The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 20, 1898, Image 7
a i Ss ie di a Bn | afer did fn my life. : anges, its hot days and only ‘nights, dsmpnens and decaying , is peculiarly trying to the Bealth. j A good Fall Medicine is as im- portant and heneficial as Spring Medicine. Hood's Sarsaparila keeps the blood pure, wards off malnria, erentes a gond apnatite, gives refreshing alean and maintains the _ hoalth tose through this trying season, Hood's Sarsaparilla : Americ a af] restest Medic ira Wood's s Pills eure all iver ills. 25 cents, Tarn o iso's {re for Cargumrtion beth in my mite and practices. ten, 6, W. Parren. BOX, dadsier, Mic bh. Noe, 5.188, CAI A a Lr So Mra. Winslow's Soothing Svenp for chlidres Goa. aifkvs vein. the gums, reduces infiammoe palo, Sures wind wlio, c.a bottle | A rover rive tor aid silver was es. { tablished in London recently by the ‘anle of an Elizabethan seal top silver . Spoon, weighing an ounce and a half, tor $156 that f#, for $100 per ounce. Bram ero A SA ES The Fistda of Sport. hom the fields of sport we go to bad and get up fall of pains snd aches. The next night, by the ase of St Jacobs OL ws are soothed to sleny and jot ap cured. An fnvestigation of the siatement in the German neWwspapens that 3% cases of trishinosis which had cecurrid In Raxony were due to the use 3 American pork his shown that ‘all the cases In question were due W ote trichinosis Baxsn hog. RA ——— ruoli's Cough Ritter he & Won. ATE for Weak Tucks: 14 rove, HH, pen 5, Mn SBA R HS ITA The falling of & leaf is brought about by the formation of a thin layer of yegetahle tisue at the point where the Jeaf stem joins the branch of the tree. ANS the lent ceases to make starch gas for the frees the tissus bes Ea i grow, andl actually cuts the eat. The falling of ripe fruit is de. pendent upon the same Process fe Conghs of an Engine The cough, or puff, of » railway en. gine is due to the abrupt emission of waste eam up the chimney. When slowly the cough can of course | be heard following vach nther quite dis. tinetly, ‘but when speed is put on ths puts tome cut one after the other much tsore rapidly, and when eighteen conghs a second sry produced they can mot be separately distinguished by the ear, JA locomotive running at the rate of nearly seventy wiles an hour gives out twenty puffs of steam every second that is, ten for each of its two ¢ylin- das eon ie ; fis Sentiments Lite Willie—Pa, what is that say. ne about ita being “better to have joved and lost——" Mr. Henpeck (feel- lugly)—-1t is better to have loved and out tun never to have lost at all— : what Lydia E. Pinkham's . Rapatire Wash and Liver Fills have done for “had falling of the womb. 1 also saffered with mnervons prostration, faint, 3 alr feelings, palpita- owas the heart, eating ews penEn. : taken three bottles of Lydin | 's Vegetable Compound and package of Sanative Wash, am cured of all my troubles. 1 feel I can do all kinds of housework and feel stronger than [ Inow welgh 1313] Before using your medicine I only 108 pounds. ly itis the grandunt medicine for fo trouble is totry it st once well. Your medicine has Haieed by alld = Boia ” ami guar : TT or income is small, — you want to Iaree amonnt of mane, send Ten d Ting No work. No esn- Legitimate, profitable and easy. AUEREEYY, Box. 1384, Re Byard Alara An. THE wan KETS, ma PITTSBURG. Grain, Flour and Feed. WHEAT--No. rad, “.. 9 Bh No. 2 red Cais 65 CORN-- No 4 yellow, OAT. ...... 38 Na. 2 yellow, shelled, . 34 Mizsad agr....... ........... 8 OATS No, ¢ white i 48 No, 8 white. iia 25 BYE. No. 1. es a eis 4 FLOUR. Winter pateats, Fanos sural hl winter HAY -N Chover. ha 1... FEED rng 1 wi Brown midding Eran, bai rE BTR AW Wheat a fever, £0 on Ti mothy, gripe Dairy Froducts BUTIESR Elgin creamery. (hic sreamery . Fancy country ro i. CHEESE --Obfo, new... New York, new Fraits and Vegetahlen BEANS. (ireen, ¥bu.... .....8 FOTATOES White, #00... I Hi CABBAGE Per bhi, ; z ONIONB. Choice yeliow, ¥ In Poultry, Ete CHIC RENS.- Per pair, smal. 8 TURKEYS Fern. : At by and Ohio, fresh CINCINNAYIL FILOTDHR. .......... WHEAT No. 2 red BYE No 2... ia CORN Mixed. ............... 5 OATH. : PGE U TER. Oto © cream: HEY § 3 Md 3 PHILADELVHIA. FLOUR. Cesssriiivan BE OOR 3 WHEAT - No. 2 red . 72 7 CORN No, 2 mixed, .... ... ae OATS No 2 white... .... Fis BUTTER Craamary, extra... = EGGS Pennsylvania frets. 17 NEW YOUR. FLOUR. Patents Ww BEAT Rs x 2 red CORN XN I E GUS. State of Foun. LIVE STOUK. Central Stock Yards, East Liborie, Pa CATYLE Frigme, 1500 to 1408 Ths Gionad, 100 tp 10 Me Tidy 00 10 1106 Be Fair Hoht steers, M0 to HAG Tan Comton, 7090 to 20 he Roughs and stags. erie SHEER, Primne, 86 to 105 Pa Good, 8S to 0 Ms Fair, 7010 80 Pa fC ommon. Veal Usives TRADE BE EVIEW. Large Bales Morked 3p Small Profits Activity ia the Wieat Xesiet 4G Don & Co's weekly trade reports as follows fof With actual peyoenies 2 fg houses 18.0 por cent the mame week of Ig wptd that Lasinesz ix in jing off, ard yet many kr because the amount readzed as jy : is srnalier than was formerly realized in good times. In almost every brash of business trade 8 pow ransacted on 8 rarrower waargin of profit then In Any other tire of fair prosperity, There ix a great chanee, and perhaps BR permanent one in the porventage of profits derivable from toads and mana. facture, ag well as in the profits obo tainable by transporters, Progressive vivilization calls for a lower range of profits and of prices as the volume of business transacisd increases in order to make possible lmprove in the condition of the working Hons, Wheat business in more getive. with prices about Io $ spd and renriy ae fur the oes her gti Very heavy purchases vr Den msde within ihe Jean few @ CRG Ba yet refeeted in the off of ship. 5 ni, bat the i a heal oi ir ey $ & P Pigskin Wi it ia y inte ros F fiat “103te of the general disposition of farmers to ki Me hick (heir wheal, the western re £ Pave Lear ro ihe Week much Haraks FEES HEL 2 Ae $i tw i weeks ¥ ¥ HE a » BAY starts 3 x 3 pal, fpite a8 many hate #to sped. fthouirh wool is about 18 per cont, lower thin It was Pebiruary 1, he manufarturers are not Turing ard the market is remarkably dull, with salee during (he past tuo werks of only 8175.50 pounds RY the three chile? markets. agains! 24 351 8% Jant year and 4.538.500 in 1398 and 18 - TOR RO0 in 1892 The general feeling is that the price of material must decline | before the manufacture can much fn- | crease ita salen. Orders for goods have | been & little better and a few mills bave resurned operation. but there ia &8 yet no such dernand as is necessary | to sustain current prices of wool, The iron manufactures again reports | a small Increase in weekly ositput, 215. - £50 tons. against 210.043 tons a month ago, and with the decrease In quantity | of unsold stocks on hand outside the | the apparent consumption for the month of Sep. | tember was 583.304 tone, against 986 363 tons in August. There are quite heavy | eastern orders for foundry iron, fully | supporting prices, and Atchison prices | of local fron are strong. with less dis- | position to sell southern pig at reduced great steel companies, quotations, The orders for finished products in- | clude a very heavy demand for plates, | especially for shipyards several of considerable magnitede for structural | works covering about 15099 tons, and | an unusually heavy demand for bars, especially on gccount of ordurs for car : | works, although there has been an ex- | pectation of a big break in prices of | cotton ties. In pipes Pittsburg has | been able to place orders far thirty | miles of ten-inch pipe. and other or- ders for 100 miles are practically closed. Failures for the week were 295 fn the United States, against 220 last year, and twenty-five in Canada, against thirty-six last year, Epsninvds West an Amerisea Flag. The Spanizh elu of Fantiag: has ¢ plied to the paisce for an Ameri fiag to holst over ths The Inst one they hal was given Col. Bay to take to Manzuiilio The Cubans are indignant at he request. They say the members of the club at- tended In & body a pontifical maw celebrated on the oc asion of the death | of Antenlo Maceo and they pow hupe tn protect their property by holsting the American flag. | other day and the rh ROH Kiondikers Turn Yellow, A letter has been received from Will. {arn Henderson of Denver, who went to Dawson City early in the rush. The etter is under date of July 8 The | writer states that he has been mining on Dominion creek, where he hag a very promising claim. and had come 10 Dawson for his supplies, At Dawson Mr Henderson met Frank Haug an other Denverite who had just got in after being “snowed up” fur nearly a vear, He also met Stanley Peace of his eity and others, Al th the way of transaorialion Business in part of the Klondike ig dr and Mr Henderson slates considered very valuable nesped a gale of two for $ othe AS fared better himself, getting ares for | “There are more 408 in pe $160 apiece Dawson, he writes, “for the size the place than in any oly in the world, “This fe a hard community.” he saya “tar health Hundreds of people seem all broken down. By jooking at a mans you can tell wl whether he has heen hers i jong or Bot. Those who have been turn | yei low.’ Mr Henderson expedls to return 10 : Denver nex: summer Denver Times Mont Tove Men Every relation to mankind, of hate ar searn or neglect, is full of vexation and torment. There is nothing to do with men but to love them to contem- plate their virtues with admiration, their faults with pity and forgiveness Task all the ingenuity of your mind to devise some other thing but you can never find it. To hate your adver sary will not help yon; to kill him will not help you; but to love him. But let that Jove flow out upon all around you, and How many a | knot of mystery and misunderstanding | what conld harm you? would bo united by one wird spoken fn simple and confiding truth of heart! | pince would bo | How many a solitary made glad if love wera there and bow many 3 dark dwelling would be flied with light! The Major's Experience, Froma the Iwtrodl Free Tress, One of the stannohest supporters of the dear water way fron the Great Lakss Lo tha ooesn is Major A. ©, Bishan of T1 Third Ave, Datrolt, a civil andtinoar of wide | PE neriancs and consilaea Bin peomigenes in i hia profession, 3 operations He has hoon sinew 1881 and has 8 fares aon among tha this olty, Tw: yoars ges, for the Ars timo, Major Bilston was in the Far months he haat the o of wheats al gitar nothing within the | compass of the universe can help you | Ha was gant sta: it dpi meer | on the Hadson Hiver Batir. aad ie PMN mndd has since econdacted args engineering | formed ay good av the to, Ivory Soap is a quick safe and pure. AROIRD OF WARNING. «There ars many white soaps. each represented tn be ™ fost Chery they ARE NOT, bot like all counterfeits, iach the peculiar and remargabie Juaities of the petuine. Ask fur bvory TC Soups and fast upon getting IL The cakes of Ivory Soap are so shaped that they may be used entire for general purposes, or divided with a stout thread into two perfectly cakes for toilet use. For any use put cleanser, absolutely fom bi blir uss month CCEESEOOET el uk ee wt CALCIMO FRESCO TINTS FOR DECORATING WALLS AND CEILINGS [= vie ol Calcimo from your ioost reentadd ta Detroit | ghisintance | i > { business men asd Sites of | ‘When You Want to Look on the Bright ‘Side Auras, bat whan he was disesarge] hn was | BGT lies the Mair Fish on¥ ol When asiad roparding bis health i had my Foal geal isd SAR nous and YL out of the hosnital | was a sirry sph, iid net ga n my Mr rth and soeid sae over a look for an. ‘oral weak, ~*1 of etter som x \ Bs Ny artistas fn fhe - avd he ws papa re re \ garding Dr. Wil 3 fase’ Pink Pills far Pale Poopis widol aeviy pip sed mye Pht thay wari trying and 31 Twi vs Xow 3 take thom SOM I NEO Steangth using them Baler wha thay did me Fodm of Fos 0 1 prion bos ras t AA them to 4 ny alts Wha feet Major Bishop, a taste oe to haiid a; & shattered constitution, « "A, C, Buoy Boas xabed: SE wr 23 4 3 Le Sabdeeribed and swars to before me this eight day of Janaurey, 18H HKoegar E. Hui, in. Xntawey FPablic le pars, | awerfal eepetatia iagredionts . r Pain Paopls poibennous iatler 1 Ty cme i de een ted amd Drains Many Jimnmeon Pha tyyeniliiogi pip ilmbnion iva snecsanbeed to the o # th # &, iwi saps 1s takes be hes aid bedng Barsiioss their nature, but ? soreriui in eliautnating dive nse. BYate vp i Bs £37 HAR FEE ARR % ge HR £ Wn AYER CaTatinn Cvae Frask Ji “EY. Raven ts hmfare me and wobec et 16 my j wre prasetice, this Sth dat of Dovembar, «BEAL +» AD joe A.W gaan, $n § Notary Piblie Fail's Catareh Cu re bn taken internally, as ch ata Aire UY on thie Blond aod mncous si riacses ol the ayatern. Rend fur testimonial tres, J Curpxee & Co, Toledo, O Sold by Draggivts, Ue Hal's Family Pills are the Dest. The prisent system of musical nota tion was invented in the eleventh century. No-To- Bac 1 far Fifty Conta, Gonrantsed Wobaceda halit sure makes weal man rong. toed pure oe, 43. Al druggies William Jacobs, bow lookout oo a Bangor steamer, reports a novel ex- perience while on a recent trip from Hoston. He says that when aloul midway between Monhegan and Fegulin a whale followed alongside the stemgner, and, as William toils it, “ke watched his chance and came up close i Dean Boston 3 PGP ranYReser in you Cm IAS we Bae iat un Know and we i a RAE EA BAS paint dealer snd dn sony own Enisomining This susterial to made on sclentifie prised by mmc h inary said othe In twenty Four thats and fs mveclor to any coset ng of Glee and White ng that can posstily lw mile Uy band. To be mixed with Cold Water, EP REND FOR SAMPLE (OLOR CARDS sn! if you onnnut sechass this materisl Seabee will + Pat ron in the way of obtatuing i THE NMLRALO CO, NEW BRIGHTON, 8, L, NEW YORK. of Things, Use Bam aiekie tat for wy? Cite eR ER ad 3 Bewsli a oe tii LOE Ran wi #21 ell Rowwba, 2 years ddd, an wt xots His Iie Badd passe 3% % is 4 Dowel age gpa Epgeas Thue 2 ia him wal 4 BIE AR an engineer Itsidwin Flats] in that oi To Care A Cold tn One Day. Take Laxative Reowna nl nine Y Drrnglints we fid The exe rt in growing ray! bekly ad In Issa it ; ar’ bliowed #n’ wet mse all over, I 40; believe he's the same cuss as done the gare thing two vears ago” OB TS HE ER AAS A Short Pight. The damp of autumn alghts and morn. Ings stirs up selatien and then somes a tag of pain. Use dt. Jacobs OU, and then comes atug to care it. It is asbort 2gbt sad the cure is sure, Mrs Deacon Fuller 8 the heroine of East Hebron, Me, at pe sant. A hawk started off with Tie her hans the trisd th shoot it. The gun £ A. Fulle racks feat hored re 7 her huzrban a ram Don’t Tobacrs Spit and Smcle Your Life Away, To quit tebacen easily and forever. bie mag { aetie full of Lite cere and vigor, ke NoToe i Bae, thie wonder worker, thal mikes wash men nrong. All deugy sts, 3% or H, eed Booklets acd samnie free Addr Bieriing Bewedy Co, Chicago or New York Barge horses are longer livers than | carriage horses. Tm Ne Tor Hn Ww rads Hf the FUDYARD PLING wi Know af a elicit oy isp shu Nore, by 4 ii be the best THE oA POLIO § #t wha has A Kansas cigad v ¥ 5 haan abodving ne tran risk fem ever i i i i i i Why. Haverly—"Doesn’t Enpec believe In a central form of government? Aus | in--""No: he married a telephone girl” —Noew York Evening Journal. The Wost Common of Alt. The most eommon of all ailments from sports of all kinds are sprains and brifises, The most sammon and surest cure of them is by the owes of St. Jacobs Off, whibh is i prompt in its artion, i vaniita brings into Mexico $1,800,000 LAr ommars per gnnum including buildings, lan PER Payable semi-annually at the Globe Trust Co, Chicago, Ill These bonds are 4 first morte gage upon the entire plant, 4 and other property of an Industrial Company located close to Chi- 20. The Company has been estab- lished for many years, is well- known and doing a large and increasing business, The officers of the Company care men of high reputation, esteemed for their honesty and business | made 20 great a suceess of this | business that the bonds of this | to our hands daring times | purchased then Lingo. We offer them in issues of 2100.00 cach Fay Oe EO Amalling's invitation | Irae Byifins, BOON PGE s fia where employment may ba hu nex of the year Beauty Is Blood Deep. lean blood means a elean ski n We Beauty withont of. Casares t andy Cathars tic clean yong toiood and Been fo fesn, he stirving up Lhe lazy liver and driving ail ne purities from the Bend x, Pegin tooduy to Bares hy pay bul stehion, hla Rhein, and that week! 18 60 mph xan By taking Casearetn, hu vaty Yar ten cents, Ab drugs pete, sataisction guarantesd, ile, Be, (ie. Homan FILLY Wad af sieht in pore godd wo Cure Constipation Foreven, Mader Casares Candy Cathartia Me sr a It C CC fall © ours, droge iv fund gioey id (wy Five Cents, Evrarvhalr knees that Dalitine Flaetrts thas sold at the Glehest nrtes Die aries is c pow 5 penta, saiie as comion hrown soa © Bars full sie and guality. tinder af grouse, Ade iw Byrd Oe Lhe Sniavment t i v gre ater number of vores that (e fully ten inch wis green, and in ow day r many of them. aytor Kansan as they | i | MITCHELLA COMPOUND ; Ja ET or TT £1 peed iid pisos #3 9G I oasd we will send von 4 FUER ap : ings i Mud a rw FREES I Proesreg Rg Ron i the Beat fi 5b ward amd Tor 75 venre P BURN Pa RituBleein, = Broadesy, N | TtaBst Tn WAR... rors ability. They have Company are rurely ever offered for sale. A few of these hands came in the hard who had years from parties SPVera for 830.00 and accrued interest, For security and a large interest rate these Industrial Bonds are recommended as being among the best. First-class bonds and securitios of all kinds bought and sold. Kendall 8 Whitlock, Baakers and Brokers, 52 Exchange Place, New York, wat beta: Makes CIEES BRIRTH -te wnte and oy. by smfler yaiold pat 5 ir Tastes mead Brnicdane |) reameented t +e Hits hain, Brite ue teak 0 fa ald Tide eal ATW WANTED, : 3% Worth for ue ate makihg oerd PRY. { nie. 4. I. BYE MEDIUAL INSTITU ey bi FHAkan, XN vm pee gir - a Jory wenn, Washingion, J, utes Cl ram, 8 Fenetom CiYed ate’ in alee . or 0h Lagan, all aia Coon a AS COLD: Vindale ¥ Len aptortaningy oe bowaligeine see a Ee het of side Paromg sHEEy Otte mein thei Har, 8 Mee Z i BATON 5 <« ia I 5 Uden Taper, BW ia ia 21. PATENTS instal meats. YORE HE A hg 1 tealy weil “TS fs »t - eB to thr | TOR le AS i HAS siti (L Besnide Grevistal, de HOSE wha subsiribe at once for the 1800 volume will receive Free ail the November and December issues from the time of subscription t to January 1, 1800, includ: ing the beautiful Double Holiday Numbers, Among th many famous contributors to these issues will be th sewe. ** The Burning * - Moni. sed : Rudyard Kipling of thie *Barnh Sanda” The story of 8 hero, “The Water- W. D. Howells. Eo un The Waten EINER NYA, sd issue “Incidents ina Lillian Nordica Dee. sl twee,» TncHients isla proma Jonna k irials and rsh, give their best 3 onpan UN Bas aver publ shed Tui stares, besides articles of rare interest, THE CU IMPANION, caries wil ratesmen, “ach of the 32 weeiily | i ms sojdiers, sailors, SO-CENT CALENDAR FREE TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. g AND THE « CaM} FANON fur ihe So weeRy of Ng sped Tipper ber zane ¢ srr paso Usd HET YORE Ay se ornataent tor 0 Lacy an sll Lilasdrated Announcement and Sanple Copies Free, THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, « - 20} Columbus Avenue, BOSTON, MASS,