NIN PERSONS NACCNTED 10 CCEAN STEANER WRECKED Tie Passenger Steamer Mabegan, Boond for Now York, Pounders on the Rocks of the Lizard Cazes of tha Disaster a . Mystery. The Atiartie Transport Company's steamer Mohegan, formerly the Cleo patra, of the Wilson and Furnms.lay land Hine, wile hh ojeft Yondon for Naw York last Friday with passengers and a crew of 18. ran ashore off the Lizard. between the Manacies, Ninety-four per risked a= the result of the wreck of Mohegan, The ship carried 58 passengers and #1 erew on board whe n ghee sniied on Br fatal voyage. (3 thise 1 passengers and 38 of the crew vers gxvml The cause of the ¢ reraitins the rofoundest mystary. Nobody attempts to explain how the Mohegan got so far north of her true course from six Bo seven miles. There was no fog al thee time. while the wind on her port quarter wag not sufficient to prevent her answering the helm It has been suggested that her compass was faui ty: but daylight lasted long after Ed- idystone Hght was passed. The sailors say the fact that the Tizard light was not visible should have served to give the alarm, The masts of the Mohegan which Aare absve water, show that her stern is landward, causing a theory that the navigating officer, on discovering that he was in the bay, suddenly torned seaward. Two énginsers who were wa ved declare, However, that they never slackened speed. Robert Barrow, a seaman, performad the feat of swimming unaided SHTUSES the roughest water to Coverark Poin n distance of two and one-half ing He climbed up the ragged cliff, where n searching party found him early the next morning, completely exhausted. A. CL. Smith of Oregon, & paksenger, surrendered toa waman in the water wreckage that was supporting him and fwam ashore unaided. The woman was saved. Her name is reported as Misi Webb, but no such name RppPears ip the company’s list “The crew, in & chivalrous effort to save the women, made the mistakes of undermanning the boats, There were only tour sallors In one boat, which as soon as it was lsunched the best evidence obtainable at at Keverine, it appears that the Mohegan foundersd five minutes after she struck the rocks. She was going #2 full speed, struck twice, stopped na then rapidly settled into the water. Dinner was ready and Capt Giriffiths was about to procesd ta the saloon when n sudden crash made it apparent that the steamer had gone ‘mehore. The captain immediately went on deck, and the survivors say they saw him on the bridges doing all that “jay in the power of a brave man to Jensen the disaster, n Appenrs that when the Mohegan struck, a gale was bowing and the son was running high. © It Is the unanimous opinion that the strange course of the Mohegan, which ; in disaster, was Aus to the tor pile Bander in navigation survivors, whon asked where the cause of the Alsaster should he sought weer: “From the bridge” The steamer was | a RIYON the course, and it Is apparent now that she iri: {| inant Monday severs! land was heading straight for the and ‘when she struck the Manacle ‘broke her back. 1dfeboats put off from the Lizard from Falmouth, one returning with passengers. Beveral were \ 5 However, Rs partes on En passage of fife t to a : — Another life boast saved six "The coast at that point is extremely dangerous and has been the scene of mumerous wrecks. Some years ago there was a movement set on foot to fohea. lightship placed there, but it The commander of the Mohegan was Cn n Griffiths, commodore of the _ EReLATD ams 70 PTAY. WA ba es. ten Nest Om Tore to Remows the British From Puohods | The situation arising out of the ques- ii ) tion between Great Britain and Wrance a8 to the right of occupying Fashoda : » extremely grave. JEveryth ng hinges om the nature of the report of Major arThand, the Bil, commander at V which f= now on its way Khartoum to Paris, thanks to the courtesy of the British government in permitting one of Marchand's «Meern use the British lines of communica- | ian bl ovig Frenoh must, however, take piace ‘ al aon and France is to be averted, as the Marquis | of Salisbury has nailed his colors to ‘the mast and cannot recede from the | he has taken up. In which he | Jae the evacuation of Fashoda 1 war between Great Britain has received the unanimous support of the country... Prices Matistion. n » estimated that the number of convictions for erime of every grade, ally in the United Beater is 720.- rhe number of committais to is 200.000. The number of pris- oners in all prisons, including the jails Juvenile prisons, ia 85.000. A rougn | of crime includes is made of the cost fhe United States hin the expense of police and constabu ary. | gous, trials, witnesses, etc. : and interest on Invest- ) ox pa, and the footing exceeds $30.00) - annual expenditures. Sit Cila'r elway estimated it at $60,000,030, nst a former priest of rr Anthony Kozlows- Rie Independent Po- in 3 addition to his financial losses Father Koalownki declares that he his sus- sd] great Injuries through the ‘damage to his reputation through the action of the Cardinal and the Arch- . Unfortunats Result of o Bove Aue. Annie Contard, a 16-year-old shop | of New York took a dose of car- ¢ acid Tuesday night and died a “hours later at Bellevue hospital. A affair was the cause. Her mother nearly crazed with grief at her hter’s action and disappeared from r home during the night. She had “to take her life, and it is he carried out her purpose , the husband and father. who saw little family wiped out in a Ty e night, declares that he will also : Hin himself just as soon as he satisfies if that his wife haa furied out f radiways 4 ‘ampetent | ars | 5 sewn be mate in Washingt 16 miles inside her | hora of har crew. | ted Private Charles Kenn who CONDENSED TELEGRAMS X the aetroes fr oan eetate of Ame ricans teresting Eng ior frast, ~The Indians who caused Heturbanoes in Minnes ta rendered, Eievator manufacturers are now ar- ranging for a combination of interests at Chivago, Mrs, Viola Crignon. the first white woman to enter the Klondike died Sonttie, Sunday The sash ant door gsanize. The diNorent rit bee roconotiod, Prope the have rood aT not Or contig trast will EORCErng Hrentano's, Now York agreed to accept liar A Baltimore man, wha all at gambiing., blew out ar Lomadon ast week As comnparad with Paeifle earnings decreased the week ending {tober 14 {over has not eheckod in at infamtppl. A fr thi fever porms is hoped for Private BRhadwic Fioyd a negro, wir shot and kKilisd while resiating arrest at Lexington Ky. lest week The dreaded mafia In held responsible for the brutal murder of Jose Glanco, an lialinn of Tarrytown N.Y. The government will assist the suf. firers from the resent foods in Geor. gin. Army rations will be given. The degree of LL I. was conferrad upon Presiden: MoKinley by the Uni versity of Chicago last Monday. James WW. (Hendennin, a millionaire Uiesiitare of Bookend ] Cente On taat Bie brains had his fant your Canada Pog sy Kil yet yal for The yelling cont merchant. was Killed at New York | Inst BExturday by a ranaway horse. Howard Gould, son of the iste Jay | {ionid, was married to Vieia Clem mona, the actress, inst Wednesday, The peace jubilee in Philadelphia next will be the most notable affair fn that city since the contennial of 1846 Charles B Cornelius, a prominent Pittsburg attorney, was killed by =» train near his home at Sewickley jast Raturday. i Gen, Julin A. Rosa was Inaugurated | president of Argentina a few days ago. Alcorta remains minister of for. eign affiirs. Snow fell In Chicage for over an hour Thursday. It wan the first snow of the season and the earliest In twen- ty-six years 1.8beria, the African Hepublie, has delegates in this country, asking the United States to establish & prolsctor- Ate there, A cash balance exceeding $300 005 | now stands to the credit of the Omaha exposition, numbers 2181 de George H, Jacks and John Druggan | star at! had Pesn | 1 the saris seaffold Bok werd hanged on Chicags last Friday. convicted for murder The Claveiand city council passad ordinances making cash fare on stron cents and for the sals seven feketa for IF ewnts A test of the Armnerfcan Krag-Jorgenssn rifle wi’ mine whiod 8 the Deller weapon. Impring a8 public reception at Chicago to kits President MeKinky. The pros i Gent did not permit them to succeed. Mr. Peck, the American commission. | er to the Paris exposition says that the | space granted to this country is glar- | ingly disproportionkte to otir nesds Mrs. Folger, wife of the commander of the New Orivans, dled In Washing ton hast Monday. The Orleans is now ar her way to Philadelphia from Porto Rico, The cities of Washington and Eaiti- more have each been presented with a gun taken from the Spanish ships which were Gestroyed Iewny, The governor of the Tratech West Ine dles has issued a proclamation that all American yachts Having war corres pindonts on board will be treated as privateors. Reuben Hedley Lioyd, of Han Pran- | einen, was elected Grand Master of the Knights Templar of the United Btates Louixville was selected an the next en- campment city. Frauds amounting to millions of dol- lars have been discovered in the ar- sennal at Valparaiso, Chill. Benor Na- ¥arre, the chief! accountant, bas come mitied suicide. A partial report by the expert who has been exarsining the hooks of ex. | [the deedrationa : Lisswa An Tax Collvetor Keough of Holyoke of RBpringficid Mans, shows a probable shortage of $118 a0 Mre, Augusta Nack who is serviag | 6 15 years sentences for complicity in can not save her sight A telephones line between Tacoma and Ban Francteco, with beaneh Hues | to British Columbia and Mexico, is just | tele | i completed. making the longest phone line in the United States, Postmaster CW. Blmmons fumbla., Tenn, was killed by DW Irving the other night. Before dying. however, the postmaster shot and killed | 0 00 0 lockjaw, at Paterson. N (J, has besn saved by an i made for the first time in the country sank near py fp (haries Church Hermion's saws The drowned are wera ghtly set amd his body curved his assailant, and mortally wounded Warren Irving. The schooner Churohiil Chicago a few days ago With six mem. Captain Patrick Kane, Mate John Hanson, John Malloy, Thomas Cas sidy, A. McUgle and Mary Kans. The steamer Aztex arrived from Hongkong and Yokohama, via Hono lulu, at Ban Francisco last week The 1.30 more will arrive there shortly, The grave of the late Secretary State, James G. Blaine at Washington, which has heretofore been unmarked save for a dead oak tree will have a | from ! monument of the finest marble Vermont within the next ten days Trarfieid Smith, iy killed the other day while hunting | He had just shot a duck and stooped 0 Piatt is president, i that | posits Young Smith raised just in time ta re Li pick it up when a companion behind him. not knowing he was thers, fired ceive the shot in the back of the neck. | His head was severed A coroner's jury at St. Louis acquit Was held for the murder of Russell Wed- ney, a negro. Last week Private Kenn came on furlough from Lexington, Ky. and found his wife living with the negro, whom he shot. Five men were killed and 11 injured by an explosion of gas in coillery No 8 at Coaldale. near Tamaqua. Pa. a few days ago. The dead are: Fire Biss Thomas Smith, William R. Reese, Mattis O'Larkey, of Coaldale and Wil. liam Cook and John Kanicka, of Lans- ford. Konicka died after he had bes taken out of the mine, but the others met instant death. All were married and leave large families at £37 008 for ! The attendances thus far the Epanish Mauser and 1 i 3 tor deter. warnen attempted | i aXe pey Posed P Judices L of ty people by Admiral Ct were of fAngs and streamers of downtown | torn : : buntin the murder of William Guidensuppe in Bplnk New Yark. is becoming blind. Experts Loyv by the wind : of Co | and then the surgeon determined 5 the method which has been pariia- steamer landed 7131 Japanese laborers By successful! in Paris at Honolulu and her purser says that : i serum Injected Into the brain san (0% 3 wealthy | the currency, Thurwiay ro Cirar Ind. w irsiant. | es os : i farmer cf La Grarge, In Rs rsiant | cashier of the Tioga Nationa! bank of of which Senator T 0 doors of : PRESICENT ATTENDS RB JUBILEE. CHICAGO'S WELCOME The #5 Fit Gres Poses Domonyrraties Duensd of the Chis? Exweciive Es Fokuvawisipes titty a Dompliment Frama Colored Orater vis demonutration inaugurated snl McKinley ast Harturday evén- SRT TAL ion TOANESRIVIDE er FET IOGES, NOBERYeY, charg itn of the and probably an the outside admittance Iyisye anabie abinin Thr £3. Hicsce wha bi rar Of Bo Prosi dent Mek! : “Wea ara proud that when minent the affairs £ hk in the Fasds ant Hirsih's voles wed ves dg wea gud hrought (nt a | 7. Iw. Hirsch said WAT Wias im wo Byer THe by a gv Ines a. a Worehi por Laovad oheera chia statement of in pefepaice ty tersitor when he sald: Constit colonial dependeney, watehword of the war the coantries deliversd rigia o Hew, Dy. Thomas ¥ lie elergyman, Tera in relation from Hodnott, & Cathe ig the Proo- © apes, | fen addre ue was kh vy Rabbi Emil; qreat hy A Par Po rt ae $v | Anarchists in Alsxaadris Arrested Having is Their ration were | : the Trai § of caught the fancy and | applause of the andience by refoated J references to Dower, Rampeon, Sehley and the Rough Riders, and when be mentioned President MoKinley by name the paaple became so demon strative shat the President was «© polind ta rise In his box and bow Wi acknowisdgsments At of his address Ir Hodnett ar mach enthostasm by Bgninet the ‘growing | ropidy and the cohesive pow Jusy SORpeTatione { ¥wpie fo the ; the be by I iow ho ek pe fhe retention ii sar TT Washington the Ff. WRE The RMT stwaKer MINT rYy Ram heer Fay CLOrY OH HNPoriant se any WE accounted our army and Wa have succsaded in every in the #Nart to coniaer eu in the Blotting out of racial pre Ay pd In this presences and oy nis AA3%- i Rratitds of nearly Gur Wise Brave chief sxerufive for the gomerons manner in which my race has recognised during this canfiict—a ree. ogaition that has done mura to blot out sectional and racial lines than any svent since the dawn of our freadom When Mr Washington gave sxpras- sion to these words the mast Interest. ing feature of the svening ocourred The audience rons and chesrsad to the eho, while President MeKinley, stand. ing in his hex acknowledged by re. peated bows the coanpliment of the col. arsed arator Reastly weather played ti sad havo i take on hoard & box of bhombe {ently i ed the conclusion | Or. | {miner bas ; ¢« § New York to London “ten milion | patient and | Cade, for the couples sailed together far | . been | ! dny A A SNe HR [ yeurs land for habitual mendicancy [ERA few | With the Peace Jubilee arrangements | at Uhieags Monday, A rainstorm, ace companiad by high winds set In eariv | ard continued sa perzistentiy that the | chief svents were postponed unt in the week ster 3 Ths storm was partion arly seers oa | wn ard badly damaged Threa pers sng wera struck bo and seriously fntured Hundreds with which the buildings were decorated wera If in bardly protab le that the archas will be replaced. by the debris Locxiaw come Sens Iajested Ios os Meas Brin Seve Nis | Life Aaron M. Hearmion, who was in the operation like a bow by the tension of the muse tex. Dr Church sent to the Pasteur in- catitute in New York for ant!i-towmin merum and injected it under the skin, the ususl method. This wan of no aval! 1a Harmion's akuil was trephanad and a quantity of the Balad rame gaimost leamediately, The npern- { ton was not made public until yaater- day, when the recovery of the was assured patient Sesster Psit's Beak Cloned Charles EE. Dawes comptroller wired of the Ogwagn. NY, to clase the imstitution reesiving oo more ds and transacting no mors ness stating that he had placed Mr COE Van Broeklin national bank =x- aminer. in charge of the hank. recent examination by Examiner Van Brockiin disclosed a large defaleation an the part of Eli W. Stone, the assist- ant cashier of the bank. win 4 Astused of » Parrible rims A Dominion City, Manitoba, patch says a cold hioode: iim sast of there a few days ago A fician man and his four children wers found d=ad in the houses by 4 neighbor. The wifes is missing and {2 sgspectad to be gulity of the crime The weapon used was an ax. The man's head was nearly severad from the body and the children's bodies were mors oF loss mutilated. hutchary | took place in the Galician Abul i ia | Six of the arches were | ples | rire | sent south until yellow fever has Deen | : & {rsmguered, PBtreet car 1rafMo was hiocked for hours | busi- ivan city | directed The : may safely testify Parsing Traximent & Comp Hide Caraty Valustessy try Cemumigsing Infurms the Empuisrds thet Cuba's Duot Caneel be Zuddle] so the Daited Blatsn sored with a | Audi- | 5 the £ 4iivan £8 bY Frying ryt raat an the Es Bey World Hrateq the on wera! - his vey the tARres | mation of Ore | Segeen am to the P front fin a wiianersd cont A requssr for an stiournment in 35 grildiate wid Madirig Information Bas reached the wie de partvient gt Washington afcar of the Saanidy army vers Ivy mate the sfatament that had fhe ninrids b ¥ the comming tw hy Brat of the Iinite PeRtiie wy pend the inten (3 ’ ie of pyetok tel ta wrand manadoliad in ¥ the regimental tent lor mleaing roll “ail, Coys past fall ede a in Ll EINE PLOT TO KILL THE KAISER fat = aE rapa Panvronian Bunde Alewandiia, f 4 aiian LR 2 3 American grmy Bow on his J bo present | fhe CUhlrel of | cute 1 Si Ye ig Oe sw of i And the pr Wy for Port i vy metrat ly A ai we Tost thas Rie riy The police investigntion showed that | ma, Arr article of fhe prstoenl pros : Keeper had bribed | rang that “Spain will relinquish ul A steamer mailing from | oie of soveretgnty and title Port Haid and Syrin to Cuba we Natural the ote Patntn | [he protocot Natura eo 1 jeans opened thelr op Wik | ven thar penny regarding wie the *erma of wEivonetl ade milion from airy that 28 TY: ER Tee) Tors ed go: : anArehis had Bu ot LALrG joy Feu #2: ress maids hae 1 4 ala & action and the tira Hy tau} sinfe : stewart of Alnxandria to HY er ia wonnlon Bras Article the ansrchis ariginally £5 Limes tte bomby at the Abidin, Cairn, while Esperar fan 2 en Bhedive wera When the Ralser deci ; Egypt the anarchlurg changed th bore sand dewided 19 attack Bim ini Le : Woks WE iNe, t Spaniel ok A aguigmp ation was the ground : leslie me Bn in fers : t {hey Cuba, on ted nok to 5; fait: ther tha oh SRR dese ; sant of (Tuba who py ALGER OUTLTLRER f nents in : ; - i « War Isvertigeting Cemaittee Boa Not Yoo Pound Miuaying Beidenre Apuimt the Saaratary Ports Ring ia Ture * § x Paria oy 4 RH ssw? Ep made ARANDA | war regulations ro lat were menifed with Gen Boaniding, af the treasury, so Ponseaitatior Kiosdiker Finds Bis Wilh anu a v ised : Poin mecralary Van Alstine the Klondike | Fai y= i Sant : found his missing wife : here fled paxely trading helwesn fetietives traced hor from | UNHad States and Porto Rien and ves detoetive raced he Lm A t Ree F ITOM | cele in the coasting trade of the Bho was Heing | oo. 5 Thames Ap. Fr gate Feline nt was harios Pinkerton fhe gulet Rotel on amiable in a #rentiy an i= somfined regulation te American vessels hy New ¥Yark on the sabrina inst Sarge. | The S380 that Mra Van Alstins | in her mysterious wanderings in tii Intact, and Van Alstine's only los. san are the price of four ocesn Voyages and the $5000 reward captured by the | detpctive i Epy fare Tur Damages TH ate secratary ! Bpanish embassy at rocently forwarded a claim for pvt darages aginst the ROVerIment Aw CcompenRRT ian i expulsion from Cansda on a charipe of Grganining a spy servies in the Brates aller the sytbreak of war, clair was referred to Colonial Beers. F tisry Chamberiain, who dee] wits in said to De worth from $25 00 (a | PoTIAIN SL oh i He came hors from Russia 30 | Precedents eximt for compensation yours Rao sd at ones devotes Wiaelf | ing granted in such casos fo begging as a profession It I» said i his attempt to apusar bilnd by gaging | vacantiy af the sun bas fnaily de. | streyed his slight, MOVEMENTS TOWARD PEACE Renor £ te tok fang Brame What He Professed te 5s Charles Brockwitz, of New York, old, was sent to Hlaekwells in | Brack. ban Hansted ty His Visti Five sonvicts weap stints prison at Trenton, NJ. to stats houapital Hr the {(teanse Among them was Gaorgy a Mungarian murderer ven the prison authorities a af fronible, as he declare that P haunted at nig by his vietim hanyvict waz found crazed and sna Teds seyvaral tanes. Nothing iu sure him and finally becams {ivntiy insane Puchoss Lown » Fortune. duchess of Sutherland hoagie! from Paria i the ! “ avi | ral, i Has 4 Lappe deal Npaniards at Havana are hoping for War More troops Will leave Ban Francisco | Tor Manlis within a few days { No regiments from the porth will be He vio. Thea hoard a rai Calais fost a satohel worth $150 don Admiral Schley has duties at Ports Rice to Washington The Philippiive against Aguinaiido coursing them The Red Cross Society In New York is making arrangements 1o send a ord of miich cows to (Cuba, Ta repair the damages of the Brook yn sustained (n the battle of July 1 will require 311.297. Twenty-seven Spanish transports | Amaricss Porgor is Awniris are pow on thelr way to Cuba to assist | A man about 35 years of aga. who in the evacuation of the island i glves his name as Anferne Namngiette Seerstary Alger does not fear the in. | Hexion representing himself as a tours vestigations now being made in the | 80 aod the son of a Philadelphia secs war department He says witnesses Urician, bas been arrested at Trappan capital of Austrian Sliesia, tempting to pass U8 forged England 0 pound notes, Pronch and English ftuently, but iW be Heved to be one of Kk Kaa of akiiifal international forgers instead of an American. enmpletod his and will return refine have revolted and Spain is en- » n Her loss to the nolles that the satchel duchess loft her train for a mornent friends at the railway after having dapowited § Pin the © amp artmoent! compartment in to speak station hers Ae A TAA Gen. Garzia is urging the closest Hank unity between Spantirds and Cubans or the iatand with a view towards fu- tures independence. Lieut. Hoblsin having successfully fonted the Maria Teresa, is now ace tively engaged in his attempt fo save the Cristobal Colon, Yolumteer mdi ors Ala. Became Semen np pA RP Seesta of Helen Genlt. A hundred and sixty soldiers the Ohdam, which arrived at York fram Porto Rive a fow days ag Nere taken in charge hy ouid's agent and camfortanly from iN ——— at amp Shipp managed in & riot aver a Fame of cards a few dav agy. Several shots were fred and Sergeant Helse | was killed in Ytamp Walworth” on East The streets of Santisgy, Muha, are ax | teenth street The mies are cisan as these of an ordinary Amer. | of lhe First Kentucky Pare h tian, Wood's «forts are now | Third Wisconsin, Tweifth ts Improving the water supply | and First United States Loorpa, are he. ! ndependent American | permission | cn Lo Vasil nteera system, The Philippine camming more and Now they refuse to Gilow siffosry ta land without from Gen Aguinabis Nine Killed in 8 , Napitha Expimion An expiosion scoured Moniay morn. ing on hoard the British bark Bleng. { I fram New York with a oargn : we . | naphtha, in the channel near Surgeon mrt i has de | myo coseal was destr wed and oie urther antribuiions eT TA : . ; = as Red a for Bastien on Cry — ; nn 2 nding the EA an, Porto Ria He says that the govern. jand daugntars and He pitt, raent is tol iy capable of providing for | Mr Lyons, register of the the sick men. hing received a letter from James The Ameri an cottector of revenuds at Jack arected sev t ils ar Guanta- | Miss... in which he males an ap- TRIN, Now wo Lhe 4 ra are protest. for aid in behalf of the ing, saying that America has no right | to astabiish a conling station on the in. tand without consent of the Cuban Be 1) public. w insurgents hl Erp ning per hin were lost the the government has | ad wedptienie of the quarantine against vellow fever are unable to rR. : they would § Ff : pry whieh Ww United States as illustrating the fondis Wiad Bogs 3 tian Bi gly & t tion to publish the pletuves and Imablitty tis | : Sang vey od ol Wohrslaek TN mdinted | wry when he heard what i BE i that bhoth | Ryenca Arer. | CChattanoo gn Jefitittely Agen! 4 : Hrd any | i Yh Pim POE ptr 5 P will oecipy t the m the | inland | sxsmmpted from Yonngees taxes This! of the | Washington, han | bi ' rr wd # 3 3) from anarchist anndian | his | Timitend | The | | New York ined Ls en. thotgh Dulloase weserts that | t yadlromd | persons were kitled | intured transfiirrad from | Zyprak | ha was | AES The | yr iid peas | 3 creel af { for naval requirements ' or sony | (HE Der near her seal | ashore i the German {har committed sutcide. He was charged i with for at. of He speaks New | members | fn SMD. | he petroleum port of Astrakhan, Rus Wimcansin | af : Margate. | wifes § Lord Mavor's procession treas. | I angio several | yousaind colored people thera who in | | Ing to the best information obtainable, obtain 8 — - PAUPERS NOT ADMITTED. Negroes From Jumaies Refused Adoitiaser ob See + ; ax Coganl Prelingia {ie Hod tage Pritisd } srrived Jamsice Tiey BAYS ut will be Wot of yn. vines, pra etis tn prevent Hed anding neeyt means of ve British Cone pre tent ef against ies} though he the alley. rover. Rag offered to from Jdagcaisa 5 tish consul fuar- ares destitute, a few will be Tame 3d G05 fe yal fuomred fron al wrattonal : Kirin # 5 2 Fis +3 My In ine pr ae ransg gr the Pye af Larne ral Ww. i Ff the remarkable phases tunthay at Havana x the zeal Starntel othelals to prevent the cation at this ate day of pl-turneg wewine the #itnl lor in which the poor. fan Trey) Aer iran mamed King t app gts the Hotel Ingin. WOIAKINE 2 snap shut af a group an. The surpris. which he felt hin: Arrest was ineregesd by the dX anation afforded Mos hich was to “fort that sich Reps were ReCas. prevent the sabiicatinn of ple- dtd be reegrdad in the of the sublects of Syatn Mr King, sxplained the mutter and Ble innocsfics of ane intens was als name and Weyer ba Re SE Redd his tthorty. after address had been) taMén fuk ria Hepalnie Under Nartisl hw tm the night of Oct. J at Honoluly, fivotenan Merriary United army, f4outenant EL Miatew i ’ Gg i Honslvio Whee marehnl in oharge of infantry Fir tas Bours FEre IVEY Litizeny Of of the vt Cer vere eNe hy mounted men gnder Wheel sisal Hatiars weirs rhased and tw captains feer had to acramble feneral King was very ane Aas leing cffleors will he cotirts utenant Merriam is a Merrigr Jt is stated ware dnder the ine irl artis CER WAN Prey Vere a5 hard thelr and a costo to safety alits dane The martiniag of Fe 1.4 rai mise {yom of liguor Dppeaed ta Colored Danre Missionary Faduge Post. GA BR. of Bt ite inst mesting passed ferndagtions recommending to the war lepartment “that it is not expedient to have colored comnpdesisnet sfMcire in army, cliher ax voluntssrs or rege The resniuiions wore dent tn the war department. An «fort will be made Dnah her 3 A, R. ste thyaneh nut the SLR (his matter in Large Contracts Award iw far TER tree the olesteingd York Third avenge inet work as fol. Wa fil Ran “erin. LINE or $e nil sf 1.pound rads: 1% Sa Gh gird Tahle od LONE in Stes sompmitites Is ita researches iin 5 splens fy equipped train of Puoilinan cars Monde the cana at Jacksonville, Fla, CAR IREpecYed Thelr southern tour at least twa weeks and all camps will be heroughly Come ening Travels way Investigating Heaney investigate 1. sess ¢ ABLE FLASHES Emperor William of Sariivany in ne. | gotiating for a shooting estate in Roots i land The president of Reitzeriand, MM Bully. has received throntenling letters A Madrid dispatch says: Don Cars fos, the Spanish pretender, 8 going 0 London to ratse a loan. The duchess of Mariborovgh, mierly Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt city, gave birth to for- of & son lant weak In 8 collistan an the Gread Central rear anothy, England, six and twenty-two It is reported from Japan that the Hritiah minister at Pekin has demand- Cw the restoration of the Chinese ems inst | pera Three conspirators agiinst the sme perar of Carsa were hanged a few days Their badies were mutilated by the songlace Hweden's minister of marine has de- ded to proposes to the riksdig that a aver 20 000 8 Kroner be voted The best efforts of the Chillese Rove prament are being put forth to secure while on for containing jewe'ry | Her grave left the trad at Amiens and returned hers to report | it bt supposed | was taken wher the | the i 3 $ . with ¢ steamer Milwankew, measures which will bring back an «ra af prosperity to the empire, A military plot against the French government has just been tinearthed at Paris. The purpose was 10 remove some of the military officers, The london board of trade has hiamed the commander of the British Capt. Williams, recent wreek by being ran superintendent of printing office, Herr Grusnenthail, Imperial theft and the forgery of bank notes for 408 08 marks. The soldiers returning to London fram the Houdon are being royally ene tertained hy thelr admiring country- men. They have free access to all the theaters and other places of amuses ment, Prestident McKinley's recent speeches ax in regard to increased responstbiff- ties, ars taken by Englishmen to refer tos the Phillppines which islands Ame ricans intend to retain, In anti-Semitic riots that occurred at Kossow in Austrian Galicia on Fries { day night peasants plundered the Jew Miss Helen | housed inh quarter, killing ten persons and wounding many of the others, Seven harges, containing 306.000 pods of naphtha, have been burned at sin. Three persons were killed during the conflagration and severil others Powers injured, At a congress of mill downers in ixlessn it was decided, owing to the decline in exports. to petition the gove ernment to grant bounties on four “mimilar to those granted in the Unie ted States, France and Germany ™ One of the leading features of the int London this year will be a car smblematic of axon union, Britannia and Co. ambia, the central figures, being sure rounded by the British colonies Pending: the setifement of the Fashoe da affair. England and France aceoms- are preparing for war should there he War, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers