The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 13, 1898, Image 2
Kitchener does not sound like ® mame to conjure with, but it is about f#he most popular name in England Tho efficiency of torpedo boats | must pot be too hastily condemned Remember not one of them has had _epportunity in this war ander Ameri ean spamen, eA EA ey The superiority of Swiss watches will sion be another of the traditions made obsolete by our manufacturing progress. A consular report from Switzerland notes the keen rivalry be- ‘$ween this conntry and Switzerland in the export of watches and watch parts $0 Japan. In 1897 our export af watch to Japan was nearly Sines that of Switrerland. The report # poleworthy as proving an increns progress in manufsctures of high- riment in which the centuries of mining of Old World workers have been supposed to assure a superiority. ses More than $15,000,000 in spent ly in the United States for gol all goes for the pleasure of swinging Bunkirs. In proportion to the nam- r of persons engaged it is the most ive amateur sport in the world. figares are given by an expert ho lias gathered statistics from every sme of the 600 clubs in the country, -md flo not fnclnde the thoueands of spent by owners of private wis. They sre probably far be- of the clubs represented is mord souniry, soms of which have felt in a wery appreciable degres the effects of fhe recent business depression, are pesarsing their normal rate of groxth this year, observes ths Christian Register. Last year was, in several motalie instances, one of reverses, surpuissiog in relative magnilade the disoduraging tesalts that lad at did the three or four preceding ar The praliminary enrolments lie various institations show tha! Shis relative falling off in the number of students in stiendanes is to cesses with the begianing of the coming send aie ear. The endowments, too, sve beran to resame their former , higher education of the youth of sountry will be in a wore flourish. recent Spanish assault npon Christopher Columbus as the { etiemy Spain ever had inasmuch loaded down the kingdom with ire continent which bas ever 8 been getting it into trouble—has earest surviving relatives of r. It is plain, however, ployer as had Columbas. Hal , rather than Spain, supported gan with the crown? Could the United States ever have come existence? Infact, would not all , long ere this, British territory what, then, would have been the general effect upon the progress f thie world? There's a chance for jer a guessing match or a dream, ments the New York Mail and The use of slectricity to operate i proposed, and may become a re of twentieth-century agricul: | The system suggested is not ly different from that for steam f, which has been tried, thongh not be said to be in extensive In the case of steam plowing a plows is drawn across the field ns of a cable operated by a ‘engine, whereas in the elec: m, the motor is mounted on w and travels with it. The acts upon a chain fastened at d to traveling anchorages at pundaries of the field and the passes over a sprocket whoel | to the motor of the plow. After yw has besn plowed the anchor- » moved forward sud the plow ‘making as new farrow. The is supplied to the motor by de of the plow in contact with eels, A system of poles de- a8 “simple” extends around daries of the farm aud sup- current from a central power- snd aochor-cars are providel reels of wire so that the ma- ‘can be employed in any flelds terans from the Third : Walker. . mined to bring the recalcitrant pliiages C Indtans to tera by finer He chartered { barge and had a galling run © hetehKisa aboard three | men are under ihe mand of Capt [o'elock Waeidnesday oid { miles from Walker at Hog Ah-Me Ge ind delicate specialization—-a sad. delicate i detachment of 106 men | Bacon was fanded on the point shorty. i after ® o'clock ! through the thick | carefully and with i. taken against ambush. . then | specs near the shore of the lake. har. | mes were drawn and preparations made : for dinner. : ( ities ore ‘mallets and skillfally driving | SIYEn and the AO , perchs balls over hazards and | Alans, of twenty men, made a rash te prevent | chore scoundrel and [mom | seatiered the copper-onlored gang A score of bullets tore frall woodwork of the boat and every Loman | Rome blared away in return with re i volvers, but the range | Ward wis sent back CS phreys whe | forcements to Gen, Bacon. A later ree | four waldiers were | { inne for snc time (6 fore, Bhould af Pars | | prt states that : killed and nine wounded. ithe bodies of citizens were driven toe the killed and wounded, dead Indians within & mils sand! or mind me’ A MASSACRE REPORTED. Sort RUGIRS BATE WH NOMS | Skios st Lesed Lake Mizz Toor Nex Eillad ad Migy Weunie! A report. dient ty verily rac hey i Bt. Paul last Thursday that Gen Peon and his | sacred by Indians at Leach lake, Minn santiage veo jolt Bave sadder Pen Gan. Haron, with his infantry. Minn for Besar eiand deter If no PsRRTY Paes wtegrmbosiy ard 8 With at the stand of promt ble ave hi y Th inmnediate oop Wilkinson A terrific haitie was fought morning Vis} Wien ar 1} shirdy Shirks point. close to Fear island The ander Lien, The snidiers went ghdergrowth very every precaution in an ordered to line ap Dp The order to makes coffer had becn slanding in column formation when the first ahot was fired It enpne from Bog-Ah- Ma-Ge-Shirks house The ball struck was the signi eral from all directions. It that a shot came from every bush Three of (jen Bacon's men dropped They were at once carried to the rear On the very instant? that the first shot waa fired every man in the command sprang for cover without waiting for | 14ke a fiash the hine colomn | had vanished and not a sign was to be | seen of the eighty men who had stood he actual amount. The invest. orders, erect but an instant before, except here and there a little patch where a gray hat might be mode oat. “Bteady, men,’ Gen Bacon “Raep cool now. keep cool” thers came a volley trom the Indians gi iend, walting for. ope as the Plilagers made a terrific rush, | Half a dozen of them dropped and the i poet fell back, yelling like fends nears | Pome rate There must have been 150 or 2 In Jiaeut Morrison with a squad the recaptare of old Ma-(ppod Rap way B very Dury. Tre marshals had these men under arrest and a resene would certaingy have been ofNeried. but Lisut Morris yelled, “Charge,” and his this time (he troops were under cover The Indians sere firing in & desultory vay and the order wae given la | tharge. The moldiers rose. ddeking and drip ping Hke grasshoppers, They made the Ce herred roost of their opportunity. Suddenly a wolley was fired by the Indians st the sears tug Fiora, which lay off shears throwgh the except The pilot soGEMt cover Wan Tod te fen imnediditely sent Hn. An sitemp! was made to land comnts who were killed. The attempt wie #80 far successful that four bodies | were recovered and rine soldiers who wore wounded were yeseued. hut the boat and the baal driven from by shuiking redekine A special to the Minneapolis Jour- nal from Walker, Minn, says: TI have the shoves Just met an Indian named Mah-Ge- Guh-Bo, who camé over from Hear Island In & canoe. He says the loss of the whites in tenn killed and fifteen wounded He denies that the troops have been wiped oul, but says the In- diana have had the best of it. Thelr foes, he ciaims, does not exceed five wl. The force with Bacon are probably safe and more en. couragement in felt about i. 1 have other Information that there are fifty of the Ms) Wilkinson, five privates and two Indian policeman are dead Ooi Sheehan is Killed, Thirty Indians are dead. Theres has been desperate fight. ing all the morning. Maj. Wilkinson, who was shot through the leg. had hin leg dressed took the field again, and was shortly afterward shot through the bhaody., Lye tng In & pool of blood, be raiwed him. welt to one elbow and shouted to Gen Bacon. “Olive them hl general, nev. | Then Were Bis fast words, General Bacon says the Beht Ye ix not at all satisfied that they have cnough ter campaign again them, it may takes 10606 sien to subdos SEVARes dus irg the iid weather, fpssiards Defast lnsurgints An nffeia! dispatch from Jolie fee ports the landing of Spanish troops caused a panic among the Insurgents, | i lean siringynt Poefens mre still Three hundred muskets, four cannon, a quantity of ammunition and a flag were captured and 15 Spaniards who had been held an prisoners were reo jeased. Many insurgenta withdrew to the mountains, while some surrender. ed. Communication with Cebu has been restored. Thirty-six Epaniards were killed in other encounters, A Cold Plunge Hesslts is Death. Hon. William Strutt, aged sbout 5 years. son of Lord Belpre of Kingston, Derby. England, and nephew of the earl of Dunmore, & Seoteh peer. who is a lord In waiting to Queen Victoria, was found dead in the bath tub in his spartments at the West End hotel! at St. louis last Wednesday. It is said he had heart disease and the physi. cians believe Bis é:ath the result of a cold plunge. Agninalde's Representative Bae Pulled Agoncillo, the Philippine envoy, by | authority of Aguinaldo, has issued an | appeal te Cubans through Senor Ques. | : to! the close of the first act a beautiful bo- | i. 1 ater of Bowers was handed Alive Neilson who is singicg the lead- | McKinley | ing rales (2 “The Fortune Teller,” and : she promptly hurled the Bowers at the | lust Thursday. Cty make against the war department | {and declared that medicine and pro. | visions were at ada. leader of the (Cuban junta, help the Filipinos In their effort at in- | failure | dependence. He confesses his to secure from President any chance of representation on the peace commission. Quesada holds the | matter under advisement. Herr Von Birkner, a member of the Prussian diet. has bequeathed to Em- peror Willlam a beautiful villa to- gether with seven thousand acres of farm land near o. WAR. art 4 iran ffs The men wees | i melectinn of a mccessor $6 Mr. Hay as Again We spon Hy ¥ LSBs Ce harms ii oad that James Ruchanaw pay for a steak which the latter elkbrued he | Aid pot serdar. Pochatian was arrested | Pred C oplaint Huns | peRtatrant people for false arrest and | sam ; Buchanan was awarded $400 damages om | { Pear Island Thursday afternoon and | rencue the wounded soldiers and get | the unfortunate biue. hat white the | Indians retreated to Hear imiand after | {The Lill practically meant the death of In case of a gen. 1he American meat trade and lockily, | sral uprising he wil iraugurate an win. He saves the | Thas CONDENSED TELEGRAMS The Tradesmens National New York has suspended Pittsburg iz to have a new Pank of union Patation which will cost 5.000.000, MM Franklin nas arrived at Pest A is the Kinndike with 302000 in ie from retablish a with £3000 ite in Yo bony THRTY winnufariurery have fight Araerioan wundred Alabama Ie gross Pie Pana, iN take place of striking unhon miners Tha 12 Balircal i» dag day on account of the ye ver guarentine in the south, 4 $3 tHe ive Central Ferm. ¢ Phan Dwaw tweed fron peint to point in srg Evans of Indlinns, win avers $100 vw of National fanny sloe'k ORS fH] ¢ While en rons Pirtabigry from fia Baltimore last Saturday to attend the | Keights Templar conmelave (George W Hegre dvd of apoplexy Three persons in New York fell from peer story windows last Wednesday I prod were Killed, a fourth fell from a meow and was drowned. The president will net announce the Ambassador to London before his re Cturn from Rix western trip The will of Thomas F. Bayarishows he jeaves an estate of $75.060 al) left to hi widow except M0 to the nid Swedes church at Wilmington, Del The prices in all grades of stoves has | x Cheer advanced § per cent Ed Harris, ex-marshal of Walker, & need & pet half breed. Hix arm was broken This turers throughout the fountry The Canadian polices are ewfablizh- for two years, IL. HH Dickerson, of Cleveland, shot ard killed Mrs Blanche K. Winship, # widow with whom he was In inve and thin committed sufeide The widow whe died Toesday was to be married EEX Week, Qmvith Wright was taken from the fail ar Annapolis. Md last Wednesday morning And shot to desth by a mod, | the was charged with having brutally | And that was what the troops had been | lreated The Krag-Jorgensens sned up with a frightful rattie just C Valley freight train ran ints the roar Ha Mes James Morzisow vee E aR A double Beaded Elkhorn & M sear! erd of an Omaha passenger (rain the yards Saturday st Omaha Harry waiter, of Chicago, sud Tuts Homedals Mining oar, fatally hurt The Pacific roast agents of Canadian Seamahip Company Athenian. their 4085 ton ny the fun inrd, Vied fence Bwtw Bim grows Ei Shan aa | week with the the orient snd America fi SHOEI Drool ione #¢t tamden N J miurdar of his moth ret guilty by the fary eaunty cogrt Theres were PO pwrsons In the couri-pronm when the verdict: was read and (hey Shaw fatnied Heros , of Pitiabawy, whic war Tours the Camden _ vs inet sO LITRE ort dim-harged dered against subsequently was then The Arcerican battleships ard crute- ers will not be assigned to reguiar sia the Rpmnish commissioners fall to yield to the demands of the United States. a naval demonstration | aalipox and sty deaths from | the aoral influences of which ean not | Frise among will then be tngde an the coast of Spain | The mast comtly binek of amusement bulldings and stores on the beach front at Aflantiec ify. NJ. was destroyed | by Bre a few dayr ago. Twenty bhaglid- fraps, oecupied by about 50 business es. tablishments. were burned and a half | orm typhoid fevwr Rave ales been re- [rerded. Artilleryman Roach was kil degen familivs were yendered homelens The losw in estimated at FIO An sistance was ssked In fighting the fire trom Camden and Philadelphia, Rusdrads of Chisames Bwrned. According to a sperial dispateh from Shanghai, & fire on Sonday st Han- | Kow destrrnyed over & square mile of the rity, Including the government tulidings and temple Tt ix fenrad that a thevsard lives were lost Hankow in 5 treaty pert on the Yang Tee Kiang wt the month of ane of {te tributaries, pe ¥ gH ~ity 3 ; a I we Suh p= { eAtire army before the expiration of | capital of Hea Po all In sight of one | sretber and separated only by the rive tr. one of the greatest centers in the warid, they suffered much in the Tao WARTS. Amr vin Meat Pree Pers The impertal government of Ger. drew af American rIRNS, FER ther ent exparis 1 rend not be made ready for produce tion in the reichatag before that body | situation | againet Lo amieriean meats Save invarfably prove | esd to be groundless. so that the violent | press attacks have erased | ETHIE nL, | medifiest the BIN, but some of lis provie Since then the chyrges ateerred changsd. The The guv- considerably is mow much therefore, has which highly prejudicial to ranned roeats and sausages SA SpA 5 BEREAN Spazied fu diners Prefer Cube the right to it and who desires to re main in Cuba. for the transfer to the second reserve of those whe, posses. | ing the necessary guaificatione. wish to remain in Cuba, sad fur the return to Spain of those whe may have pre- vieasiy lost the right to a return pas. | Thewe orders are lo ked unoa at | fisvana as being important as many | {yow in the Span'sh army wil deide to | | remaln. s‘nee there in a brighter futive for them in prospect in Cuba than in | wage Erain. i Ges Lee Intarrapiad 32s Prrisrmnae fier, Pitahugh Lee went to Wallack's Nebraska Col. f vute of his regiment recently He At theater last pight in full uniform, received an unexpected ovation ta Mins genera! io his box The Rouse cheered Then all the i nctars crowded on the stage and sang | “Pee Star Spangled Banner in which Many persons the audience jomed. came te Gen Lee's box to shake his hand. and quite an Informal reception was held. interrupting the performance for some time. | rrening ared was about Linseed asks a recstver for | : Linroln avenue, ard had just ascend. Lod the steps, when & Woman in black tw | He rolled | Manufac- | have | entered inte an agreement to that ef. whe had threatened to kill him J {mmediately the firing became gen- fect seemed | : Ling 6 chain of statinne along the Op | per Yakon from Dawson to Lake Hen. nett in Alaska, ench wn have supplies some | wan Filled | comductor of the | C tam Because Af a setUersent the and stenmmshipn, | between Vancouver Port. | amtock ard (hina, that the | | Saxon was Barorday repinced : fc rreval degree. and the acrused wap soninittel (the Cheyenne | Ble tof 4 nots waving that all forts | : VEIDDE Ie amsuTning grave { Infection may be sald fo wh Bax bees on trial for LB Phe pen ial fee nweyed the presidential party tc the rommercial Har sstimaten thelr united population at 060.008, hut | Ping | Harkow is ane terminus of the | | proposes] Pekin. Harnkew raion 5 : : i armbassnidor to France the twa peace commissions In the near ; futures vary last sinter, goaded by the Agra | 3 Wp a Bi to regulate the |, gon legistature last week. Mr Simon {at | had been Wdentified as Joseph Corrigan | i of Dunbury, Conn. who serve] om the ! Chregun § hen Ling to Washington te advocate Uesne al | Wound» $58 plan of disbanding the Cua- { han army A decree of Captain Goneral Rano, | dated October 5 provides for a full din ¢ charge to every enlisted man who has | Ciaking baron and lard as an antidote i A i before MRS. WTINLEY'S BROTHER MILLED. TRAGEDY AT CANTON. Gecrgy 0 Sagten Shot Pour Times by 5 Woman So) poved to be Aue Bl Geergy Had Oftes Taresteood to Rill Nim rd an murder of {Jeorge Baxion, of Mrs President McKinley, will close the soci] festivities at the White House for the renuminder of the HERBON Friday snd Mra evening while the President Me Kinley were recoivipg the members of an Episcopal organization i the pews i dent the sprond of yellow fever prohibiting | the state was reported to the Preal- of the tragedy at Canton which WAS later ommunioated to Mrs Meo Biniey Coe re Ia Flagictt Raxrton had gone oul on avenues Canton. last Friday to enter the : Athos widow inte George WW. Althouse 513 home of Mra Eva D Of the rushed up behind Mm and fired shits. whirh fellest Bm down gpon the greenseard and two pices shats were hard When Moers firrived on the scare they found him don A woman zi the the deed was done worngn, who eas Aremuest In blak, Bogse stated thet by an nrknown tall. ender and and she had ne BRAY as soon as the shots were fired The informant satd Mra hot at home Cfirpres Wore mown the hunt for the swims wha did the shoeting and Althouse wie ry Carhitie it lw met possible fust new to (ef wher Ji it the spepieion is agninst Mrs. Anna whem Saxisn Bas had strong trouble, and | AT 4 a'cloek Mra evrge was placed under arrest as she was entering her roma feom the aed way, having some through a swamp from the dir srtinn of the Althouse home At and exhibited fine nerve. Her hands sretied of powder : Bhea formerly roomy in the Raxton hire where Saxton frst met her She was then (he wife of Bample C fienrge. and her conduct caosed her hasband to leave her A divorce was ahtained for Mra George In Dakota by Eaxion wha sent his own attorney to get it Later he tired of the woman ard hax been paving attention ta Mre Althranuse | Bince that time Mra George has re. | pentedly said she sould kill him She created a seene in front of the Alte | when © i Saxton returned from a ride with Men hause Bame a shined fime ages Athenee A few dayw since Bample O fienrge withdrew oo 530 008 damage suit | Re | Mieinnary Culeides Bester Pe Cond Not Ralfarrs against Baxton in the courts at Can out port for $1 E38 The peneral detention charges of sus picton on which Mrs Annie ¥ George | wh for fen youre has hoon missionary arrested and held in connection | LC ArapaRoe Pre need (Thief Geronimo back fo ile @er lois 4 wotinded, committed sub be Sunday ot § wae with the assassination of Geoge DD shares of murder in the ta the county fall without hand for the further routine of the rougrts Froeident and Mes fond the funeral of Mr Saxton Manduy af ternoon the faperal of the murdered mann wan Held at the Iarber home which is the ahd Raxton homestead The services werd conlnetal by Hey Mittyran of the Firmt Preshvters {an church. Monday evening the prosis dent's private car was attached to the train from Washington whieh fwaaha exposition Smalipes Ameng Ameriesn Treeps There has Deen fourteen cases of that the Amerimn troops Auring the past two days The dead are. H. M. Powirs, First California regiment. Harry Whaler, Recond Cre. | gen Henry Culver Fourteenth infan- try Joemeph milly fevrge Conty and Frank Warwick of the Thirteenth Minnesota regiment Sight deaths ed By a weniry at Tondo on Weines- day night AP OIL IAIN] BUTI TIN IE TOMA MOVENENTS TOWARD PEACE The last troops left Camp Wiko®f at Montank Point last week Only one medical officer wan killed during the Spanish war Rpaniards are complaining about their Reavy War taxes fien, Joe will be In Havana with his the present month. Fifteen wick men In Col Bryan's Ne- brasha regiment were discharged last Wednesday. Cammedare Watson says that the a le credit for the destruction of Cer vera's feet Belongs to Admiral Schiey Gert. Horace Porter, United will Jemeph Simon of Portiand was flect- ited States senater By the (ire in a Hebrew The Sixth Unitead States fries, They will relieve the travis Who will come home from Lhe island The sailor who was killed in & wreck Pens Creek. Cambria county, Pa, Garcia called on He proposes gs- fieneral Oalixfio Wood recently H- year-old ates the then by At DImlias Texas the daughter of J. HB. Btephens heads off 212 matches, and hastened her degth The offfcid] register of births and deaths fer the ity of Havana show that on October | there were no Births | and fifty-three deaths and that om Oe. tober 3 there were no births and thir ty-five deaths Spain has ordered the sie of HRer warships which are stil lingering In 'uban waters. The ships referred to are small steam launches, which eould rst cross the ocean, except upon the | deck of a steamer of Bryan the governor of ook A straw It im stated 87 per cent of the men wanted gv horse and the officers were equally divided. Consul Gen. Flitzhugh Lee appeared the investigating committes He had no grievances On suggestion ail times plentiful among his trocps. The mortality at Guinos, Cuba, is very great and at Guira de Malena, whose population only numbers 3,000, t: ere were 132 deaths the month tried to wrened it by A i first | Mo Kinley arrived © ae af Canton last Runday morning 9 ate spe suberhief bad Phere | She had wae & large crowd at the dept but no [de ponstiration wae made Heaton | banguet Immunes ; iets FProakiyn last Monday for Porto | | Mae shin has 500 Boarders, whith it has A ———— BUONO OAL Pe, SO APN AR RF HSH PRI { and suffocated the baby DESERTER SHOT. eg any Private Sven wot Pails te Oley on Order to Bolt any Is Killed Private (fiver Greenwood, of Bat. tery B, SBkventh United States Artil- ery, mationed at Fort Socom, wae shot and instantly kllied Bunday mor. ing while trying to desert Harvey Stokes who zecompanisdd Groonwaond, sscaped unhurt irevn worn] was 21 vears old, and wan from Union Hi N. J Abrut 1 orloek Bunduy morning Rtokes and Orsenuwosd discard their uniforms and put on cobwillan clothe, They crawted out of their tent and glong the ground on thelr bande and kioen Sviging the sentry, Thy had not gone far astil they rag woroes an othep sentry, who ordered thew tH ha t Bergeant Heok ran up to the men and Axing his bayonet ordered than Beck to (he auaribonse By les atari to argue with Seegeant Heek, while CirvonwoA Reard the approach of the from his hand leek yollsd for help Brookes ard Greenwood heard the approach of thi relief paar] and ran toward the ound Again Bergeant Hook orderwd the de seriors to ston bit the men pald ne at. tention to the cwamand and Heok oe Aerad the relief to fire Threw shot mag mt Om the groand ny the life. temm bewdy of Private Greenwood. At Ats¥ance ste] Private Stokes with bis hands over his head He surrendered. The fury’s verdict wae (hat while ate tempting to Adewert fran the army Greenwood coarse to hin dewth from a gunshot wound rel by sone gnlin ws entry in the Machargy of his duty ORANDEST IR THE WORLD BE (George with | The Biortrisnl Niswizatives in Pittsburg Dering the nights Tvepisr Conlon The grandest and most extensive dis. play of slectrieity for decorative pur Poe ever meen In the worbl, was ox. hitited in Pittsburg Suring the past : Fea) fri comneetion with the Kotohtw Po Tomplar conclave lice hpadguarters she refuwmd fo talk, m : > The mupsiy of ales. tricity demanded cxhaunted the capads ty of svary motor cansed so sbovriage of Incandescent lamps and brought forth all the skill and wenlus of the “Smoky ity” the conclave were not very clear, there sould Bes no gestion oomcerning the britiiancy of the nights, poncinye ts parade. recaoption and barauets were comiuoted Brey a sale the maentficencs of which has paver boon surpassed In this aountri, The dreorations and suprises Dacilen. tal to the entertainment of the Knights reprosents) an out'ay of $00.000 (x HER EFFORTS FAILED Ber Paragy Husband Mea Lydia Fixies, formerly Lyons the and wha Chovenne and sig epned and nurse Among [ndtura, and when he was capiored agency In ORlnbann Fix in They. pravailing earned that he bad beim Arank Her years of trial hal Deva useless, and she did pot care for life, to civilize hor husband Brews England's New Poussemions The inlands recently anpexid by the British warahtn Gobiflaed are sald fo be the Duff arr and Mitre grouta The Mohawk planted the British flag an the Banta Cruz wlamd the Heat islands and the Swallow groovp The [Duff group numbers sviands adi thickly Inhabited by copper-colored natives. Mites island ln uninhabited, hit Cherry inland has Between 9 arul C0 natives on 12. The laland of Mot- uith, or Kennedy islam! was dearohist for in vain by the Mokawk. and it in thought the island, lke Paleon inland, ales has sunk beneath the waves il Ee Hore Ligors for Dewey It ie stated fn oficial circles that Prestident MeKinley and [|ecrotary Long are of the opinion that Admiral Dewey has not been sufficiently re warded for Ris services at Manta They have determined to recommend the revival of the grade of vice admiral to be filled by the promotion of Dewey, snd ax he would retire under the law in December 1808 will also urge that congress pass an act permitling the retention of that ofMlosr on the active jist for an additional ten years, There te itttle doubt that congress will adopt the recnmmendations. Wer Invest gat'ang Committee The war Investigating commission expects to leave for its tour Af the camps the end of the week, and is not likely to resume the examination of ta Important witnesses until Novem- | left for Omaha | her General Miles Monday to attend the exposition with the President, and afterward to the Chicags peace fubties and perhaps will do a Hite shooting of @ame lee foe returning to Washingion, Canset fet Rid of Her Passenger The Compagnie Francaise de Naw gatiom has brought sult against Loutstana state board of hesith and personally against all its members he. cause they refused to allow the steam ship Britannic to land at New Orleans the 00 Italian immigrants she has on Bosrd The refusal iv based on the prevalences af yellow fever in this city ta feed without siny pay, and which {it cannot get rid of. ~~ 0000 Sultan Ineiined ts Obey wand of Crete, Informed the Mussuiman nctabies lant week that the suitan will withdraw the Tarkish troops ran Crete In accordance with the demands ishment. of Great Tritaln, Rusetn, France and | om * Italy. whe on Wednesday presented to the porte a collective note oslilng for a withdrawal of the Ottoman [ores and requiring an answer within a woek from that date Biuemtion Among the Indlasa The annual of Commissioner of Indian Affatrs William A. Jones shows a general steady advancesrumt tn the condition of the ‘nations wards.” Education, the greatest actor in solving the status of the Indians is being rushed forward in the service, and now there are 147 well-squipped boarding schools and an equal number of day schools engnged !n the sduea- tion of 232 puplin Smethered Nis Bady Because Na &-weelts-all daughter diwturbed his stumbers by incessant crying. John Moure colored, bf Plits- barg. beeame enraged Sunday sight The child is dead and Moors, !s a prisoner in the polive station, informally acsused committing murder. Atmivel Sxonpoen Sick. Admiral Sampson is said to be rx tremely ii in Havana. He has been constantly falling, and is unable to do any work. The other members of the commission think he should go north, but dare not suggest It. rivals the palsre after the incident striking Although the days of A tromenious crowd was satertained In the ality The | Balle | away the lantern | Hghthouse, with the of | PHAR SARE A= WOULD RATHER FIGHT. Massaxille Turse Over to the Amerionns After Prope sraticns Biot Baus Made for & Balti Gemernl Cisime That Spanish Homer Hod Agein Sufered The Bpanish troops left Ma ilo. Cubs, jast Monday Genetnl Parron, the Bpanish gemmander, forned the ot he Mayor, whi mads the - traneler to Colones! lay. repres : Mw United Staten. General pts pid a visi: to Cplunel Ray Bunday morning. and the twee officers exchanged compliments All the poe Skieu) Priseners here have been relcas- A collision beteeéen the Spanish gur- rison and Colones! Ray's troops Sunday wis, it appears. oven nears (han then seemed Ty be the case General Pars | reni's orders from Havana were to re glint the Americans fo the uttermost Additional rounds of amminition had been jmmued to the troops. and volun teers would probably have Hrought the Epasnish force up to 1.500. an againet fewer then 36 Americans Colonel Hay would certipinly have obwyesd his original instructions fo take possession of the city when the hours for closing the cable arrived, and there would have been only the slightest chance of avoiding a feted pngagement with the odds Inrgely apgninst the Anwricans both in numbers and in Fortunately. General Parton received word from Havana fo allow the Amer. feane to powsesn the city. Though General Parron on the sur face, is conrteousness and dignity per. sonifed. he ervated a greed soene at terror to the hearts of his sybardingtes He cursed In flowing Castilian, ecm. pistely forget his dignity, | and, with he oaths of a longuhorenian. vowed that the honor of the Spanish army | had suffered a blow. The Spaniards te blame for it. he dJdeciarsl, must die, snd that quickly. The Herpeant in command dsclared that Genera! Parron's orders were to permit the Americans os pases "That was the mules” shriskesd Parron: ‘nd the soldiers. Away with him to the gurl. hasswe Theluckiess Sergeant has bean ogrt. martinied At first it was reprised that he was to bw shot at davieeak Col: lector Donaldson and Hey, Mr Zim merman ettreated General Perron we As what he could for the anfortunate man, and he promises) that if there was a conviction, Be woald Inflict the minions penalty probably only # four day pay. Asx the Spinish rank and fle meeive no piv mitveay. this world be ne very great infliztion, The R[saniards had interded taking of the Cape Crow the appurtenanors lniming the whee ad mairable prop oriy: but Culone! Hay objected, and the Spaniards, after being shown a copy of the esvacusiion agresment, abeadonsd thelr intention Wisstonippl lesinted The vodlosw fever situation in Miss presssorijons be general theogphaut the Rtate ae there ln not a section that has not bien viefted, Throw interstgie ralirosde Nave practic sity suspended Business, and savers short Lrnes are on the verges of a term porary shut down, due $5 the lack of trate. ‘Dwenty thousand or mars peo ple have hurriedly left the State for Raorthern nities Queen Visteris's Sartew Lovage. Queen Victoria, her daughier. the ex-Empress Frederick of Germany, and Princess Adolphe of Schasumbarg- Lippe had a narrow escape fram driv. ng a1 Haimoral Scotisnd. a few days ago Tihs coschman lost eontral of the horses and a serious arcident was anly averted by the horses furning into the woods, where the cartilage stuck between the tress The miembwrs the royal party were severely shaien up and much alarmed but not injured President Aosiots the Tebtins The President has issues) an execu- tive order amending the Cuban Gari #0 A8 Ly admit into all ports in the possession of the United States. duty free. oxen for draught purposes, bo- vine animals for bresding and for ime mediate food supply, plows and other agricultural implements nit machin. ery. This arrangement is to be #Mags tive until otherwine ordered. CABLE FLASREN From the tons of newspapers 1 now appears that Germany will not resist the United States in her atiemp! 16 ro tain the Philippines Mr White, United States ambassa- dor to Germany, has agnin taken up the cause of the American DsUrance companies, which have bein forbiditen ta do business in Prose, The British troops whe hive returned from Khartoum are dying like flies from enteric disorders, sujiposed ta be Aue to canned beef and indulgence in cheap spirits . A Prinech speciaibyt has proven that guitivtining does not immediately at fect the brain. He asserts that the senses of hearing, smelling and eng are retained for three hours The American pecs sipnmissioners Aeciined the use of President Faure's box at the races last Sunday. The oninmissioriers dkt not think it fitting that they should attend a race meting on the Sabbath, Dr. Von Haolleban. the German ams Ismael Hey, civil governor of the in | bassador to the Dnited Sates, supped with the emperor the other svening and Atlated upon the patriotism and war fever of the American people. His majesty repeatedly expressed aston. he London “Times” is publishing & series of letters from Manbia describing the American achisvemaols there Ite onrrespondent. warmly praises heir work. Dut adds there in po question that the men now are mest anxious to go home. fome Londan newspapers prediet war between Bngiand and France in the near future. The position of France regarding her expeditions in Africa against territory already oeeupied by the English troops. is sorely trying Great Britain's patience. ‘The uittmatum of the powers to Tur- key declared that should the sultan re fuse to yield he would lose his sover- clam rights in Crete. They call the ace tion of the powers unfint and hope is antertained that Russia will decline to co-operates with the othir powers Many Christians, Muwsulmans and Jews are leaving the ininnd of Crete, All the steamers are crowded and the members of different Reman Catho- tie orders have removed their value= Mes to places of safely Influentini Mussulmans, however, assert that trouble is improbable, as the popula~ ton is cowed, Count Von Qoetzen’'s report of the Cuban war operations is tn the hands of the German minister of war, Gener- al Von Gossler. It is devmed ecnfiden- tial. He reports particuiarly on the dash and veler ef the Amerieans.