The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 29, 1898, Image 8
TH E PATTON COURIER SEPTEMBER 12, 188 ‘nt 3 A JOINT DEBATE Ho Decline to Meet Moet Chairman Elkin on the Platform. ASO | 0OL. STONE ANSWERS SWALLOW. - | He Points Ont What Should Occnr to Any Sensible Man, That the Charges Proposed For Debate Charge Crimes and Misdemeanors Under the Laws of the Commonwealth, and That the Proper Place to Deal With Them Is thelCriminal Court, Where It Is Swallow's Duty to Present Them. (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia, Sept. 2% The two sig- { pificant svents of the week, politically, aside from the satisfactory consumma- tion of the Republican barmony pro {gram In Philadelphia upon the lines predicted some weeks ago in this cor- respondence, were John Wanamaker's avoidance of a joint debate with Btate Chairman Eikin in Media on Saturday | and Colonel! Stone's crushing rejoinder to Swallow, | The crank candidate for governor is- | sued & public challenge to the Repub- { Hean candidate to hold several de- | bates with him on a carefully prepared list of charges In the main they are | the same old charges which he pub- {fished in his newspuper last winter, i for which publication he was convicted | of criminal Hibei and is now awaiting | pentence. He was then unable to produce any {evidence in support of them, even enough te scqguit him of malicious in- tent in publishing them, and Colonel ‘Stone promptly turned his letter over fan the district atiornev of Dauphin pounty, properly holding that if the charges were trues the only offect of a ‘ public debate, with an exhibition of the testimony. would be to give warn- ing to the defendants in advance of ar: | rest and enulie them 10 €sCADe Jusk- tice. Following is Colonel Btone's jets ‘ter; Philadelphia, Sept. 23 Hey, 8. OC. Bwaliow. My Dear Bip: My attention has been cating to a published Ietler datsd Bept 21 and addressed to me in which you ‘challenge joint discussion upon what Dyou claim to be the issues in thie cam .paign. I am not surprised that you have omitted prohibition as An issye, but 1 am surprised that the Prohibition {party which nominated you upon that fesne should wo soon forget the pure | pomes and objects of their organiza- i {tion and follow you in a crusade which | entirely ignores prohibition. You chal: lenge me to discuss 12 declarations, or i charges upon the atump. All of your 12 declarations charge crimes and mis- demeancors which may be seversiy pun- jehed under the laws of the state i You do not name the offenders nor {the time when ihese crimes and mis dsmeancrs were committed, but claim {to have evidence to substantiate them. em {1 have no such knowledge, except your : ‘unsupported statements which you { have heretofore made, but have been {unable to suRtaln in the courte | you have such Rnowledge of crimes committed, snd have such evidence, it i» your duty. not only as a good citizen, but as a Christian minister, to lay i the evidence before the grand jury of The witnesses which you | your county. | propose to call in Joint debate will be | sufficient to obtain an | telligent audience of the truth of your {charges That is the proper tribunal to hear ‘and determine the truth of these i charges, and that is the proper courses under. taking on the stump to prejudice the | people against candidates whom you i for you to parses, instead of . do not charge with commiting the : have, therefore, I peter your letier to the district alinrney of Dauphin county where you reside, for such action ms he may take in ‘the matter, assuring you that if I am elected governor of Pennsylvania 1 will hearOly fo-operate in all cases to bring guilty parties to justice and punish all crimes against the state, Truly your, WILLIAM A STONE The care with which Mr. Wanamaker Cgvoids poblle dross examination upon the reckless assertions he has heen making since he miesed the United Biates menatorship and the guberna- torial nomination is succinctly set forth An the following report of the commit. tee which sought to arrange a joint de tate on Saturday: CWititam 1. Mathues Esq, Chairman Republican Executive Committee of Delaware County, Media, Pa Dear Bir: Al & meeting of your exec. Cwtive committer, Reid In the Court house, Media, on the evening of the Fist inst. the following resoliglion was unanimously adopted. “Whereas, It has come 10 the know. fedge of this committer that an inde. pendent meeting has been advertised tu take place at the courthouse, Media, Pa. on Baturday evening. Sept 4 at which the Hon. John Wanamaker has ! peen invited to speak and discuss the { fspues of the campaign. and “Whereas, There are questions at §s- sue in this campaign in which all are ' tnterested; therefore be it “Resolved, That the chairman ap- a point 8 committer of three (Ih to confer | with the committer in charge of said | meeting, and also with the Hon John | Wanamaker and the Hon John P El. | kin, chairman of the Republican state | committee, and arrange. if possible, to { have both gentlemen appear at said | meeting and discuss the issues of the . campalgn in a joint debate in order | that the people may have an. oppor- | tunity of hearing both sides” The undersigned were appointed in | pursuance of the above resolution as a committee to walt upon Mr. Wana- maker and Mr. Elkin and arrange for the joint discussion at the time stated. On Thursday morning, the 324 inst, i your committee went to the city of Philadelphia and called at the office of Mr. Wanamaker. He was absent and It indictment if | they are sufficient to convince an in- a diamond dust for cutting “Tia was reported that we could Bot See him until Friday morning. On Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, we again ‘called on Mr. Wanamaker at his of- fice. We found him in and made known to him the winhes of the Ree | . publicans of Delaware county in the | ‘matter of havine= a joint discussion. | He then asked if the state chairman | was willing We informed him we | wold see, We immediately went over | to the Republican headquarters and | found the chairman at his desk. We | made known to him our desire that he | would meet Mr Wanamaker in joint discussion at the courthouse in Media ax per the resolution He promptly ac- copted the invitation and addressed the following letter to your committee: Gentlemen | am in redsipt of your | invitation to mest the Hon John Wan. | amaker in joint discussion of the pos | fitical issnes of the present campaign at | the courthouse in Media on Saturday evening the 24th of Reptember 1 here. by accept the invitation [It would af ford me much pleasures to meel Mr. Wanumaker at that time or any other time during the present campaign to res fute the charges that Be haw been mak: ing against the Republican party of this state Very reapecifully yours JOHN P. ELKIN, Chairman, Your cammittss then reported the ac- ceptance of Chairman Fikin to Mr Wanamaker af the office of the latter Mr Wanamaker repited that he would not enter into a discussion of this kind | unless the having in charge the mass mesting st | Media so directed We then called up | by ‘phone Captain Albert Magnin, of Darby. who was the committees ap- pointed to make arrangernents for the Wanamaker mesting When told that Chsirman Elkin had accepted the in. vitation to enter into the joint discus. | gion with Mr Wanamaker and that Mr, Wanamaker referred the matller to hime. Captain Magnin refused to make arrangements for the joint discussion on the grounds that he bad no author. | Hy to do =o We have labored faithfully to carry aut the instructions of your commit. tee and arrange for a joint discussion of the issues involved between the par ties above mentioned It in due to Rtate Chairman Fikin to say that from the first he expressed a hearty willingness | 1a meet Mr Wanamaker and discos | the Wanamaker mesting at Madina as wall a2 Mr Wanamaker himself show. a4 a disposition to evade (he respansi- hitity of a joint discussion at that time All of which is respectfully submits ted Committees -Johin lL. Hawthorne chair man. Edward 8 Higkman, Charles M Wagner, Harder Than Diamonds, When boron is made to act upon ean bon under the heat of the electiic for- pace, two bodies are formed, one of them stable, the other attackable hy s mixture of pot chlorate and acetie | acid. The first of these hus the formula’ Bo C. M. M Mailman, in La Nature, says is ia obtained by the direct union of boron with carbon in the electric fur pace and in other ways which are indi Boride of carbon belangs to the sane class of compounds as silicide of carbon toarbide of silicon; Like the latter, it great stability and great hard- rommitiee of hin friends | i pest. It cocurs fn brilliant black crys tals, baving the density of 2.5) Heated to 1,000 degrees C in oxygen gas, it burns slowly and with more difienity than the diamand, yielding carbamic scid and a Diack residue comted with melted borscic acid. The most curious baride of carbon. The latter is very friable It can be pounded fine ina mates, the mixed with ofl and osed The hardness of this boride is appar we landed we had ‘4s the first example of a definite sud- ge capable of cutting the diamond. The compound therefore is harder than crimes or with knowledge of thems. | @hllellle of carbon —Povolar Science taken the Hberty to The Gove an Played In Aliries It ean hardly be too often repented thas the Jameson raid und the Jhon pesturg rising are merely ined nie the ame which haa een played lor years snd is still playing tween My Rhodes as the representative of Erich hegemony and President Krug: aa representative of Duteh and aliomatoly, thoogh pot willingly, of German | nave a good deal of admiration fos Pres ident Kruger as a strong man in a dif fieult place and highly the Boers ax a rosolate and harey race, bat President Kroger s government is intel erable, and if be were to win we should Jose the headship of Sonth Africa There in a great deal of talk now atout getting at the guilty person behind Jameson's ewfew YO raid and Jobhaupesharg's revolt. This is aesminedd to be Mr Hhodes—a shots sighted Gssumption. Behind the reform merely foged an ally in Mr born the formidable fire cane of the disturbances tn the Transvaal the us gaily figure of the old os per dirta tor. Give Lim all praise (00 diplomacy onuragy, tenacity and a certain diple matic magnanimity, bat repember thas the oppression and corruption of bis gov ernment, de | 10 relnonstrance Or warn ing, is the rl cause of the trouble, and that the gu ft for the bliod spilles at Krugersdorp, 23 for the suichdes in tronk at Pretoria, rests on the unmvelopt. ing, though soneewhat enetucns, sulo rrat of the Transvaal — Fortnightly View. Cutariitien, who Rboddes, Tie Half a Loaf. The Northern Amerionn Torperbund, which recentiy met at Loulsvilie, hae “woman question’ Jt wus recom mended by the committic thas women be permitted to take part in the big car pival at 5t. Louis next year, which was carried, bu* they were dented admit- tance into the convention by a vote of 215 to 147. @ + the Pou Mized. “Yes, sir,’ said the fat stranges, the pen is mightier than the sword.’ “From Chicago, ain't you?’ &8 i {| Jepisiatur: i Horton for Mi: ; tarniag | design in the form of a man’s face | is ratber grotesque in appearance, and | this effect is heightened by the fact that | the water comes gushing forth from the mouth of the stone figure. | men, evidently the proprietors of laun nv AS 0 rN A AAS 1 WS Gn vearoN, Nov. 4.—The Galveston | News roveades the election of © &i0 ow. osliotors alse election of hers, silver Demoarat, for governor. se Th» Revult in New York, New Yorg, Nov 4 New York has | gone Bepublican 20000. New Yor Youas Guus Paz Brvum. = an | 1- Ceity went Resublican by 20,000. rk i* Revablican i¥ivd MiB eny, After He Voted N Y.. Now 4 Charles y wasitithy and aged resident of went to the polis and voted iviniew He fell dead on his re ine, BE this « LE antaeiumetie Banker Dear). Asrsprry, Maw, Nov 4 William {+ Fw» of the big Ellis Car com &1 uremident of the Amesbury Bride ny : Rrconal bani, ws dead. aged 54 years. A Good Squirter, One of the public drinking places erected by the Philadelphia Fountain society is embellished by a rather unique Is Two China | dries, stopped! in front of the fountain | and seemed deeply interested in It { They cooked their funny little heads to one side, gamed at the spectacle from | every possibly point of view, and after . & moment of contemplative silence pro- ceeded to paws critical judgment upon it “Him wsquirtes belly good,” said one. “Yea,'' replied the other. ‘Me likes havee him ail alonges my laun- diy. ""— Philadelphia Record. Pardoned. Some sentences of conrt martial were presented to the youthful Queen Vie toria for signatore. One wan of death for desertion. “Have you nothing to say on behaif of this man?’ asked the queen. ‘Nothing, madam. He has deserted three times, '' said the official “Think again, my Jord,” mid the queen. Wherenpon the gallant soldier repliad: “He is certainly a very bad soldier, your majesty, bot he may be a gon wan for all 1 know to the contrary. “Thank you,’ ssid ber majesty and wrote *' Pardoved’” on the paper The smallest book in the world Is 4 Kaonverentions Lexikon, published in Berlin and prepared by Daniel Sanders The volume occupies the space of only six cubic cantimeters—0 386 cube neh eh it ia claimed to oon 175,000 words The book must 4 a throogh a microscope especiall pared for it CRITICAL TIME the Battle ago. AE Ae Jre. During of Santi SICK OR WELL, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. - Packers at the Battle of Santiago ae Cabs. were all Heroes Their Harnde Fifforts in Getting Ammani- tion and Ratioas to the Front Saved : the Day. : Fe Butler, «f pack-train, No 8 writing from Santiago, ie Cubs, on July 26d, says: We all had diarrhoea in more ordoss violent form, sad when tinw to see A doctor, for it was a case of rash and rush night and day to keep the troops supplied with ammunition and rations but thanks to Chamberlain's Uolie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy, we were able to keep at work and ep our health; in Gwe, 1 sincerely that at one eritical time this eondicine was the indirect saviour of our army, for ir the packers had been unable lo work there would have been no way of There train cogld "ney belie getting supplies to the front were no roads that 3 wagon ae, comrade and myself had the oF Aly good fortune to lay In a supply of this medicine for our pack-train befors we eft Tampa, and | know in four absolotely saved life” The above letier was writ to Lhe of medicine, the Chamberiain Medivine Co, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, Ww. Hodgkins. sen bf fan manafartorm thin To Atweeiineors wha wish Eos 54d Hereafter ail patrogs display advertisement in COURIER, wl now ranaing, must Dw copy in not later than Tuesday at o'clock p.m. of each week. If handed in later than that time it will bave to be held over till the next week. All well regulated newspapers must have a specified time in which to such business; if not, the paper LY lable to he sued several boars be Gx B% og pu TREE SRE ar who wish % a. receive hind time amd then the subsenibers ®, 3 buy would have good reason to complain. Try to get copy in early. Parran Pus Ua The bottom of the Pacifle between Hawaii and California is said to be so level that a railroad could be laid for 500 miles without grading anywhere This fact was discovered by the United States surveying vessel engaged in’ making soundings with a view of, laying » cable. Nearly all the gold coin in ci ircula- | | tion in the Sandwich islands is of United | | States mintage. i BR Ap Berm SAY BR A SRN Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence, Ripans Tabules: pleasant Iagative | CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. -- x Hastings Furniture "=| & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ETC, |All calls promptly attended to. {Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho- tel, Patton Pa., and Spen- cer building, Hastings, Pa. Also office in Spiece building, Barnesboro. HC. EASLY, va are Drapared to do all kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron ketlies, sto | stove repairs, plow points, plow re paird. Our charges are reasonable. (Hd otal taken in exchaage $r pew wisk. | £2 0yr CHEST SPRINGS, PA i R. FE. Notley, ~ Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialt yy, Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family nse cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. | H ASTINGS, PA;| Hs Cinderella oe bt Range It is a Great Comfort —-aglin- TO A TIDY HOUSERFEPER TO HAVE A GOOG STOVE ® THE © Te crtarcf it ut peeict het Moves, for howsehold ase, Te Te market All the latest and best i incorporated into its ol > § feature to durabijity, : HE Aaah | snd economy bas been weil planned snd Can bo asa or Double Heater’ : developed. . ? > \ All the Good ate Hons of the Errors! Produces the Greatvst Heat From the Least Fuel mm — EnAMINE ‘THE CINDERELLA BEFORE YOU BUY mm For The cold alr is dravn Som the foer, and discharged throoph the sides and top, thoroughly bested. This method of circianion { PRrReEVENTS CoLDp FLOORS # And establishes that much desived oni. fora temperature in all parts of the room. Will Buen Any Kind of Coal! with Ke Fire Tw Nowrs ! . a” ale by : i E. Kirk Have vou been to see fine line of Dry Goods Good's store? We have them. At GS, Moderate Prices Are what most people look for nowadays. [If you want GOOD value come to us and get it. IT'S PRACTICAL ECONOMY Groceries it this store. Qualities are not sacri- ficed to price, and yet prices are never high. We get the best things and sell them as close to cost as we can. Geo S. Good, cas