we in fn AAA AE A AAA AAR ARTA, Ss One Minute Cough Cire. « cures. | DeWitt's Little Early Risers, That is wie! it was svede fur. Tie temeas title pills PATTON WOODEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, oo Manu Ssrtiivems vf gael Dee irre ieee ‘Hastings Furniture = PR C ERNEST CHASE, & Undertaking Co. ‘Surgeon - Dentist, NDERTAKERS., | PATTON, PENNA. EA LMERS, City et Pe FUNERAL DIRECTORS, DR. Ww. l DOWLER, Lomber of all Kinds Planing Mill ETC Physician and Surgeon. Wark, Sash anid Doors of all Kinds 1 1} 1g i ie Udi x s WORKMANSHIP AND pr Officw in Melion block, next door to Postofiice, Patton, Pa Al emlni Any or wight, peesgely Tespuiided : Millionaire Wanamaker’ s Campaign Guns Spiked Twice Within a Few Days. Sa HIS FORCES DEMORALIZED. sss Bs His Alliance With the Democracy and Prohibition Forces to Capture mptly attended to. the Legisliatnre Is In a Baa Way. LY : aaaiat C Sante piven cr ananreer. Office in Coructing building, whyrg, (nd Awa incidents of rices and ters reasonable nN { Be ; wna he BR Harrisburg, Or Two Ietdents We have Jam rece) vad fn car oad of next to Commercial ho- and Spen- he Jar few days hav ben RTS gone Ln tr wish we cul your| tel, Patton Pa. a the Wanamaker Democratic Prohibi- spa) attention. cer bu ding, H astings, DR. S. W. Worrell, oo Pa. Also office in Spiece PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, building, Barneshoro. Office in Good Boiling, Room No. & Building. HC EASLY | 80Senarst Surgery ant She Eye & Specie. An : . ’ onlle will recsive prompt stiention. campaign fo elect the Philadelphia militonaire or 8 Democrat. to the nl ted States senate One of Wanamaker's newspapers in the Quaker City, which Manager. } n J ‘yr. ei . Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. | Ofew in Artington Bleek, next to Postoffiee, Cinderella Stoves and Ranges. RE larly nominated Republican candidates OFFICE HOU RR -Tiofamand Sndpm for the legislature is booming Prohi- Ei RR a bitionist ae for thst Bas BUY THE Reuel Somerville, been attempting to make capital in their Democratic-Profibition campaign Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. by charging that the Republican state Ofte im the Good Building: JAMES NOLAN, of Congressman Charles W_ Stone, In Attorney-at-Law, the Warren-Venango district Patton, Pa. STANDING BY HON. C W._ STONE. This campaign invention was quickly | Office in Good Baliding.-106. WAL DAVIS, t exploded when Colonel William A. Stone. the Republican candidate for Attorney and {ounselor at Law, Erpssurea, Pa. DeWitt’ s Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles. Scalds, Bares. It is a Great Comfort —uglin TO A TIDY HOUSEKEEPER TO HAVE A GOOD STOVE. governor, and United States Senator Boies Penrose went up to Hom C W. Stone's district and practically opened the Republican stats campaign Both Colonel Btone and Senator Penrose ad- dressed mestings from (he same plat form with Hon CW. Stone. and their cordial and earnest words of oom mendation of his public services and appesis to Hepublicans to rally fo his support. in the fight made against him by Free Silverite Bibley. was the most tomplete refutation that could be given “to the malicious misrepresentations of the Wanamaker organs. The publication In the newspapers of the 30th alt that the sum of 350 500 had been paid to State Treawgrer Bea- com by Receiver Barlow, of the Peo None? fie mant perfect boating Mover for household use, ever placed the market a atm to its contraction. Eeery feature wo promote durability, cleanliness and economy bas been well planned and developed, : Produces the Greatest Heat i aT How He Found the Pin. | & | a i aii ad A rls #1, 000 At a Lencos club there is the most snigqne pair «Jf corimins in existence This portions ix formed of handreds of Cebsricagne oon tekken from every noon tenet of champagne, each of which bears the ti top which adorned BE whic fiw orale was In Its parent bot tle die corks ert made Into strings, ghere borne CO of them to each string Between «4 ¢y ol there are three big Chines foo d tangooise bine Alto gether ther soe 24 strings and at from 18« to 11s a muk, the portiere repre sis wu tial expessditare of about The vorks are tied to a white emnmeled pole, with fancy ends, and ig seajios of blue ribbon adorn the brass Koots The ttal effect is distinctly pretty Whar males this angue por glove dowdy aiuabde ix the fact that anch cork bwvses the autograph of » fa BROGS actor or sctresy of the present day tmlamsdon Standard. | Nothing Plebeise About It. She was an honored member of one of the hereditary swcietios and was as _ tomished to learn that she was accused of wire pulling in connection with an _ slestion of officers i, Tm Why, it is common, : Josisivel) cominon. People do that in PO trie.” returned ber husband comsolingly. “lut in politics it is prob- ably just common, crdinary wire, while no doubt in your case the rifer- At an entertainment in Dublin » _ thought reader bousted that be could find a marked pin hidden by one of the audience. Several of them oame for- ward, among whom was a confederate. The pin was hidden dy a Trinity sta. dent in an adjoining room in the pres enos of the committee, among whom was the corfederate. The student, sus pecting the man from his looks, slyly took awsy the pin from ims hiding place. On bis retorn to the platform the thooght reader gased into the hider’s face, and, putting bis band to his brow, was blindfolded and led the atadent Ww the hiding place; but, of course, couid find po pin. He returned, acknowledg- log bis defeat and looking daggers - his confederate. “Now, gentlemen,’ said the stodenty “1 undertake to sny that if this divicer of the human mind will do as 1 tell bim half the andience, without » single hint, will know where the pin is,’ and, tarning to the thought reader, he said, “Bit down." He did so. There was ‘a yell, and jumping up, tie thoughs reader bastily, pulled from his coattails the marked pin.—Scottish Nights A Happy Return. Many amosing stories are told oom- pected with dueling. Owe bas recently been told in which an Evglish peer and a politician figured, and we ventare to repeat it because we think it worth pre serving. The peer, for some offense, was called out by the politician and promptly responded to the challenge. On arriving at home again after the duel bis Jordehip gave a guinea to the otachman who bad driven him to and ro from thw ground. The driver appears have ben an exceptionally bomest, simple man. He was surprised by the the sum presented and exid: " lord, I only tock you to — “Yes, you; I know that But the guinea is for bringing me back, not for taking me oot I enjoyed the drive home very much, but pot the drive cut. That is what I pay you for.’ —Harper's Round Selophans Nousen A St Louis man bas discovered a pew disease which be calls *‘telepbone nausea. '' The other day, after sendi B = iepbome meng, bis nce grr paid bis lips twitched and be band against the pit of his stomach. “I'm deathly sick,’’ he remarked to a friend. *Telepbouing does it. Every time I talk through coe of the things I'm overcome with nausea, which seems seated right in my stomach Sometimes it is an hour or so before 1 recover.’ “That is just my fix exactly,’ said his friend. ‘I am made ill every time - I use the telephone. Sometimes [ feel ae ' # I would faint "'—New York Tribune Origin of Pale Ale. It is pot generally known that India ale is so called becacse it was orig: inally made aclely with a view to the climate of the East Indies. Once a vessel Staining 8 number of Bas hogsheads | underwriters sold the barrels of ale in London. The new beverage was warmly praised by the Loodouers who happened fo drink it, and in the coarse of a short : the English speaking countries for India | ' pale ale. —San Francisco Argonaut. A Privileged Pair. Hojack--Silence is golden, I believe? they say. k—~Then the nuptials of a deaf mute couple might be called a be wedding. —-Detroit Free Pros. pie's hank of Philadelphia was coupled with the announcement from the state treasurer that with this payment the complete indebindness due the state from insolvent banks was wiped oul EVERY PENNY PAID THE BRTATE “YI am Bappy 1a say” sald Treasurer Beacom to an interviewsr, “that with this check for 350.500 the state of Penn EWiVARIA Retx every penny due ber from banks that have had 10 close their Acar The money whith was de posited in he Chestnut Stree bank, of which the late William M. Singeriy was president. was made good some time Ago A favorite theme for atiacis on the Republican party by Wanamaker and hin supporters has been “the broken banks in which the state had de- posite The allegations on thix stars now fall to the ground. 11 iv a maltar of official record that since 1846 the state of Peansyivania Bas nol ost a dollar of the $4203 9 ODO handled by fia state treasurers No financial institg- tiom in this or any other county Can show as good A record in the Banding of such sums of money a8 [he treasury of the state of Pennsyivania The Wanamaker forces ard in a bay way for new campaign thunder RT AN TURNS IN FOR QUAY. Prank Whiling Leach Taking a Hand in the Senatorial Conlest, The declaration of Frank Willing Leach in favor of the reqviection of Colone: M. B Quay to the United States senate and hiz sssuming the direction of the canvass in his intersst. has als ready given dash and spirit 0 the senatorial campaign. Mr lash in an interesting letter to the senior senator points oul that he conid pe longer be AfMtiiated with rhe so called “reform” movement, the primary and silimate purpose of which as Mr Leach says, “ta Mr Wanamaker's elsction (oo the Iinited States senate through a oom bination of disaffected Rapabliicans Probibitionists and Democrats in the legislature “If. sight or ten months ago.” contin- ves Mr Leach “before any primaries Bad beer held he Rad comiclinded to cote oul into the open as 4 Republi cARn randidate against you for the tinited States senate [| should have supported him as vigorously as in 1894 Bat I vould not fallow him into a Dems ocratic alliance Pirst as a matter of ranaclence. having had a tants of that srr of thing in 1980 and secondly, be cause 1 knew he sever could winin such a vuntsst Tor his From werntie aliies would surely cheat him at the end and vote for & member of their own party.” Mr leach points oul that Colonel James M. Gules. the free silver bader, is the secret candidate of the Democ- racy for United States senator Inn & manly way. Mr leach frankly tells Renator Quay in his istier that from April 13 to March 188 he had refused to follow his leadership be- cause Be (51 obliged lo vigorously ope pose the dominktion of thas of your Hegtenants wham vei had unwisely per mitted to direst hs party organi tion.’ He is pow convinved tha! Sena tor Quay has reassdimed his fall fun tions as sader of the party in the state in fact as well as in name, and he has agreed to take an active part in the canvass for (he senatm’s re.elec- tion. When interviewed iw a representa. tive of the Philadeiphia Inguirer at Atlantic Cay, Senator Quay. in come menting upon Mr Leachs declaration sald. “1 have received through the mall the totter of Mr Leach which appears in this morning's Inguirer and am much gratified thal our recenl ssirangement ta 10 terminate Ii has been pretly ver. tain to my mind for some time that the course of those with whom he has for two years heen fraternizing palit. | cally, must be becoming obnoxious and | disgusting to him. and he has merely verified my expectations His friend ahip just now is excending’y grateful ' and he can rendsr me vajusible service, I wrote him today suggesting a con. A psbA One Minute Cough Cure, cures. | Thet is what it was made tor. | ference. and shall ask him to take charge of so much of my campaign as | be cares to assume.” From the Least Fuel eum. : AH legal bosiness pom plly attended tn The cold sir is drawn from the floor, and discharged Sheough the shies sha WP, thoroughly heated. This wsethod chreuistion PREVENTS COLD FLOORS And establishes that mach desired oni- form temperature in all party of the rom. Wiit Burn Any Kind of Cosi! Witt Hoop Fire Twonty-four Howrs' Can be Used as a Single or Dowbis Noster’ Ail the Good Pointe— None of the Emery’ EXAMINE THE CINDERELLA BEFORE YOU BU Yemen kw For Sale by J. E. Kirk Hdw. Co., H AVE You been to - see the fine line of Dry Goods At G. S, Good's > SLOTe: We have them. Moderate Prices look for nowadays. Are what most people [f you want value come to us and get it. IT'S PRACTIC To buy Groceries at this ficed to €o0 and yet prices are the best things and sell them AL ECOXOMY y rr. . po > store. QJuaiilies are mid saer:- never high. We yet as close Oo cost as we Cin, S. Boot, | GOOD flew in Barer Baliding. TOBACCO and CIGARS Te tnt Hee in Patios a . G.]. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magte Avenue, Dear P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL BOURS, | Your Watch may need Regulating Let pslook st it. Noe fr sxumibaation. [it pends silenlion well Cell you, and if vou wank have us pal Tom | shimpe wri] do it well ut a regoinr charge that t you wT abdert te TERR. The Patton jewwler, MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Avecommuviations finteine. Test of Liquors, i aan Wipes al the bar, Stabling stlsched. GRORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. : Wo are pre Casting. Me inery, iron kettles, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re | pairs. Our chargis are reasonable. Fd men taken iB rae hangs Ba new worl, { g-iyr CMENT SPRING, PA Parnell & Cowher, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT REAL EXTATE AGENT Geond Bailding, Paltton, Pac" Phooe Na Get Your FIRE INSORANCE sores HEP RE rome James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Office corner of Mifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. FirstNation'l| Bank OF FPATTON, — CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLIS, $40,000.00. Acvounty of Corpomtions, Firs, Individe abs and Beuks reosived apn The moe Savors. Hie terns consdetent with sake and comasrvative tmnking. Stemmship toketsi for mle for ail the Tonalin tapes, Foswign Deals vabile ih the rtp eit of Use 1358 Nard ? All oorrespandende will bpve our prvapt asd persia! Alisa thon. Interest paid ao tine deposiia AE Parron, Wax H Saxupees President. Cashier. R. F. Notley, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. . Our Bottled Beer and Porter for | Sumily use cannot be: exveiled. Prices are ressonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. aw HASTINGS, PA; ed to do all kinds of Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. .