ls longer pays allegiance to any party, THE PATTON COURI Thy at SEPTEMBER 8, 13¢8. SR as 5 ON BOTA SIDES Btate Chairrnan Elkin Dissects the Wanamaker Speech, FAULT FINDER AND PARTY WRECKER The Chairman sSavs the Republican With Vigor Un- impaired,’ Having Eadared the ses Party “Will survive cossion of such Men as Horace Gree- fey and Governor Curtin, and Lived Through Flight and Elght Years of Pattison, Philadelphia, Sept, 2--The political event of the woek is the scorching re. ply of State Chairman John F. Eikin to the tirade delivered by Mr Wanamaker 8 the select gathering of his "business (Hien in politica’ last week The chair man has Just returned from Chicka mauEx. where he has been looking after the welfare of his brother Lieutenant W. PF Elkin and sther fever stricken Pennsvivania soldiers In discussing the Wanamaker deliverance he said “As chairman of the Republi ganization 1 have my power In hiring monious campaign this fall the cone tending foroes in Pennsyvivania polities In the making up of our executive and damraign committees we have careful to give representslion to all former factions in the party. Io pursa. ance of this policy we have sollvited the mo-pperation and counsel of all the leading and active pases workers of the Mate, regardicss of thelr past political Kffiliations. The organization has re. Trained, up to this time from entering into any discussion of the questions that have divided our party in the tate. When the organization was peck: Iesniy and soraetimes viciously attacked we have made po reply for the réason thar we had hoped all differences would Be foupht oat within pariv tn and Nenice We were willing 3 das iision of the Hepublican voters uf the galls on {he iRppan Inyatyved Sir fie. how iver, the HRHebgblicans In the conven thon ansemibdad Save decided thelr plats form of princlides and have nominated i LCE: in danoe With the Sahel rules and « af the party &nd since the primaries held in the rarious ¢onnities throughout (he state Rave in most instances nominated their seunty tieket and wes still find an or. Bantaaiion deciaring 41% purpose to he the Sverihvoy of Republican supreme Wey, we feed yoo for the party, through its Grganization. to make re. wy. Years of Cleveland Byes pt £0 RUCHT elimi. GRTOmK it iw OUTSIDE OF THE RANKS “No one will deny to Mr. Wana- ERRREr, or any one sive claiming to be & Republican, the sight to makes any proper effort within the party lines to #dvance the cause he réprésents but when, at a public meeting, calied through the direction of himsel! and friends. he places himself on record in the following language “Thus far we heave carried a banner of profest AEAinst the state Hepublican party and vty leadership and manipulation’ and then follows this up by the further sateen, This is the plain duty today #f the vistors ao of Penngyi- vania, sdeperdient of old party lines or he pariies exterminate the ma- hips Shick ‘mao line can only mean ibe Republican 2H tion. there can, inder these circumstances bd no ime $ropricty in an ganization thus as- wailed making anrwer is terme whose Maeanine will not and cannot bw tise 3, We can only intérpret the tier noe af Mr. Wanamaker th mean Ehat be Boe phieoad Bivneslf entirely outs ide the Hepulitican ranks, and is now determined 10 make suck #Mort as he Came fe dlarunt ang dest the party with which he has be Hated until fier the rovent leptin ican als CON wyention. Since (hat time, acoording lo his own statements, he has been en gaged in an attempt to bring out a new Mileket. Certainly the following language Nised by him at the Bourse meeting. can mean nothing short of this on yew af the BTave (anssianoes mipending. Burried have been held lately with Dr. Swallow and others in accord with him, taking a broad and disinterested view of ihe present situstion, siating the possibil- ity of unification of ail the forces op- 3 Yaxy » BYOTS ix GY LH 4% go. on WM anferenoos posed 10 the Quay machine, whether of the Harrisburg, Altona or other forma, Cand making ah thoroughly represents- Hive ticket, eliminating all present and past candidates. or using then as might seem most practicable to form a winning tieket” A FAULT FINDER AND WHERE] Phi attitude of Mr Wanamaker is not go strange in view of the fact that . upon the occasion of the visit of Presi- dent McKinley and hiv cabinet officers PARTY to Philadelphia. at the time of the un- veiling of the Washington monument, ‘he, through the public prints criticised the present administration in its con- duet of the affairs of the country, ‘which criticism catied forth replies from several of the cabinet officers a? the time and a mild rebuke from the i ent himself The attitude of Mr. ‘Wanamaker during ihe past several “months clearly indicates that he no ‘but has concluded to place himself in the category of a political fault finder and a party wresker © "It is one of the undeniable privileges “of individuals to choose the party with which they ally themselves, and to whose purposes they lend thelr support. It Mr. Wanamaker has determined upon an endeavor to disrupt and de- feat the parly which hestowed upon ‘him one of the highest offices in its gift (although by a decisive majority fairly ascertained after a free and open can- vass of the sentiment of the state it re- fused him another office which he sought), that is his indisputable priv- flege. Nevertheless, 1 think he will ‘be disappointed in the result of his se- cession IT WILL SURVIVE. = upon the rock and standing four square 19 every wind that blows, abide stead. | hese gilly charges would take the time “do at least, . state capitol was the result of a con- “The sands shift and change about | bases of the pyramids, but those ‘mighty structures themselves, founded wl fast and everlasting. The Republican party will survive, and ondiminished vige > many a vear after Mr Wanamaker and | and all of us are numbered MORE the men whe are forgotten WITH fin RNeroic his tary and its promising future it stands tor great principles and policies much mare important than the ambitions and dizappointments of any individuals in it. however siminent This is the lesson af history. No one did more dis- tinguished service (nn ‘the building of it than Horace Ciresley, yet awhen that great man was deluded intr Gaethig hin with 1s Bremisd the Hebhuohlran party lived on and rt {Teale § Mod of a broken heart. No Panay vantan was more highly ana deséry edly hon- oredd in his party than PUT grpst war Andrew Go Curtin bul when he rafsed his valve in apposifiow to it hin public career closed amd the party pontinaed to add victory fo vidary and strength to strength, The Republic party survived eight years of Oldvels and sight vears of Pathe 1 Bave ne daubt it will survive sve Mr Wan eA Ker with fdahroken hear ard vigor unimpaired. A WORD ABOU PT AXES made by Mr. taxpayers of hy reasohl adminis. fall if vserv! ifs FONE ROveiter, wodvsr lan “Ome of the complaints Wanamaker is that thse the state are Burdened of The aXiw rps tho tration and wie of supporting our penal slsemosynary and charitable in stitutions. The charge is In RKesping with others made Uy hime-it lak ing in svery cswintia! clement of truth The the great mage of tax- da pnt contribute a of stale ij ya ined the fost ta fact ix that The state CTIRIER BTR by the taxation of sarporatinn eral aml direct inheritances foon foes of office and see charters Beal vptate has not p aXe 186d. In passing 3 oy Ehism questi might not be to recall the fart that Mr Wanamaker pays tax in proportion io invested and the vols amount of money grne of business {ransactsd than any nfines of thik ther citizen within the ¢o broad conunonwenith. Our taxpayers may nol know, but i is currently res ported and generally believed, that he transacts a business sach ve of fein $12 000 0G ro 110 000 MG that hax in in fi, WareH Ane tra Mes from 52 ioe nse Hh aid Bate 521 Agent fae since i arming Lovo the Ar i 1 mechan vaste His FEE (Re " Ive EYeRt Vig busi ness ravsmited hy Rim itovietit Be has in he tenMoRs front $8 § Fue LT wi the han and inv nary which frre inrge hime iw state gover $10 snanaaioy and merchandg el 3 SH a mers pittance of ia wWRreg byes PAYS HB ial 3 ERik t tax exeapt fhe 1 {RM mentioned in true he pays his real estates bal af the iRveals sraper. 1 My wr had the $5000 000 which he Pg es in farms and other pay annually from loeml axes more § Hee Fg i: it above taxes that is entirely ment In Wanamak i ne wu pposed his stores invested foal EEL ey wide Easiness vo $s in esta 5 real esiale be wid Fo006 to F150 In than Be does at present THE BEAL TRUTH AROUT “Trader the nang AEE payrated and bulit up dues and for which the as deen ins ing the past J0 years, Republican party is responsible. #8 of the 87 counties of the state receives mors morey from the state than is paid in by them. It nas been the policy of the Republican pariy io provide a system of state axation that places the buf. dens of the stats upon the corporations and other wealthy and favored insti tutions. Is (hin way a fund is raised thst dletrit in the aha Fm af the Pint erg. is IB XRG ff is an hu pe in Gntles gals ries ats this way the buvdena oF doug Ay enue ag ¥ interesting Ay Er EET Me PAT eas how state from larger sgn 1 Pea FA irelas § Hie Bea! Flutie: Cameron Bradford Chenier Jefferann Jduninia Taackawana “It States during that our state dug of a century has bs pity governed state her advance ir will be dem A Erg pias y 4% Ponaas FWRI the present ring the Ee cRMpRILN Guarter fost hap inion: that popaiation and geveral prosperity been Dhensme- nal During that me the stale Nam never fost a dollar by Feazns 3 fee fault or dishonenty of any of her stale officials. Ruch. indesd, sermx (o have heen he opinion of Mr w nl namake = iant the fhe arse, We have heen criticism which is inseparable from conduct of pubis affairs wh is disput enernies of and persons having dizappoin na, “Phen an army Lreaks camp fo march to baits vuliures gather aver the camp fires. and there ia always some Beate dog 10 hark after every triumphal proceusion “Phe strictures made by Mr Wana maker on the last election of a United States senator. it seems to with bad grace from a Sefeated candi- date, and explain the soured fosling emanating from that source saver sines, I was not personally familiar with the details of that campalgn, bul from re Hable Information in my possession 1 am surprised that Mr Wanamakic should make use of the following han guage: “The whole business of electing a United States senalor was an arith- metical problern and a check oak.’ Mr. Wanamaker's managers und edly impressed him, more in their GW than in his interest with that theory, and he, no doubt, speaks from his per. sonal knowledge: and experience. ROABTING THE PIGS. “1 am surprised that any person with the Intelligence of Mr. Wanamaker should be guilty of repeating. by inuen- that the burning of the SIL rGl ER 5 Rr tend ambis | NY Hie, Cute sight. spiracy of state officials, and for the purpose of destroying public records which might incriminate them. If Mr. Wanamaker and those who report to investigate they would learn that the capitol building burned down eon- tained no records of value, The reds grds of the auditor general's and the state treasurer's departments were Kept in a saparate building, having another butiding betwepn it and the bulding where these records are kept There was not a single record of the treasury ar auditor general's department in the buliding burned down This senseless fabrication reminds me of the interest. ing story told by Charies Lamb of the Chinaman wha discovered roast pig The hut of & Chinaman having horned down, and soame young pigs that were there amMvony Its (enanis having rosetsd the Chinnman procesded to devour them with intense satisfaction He was a0 well pleased with the viands that ard burned viv several estaciishments in his neighbors. in order to roast the theredn confined. He continued harardous until jt got itigh his Mongolian bead ome day Bart the pigs might be roasted without burning of the dwellings’ It will seour to any one who reflects g moment that if there were any papirs in Har rivhureg for shich destruction was neo. i any it is not Hieiy that they would be carefilly preser and filxd away in the publi bultdings. and it they had ween so preserved and Aled {1 pecernsry to burn the bullding in oF hurn the papers. The pips could roprted and the paswrs could deptriy ed without and hazard of b ing down val Balidings AROUT BANKS The attempt of Wanamaker to connect the Blican party with the faliure of the 2 Dank, the Guar anturd and the State Insurance oo pany to may the jeast lar fetched. The Republican tw nn sponsible for the tutions than it the Kevatone bank ory, and 1 presume Mr. Wanamaker aot undertake too osay that the Be publican wracked that Lagk The fact iv that the fas not ost a mingle nny by of the fail- Hre of Any of thes “Mr Wanamaker ain aftaces the rac cent Hepublivan state convention With tending that convention the party is already familiar the for thelr been he tyrone incepdlars anging PEER # FEW 5 iar Prisons it would not he am i ber fog the risk 5s HBHUOREN My LE. 45 Hepabl People’ hr 1Ey in Frese pL nmi. fatiure of of pnsavory meme. ailure of for hens Wan hg will art 3 ¥ #tate PERG institutions the Tarls at Bepublvan in Lui rnai candidacy many OUR ou candiduton frit teat prods. The delegates wider party Al fring rigles rake fee nan hey {od wit hadveen reed Ria dels candids hirnuell ard rransfer ani bet asyiong Nis mifnent The WAN #ipceeanty ? nominated anctber candidate brought wef that conven of Mr. Wan. horn Be odarny. $a Les Pept ei thay wigte heyt variant a Fa tien were dochied In favo arsaier and thoes with Binged his forces stance of the Any af in 2 N was a decision Provailing the danny tude wan given to My ard hin Triesds, and no made against their vention war coandueted In generous fairness, and ne namabile person can find fauh avvihing that was done (in ita provessfings THAT CHESTER INTY TAL While 1 is not : of this Interview Sime ges the charges made by Mr Wanamaker in reforencs to the deposit of state fnle with the Chester County Guarantye Trust and Rate Deposit company, [ feel that i1 ix proper for 0 recail the fy in reference fo the el BEN: suliject Prive Ray LAL urer, under the sponsitds for all came into his fands Io give a hand for th these funds treanurer and his BIOTIN for all ad exerciand the right (o wie the deta Gries ig which Wave Mr his teatiman frenst Fiony 14 = 2 £& b 47 $ingie in male In favor the cid Tel ako A Candgiiaty ii ntion the fullest RY Wanamaker decindon wan oy interauty 3 with £0 9 within the Smurview fix ye! mnie wind bin the was personally Tay fig ww stated marys Pe ow as requ Prder thin sywters the brid mess eens being Fi Tile giles ruane vs state funds Pariington. as it {amit Faoatad wd frou af the in Nis Sr thus bimini? cantaiaations in that extended NPUENARYY “Er ily Tar stale institut Sarr 16 Bave felt ARG the narty There are borne amd it whi are fas Support these favo Looe dan is vend Tair from his he conifer ¥etirn Betwmil the frunsaciion it ane of which Mr Fon geht it stiothid : arin fer that be abould Bave in son tiguance of hin ty be thought of was certainly Wana: alkeey Cie arn hile WAN and therelisr wi YI er he ste, campiain, for RELary | paign nr wlan BF hein that {leet CRIN ¥ ston thagennd athers af tari from manuf ting in Be exacted aLTBEErE ang the benefits To gina i ¥ the nati gid * PRAISE f Mr wars TOE {hee ied, It ia ox far as the treas- mginigture of 1880 Sravides for abogt Hnglon RFasan i ment thing ast wa ury is concerned. The prasad a law which terest on depemils of banking law imposes and the members mission the eh BEAT LEERY Inatirutions *£ ¥iy Hpan Ihe state of the revenge some duty of sedecting the bank. ing matitulions of wtate in which the maneys shall be depositind, and pro- viddon Lon taking of eurities thervfor This hy the shalrman of the Fle ganization, and received and acti ate and hs Mirus vote, Ahmed the the publican ors ils SAarnesy Se wart 11 passed the son @ HET BUEN Awe With and 1 f the furmer system BLICAN understood now #4 proactl rust IT IS ANTI-HEPU “It might as well be that this is a contest at Repabli- CRN SUpremacy in vania. The crganization is prepared to defend the party from all these reckicss and ma- Heious attacks It is our purpose to labor for the success of the whale Re- publican tickat, county as well ds state, It is our desire to uphold the adminis- tration of President McKinley, and we feel the pecessity of returning the greatest possible number of Republican Punnsyi congressmen from this state. lt is also | that a Republican United States senator should be returned from important Pennsylvania, With a new govern. mental policy growing out of the (ssues of the war we should see to it that Penneyivanin is represcnted by straight nut Hepulilicans in both houses of cone grease “In conclgeior, 1 Jesite to say that 1 shall not enter inte any competition with Mr Wanamaker in defaming the state of which 1 am proud to he a oitl- ren. and besmirehing the good pame of ite peaple in the eyes of the country. 1 rather tu exalt glority It all proper bounds of language. valleys above and Golconda genie and industry of iis Aevelinped it into an imperial prefes to ok at It with eves njaundiced Ly any disappointed anbition tor think of $ i the home of dation and integrity. morality ang nr rather than tu acini 1B hreading : whose Oeople choose Aw pa WENT H- tiyiem tn) yaxed {ned MWR ad adminis prefer gt within § 31s Bas Dilossmnd $l bs ¢ styl priatohicss pe grr SEE i } wilh nag # yan ¥ 9 under and the dike poopie have domain I it am it ie eae Halon Hg & gronnd of habitus f haste “The Lucky Duffs” The Lavky buts!’ T hr tin of an article in Toe Poglish Hinstrated Magn- gine in which Mec JM bBalliek fraoes the rise of the Duals of Fie like a prince 1m oa fi from a bitte farmer in the weailand 300 years ago apr gid worn of the honwse mares with » Bad has: 19 the 1} ta FrVR sed huge pile of planding, spon from ber sheen, in the vroues her anol heonght beok ie value in merksa These she boarded in hayes tui] hor smyings in a hag 1a the colling, bat the rata nd ny of, that the famil Ging anud a downy of dueatoons The family four ished so well that each of her three sons got an estate of his owi---Patrick, the younpest, bringiog 48 chibdren nto the world, while Wil se the Tater of toe first Karl wipe sped duly (In One deeasion she jester wis Phan ® $e 4 Hil tans fw of F L¥y, 33 Queen Wilhelmina Thure By otgeer Withee hinina, tween ¢ is is any doubt that [the Netherlands, ergantad oo uarry friuce Ws Arka axe and Jercditary yosang Bene the Hur ternband gf Ran: ; if Hew bags lately and ok £4 rides and of intervst in the Pars jour agit that she Las sights WIR a trons rvs, in Lise Hom areit mR foieliinoes of age ohurasctar uve Posy Vioins hwy down i Paris ste Lilkis iowa 3 £ 5 + a Lx ay 4 § Hh i 36h od Beran aad hove the future queen 4 val 0 cuitivata Lt Tali ta the Last, shmaarselin x Toought gs 4 1adu nave y 2iiy Weide Yan 2 wil a fransiery: ship io a Recora cambiar Pee in the cash bax i Sp ae iyi Cesnd RRO fv hus pad +t Worry ¢lub Te thities aaslier digestion aane Vans 3 | SAY, OLD MAN! ___ Han At {; S Good's store? ¢ you been to see the fine line of Dry Goods We have them. Moderate Prices loo Are Ww h: it most pe cople If you want GOOD value come to us and get it. IT'S PRACTICAL ECOXOMY % hay ® of » aUed: Li Lite went 3 #leeuy Lead Groceries rice, and vet Fw this store. Qualities are not sacri- prices are never high. We get sell them as close to cost as we can. 3 AL as. Patton, Pa. re. which : rosy 0 & mile Keeping of BPPEAT. * Thurs., Friday, AY a JE KIRK HARDWARE. COMPANY'S y Chitonters |.ow and Flegant price 52.3 High Back hibier Seat Y > -3 ¥ 14 per yard. ard while they last. 1 i % Sinks al specia Rocking Chairs at and 10 cach. - Nv fy | prices $1.6 3—Ilormer i Nice Line Rockers at 75c, 90c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.35, 1.75 to $3.75. Special Bargains in Haps—87¢c, 1.10, 1.25 and $1.40. Come and See for Yourself, at (IR 7 HDW. CO. NO. 1. *
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