The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 29, 1898, Image 1

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29, 1898.
bose fo $5 Sus of
Q Coots af he K.
‘Gieaned Here and There by
the “Courier” Reporter.
Traverse Drawn for December
Term of Court.
Following ire the grand and traverse
Grand nnd
: {jurors of North Cambria connty drawn
for the December term of court st
; Grant Jury.
Christy, F. J, merchant, Gallitzin.
i Darham, Joseph A., farmer, Barr
| township.
| Flemming, 0. B., Iaborer, Carroll
Greene, BE. Will, editor, Patton.
\ ] Humphrey, Harry, laborer, Ebenshurg,
on Pharmacy.
, Medicines, Chemicals,
& Evans, David E.,
Owens, Edward, farmer,
West Ward.
{ Overberger, John B., farmer, Carroll
Paul, Benj., farmer, Jackson township.
Skelly, Wm. Gentleman, Gallitzin.
Traverse Jurors First Week.
Adams, Wm. J., farmer, Clearfield
' Anderson, Charles F.,
: Baker, Henry, teamster, Spangler.
| Brickley, Jatnes A., carpenter, Barnes-
miner, Elder
Conway, H. J., merchant, Gallitzin.
Davis, James F., farmer, White town-
Dillon, John A, farmer, Susquebaona
; township.
| Davis, Samuel L., conductor, Gallitain,
farmer, Cambria
! township.
| Luther, I). A, Jr, contractor, Carroll
i town.
McGough, Thomas, farmer, Allegheny
| township.
Robinson, Ww. TP nason, Patton.
the , Alex., carpenter, Carroll
: Williams, Thomas, iaborer, Barr town-
Traverse Jurme Recond Week.
Beers, Wm., farmer, Reads township.
| Barkbart, David F., farmer, Jackson
: ship.
' Davis, R. C., barber, Ebensburg.
Delogier, Clarence, farmer, Clearfield
Esch, John B., White township.
Gray, Joseph A., geutleman, Carroll
James, B. F,, druggist, Ebensburg.
Lynch, Patrick, farmer, Chest township.
McCoy, John 8. farmer, Clearfield
, Elder
McKee, J. 8. farmer, White township.
Treese, H. M., clerk, Reade township.
Westover, Willis, farmer, Susquehanna
Yeager, F. C., butcher, Patton.
Coulport Net “ in I>
The game of Rugby foot ball played
between the Patton team and a team
from Coalport Friday st the base ball
park resuited in the defeat of the lat-
ter team by a score of 23 to 0. The
furn. game was interesting and our boys
$6.00, 55.50 and
deserve credit for the excellent game
‘ they put up for the season's opening.
The Coalport players are all gentlemen
‘and took their defeat like true sports
Annual Inspection Tour.
The annual tour of inspection of the
day, October {Hh. Supervisor W. H.
Moore, of this place, will accompany the
inspection party, which will leave Jersey
City and proceed as far as Pittsburg.
. The different branches intersecting with
the main line of the P. R. R. wilt be
Is itu Bluff, or No?
The following appeared in the col-
umns of the Gien Campbell Comet of
last week: “The editor of this paper
hereby challenges the winner of the
coming wrestling match between
Banks Woodford and Samuel Taylor,
/ in a cath-as-cateh-can wrestling match
‘not later than November 30.”
In the vicinity of Susquehanna town-
ship, Cambria county, about two
| months ago, seven head of sheep. Two
were black in color, having a hole in
Jeft ears, and four were white. Any
person knowing the whereabouts of
Patton, Pa.
{ Gittings, Thos, Jr., farmer, Clearfield
! Trefense of Mr, O' Friel
The following appeared in the Johns-
town Tribune of Thursday, September
DEAR SiR: As a citizen of Loretto,
and speaking for the majority of other
citizens, I would like to say that the
‘story of H. T. O'Friel trying to burn
his mother and then attempting to kill
a constable, published in the Tribune
Bedford County Man Nomi
nated for Congress.
active part in State and National cam- |
paigns, and helped to organise the”
American Protective Tariff League, of
which he is now one of the vice presi
dents. In 1882, having previously de
clined the Independent Repoblican
nomination for Congress in the Mount
gomery-Bocks district, he became a
candidate for the reguisr Bepubiican
nomination, and stood next to the
and other papers yesterday, grossly The Other Aspirunis Were Hicks, of Blair, highest in the joint convention which
misrepresents the facts and dows Mr.
(Friel an injustice. He did not at
tempt the crimes charged to him, and
the sympathies of the peopie of Loretto
are entirely with him. So great is
their confidence in him that he could
get $100,000 bail If necessary in a short
time. Bail will be secured and My Hicks was a candidate for renominga- go pn and the matter was refeernd to
an outside board of arbitration, which
decided the regular Republican cundi- |
("Friel released from jail soon, prob.
‘ably to-morrow.
Cuarims F. (VDoNNELL
Loretto, Bept. 22, 1888
A Splendid Leeture Coming. ;
The Epworth League is arranging
for a slendid lecture to be given in the
Konsr, of Someres:,
Joseph E. Thropp, of Bedford county,
was inst Wednesday night given the
Republican nomination for Congress in
the Twentioth district, now represented
by Josiah D. Hicks, of Altoona Mr.
and Alvin Evans, of
tion, and the other aspirants were
Alvin Evars, of this county, and F. J.
Kooser, of Somerset. The conferees
of the district have been deadiocked
for some time past, nomerous confer
ences being held without result. The
nomination was made on the 76th hal
lot, the Somerset and Bedford conferees
selected a candidate. At Ebensburg in
1800 and at Everett in 1892 he reovived
complimentary votes, though not reg-
nlarly before the Republican confer.
ence. Two years ago he was the
choice of Bedford county, as this ‘rear,
but the conferees failed to make a nom-
date to be Hon. J. DD. Hicks, of Altoona,
who bad already served two Wrme
Mr. Thropp ran as 3 Protectionist, and
received 7 488 votes in the district.
; Dreop In,
Methodist Episcopal church on Thars- oi itn Bedford on the final Messrs. Scheid and Wilkine, the two
day evening, October 6th. The iext-
urer is the Rev. M. LL Ganos, the
popular pastor of the First Methodist
church of Altoops. The title of the
lecture is “A Boy in the War, or, the
Funtiy Side of Soldier Life.” Of the
lecture the Lewisburg Saturday News
says: “Mr.Ganoe is a man of most pleas
ing address. His sense of fun bubbles
up like an unfailing spring; it breaks
through his thought every where, makes
it dance and gleam like a mountain
stream in the morning iight. During
the hour and 2 half he takes you into
hie canfidance and faike to you of army
life in general and of his own in par
ticular, you forget time. he alternates
humor, wit, pathos, eloqoence in such
‘a charming manner; his power of de
seription. is poosual.” Tickets for
admision will be on sale soon by a
Ceommitiee of solicitors.
From Porto Rico.
The editor of this paper received, on
Satarday night, a small box of Porto
Rico seeds and a newspaper published
‘on that Island, which were sent to him
‘by his brother, who is a member of
Company H, Sixteenth Regiment, P.
V.L The seeds are of a queer shape
and color and very hard and durable.
They are used by the natives as beads
and buttons. The name of the pews
paper is the La Correspondencia
Puerto-Rico, and js printed in
Brown, Jerry, farmer, Jackson town- Spanish language. It is a five colamn | representing pa eal |
printed qUest, joined with thows of Somerset died of pneumonia Wednesday night
work- and Bedford counties and nominated #t ber home in Pittsburg, where the
| paper of but two pages, neatly
and appears to be made up ina
the mony within our ranks, the conferees Mrs. Benedict Voik, who was born
3 inrly looked after
ballot. Mr. Thropp, the sucoessfal
candidate, put up a strong fight against
Mr. Hicks when the latter was first
suited. Bedford county claimed it was
entitled to the nomination, and the
sold October § 10 13, good to retorn
until October 17, inclusive. The return |
feeling has been strong for him in
bome county.
Frion Congrosmsmman Hicks
To the Repuobiican Voters of the
Twentieth District: In accordance
with my promise to the Republicans of
the district, and for the saoccess of the
principles of the party, and for har
Blair county, at my re
tonsorial artists, wish to inform the
public that they are now comfortly
located in their new quarters in the
Goldstein biock on Magee avenue and
are now ready Yo wall opon the trade
with neatness and despatch. The shop
has been eqoipped with all modern
necessities and contains foar chmirs,
which will afford ample accompiods-
tions. All old costomers and new ones
are invited to call and pet x nice lean
shave and bair cot. Shampooing and
all other special work wiki be particn-
Remember the
pisos in the Goldstein block, opposite
the Palmer house
Reduecd Baer 10 Fitabarg.
On acount of the Knights Tesnpiae
Triennial Conclave, to be held at
Pittsburg, Pa, October 10 to 14, the
Penosylvania Ralrosd company will
ita in ON A AL I
Hroet Paving Bide
I am again requisted by Borough
| Council to wdvertise for bids for paving
with brick ibe part of Magee avenue
referred to in two previous requests for
bide. All bide to by accompanied by
to give boud for full cost of work, and
guaranties work for one your, to insure
which § per cent will be retained by
Borough for one year after completion
cof work. Plans andl specifications can
be seen at offioe of Boroagh Engineer.
. The right to reject any or all bids re-
served. Bids to close Satardsy, Octo-
ber 1, 1898, at 8:30 p. m. Street paving
ordinance enacted and ordained June
20, 1898, E C Brows,
Borough Engineer.
Fubiie Sale.
There will be expimed at public sale
in the Borough of Patton Thursday,
September 29th, 1308 at 2 p mm. the
following described real state:
Ome vacant lot 50x150 feet, sitoated
‘on the south east torver of Fifth and
Palmer avenues.
One lot 530x130 fet on the east side
of Fifth avenve, opposite the school
property. Both loti sdicin each other.
Term of sale. Cash.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
‘not to give, sil or farnish to my wife
any goods, boarding or lodging on my
account. We have voluntarily seps-
rated and I shall not be Sable for any
deltts contesoted by her.
September 19, 1308. 413
$3.00 Reward.
The sum of $5.66 » offered for the
evidenos that will convict the party or
partion who robbed my chicken coop
Tharsday night, Sege. 22
E. P McComMick.
For Sale’
nominated, and some bitterness re [U8 line to Pittabuig and retarn at rate
‘of single fare for the round trip, with
! minimum of 25 cents. Tickets will be
Hmit of tickets from Harrisburg and
points east thereof can be extended to
Oct. 31 upon depositing same on Oot.
13 to 17 with the Joint Agent at Pitta
barg and the payment of 50 cents
Former Resstent of Carreliiowsi.
I have for sale a fresh cow four years
obid; oaif four weeks old.
| 432 T. N. NaGLE, Patton, Pa
Wiskimery Opening.
Millinery opening Satorday and
| Monday, (tober isi and 3rd, at Anna
| Dartt's.
and raised in Carrolitown, this county, |
manlike manner. The above named
Joseph E. Thropp, Esq, of Bedford family has lived about two years. Mrs.
| curiosities can be seen at any time by oounty, which nomination, on motion Volk is survived by her husband and
calling at this office, where they are Of the conferees of Cambria county, three sons, Lawrence, Henry and
on exhibition.
A Good Entertainment.
The American Cineograph coms
pany |
motion and animated pictares of the
Spanish-American war will be dis
: played under a powerful calcium light.
The scenes of battle, troops and ships
appear as in actual motion. To geta
good idea of the late war one should
soe the entertainment. Mr. George C.
' Divers, so well and favorably known
in this community, will appear in his
inimitable character sketches and
songs. George will be greeted with a
full house.
To be Wedded.
The editor of this paper is in receipt
of an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Unger, of Sinking Springs, Pa, Ww
be present at the marriage of their
daughter, Lottie, to Dr. V. A. Murry,
of Patton, which will occur at the
bride’s residence to-day Thursday,
September 29th, at 3 o'clock p. m,
The CoURIER and friends of the doctor
extend hearty ation The
happy couple will occupy the doctor's
pew residence on Beech avenue upon
their return to Patton, which will be
about October 3d.
: : L OH © Banquet.
Patton Conclave No. 398, Improved
inspected after the above trip is taken. (Opder of Heptasopbs will bold a ban-
‘gnet in Patton daring the early part of
Otober. The banquet will be held in
honer of one of its members, H. J.
! Van Dusen, who expects to depart for
Porto Rico in a short time. Extensive
preparations are being made and a big
time is expected.
: —
On Wednsaday, September 21st,
: William Turnbull and Miss Sarsh
‘ Lowe, both of Patton, were united in
marriage at the residence of the bride's
parents on Magee avenue, Rev. E H.
Witman, pastor of the M. E. church,
] i
| A
‘one would get his umbrella that he politics, and has always been an earn- many friends
| est supporter of the principles of the during the illness and death of their
{locked it in his safe. That night the
| safe was stolen.
, was made unanimons.
| grataiated the sacomsful candidate and Catharine, Eugenia, Vincestia, of the
‘assured him of my cordial and loyal Sisters of Charity, and Minnie.
1 at once con-
sapport. | earnestly invite the large
tire district to aconrd to Mr.
the sam cheerful and enthusiastic sup-
port that has heretofore so cordially
been given me. J. D. Hiexa
Altoona, Pa, Sept. 24, 189%
The Candidnle.
Mr. Joseph E. Thropp, the candidate,
was born at Valley Forge, Chester
county, this State, where his father had
a farm, store and factory, and is aboot
50 years of age.
On his mother’s side Mr. Thropp is of
German descent, the head of the family
Col. Workheise:—-having settied near
* Howellaville, some 10 miles from Valley
Forge. a centary and a half ago,
where five generations of the family
have spent their lives. On his father's
side he is of English descent, Isaiah
Thropp, the father, having been the
son of a manvfactorer in Wednesbury,
England, who, when about 18S years of
age, came to America, and spon arriv-
ing at his majority at once identified
himself with the Whig party, later be-
coming an Anti-Slavery Republican,
His father lived for 50 vears on the
farm near Valley Forge, on which
‘Joseph E., the youngest of his 10
children, was born.
The early education of the present
candidate was secured at the public
schools; then he was
Friend's central high school, Philadel
phia, and later graduated as a civil
engineer at the Pennsylvania Poly-
technic college. After spending some
time engaged in his profession in Min-
nesota, he was offered a position as
assistant saperintendent at the Merion
Iron Works, ia the Schuylkill Valley,
where, in 18 months, be became a
partner, and bas since been actively
engaged in business
For nine years Mr Thropp
owned what was formerly the Everett
Iron Works, at Everett, Bedford
county, and spends mast of his Wme at
home pear the works.
Republican party. He has taken sa
Frank, and five daughters, Margaret,
ment was made in Pittabarg Sataurday.
John Gantz, a veteran of the late
war, attended the thirteenth annual
reunion of the Third Artillery and
188th Infantry, Pennsyivasia Volun.
teers, which was held al Altoona om
Wednesday and Tharsday of last week.
He reports baving spent an enjoyable
time among his old comrades. The
pext reunion will be held at Phil.
Want ie Play Johastown
The (COURIER has been requested by
the Patton Ragby foot ball team to ask
or challenge the Jounstown foot ball
team for a game in the very near
futare. The Patton team means busi
ness and will play for $100.00 if desired
by our southern friends An early
reply setting forth the date of contest
is what oar boys are looking for.
Easy 10 Manage
Our line of suits, for quality and
Jost what you have been locking for.
As to style, they ate away ap; a8 to
price they are moderation itself Be
fore buying do yourself the justice to
examine our offers
We have oor ll line for fall ap
winter sgitings. We also ¢ a
line of sansples of the mort Jesszable
goods in the market.
Dinsmore Bros.,
The Cinderella range is easy to man
‘age, many other ranges are not. The
constroction of the Cindereila admits
of plenty of air under the grate, which
prevents it from burning oul, and
every provision i» made tor cleanliness
Examine it before you buy. Sokiby J.
E. Kirk Hardware Co.
Public Sale!
As E P. Bender bas sold his stock
pt to the pom one and one-half miles enst of
Carrolitown be will sell all his personal
v on the premises Tuesday,
October 11th, consisting of farming
implements and stock. For particuiam
Danes in Firemen Hail
A dance will be held in Firumen's
Hall Saturday night, October 1st, by
Patton Fire Co. No. 1, at which every
one is invited to attend. Good music.
The best of order will be maintained.
Don’t forget the place and date.
The family of G. M. Tibbens wish,
Baltimors man was wo afraid some Mr. Thropp sarly took an interest ia 10. retarn thelr sincere thanks fo. the
who eo kindly wmmsistec
Tin, Copper and Sheet
Iron Work.
Yeager Building,