The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 13, 1898, Image 7

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    di oc mi mero Bub
Life of the Famous Exils in His Prison on
Devil's Island,
suicide, in his prison, of Lien.
nel Henry is the latest act
the drama of the Dreylins
ything seems to indicate
fifth sad jan ed vi gad; as
ies, by wvirtne being
ins ished. That
with {
t of any man in a civilized
e judged not within closed
without bein ing shown
General Military Staff,
» of Captain Dreylns,
the nation,
esented themselves
aculate chiefs of the ary,
the French confidently re-
the recovery of th
| Intelligence Burean,
{was the explanation given at Drey-
eity of Cayenne—which was denomi-
nated, together with its neighbor
Sinndendria, the “dry guillotine,”
when it was chosen as a place of de
poriation for the Terrorists and anti
Imperialists sentenced bv the In.
rectory and by Napoleon I.
spatehes, that Dreyfus, whose death
was often reported, is thoroughly ae
olimated, snd physically in good |
- | health.
He will be able, therefore, to
answer any charges which may be
Bat i
i appears, accordiog to the latest de
not cease to ery that he was innocent,
pabin or hat,
of ths sea.
If there is any hope for Captain Al
fred Dreyfus that hope will be realized
(through and by the splendid effonta of
| Limecie Eugenie, the captain's beantifal
| place of exile he wrote to Mme, Drey-
ing this swinl faneral march he did
The captain was embarked at the Ila
‘de Re, in February, 1835, for the
! Devil's Island, where he remains nn- |
der the gasrd of twelve men, in a!
snclosed recently bya |
{ high board fence which ents off a view |
{along the font of the troops Ere aid | a
> / . y or 7%
fe Lesson of the Present,
it may be sericmsly questioned
whether any country that can be
elaszed among the errilized nations of
the earth can show sgeh poor wagon.
rounds ax the United Sates, noises
be Rassia and smaller pri
ities of eouth.eastern Karope. The
early settlement yu the United Mates
[Wers mRInY Along the panks of seria
wife. Roon after his arrival at bis |
fax: ‘I rely upon you tc solve this |
horrible mystery.” Then this faithial
wife. who had offered to share her |
hushand’'s awfsl fate and was pre-
| vented doing so by the French Gov-
srnmeant. set to work to free the cap. |
tain. or at leavt to secure for bum a |
: pew trial
[flang herself at the feet of the"Em-
| peror,
| pleaded, wonld release ber hashand
“Say,” she prayed, ‘that the German
i Embassy received no
from Captain Dreyfus”
we a
brought against him, and to discuss
the value of the real or the forged
dooumerts which were not communi-
eated to him or his advocate at the
time of his trial, which took place in
December, 1894. Twomonthsbefore, | ing wife
peror said the word she asked for, but
it was of no avail. Next she visit-
ed the
took a keen interest in the case and
did what he oconild to help the plead:
Next the Pope was drawn
8 “‘borderean,” or memorandum, re- into the affair, and also the Queen
vealing, as said above, the programme | Regent of Spain. All of these eminent
of the mobilization of the French
corps d'srmee, was brought to Colonel
Sandherr, chief of the Intelligence
by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry, the too | about Dreyfus,
famous suicide and forger. The
‘“‘borderean” had besn found in the
waste-basket of the German Ambassa- |
dor at Paris by a servant, who acted
as a #py in the interest of the French
At least such
fus’s trial, thoangh 1% is more than
strange that documents of such im- |
{ portance should be carelessly thrown
| persons used their influence to secars
{8 reopening of the case, but with no
| success, Still the work which Mme,
Bareaa of the General Staff, who died | Dreylas did was bearing good fruit.
soon after, and whose place was fliled |
| The newspapers continued to fight
Zola and Max Nordan
| took ap their pens and wrote with gall
about some of the biz people in Paris,
She went to Berlin and
One word from him, she
The Em- |
i opened np in the lomz dormant ex.
| at home for their preparation. Soe.
Emperor of Russia, who
able waters, anid the steam railway
eame xo soon after phmemerss de.
veloped between the growing towns that
the roads, 3 iy hal 1n some canes
been started, wera nogiociad
[an Europe, wagou.-roads were son
structed ony belores the infrodastion
of stean:, and conditions there have
msde it necessary to marniain aad de
velop thers. 15 vw oniy within ten
years taal Ameria has hegmn to learn
how janeh she doses from the present
bad conditia? of ber highiaays, and is
at last beginning to us! abont improve
ments In sarge
At present the condition of Cobm is
attracting mach stiention We al
ready see the josses that have been
entailed there by the absence of any
thing that can be called a road, and
we will realize mach more Inily in a
short time what decent highways mean
to 8 country when they begin to bw
Spanish Islands and ther many re-
sources are developed,
Americas is entering apon a period
of increased activity 1a commerce and
manafactare. She has iately been
forced into nnexpecied relations with
the other powers of the world. Dis-
taut outlets are demanded for our
prodaciions and more perfect facilities
essafal competition in the great
markets of the world means that all |
; classes at home mins enjoy prosperity
and develop conditions of the greatest
the best myeans of transporistion and
possible efficiency, and, to accomplish
this, nothing is more important than
perfect tater communication among all |
seations of the poanitry
Rondalde Adorament
In improving country roads there is
not infrequently a danger of destroy-
Count Esterhazy was tried on a charge
| similar to that on which Dreyfas was
traral districts, sal the danger of do
| eonvicted, and although not found
| guilty, the fact was ail in favor of |
i Mme. Dreylus’s campaign. Then
| Colonel Picguart, « friend of the
Saari os i id ov
by a diplomat in his waste-basket. As
{to this document, it was saserted Ly
the accused captain that it was not in
the handwriting of Dreyfus. On the
other hand, some papers ciroulated a
story sesording to, whinh the captlain, |
having been snmmoned tothe General
Stal and reqnired to write a few lines
dictated from the “borderean,” threw |
himnelf at the feet of Colonel Da Paty |
d+ Clam, and adumiBed that it was he
who wrote the treacherous document.
Hines then it has been discovered that
the real anthor was probably Com.
winndasut Esterhazy, who was twice
sequitted by two courts martial, bat
who is reported in the lastest de-
spatehes from Paris to Lisve disap-
peared as soon as it was stated that
the Giovernment had decided to grant
a revision of the trial of 1804
"The trial resulted, as is well known,
{in a sentence condemning Dreyfus to
imprisonment for life and degradation
froro all military rank asd honors.
Alfred Dreyfas is a Hebrew from the
i the city of Mulhausen, in Alsace, who
| had elected French nationality after
| his vative place had been annexed to
the German Empire. He was an or-
| tillery officer, a married man, father
of two children, and possessor of a for-
tune sufficient to exclude the ides
that he would resort to treason in or.
y of Bep- der to make money. After his sen-
tence he was taken from the military
prison of the Cherche Midi to the
Dreyfases, fought » duel with Colonel
Henry, and then came the last chiapter
of Henry's confession and suicide.
Captain Dreyfus did well to rely on
y, and that she will certainly
succeed in liberating her husband or
vindicating his memory il he should
die there can be no doubt whatever,
solate innocence and mean to prove
it. Jehovah, Godlor Providence will
ere long crash his enemies and restore
him to me.” This prediction cer.
tainly seema about to be fulfilled.
woman notwithstanding the trying
time she has passed throagh and the
great griel she has felt. The sympa.
thy of the world is hers. Newspapers
and people who formerly proclaimed
partisans, called the Dreylusista,
wanted to surrender France to the
np that crimivsl and stapid theory.
They are clamoring now for a prompt
lently disturbed, especially during
the last two years.
A Waman's Matrimonial Ventures.
Mrs. Angastus Thistlewood, of Provi-
dence, R. I, has been married six
times. At her last wedding four of
her former husbands were present and
acted as ushers. The fifth sent his
regrots and a present, and an invita-
tion to the bride and groom to spend
the honeymoon in his house. The
average term of servitade for these
husbands was ten months; all the di-
vorces were granted upon the applica-
tion of the lady without oppomtion.
The dissolution of matrimonial ties
has been due to the tact sud diplo-
macy of the lady, who convinced her
several spouses that they were mise
AA gb ma i
Yiead His Own Epitaph.
Randolph H. Waters, an inmate of
square of the Ecole Milituire in Paris, the Soldiers’ Home at Leavenworth,
where troops were assewsbied to wit- Kau, visited a cemetery at Elmwood,
‘ness the painful ceremony of the de- | Kan., and read the epitaph over a
adation, The insignis of his rank gr
fos- | His sister had placed the headstone
. grave which was supposed to be his,
+: over the grave two years ago. Waters
| ran away from home at the beginning
of the Civil War and after it was over
y then led : ho went West.
his wife to solve the truly horrible
ing something of the chars and pic:
tarengaesess which bushes, flowers
and vines give fo the ranviway in many
ing this ix sometimes actually used as
an argument for not undertaking
Muncoh-nedded IauroTesents i RTe
fg. Bowater. a mubilas course which |
lewids to the preservation of natorsl
slvantages alongside the conpirnotion
of hard roadways. Nach a sonree the
Norwich Balietin declares self 1a fa.
vor of, “when the country rosd is of
su Fcient width and shape to be worthy
the name,” and i then perlineniiy
“The will sad breezy hedge and
the wild Sowers ia ther day, begin
nin r with the violet and the candelion
and slowing with the fringed gentians,
the purple asters and the golden rod,
make for appreciatire people a pleas
: ought to bo,
| maddy, erooked, ten fest cari-paths
ant way: but thers sre many cart
paths in Consectiont where roads
There ara too many of
the narrow, concave, roliy, rally,
| now parading in this State under the |
| title of romds, with samaeh and hack
!matack for a border, and Canada
cal, ASAE RI A RB Ea a
Mme, Dreyfas mades this declaration: |
“I am convinced of my husband's ab- |
Mme. Dreyfas is still a beantifal
that Dreyfas was gaiity, and that nis |
practical domination of Germany and |
the German Jew financiers, have given |
{ing fact that every source of income,
| especially in the agricaltaral districts,
revision of the trial of 1504, under.
standing at last that this is the only |
means to restore to the eountry the
ce which has been so vio-
thistiex and wild-carrot blooms for a
decoration. The enrt paths are dirty,
slawpy, corragated ways which add
to the discomforte of life. New road-
building makes for their abolishment,
and for the establishment of wide,
convex, well-drained roadbeds, along
whieh the wild hedge and flowers
make a seiting that is both piciar-
esque and charming.”
i ea
Rave been quite active, amd several
Burpisrs Loaves Note for he Meier fayiny Tie
Were Bernd for the Klonliny
Penvy MoeYay
pers bn the
3 Fred Hawks, pris
‘ouniy ial st Coy
Aeavrenort Whe
$ He
ww dome wth a pled
srvipegied in th OF
i ihe atelde of 1
thew Pade Be
Hewes stating that they
for the Kicnbike
follwing DePLions wore
= Crawford Baaye
T hommes, S1apins.
Wn 5%. Peter A Millar, New
*aris. Hedford I to $10; John WW. Milk
Connegut Lake 2 to 8B Jon B
Jr Waveenbors 3 to 8 Auxan.
Townville $B to $5 James |
srw $I 0 8 Nathan. |
Resvyartawn, £8 1 $17
spincvs oF WA Neener Callenshbharg.
Clarion. $17 Jens Haptist. Alkgheny
$ John Madden Towanda, $M Awe |
Hirt Tavwerile Center BB Joseph ®
| Bevan, Pittsburg. $4 Andres W, Long |
Jawan feap 24 Hrzekinh PP 13air,
Fritipsbary 88 toa 8. OW KR TPitlany
Kinnerdeil Verangs $8 ta Bo WwW
Imughtery, Hermine, $12 to $17. J han-
na M. Mullr Allegheny. BE. Harah A,
V. Bern Pedlord, I Thomas J Kea
rar Pittsburg IX apical act Cher ey
i BE Taylor Frankks £6 Hobart Ganp-
Chel New Castle, 38 Bias MM. Whsrry,
Swenshorg. $8 Dminel Kahne Younes
Cfeown, SN to $10 Jadith A Pratt Ssaethe
pert, $3 Mary Hammer Alom lank.
Fadford $B: Fhzabeth (FNead (ome |
| melieviile, $17
| Fawran Clearfie bl $8 Charles 7 Wi -
i Mama. Westfield Tioes, 3H. William
| fiable Shamokin $9 Wilism Edwaris
Willtam T. Miners
First, Boldiers’ Home, Friel ¥ Danis
Pierce, Rummit City, MeKean, $1 W
A. Beoush Heward (‘enter $8 ts $10
| Farvoe! Koons, Lindy, Jeferan # to
$10: Martin [. Supaners. Mont Alte,
Frankiin, $5 a $17 Samuel WW. Evans,
Frosh Valley, Indians, #8 ts $85 AD
» Meine Piatreviile $8 sa $17
i ¥ fered, Orbisonia $08 Bam
et FF. Mitler Jobnetaan, $s
A member of a whalesuls
the remul ome dav Inet week whe ign
A a nut % Rim hh
terrific straps poling an is tha
fim inves izatian he found tae
BlarkKanakes each avir seven feet ong
straggling for the pommession of 4 ful!
grown chicken, which was wil ving
The ton smakes Bd thelr tals sound |
a tree and each Bad ore ool around
the ohicKen
for filily ten ¥
&ay Prides { i By
¥reoviator X the nak #
z v arad
dn tly
£1 Tre
leh, a brakes
5 f «shot his wile (1 the
oneal Stat at Harrisburg, A few
i va BAG, Where se Bas Teon Ww HRInE
Alhayy Miter § hie hostel proprietor,
which wie fired in the
dindug rove, yushed In and was fired
CAT The woman may reesvar Hifaese
rich had svidentiy intended sgicide,
having a wristen 4 note of geod by to
| Bis friends The woman was shot in
¢ her right wide
Ie a Polemian boardisg Bowes al
, Greensburg the other night Mrs Mary ]
[Grubage, aged 1 fwither of two child
t dren, was shot (hrogeh the heart and
Killed = Pater Koker was examining a
revalver Rhee wanted fo mee it snatch-
ed it from hix hand and discharged i
Jarsen Carney of Apelle was rhiing
Loan the Dampers of a freight car when
the Train Broke in lwo and he fell aod |
was willed Hix brother =aw Bim
Westmoreland county thieves ktely
imrae hauls Bave been reported, it
dove Bat seers (hat the CUinrill ars
averiy partieular a fo what hey ake,
A fine cow was stoden frog the slate
‘af Hurry Haretey, at Haromsy Ohiy,
Pa. Rundayv sight and taking the
animal to a neighboring woaddd, the
pwighboring woods, the thilsvoa shaugh-
Good Ronde in § gh.
New York bas actually taken its
place among the States that are giving
pablic sid to the malting of good roads.
The first contract was awarded yester.
day under the good roads law, winch
is the prodaet of Governor Black's
saggestion and active encoaragement,
This section of the Mate may take
some local pride in the fact that the
first work under the bill will be on the |
high road between Troy and Sehenes-
tady ’
Greneral Shafter pisces bad rogds as
next to the climate as a hindranes to
the avuny's movements io Cabs, War
ix excoptional, bat the speeds of peace
are coustant. And it has been a giar-
has been reduced biy roads that have |
increased the cost of traasportation,
lessened Lhe factiition of travel and in-
ercased the distance of every farm from
| the market for its prodacts. Good |
of the Coroner's jury sitting in the case
of Lars Backouard, who went to Coun
ceil Bluffs, Iowa, a few days ago, and
roads will make the geographical mile
no longer than it should be. And the |
impulse that began in the Empire State |
the movement, whose bemaning bad
been so long delayed, for decent roads
was an act oi statesmanship.—Troy |
(N.Y. Times.
A “Bad Roads’ Tragedy.
“Smothered to death 1a the dust of
the public highway” was the verdiet
started home in the heat of the day.
A mile from the town he was overcome
by the heat and fell from his horse
The dast was ten inches deep and very
fine. Backiaard fell on his face and |
was nuable to turn over,
VYeeding Iran ta Plants, ;
A proposal bas been made bya
French chemist to obtain easily assim-
ilable iron tonics from vegetables by
feeding the plants jadiciously witu
iron fertilizers,
The World's Tannels.
If all the tunnels of the world wers
placed end to end they would reach a
distance of 314 miles. They number
about 1142.
EPs present
pope rin tendent
| three tizpes in the neck and body, Kio
tered it and carried away the meat
The animal was valued ar $a
While Mre Joseph Bailey was reads
Ping a paper atl her Raine neat the
Wynne coke works, at Oliphant far.
nace near 'rlontawsn, recently’ the
Banse wan wrecked and half of (f was
carried down inte the ground cages |
By the ground caving in where the
codl Bad been taken oul. Nowe of the
family wax Bort but the house has ta
ve abandoned
be warih
fram a
Car on he alk
goods Bad be shipped from
gpd were canxigned to LL
a howeal storekeeper
T.awrence COBNIY feselers’ astitute
opened a1 New Castle with 398 teach. |
Imetruciors, Conny Spe
Those Siswirt,
superintendent Casnan, Slate RN
tendons Fohaefer, Dr Athtert
Wialigee Berges and others
Jeuwe Walton a izisgraph aperator
at iesenihurg, he came a Tew Meeks
sen Tenn New Brighton, was Killed an
he Southwest brane of Connty Hone
| Junetien Baving been strixk By an
engine. He saves a wife who is in
An unkoonn man was struck by an
| engine on the Pittsburg & Western
{pei at Butler mst week and Ris skall
crashed, He diedi at the howpital
{ Two rallreaders wlentified the body as
| that of Jobs Huston of New Custis
The first football acotdent of the cear
| pom at Grave City ocenrred A few days
ago. when Alvadore Nightwine broke
Bis arm. He was running for the bail
when he foil striking Ris eibow, lireak-
tng two emall bones
As the result of a flerie brawl at a
christening hend near MU Plinsang
tas? weell Mike Cubia is dead, and Als
pert Musine is under arres*
An Immense FARE SWABDY f Cavivny on
® Hew K nl siived Beionging $s Fanaa
! George Stambangd of Hickery town.
Mercer County, and eirrisd off a
Raymond aged 17 son of John Nelly,
fleaver Falls. fall the other morning
La wig to Board = freight tran
he Erie and was Riled,
eatis of Duryea. stabbed als
Mate hones
ys x
Frank 1
§. Noa hm Ya Wiltiiam
seater in -1aw, ¥ ax 1
Her ¥ wicKengie, of East Greens
ten, Tony Wisal had four fingers ©
pix left hand biown off.
A large golden eagie wus Killed in
ugar Grove township, Mercer county
3s had been preying on lambs
« ruavped with bare
ciher Bight by tun. |
ipder the ind ward gate The |
todas |
: fre of Now Castle was driving long
prites stroewied |
vi natt ¥
§ SARE -
ee ts Parsish 993 Kile of Rails furs (2oes’
Rosé Glues Works at Laveaster 0
J.T lLevejoy of the Carnegie Steel
Company of Pittsburg, states that the
arnesie Hteel i mrnpany will furnish
me miles of raile for the Chinese rails
sramd Lo Be Dadi by Calvin 2 Brice, ¥.
| Prerpopt Morgan asd other capitals
Piste. The work will be commenced on
the sopsirdeilhod as scOHn ak SRMuUMm-
f atgmess will permit and that it will be
foponnd ratis to start
sid that the Caimegis
a gun factory ar Homestepd as
snon gs the plans could be perfected
jancamter © i= refoicinge ave the
geggirerment of a new industry in the
Dahmpe 6f 8 large ginss works, of Dun
ikirk, Ind. w ‘B owill remove to Lan-
canter fromm Indiana... Me. Myron B
{are reprossnted his company before
the Bard of trade ard the final ar
Lrangemeanis were completed, the city
agreeing to furnish a site for the
plant, twe milion cubic feet of gue
Ddally at the rate of $100 per month and
aime to pipe the gas from the refucing
[mrmtion. The new works will employ
LEM pen with an average pay fell of
| $4000 per week, The company desires
[ts leave the Indiana feld on apcount
lof the falling of the gus
| The Pacific coast agents of the Ca-
| madian Stenmehip Company give as a
| reason for putting the Tartar and
I Athenian on the ran between Van
| eraver, Viedivestork and China, that
| the trade between the Orient! ard
Americg Ras grown lo anormous pro-
perrtions The threw [0606-1on team
| ships Empress of China, Empress of
india ard Empress of Japan were in
the Rabbitt of leaving behind about 58
tans of freight The Tartar and
| Athenian will handle the supplies Sor
ithe trans Siberian rafiroad, and then
| proceed ts Hongkong 10 help the Cao
'nadian Pacific railroad empress line
Mors stepemahips may vet be put on
The sil deal by whisrh Palmer Bros
and other dealers will dispose of $1
oi 0 warth of oi} lands at Toledo, GO,
i likely to be closed,
Tre gas stove manufacturers of the
nized Staten formed an sssaciation
at (leveland last week, the purpose of
which fs to simplify and systsinatise
thelr business and to regulate :
Representing éx-Senator Caivin 8
Hrice's American hinese Thvelap-
ment Company, which with $40 000 068
tp canital, bas ronvessions to build 8 radi
| rend freon Haskow to Tanten aed the
men nopoxite Hongkong, A. WW. Bash
Lpemaral arent will smart on Otaber 18
to begin hailding one of the greatest of
t Chinn's new raliroads
¢ The American iron and Rteal Compa
ivy Baws filed articles af incorpiration
with the Secretary of State at Now
{ Jersey The company Nas an agthir.
ined capital of $1006.000 and = fmpow.
f wred to do all Kinds of mining and
: {Yamtracts Rave been ivf at Tateda
0 for fhe building of the Uolymbux,
P Lama & Milwaukes raitroad and work
: wi £ny wig at ooce The Chredn.
sir Ke Dayton will give en
thm pod Into Lima
LA aw Miter Clay Company
hax heen incorporated
di of Doe A new balld.
i Nemtingg 15 where
Ee Brebheielt od
ive and the fons
ops eee
hax arranged
four CO hicagn
trains exon.
fetter Toni the
Pear pnles Th bersemetive Readliphd
Lwidl be sag er from The anme Source
Chimago bas 1000 anion mwdclans.”
LimA (Ohio) pavers won a strike nr $1.59
| a day.
KashviMe usnwonists wast fenders on
girent care.
| Usmitonists operate six co-operative win.
| dow glass plants.
Washington [D. C} uanion granite ent.
ters pot $3.40 a day.
. When Aiba (lows) misers mruck the
| sompany abandoned (ts mines,
Tatiors all aver the country areanticipat-
fog a strike for frees Sack shops In which
| to do their work
Montreal retail dealers in soveities,
| fancy goods, eto protest against shole-
: emiers selling of retail.
| The Chicago Piano Workers’ Unions has
i petitioned the Boar! of Edueation to use
only saioo-made planos.
| The leading job pristing plant of Wil.
mington, Del, s owned and manage! by »
twenty-one year-old girl,
Clothing, food, mobey, oe, is
: gathered at Toledo for die mines
their families af Jobs, Ohto
A semly orpaciasd union of plasterers {a
San Prancisco won a strike for an Tereass
of wages from $2.38 50 $4 per day.
The statistician of the Isterstaty Com.
merce Commission reports that of inilesy
| pmploves 1688 were Lilied last yer and
| ower 77.000 isjared.
| Py a majority of 1300 the miners 5f File
| and Kinross, Sootlumd, have agriad to
| aesept the Ove per cant. advases fered
by the com owners and to contlage a
| work,
I The nmmbar of factories te Rassia has fn.
| eramsed move than thirteenfold from 1850
| to 1990 and in the same period the aioe of
nant inetared prodacts has locreased mare
ime A AT
"| than & baadosdioid.
It han been decided by the Plioty' Asso-
| sation for the Pay and River Delaware
! that the pilot services at the canes will in
thie future comsist of two steam pilot
| boats, and that the saliing vessels now on
baad will be sald,
A Bbostzontal raise of (wenty-dve sents
per day for ail classes of mine jalior em-
ployed by the Minnesota Iron Somilaay at
; or a
peming, Mich will probaldy
speedy demand from the mismers’ anion for
a simuar inopeass on the sider iron
About 3008 mine amployes are fetes hy
the ioerease, leaviag 13,000 working on the
eid scaie, ;
Covil Rates and Mener.
The Right Hon Cecil John Rhodes,
who has just reached the age of #6 res
fused to enilst with Gordon in the dis-
astraus expedition ta Khartoun, says
the Argonaut OGerdon had a year or
#0 previously been at the Cape and be-
come very friendly with the future
Premier It was at thiz peripd that
Gordon tald Rhodes the story of the
offer of a roomful of pid made to him
by the (himese Government “What
did you do? asked Rhoden. “Ree
fused it. of course” was the reply,
“what would you have done? ““Takep
it." was Rhodes’ brief but characteris
tie reply. “and as many more as i
could get. Yeu can't carry ont big
tdans unless you've muney to do it
In Cyrano's “Bistary” there i ratur-
ally much speculation and theorizing
soncerning the varfous systems.
Prolemaiy Gaseercdian, Copernican,
Carrteatnn--with some Highly original
Ruesker 8 truth” as this of a ven-
eralis ae: “1 Imagine that the
sarth turns, pat By the reasons of
Capernicus, but because heil-fite lying
center of the sarth. arives ba
the nedoar of ite heat the damned
agairst the vault, and this agts upon
the globe as a dun inclwed In a wheel
turns it hy his motion.”
An iron mill company In Chie has
ed in making & fine quality of
samen! from furnace slag.
a: the