiil nme te kenall and tren Ane wine of m Cin Spe HRA FAL TRAY 134, Dens dremel: ENTS-- camer tawtadarents. VON ES x Stare we Brosiwany. NY Ek | Pron rad on cant, BL EM, Pasess The B-st 823K [ron r WAR..."T. Trey Baerraied § ¥ wwii SAT BOL an TLE aw 5 ig oy wri Led NITW DISCOVERY ave EE ds. mes, Bend or Book of tesiimoniaic and 1 dave tnaimens Free. De n a AEN § Soma Atlanta am ———————— er A WANTED On will benefit Send 5 cts tn Egan Chsenicsl Cu.. Newer. for 1d saaapise sud lu tes: imo uials. neuaily | WE PAY ™e Faciour 24D "ne 45 is LL iT COSTS ah: Bw wiv som on fhe Jund sg Sdress tas ty POR 8 Joravs HINES & SON, 2 pt 303 BALTIMORE, MD, : Wo boyd Et iy best A { room he hegan Ih LO VERw fhe ag» : met ta Lox rl Wr ' of Liver Pils, ‘ pall myself a well Co stomach, ot dat Realth that ®t PASS OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. Probabiv owing to the fict that the durhess of York's wedding jewels wer largely composed of turgueises-—her fa. vorite gtone- the Turquaise bas heen coming more and more into fashion Ome of ths latest developments 8 10 carve heads and initials on them It Las becomes quite the fashion now tor bridesmaids to carry baskets of flowers instead of bouquets baskets are made generally of while chip with tall alight handies A bow of ribbon can be added ar the inp and ‘he flowers are securely fastened in aosition by means of neadie and thread. American ladies says an English writer, have 3 new fad They + sarry about with them a living “mascot” or charm. in the shape of a black Kitten, the idea being thal it will avert catas trophe fo friends or relatives aking part in the war The Kitten is some. times carried in a hag IT is abscinte- iy necessary (hat the animal should be black. How the idea originated we are not at present informed. f The duchess of Portland is very ¥eeniy interested in lemperance and has done some good Work to Lhe Cans, though no doubt her natural reserve would make her shrink from the pub fiefty it Involves in spite of being the wifes of one of the richest men io England and mistress one of it» finest mansions Lady Portland does jittie entertaining She is however wall calculated to shine as a society hostess for she has a great charm of manner and a stately sort of beauly She is tall and graceful, with dark hair and a lily and rose complexion Her maiden name was Miss Dailas York and she is the daugh of a Yorkshire squire. It is said that the duke of Portland drat saw Der at a railway sta- tion and was then and there captivated with her dignified beauty and her charming manner Afterward mesting ber by chanvs London drawing aensaintance with age, Speria of ter in a gt her which to mare jad the denrh § dah ar Ban bea orge To Carve Caustiparion Farever, Pak Casonretn © he ¢ arhrtie oe or The RCC Cai cure, dragaists refund 2ney or ay Mangels Bosse de Tovrers, daughter of Genera! Rosas, who | dirrator of Buenos Avrees from toy INGE died Pecently in London at | Wf 81 years. : HRA TRIG [tak 4 Madras dent Don't Tobsreo Npit and Soke Tour Life fray, To quis po easily and forever be male i of jit nerve and vitor, take Nolo Ela wenden warier Chat shes vial el Ve AR Arpcrsts, woe Fi, € She Foarae Wi ay SISDe frp AU ivi dng Be mody Co, Clizego ¢r New Yor fori ? Compress in 1807 raed the BUVyY FhAncate Your Bowels With Ciseaurste, Candy Cathartic, cure ounstipst se ar We Be. CO 8 Cc Pali, droggista refund woneR Say apa rhives in England ¢vory ay faces mowed for pais, ST. JAGOBS OIL. a AAAS AA A CAA A A yD Be A SA A SA VESA OO A rE Ss “§ ave been acing CABCAR das atid and cfeekive axniive Lins ae a | Ria Aen igh My Savget oy oO i nao Fd with EE sth was ers ad a ™ 2 gw en id i gets wr vey Tope red “Fiat. i Ta Lh Tmanily Yay CoBgiipaat with Hse Meseanl. Palatetis Patent Tate Geos ipoeet, Never niches Wagken df Grige Se «. CURE CONSTIPATION. .. Savting Bewmedy Copan. Catenpe. Namtrend, Sew Teed, 18 #0-T0-BAC fare EASY Bd at Ente! By ali drag. wists 1: €F RE Trobaoes Hanis CHILDBIRTH IS: TCHELLA COMPOUND Se 1% Mooxx Parkersdmrg BY anno ian¥ 104 engl for Seah Hoan oho ¥ U0 very ser! Coase) had x Ame, dh hratthy orl oa sick a day. § %el s most reat a ta all enpeot at deed Fail partoalers iy +» write Pi. oH D3 KE MED INSTITUTR, lirerare, XT. COOD AS COLD 2 Valnahle Poles: ation SOP FTUni! ¥] most vninaide wecerels Fanown foe = sy=eyote mode ic : r s Nie fy) WC ti £7 BL PE Tne COMFORTIN i WORDS TO WOM ' The Surgical Chair and its Te tires May be Avoided by Wonisn Who Hoedd Mric Pinkham a Advice. Woman's modesty is natoral; its To many worsen a full The whole tral way tatetpennt of DAT aR Tha, WA Wamsan, and ; Towed ta all women suferers BE. Lanp, of 1th and N SX AN, iE dike veataay, 3 BO tter is printed below, was cOmMpietely discouraged when ¥ » ale feat wrote to Mes Pinks ham, ilere is wt sean Mas Pixanay 1 te Lo Yor some Line ag, 4 ling yon of my Lis, but 7 to thank you / SONY PEIeaes 3 8% Be SEYSS te! now 1 write for the good § P have done me. 1 have gad 3 two bottles of Lydia FE Pinkham's Ve Fe table Com- pound, three packages of Sanative Wash, and one box and to-day | woman, 1 Oy ot suffered with backache, " stant headache, whites, no appetite, comld not sicep, and was very ner At time of menstrual was in ter ribie pain Yoke medicine worth its weight ab. i ean say t. Ihaw recommended it to many friends. If all suffering women won more happy homes and Tim for the of Lydia KE + CRE Ra sick WIN J /: never 5. ing enough in prise vigy gs $ saved Wile rn TJ ES ew Soprd an Ee * BAT CE ls Satan Ee EXRCLIY BUG on the 3 fo Tas be wirans, there ayy] ¥ wy} » = INRA 1 41 mera er at hkrmine. Ln ex to a male physician is al- @ told to Mrs. Plakham because she jie Liven a 5 Raa Te a, Y, 7”. 43 EW ould ar ¥ *3y ay ve de 1 Lar ROR Ah snd and Mrs. Pinkbam's advice have LAM, sme with a ceasciess round of : LHOCIr (aT isis make fully Kaew Cinpeuad doe vient Ts the rmsat| anned Vege sralan st tabu Cts wydiak, Pinkham'sy egetable Compour: 1a Woman’ s Remedy for Woman’sllis “A Handfu of Dirt May Be a Hou:eful of Shame.” Keep Your “ouse Clzan With AFPOLIO