The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 13, 1898, Image 8
THE PATTON COURIER OCTOBER 13, 198. Friday, October 7. Bherilf of Cambria county to M. D Kitieil, Canbiria; consideration, $25. M.D. Kittell of ux to John lantzy, Cmpsbrin, $816. Eliza Aun McDonald to J. G. Lloyd ot al, Ebensburg, $8,600, G. A Harvey et ux to Geo. Kern, Mangter $l. | Bheriff of Cambria county to L. Bove: s, leads, $25. Jolin Kooney tw Joseph Wilt, Reade, | nae | Baad Lo pame, $80, R. Reuse 3 we. Amsory et ux to Charlotte 1a elo, adlegheny, $2,825 WOW. Auwbryet ux tod. W. Hollen back, Allegheny, $5,653. WLW. Amsbry et ux to T. L. Welles, 3 Allegheny, $2,825. Mary E. Adams to Margaret Sutton, Cresson, $l. Chas. Miller to Wm. Springer, Alle- gheuy, 31,55. Grace P. Montgomery to E. H. Mout gowery, Cresson, $1. Clerk of the Orphan's eourt to Jobn Seabolt, Washington, $450. John Kaye to Mary Kane et al, Car- oll, $50. : Wm. Springer et ux to H. 8. Buck, John Rosenhamer et ux to Richard Assignes of John Rosenhamer et ux Hictard H. Roberts, Cambria, $1,700. ‘October 15th to of July an ; : Mth R LL. Reose et ux to B. 8. Scott, | Animal. ALWAYS More than twenty million ree Deeds Recorded al Ebensbiirg up to Date samples of DaWitt's Witeh Have! Saive “have been distributed by the manu- ; |factarers. What better proof of their confidence in its merits do you want? It ures piles, barns, sorids, sores, in the shortest space of time OC Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Ww, Lgnin They Appret. Under the present avs, game may be hunted as follows: Birds Turkeys, [iments r 1580: duaoks, ‘ Beptember 1st to May Tat 15th to Janoary Ist, worleoR, month 1 Ostober IML Ls December quali, October 15th to December th; raf d grouse or pheasant; Octo Ther 15th 1 December (5th: rail or reed birds, 8 stember 152 to December st Elk and deer, month of No- vomlmer, gray and black squirrels, October Hh even 16th pine squirrels may be killed #0 any time hares add rabbits, Novomber Ist to December 15th 10 re Old fasiions io dress may be revived, bat no old flasbioned fm dicthe CAL re plisce Chapter! o. Cholera and Parrioes Healy. For sale by Pat ta Pharmacy, CW, Hodgkins is On Wn tied Ladies wud gentlemen our store for a sample hottie of Otto's Care, widoh we are distributing free of charge. We confidently recommend it as a cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption, and all diseases of the throat and lungs. It will stop a cough _ quicker than any other known remedy. {We believe it will care you. Incroup or whooping cough it is sure to give : instant relief. Large sizes 50c and 2c. Bold by Patton Pharmacy, C. —-BUY ; plover, July ‘ ricy” is a drag on the market saffering from throat and lung difficulties to call at W.. THE— Sonim ivi LOOK OUT FOR FUN. Lieutenant Governor Lyon Says a Surprise Iz Coming. Lieutenant Governor Waiter Lyon sn arriving home in Pittsburg from Philadelphia, where he had been in at. tendance at the Bearing of the political charges brought by influential cfti- : pens” against Senator Yusy. KR {Quay and Charles H. McKee spoke t yory emphatically [There i5 rod The slightest | grounds for these charges . gePamr Goversor foon | pelt evident from the tering the prosecgiions They were simply brought fitieal offect. but the purpose of the | tmetigators will miscarry. Had there | Pen any grountdes for theses charges i meek would have Deen snlered aoa | tome that would permit of Cepiml byt instead of this thew have | heen Wrought (ust on The sve sf sles. thin whem ne ade # redress may he Bad for the aroused Bf Was not Ai they i Some for Dll way Monday Yhoth ar org is 4 wtibe trizeinal shld bey ard thygt i= four po PEACE JUBILEE AT PHILADELPHIA Sportal Fxrursion Fates ® Feerh Crock ER and PV & RR Ry. The Peace Johilee at Philadelphis will nndoubledly be the greatest demon. “stration ever held in the United States The grand military and paval review, civic and indostrial parade, its colonial appearances. and (he un veiling of (wneral Grant's monument will all bee well worth seeing. rem bered and talked of in Suture The appropriation of $4 . Philadelphia City Councils and guarantee of as much more by the YEE» HH by the the Oftizens” Committees, over hall of whic h i hax already ten sobsoribedd, shakes certain that bo expense wiil be pared to» make it the celebration of the cent ary. The Beech Creek railroad mide arrangements whereby exourseon tickets to Philadelptda from ail points on its line, will be sold at the low rate of singhe fare for the round trip. Mid tary organizations in aniform al special rates. Al tickets wil good going Ovtaber 24th to Tih, nciasive, and good retorn until October 3ist inclusive For full particulars af 0 rales, tonne of trains, ele, consult soy Beech Ure i ticket agent, or addresa FE Here man, en’l Passenger Agent, Phila deiphia, Pa. Newspaper Mistakes Money, moneys, money is Lhe ory, but withal it is not as valoabie nor as ‘scarce as charity.” Agsin whim charity is very rare, pot equal lo the demand, on the other hand “hypo The editor of this paper never realized tio 'mearcity of the one and the abundant supply of the other as of iste. There are lots of people who wonder at won. ders, as well a» wonder st the editor and his papers. There are thome who detect mistikes in newspapers, bol they seem 10 be obvious of their own ‘mistakes Doctors, lawyers, preachers, all make them. The ductors’ mis taken are buried: the lawyers twist cut of their mistakes, and the preachers “mre forgiven. The man who can keep kas Toe {ax errors out of the newspapers can get & very large salary. — Press and Printer. You invite disappointment when you experitnent. DeWitt's Little Earls Risers are pleasant, little pills. They cure constipation snd sick headache just as sare aa you take C. W. Hodgkins (Cinderella Stoves and Ranges. hn hen w A Nw a Great * Tw * coinfort i Ty A TTILY BARE KFEPER TO LIANE A 00D STOVE. { the mica perfect heating Stoves, #0 oth id ewe, cerry placed upon the set AG the latest and best sdess wre porated into its contruction. Every “ature to promote durshilay, cleanliness A ee CBO bis been well planned and ev sped Produces the Greatest Heat The cold air is drawn from the Soo, and discharged through the sides and top, thoroughly bested. This method of circalatson PREVENTS COLD FLOORS And establishes that mach desired uni- form temperature in all parts of the room. will Burn Any Kind of Coal! MINE THE CINDERELLA BEFORE YOU BUY wd dw. Co. manner of en. 8 Epasedy : perieaddion- tion of Independence Hall restored to easy, thorough Patton vou buy. {and checks at 5 per vand ee When you eall for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile core, don’t sooept anything «ise. Dom't be talived into accepting a smbstitute, for piles, for sores, for burns, CW. Hodgkin Pation Pharmacy. A stabborn congh or tiekling in the throst yields to One Minute Cough ‘Core. Harmiess in effect touches the refighide and dust what is . W. Hodg- right spot, wanted. It acts at ono, Eins, Patton Prsrmasey DeWitt s Cures Pites, Sualds, With Bnrel Galve FA LL a SA 5 ERAS i he Only Pissed Ap exchange save that war teaching a spoiling class blackbomrd nome of the children could promonnos it, and in orfer 10 belly the children cut she asived: “What should I have if I gost marrod was prompt, but not what she expected, and she blushed so0b a tedlliant red that the sonlight paled One Minute Cough Cure, cures. of That is whist it was made for. Have You been to - ge »~ see the hne line of Dry Goods At GG. S. Good's store? - We have them. Moderate Prices i> and Are what most people. GOOD I you want get 1. IT'S PRACTIC To buy Groceries at this st tn price, and yet Fg ge, ak > 3 Pe! . * LE * Fis RE a a Sd © the omg LIA S00 S50. Geo S. Goo es SF: it AL ECOXONY es are never Lo * PT gens * Ce LO OD heh AR ==. Patton, Pa. L. W. Cook, Too Many Good In Moving. So we have decided to put TION on everything we sell | and we now present the first saving plan. Notice how reasonable the hat there still is t Take this tem in Blankets As a good exponent of bargains For a few days we Shall offer all- wool 11-4 Blankets in ite, grey and ‘red and black piaid at 2 pet pair, This in a remarkable offer, for when the 10 per cent. disrount is Hus off it nets then: at §2 6s jer pair. | Flannel Skirt Patterns 1.50 1.25, Range at Mc, le, £1 and $2 per pattern Ten per cent off makes them very good values indeed ‘Domestic Goods. These exceedingly low figures on stapios, all the very best of their Kinds, are all to go at 16 per cent. off, and you can do your own thinking ss to the amount you may be able to save. New light Shirting prints, 3¢ per ) yd Best Indigo Blae prints, 4c a ¥ One case of Madder prints are to go at 4¢ a yard One case of Faney prints 4¢¢ a yard Best Ite Percales Asrk shades, 38 inches wide, 84¢ a yard There will be a further reduction on then of 19 per cent. One bale $4 unbleached Maslin will be sold at 3¢ a yard Good Dark Outing Flannels in stripes A new stock of heavy Outing Flan.’ nels in light colors at 1 per yard fromm now until » be a 10 per cent. discount on Rltoona, Pa. s to Handle a TEN PER CENT REDUC- further notice, . Yen iw . ; installment in thus maoney- prices are and then remember everything Good aoblesched Canton Flaonels, 4.¢ a yard Better grades in bleached and un- bleached 82 5 6 7 8 10 and Td ay yd. A full line of colored Canton Flan neds at 10e a yard. Ten places ‘of fast bisck Satine at a vard, Better grades range at 14, 1 and 3c a yard Please reswember that thew will drop 10 per cent Te 17 Ta, 15, parce New Black Crepons. A line of new patterned and very € st Black CUrepons have just been pot on sale and are justly admired. Ome Jot in very pretty but rus, is 38 inches wide and per yard One let 42 inches wide and new de. signs, is to go at §1 a yard One lot #4) inches 2 ws going fast at at $1.35 a vard Sil i here only Sw Handsome silk and wool Crepons, 40 inches wide, at §1.50 a yard Very heavy quality in elegant rose and fancy designs, 42 inches w iste, $2 $2 25 and $2.50 & yard. These are all entirely new and mod- erate priced, but will all be subject to a 10 ir cent. redaction. ere are many other handsome new Black (enouda and a perfect wilderness of NEW COLO DRESS GOODS in the latest shades and most Pipulay weaves and all to go at the same hand- some redaction. MONEY CAN BE SAVED AT THE BIG STORE. recently a school marm in a backwoods distrief hes the word bosdand we put on the ‘Surgeon The answer ! a for enmsinRten. | oth ves, snd If yo wield have apt it in “hn thet | aw § .C. EEXFEST CHASE PATTOR, PENNA Office in Rolomon Building, City Restsorant, Fifth Avenne. DR. W. L DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. (MBoe in Melion block, pext door to y| Postoffion. Patten Py Roomba, Siwy or Bight. povsmptiy Teapaiie DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SUBGRON, Ofios in Good Boiiding, Rooms No. X Mr Seeerul Swgery pod The Bw 3 Spm AL only wl rwwive prvi pd sttenthon, Dr.V.A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. fw in Ariagion Mosk, nert fo Postoios. Pattom, Pi A aight sails sejuomdend to ; Therm of i0e vur, Bow 1G Trost FFE HM REY inba mand Solipm Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Baildisg. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Bailding. - 1af. WPL DAVES Attorney ani Conmssior of Law, Exvessime, Pa. ALL pad bevel ews promptly sibended to. {ew in Barer Nuintng, TORBACTD and The Sowwt thee in Palio at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S CIGARS Revuntant Ou Maghe Svenus; Ses P. RR depot MELISS AT ALL HiRes Your Watch may need Tat wi took at 5. Ma Reguiating. Hit sews atletioes we wel i wed] STR meguar | om woes obec ta § TOEER Th Patios Jeweler. MABAFFEY HOUSE Mabafley, Clearfield Co, Pa Acoveamenda tions Tonto. Beet off Ligases ant Winew #3 fhe bar. Stabling sStaclied. GEoReE FERSTSNN, Prop'r. CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are to do all Kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron kettios, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are reasotialble oad metal Sadkten ln exchange Ba pew wos lyr CH ENT SPRINGS, Pa Parneil & Cowher, FIRE. LIFE AND ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE AGENTS. fmwad Raiding. Pains. Pa Phase Na 8 Get Your FIRE INSORANCE James ‘Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Office vormer of Fifth and Magee Aven Patton, Pa. FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa CAPITAL PAID UF, $50,000 D0. SURPLUS Sa aan oppo, Firms, Lndivide- oped tipi The pawl vars 8 wale sad conservative Arnpon nix of iw mod Banks re Be See wants WY ling. : wpeg trey thekata Bar owie tor all Ba tending tama, Foreign Drafis omesdoe (Ered pd + iow wid Thee 4 tal Ws % 11 cvsrmimginniie wis Fre TR WERT E, Ladera paid ou Yipee Sepaain; AE Parros, W MM HS President tayo 3% Aw hate slr pant and Sa NDPORD, Casiver. R. F. Notley, -Deader in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for ‘ family use cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable, FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA: *