The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 15, 1898, Image 7

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    Weight of Road Rollers.
There sre sections of the country
which pride themselves on their mac-
adam roads, but which fail to con-
stenct them in & scientific manner, |
and do not get the results that should
follow such heavy expenditures as
they make. One serious fault is the
lack of proper rolling, light rollers
drawn by two or four horses being
employed. They cannot compact the
stone by such methods, and, conse
quently, resort to a free use of clay
for “binding” A smooth
surface is secured st the ontset, but it |
soon wears and ruts, and gets muddy
with every storm.
Tu consi the best weight fora
roller the Municipal World states the
case [airly, as follows: “A heavy
road roller is without question an in-
dispensable implement in the oon-
struction of macadam streets. Mao
adam roads were, of course, built be-
fors steam rollers were invented, bnt
‘eraps were harvested before seif-bind-
srs were invented. The effect of »
sollet in road making is as grest an
on the old results as is the
nee of the self-binder on the work of
he cradle
‘"Phere are different kinds and
classes of rollers, The horse roller,
weighing siz or eight tons, will do
1sirly well if a steam roller cannot be
afitrded, but the horse roller is not
sufficiently heavy, and has to be used
much longer on s given section than a
heavy steam roller to Jroduce the
best results. The feet of the horses,
in exerting suflicient strength to move
the roller, sink into and disturb the
road metal, and re the
shape and
There is s danger, on the other a.
alinviag & seam soliee. Nitich is too
hea A heavy will some-
tea nik foo Tovey aol Sad eracts »
mound over which it cannot pass.
The same result will sometimes occur
: with an excessively heavy roller on a
of loose stone. The heavy
is more liable, too, to injure
ud pipe oateh-basins, enl-
or disturb sidewalks.
2 “For these reasons, a roller exored-
ing ten or twelve tons in weight is
I ently not desirable. In districts
ES rad soil is gravelly, or]
of & Sl clay, 8 heavy roller may gen-
aperated successfully, but
: Soller 4nd have rR in ns
ing the sub-soil and first layers. Nor
#f the stone used in the construction
“of taacadain streets is of a soft natore,
is » lieavy roller, say of twenty tons,
= desirable even in the finishing courses,
‘#8 the crushing effect has been found
in some cases to crumble snd palver-
ine the stone, rather than merely con-
solidute it.
“Yor naw work, in which the dirt
foundation must be rolled, a weight
of twelvo tous is generally the mont
merviceable; bat for picking "» an old
rosdws , and recopsolidating it or for
: Snishing a new work, filteen tons is
better. Where a town owns only one
voller it grin advisable 16 ol
wider car e work to
~ deve before irl iy a roller of
3 yr twelve tons’ weight »
| Mve Tp te the Specifications.
sand contract for a road
right ‘but the work of
’ to be constantly
in order to insure the literal
sends ia not perhaps an ideal
; but there in a vast difference be-
. different sorts of road built
that name, If rightly constract-
d judiciously maintained, thor-
: results aro assured;
more or less cfadely built, and
: Aly maintained or neg-
to be the tase, it is
v likely to cause
sent, It is folly to suppose
be can Jutid 3 road. It re-
that a mecsdsm road once
The most econo:
laid needs no care.
give it constant attention,
| Any one who can devise a method
| to roake drivers, especially with heavy
teams, keep ont of the rats, which are
the ruin of all roads, wil! be a bene.
factor to all who use the highways.
Some of the newspapars of the City
of Mexico are begianing to point ont
the importance to their republic of
having smple means of communication
besides those farnished by the rmi-
roads. At present their highway
facilities are very meagre.
The readsides of thie conniry are
the most neglected of any of the
civilized globe. They ave, as a rule,
merely seed beds for all the pestifer.
ous weeds that grow in the conntry.
Every farmer shouid keep his own
share of the roads free from weeds as
a matter of poliey.
The Woodehnek as Food,
The flesh of the woodchuek is not
of 8 quality or flavor that commends it
to the painte of the average man, and
if it in not carefully and properly pre-
pared for cooking it becomes positive.
iy offensive. In the Pennsylvania
atch connties, especially Lancastor
and Berks, the cooking and serving
of woodchuok has been reduced to »
culinary science, and ‘‘grounhog
lunches” sre among the favorite
dishes of the epicare there. Under
‘the manipulation of the thrifty house.
wives and careful restaurateurs there-
abouts the woodchuek becomes =»
met cannot treat with contempt. The
tenderest and sweetest broiled chicken
is pot superior to the ‘‘groundhog.
Lancaster style.”
Another use to which the wood.
chuck is put in thet part of Pennsyl
vania cannot be recommended as
highly as the cooking of it. The ani-
mal is taken slive by patient and ex-
pert trappers and is kept for a sport
similar to the once favorite English
sport of bedger-bating Dogs are
trained purposely for this. ey are
either unbroken bird dogs, or dogs
that are & cross between s fox.
hound and a beaglebound These
baiting matthes are said to rival the
fiercest encounters between blooded
bulldogs, for the woodehinek, when
cornered, is a terrible antagonist. If
once it thrasts its long, rodent teeth
into a dog they pass clear through
and lock into the flea, and the hold
ean be broken only by tesring the
flesh away. It takes a good dog to
master a wondehuek in these mstohes,
and more than one good one has bea
known to Lave been killed by a wood:
chuck before it itsell met its fate -
New York San,
When Sarnpaon Henrd tie News.
It may not be generally known, but
Admiral Sanipsou is an inventive gen.
ins a= well an a paval fighier. In the
early days of his career in the service
this genius received a severe shock,
from which the admiral never fully re
covered. Or at least that is what »
nnmber of bis associates in the navy
declare. It was also in the early days
of the new nary when the incident
about to be related occurred. The ad:
miral was at the time s lientenant, and
was in command of asumall sailing ves:
sel. For mapy years he Lad worked
on a kind of anemometer, or wind
gauge. It was his hobby, snd was
nearer and deager to him than alllelse
in the world. Finally it was complete,
and one day it stood on the roof of the
cabin, that "protruded for some dis-
tance above the deck. The little boat
was rocking idly to and fro in a calm,
Lieutensut Sampson was below en-
joying a siesta. Suddenly a gush of
wind yiud rippled the water, the mainsail
boom swung violently scross the deck.
Smash! and over nto the fathomless
‘deep went that precious snemome-
I tse
“Orderly,” called the officer of the
“Yes, sir?”
“Inform the commander of the ship
that his anemometer has gone over-
“Yes, vir.” The orderly made for
the cabin companionway.
“And, orderly —-."
“Yes, sir?"
“Break it to him gently”
iagton Siar,
replied a binejacket,
What Should Be Taxed.
Hows years since (1873) a citizen of
Tennessee, Mr. Enoch Ensley, mak-
fug no pretense of scholastic learning
or private interests, bul earnestly de-
siring the waterisl development of his
section of the country (Tennessee),
aud that it should not be retarded by
the adoption of an unsound system of
State or municipal taxation, published
in the form of a letter addressed to
the Governor of the State a little
pamphint entitled “What Should Be
ed,” which sets forth certain fan:
damental propositions in res to
local taxation, and supported ther
with such homely and clear illustra.
| tions as to entitle the essay to a per-
manent place in economic and legal
Mr. Ensley commences by propos.
ing the following rule of waxim as the
d | basis for a State {Tennessee}, city, or
county s of taxation:
“Never tax anything that wonld be
of value to your State, that could and
would run away, or that could or
wotld come to youn.” — Appletous’
PPopular Science Month! y-
A Piast Sacred to the Druids.
The plant known as the vervain,
common name of plants of the genau:
verbena, which is not distingnished
for its beauty, and which grows now:
adays utterly disregarded, was se
sacred to the Druids that they enly
{ gathered it for their divinations when
the great dog siar arose, in order that
of | neither sua or moon should see the
There in no greater mistake than te
mical method ~f maintenance is to
morsel that the most fastidions four. |
A Serviesahle Stables Flose,
A stable floor that is cheap and ser.
| viceable may be made of stiff elay by
clean gravel not
Mix to the con.
adding one third
iarger than a marble
sistency of thin mortar, pat it on the
floor or gronad surface, after smaonth-
tag it down well, sight or ten inches
deep and pound down bard Go over
it every few days and ponnd down
solidly any portion that shows a ten.
dency to crack, nntil all is hard. Sach
a floor wii last for years, and if plenty |
of badding i= nse
Is not apt to get
Eenewing Haspherry Patches.
A raspberry patel, of the Lisck cap
varieties needs to be renewed every
i Attempied Baivide When Tw of Her Boys Were Found |
properties of the hen mannre, increas. |
ing in a very material degree the fer. |
tilizer made by the flock
dust bath.
‘of the fowls and stop# ap the air pas.
Used in »
it penetrates the feathers |
sages of the parasites that dwell npon |
the bodies and hide smang the feath- |
ers of the hens, thas promoting the |
heaith and comfort of the fowls,
ion the floors and abont the house, it
assists in destroving little mites that
hide in the ecrack« and corners of the |
building, removes poxions odors and
Used |
i Vogl ¥ Foie
i »
and makes the poultry |
| house a healthy home for its feathered |
Lang prison, It pays to gather
ase road dast, whieh
fonr or five years, as the red rast comes |
in wud will injure so many of the plants |
that the plantation will cease to pay. |
The bisck cap raspberry will not last
#0 long a= this if it has been grown
from ssekers. Those grown from the
tip ends of this year's shoots will keep
free from disease longest. But after
four or five years it 1s too much labor
to keep the plantation free from weeds,
and a new plantation, after the first
year, will give mors frat,
cost of labor in caring for it,
Preventive For Bloat in Caitle.
If the farmers wonld hanl n load of
dry hay or straw into the clover pas
tare there would be no danger of los.
ing cows with the hloat. If the cow
is already badly bloated let her get
where she can eat the hay or straw,
and it will care the worst case
While this knowledge was gained
by accident it has neverthaloss been
tried since with the best of snecess
He never tarus the !
eattie into a clover pastors withont |
by my brother
first hanhing a load of dry hay or
straw where the cattle have free ac:
cess Ly it, and has never lost a cow
with the hioat since acing this precan
tion. Mrs. W. C. Lane, in Agrical
taral Epitomist,
Foul Rroacd and Ite Treatment.
In Cowan's gaide for the English
beekeaper he suggests as a treatment
for foul brood the thoremgh disintec
tion of hives and untensiis When a
diseased hive is to be treated and not
destroyed he recommends that the
hive be washed out with phenol.
phenal two teaspounfals, water cae
guoarter gallons and the diseased
brood [rames sprayed with a weak
gallon of water From other frames
the hones 1x to be extracted and
boited and the frame treated Like the
brood frames. The bees are to be fod
a syrup containing phenol st the rate
of one-quarter teaspoonful to one
quarter gallon of syrap. If it is ae
cepted by the bees more pheno! shonl
be added.
Paris Green Vor Sqgassh Fovers,
One of the worst pests of the garden
is the squash ur cacamber stalk borer
All its operations are confined to apart
of the main stem near the root, or
at wost not more than two ox
feet from it. Onoe aside the stalk
with Jess
one hall teaspoonial te one
A Convenient Cari,
ant as well as a profitable puremit
instead of 4 disease hreod. |!
and @
is plestifal |
It is the atilizing of Little thiogs on |
the farm that makes agrieniture aplons. | 7)
hand or push cart, for instance, is of
incalenlable value, and the one pie- |
tured herswith can be gsed with com. |
parative ease for conveying light loads |
- of material from cue place to another,
such as grains and feeds,
garden |
sance, tools for fence repairing, small |
quantities of frait and vegetables, as
i apples, potatoes, tarnips,
the like, and vanous other things
of their removal hiss arrived, eliminat
¥ I 1 AOC SWY 3. W154 i 4
cag thereby the necoxsity of harness.
ing up the team or one's undergoing
extremely heavy lugring
whishi 18 good for no man, i that it
with preatare age
© Have you any ww
that are still capable of
service? Wall
exiet ve wheels
tien you possess the
carrots and
g é Pompei he £5
never dreamed «f until the moment | ’
ingring |
stiffens his joints and bends him over |
doing gonad :
chief requisition for this cart, the body |
of which can often be ade of a boy
obtained at the grocery or drygoods
store, and 10 such a cane all that re.
quires being done is bo pre
er axis for the hox to rest on
sanstruetiny the frame huwever,
inserting into the Lan iles of
of very heavy wire that which
tnisted is preferable] vertically
the parpose of keeping
right when no one
has hold of it
PATE & Prop.
bo pHeoes
the whole up- |
Thix mode of contrartare randers the
f eoxt guits saall, hut not one ota does
(it detract from the availabiiny of
to its attractiveness, and alse
it more darable, and of it
mAk ex
Nicely patating the cart adds |
any i
properly boased and looked after, as
1% will
it always shoald be
mach service and last for a
New York Tribune
the borer is sale from any outward ap- |
If a strong solution of Paris green in
water is spread over the squash or other |
vine stem for two or three fee* from
ita roots, the parent fly will lay her in cities and towns know this and eat |
largely of vegetable fools while too
: {many farmers’ families live the year |
when the young borer begins esting 3 Jeu
egzs as nana! and when these hateh
out, as they do in two or three days,
his way into the stalk, Lis fire! wonth.
fal will he Bix fast
tft nvenient Dag Holder
Bketched here is a simple and in:
expensive arrangement for holding
bags or sarks, ope that will be espe.
cially useful when Lasidling gras
Stroag book fasten the box to the lin
wisile suuiler hooks in either curner
aud in front bold the bag The boy
may be easily made by suv one handy
with tools, and the arrauy :
greatly facilitate haudling grain when
vie wan has to do all the work.
box i= an improvement on the funnel
sometimes used by millers, whieh 1s
only handy when a second person cau |
attend to shirring the striog that
holds the bag about the lower end of
thie funuel.
Lee of Dast Vor Poultry,
The fine dry dust on the roads,
which is such a nuisance to the trav
eier, 1s a blessing to the pounltryman.
It isan almirabie absorbent, and used
under the roosts and mixed with the
droppings, it preserves the volatile
Bat if his presence is seen |
quickly enough, the borer may be dag |
out with a knife and the plant will be |
Aad den and fails to prow an sand 4
Prevention is better than sare, | By Mite SuppiY |
This |
The Farm Garden
The farmier who negieets the ga
| of vegetables for the use of his fanaily
through on pork, beef, bread and po-
tatoen, The farmer can
pork and other meal than almost any
man, becagse he works hard
the open air and can digest heavier
fom! than the man who the
2 ather
pe hal an
lant to safer
wia and other
Botse moat of the Ligie
tha faraer should
from Gatises
Jixenves that arise from the hl
Pawan] 8
fap Thi
ried dF peg
SHR sad
£3 =
: ul
Aad Teue
a mingle ane of
sak LOE fe fori
In the spring
guns Ars of
remedy for kidney complavats,
‘whieh anise from tae presence
partieniar acid in the Liood
‘afver some the vancus greens
i grow abandastly 1a ecnuntry places,
and ister the berries and fruits which
purify the bicod and invigorate the
i system ot a time in the year when the
‘hot weather enervates and makes
| langaid those who labor oat of door,
| Besta, onicus, green pess, string beans,
celery, tomatoes all possess important
medicinal virtues and all come at a
time 1a the year when we need a cool-
ing aad blood purifying diet. Durning
{ cold weather we can consume quanti
ties of fat meat with beuetit, bernase
Toh RN
wii. w
fats used as feod prodace Lest ani |
help us to withstand cold, bat with
this country durisg the sammer,
really peed but little meat, and vege
tasks. If the meats consumed 1a sum.
| mer were faostiy mation or positry
we are as consumers of so much
pork, but nose of these take the plan
of an unlimited supply of fresh vege
‘tables and fruits sich as any farmer is
the land may produce at the cost of
small swount of labor devoted to theh
cultivation. — Farm News,
endure |
i af a
falls short of bis plain daty. A diet |
‘of which meat is the principal partis |
not wholesome, and those who dwell |
weil |
cotied RADArE-
BIO is 3 soveéreiln
wt |
of »
that |
the temperature as high as it gets in|
tables are all that we peed to supply |
us with strength to perform the heaviest |
o | any
ezgs, we would be better off than |
Posie 1
fal |
| Frocking
Sheng Aci
Proweed Iz 5 Creek
of Gude reget
rock near
9% Pink 1 Ee
Pow oS
“and ©
bo Be yr
year-old Henry
weighty, line
of Famer wagite af
found and
iw lowed the bodies
ther Ritchie Boy 4
“wf Harry
was striling alone Katie
Pore. 0 « AY iRwi
Pree wes peat
rank He gait oa
SEY nita Gee
of RE
he yearend
WEEN Vi A ply ma
berye ef Brae suily
ard 1 im supposed
ora eg 3
him a -.,
$73 VOR
1 Leh
Yate why ran
Er Wis i
¥i mania
r 3 oo $0
$14 (nn $17
Food fond fia xin
fantratyer 8B Yo
Nelswh Non Hrighton,
ewmidir wR, Crawford
Mot anneishyiy,
rl Hensington Fu
Winfield = Flower,
Fioriry Kitnar Now
try $04. James Chapel],
Haesuet T Digen
for $33 Charles
tay $10 i ly
iiie. TB tn iy
raha z. Jeremiah
ngaleis $8 Michael
£12 Jarvee Hilew,
Chariex W. Taflt,
* i
Hlark is
Me wept aver Boring
Wednemdiny AL
lento Witham Hiraee
wax 1 Ris bharn
was destrnyed and Brace
feed Ax 4 dhHwe £:
MM and Frederiok A Voorfiis
EO Mansfield. who riage The
with ne advertising wigon Yor
Tioga County Fair soughl shelter
the burn of SBehuvier Liabis
Bp spt) enter. The bulldiag
and bweeth men were Ki
Ww Wears ais
Tun fine horses
were kilied
wkx hele at Haze
the [nite Mice
nf (he wR
4 anal iam?
en) i4
tantly kil Wes
are fore
wre tea
worry skein Hed
Their Mors
denn Belonging to
Fates alee
A maabster Dard
ta, Retaed
sare sha 4
Lattimer fh Kaige
Th paraders nearly See
rare hed Lo the Polish pamelor
eran ies were Peonlaetedd
graves of 17 of thoes why
wads by Rev Chariew Spiddal NE
f the Paptist Tharch: Faiber Anst of
the and Johan Fuby
The Erie rma!
Philadelinhing nd Erbe
w rei Red w fe days ag
fy Eatin Haven
Af and died wen af
Kutz snd Eag
hath of Harris
ay hy
PRT ary Een
emiher Wy of
op ¥ lian
£8 8
ish CIR
wea t bsg rpd rain
4 ey
brew suryyeit iy ths track Foe
ey Js Hn MM
fF Re Wim
slightiv Insured
of Waa MULleweyn, Baw
t RYP--No.).
| FLOUR. intr patents
R $9 }
of the Fateigy |
CHICKENS Per pair, smal. §
| Bim
| BU tT Fit
WHEAT Ne 2rd. ....... raw
COBN Na i mized...
mtiking The §
| WHEAT No dred
: Foidin
sennahod fo
WHYAT- No. Jered
Hn — A i AO
TE makers.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Na. 23 Saari a
COUN. No, 2 poliow ear .
New 2 roto 0
Mived oar, ...
| OATR. No. 2 white
Na. 3 white
$rssaimme awn
Faney straight winter
Eyes four :
~No. | timothy
Clover. No. 1,
Na § white mid ton.
Brows Sidings. ,
Bran bulk,
STRAW . Wheat.
ime i aewaR
REFS diover 40 Ne
Timely, prime
Dairy Froducta
| BU TTER KEigin Srelmery.
Ohi creamery “in
Fanry scuniry ot Ai
New York, _ wa
Fratts and Yegutonten.
| BEANS. Green #bda . _....9
POTATOER W hive, ¢ ub.
Choten yellow, ET
Fouitey, Ete,
Ase ee
“uAeS RRC wee
p | sunny
Fer ts
| EGOR Fa and (iho, frost
“RR S8R2
| WHE AT Nea p red
| CORY Mined
COATS iran
hte sreamery
OATS. Na 1 white dae
, *Etre.
Fenceyivanin Sewts
FLOUR Patests
if MORN So 3
POATS. ‘Waite Wortarn,
RUTIER Creamary
state of Peng
Central Crock Vande East Liberty, Pa
| Prime, 1900 to 1406 She
(Brod 1B Ge (0 he
Tidy, 1000 to 150 Te
| Fale light steers, AO to 1000 be
the Hhari® a deputies atl!
fast yegr,
XI Pa, 3
Miser Hen ©
omimag, 100 16 WH Be
Madivm |
Heavy |
Long toe and sags
| Price, 06 to 10% ha
P God, 83 10 00 ae
¢ Fair,
te 80 Bae
it cmmon,
PRpriey isms
wf Hastvabare,
Phe vy
PRE against the boranggh
Af the had |
ro fired
wu Real
ard Duet $0 bal
Were pen Be ax
£8 Fle says hie
dw rndiged several Thowssnd J
ma nsiasehter we
, Jury at Uirbhaataosn
Bovine Foran fae 4 far the my
trades Pare ien a
endl roster Ir Pirad dew
Wike euareelaane, ltacked
ahd, who is a eripp'e and after
wnfeld had bevnm Knhvoose! faa n ke
Ligzie Fussell a (-year-oll girt
andl instantly Riltedd a Tew
age at Reranton. by Mary Moran, I
yours Ff age. The Moras gird wae
plaving with fit Ber's self cin King
revnlver, When if arcidentadly went
oe wks arrested but Wis
sun Seria the Cnironer as gdvics
Cireenstairg AY yt secure
liheary offered by
Aw the Council refused ta acs
the vendilione ald down
suggested that the publi
ABN Ie ihe responsiblity
the imstitutien
the result
the xifL
Andrew Car
Sr le
bara ry
cst red
sainta ining
ely will bw
rant Kin
vlerk tha
Juniata shone at Aitcona of the Pann
eyivania Railroad Campaey. Laas
wert 1a fall chargl with f robe
ANY Genel Alb #ilae
sa amt Famsaed Ww
a former
5 EE.
= 1 a
By fad
iF -
: a
Mich Alas,
faery Bening
August L Ieving-
tate apt. Janes
2 wemre
FR “i 158 §
Wie page
Ewing «i al
idont a
= Weigle
if the foniball sii
F &i 'olumina soho
Gireenvilie, when 'Thomis
playing tackis an the
tom, was thrown down and
sustained a broken
A freight train plowed
drove of 4 Read of eattie belonging
to Mrs, Catherine Roberts, at Hunters
crosming, three miles east of Sandy
lake a few days ago, Killing 11 and in-
uring 3
Lilsntown's City Cammbesioner
working in the night carted off the
fruit stands of dealers whe had failed
to remove them at Mayor Lewis’
John Haws of Johnstewn whe wis
with a gang of tramps at Uniontown,
_ 5
and ta
ow in laid
ta murder
on a charge
Policeman Henry
Scheid amped Moa restaur-
of Kane. was ilerally
pias oe an siectrse om
park, Wi
He aan single
Tom ¥arBeid he wR
pal ¢ the MoitnyH
in Wea: rg Sid pre
Saturday Ha Rag been livin
ment inp Dradfoed county
trearge Nimms of Adamsville shot a
large wildcat near his barn recently.
ARmsport, uw few
© igh tx
fame as 7
x1} feqd
iy Tast
£ in relics
reputation ||
urder |
a of
Beary Comiag Over From Foreign Investors Rise
: is Wiest Sewvy Orders for Iron
Ivana & Co's weekly review of
sear te ge dlows for last week
sade of Diisipess ie larger than
ir ever Ban been Investors across the
wikter Idmve caught (he cue, and thelr
nr haved of American Domde and
#rov Ke have Breavy for several
i a i
le Righer in
weRteriy receipts
IArRY ax home of last
the weapk No Sdogbt some
% Rave Darpedd (hal In 8 poay
ew to Bold Gack for Bigher prices,
wy are deding it asd so
inevitable a more Jisas
fine in prices after & time,
Atlantic exports for the week Bbave
y LATA UW hustheln against 4.343 388
bushels last year, flour included. and
Pacithe experta 43.398 bushein, against
P1404 lms year (Corn ix oa shade high-
are estimate peoanising only 1.758 -
fw: Buwbeln
The cation vear has closed according
ta the Financial Chronicle, with a
eee it abwut
Beat his
AIT ae
trails ale
Coyleld of 11.190 380 Lien in 1890, of which
| southern mills
DEAE ORL were exported, LEME OM were
consumed in sortleen mills, 1327539 In
$20. 973 were added to
P gorihers mill storks and M3 to com
mercial stocks Jt is but fair to say
Lothar the Finacial Chronicle makes no
it has |
school |
of ths quantity produced
marketed, which the New
Cais ialiion
bhatt not
COmdeans cotton eychange reckons at
and this |
i ton
hominy |
Z year
$ whi
Pawt |
| mlieels, at all markets
through a |
| samme week last viar,
| the same week
| grows that the prives demanded at the
. West
} the
! existing market for goods. Prices for
{ gooda do not changes. and a consider.
eomy= §
and dumped them on a vacant |
! proves,
[thers (0 still
with print elo the and staple goods un.
resisted arrest a few days igo and | :
of attempts |
heey ho
" Po pember have been in amount of Haha
{ ities $1.111.553
i aod 1
© Canada against
| the
£30 008 taiewn presumably including cot
awed By solithern mills. but ma
yor cangumed
The Faropean nnid ato ks according
to Mr Ellfson are TONE against 398
WE bales A REG. the American
A590 T00 asin: (9096 Gales & Year Kyo;
cormercial sbivke here and a
broad, 164 bales, against 65.060 a
age, and other allowances Mave
ar hand far the coming year 14031 me
Lies abou! a8 much as wis sstimated
atl into ale a Yonsgnp-
LES hutiex in this country,
283 NS bales In the largest
The inceenas of 44 por
SP vonsumption during
yenrs with a dedreges
cent in sowthern is
piEvaues Wear
ii Wy
how great (he de
aad steel products may
fred, bat the manalae-
he rare goal senses to wall
tual arders before halsting
far the advance has bhwen
wuslerate, In the Rverage
wf Ril Anished products only 11 per
ant fram ihe lowest prive this year,
le pig fran has risen less than J per
ibesters this week inciude 18 908
toons riklie at Chilean 5.008 tons pipe at
Flasron, with 1S 088 ta 24988 tons come
ing at Philadelphia, M8 tons plate
for a Baltimore shipyard, and heavy
orders for bars ods and sespecially
»~ } Retin
we ’ nth
ri Raa
pers realy
. 5
The sales of wool have vn only 2
89 0m pounds at the three chief mar
Rete, mitainst IS 3060 pounds for the
and SNI2 008 for
fin 1852 The feeling
rane? be maintained, and until
wool sells at matnrially lower prices
manufacturer cannot meet the
able amount of the mills will shortly
shut down unless the situation im
In the ontién manufacture
a fairly strong demand,
in w but the stoppage of
mille vontinges,
the first weel
Rone af alter
Failures for af S[ep-
manufacturing $526 852
rgidine $702.85 Pailures for the
heen 184 in the United
wm BEminal tas: year % in
ast For
week have
Bias ih and
Tubnas a » Wark
The Cubans at Sarsiags have Begun
dis rm. Two hundred of thes
in from their camp at El Cobre
other day, turmed thelr drome uae
Eps iver. Lawton and asked for work.
They were given employment on te
water frost agd will be paid in rativas