The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 20, 1898, Image 3

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    Reavy :
this sitylish cape, the applied yoke be-
in centre back canse a snug adjust |
: front and back, the top being arranged
§n four sections joined to fit the neck
black silk poplin is used for
rich guipure lace over white
and the decoration of satin rib-
bon ruching.
The cape is shaped on fashionable !
fines which slopes gradually to points
in front and back. :
Darts at each shoulder with 8 seam
saent at the top, gracefal falness in
rippling folds below the shoalders to
o comfortable and fashionable length,
The circular yoke is applied after the
darts are sewed and may be out with
or without a centre seam.
The high standing collar is shaped
comfortably and flare becomingly at
st the top. |
f around
Such is the mont patent fact abont
new autmmn hats:
i Pearealywl
That the largest |
number of them turn away from the |
face, Thongh a few
with straight |
briras are for sale to those who cannot |
or will not abide these upturned eof |
A Woman Physician's Work,
Dr. Katherine Kollock, a medical :
inspector for the girls’ high school in
Philadelphia, daring the last year ox.
amined mora than 3000 pupils, Ase
result of her work it is said the stand.
#rd of health smony the girls has bern
better than that of any previons year,
cn lS
Edison's Tribate to Woman,
Thomas A. Edison declares that
women have more quickness and in-
sight about machinery than men have,
and he prefers to employ them in car-
rying ont the details of Lis electrical
Child's French Dress.
This dainty dress of embroidered
cashmere in pale blue, showed yoke
and sleeves of dark blue velvet which
were ruade adjustable so as to do for
ordinary or party wear
A short body lining sapports the
shirring that adjusts tha folness in
tc form frilled headings,
The sidea sre gathered to the lower
of body lining, a band of the
embroidered cashmere passing ail
the short waist. Bands to
match pass over the shonlders to foot
of dress in front and back, pretty
gathered bretelles standing out over
the sleeves.
net, lace or chiffon is
the coliar, » large bow of
e being tied over the closingin
1 fronts are closed as far as the
gives richness as well as warmth
of satin, silk or poplin, a silk
of some color adding
Se er hag
can be sppropristely
ssementerie for the yoke and
r any desired decoration may be
‘make this cape for a lady of
size will require one and five-
irds of material fifty-four in-
~~ The New Winter Hat.
y lady's new winter hat is shown
hie large eugraving. An extremely
flair of no particular period re-
n in circumference, except in
hats, whic are huge and
siden with plumes,
favorite shop where many wom-
led fall hats, Madame, the
said that there is no common
‘this style in hats, nor, as a
il thing, for any sort which is
ht forth at that store.
far as possible,” said Madame,
‘hat we make is unlike every
#0 we cannot give a general
which would be at the same time
he ‘hats are to be worn “off the
,"* as was predicted in the summer.
only the exceptional headpiece
without a pompadour,
of hair over the brow
fills in the space between
| forehead. And many of the
are arranged to fit around the
ch should be done om |
Stylish pnffs are mounted on fitted
without the yoke to wear with or with-
back are shown of cashmere having
embroidered edge, while the sides are
completed with an embroidered frill of
Cashmere, veiling, challie and all
other soft wool or silken fabrics will
develop prettily by the mode, lacesnd
embroidered edging and insertion,
ribbon or braid being suitable trim-
While material of this kind is not
slways available, the design furnishes
It is also pretty for wash dresses of
thin white stuffs that are worn by lit.
tle girls over slips of silk or satin all
To make this dress for & child of
shown snd the dress may be finished |
out different guimpes. The front and |
stions that may be carried ont
daintily in similar fabrics in one or a
combination of material or coloring. |
what to doo
| Courier,
| too long to expect anything like that
| Puck,
| about that bullet-proof clothing
Conriahip = Sot bias Kuve |
le Doss With In
Beginning of fie
ler Theory—-W hat
we FE erie REO eT he
A Valoable Sapaeetion, Fac, Kir
Raid the Rarpesnd
Haid the Jacltde 10 the Pago,
Who ha Heged al Sagtiay
“Wa plunked yon and wo suni
Now, we'll Toad and clothe sn 43
Here's my bueey— take a shaw”
’ Town Topies,
Owl Conpelhip.
When an owi falls in love he koors
wit: to woo — Boston
Landlady —*'I
- ¥ ng & -
think you'll find
| everything entirely satisfactory.”
New Arrival "Oh! I've
Mother's Siny.
She “When shall T ask mother to
| come up and spend the day?”
Ho-—""Wait il December—we get
| onr shortest days then.” — New York
| Journal,
Fier Theory.
He-—*'1 haven't heard anything
L gone time, 7
: fashion
She—*] sappos as gone ont of
What He Sroes With 11.
“ i af iy i fxsi
I never refnss advioe,
the sonree
“Do you always act on 153”
‘No: I pass rt on to toe next per-
gem I meet Detroit Free Pross,
A Valoabhle Suggestion,
Hoffman "1 don't ssem able to
| make a snocess of anything, Istely.”
Westeynd "Why don’t you ran a
i soda fountain? Then yon'il have an
| exonse for making a fizzle '— New
| York Times.
The Beginning of It.
He—"'"You look good snoagh to eat,
' this morning, Ethel”
. me, then?
She" Indeed!
Why don't you eat
He My doctor
| sweets. '— Harper’
said the yor
the Cheerinl Idion
World Neeessiting.
The minister aymeesan
: boarder,
are inseparall oiviliza-
Phew are ver atts” rand
‘ roe i3 4 pairer
2 3
and the other a pesler,”
, Jonaraal,
Nead Not Anclogize.
Disappointed Contributor [to editor)
=‘ would have yon anderstand, sir,
that I am a poet, and that poets are
: born, not made.”
Editor —'‘No apology is necessary.
. I hope I am not so bratal as to blame
| you for haviag been bors. ~'—Bastos
Eccentricity of Grmatanoss.
*1 was considerably impressod with
| your friend, the collage professor.”
“Ab, yes, he's a remarkable man.
| What straek you as being his leading
| characteristic?”
“Well, his most prominent traits
| seemed to be the knees of his trou-
| sera." — Chicago Tribune.
betrothal}—'‘I remember, Algernon,
Kindness Appreciated.
Wife [revisiting the scese of her
80 well when youn proposed to me how
peinfally embarrassed yon were.”
Algernon— "Yes, dear; and I re
| mem so well bow kind and enconr.
| agin a were, and how ean ot
sleeves, which may be omitted as here | sr J you
made it for me, after all.”
“Did yon accuse us of being lazy?”
asked the Spanish soldier.
*‘I believe I said something of the
the kind,” answered the war corre-
“Well, you formed your opinion too |
early in the fight. You didn't wait to
soe us run.” — Washington Star,
“A confliot at arms,” said the person
with Utopian ideas, ‘‘is always uan-
necessary and deplorable.”
“Well,” answered Miss Cayenne,
thoughtially, “this one wasn’t with-
out ita benefits. It enables a great
many ladies to speak of ‘before the
war’ withont embarrassment. "Wash.
ington Star.
Serietly Fashionable. :
Magistrate— ‘Why dida’t you aa-/
Swear to your name?” ;
Vagrant—' ‘Beg pardon, your honor, |
bat I forgot wot name I gave las
ight *
BE ate. "Didut you give your
own name?”
Vagrant —"“No, your honor,
travelin’ incoz.™
What She's Walling For,
“Who i; that I see you lseding’
nearly every might 1a the kitchen,
*“Tha’’s my iclended —the police
“Well, if he's your intenued, why
don't you marry him*"
“I'm waitin’ till his appetite goes
down a bit, ma'am.” Yonkers States
Housewife Econom, .
Mrs. Bridely iia tears) — "Ob, John';
How could you scold me se? You
know you often said before cur mar
riage that you delighted in cleanli |
Mr. Bridely (grimly) —“So I do |
tnt I draw the line at paying for |
woman to sarub the botton of the coa |
box just before the coal is put in. "— {
Pearson's Weekly.
, god Savor, that
. assurance of good crops.
| seasons seed put in even as late as |
: the month of September often gives |
i satisfactory resuits, but to be sure of
a crop sow by the middle of August
] broadrast
| per acre.
| clear gain.
| mot to use too much of the taraip seed |
| area to be laid down to grass
| two to three inches apart in the row. |
weil as
* «
ngs il Buel
variety, as
on the parlor
$iveg a laste ofa
people, sac
has 5 vo
of apple sk
ont peeling
iis a
always bri
Fatriening Storck,
The hay crop this year 3s I
po much of it was got in
wet that moat of a
X R pine ¥ 4 i ”
there must be less
and more on grain
fe en
after being
wh ax B
the coming
stock. If the we
in oorn harvest this year, the
stalks will in many places be worth
more a2 feed than ihe hay Bat this
» $i
ha loss,
lay was szeares and
v Better son than
on Lay ae
4 a FH LAE
iN Se
5s how
grain is the oheay well as
best feel
Pawakin: ar Seek Feed,
Eaw pumpkins
fast, if some grain fod with
them. Coarse, nupconund grain does
not do so well, a» thepumokin is laxa-
neRi 13
tire and will open the stomseh so much |
that the grain will go through whole,
Feeding grein meal with cut hay nen-
tralizes this eect and the fall bonafit
both of the meal sud of the pumpkin
is secarsd, But we always preferred
to use what pampling wagrew as fead
for bogs, onos a wes #0 long as they
lasted, Sling the
and keeping
the pnapd
in while st
meal and wh
into a think
ion gs 3."
iat anon anh
siddlines to make
3 Xoo gmk a 3
its hrght eolo a!
it. Hepes
dependence on hay |
for fattening or indeed for wintering
ther shonld be dry |
Wa have slways |
S ghost
. Boek
flag |
wii fatien pows vory |
large kettle ued at
g tame with siiced pumpkin |
Then we pat |
and ost
ralinre and
! jtlseral ferbriizs.
5 are prise essentials
turnips. Well
haravard mianire iv very gous
large orops of
a Las
1 freely,
d be smployed
broadeast and tharanehly
ih to the
The only ihjec
is that they Bre
pura the prosence
whitch eat
ering them 1a.
poearanse and as a oonse.
vies dnssiable
fmannres ares favorable to {he growth
of scab, which works large inju
both turnips sud potatoes, For
Lronaons a gond chemaeal fertilizer is
‘often to be preferred
seam to be the element most
neadfal to stimulate a large crap.
i mone, 200 ponnds tankage, 200 ponnds
Am Bs a i &, ran a Cn :
solved bone black. This amognt
a 4
BOWS LO Hips This raniiter of
aT tar
raalo ply for, pines po other
Roe ol a " wd iy $ 3 %. "
kinds are at ail salable in the marketa
Aptaer tem io remembered iw
{ thal ao feo
| sou. —American Agricultarist,
Handling Dees.
Manipulating bees to the best ad s day
vantage requires frequent handling |
| during the honey season. A solony
{ of bees may bo equipped with all the i
i modern improvements at the outset of | di
i the boaey season, but it is but & short |
time until they need attention of some
kind Al workiogs of comb
badlding must be done perfectly or we
iosa the advantages of the gee of ex.
pensive applisnces. The letgo-as
voneplease plan, nnd the old method
of Rives will Io with ia Or at
tenten bud if it we are after,
ar aren pleasure, we cannot afford
+ we
3 hint
1% praia
Benn then thang,
this War 1 ¥ Sh
vat that they way be profitably grown
¥ go . # - 4 $i i ‘ 4
for this usa. On farms wheve fruit is
fasd in
a speaially, the fallen frat sven when |
nnripe may be profitably put to the |
The conking corrects what |
injurious propertiss it may have had.
- American Caltivator,
Wasted Growth of Melone,
Every year when frosts cuts the ten.
der leaves of melons and stops far®her
growth, the eultivator finds a great
nusaber of melons anripe, and there |
fore worthless. Far an unripe melon,
being mostly water, aud having very
little substance, mu’t worth mueh as
a . 4 oa ® cpa et ; $
feed for stock, and is not, indeed, as! placed on top, and when the bees are |
wa remove the hd
This exposes the cloth |
i phioid fever Miss
| ter
good as a greea pumpkin of the sam
| weight. Ofcourse all this extra growth
: of vine and the
nuripe melons on it ix
wasted plant food. If roncentrated on
the melons earlier started, it wonld
make them larger and also make them
ripet earbior. With a small amount of
trouble both the namber and value of
ripe malons may be thas increased,
There are other wiys to increases the
size of melons, pusupkins and squashes
. when extra large size is desired. If
one of the joints of the vine is buried
two inches deep it will usually put
forth roots after one or two weeks
a joint is selected close to a melon or
pampkin, as the cuse may be, and be-
. tween that sud the root, a new and
vigorous vine may be produced. This
may be fed by patting a Little nitrate
of soda or potash in water, and liber.
ally watering the root that is close to
the fruit. Ifthen the end of the vine
is pinched and all farther blossoms or
fruit are removed, all the plant food
| the roots can take up will be concen-
trated io the mingle specimen that will
grow so fast that acy one can almost
see it prow from one day to another.
In most cases where very large pamp-
kins or squashes are grown it will be |
' found that the vise has rooted near
: the large specimen,
How to Grow Round Tarnips.
Varieties of round tarnips (so called)
may be sown as lute as Aagust with
In favorable
Somie farmers always sow their turnips
When seeding down land
to grass, it is a good plan to mix tar.
nip seed with the grass seed, using
Bot over coe pound of the turnip seed
erop of taraip eomes up amoung the |
| pew grass seeding and 1s so mueh
Care is to be exercised |
. and to distribute it uniformly over the |
i age.
Bet the really scientific way of
growing turnips for a erop of best and |
most marketable roots is to sow seed |
in drills, say from twenty inches to
twenty-four inches apart, thinning!
the plants so that they finally stand |
This prevents overcrowding and’
allows each individual plant plenty
of space. The two most satisfactory |
varieties are white egy and red top
white globe. These are both fine table |
Yn sh senin dl LT v . ail
Many parsons woald like very well
es gir x tha AER H i
svomted by lear
Vary Masa a asiagel
and when (Loy once get
of handling bees they wil
themeelvas for haviog been so foolish
Usually, those who have such fear of
boes always put themselves in th
Lise these ptganis
Phosplorio |
Ome very good fertilizer for turnips |
‘may be found by mixing tepether |
thoroughly 100 pounds saiphate am. | |
suiphate potash and 500 pounds dis. |
makes a Liberal Sressing for an
ah Ts song roois is fo be very |
ROANABEIVE SPOT of Larsipd | :
shonld be sown apon the same land |
The turnip is gqmite exhanstive and
i the ground must be changed sach soa
| Dubey Smith Morieend by (Bs Mex Wien Be Hed
Ais With Beliels
Ber Theor (1%
ted Bety
he murder
Brie of She
¥ Krissinge?,
$i #fter
Bird are he iad
writ] wu shotgun
ies Se Sut
ny Saws Bay
Centar iag
to 2 a
yr BB simoed -—
Is Wile
i. Won
Jol Ko
to HY;
ithe, $3
3 ig.
Ha ris,
x7 3
Fartiey who ia supposed to
, s killed by a trie on the
#vivavia raliroa? at (Be dept AL
qn the other day Martisy was
#f ae a {rack wRiker. HOt took
same to Juangetis to
trot He bard £80 in his
Sag gs sha Name of Ris
ated Hedy was
ai the mensy
aiths ugh hie
r ring worse still
faundg only &
ere fot pa dw
WE grrr
fe Was
found TG
Bifors Rguire
gE 8 1 RR
“i And ats
ersratisn of
most dangerous position when around |,
The safest piace from stings abou! bad
{ the apiary, is right over the hive, not |
distances from it. Either at the
! side or back of the hive, but not di
| rectly iu front of it
to haves an obstruction in their way
tont and nto the hive, hence
i should not place ourselves in front of
| the entrance,
i open from the top, that is a lid i
{to bo examined
i from the top.
| covering aver the frames
In these
‘ two acts greatly depends the beligvin
i of the bess. The Lid must be recioved
| slowly aad carefally so as not to iar
i the hive, and the cloth covering which
i the frame bars, and before lifting one
{ out slide the frames on each side of it |
away from the one to be taken ong, so |
will come up without crowding |
{ that it
| the other combs and pinching bues.
ly depends the mastership —A. H,
Daf, ia Farm, Field and Fireside.
Poultry Notes.
mineral food.
{ time you were doing so if you expect
to be up with the times.
For winter provide a good supply |
| of green food, such as cabbage, sugar
| dry earth for a dusting bath.
pouitry business and nadertake
almost sure to make a failure
i Yon wiil dnd 1t very difenlt to fat. |
% 1
hicks unless you ©
¢ { station,
ten young growiug ¢
Live very
What t
stead of fat.
fattening foods to them.
Iu this way a cousiderahle |
Wood ashes should nof be thrown |
The alkali which |
comes from them destroys the color of |
the legs, and often makes them sore, |
and also injures the luster of the plum- |
Statements to the coatray are |
in the pounitry yard
poultry writer,
a large compomte fowl of pure bicod
| —that is, may be made by a cross of |
pare bloods or a cross of pure bloods
apol common stock. In either case
it is removed from a serub, whiel is a
measley, Little, common fowl, with.
ont a trace of good blood in its com- |
Beas do not like | ose
we Poof Company KE and Bis hand
| missioner Fo
Hives in geuneral use |
sire Ren
Lis always wazed down with propolis |
i also carefully pealed off Thin lays
{ eariier
It is always in order to smoke the | I
: ga 4 « 3 1 AT Le
ing removed, nad at any time Mer. | ionic actos dre A
wards that they show a disposition to |
sting. Although bees may be handled |
without smoke all through the honey |
season, no beginner abould be with. |
out a good bee-smoker, as in this sole. |
i Wan
i Minney
1 broken
beets and maagels, grit and plenty of |
; BM. {the
ier eat is used in growth in. |
i: and ground 10 pisces
There is a great difference between |
a mongrel and a serub fowl, says a |
The mongrel may be | sige
% regiment and the
RKers were
in ithe grasp of Rergl Logan
WAS Dear-
plecex. Ex Cognty Chen-
wx Bad A finder torn off
gnd his Band badly pangied 10 a ike
manner i srw were only slightly
Mies Peale Vogan aged 17, residing
rear the line betwen Venango and
Mererr counties died Thursday of ty.
Yogan wall a daugh-
af J T. Vogun Sevenlassn young
people attended a party nedr Raymil-
Y where joe cream was served and
those who partook of the dellcaey were
with typhoid fever. Fred Vo
twa weeks ago Nevers! pa-
are reported at the point of
We sur: At
met Hat wman
wf Fs = i
¢ ‘ut
{aime or
iy thwrn fox
gan died
Jacob Kaiser 64 vores
of the civil war, died at
few days age, from the
biow am the jaw struck by Lewis
Richter, an (S.ywar-aid boy, twas hours
it i» amid that Kaiser wis in.
foxivated and resled against Richter
Words followed and the
4d, & veteran
Allentown »
effivts of &
fehter i under arcest
ty the caving in of the hill at mine
Nao 3 at Belle YVeraon last week Albert
Divw Bates, bookkeeper for the come
pany, was killed and his brother Wil.
Ham FP Bates superintendent of the
mine, was seriously injurad Robert
Hoss, a negra. had his back hurt and
tnjured internally, and George
also colored, had his arm
MoDermott, wali-Rnown
James a
: : | eltizen of Greensburg, met with a seri-
Ars your bans mouaiting? If sc, you |
‘ ought to see that the t plent :
g : ¥ get p 7 of Co hig gun exploded,
| ton of his left foot and tearing a large
If you hare never used green bone |
ent fine for your poultry it is high |
: ig 88 | Lafayette Minker. of Oldham. chatted
ous aocident while hunting. Ian at-
femipting to cross A barbed wires fence
taking avway a pore
hile in his leg above (he Koes
Apparently in the best of spirits
with friends in a store neal his home
the other svening, and then went and
Ranged himself to a tres near the Ja.
dar Hollow quarries Na cagse fur the
sulcide had Heen ddscoversd
Albert Scott of Fermanagh township,
while engaged in sawing umber at a
. : . { sawmill last week had his cpt oa
If you are inexperienced in the — 2 ught
to |
breed a number of varieties, you are |
| pletely out in two
pear the collar by the rapidiy revolving
saw and before assistance rpached him
he was drawn on the saws and cone
Frank Kelley while returning from
Pltisburg to Mount Pleasant a few
days ago. eft the cars at the wrong
aml in all»mpting to board
feain again was thrown under a
passing freight on an adjoining track
Sev arag
breaker at
Cannty, who
tesiod for
poves employed
Jien Lyon
want on strike
nvimidating others,
in a coal
Were ar-
discharged frm the hos.
wheres he had Seen
yphod fiver, Privats Ben
} of Company LL Tenn
als Sire odesinuts,
i his death.
Merriman and Lawrsnes
flied their report as ase
Jubn J Pa the Beaver
drygocds merchant. The assets
a if ti: $33.28.
While crossing the Reading Railway
travis at Marristown stationa few days
r aaa was struck bv a
i an ambidlanie on the
WY Oo the hospital
James Clark aged nmmped on a
moving freight train at ‘Washington,
fei! and was Killed.