streets or whether it be not to pave. | Time may develop great changes one on ai Elie en Ra One copy, one your, in sdvianee, a $1.00 Dataral ability und acquired sdocstion | S-Advertiving rates made Known upon ap ju be a fit Representative in the plication. ational Congress for this, one of the Atacontinned Bil all arrens. Nation manufactoring dis- | Sh Mun ™ | trcte in the United States, and bis Entered a the Prstotes at Patton ax send. | election in November by a large ma- gt vam bor jority will fully emphasize the earnest- ness with which our people favor Protection and Patriotism.” Three Doctors in Consaltation. From Benjamin Franklin on are sick, what ¥ en for a No a papirs 4 COUNTY oFPCERS. President Judge Hon. A.V. Barker. | Prothonotary 8 WW. Davbe Register ant Recorder ¥. B. Jones. Tromsnrer—E. F. Spencer. Sheriff Lion. NM. Wertz. Bepaty Sheriff Elmer Duis. Commisstoners’ Clerk - Jolin CF, Gates County Superintendent T, 1. Giheon. County Bayveyor-8. (i. Fetterman, Oranty Amite A. i. Mitestwrger, P.M, Lawrence, John Gittings. Jury Oommisdoners and W. 1. Miller. Coroner Dir, ¥. 8. Livingston. Poor Dipucscrs James Reqperyille, Thom T. Jones ahd Juies Moore, TIME OF HOLL Nii COURT. "4 it Monday of Maren. | jn Miotuy of sept. et Misasdny of Tew aan (ears 1% held hetween the gheeve | — Alwlomy W pleasant and saf to take. Dr. Exper- ence would recommend it because it ‘never fails to effect a speedy and perm. ‘anent care. Dr. Reason would recom. mend it because it is prepared on ‘nature's plan in relieving the lungs, opening the secretions and restoring Grr BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess Le, Prindivie, Ounce) Ales Montieth peesident: wn oO Huabtard. Inn P Jones. J. 11 Blatr, EK P Melormick, Frank Andean Jolin Neheid, Kehoe Pend 4. ironidbiont; 13 H. Curfrusn, A a per: L Halter, W.0, ioe of thi Pee ari. SW HE Sandford, Clerk « E. Wil Greene. Collecthr Jus. Mellon, Asses ro Jobn BH, Somerville Apditcrs- Fimer SBmade WW. : wer, Jude of Bboction—Jonhn Troan, Tnspacior— Wm, Clark. James Gillies, Consta bie Samuel E. Jove, Chief of Poller Dmn®t Holes, Btreet Vominbesioner—-Sam’l Fo Jones, High Constahie— Dun’ Halen. Me Pherson, Jaw, Langs, H co deame BE, Dede, acy, C. W. Hodgkins. bites, burns, skin diseases and ewpec- iaily piles there is one reliable rem. edy, DeWitt's Wich Hazel Salve When you call for DeWitt's don't accept counterfeits or frands You will not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Hase! Salve. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy’. in a General Groeiy's Bosca: by Schley. ACCORDING to the action of Patton Admiral Schley won the nation’s ap- Borough Council taken al; their regular planse some 15 yesrs ago, when, asa session held Monday night it looks as Captain in the United States Navy, be if the paving of Magee avenue would led a relief party successfully to the be deferred, at least till next spring. rescue of General A. W. Greely and | Ever since the matter of paving has the few survivors of his band of Arctic been considered by our Council a explorers. General Greely has at last | certain amount of trouble has arisen comsented to tell the story of his ter. which necensitated in the work being rible winter in the frosen North, and | detained from the original intention of his article appears in the October that ody. All along there appears to Ladies Home Journal. It is a remark- have been two opposing factions and it able paper, valasble, besides being a : has been quite amusing to watch devel. record of the Aritic’s darkest tragedy, . opments. As the matter stands now in showing the heroism and abiding | the fight is “boss and hoss™ and it is faith of American soldiers when brooght hoped that both purties will pull to- face to face with death. gether in the future and act and do | Whatever they think best for our town's |, FV te fisppointaest a] interests, whether it is to pave our A Mellon, © little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sare as you take them. CC. W. Hodgkins, Patton ‘Way or the other. : Pharmacy. USES NEWSPAPERS ONLY. ~~ Ineverin my life use} such a thing Wanted. | a8 & poster or dodger or hand-bill, says Ladies and gentiemen suffering from] | John Wanamaker, in the Wool and throat and lung difficulties to call st | Cotton Reporter. My plan for 20 years qr store for a ssmple bottle of Otto's bas been to bay so mutch space in & Care, which we ire distributing free o i newspaper and fliled it op as | wanted. charge. We confidently recommend it 1 would not give an advertisement to 8 a0 a cure for conigha, colds, bronchitis, newspaper of 500 circulation for 5,000 consumption, and all diseases of the or posters, throat and lungs. It will stop a cough bs IT wanted to sell cheap jewelry or gmicker than any other known remedy. run 8 gambling scheme | might use We believe it will cure you. In croup posters; but I would not insult a decent | or whooping cough it is sure to give reading public with hand-bills. instant retief Large sizes 50c and 25¢. | The class of people who read them Sold by Patton Pharmacy, CW. | are too poor to look to support in Hodgkins. meroantile wffaims. I deal directly with . the publisher. I say to him: “How long will you bet me run’a throat yields to One Minute cough | column of tatter through your paper Core. Harmless in effect, touches the | for $100 or $500 7 as the case may be. right spot, reliable and jost what is 1 Jet him do the figuring, and if I think wanted. It acts at once. ©. W. Hodg- | he is not trying to take more than his kins, Patton Pharmacy. | share | give him the copy. [lay away The Way 16 be Beautiful the profits cn a particular line of goods Every lady wishes to appear attract for advertising purposes. ive. By using “Celery Wine” you will “ id ac and aside $3,000; last year poiome wo Sheeplessneoss, dizriness, Aside spent $40,000. Ihave ginting spells, or female weakness, So0n wear a woman out. To keep yourself attractive you most have good ‘sound nerves. ‘‘Celery Wine’ quiets ‘and strengthens the nerves, and pro- ‘motes sleep. Warranted to contain no injurious drugs. Large bottles, 50. {Sold only by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton A stubborn cough or tickling in the : In speaking of Joseph E. Thropp, the Pharmacy. candidate for Congress in this district, of} the South Fork Record says: “Bedford When yon call for DeWitt's Witch _ pounty has reason to feel a pride in Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't . Josepl E. Thropp, who has just been Sccept anything else. Don’t be talked nominated for Congress. In defeat into accepting a substitate, for piles, and in victory he proves himself the for sores, for burns. C. W. Hodgkins, . p self-poiesed, able reader, and we Patton Pharmacy. | are not surprised at his present soccess. Beer by the Pound. 0 Bh oi may Je ny a have There is a bar-room in Jersey City pleased. We have found in him one of Bt the cmployes of the American A aa = Bugar Refining company, where beer : {is sold by the pound, at a trifle over four cents a pound; that is, 28 pounds for a dollar. A pound is considered equal to about two and one-half ordi- nary glasses. The system seems to ol ‘2c In from » sincere conviction that ; Mr. fOr An \ of y ago] 1 She drinker to know when be ha rejoiced at his success iv the Republi- : can conference and he will be elected | in November.” i The Johnstown Tribune says: “The nomination of Mr. Joseph E. Thropp by the Republican conference of the | : Twentieth District of Pennsylvania | last night insures a Republican Repre- The Kind You Have Aas Bought sentative from this district in the Fry. Beurs the | sixth Congress, as there is not the Signature of feast probubiy of any other than he | di the system to a natoral and healthy Handed, trams condition. For sale by Patton Pharm. | For broken surfaces, sores, insect | POINTS .. Consideration Men's Suits. $650 ‘Buits of Good Woolen Materials, niosly made ard trimmed. This suit makes an elegant kneck-aboat or buasiness Sait. The quality whacked np by ns $850 Kaits of Good Clay Worsteds, Cheviota, Homespuns, #te costs are all nioely faced and satin piped, made ss good clothes shonld bee righ $10.00 | Suits of fine unfinished Worsted, Mel. tons, ete anme of the oats are dou ble fared with same material ss in the roat and have satin backs, single and donble breasted comta; most of the doable bressted sats sre silk faced, very stylish, $12.00 Suita here in many weavings and pot together so that they retain their shape. In this price range yon have an opportanity of saving a SUS Ove Safle priws Finer suits, of course. $15 and $18 Cool Morning: and Evenings suggest a Lightweight Overcoat. SLY nt *E ®=~KEEP THIS STORE We buy sell as we buy. We give Guaranty. We will goods. We will not mixed as all wool. an ty Se: cotlon- You should consider all our points in business. Yon derive better here, better choice, reliability. You can ctars goods not satisfactory, and the money ill be cheerfully refunded. 1 All wool Lighvweight Covert Cloth Overcoat, foil silk lined You can't daplicate this Overcoat an ¥ where Come in and examine. You’! buy - ’ Ladies’ Coats. Best line we've ever shown from $8 to $12 cach. Splendid valoss at §5, 85 $7.50 and £10 [adies’ Cloth Capes from $1.75 0 $15 euch Special values in Brad and Faririm. med Capes at $1 56 82 and $2.50 ete Plush Capes, RTE Line In Woh dk bd PEE in mg . resnits ha L I House Nice Plain Plush Capes af $25 83 $4.5 to $15 Special value Plowh thitwet trite, 82 88 each: ans price, 88 Braided and Beaded Cspes from $3.50 to 815 Miners” Conta, 14, Prin shy lem, hildren's Cents Ca $2 5 to B18 each, SHOES. The shoe Biasiness i done here in an extensive way. Stoes of good makes, styles, and the best of leathers has bil os a grand shoe trade, Dine Capes, las? le ap ? $3.50 Men's Box Calf Shae Boll-Dog toe triple soles: a gow Winter Shoe. Orther styles at this price are Rossian Calif, Kid Lined. Enamels Calf Skin Sth calf lining, ote IN MIND WHEN READY FOR YOUR XEW FALL WRAP. Mirkin & Next to Bank. Where You Can Get Good GROCE Kusner, PATTON, PA. the best for as little money as possible, and Honorable not misrepresent FORNITORE in syary cancels hie pat tern to wnt all aetes. A nt time spent looking over our line will convinoe you that we have the | and sell at prices that order the If yoo think of brightening op a a of Parnitore, or a whole Sate of what we can do for you Undertaking, Embalming, Etc, Etc., Promptly attended to All modern methods used. The best of catisfaction guaranteed. H.S. back, Next to THE GENTRAL DISTRICT & PRINTING TELEGRAPH GO. Of course you withont ephone The tim when we got without the tel- ] tric Light, osene oil and even tallow adie But nobody o do this and he same way telephone. If ness, peopie on ult be ipo date. To be upto 4 vou must have > pe £34 Wh a telephone. Ours is the only one that works. Flor rates, ofc. apply to F. L. BAKER, Manager, PATTON, Hate! Patton % Lak 2 4 likes it o1s t t with : ‘a wg AOR ST 18 - . W - AD 8 PA Telephone 100 GO TO TH E ——lt® ing PRICES: RIES at the Follow- Sugar, 18 Pounds for $1.00. 12 2 Cans Tomatoes 11" New Peas 5 Lbs Tea 10. Banquet Coffee 11 Lion 1 everings Soup Beans Lina hs Prunes Raisins Dried Peaches Dried Peas wa ix - - “lites Ohda OND You can buy Remember I sell tor cash and I won't be unde av of goods considered. eries and one visit to n Ba Pc YG Jaking Ty: 5. ss rx Pick! i Gg Oak £: v - He hs gr $ +} 4 py ally Ort 1C abn { that I h CioinVvinooe Remember wv store will brightest stock in town. DOX'T FORGET THE PLACE CASH GROCERY, JOHN “3k Lal in ier per pound Han ATi Ales paraic, eran ea full line jt * y * Veil that l -AT THE BOYCE, Proprietor. A NAR ND RAAF pommw weed SEY FEF BABAKNREENRLRRRNNNRE SOARNESSRRI - Bm om AFR Ela Reowd ok u Le a E8Fothugeny E 4% % RERBC AN pe fo ERERNE i LEBEBSE i u TULS Ee sk npn of SH FINE Spoipey Arras nee BBROEREE FETIRREENRSSERRT fr oe Ree EEBRERYNLHARBRREANY hNENY EBB vivnwna Vewsusemmmun Phila & RB: — Phsindetphis NY vin Tumis NY ovis Pai - N33 Ss gasNLEZNERARGESASENE & 8a? «nl 1T % § | ¥ & alee iw 8 ® 8 CW olay LH 3 & 0 Se aT Wer Y cork ee N raw ¢ ath on YEA pom twin fwen w Hum . Cen Alms F Speen, wow Seip : Aso Acromumesiation, week dare | Philmdeipdvis Eprom Asily | will shang cure = Huntington S1, Phil, aes wu Sp with Eatin Seizain od Reading rare ® the Vail Brow Ra wt 2h “a wr 1 potond Barly fvnnis - Pridpebarg with I on pein maimed snd A Sewitin £4 Thi Dpede Semi milrond ut em Beid with Chae La ~ and Forradary railway al MadulifBey and Patton ee i pe of the Poumercanin railrvedt Wt Ma with The Prem sey ean and Nom bare tern miley As Palmer, ¥ 2 Bar Earn Agent, Sigurt tnfeont, Phi Wy Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 18 INR Main Line, owe Oreo Fmerennd, A ce Main Lave Egporves, daily ; Aatly A Stews a po - Bea EUNRVEL uUnisynE Mail Fapreus, das Lasse 1 rvs Wantwned Eonstowsn Sowa ove ll dee ie Bw gtvemen, Amity Aa > firs Foy pres Madi Fasting Amey ER Sokredoiwn Avowem., week days. cambria and Clesrfeld Sogtivward, Morning t mbes Sor Patron wid remain Son tow {wien Caan way i wr iar. Shon BF Eman SE Tab Raver Sor Ehenanng; Tak wr ving at Cres 31 2 5 om Afle rin foe Pautivan and Crwies ates Sen Casegdeedl at 40 pow Mabadltoy at 200 Lado AR Watney 252 Hastingy 29 Garwsy Cesena SF Paton 350 Joadiey a ie Pe Kathe £10 srviving st {owen at 235 North ward Marsing train leaves Cram Soe Muha thy wi SEE Eheaabary vd Kevbor Wea Y Famsiions 30 Petuw 00 arway fe [ry Doge LAE, Hastings (Sor Mahaffey IIE Game way Bar Mahutey = Westoswr 11% La Jowe 1S Maebaley 1315 arriving ef (ies Cnnspbel! at 1245 Afra tein Se Pal to mind Cle Campbell lenven Cowen af Rede Basins in Eleesbang 29 Beadier Jooetion Le Petites BL CamrwRy fie ¥ Hantings Bw chien | ain welbi Tuk CRT or vetem Caspptwdl. 508% Pomona TOR {og doses TAY. Malus £5 artis al Glos 4 smypbel] ot dE $a Fon mates: Ei she , Rpedly tes eke pert on mifdrees Thx F Walt PAW. Ix, Fils svencr, Putwarg a. 4B Blhewohtmecn, sweets. Mgr om one §UERERE BEaEIY WEEN RE wwuHEEy a I BR Wand, Caen. Pass Ag. Pitrshury & Eastern Time Table. TS TAKE EFFECT MAY 23 ass Wentmmd re : - rs Angupensi $a ¥ Panton Spf Mahatlis Toseniely 4 rel Juvames iim Maku Tey Tan bstinent © Sol SULLY EEaED .. re ps ww a ¥ Eig sR nB eR eang oh oh Skog” “4 og BEE bp vs i Bt Fr Td & it ® i fogs Foy wks iy PIR Lak £ Worin Wont § Mex adie Last idenpy £ Madu Jews i i meelt 30 sn NEalion x rEg ap Esnne T ChngsEs easel * = 3 w We wh REE REE. 5d Mam Tart 3 Malmo Bc dann HEP 2 NR odie Ivins Ww Mabailey a» we daily sxovp oon sere] Massager Mabaf®or, By Ans Bele, Horhestvr sod Pilisharg Ry sims sh ama § NEE rine WEL jemve Ci pan after July A mien d, Ge Baie Pane li i he ow Lenten Baosbn an, wer Fallin Creek and Reyne g ai [Beis Ber Ride 4 Boa Bs os arsed Sind and Row lowtes, will oa mi Rex ued di mane th wy fr urwoasvitie, ane ad fodizeeaniuaarg. Hod I Pulaysaiawney FX. ow Uwe asd Pus te Caen © Dipmonger ht. Slowlemder, N Prient Luwrers NGTON. D.C.