The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 22, 1898, Image 6

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oh ASA i AN PAS eS 5
Te that in neglecting to cultivate my | and made arrangements for selling | Tes Pennsylvania Railroad Time
mall bit of property I have failed to his best flowers instead of giving | It 1s Belg Done in Californias ww Pro- | yivaina Rairog
do my duty to my fellow-man, did them all away to paupers, donbtless | ! Table
von?’ he began, testily, “And you're he would have been awarded the 850, May 16, 1598.
trying to pump around and find ont Bot Fe didn’t get it, and things being | 27o%ing in California and many de | iy i
why Tallow things to go to rack and ax they are, T want to be secured for ; Viens for keeping it from harming the | /
rain, are you? Well, I'll satisfy you. my rent. You'd hett ree to that at | 2rohards have been tried fr fe lo | Sain Line.
Fin, yon’ i. satisfy you, my rent, my er see to that a URINE have been red from time lp Loaves Crew Fasteard,
partis suecess A | Fea ®hgre Expoves, week days 41
Adon Aveommodation. week duys #2
"The last State censns of Massachu-
motte shows that Worcester is the seo. Somebody eravis toto mamma's bed
ond ent city in the State. Just at the break of day,
largest sity in the State i Bougzies up slows and a iepers oad:
“Somebody's come to stay.”
tert Oranges
. Frost is a frequent feature of srangs |
Sagusta sesnres the world that Span. ] ke |
ish honor has beech vindicated, He
fails, however, to state when, where i
snd by whom the job was done, ;
Somebody rushes through the haus,
Never onea shuts a door;
Bentters hier plavihings all around
Over the nursery #oor, voy ’ : 5 bq ;
: , You're an impudent young fellow. one.” and with another sharp look at | time with oni
i Climbs on the fence and tears ber SUH if there's a peuny to be turned DhHek, the old peptieman stalked ant | writer if the Ran Francieeo Call tells | Mate Line Expross, dnily
IR A SA. : a . 5 = # ! ah at 2. ham RR SRL
: : : Po elothen = i by farming my few feet of earth don't of the room 8 aneeremonionsiv as he | oF a plan which srerne to be working | Allvone Aveathmodation, duily
Pern is still eager to buy some bat. | Never a Lit cares she now that T have any obiections 1 Lad pow Pabst and ob ; Malt Kx (dally :
. x Nie i. Wi Swings on thio pate snd makes mud piss "HU oo pT mmr, AL] Lau fame. | WEIL BRG TO repay the erpensis in. | Philsdelphis Expr, daily
tieships and ernizers. This indicates Who san sombody be? vou'il pronase not to bother ar sith fhe nest morning when IMek | volved During the day tite earth and Fokus Lame rem. West ward
that perhaps the dogs of war are Somubady looks with rogaish syes voar farming, and not fo male too spened the Telegram. which some i Trees be warm, Lif us the night Rtn Lovedn.. weed days
ge MEOW ADR ? Riel 5 ¢ ? ¥ " ’
| Pavifie Fxpsws, dutty
- 7 A ¢ . : ; ¥ eying Re 3 vid to run in to be aks wren baiy had lah ¢ i don his | oo ¥ ihe 5 ] , Pan : >
about to emit a deep, hoarse, Pern- Up throogh her tangied nsir jn hn 8, and ney : hi in 18 10 Dar tangs boy had left at his door, bis | conte the atmosphers the procies of Way § ERgee. dndiy
ny $Rumebody's meV she nye Chul then | row things from me all the time, 1 be
‘vian bark.
: w foil ab Ann 3 Pe mb . ielvgre Keproms
rs i i ? even Toil at noe on a communi ation radiation ats in and the Heat ir 399 tHe Wait : ' So :
fomabody doesn’t dare : lveve 1H ascent your plroangsihon I owhieh was headed, * pen Latter” ~a1th and the trees ls carried of ihe Fastlme, datly oo
v ™ 3 AF hI EHR a a dudinstoss Avner eek days
Sin Ri Shins ! irs bi ws ina won't make vou pay me any rent iu It was ax follows ood Dre
: Wy ellie tn :" : ; . Tanti. arosty aimoephers fakin itu oid 7.
Japan han formally announced that advance, but 1 want it drawn pin Io awarding the prize in the recent Sow. | nlare Thizx warm its BE oi . : cambria and learBeld.
the revised codes are in force and 3 hiack and white that of von do get or eanben contest the derision was uns red TH . 4 a \ Mogi Bwand
: x : . 2.1 dostitedly lua ab fm tha ow & ' 3 a ae Art Whe evs Morning train fo Patron and :
: : : 3 rize vou are to tnrm over half the | doottedly lost bot in the same of that | : sng 1rsin for Patton and Crews esis
sow Americans as well as other for- the prize } a re na: sis Huntioe there bi ope how to whom | 3000 Hat the Semm : , : Gt Cummatett £8 Sabie © a ron
i * Morrie sured tive § igre Eps % rivong BERS THRE the trae must be sopvered ARETE, © Mabeley Sa om pv des
: Ck ! money io me, and if von don't win on Eas anid ha sives it + Some fone gs ARaaad Erk. faim
: signers. are subject to Japanese faw, yor #3 » LF Pay an a Fr sgmeipinl ter : AH aie Hep a il a big i tals A fog would Ao this of iet nal) ¥. bat wu ef $8; i 8 Brsdtes
. , it : ak Ea ’ s Hy a soafuldian Conhection a nin 3 Rishnrr vite, | ro i AF Yop ay ot 28 1%% , Susertiom or WE Puli rr ini ogi t
We shall wateh with much interest T NRE EMMA NW wee amonnt anveay, for the use of the His arden when seen by the [udies was hi any be manufactiared to arder, Te a Cv i Jnwey Io
the onten Y tio | P14 : ’ certainty not the fairest. bat the wes to | 1D dea was conceived of overing (he 7 min fur Patton sof Orosess ays tsi
2 on me. Ungnes nably the haw IOC : sot which the fAdwers hind wen put were so | orchard with canvar. which could La | Sniephala 185 poo Monty AE TE Lada
iaws are all right on paper, the dif. | : . - 3 That evening Dirk forwarded his iwoefiesst apd kindiv thar their odor as- rolled 1 . * : - TSR Wesson or SA0 Hastings S00 Gareay nr
enlty will come in their persti I FALLY and truly, sends clear taheaven They have sheernd od up in the morning snd st out | Cremon' 59 Paton 6 fradiey Junction
> i *1r operation, in [ xh ; 4
shonld hike to
16 feoupe
NARS AL ddress to the aditor of th i ; Waxder £4 Fas i
Rae and oki ate eT oa iv the sick, dwekond the bride and gone down | 31 DIREL. One acre was coverad jg 9% Rapier cis, ius vay -
ican w it very di 415 An. u gq; RIA, AA Tentesied, am » HAY Dinto the grave with the dead Mores than | thin way and i fori t i * Hwang.
: America eo find it ry ifficalt to an tnrn the hae XK Yar 3 enrolled aw one aff the armpetitors IN ail elas they have brought ahont a recur. : 1 ; sh ast iy Was found ta be e% : Moening train i Cpemscirs fir Maha Ses
force laws that do not receive the fall, IB10 Ao the race for the $50. prize. The next 7e7tion. They, and the kindness of the pensive and unstable, as the canvas "a i, 1098 Kuyior Well, Hawtie:
“Don y1 2% Inia Dally fre. I boy ture * bro . nrust of sul. | WOUId : | dutetion Wes Patton [eT dnrway or Hes.
sordial support of the great mass of Don’t want te morning before going to the downtown | DOF farmer, have broken the crust of sal. | WOU 4 get wet and decay Then MT. haga 110% Hastings (ior Mabatfey] oe ree
; TEs 5 tarn 1% into any y x | Rabness from nn old man's heart and bave | Everest thought of 3 roverin sf | WKY for Mabhafley) Lhe W ] a in
the people. Will it be any easier for k thing diferent office he began the work of clearing | made nim realtrs the joy and usefulness of Sontharton. _ bs POvering Of | ee i BS Taw (ide Ls
Japan? For some time wo have 0 B from 8 ht it ix TTY the rabbish from Mr. [Seliery’ living and loving fo view of afl that, ist - #. and Rn Was Uted, was a | Cminpbell st BAA Alleruoos tain for i
aos ava . . 3 1A | ay WW backyard, That was a greater nnder. #of Richard White's garden be forgotten. | *HCCC8s, and today is an accomplished | Rng (Hien Cam plai! oa Crewan wt as
iL heard very little of the anti-foreign | | » BOW, broke mi taking than he had supposed it would | JEaNuy Stem. fact. A visit to this ranch world re | EN Putton #6. are Ee Brtiey Junetinn
spirit in that country, and the craze of | | J Jeranry Sellers, a and it took a week of steady work = Mr Sellers.” gasped Dick. Then, | move any doubts one might have re- | Fr lienn Camphaits TAs Garw: “x
a : . 1 ow : . : Be ik 3 : v : i re x : {Aas : Nit Pu rentover TB Ta ao
afew years since seems to have large- rh ously. nights and mornings to transfer the kes fash he was running ap the [Karding the feasibility of the new plan. | Ti Mabintfes £10: arriving at Ges Cnet
ly died awa That the feeling has Te WAS & IO: | {mato cans and estehup bottles from | Prick walk from the alley and pound. | A dial set in the calling of the house | #.29pm.
fs y. ng ment's silen hn = i 11 on Mr» Rellers’ bark doer The ar the » od a ¥ TEE TRL Rp, Hl : Ey y Esl agent
i Dick Yo i the prospective flowsr garden to the ® « RE, 3 A > . : : ead of the stairs indicates the of gddees Tine V Wats PAN boa
- maid servant admitted him and an in. | direction of the wind at any time af Vth avenue Pitsburg, Pa
be unifor viform,
gone, however, can scarcely be true, ig \ » then
There are many Japanese still whose
soneeption of law in very different
trom ours, and there will doubtless be
| many instances of miscarriage of jns.
Hee. We bope, however, that for-
signers will be patient, and, realizing
thet there is still need for education,
give the new system the benefit of the
doubt when it seems to work hard:
ship. Japan has dove nobly. It is
too much to expect that progress shall
will show excellent results,
mano t+ esiudy haste.
Give her time, and she |
sumed, esatiously: |
*T was thinking |
it would be a good
idea to make as flow. |
er garden cull there. ™ :
“A~n--a what? A flower garden, |
did you say?’ exclaimed Mr. Sellers, |
aghast. “What ever put that notion |
into your head”
“This,” ssid Dick, taking from his
pocket a folded piece of news :
whioh he handed to Mr, Sellers with, |
CWill you read it, sir?” i
“No,” maid Mr. Sellers. “Don't
want to. Read it yourself if yon want |
me to know about your tomfoolery.”™ |
Diek took the paper again and read |
aloud the article to which /bhe had
| attention than Dick White's that sum-
legitimate dump at the end of the
Spading and fertilizing the compact |
soil required still more diligent labor |
and resnited in aching back and
shoniders and blistered hands. Bnt
Dick toiled enthasinstienlly on, noth.
ing daunted by the physical hardships
he encountered, and at last the beds
of dark, pulverized earth ware ready
for the reception of the seads and
roots, and the garden was well ander
If there was a flower garden in all
the city that was given more careful
mer 1t wonld have fallen eyes of
microscopio keenness to find it
thank yon
write that letler.
deserve it,
losing the prize, and I'll be willing to
pay yon any smount of rent.”
you suppose ['m made of?
a prize, why you young scapegrace,
thers is more money in the bank to
the credit of a certain boy whom I |
know, than those other folks have
ever thought about.
stant later he found himself in the
presence of Mr Rellers
“Mr. Sellers,” he stammered, “1
I don’t mind, now, about
Mr Sellers drew a long breath and
robbed his eyes hard,
“Bah! What do
And an to
“Rent.” said he
Then Dick and Mr Sellers shook
Yon were very kind to
the night or day.
of firing up is commenced And vet
with all these precantions the frost hes
often been too quick
are roofed in with canvan and laths
can be done
At another place
can be seen a system of electric hells
These ring when the thersaometer has
1 y 0 | falien 10 a dangerous temperatare, The |
I'm afraid I don't | men are then calind up avd a process |
Now the trees
Although this shelter has been used
over but fifteen acres the entire ranch |
will be covered as soon as the work
ich iast spring the fruit |
£8 was coversd 1 foctly |
while that Btn a Ne ty ; ground oad then collared singie-hand.
injured. The operation is perhaps :
conxidersd an expensive one, but when
J.B Hutebineon, JR Wood
Gen. Myr Gos. Pasx. AxL
——-— SA PL Nd A Sh SARE habe —
The King of Portagm.
The King of Portugal is not, ax
monarchs go. a had king, and has
{some personal trails that make him
poptlnr, He is 2a magnificent swim.
mer. and, like his mother, has rescued
at samt one felldw-creature from
drowning. while on another occasion
when out driving in the outakirts of
Lisbon, he jumped ont of his car
riage. {-lled with his stick 10 the
od. a burly highwayman who was
smdmavoring to rob and knife a wir
hen, in the latter part of July the hands and langhed in unison — Chi the value of a crop Is considers! it is |
infinitesimal. The cost is sbout $400
= : : to the acre. It hay been demonstrated
WHO INVENTED THE BICYCLE? |! fhe temperature is some five do.
. grees higher under the cover than out- |
The Fope Says Tt Was a Priest. But side with no fire
: * at ail, while with a
summer. Young peopls participating ia | baad avy File nr $4 Not Ee Onthadra. [small fire (he temperature cag be
the Maral contest are request to l0ile,” said the expressman's wife one | The Pope a few years ago, in grant | wrought up sight degrees higher With
send their Aames and addressas to the adl- avening, as she stood on a box in the | ing permission to priests to nse bi. | thi . te.
tor of the Telegram. In the latter part of | : : (BIS tover the rancher Is absolutely
AURUS the thre gentiomen will vit the | alley and looked over the fence at the | cycles, took occasion to ansounes that | sure of a crop ¢ i
; “ gentie 8! Aamine horde ‘ lei : the wheel iuventad b : = Gp (rom anv cittus orchard
gardens onally ani decide upon the Aaming borders of scarlet geraninms, | the eel was invested by Abbe |
Dariisat tae, = making the awards the lover which Dick was sprinkling the | Painton, who used it in 18345. About | R Th A Sewage a ford and Buffalo.
: @ of the Bowers will be takes inlo gontents of a watering pot the time thet Leo XIIT. made this | -y, Omas (. Hannu, a young.
oo tion, » ski alll : . wh : ah 3 : CC eR p om Doles snd Pooxsiges Ex
SSidecution. 3a wail Aa thaskill. Janta aud | They are pretty, aren't they,” said | statement, E. R. Shipton, Seeretary Cler8Yman. of Plantaviile Conn, was prise. For D-Botx, Fails freehand Fone
energy evinood by the appearances of the | : . - HOSE,
garden. Address al comma atmtions 1a Dick, with eonscions pride, of the Cyelists’ Touriag Club, of |B ADril, 1897 thrown from bik car *lawdey
Aamteerrenar. Evirox, Telegram office. © He sat down the watering pot and | England, asserted that the first ma. | T108%. When he was pleke? up it wav fruics arrie, £0 o. ®. snd 21 and #0
Dick refolded the paper when Le let hs eyes rest fondly on the various | chive was invented by a Seotchman in | ound (hat he had lost his memory B®
oeased reading and glanced at the old arlstio designs of gorgeous beanty. 1848. Another correspondent asserts | He uttersd inurtivuiate siunds He For the gts. Vie tabdine and full infor ut ton,
gentleman fartively. { Roses and carnations were blooming | that, strictly speaking, noone invented | “Ould not speak. nor could he under. io8 oF address,
: “So you think, do yon, young sir,” there, white and red and pink. Then, | the bicycle ~ ‘it just growed ™ The # *tand what was said 10 him. The doe. O % Hyslip, E C Lapey,
whieh, unconventional as it was, met said Mr. Sellers, indignantly, ‘that the dear old fashioned garden flowers | bicycle is the developed result of a | '0F strapped him down. thinking be Cienionh a ng AK
with full snccess. Havin g been in- | you ars going to dig up my back yard Sourished, too, in riotous abundance | long series of mechavical contrivances | Was delirious Mise Cook, bis Sunces
gl ; : i . snd make 850 out of it for your own —phiox, petasiss, warigolds, nastar- | for the acceleration of individual mo. | bastened to hiz bedside Rhe implored
formed that he would not be received | men? You haven't a thought for say tinms and sweet lavender, while aver | tion, and its beginnings are probably | him to speak to her. He only gased
if he called, and knowing that the | interests, I sappose you'd see me the fence and the wall of the livery | of older date than many people have Diaakly inte her face Every mental
Puttmakers were to give a large even. come out of the little end of the horn stable clambered morning glories and | imagined. | faculty had completely deported him
ing party, to which he had nataraily i and not experience one twinge of re Mexican potatoes In Aagust, 18465, Mr. Johan Evelyn, He was taken to New York and placed Ean Matt Hap Mail
aot been invited, be nevertheless gret *It's a corner of hiven, iteell,” re. | on hin way back to London from his in the hands of experts in mental dis- Sod! Na® Na@ Nos
made his . in (he crowded | **No, sir,” rephiad Dick. “'[ surely plied the womas. “That's phwat me | home at Wotton, called at Durdano, ruse By experiments they were able vo Vi Paliton tv Si
ade Appearance | expected to pay rent for your garden wick Mickey said yisterd'y. “Oi think | near Epsom, und afterward noted in to prove that two distiner ves dwelt Mata te 42 .
4 - ow Malaiey Hives aw
3 ng 0 i : . . . FE! : Bow Baad £0 Lda
aight, and, offering his arm to Frau- thonght we conld go into the busigess IHek's garden,’ says be. Bot it's | Sir William Petty and Mr Hooke sned by the shock of the accident. the i Whtr-20
aie : in partnership, yon furnish the ground nary a bit that he conld bo moved now | ““contriving chariots, new rigging for other was living, with the knowledge Soe Wi por Ten im
vith her from group to group, and | the prize we'll divide, half and half = there an’ think abontit ” snd other mechanical inventions. vidence of this lay in brisging to tue itis = 33 Gh
sadibly informed all the guests that = “When You get the prize,” repeated “No, it isn’t all he can do, Mrs | Perhaps three such persons together ' curface of consciousness bil of mem- aut :
4 ? : ? awiel ln a : & 47
: ; ag an pt : F Bipser 5 aE
snd stunned by this andacity the know you aro going to get it? - | pathy. As he spoke his fingers be. | Earope for parts and ingenuity.” of the patient's upper copmeiotiimess Morvisdiie Mines ne
atenta had not th presence of mind | “There's no reason why I shouldn't | gan to move ninsbly hither and thither, | What was this wheel in which one The first evidences of the jiresence of Suan armas TI
0 dd hever saw youn until this morming. ti be had gathered a large bouquet | now to say, bot the deseription in | grangely enough from dreanyi for the
called Mr. Sellers’ attention { ’
PRIZE FIFTY DOLLAR. | 10wers began to bloom in earnest, the | BTS J
The Telegrane has bron withorized hy ATOM matses of glorious eoloring were :
three representative sitizeny of the Niptn Ample evidence of the never-tiring de-
Ward fo offer he b herve pr ; i ily the votion that had brought them to such
or giv in 4 Xia whe | 8 state of perfection.
wil cultivate the flpest Bower garden this | hed saw such a soight in me
iste sort marked the courtship of the
fron Chancellor. Bismarek's youth to
say the least of it, was not a calm
ome, and when he won the affections
and songht the hand of Franlein von
| Pattkamer, her parents, who were
~~ strait-lnced and conservative, wore far
from pleased, and they at once for.
_ bade their danghter oven to think of
» smitor who represented all thet they
disliked. But they had to deal with
aman who refased to be thwarted in
any of his purposes, and they found
that their opposition was nseless and
~ _aven dsagerous. Finding himself
| unwelcome, Bismarck adopted a plan
Nafuie, Rochester and Plitabinrg 1 5.
aA poe
Om and after July 3 1568 trains will cave
Bowls Crowle Depot, Clearfield, as follows
Xa om Revnoldsville Aoecmnmasdation fir
surwensvilie, DoBoin Falls Creek snd Hey oo
aldaritie. Oomnecting at Dalal fe ote
way. Johneoaoarng, Beading and lee mts
ie om. Buafilo Pxoress, for Corwdnte ie
sols and Falls Ciel Caonediog er
vi Bole for Ridgoay, Johnsonburs, Hed
A SS MM APNE i 2 SIRS. ego lo
ro a Bm
Beech Creek Railroad.
Condensed Time Table
Res 1 down
May 15 1994
Woedllover wu OR Bl
g rooms on the appointed 1 haven't any money now, hat I OUVd soon git well if O48 od only wee! his diary that he found Dr Wilkins, within their patient Or: was dead
Laban $28 5
von Puattkamer, boldly passed h : : no @ 12 id
’ 7 1 and I'll do the work, then when [ got | at all, at all, so all he o's do ia to lay | ships, a wheel for one to ran races in, ba: dated only from the scoldent. The 53 digit &7 Su
. : 3 i AES
: ee
‘was betrothed to her. Startled Mr. Sellers “*Hamph! How do you Malone,” said Dick, with ready sym- | were not to be found elsewhere in ry that lay hidden beyond the grasp
: : Wiallseowtin TH a
“Well, you’ . pi g seom | soul $ : nd iy
ithe ngagement on the spot. ell, you're a nervy youngster. I picking a blossom here and there an Id ran races® It ix mmpossible his apparently lost memory came, |
Ear Mee
Baw iy tvs
Mil Hall
feel Haven
Yosingwiale Warne
Jorwey Shire Jutwhion |
Sorry Shure &
I ie Wik bsisispaset Lb
Eigen Bh of cd ab ctad
mR E
Mctitrean Iie
a b ently prudence and common | Who are you? Where do yon live? of the flowers that Mickey loved. enriously suggiestive of some OBI toorors were an watch night and day.
sense pravailed over wrath and prej- What do you do?" : ! "Here Mrs Malone, take these to vance of the cycling kind in these visions the names of person,
, and they decided to give their My name is Dick Waite. Mother i Mickey,” he said, “and when they Another one hundred years were 9 ngpetq and places arose from the |
ih y and the children and I live back there | are withered come and get! some fresh | pass before anything resembling the young man’s sab-conseionn lite ind
in the alley. Our windows overlook ones” modern cycle was to be invented. The |. ..ed befors his ments ese while he
| your back yard. [work downtown in: ‘May hiven bless yex now an’ for | first veloeipedes, as they were so long ba « : el watn . iE hen here
an office, and as I have good hours j iver,” said Mrs. Malone, fervently. called, appear to have been made in | are as a , dual Sersonality :
I'll have time to attend to the flower | That was the beginning of the lower | France. In the Journal de Paris of aki Arongly marked pe Hansa pm 2 x 150
Sr — garden cigs : , JL harity. RYersbody foe hiscks around july 27. bin Shuey is 4 sesanat off | ort os es live in the past ang | PB am TAA Reading RY po
nb EL » Jes, 1 nee, 1 mee,’ grumbled narrow alley had seen and ad | velocipede invested by MM. Blanch. . t He w Ew 1 hs baeisl pi ar 8
Women are slowly coming to the | Mr, Bellers. ‘Now, wir, how aid you mired Dick White's garden, and after | ard a Magurier, which 1 Bian oe SOM age - Be Drea : ig n og 2a ~ ta iN or Yu
front and successiully competing | Bappen to hit upon my back yard asa | the voluntary (ft to Mickey Malone | have been olamsy affair of four ©. Ri 0 Aight he ial deine THAW NYviathia artite 3m
with men in many employments. A desirable spot for your garden?" thers wax uot a person in the neigh | wheals, carrying two people and very | 7 0 OOF AC REC AE El oe i” iwekdaye por a
a EE is not satisfied with sit- re reveral reasons. In borhood who was maimed or ailing heavy to work. This invention was a 2b as the child Aut never at frst tonld | a Ew Sundar
Woman. + sy | the first place, it 1s the unly vacant | who was not daily gladdened with an | false start. No one followed it up or | P ** TPO NE Bate “hy Sew York passin neatug yes Phik
in a corner twirling her thamba | jot in the neighborhood. Then, it is offering from the fount of beanty. | improved upon it, and no farther at ite BURGEIBES i fhe uiightagt Senge ie gr hia Huntingdon st, oa
siting until sonse man chances | very convenient to my home. Lastly, | Every morning, tuo, before breakfast, | tempt in this direction was made for Ss CaIA of sae rd tn with yp Disimetivpx-AY Wi lave pith Phim
, with the hops of changing the | Mr. Sellers, it really needs an over | Dick knocked on Mr. Sellers’ door | some thirty or forty years. Then ap- a dot ou . a - a ree ne with The Fa Hook My. af Mi: Hat
» mwhBRise
p .
a a A
aca a
wl hed Eh nf nd wg ol
85 500 HE 0 LR BEG Se a ee a
bn mit RE 0 in ISG Se Tim
that the people requested the| that morning, ‘‘that there wers so stamping around to the
SA eR he
preacher to take his own time in| many old cans and bottles in exis ‘where Mrs. White and her children A Barnstaple, in Devonshire, to Lynton, |
ng well, remarking that a long| 'e0ce. There must be 3,000,000 of lived Dick was just sating his |» coast resort about fifteen miles to |
Pu each out there at the very least ealen. breakfast and had not seen the morn- the north, and has one features whieh 55 Read Up
Soxvay Tara
Soaliv iad
othe Pal rool Hy, at Bi: Fadl
a : bauling, and I thon hin : andes x “ | “ with tentmi Batimved of Pesnayicanm. ai
into mistress. One weinan Lat ua 6 ‘ Skt stim on] and handed the serving woman 4 small peared the “dandy horse,” upon | two sets of consciousness gad ta ro- | Piichmbent with Penravivnoks mild acd
up the unusual occupation of Needs an overhanling, does it?" bonguet to be placed at the master's | which our fathers aud great-grand. er i. V4 Uiteonia & Phill pebung Connecting refi rosd: at
up the uny occupation interrupted Mr. Sellers, with increased | plate. Mr. Sellers, himself, Dick fathers disporied themselves gaviy j Overy was completed, Mr. Hanua + Semriiedd wh Hae Hugh kh fa Seated atid
} : x # : i “wn i i. : ; cll : “i Sas mi tg iy § 3 , { Pits mitway at 5 bom Phe id Pha iteas
ng for graves, und makes bo'h' indignation. ° Why does it need an | never saw. It seemed that the only | albeit at times a trifle laboriously, fop | 38 Married recently to Miss Cook. DE arte Everest
ads do a little more than meet there overhauling? What's the matter with ' glimpses the old gentleman ever a brief season. When the crank was | Franny Yncm mitrond: ot Sutathy i thew
Te IN Si TE ye eg " Fe ; # . . . . : x heb ERY 0 s4sy tf Nos ihe ER
by. She ducorates the plot with ms tit all right an it is» | eanght of the wealth or brightness in | first invented, or who invented it, is fy 3 on Paine, FE Burts,
and plants, and does it so well Dik cesn’t look very pleasant,” said bax buck yard was the table decuration | quite ancertaic. ~The date must have CONDENSED TIME TANLE. Supertutend ut Gem: Pam. Aunt,
is altho ; sire 10 be bu ok. _ Se which Dick sent in each morning, for | been early in the present century, eats ns
”" almost : & plonsare A r- Why doesn’t it look pleasant? Myr. the shutters at the back of the house | but who frst hit upon it is qaite an lu effect Decombor }, 1897. Pittsburg & lPastern Lime
Another bas sccomplished the | Bellers demanded. were kept tightly closed after Dick's | known. It was possibly first at | Rastwann-~Wosk Daw Table
cult task of training butterflies. Dick smiled as he looked ont ou the | interview with him, and the maid tached to a three whesl machine — AN AN NOON BW mE. oo TE TECH at a
has nee ly s huandred of these cant piace in She Peart Ns ig | Srmed that he speut ali his time st | New York San Ramey a 3.35 3% ira 30 su : ° Woatw: - 1833
a house, seemed to him that it did | the front windows 1a these days. oh Mi —— a —— | Hontndmin 737 13.87 &i2 i eastward
; ; . : iL - ¥ » & i : " 3 Fis } 1 8 4 H $ tik bo
SH ereatur , es, who wi es atten. | pot require particularly discerning | By the time the jnidges cume around An American Engine For Eagland, Dac a Hila : ya Ba 2. in ot } lem am
eas school hoot childre dren and always do | eyo to find out the cause of the nun. | to see the gardens of the young eom-| In these days, when American man | AM AN. PN PM PM | Catan Station Maney hos
f are bidden. The sight is said | Pleasantness. It was 4 back yard of | petitors, Dick's fower beds had been | nfacturers dream of making the entire | Wesrwann- Week Days | Mahaffey
a inist extraor rdinary dimensions for that | preity well despoiled of their glory, | world a market for their goods, it is | a aE EE ; Listwiburst f.
neighborhood, comprising an ares of and the indges, while praising the interesting to note thatthe Baldwin lo. | Philipsbarg. . 520 11.15 Lé8 500 | Wetaedl
some 900 square feet, every inch of unique artistic designs in whieh the | comotive works have jnst Anished their | Usewoin Mills = 8.33 11.31 101 sue ore rg
which, except the brick wall leading flowers had been planted, failed to see | first engine for England. For years | hutalaie, 3 3 sa in 3 a Fik Liek£.._..
back to the alley entrance, was piled | much beauty in leaves and broken-off | they have been building locomotives | : Fhurusine
t. The wife was equal high with old tomato cans snd broken | stalks and gave the prize to somebody | for British provinces and colonies, hut : Sexpar Taaiwa ides Caanpbed)
y, for she mounted the catehap bottles. : [.0 the other end of the ward, this engine is the first foothold they | : = x . re Horton Jun * ces
\d delivered such & ser pl 1 gid WA 0 saw the! Early is the fay when tie decision | have secured in the island itself. PHoutzdaie. . .... A13 113 883 7 Eastward
thd "| pisce, Dic fl 88d to his mother | was made pnblie, Mr. Sellers went | The locomotive, which is a ““donhle | Owowois Mille... ...... 831 530 211 | Leave \
ender.” is mmtended to run between UViliipsburg ..... . .. 545 LAN is
: : g 1 Fulles Bun.
x aM. AM, Horton Kan 1
eden tarnpdeedl
La Pawmttianre
ARR Eh Sg : } i : i ga Lu rnshile
sonvalescence is sometimes an advan | 1oiinn It looks as though the entire ing Telegram, a copy of which Mr. ' is expected to make Fungland stare | SVP con. 3 14 6A; ik Lek
lage. Out ic California 8 woman hat| ward had made the yard a general | Sellers carried in his hand. . This is a coweateher, or, rather. two | A a i = 5 one
recently been chosen president of 5 | dumping ground for trash for the last | "Well, mir,” said that irate individ. eoweatehers, ote at cach end do | FREIPIREY .oouvs iinrs BM HET > Anes *
enilroad roa company, She has a thor. | ten years. What puzzles me is how aal, I mee you've failed to get the | vice quite naknown in Eaglish rail aN, mM PRL tian fo
sugh business education and possess. they ever managed to collect it all. If prize and I want to ksow how Im roading. As a conesssion to English | Conxeerioxs—At Philipsburg (Union Stas Matuily ye
th aa a = i Mr. Bellers aud Lis neighbors had going to get ny tent” methods there 18 no bhemdlioht but | B00) wilh ail Beeell Creek Baciroad trace EE Ry on ah ats
the entire confidence of the direc eaten nothing but tomatoes frog: the! Dick gulped dowa a great lamp of | only a large signal lnup in its sluee. |: r afd train Heileiagsa, Lov Huven, Wak £ her
he: | ) il : ‘ i : s oo oy Xa 1 . CL . ny EEA lammeaport. Readiug, Ublsdeip hin and New
J r These are only a few details te day of their birth it doesn t spam pos. : grief and taoked at bis mother and The Baldwins have recentiv shipped | y Bhs Lanes . as Wathin
show that, in this country especially sible thas they sad have emptied all sisters helplessly, RIX engines to Moan, to he used on g Deneve add Lycos L a M-nafley an
ARR fia ing the ; e tins lying ont there.’ “Oh, Inek.” sighed htile | it satire 2 the provinces of Tie | Paton, Carwensviiie, DuBois, Punxsuiawe
n are preparing themselves for Dick rly lL a nig eo Molly, mining rafifond } Be ravines of Ben. |any, Ridgway, Leadiord, Duff mud |
® in which men will have te} ¢ No Sellers in res Bsa to the old] *Notiies wai : a, er hich shows that the | Guchester. Lusit Rivtime Notioe nite #1 ran
ein order to hold what he les cate esponse 10 the ola, Motlung unjast aboat it," eried Spanish sometimes do know a goml A Ocesoln tor Hountzdaie and Dames with 1 oniv between Union Siatien (Mubafley: and
ein order to bold what they nov gentleman's peremptory command to | Mr. Sellers. “If ths young fellow thing, even if Awerican, when they | PI BR trans leaving Tyrone st Tu P.M hus a Urn pail, Hi inne Sail} ons 3 Nine
0 3 ; ; so : ; § " . " : 3 ! 3 . ¢ o a ; * nu . Ee X Sig ERs ui ry
explain the faults of the back vard. | had possessed ordivarv basiness abil- ‘see it --Phila’vlobia Recor te 4 wt ¥ Lary Pa