The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 22, 1898, Image 2

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    . and, plac
Osim They Caz Only Save Themeeives From Starve.
tien by Desprrate Aste Spsnisk Trees Do
Mot Now Suppress ths Rebels
jotter from 8 Havana correspondent
felard is fast drifting into a condition
of starchy. Insurgent bands are en
| mecritaries and
Haturday on their way to Paris to neg |
Cwih not mek for pooket money.
i Atovmd
: eredit of Judge ay
The 1 gan Times Has published a
The London Tim asp Lihority
The Bum of 7250 000 Ploset to Their refit ot Paris
Big Transprristion Bill
The peace commissioners
and thelr
who salled
with Spain,
Fan i:
atiate the treaty of peacy
to the amount of $250 40 ir is
Exve been deposited to the
fn ome of the
Parlin banks ard he has unitmiied au-
to draw mare (Ff that is not
$m which the writer points out that the |
| the
The French government has placed
colebirated salon des ambawmadenrs
Cat the dlsyesal of the commissioners as
i&ily true in the Western provin.
Ii one and plundering, and this is |
ces, where the insurgents bitterly com.
plain that thiy have been ignored and |
abandoned by the United Sixtes and
_ Deing left uttérly destitute, can only
save themselves from starvation by
= " Tthout food, medicine and Clothing,
¢ ithey are dying ke fos and, unforta-
nately, it is the best elvment among
Cators, wilt only
the inpurgenis that is suffering most
The Times in an editorial article
draws attention to the Sifficuitien fac.
ing the Washington. government and
to the sdvimaliflity that the pence corm:
fergnce be not unduly protracted,
The correspondent relates terribie
stories of annrchy and =ave the Ameri.
CRN governwicnl in apparently attempt.
© ing to sup; ks the trith. As an in
stances, he CEs
| the censor at Key Wer
H A band of insgrgents
#itdrked toe
cently the Providencia sugar factory, (0, per aon
Eo ar the richest in that region
guerrilla forre which the proprietor |
maintained to defend his property until
¥ Whit
the following sie Ye.
‘whieh he declares wor x guy Ra
the arrival of the Spanish troops was |
to murrender, because
press lawlessness. The insurgents in-
vated the Inclosure, where they found
a jot of reconcentrados,
They stripped the women naked
, ng them in line, fired from
behind them at the guerrilies, thus
making it impossible for the defenders
of the, factory to return the fire.
The correspimdent declares that the
worst effect of the projonged civil war
in the island jn the almost total de
struction of the white population,
Tonite hn Jeft Cuba almost as bisck as
1 ;
AH the members of the American
Bvacustion Commission came ashore
from the steamer Hesolute Tuesday
| Berning and are pow installed at the
‘Hotel at Vedadn All are well
Captain Gereral Bianco hus ordersd
that the eomfisration of the cattie re.
‘maining In the island shail be sus.
In the Matanzas Proviree
where it threatened to become a death |
Blow to all possible work In the fields
The necessity that similar
taken in Pinar del Jia and other pro.
vinces is imperative, the arops having |
; ruined or the work of gathering
| them deluyed through lkck nf oxen
The steamer Alfonso XIII. sailing
tor Spain, will carry 291 boxer of docu-
iments of the military archives
© Advices fromm Puerto Principe report
that the Cuban troops are not obese.
Ang the requirements of the armistice
Spanish troops now do nothing to sup- |
BA SN 2 RS RO A rion
bi A
Soying iramunity in the commission of | PHC
In which to hold their nesl-
freapits this however it in sald
that the oxpernes of the commis ofr
ard thelr stal will amount to
thing over $1005 a day during
siay in Paris
frnvie Frye amt Gray.
drawing salaries as United
receive their daliv ex
futimin. The same is frac of all the
mint attaches each of whom is em-
pleved In ope of the departmenix in
Washington, The only mien attached
ti the commission who will rocelve
salaries for thelr services are Judge
Thay, the president of the commission,
tigw Reid amd Mr Moors who
resigned Hix place as sesisianl seo
ot wtats th moeompany the come
ritalin as ite seorstary and coammeliior
fray and Held sit be given a oe of
$5 000) snuck for their vwark on the oom
miesite, and Recrstary Moore, apon
whee wiuach of the wok of preparing
the documents in the American dase
dips ative will receive 360600
Pie item of transportation for the 30
perscns in the party wil amount to al
The cost of the entertain
fre nti ate will he $15.80 or $35, wn, In
ie gears therefore, that §256.000
wil! searest ¥ fort the bil.
whe Ree
Sinton sen
a SN A
The Otel} Severver, PR, Says Thet Want ead
Distress Have Disnypoared.
The stracts and public places at Ha-
wana hav: sgain become crowded with
bogears sine the closing of the soup
Kiteheins, Nothing could be more ri.
dicglense than the statement of (Civil
(Governor Ferpandes de Castro, that
want and distress have disappeared,
gine - |
Panky hog,
Arekbindey Donal Desisres in Peover of Pervign Inter.
vextiics Religions Orders Quarrel Among
Themeolvas Awsembly iz Besgpice
in an interview at Mania with him
Uy the enrrespondent of the Assmoriat-
“i Prowse, Archiishop [mzal of the
Prilippine wands ssid
‘earnestly Bope the islands will
541 remain Bpanish, becatise the rebels
ATC DoW so strong that such a oourse
would Inevitably cause an appalling
Divewiahed, The reconguest of the nat
ives in impossible until alter years of
the mewt creel welfare”
He also expressed the hipe that the
mars would set becoma absolutely
independent, breause it
that dismenslons would occur
jagme into
irda donee
and rhe
tropical race
arta riem
af the The
was that a strong westerns
Nenu Intervene now, Deiany was dar
Eorons Dreogues the peanld are fnlox-
itmted, valnogloricus and restless
He sald it wae undenighls thet
refigiots orders mast go, berause the
whale people bad determined to abl
themy pow that they
tir render their retarmiion
poco brie, He iaid the hint
Blame upon the Twaninicans, Aumostis x
and Fravciscan Hevea etans (he richest
orideres and nex: upon the Hepedic t
ines and Capuchians, which are of less
importance, The Jesuits, Archbishop
Diogal says, are comparatively blaras.
leew, He added that the rival orders
quarrel among themselves, inirigue,
act unworthy and slander their op
ponents, Thus increasing thelr gereral
The p rovineialen who Are Spproxime
ately ia to archisacons are
mainly responsible. They are utterly
bevond the rontrsl of the archbishop
who denies possessing nop h power
The total number of Spanish priests
in the Philippines befors ths War was
about LOG buat ately svery departing
of them away, and now barely
in Fosos there ig dlniost a total lack Bi
of fowl, clothing and medicine. Hun-
dreds of children, mere skeletons and
tallow eyed, colorless, naked men and |
women ars dying by inches from dis
case nnd bumper forgotien by all
The municipal suthorities ars doing
abmnlttely nothing to remedy the evil
Comnidssions romposed of iadies are
| visiting every store and business house
§ rollec ling redid supplies and
C for the Cuban troops, but the esllec-
{tributed generously.
steps Be | nid of the conservatives.
tinnx are far short of the actual re
qnirements. The Braniards Rave con
even the most ra
The condition of the Spanish troops
ix hardly better in the country. The
I wyvergge death rate among the Spanish
sidiers wan Wo dsily during the first
fortnight of the present month. The
F principal rauses of death were malaria
f and divsentery
rhused hy the jack of
fod and the bad quality of that ob
. tainable
but are stealing cattle and making
ride in that district. even forbidding
the entrance of provisions from
feldn to the city.
the marke! and the slaughter
Inx, the richest income of the city,
: jMlterially reduced,
Whe Purpose of the War Dupartment in te Baim the
Hie i ministration to send {0
Dplseen force about #60 troops, in addi
The meat ri par Hes POrte . r J
ring iting = ering tion to the fures now in Rantiagoe ans
lowed gulekly
Gen. Corbin Tursday wired the |
nding general of
the depart. ®
California instructions for the
reginients to be sent at once
ity. fra To Tewa, Twentieth Kansas,
Test Setachment of the
that a order for Felnforcements
, First Washington and |
Recond Oregon ;
Forty Tiensand Men for Coda
it is the pressnt intention of the Ad
tha Ax a Kar.
der commard of General Lawton
Within two weeks orders will be 8
ened for the movement 10 Caba of the
first 10008 of the permanent garrison,
and it is the expectation pow (hal they
will snd! frown the Ulnbed Riates abeut
October 18. These trovps with he fol.
by others antil the or
pe foires of $0 000 has been established
the lana
There are no more Spanish prisoners
at ¥antlago
The Borsos of the Bough Riders will
i be sold ut auction in New Yark
mir Dewey nt Manis,
Glen. Otis was not caused by fhe |
. of &ny new or F alarming adv ioe
or 6.000 more
ha ba purpose of rals-
now at Manila to the to.
of ghd it i» sald has been
i from the first ta establish
The situation at Manila in en.
1. ry.”
ate aad
tm v0 ommast the Bp le Voi]
: of the Navy Department es-
mate that the battleship Texas will
} able to reach Manila via the Suex
anal In about 27 days after leaving
ork. NOYyage TAY consume
¢ time, however, ar Captain Hige-
rift be that he Ix not expected
8 record-breaking trip.
; have already been
for coating on the way, The
the provisions of the ney.
United Siates hae a large supply
coal In storage at the entrance to
eanal, whith wax purchased by the
States Consul to prevent it fal-
“ll the bands of Admiral Ca.
{ Spain are valming a large somy wad oy
pn dari
: ro Comminstoner 3a fae | Faris
urge ToMowing statement:
: very outset it will be made
to the Bpanish commissioners
' as in the case of the preliminary
pea), there cap be no deviation
or modification of the demands
rrived at by the President after
consultation with the members
commission subsequently re-
the cordial and unanimous ap
a Cabinet at a meeting
that the Spanish peace
vill be appointed with-
inful impression has
Hd hy a statement
saying the United
of American citizens
through the insur
no Spanish peace
strongly appase
: ; to China, will ao
hdl at's invitation to be.
mber of the commision
rEment. This. with the
‘Who have practically ine
willinguess to 8ipve
surgent, has
BAA a 3
defeated by Ad
hsm Deen mie
Admiral Montejn,
{3un. Aguinaide. © the Philippine in.
at hin command [6H
Mater General
command the cavalry to
A new army department ix Wn be
formed to Include the troops in Cuba
and Porte Rico
Five hundred men af the Sixteenth
Pennsylvania volunteer troops left foo
dow Wheeler will
Le ment to
¢ Purte ies fast Wednesday.
i mary, Mach ia the panies
ta punish one goilty man will be |
Food can now be #rtered nt aban
porte free of duty. There is grest re
Jolcing arwing the reconcentradoR
the red beotherhood
| steamer has taken Afty or a hurdred
ny Paks
A pative privet privately stated fo
the roeraspeondent (Hat the reason the
archbishop hopes for the expulsion of
the frincly omders fu that they have
grown ton powerful for him, and that
he wishes to strengthen himself
Several responsible Bpaniards said
that they would refuse th remain in
Maniia if Spain was reinsisfsd in the
centre] of the mands Many of the
Branish soldiers refuse to serve again,
and Bpanish officers ars atleriy dis
gowted with the rotienness oF Boain's
government and prefer {6 hecome
American subjects
The anmexationists have a majority
of U1 in the rational asses bly, but the
dime vasion of the subiedt Ras not been
The assembly unanmously
ish American protectorate over the
Philippine islands
The national assembly Iv proceeding
with the work of appointing curry -
teen, formulate rules of procedure and
{ther routine matter.
Taro Detrmised ws Esturmisein Be Bead of |
: ar
The powers of Farope are goitting
{ together to suppress anarchism more
the |
A ssp ted an |
when |
I crn payion,
: Was Killed by an offMosr at
readily than they are fa prianote
vEar's pian for peace,
archist conspirator will probably,
raughl. be Imprisoned for Jife as one
criminally insane Fvidetice as ordi
parily understood will
in ralisg clrries
thought worth the comt of injustice to
nine whos are innocent, As the nations
they hope to crash the pew social ene
mies In a fe days, it i» sald, Oermany
will formally propose the ifs imprison.
pant plan 16 the powers (operation
nf Frxland and the United Siates iv
regarded as necessary, as snarchists
Pave hevetafore found asylum under
thelr iberal laws A general exodus of
to the
Hates is sure to come. and has probab-
iy begun
During the Post Your.
The annual staternent of the Com
wissianer of Education. for the year
ending Juans 3 195% has been submit
i ted tn Necretagry iss
A tank af oi) ffl onto an assistant |
ruginesr of the Resolute now lying io
Havans harbor, killing him almost in
Al Bix own request Capt, Fab Evas
has heen relieved from (he comand |
of the lowan. He will be masigned fo
shore uty
Hes retary Alger Bas invited
19 miafte personal groesanoss wrod
pledges his word that they will pol be
The amp at Mo
serted In a few days
dred plek were brogghl io
frog the cong Rundny
The Philippine (insurgents,
that the Ixlands are to bo returned te
ar a
niAatE wid
th, 9 2
wit roniut the attempt
The peace commissioners
witine, thelr pin
will aot
od by the President. said Sensor Frye, |
ane of the commissioners a teow days
teuk. He came fron his home in Alas
| bama where he had buried his son whe
was drowned at Camp Wikoff last
In a manifesto, Aguinaldo
the American people that nothing but
friendly feelings exist toward them.
Al asvertions to the contrary are base
General Miles favors the recruiting
of (Cubans for soldiira under American
officers. Reports from Santiago
indicate that these ren are amenable
to discipline,
Nt has just been discovered that the
cruiser Brooklyn was severely strained
month ago.
dry dock will again place her
Battary B,
wha gaw active service in Porto Rieu,
were walcomed home by Gimost the
entire population of the Smoky City
fast Friday.
Soup, Intended for Aguinulde,
tasted by a servant wha instantly
dead. A Spanish prisoner. who
claimed, poisoned the dish is under ag
It is now well-nigh impossible for a
veluniver tn leave the armay by mak
ing a tirect appeal to the war depart
ment. Applications for discharge must
be matle through the regular army
channels, which is a tedious and net
very eneoursging process,
diane will pot be divial. |
Wheeler has returned to Mon.
thal popular edu ation
: guard of oor
i ems
¥ ! prosperity
wren bed
poldiers | Pie
ew. Yirk Cpe
went of Kod
“Chie cainse of congratigiation on the
frart of those whe hob the doctrine
is th sale
American nati B ions”
the report. Tin ihe
during the year
AS pupils over
The toils] enrolled
fig anyounted to
Addink to ir thos
Tiew Digh
The i(nersare
LE a
nia yy sly
kd Fw
nher reg
unt of sehoohing res
dual S80 average
“ited miantew. at
endance fae 3
Ha gaya ba Ta
SEVeTE Yelrs in oa fow
Ihe mnt lavish
* edfnontion
Greets Clase un Sedasl
Walanl Grave schioal
Prd. Bus bes closed,
ni ghosts,
fue FOREH nt
SERINE Lo 3 Tear
years ago Jatin Mabbitts, a school
war murdered in the grave nvar
the sehooihouse. and ber mundsrer,
Homer freer, was ivhched. Bince
then, the school o80dren, 1 is claimed,
Base heen frightensd by strange
sands and grovsome sighis. The ap
paritions are sail to apiear at
Bours of the day and night. As a re.
suit the altsndanse dropped of by de-
grees. last week, when the teacher
wppearsd to begin the {all tern, aniy
five children were present The school
wns abandoned and the ballding lawked
mid fp Ra
the only Pittsburg troops |
it is ;
when she ran aground near Cuba a (owder
Three month's work In the
in good |
i Ee :
§ 1.97 six-pounders
Dewey dt Sampone’ » y Prwdor na
Sampron used more than twice the
consumed by eway, The
farmer exploded about M0 worth In
anocking cut Cervern, while Dewey
Bisw up about HE 000 worth in destry-
rg Montole's fleet Admiral Dewey
bas reported that he used during the
engagement 157 eight-inch, 853 six-inch
and £32 one-pouander propectiles. The
ships which participat+Q in the Battle
with (wrvera's feet freed 67 13.00
: wheiin: wight 12.0nch, S55 piiEpt-ing h,
six-inch 47S Rye lneh,
P48 six -pounsiers,
atid TE one-pound projectiies
Mebilining Treaps in the Somtd
The mililary movements are being
directed rapidly towards the assemb-
ling of a large army in sduthern sta.
rians for winter camps and preparatory
to the military cotupation of Cuba and
Porto Rico
1: 38
wae certain |i}
which |
world resalt in incessant strife and a
the arcWbishon declared, |
i Bt
rhe Istund of Bf VY
rewnived |
to reject the propowils of a joint Span- |
! thelr
not be neces. |
[js estimated at
. guRriers of
crushed piracy and the slave trade so |
{ Broad at Perey, OT
: field
eon angel :
af the slementiry sohonia |
Poof Cleveinnd have
i te rants
boo Oat 0b capita
# Howse ana |
Bed |
‘ day
Lm and
Phe extiricated
Pied a few mo
§ Fry's hanar
15 miles |
was based upon the Drey faa trial
train | 4 — Tori Bey
Dommaiety BO were forged
ti A IWRROD | : id
Fleven i
Payerthe Foe "tat apd ran in
| containing 15 persons at Wichita,
[inst Tuesday sight Twas are dead, two
CC Bicagy
64% three. pagnders |
Bd faagr-inel, |
FEA sums,
Kingeten, ihe Capital of $1 Vieeeut is the West
Tadise, Totally Destroyed by os Oytiens
A boat from the island of $1. Vincent,
100 miles west of Parbadoes, arrived at
the island of Grenada and reporis that
Rt. Vincent Pas experienged the most
violent and destructive eyrlone
Ero n thers
Kingston, the capital of 8t. Vincent
i totally Jdestroved Jt is estimated
that 300 lives have been lost in that is
fand and that 3 people are home
less. The bodies of the dead are being
buried in tropehos Thousands are
F starving or being f24 at the publie ex:
The amount of property destroyed in
Vinsen! cannat vel be sslimated
Every small hoor is down and many
imrge ones have been destroyed. The
demolished bulldinge ipciode churches,
stores and abmest ail the state build
Ee Tinree jarge shi fi are ashore din
te windward const and many smaller
vesseld are stranded
frundaloupes the French island in the
Leeward group has experienced vary
seavy weather Nineteen deaths are ree
ported. Grit there beers clestruc.
tive jardsiigen,
According to the latest reports from
Pain the storm which brake Spon
went Sueday aight
unprecedented vie
crve, being accompanied By a Udal
rave asd tremendous rains. Numer.
ax landslides were canes? and many
witywew, bridges and corona estates have
wan destroved
People are flavrking
Viscent, from ali the country round
shelter and food. Everywhere it
appears tha! ail the small building
arsed many large ones were destroyed,
snd there im pe doubt thal the fatal-
tien were numerous.
A St Vincent, British West [ndies
cablegram says: The official reporis
reduce the number of degths here dur-
ing the hurricanes It was at first es
fiuated that WO lives were Jost, but it
i% now believed the number in consider
ably smaller The exact figures are
not obtawmble The ship Leanda and
the bark Grace Lynwood were cast
awhare here and wrecked
The Rritish ship Jlosnda, »f 1.40
tons, Captain Dodge, was from Rio
Janeiro, and the American bark Grace
Laynwodad, of 187 rons Captain Gilley,
was from New York for Porl Spain
A Kingston, Jamaica, cablegram
save: The Guuverpnor of Bt. Vincent
kas cabled ta the Governor of Jamaica
frploring the fatter ta send prompt
pExintarice to the aulferers
The destruction at Barbados was
eanal te (hat at Bt Viscent. Barbados
presenting pracUeally a fist surface
wax completely swept hy the vortex of
the cyclone, The entire area of cult
vation was obliterated ard a majority
of Bulidings destroyed. Two-thirds of
the dense population of 180 to the
gonars mile were pendeéersd Bognwissw
The dlstress ss unparalleled in the
Kistory of fhe West Indies Omtuide
refi! ls abactutely RecesGry.
hae ve
evelaped almost
inte Kingston,
Earthquake shocks were fell
Maine last Maturday
A trust fo sontrel the
markei = heitig planned
fmrenizth of Gen
Santiags are in the hompital
Tas Rusdred
fer Megttie from
A gis
Chile xnd
is In diwgaite
To enuin the Knights Templar for
street parade in Pittahurg (einer
cf R63 fer
miners have
The boundary
nex: will raguire 4 sum
While trying To
Wn Fraokiin, oslored,
Ry. last Xanday
Seven peoples were burned to death in
the Prescott Arigora, fire. The loss
from Rail Io threes
# meiiliom
fatally shot Rev ©
while the latter
the farmes's
James Heenan
wks (rying fo elope with
ti-vear old daughivr
Ban Deanings desires annexation to
the United Btxies The little republic
Bax & debt of B06, and the in.
: terest has raitied the island,
United |
All of the coal miners in the third
pool district, pear Pittabarg, ar: stiri
ing. The operators refuse th pay the
: wegie agreed upon at Chicagy.
Patrick Moran wax crushed to death
tester | by a derrick at Peekskill, N. Y. a few
Mare Than Sizteen Willies Terssas Attended Bebo!
dave agy. The accident orcdrred just
am Bin won was Aviving past the spit
Many American business men lefi
Han Francisco last Saterday for Ma.
nila. They are goitgr 10 oak over the
in the interest of trade extension
Mins Wingie Davia daughter of Jef.
foermon Dmvim president of the South.
ern Confederney. died Sunday a!
Horkingham Bete!
The twa conesrns
inn a
rite a Babe
Thompson, aged 10
Shere before he
Roys, playing
Gf dati AS
F exhibit]
gimme friends the
Alper Noi af New
goar-cahd ny The ag
tents after
Fark shot her
Fresehimen wha Blessed a
rete ted upon th
were thrown out 52 a Ma.
na theater a few days agn The play
anee whirn
The south Hound passenger
mare will die and several are injured
The bhady «of Charles Bpinikow the
wealthy coal operator af Newport, Ky,
waa a few days agn found in the Ohio
river near his coal fleet at Clneinnati
it is supposed he slipped and fell in,
Four men were seriously injured by
an explosion at the Iron Clty Masufae-
turing Company plant at Pittsburg
fast Monday A man with a lighted
match to discover leaking gas is res
Fritz Henflei a worthless Danish
laborer. committsd suicide at Chicago
a few days agn. ia wife and children
greatly rejoloed aver the deed and re
cetved the congratulations of their
The Hrice Gold making company of
has gone out of Dusigesw
stock to the amount of $70,000 had been
sid, the investors being maomtly
waren, Visible asses a few cructbles
ard an unpaid rent bill,
opdaector Morris was
$00 by three men who
He made some resistance and received
a sight wound in the neck. Three of
the passengers were also relfevesd of
Bev. Dr. Hall, pastor of the
Avenue Presbyterian church,
York, died at Bangor, Ireland, last Sa
turday. He had heen pastor af the
New York church for HW years
ayer §
L coneplegous a eplendid
i £ i
Lawton's {roops st | 1 fear
release An Arrested
res pirnde nd
{ vimar
+ rn $ §
Narragansett Plef, + notice that the dining car had been
Four off He stumbisd eadlong just as
The Westinghouse Elearie Compane |
of Pittsburg and the Walker Company |
combines thelr (ns
rita E
ast hwy |
{Count Ferdinand Waisin Eat
ng her Nanbe |
lopger justice Thr him in his awn
3 Ad Fy
perform. . .
1 were arddered to RR R BUN Ang
iPr Caan ist
| my own brother
i = . ig
i ewmitation, 4
i Ha
; Spanish enidiers who h
ad i
boarded his |
? deal : * " 4 Toa 2 4 ays
*X3 three. pounders. | rain at Council Biuffs & few days age
Firth :
Naw |
A Beautiful Fisrni Design Plaeed st the Bier of the
Nurdered Avwtriss Empress The Cold Blooded
Asnsanis Still Gleties v Bis Dead
The funeral of Empress
the victim of an Ithlinn anarohist,
piace laxt Saturdey ar Vienna
sorrow of the peanie was intense
Emperor Francis Joseph, Batarday
morning, received the specinl represen.
tativen of foreign soversigns
The inhabitants of Vieans streamed
in dense crowds toward the chapel of
the Holfburg, and deflind before the
casket containing the remitine of the
inks sprees
Emperor Francis Joselih
Horenlohe, the German imperial chan.
cellar, and Baron von Buelow. the
tderman minister far foreign affairs
recstied Emperor Willlam at the radi
road | station, The ermaperors shook
harris and Rissed each other's cheek
thee times They then prosseaded 1a
the church, where Emperor William
deposited on the casket containing the
semaine of the Inte Eraprean of Agstvia
# Tora wreath which his ganfesty had
Brought from Germany
At # velo the tolling of belle ane
fenced the starting of the procession
The route fram the Hafbuarg to the in.
significant church of the Capnehins
wher Cauits entaombh the Mapshurgs i»
sa abort that only a smell proportion
of the population was able to crovd in
9 the Gdinining streets
A large number of prisgts in
ranonicals met the procession al
| Augustine church and proceaded with
the church of the Capuchin, The §
it to
clergy there marched down the aisle
before the coffin and united in infoning
prayers which were alee exquisitely
chanted, during the service by the
court eholry During the ast prayer
the cotfin was fied from the fats.
faique and the clergy, bearing torches,
walked befors it Emperor Francis
Joseph. attended by the highest officers
of state, bearing wands, followed The
procession slowly passed from the sight
of the congregation down a stone stair.
way 09 the vanities After the apt be
sedis tion Bad been pronoanheesd ia the
vasits the maonrners ascended and the
high chambertain handed the koy of
the vault to the Capuchin wha (sx the
i guardian of the imperial mausslegm
Among the multitude of wreaths we
cumuintad in he Burg Palace was
structure of
paim branches and white and red sar.
nations and gladiolas drapid with the
Stars and Stripes. Om two of the hroad
satin stripes in the lnsevipticn in gold:
From the President of the 1 nited
RKiatew of America. A tribals of heart.
folt symipaiily fo the memory of a
noble and gracious andy
war placed thers hy
the Vienna papers reports Laigint the
BaemAnity, A% saving in an intetview
I am a saft hearted glorious spars
in one af es snmanite. | have
that weal and | am indifferent
wRat The world save 1 sm no coward
nat death
where capital punish
in in ure i
Hn Ae
in Laverne
filotine The inter posed Rie
Ppessibilily of
Queniianed if Re avenged his father
tess iverty, Be suaswered Ne, | Tal
filed wn pissbess,
gn Anarchist or a scoundrel
HY a4 brave man I am satisfied
Sy des that sgMoes”
I asked whether he
Triewts He said he hud
ifn the fre af Trieats
Is the passages Laleini
for a match
wiry Meet
asRed (he
ty Shei
The Ausirign mad Bouse shstor
fuest ianed whether Luiging is
sriminal aconrding to he Lombroms
system, said. “Ne. Laiginl has acne of
the abnormalities of crismdanin
Tasigint or Lulchessi (he pasionin of
Empress Fhizsabeth appeared last Fri.
day before the corpeciionnd
eftered the court smiling. saluted
the public
anked the president of the tribunal
greed French to allow him an inter.
preter. The srxamination appearmd to
abow a plot invalviepg other alan
An Asstrias Consul Billnd.
Chevallier MM. FProskowiie
chief consul of Austria Hungame,
Chicage. lost his Hfe in Fort Wayne,
sognday night, while on role
Yark, He sas a passenger on
Peaoosyivania Dmited,
the dining car was cot off A! the.
finn. The conwal was rewtioes andl
walking through the train, He
the Imupgage car was being pushed
tape le om the train and was ground ga t
evidently in accordance with ihe res
i west
legs bedog fright.
wis akon Uy =
ambatanes, and
der the wheels both
fully rushed He
Joseph hompiial In
died an foneflaler
Forgeries ia the Dreyfus Cea
London {heeyver #i13ie=
Franve. maz besa in Landen for 0
He explains that there BI be
that weit he
uiguesti ise
srilers from
in bind
lpr iende 1
evry tft
i wold da se
spat Emterhas: declared
added that oul of the L0H deen
renin in the Dreyfus dossier Approx
FE rapa se to ahow hy whom
ia what ireugmsEtances the
Were a tread
Shjeuted ts Caiored Prassagers.
Sergt. J. H. Glimare. of the
Mississippt. is under arrest at Leuis-
ville for interference Wilh passengers
cn oa strest ear Gilmore got on the car
at London park station the other night |
intention to enforce | : :
With a pistol | at Jerusalem in preparation for
Dermat emperor » visit
and declared his
the separate coach law
he drove nine colored men ont of the
car and gave the conductor 6 cents
fur their fares In the run of a mile
to the elty the car was stopped 20
times by colored peopls wha wanted tus
riche, But (Gilmore was there with his
gun and nickel to represent i. fare of
smell The ronductor had Gilmore ar
lab emanity of Amerieamt
Theory i» much lmlignatios in
at the fact thal there ware HT
during the voyage amo ng The
ave it sy
in Spain en board the Spanish Laas
gis srt San lpnacio de Laveia from San.
The Spaniard: aitvib-
death rate to the
Americans In
Spaniards to
ithe he
hima rhs
Ty ba.
rosy in wpitals fod
Rumors of Eucepran Warn
Three or four biack thumder clouds
sre overhanging the poiitiual borizon
of Europe.
Primes |
The tribute |
the United MHiates |
by direction of President Mao. |
ua that we should not dissolve and
The Geneva coreespondent of one of |
ft was my Weal ta spike spciety |
atinined |
wish to sufMeyr the | y.
i Haven
Co Rpabn and of those wha In the sities
i coantries
i thew
Yor may take me for |
# coward
| Insurgents Ram Wiktrewn Prom the Capital City.
rane |
mnmits for eithdeawad
a type forces pompbied with, and all
i the
: fe
“hainber ! the
with & wave of his amd and |
BC ihe demands of the Sth inst. has Deen
| vation business
. ix progreswing favorably. No diffcui-
Pry N
| te confine Mpanish prisoners tempor.
: arly whith the Hmits of the walled
at |
I first oficial acknowledgment that the
19 New!
At 28 a hiek,
| Honotuin they would go ta Manila by
!aniedd the Navy Department to send
i part
Ehat ¢
days |
! rant of
OA :
ie riors, ff i
{whic Be haed dlentitied
L rAnREments,
thst be
sre riey |
F broken out
; ralbbera were Rilled by the authorities,
Hp 81%
1.00 |
arrived |
hoy. |
Wliging i
i hrooles 2ackh ca
Eo Provisional Gesaetl of the Talend Ale be Bettd*
Hak o Porivanent Republie - Ameriens Inter
tire Grateiily Asknewistged
The provisional counell of the Cuban
Republic hax issued the following
manifests praising the United States
and declaring in favor of a republic:
“We alivays fell confident thst
through dur own perseverance we
would in the long run destroy Spanish
rmination. but we must sckpowledge
that as indefinite projongation of the
“iraggie Would have annihilated the
Httle that was lef: of cur wealth snd
population, The entrance upon the
Held of a powerful and decisive factor
Upon which we have always relied and
towird which the hearts of all Cubans
have always turned, has put an #nd to
the horeord of war. to the benefit of all
This prsmpt solution we most ac
Kaa ledge we would pever have ob
tained. It ls proper to acknowledge
the evident truth. That is the beat title
the United States has to our gratitude,
We oaers alundoned by the world, some
natines ignoring as through seifishness,
arlhers, ignorant of oar real condition,
considering us an obstinate and une
governable people, because we did not
accept the cajoleries and flatteries
with which Spain tried to soothe our
owl anger
“This was onr sitostion when the
people of the United States, their gov.
srntent and Congress, came to our
sospe and took upon their shoulders
the task of delivering us at ones from
an umbearable yoke, as our Suiferingh
voull mot be endured or permitted
ionger. They have accomplished thelr
programme briilinntly. What =» more,
they ave liberated in one way or an-
sihet from the rule of Bpain all peoples
oppressed by her, The liberation is de-
finite and Hrevoeable. Spain has been
axpeiled from this hemisphere. Wa are
“1 im now the duty of this council
te explain 10 the people of Cuba what
in ite opinion are our duties toward
the rited Riates and toward ours
| solve and what are the rules that
vught to direct sur confuct,
“When, after a long struggle, the
United States Congress recognized the
right af the people of Cuba to be free
and independent and ordered the
Sparish forces to withdraw from the
fsiand no (‘uban goverament was re
sogniged hth the one we had consti
tuted, thoujeh not recognised, was not
sppaned, and has not been opposed.
“The peiple of the United States
nave all aleng appreciated the fact
that the majority of the people of Cu
ba are in agreenient with our prineip.
jon for the motte of the United States
government has Deen the same as our
awn absaliite independence for Cuba.
Under thes conditions the Americans
cold not lake a hostile attitude to.
ward ge or conshder our authority il-
legitimate and Narmful to the welfare
3 the Cuban people,
“These considerations have convinced
that the posers we have received from
an assembly elected hy the people uns
ger arms shoofd net vanish, On the
Fontrary. we feel thar we should re.
main ax a finelens and guide for those
whe Nive viswted such power in on”
In conelunion the manifesto Rives a
| number of reasons why the proposed
I have sddrowsest a |
{ prayer ta the Federal Cognit to badge
i rive
returned |
Kiondike without | ..
i hing thin aw i Kaawing the jie
Argentine are hastening :
assembly should be convened and some
Evvernment or another chosen, “not
with the chitracier of a government as
1, But as in official representation of
Cabins who fought against
Spait's control and In foreign
Nave helped and supported
of as
Oregon sid lows go te Relieve Dewey.
The following dispateh wan received
from Gen, Otis Inst week at Washing-
“Affairs auch more satisfactory. Des
of Insurgent
withdrawn. except small forces in out.
ving districts which are not abeving
insurgent leader Aguinaido pe
& few days in which to with
Aran thers by detachments and punish
esomminding officers. Over 1.0080
ha ve giready withdrawn,
NH Posen were granted the ino
surgente, but strict compliance with
Girnerai good feeling Is pre
Manila is quiet and
anticivated. Have bern
& ity.”
Secretary Long last week made the
nd Iowa are going
in answer to an 4
of stopping at
Barbieanne frpgon
te Masa. Ie sal
guiry that instesd
ihe Hges relutle
Saveral days ago Admiral Dewey
hime at least one battleship, and the
action of the degarizrent in ordering
the Oregon and lows to Manila ix
Patder Sad Made & Positive Idestifention
“The supposed victim of the Bridge
Conn 1 murder. Miss Marian
trace Peokits arrived at her home at
Mutilebors, Mass, 3 few days agn in
perfaaed Renliit fe the great iy of the
fumily sind Ihe uanboundid astonish-
the entire sommanity, ter
31 the time af hiz daughter's
wis on hip way back from
Hridgeport mith (he grewsome remains
Ax those of
far which the funeral ar
including the digging of
rhe geste, hid already been completed,
Grace, and
4 Kill the Austrian Empress
aave been hateched in New
The plat ¢
in saad to
The eruption of Vesuvius is hourly
becoming more active and menicing.
tava in Bowing 'n every direction.
Streets are being made and soldiers
are being penly uniformed and drilled
The Sultan has expended 1.500.000
marks in beorating the paisce which
will entertain Kaiser WhHhelm during
his stay at Constantinople
Another robelllon against Japanese
rule on the island of Formosa Bas
During the past vear M4
Spain ix emjravoring to secure a loan
trom the Hothsehitlds,
iret Britain has been startled dur.
ing the past week hy an epidemic of
raiiread outritges, Numerous attempils
Io wreck massenger tralns have been
res tnerrt ind.
Phe dlapman barber whe has cut Bis.
tar thy fast 19 Years is
rie. He ix selling
niaining three hairs
pi the dead Flop man’s head,
faondon ix suffering from 8 water
fornine, Tha water companies are de
nounced for net providing sufficient
water and municipal control of the
watsraorks 1s being agitated.
vp goede ue Jodi g
MATa a ne