The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 20, 1898, Image 5

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    Briscorat—Rey. D. M. Cann, . Serv
oy 3 Telok p. ro. every Sunday. Sun.
ibid A ool at 10 8. mo
CATHOLIC Father Fnwebl pastor. Mass
A inday at § and 10 8, m. Sunday
setuiobat 3p m. and vospers at 7 p.m.
LoraeRAR-—Rev. B, #. Dive, pastor. Preach.
; ing on alternate Sandays al HED xm. and
pm. Sunday school at 250 8m, and
: THRO FE at 63 p. mm. each Sunday,
Mwrsopisr Briscorat—Rev, BE. H. Witmean,
pastor. Services at 1690 a mo snd 790 po om.
stip om. Fpw )
miseting every Wed :
fl i ing rapidly. The brick lay-
Fook bali
Tuesday, November Sth, is election
~ Thanksgiving Day Tuureday, No-
je rye or corn chop at the Patton |
No. 1 harness oil only 80c. per gallon
ab langbein's harness shop, Patton,
510 the Patton Feed and Buckwheat
for your rye flour, corn meal,
Lodliew’ flannelette wrappers, the
n Miortable gown out, at Mm
b and Joseph Lautzy,of near Hast
a business trip to Patton
is full of people who were “no
; than their neighbors." —L. A.
olf, of the firm of Wolf &
| E. Cooney and son Fred are
: The improvement will
add to the appearance of that
- | the Courier this week, as there are
| morning.
tacked with a sudden cough or cold, |
company received their two weeks’ | Monday.
pay Monday. Magee & Lingle paid; 1), Waiters drove down from Oar.
their men Saturday. ! rolitown Tuesday.
It might be well to glance at the W.H. Holt, of Snow Shoes, Pa, was
postoffice list of unclaimed letters in | 4 visitor to Patton Monday.
quite a number and one might be for| = i TE oa
you. ! :
. MM. L Glassgow and R. D. Matthews,
u you are contemplating purchasing | of Glassgow, Pa, spent a few hours in
anything for fall und winter wear you town Saturday
will do well to read the many new ad- | :
will do well to y H. E. Bidwell, of the firm of D. W.
vertisements in the COURIER He | Bidwell & Co., ; 3 agents for the
week. DaPont Powder company of Pitteburg,
The work of erecting the dynamo... i. unt caller at the COURIER
building for the new electric light plant office Wednesday morning.
It is reliably reported that a genoine
|Bunday speak-easy exists right in the
heart of Patton borough, a place where
H. M. Dickinson, of Pittsburg, |; op 00 who may desire can procure
special agent for the American Fire “drink’’ as often as he may see fit.
Insurance company of Philadelphia, py ii oreuted in abolishing “joints”
was looking after business interests In ¢ pis character should look into the
Patton Monday. . matter and see to it that the law is put
{ers commenced their work Monday
The employes of the Patton Coal! F.B. Steel came over from Spangler
James Mackin, of this place, has em- in force.
barked in the retail tea and baking 0, g.nuel Swartwood, wife of a
powder business. You may look for road brak . residing at Moun-!
Bim te call 3 your MOS ANY tain Top, Luserne county, gave birth |
day to solicit your patronage. to her twenty-fifth child Thursday |
or two dollars, and the boy who throws | .¢ 4}. children died. The rest are in
twenty-five or fifty cents more.
Joseph Trinkiey, & farmer who lives family.
{the Of 16 apples, which were grown ine. 40 visiting out of town, make a
| local board of health have all resigned a4 it is impossible to learn of every
' with the exception of Frank Wargo person who may come to or go from
| and it is said that he would like to re- | Patton on a visit. We are giad to re-
sign, but has no one to resign to. | ceive such pointers snd will appreciate
| Rather a bad state of affairs. 'it if you inform as of the same.
| Prank McEwen, s former employe at! Daniel Abbott, one of the most
| the clay works, is now acting In the highly esteomed cid gentlemen of this
capacity of clerk at the Corner Drug place, is visiting relatives at Saxton, |
Store. Mr. McEwen has had exper- Bedford county, Pa, this week. While
jence in this line und will “feel at there he attended the Eastern Penn-
! home’ in waiting upon the trade. _sylvania Eldership of the Church of
many bums and tramps who make the week. Mr. Abbott has been a member
housewife’s life miserable by their of that organization over 50 years and
husband. The tramp ordinance would
be a first-rate medicine for these vag- meet many of his old scquaintancet.
abonds. !
The opening of the new operas house |
in this piace, adde another chapter to
the history of Glen Campbell's ad Order of Heptasophs, beid its first an-
vancement, and goes to show that it is Pus! banguet at the Palmer houee, :
| fast getting on a level with her elder | PaMton. Pa, Tharsday night, October
sisters, and in many instances fur sur- 13h, when 30 happy people enjoyed an
evening's entertainment, which will
; of them. —Cutoet. evening's entert )
| ’ long be remembered. The manage
Attorney Somerville and Dr. War. ment of the hotel and aides spared no
rell took advantage of the bunting | ine in endeavoring to please the
S68A0N by each shouldering a gun and wants and looking after the comforts
making themselves conspicuous Y of their goestsa. The large rotonda
[heir absence Monday forenoon. T and the ball and pariors were beanti-
i returned home saying that there were y decorated with plants aad flowers
{0 more blind fox in these woods. especially provarred from John Troe
| An exchange says that in writing for man's green house for the occasion,
i a paper say exactly what you want to promptly st 10 o'clock the dining room
Hay itin the doors were thrown open when the
I. 0. HH. Banquet. ]
Patton Conclave, No. 388, Improved
‘have the peaple know.
| plainest Fuglish you can command guests marched to the sweet strains
| Don't ask yourself, “Is that an elegant fr nusie furnished by Severin's Im-
[sentence but “Can any noe Who | arial Orchestra, to the most excellent
reads that fail to onderstand what I repast which was spread before
| mean them. The tables were tastily ar
| At the annual meeting of the “Baock- ranged in the form of a hollow square
| tat) regiment at Kennett Sqnare iast with a large pyramid of plants and
| woek the following officers were flowers in the centre. After banquet
(elected: President, W. W. Brown, of ing for nearly two hours the assemblage
| Washington, D. C.; vieo-president, enjoyed a few well chosen remarks by
[Thomas H. Ryan, of McKean county: Capt. Bobt. Johnson, Deputy Supreme
| secretary, William H. Rauch, of Phil- Archon, of Altoona, when they de
| adelphis; treasurer, Col. B.A. Irvin, of parted to the pariors wiere the re
! Clearfield county. mainder of the evening wis spent in
| Miss Celie Flick, an accomplished music and dancing. The affair will
| musician of Altoona, is spending a fow over be remernbered by the Heps as
‘days in Patton this week. She is here being the most elaborate banquet they
in the interests of organizing both a have ever had the piessare of attend.
vocal and instrumental class of music. ing. snd too much credit cannot be
Her ability asa teacher is excellent and bestowed upon the Messrs. Daggetts
the COURIER trusts that she will be and their esteemable wives for the
able to secure many papils in our town | methodical and careful manner in
for the coming winter. , which it was condoected from begin
Good times are slowly coming back ig to end. The writer can speak
and the shops are picking up in their | Preset was bighly pleased and enjoyed
working time. The car shops are | themmelves thoroughly. J
working on an order for 1,4000 box and |
gondola care. The passenger car de- |
partment is working three nights a
week and the Juniata shops are busy
on a big order for engines. |
The grading of the railroad branch
to the new mining operations of Ms- |
gee & Lingle, near St. Boniface, will
1 be commenced in a few days. Geo. 8.
Good & Co. have received the contract
for doing the work. The boarding
camp for the accommodation of the |
employes will be established at
o y7l let
For Semis of all ki " : go to
langbein'y haracas whip, Patio, Pa. |
~~ Patronize home industry by buying |
your flour and feed at the Patton Feed
and Buckwheat Mills-25t1 !
Important Notes. :
If any of your family should be at- | | This paper
| similar to wedding shape and
don’t fail to try a bottle of Gray's
cure. It never fails to relieve and
{ promptly care coughs, colds, asthma,
bronchitis, croup and whooping cough. |
No family with children should be
without it. Samples free. Large bot- |
tles 26 cents. Sold only by C. W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. |
please all.
An exchange says that a thousand night Of the large number of children |
dodgers will cost a dollar and a half born only two sets were twins. Three |
‘happiest man on earth with his large
| near Patton, was a caller at this office Readers if yon have any news item,
| Ti #eday and brought with him a clus 0 of friends visiting your home or
Over in Hastings the members of the ' editor of the Courrier for publication,
Patton has been infested of Iate by | God, which convened at that piace last
presence during the absence of the no doubt would enjoy being present at
the annual conference, where he would
The watermarked name on
y cach sheet of paper we sell 1s a suf-
ficient guarantee of the quality.
7 HE line embraces all high grade Station-
ery, Animal Sized, Loft Dried. The as-
| sortment consists of Elite Lenox Linenes, Eng-
} lish Parchments, French Quadrilles, Golden
| Rods, Cold Pressed Irish Bonds, Foreign Ivor-
ines (heliotrope and white). Local Stationery in |
Gold, Hand-made Vellam, Deckie E
is all hand finished; envelopes male by hand,
stationery direct from mills to consumer.
por We Introduce no Name Tablets ol
Baleam, the great guamnteed cough Do not fail to see this line;
Corner Drug Store-
TOTTI ITITEISNS LibiibtibbdbisbidissbabastsababbbbbbIbLLS
Ladies and gentlemen suffering from |
throat and lung difcalties to call at
our store for a sample bottle of Otto's |
Cure, which we are distribating free of
charge. We confidently recommend it |
as a cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis, |
consumption, and ail diseases of the
throat and lungs. It will stop a cough |
quicker than any other known remedy. |
We believe it will core you. In croup
Onr ability to control vast quantities and buy direct
from the manufacturers enables us to give v
ait better valnes
or whooping cough it is sore to give and lower prices than ever before.
instant relief. Large sizes 56c and 3c.
Scid by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W.
More than twenty million free
samples of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve
have been distributed by the manu-
facturers. What better proof of their
confidence in ite merits do yon want?
It cures piles, burns, scaids, sores, in
the shortest space of time. OC W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Sea our Hine of overcoats, Beavers mwas
Kersey, Meltons, Chincihilas, finest DON'T
Italian serge or fancy plaid wool lined, BLIND!
best satin sleeve lining, silk velvet col-
lars; at $20.00 and npwards. AALRL MY
DixaMoORE Bros, :
A Convincing
$1.00 per yd.
cyott we will order it
carry a large line of samples to sleet
: from.
Why do we lead?
Why are we always busy?
Because we have the Largest Stock, the Newest Goods
‘and the Lowest Prices, and the people are buying them; a
pretty good evidence that the quality and price must be right.
Dress Goods.
We have a iarge line that we are
selling at a close margin, from $0 to
Come and see for your-
If we haven't anything to soit
for vou. We
Lancaster Ginghams S¢ per yard,
(ood calico at 3c.
dackets & Capes.
We are agents “or the Beifleld Wraps.
Anyone wanting aoything especially
nice and nobby will do well to se
these styles, either in Jackets, Cloth or
Plush Capes, Collarettes, or Misses’
When You Walk into Our Store for
The quality is there before you, so
| apparent that it cannot be conovaied
or gnestioned. High quality is our
Hobby. We are selling onr groceries
At a cles margin; we do a big business
and are satisfied with a small profit
Our goods are on inspection #0 are
_onr prices.
19 pounds granulated sugar §1.
11 pounds Arbuckie's coffee $1.
12 cakenm Inandry soap | Ark 750.
3.pound can grated pine apple 10e,
: Beat Sugar cured ham 10c per ib
Brethren A wopd with you. There Best sugar cured California hams
are important matters you neglect go per ib. |
every day. Whett we point you too .. ind mized chop $1 per sack.
the advantages to be gained cer-
Qur Shoe
tain sctions, yon can see that we are
looking out for your interesta This
is not entirely an anmdiilsh position
of ours, for we are anxious to belp
you and to help ourselves at the
same time.
We are keeping it at the front with
the best Shoes procurable at the littlest
prices possible. The best known Shoe
Bore in town
See ony $200 Rboe
stores for $256
Try os on Shoes and Robbers and be
convinoed that we are money savers
OORMOTTO: Same Price
You Cannot
Do Better
i ian
woke at other
by calling at our,
store and iuspecting our im-
menses [ine of undersold by any one. (Our saies are
evidence that oor prices are the lowest.
Cline direct
and Children's Coats. We will order
you one at wholesale prices and save
you from 25 to 4) per cent.
for Men, Ladies and Children.
We are selling underwear at such
low prices that it will pay everybody
to come to our store for anderwenr.
Men's fleeced shirts and drawers at
BRe, regular price S0c.
Men's flonced shirts and drawers at
| 80c, regular price s0c.
Ladies sxamine our line of tinder
wear for children the largest line in
wwn to select from.
Jost recwived a new and op-to-date
from the manufsciuarers
Your watts easily supplied here. As
cotm, Tecks, 4-in Hands, Bows, Fie, in
ail the newest and richest silky and
satins, Oor prices always the lowest.
Shirt Waists and Wrappers.
oeiebrated Melba Line. They
» youp if you want soowitbing
i stylish ami at a WOW price,
Yas i
Same Day fo Everybody.
§ Dat
Kindly give us a call and be convinced that our prices are always the low-
eat. Bear in mind that we sell at Wholesales and Retail and will sot be
increasing every day a pretty good
Yours for Low Prices and Good Goods,
Patton Supply Co.
PATTON, PA. The biggest
Good Building,
used to
Cups ancl
ood shoe
Tin water
+ (azore and white), —
bargain. We do not just
but ALL are low at
is strictly the newest thing in
something to -
G. QO. Brady, Prop'r,
ever offered to consumers 1s now
awaiting your inspection at
Compare these prices with those you have been
Fine decorated chamber set, $2.75.
glass pite
gines berry dishes, 100.
Nice decorated parior lamp, $1.00.
Common lamp, No. 1 burner and globe, 150.
Coal buckets, 17c.
Galvanised water pail, 20¢.
Fibre water
Round dinoer pail, 13c.
Squibs, per box, 10e.
Loaded shot gun shells 38¢.
You can look at any part of our store and see a
yr, 10.
brush. 10c.
pail, 0c.
pail, Sc.
have a few low prices,
Patton, Penn'a.
hii RLS |