The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 13, 1898, Image 4
: Patton Courier. a PATTON PUBLISHING co.. Proprietors: BE. WrLs Greer, Editor, ESTABLISHED or - + 1893 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - - $1.00 SF Advertising rates made Known apon ap ho . i discontinued until ail arrear S-No pa unless at the option of the Entered a ‘the PostoMice at Patton as second. clas malt matt er. , COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge—~Hon. A. V. Barker, Prothonotary --8, W. Davis, Register arid Becorder—F, B. Jones, Treasurer--E. F. Spencer. Sheriff-(ioo, M. Wertz, Deputy Sheriff—Elmer Davis, District Attorney —R. 8. Murphy. Commissioners ~ Jones, Houtetler Hoover, Oommissicmers’ Clerk John C, Gates, County Superintendent—T, L: Gibson, County Surveyor-8. GG. Fettorman, County Auditors A. L. Miltenberger, P.M. Lawrence, Jobin Gttings, and | . Apsiems Wen iand | TINE C or HOLD xo YORT. day of Mareh. | 1st Monday of Sept. Jot wt June 1st Moaday of Dee. Argument (on Auten, poRoUGH OFFICERS. Burgess (ico. Prindibie piso] Alex Montieth, grsident: Dun’l P. Jones. Nn. Ww. Rinir, EF. mh Frank A 4 F . John Ne Sehool Board -C. C. Crowell president; a. HC , Seeretary urer; €, C. ter, W. AS by KR McPherson, | Hotrod of the Peace — Jews: FE. Dale, Jan.) Treasnrer--W, H. Sandford. Clerk FE. Will Greene, Oollentor- Jas, Mallon, Asmescer John H. Somerville, Andiors-- Eimer Smale, W, A. Mellon, CF Repuher, Ee Jodge of Elsction--Jobtn Troman. Inspector Wm. Clark, James Gilliece, Constable Samuel BE. Jones, “Ohtet of Podice—Dan'l Holes, Street Commisdioner—Sam'l BE. Jones, High Constable Tan’ Holes, CUT THEM DOWN. Yes, if you would only stop to con- | sider how awfully neglected your > looks you would cut them down. Don’t wait, because they are! on the streets, for some one else-—that is, for the Borough officials to meet and | take action to instrfict some one in their employ, to cut them down, but let all join hands and organize an army of mowers, and, as the COURIER sug. | gested lust year, borrow your neigh. bore’ scythe and keep on lending it to | your next-door neighbor, until nota weed can be seen on the streets of ¢ar beantiful and promising town. let us keep up our reputation, which is so widely known throughout the country, ‘sent by P. 0. money order to Hon. Next to Bank. as being the nicest, cleanest and most metropolitan & town of its Age in the State of Yennaylvania Don’t let it be said of the people who pass through on the many trains in Patton that this town Is like many others they pass through, saying: | HThat town's no good; it's dead; see the weeds going to seed along the prin- _vipal streets.” Pitching quoits does not hold a circumstance to the weed | nuisance. Borrow a scythe and cut them down. EDITORIAL COMMENT, The American Economist says: ‘The people of the Twentieth Peni tvania District are to be congratulated n the prospect of being —, in: the Fifty sixth Congress by so excellent a citizen and so staunch a Protectionist a8 Hon. Joseph E. Thropp, second vice- | president of the American Protective In this cuse the pros pect amounts t0 a certainty, as Mr. ability and his personal circumstances | a strong addition to the ticket. A —- SN ——— | THE LA FAYETTE MONUMENT FUND. . Superintendent Gibecm m Asks Publie School Pupils to Contribute. Superintendent (iibson, of the public | 1 Sardford, tress. | fore been made in our general news | colnmns: ‘To the Teachers and Pupils of the | | Common Schools of Cambria County. | In the City of Paris there is a com | veut lciown as Petit Picpus. In {grounds of this convent is a sm } | cemetery where repose the bones of American Protective Tariff League if | be was not. He is a man of brains and § are such that he cin devote his undi- vided attention to public affairs. Hels | POINTS schools of Cambria county, makes the | Rollowing request in connection with! the proposed La Fayette monument in | | Paris, reference to which has hereto. We buy the best for as little money as possible, and sell as we buy. We give Guaranty. We will goods. We will not mixed as all wool. an sell cotton- You should consider all our points in business. Yon derive better results here, better choice, reliability. You can return goods not satisfactory, and the money will be cheertally refunded. (Consideration ‘La Fayette beside those of his wife. | His resting place here, generally un- | known and forgotten, is marked only by | | a plain granite slab. The names of but | a small number of casual visitors are inscribed apon the register kept by the | person in charge. "In view of these facta, the La Fayette | | Memorial Commission has been formed | for the purpose of erecting a monu- is held between the sboY€ | ment to the memory of La Fayette as a twentieth-centary tribute from the of the United States to be un- | veiled with fitting ceremony July 4, 1 1900, and this grandly to celebrate .' | United States Day at the Paris Expo {sition. It is proposed that the cost of the undertaking, which is estimated to ' approximate a quarter of a million | dollars, shall be defrayed by small con- ‘tributions, secured in large part through the agency of the schools of ‘our land Governor Hastings bas iencd a ietler | ‘ designating Wednesday, October 19, ‘1898, as La Fayette Day in the schools of Pennsylvania. Dr. Schaefer has appointed this day to be obwerved a - ‘La Fayette Arbor Day. i In order that the teachers and pupils ‘of the common schools of Cambria | county may act in this matter with un- | | Hormity, | suggest that a part of this day be observed with appropriate ex- | ercises as La Fayette Day, the teachers calling the attention of pupils to the that this date is the anniversary of the surrender of Yorktown by Cornwallis, and reviewing more of the history connected with the life of the great friend to American Ipdependence. I also suggest that, on this day, or some other time daring October or No- vember, each school contribute, from one to five cents per pupil, to this | Memorial fund. These funds should be Charles (i. Dawes, treasurer of the Memorial Commission, Washington, D. C, and a statement of the amounts given sent to the office of the coant superintendent. In the borough schools the principals may take the matter in hand and see that something be contributed. In the rural districts the teachers should ap- point one of their number to receive (all the funds of that district and for- ‘ward them to the Treasurer of the Commission. I earnestly request the teachers and pupils of Cambria county to do their part in this noble tribute to the mem- ory of him who helped the early fathers : to establish this great free Government ‘of ours. T. L. Gisson, Sapt. Schools of Cambria County. Reduced Rates to Philadelphia. For the grand Peace Jubilee at Phil- adelphia, October 26 and 27, the Penn. .sylvania d company will sell resent the large industrial __ Thropp is the regular Republican nom- excursion tickets on ita line, to Phila nee in a distriét with a normal Repub- delphia, at rate of single fare for the lean plarality above 10,000. He isa ‘round trip (minimum rate 25 cents. fine type of the successful American Tickets will be sold and good, going, business man--brainy, bright, vigorous ‘October 24 to 28, and returning leav- in mind and body, of sterling integrity ing Philadelphia to October 31, inclus- and high charscter—ths man of all ive. This jubilen will be one of the _ others best. equipped to efficiently rep- greatest events in the history of Phila- ji population delphia. The rededication of Inde- and the Important business interests of pendence Hall, recently restored; the the Twentieth Pennsylvania District. unveiling of the (rant Equestrian _ For years past Mr. Thropp has been a Monument, Fairmount Park; zealous and unselfish friend of the best ster civic and industrial parade, and a | interests of the workpecple of his sec- grand military and naval pageant, led : loo, and his election to Congressby a ‘by General Miles and other disting- flattering majority muy be safely uished heroes of the late war, will be counted upon. It will be a notable | prominent featares. The President instance of the right mun in the right and bis Cabinet are also expected to be place.” ' present. hi “The Altoona Gazette say that the. Tyuih wears well. People have | auloction vf $e Republican learned that DeWitt's Little Early Ris- Bre aa a ee bo, They dows a. o out another such wrangle soared! © gia, Pa ey: over the Congressional deadlock of two “Mepped the Street Car.” : . A well-known gentleman said to a street car conductor the other day. lican who realizes that in his party _‘slone lies the hope of whatever reforms are Possible in the HAnAgement of hoo of a Cougressional deadlock, con- i “sequent with its development of frac- tional differences, is removed present. for the All can unite now for the whole ticket with an enthusinsm born Please stop until 1 get off My wife told me to be sure and . get her a bottle of “Celery Wine”! She has been : troubled with sleeplessness and nervous ‘ troubles and can find nothing that has | helped her like Celery Wine. [I think “one more bottle will cure her. 50c. Sold only by CC. W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. i i 3 3 § | of the conviction that the ticket asa DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the : whole is the best in the field. Mr. ‘largest sale of any salve in the world. $6.50 ap wool Lightweight Ove “h ofl Tined You can't da this Overcoat an where. Men's Suifs. | ¥ | Ladies’ Coats. Suits of Good Woolen Materials, nicely Best line we’ ve ever shown from Plo made and trimmed. This suit makes, $12 each. Splendid valoes at $5, $6, an elegant knock-about or business 50 and $10. ¢ Sait. The quality is backed np by us. Ladies’ Cloth Capes from $1.75 to $15 each, } med Capes at $1.50, $2, and $2.50 ete. Plush Capes, Best Selling Line in House. | $8. 50 ‘Special values in Braid and Fur-trim. Suita of Good Clay Worsteds, Cheviots, | Homespuns, ete. ; onats are all nicely | faced and satin piped, made as good | clothes should be-—right. : $10.00 Suits of fine unfinished Worsted, Mel. tons, etc . some of the coats are dou- ble faced ‘with same material as in the coat and have satin backs, single and double breasted coats; most of the double breasted ooats are silk faced, very stylish. $12.00 Suits have in ns, weavings and put fig, so that retain py n this price range you | have an © mity of saving a goodly sum over tailor pricea ner suits, of course. $15 and $18— Cool Mornings. and Evenings suggest a Lightweight Overcoat. i $4.50 to $14. ‘Special valve 27-inch Plush Capes, thibet trimmed, at $5 each; last sea- son's Braided 1nd ead Capes from $3.50 ul Coats, 14, 16, 15-year sizes, in beantiful styles, from $$ to $15 Children’s Coats, from 4 to 12 years, $1.50, $2.50, $3 to $18 each. ret OE Sv extensive way. Bhoes of good ke. down-to-date styles, and the trade. M Bo cod Sic pa og - . * 3 SA a = A trip rs good Winter Shoe. stan at. thin price are Calf, Romsian Lined: Enamels, Calf Rkin . with ealf lining, etc. W=>KEEP THIS STORE IN MIND WHEN READY FOR YOUR NEW FALL WRAP. Mirkin & Kusner, PATTON, PA. best is to be chosen for a m the first piace; Read 0 you is best, to be chosen i) the second pe plane; what reason (i e., Theory) says Honorable not misrepresent nation pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Exper. ‘lence would recommend it because it never falls to effect a speedy and perm- | condition. For sale by Patton Pharm. acy, C. W. Flodgiina. ody, the ‘Nice Plain Plush Capes at $2.50, $3, unable to pat his foot to the floor. the best of jeathers has built us up a grand shoe! Three Doctors In 2 Consultation. From Benjamin Franklin “When you are sick, what CRIA | 5 on like dne in what exporiencs tells | is to be chosen in the last place. t De. aan 0 101d Experience a Reason 30 30 a consultation Caray Tien y will yoti the best advices hat oy be ta or When you have a bad cold Dr. Incli- would recommend Chamber lain’s cough Remedy because it is anent care. Dr. Reason would recom- mend it because it is prepard on scientific principles, and acts on nature’s plan in relieving the lungm, opening the secretions and restoring 3 the system to a nataral and healthy Por broken surfaces, sores, sect] bites, burns, skin diseases and spec | Covert Cloth inlly plies there is one reliable rem. DeWitt's Witch Hassel Salve. "3x2 Pe ee A Beech Creek Railroad. N.Y.C.& H.R R. Co, Lessee. Condensed Time Tnble. May 15, NW HB 2 - SEECLEASELE 2 ® - Ame RS To og cada = : rt BN aanal asset: SBI NRSHLSUARRANLEIGANEISRNG Wallacston Morrisdale Mines Munson Philipabarg Munson Winbarne Penile Gllintown Hho Fo uuu SSESEYASKARSHBEARY SoNENES 2 Youngunie Wayne J Hhore Junelion Jeorwey Shore Wililameport Thi Reading RR Jp ladeiphis ar i» r Nia Pai Abie » PEEESevcannn §EICRANSERARIYITIARENACE To0ENTS v¥ SYesBurranseeBBBE8B880E £33 ai os 8 2533¥FEHL2LREEENBERENET ius in i When you call for DeWitt’s don’t accept counterfeits or frauds. You, will not be disappointed with DeWitt's | Witch Hazel Salve. C. W. Hodgkins, | Patton Pharmacy. How wo Prevent Croup. We have two children who ar sob | joot to croup. Whenever an attack is | coming on my wife gives them Cham. berlain’s cough Remedy and it siways prevents the attack. It is a household | necessity in this county and no matter what else we ran oot of, it would not | do to be without Chamberisin’s cough ! Remedy. of all other cough medicines combined. | J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros, mer chants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. : Our little boy was afflicted with | rheumatism in the knee; and at times We tried in vain, everything we could hear of that we thought would help him. | We almost gave up in despair, when some one advised us to try Chamber. Jain’s Pain Balm. Wa did so, and the i first bottle gave so much relief that we got a second one, and to our surprise, it cured him sound and well..-J. T. Bays, | pastor Christin church, Necdesha, J Kan. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins One Minute cough Cure surprises people by ite quick cures and children may take it in large quantities without the least danger. It bas won for itself the best reputation of any preparation ned to-day for colds, croup, tickling in the throat or obstinate coughs. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Pittsburg & 1 nion Nation @— GO TO THE lt CEik Liek £ i an Where You Can Get Good GROCERIES at the Follow- ing PRICES: | Hewwh Creek Junction Sugar, 18 Pounds for $1.00. $1 I OO O03 {X) OX) 12 Cans Tomatoes. 11 * New Peas 5 Lbs Tea... : 8 “ Banquet Coffee 11 [ion 2 [everings 8 Soup Beans 6 lima Prunes Raisins. Dried Peaches Dried Peas Lad x we i 1 I I =" * ho od oN OL ¥ ill is { ne Bre WOHMS FIERY EE, - & Pe % 3 > ¥ . Lay Lax ba Fo ba 4 Cans Lye £0 Baking Powder per pond... 2 Pick Handles Pickl les per doz. 9 Cakes Calumet Soap Hummer Octagan Olean : cent Ww ash Be ard for Gallon Bang 16¢C ~~ poe J th Sha tn tan tn Ln ~~ (0 *s Dar bd Be Ba Be Be Ne Me on wr net Syr rup - ~ od ba en LJ You can buy any of the above articles separate. Remember | sell tor cash and I won't of goods considered. Remember that | hav eries and one visit to my store will convince brightest stock in town. be undersold—quality| of (; roc- have ¢ a full line vou that | lis DON'T FORGET THE PLACE-AT THE Thropp is a Republican of distinction. This fact and its merit has led tiation | He boouid a not he ioe president of the est people to attempt to counterfeit it. CC OAS Look out for the man that trys to de- | celveryou when you call for DeWitt's . Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure. | C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. CASH GROCERY, JOHN BOYCE, Proprietor. More of it is sold here than | . train for Patton vison of the PE man, Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 16, 1598 Pirtabary Pllway, ih Cnmbria and arSeld BRYeR iis x Pruneyivanis riirona western A. GG. Palmer, Aupertntandent. at Mshaftn Clearfield 4i Main Line. Leave Cresson Yast ward, Hew Shore Expres, week days. A toons Acorn modstion, weelt dys i Main Line Express, daily. i Aoona Accoftmadation, daily ie Matt Express, dai . fo Phatladeiphin Ex Leave C » iH a i ZEABERT =TRENE TYNE wuvEEy BEBRING BABRES : Juhnstown a week dy. cambria and Clearfield. Sonthward, Moming tein for Patton and Cresson leaves : Glen Cam I ad Mahaffeir Jew » mm: ie Jowe G38: Westover 53; H #13: Gas [way for Cresson: 63% Patta unction 70k Kaylor fr Hhonatia | To Cresson aL m. A 5 mplull t 145 pom: rs a at ge ¥ | 23% Westover & wl : Hnstings 110: Gareay (he Crome | he 35: Hut wlley J Junctien 10%: Kaylor €19 arriving I Ce at oR Northward, Sain emven Cresson for 100 Kuylor on: Heer: sr Pe + Maori al Ey ¥ Janetion Tosa: ing) 1197; Hastings way (for i ‘ Joe tae 121% arriving st Glew Canny 1 at IE. Afernoon train oe on ton and Glen Onmphell 1 Crees Ks tor d: 18; Flwnsbirg i Patton a Caray § that array Land comm Tastings (fier Gilemn Carn aa saterttor TA: Ferdi: TORR ¥ I arriving at tiles Campbet) wg ata pm. ol oe ar mitewr ape, ele. apply tO Kae Svat or abiress Tisw, FB. Watl, P.oA.- WW. B., Fifth avenae, Pittsburg, Pa. JH Hulehinson, Gen. Mgr. JR Woot Gen. Pasa. Agt Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT MAY 13, 1898 Westward we ¢ w Lome Pi ®., i HEME ESaEHEeEntF (Mahaffey Heweh reek Justicn Mabatfoy fatmthormst ( Chien Osmpheli Horton Roan f ¥ titer Ran wk SBR Rel nk nd wld aaa: seadgunErnEREE BER BD WE WE Pe BECHAABALEI LAL Ba be 0 KG 85 80 KG RG we mr see ll “ a {ase Fz ~ >» - REFIT LSESRLE NE: ¥ FHEERNIBUBURES! CAH B BSE OB OBR IE Fulier Han Horton Ran t Gaien Campbell Passe Hurnside Works [ Wetwell © vd ew. Labathurst © | Mahatfey We Be BL LS BRR RL RGR BE RG Unborn Sgtion (Mahatfey: ff Flag station, | Unemeetions-- At Union ip Malaffey, [with Hiwel Creek maflrosd, ©. & "division | Pennsylvania oatiromd, and v & NW. mi | pommdl; at Whiskey Ran with Motiows & New tomb milroad: af MeGees with PAN, W, Pali i rd ati! farther neothoe Trains will raw {only Betws fu ar Siation +X - {8 i mphell A trains ert “ boo . Hicks, General al Manager: Mahaffey, Pa { Buffals, Rochester and Piltabarg Ry. URSRIIES | SCHVS i Um and after July 5, DEK trains will ave | Boesh Urewk Depot, Chartield, as follows | ema mm. Reynoideville Aooommodation, for Carwensviile, DuBois, Falls Creek and Hews oldaviile. Consecting at PuBais for Ridg [ way. Johnsonbnrg, Bradford and Rochester, Ptah a om, Bufo Exo, for Carwensville Dapbleds and Falls Creek Onuecting | Di Bade, fr Ridgway, Johosonburg, Bead ford snd Ho Maio Bo po. DaRais and Poasxsatawney Es pres, For Dafloly, Falls Creek and Pans sila wey. and B10 and 53 | Tosi arrive, wi 5. om, Pom po Fon tlekets, time ables and fil information, Cem on or sad oes, 0 Messin Agent, Ciesrield, Pa i i i x son'T Rammer A, En .Y. hal