The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 08, 1898, Image 4
No SA IAI a ¥ atton Courier. PATTON PURLISHING CoO.. Propristors. Wir Ginerxe, Editor, ESTABLISHED 1893. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Cine copy, one via, in advances, $1.90 S-Advertsing rates made plication, Sr No papers Absevimtinoed until atl areas Agen Are paid, aniess K/L Lhe po bilshers Eutered at the PostafMor at Patton a sivond elass mail matter, COUNTY OFFICERS. Prosideont Joder Hon, AV Prothonatary 8 WW. Tevix, Register smd Bioveder oF. HB Jones Trensurer— FF. Spencer. Sherif dade Mo Wertz Deputy Rbworttl- Ele Inve Triste Attiraey- 1 = Morphy Coser rrdssiog ors Howat ior Hoover, {ommibsabonery” (Terk John (0 fates, Comnty Superintendent -T. 1. Gibeon Oomnty Sarvevor. 8G Fettorman, County Andditor cA 1, Mitenberger, fawrenes, Jolin Gittings. Jury {nommisiioners and W. D Miler, Coroner. Iw FON Livingston Poor Direties James Soemoreiiie Sones atid Fane More Lprker Jones and FM Anders Wenkuopd Thi T TINE Of FO Dy NY £9 RY ot Monday of Mereh, | B51 Meaday of mop Ist Monday of Jame, Pint Monday of Tew Argument (iam is Beeld hefween the sive Auten, BOROUGH OFFICERS Bangpess- fo, Prindibie Corantdi- Abry Mantietl Hubbast, mn’ FP Tones Med erpniick, Frank Anderson Sedsews]l Powmred 40 Od orwell, gpervaidest: HH. Curfraan, weretary: WH manaford, trims arer: OC. 10 Holter, WW. ¢ Linge HL MePheroan Juscion of ihe Pes Fasain HE Mellon, Tronsarer--W, | Clerk F. Wii Girone Collider dian. Mellon Asesserr- Jolin #1 Auditors. Filmer A. Repmbier, Jadpe of Ebetion. John Truman fnspector Wim. {Ulnrk, Faroese G1 en Cotmtatis samt Vo Jane hte! of Polls man’i Hols Reread Commnybedoner Nam! Fo Jones High Comsstadtde Taman’! Holes, SETH Wav ieiel, iy fax, Meg rt ford miepmertiioe, mrmade, WA, Mellon THE NORTH AMERICAN says that all Wanamaker meetings ought to be opened with that raliying chorus: “And he whistled the same old tane.” JOREPH FARABAUGH has purchased the Carrolitown News and stepped into the editorial harness last week. Mr. Farabaugh is a competent man and no doubt will make that paper a prosper ous one in the future. NEW SUBSCRIBERS are being con. tinually added to the already large Cov. RIER list, which news will be of interest to our many advertisers. If you wish to do a big business plant an ad in the Courier and you will be gratified by the results. SvMMERs M. Jack, of Indiana, Pa, has been nominated for Congress on the Republican ticket in the Twenty. first district, comprising Indiana, West moreland, Jefferson and Arrestrong counties, The choice was made on the forty third ! hatiot, IT" A woNpER John Moneymaker doesn’t come out “flat-footed” and de. clare that be has left the Republican party and announce whether he is a Demohibitionist or a sore head. The two old parties do not appear very anxious to receive his fatherly pointers (7) and the parson candidate for Gov- ernor doesn’t care to trust to his advice J ALTHOUGH you have a perfect right to get your job printing dene where. ever you feel disposed we wish to state that before going elsewhere call and | get our prices and see samples of stock and styles of work. We are here to do job printing as cheap as can be pro- cared elsewhere in Cambria county and ii dont you forget it. PROBABLY the N Navy has fought its last war with black powder. Bids were opened Saturday at the Navy Depart- ment for supplying the warships with one million pounds of smokeless powder—a quantity sufficient to sap- ply at least the secondary batteries of all the ships in the service—and thia sapply will be augumented from time to time, until, within the course of a year or two, all the black powder will have been retired, except possibly some that will be retained for saluting : TO VOTE AT MANILA. The Governor has appointed ex-Sen- ator Samuel 8. Steel, of Allegheny ‘county, a veteran of the civil war, to go to Honolulu and Manila as a com- missioner to take the vote of the Tenth Regiment boys. The first and second ‘battalions of the Tenth are in the Phii- ippines, while the Third isat Honolala, and, as there is no liklihood that the command will get home in time to participate in the November elctions, this step has been derided upon in “order that its members may not be deprived of their right of franchise. It is a wise and proper movement. Commissioner Steel will depart upon his mission immediately. It is pre. sumed that other statee having troops in the service of the government will take similar action, and the proceeding will be ane distinctly novel in the his- tory of the nation. It will be the first time that the votes of citizens of the Republic have been ‘taken on foreign soil, if soll over which ‘the flag now floats may be termed for- Rowe pests Bie : opthar of the bi } feign. And peciliar interest most i centre around an election for a Gov- ~ernor of one of the states and other, ent bottles of officials held in far-off Hawaii and the Philippine Islands. . The most advanced republican and popular methods will thus be carried iuto the region of the despots, and the lover of free government and popular institutions will ind in the innovation something to arouse his enthusiasm and awaken new dreams of the ulti. mate trinmph of liberty throughout the world. A fTwmmon Danger If you have ever had a cold which you permitted to “wear away’ it may interest vou to know that it was a dangerous proceeding. Every cold and congh which is neglected paves the way for consumption, bronchitis asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous German throat and lnng rem- edy, will core any cough or cold and save vou from consumption. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. Prices 25 and 50c per bottle. Important Notlee If any of your family should be at. tacked with a sudden cough or eold, don’t fail to try a bottle of Gray's Balsam, the great guaranteed cough care. It never fails to relieve and promptly cure coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and whooping cough. No family with children should be withont it. Samples free. Large bot- tiles 25 cents. Sold only by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, AN INDIAN BOY'S PONY, An Accoant of ix Firet Attempt tn Ride It at a Buffalo Hant. Thus led by those dedicated to re ligicns service, the tribe leaves je vi} lage, the people hy families decopisg into hine—men, weil monuted hearing their weapons ready for ase: women in gala dress, riding their decorated ponte older rmes leading the pack horses Nt tie children in twos and throes npon the backs of steady old nags, or snmgly stowed sway in the swinging pouch be tween the tent pales, and the dogs trot ting somplacently averywhers, Here and thers along the line of the eavaloade is a iad being initiated into individaal responsibility. He has been apon the hunt before, as cme of the fam. ily, but this is the first step toward go ing independently uncared for as child The father bas lanscod 8 wild horse, sad. dled and bridled him and now bids his som mount the animal The boy hangs back, the oolt is a fiery crestare and al. : ready restive under restraint The fa. ther tells his son that the horse shall be his own when he has conquered it, but the lad does not move The Jwkers om are smiling, and the exsawade does not wait. "Get up,’ says the father The boy slowly advances, and the colt quickly recedes, but the boy, grasping his wane, swings himself into the sad- dle. The father lets go, and so doses the colt-—rears, jumps, wriggles, humps his back like an infuriated cat, stands on his fore legs and kicks at his own tail, paws the air and stamps the earth, but the boy clings to him anti], with a sud. 4en jerk, the saddle girth is broken, and be is landed over the head of the axecited oreature, which rans for dear Jife and liberty. Brought back, protesting by twists and shakes of his head, he i» again mounted and again frees himself After two or thee repetitions of this sort of thing the boy becomes angry. and the mother grows anxious. She rans to her son as he is sorambling up from the ground, feels him all over and moves his legs and arms to see if he is hurt. He is impatient at the delay. He is goiog to master that poopy now or die for it. This time he stays on. In vain the animal lashes himself into foam and fory. The boy sticks to him like the shirt of Neswus, and the father at last leads the indivisable pair between the tent poles which trail behind a sophis- ticated family horse, and there, fenced in, they journey all day, trying to ges used to ench other. The pany does nos see his way out of the poles and is fore ed to keep np with the procession. Century. A 5 1 HL 5 NEO Corkers. At a London club thers is the most auinue pair of curtaine in existence This portiers is farmed of hundreds of champagne corks taken from every known brand of champagne, each of which tears the tin top which adorned it when the cork was in its parent bot tle. The corks are made into strings, thers being 60 of them to each string Between every cork there are thres big Chinese beads of tarquoise bloe Alto gether there are 24 strings, and at from 12s. to 165 uw cork the portiere repre ‘sents a total expenditare of about £1,000. The orks are tied to a white enameled pole, with fancy cuds, and big sashes of bine ribbon sdorn the brass knobs The total effet is distinetly pretty What makes this unique por tiere doubly valuable 1s the fact that each cork bears the autograph of a fa- mots actor or actress of the present day ~Lopdon Standard Nothing Plebeins About It. She was an honored member of one of the bereditary societies and was as- tonished to learn that she was accused of wire pulling in connection with an election of officers. “Wire pulling!” she exclaimed “Such an insult! Why, it is common, positively common People do that in politics © “Very true,’ returned her husband consolingly, ‘but in polities it 1s prob- ably just common, ordinary wire, while 2 tt I have no doubt in your case the refer. ence was to the very highest grade of iasuiated copper wim © Naturally that made 1t seem differ ent. —Uhicago Post THE PATTON COURIER, SEPTEMBER 8, 1808. Noties, We, the andersigned. do hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billioosness, sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it wm recom. mended, ii refund the money on a Mcent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, of it does not cure any cough, cold, croup, whooping cough, or throat or Inng difflealty. We also guaranties one Bent bottle of sither of the above to prove satisfactory funded. For sale by © Patton Pharmacy Al REE WIL OF money re WwW. Hedging Cont soria water and refreshing root heer on wooed Patio: Pharmacy. np af f rine, tv Yenrs wy fy rend : For # vears 1 headache. About a vear ago I began using Celery King. The gratifving and surprising, sches leaving at once. The bessinches nsed to retarn every seventh day, but thanks to Celery King, I have had but one headache in the ‘ast 1} know that what helped me others Mrs. John DD Van Kouren, Rangerties. NY Ring © nerves, stomach, ver and kidneys is sold in Me and 2% packages by Patton Pharmacy, CW. Hodgki yet actin for Fo from sick PORIZIL Was my head montis i hip 21 will ox { ‘elery ad +4 Fim Patromize your home bay voor bread from waite the Palmer hones arsed OPPO bakery Trans, ¥ Adve fwirs Hereafter all patrons who wish a display advertisement in the Parrox COURIER, Gig re ar wha wish to change their hand their popy in nea Toesday at 2 o'eloek pom. of each week. If handed in later than that time it will have "ull the next week regraiated news whoon mast ¥ hi Ti Now Fanning. later fo All ape rs muet have receive phper is hours bee strhwc ribere complain. be held wedi a specified ume stich business: linhle to be hind time would have Try to get copy Over * iw yuk SAE if the mare] weveral ard then the gioonl reason Lo in carly Parton Pra sire headache aR Hipans Tahal Ripans Tabules one gives relisf Go to Dane’ Bakery for your! fresh bread and cakes Even the children insist on going to the Cash Grocery, R. F. Notley, Dealer in Patron ize home industry by baving Wines, LL iquors, ABour and fed at the Patton Feed i Backwhoat Mille sf i’ CRITICAL i I 13% ring ig your anti- t SICK OR WELL. A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. The Packers at the ff Rantiago de Cunha were all Their Heroic Efforts in Getting Ammani- tion and Bations to the Front Raved the Dav. P. E Buatisr, writing from Santisgo, July 284, aavs: in More or eam and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor, for it was a case of rish and rash night and day to keep the troops supplied with ammunition and rations, thanks inte Cholera and were abla to Rattle Heres of pack-train, No 3 I» Coba, on ‘We ail had diarrhoea, violent form, bat ta Chamber inti, DAs Remedy, AR wires rely be lioy Been at and keep inn fart, | » th 0 our heal that at one ¢ was the indirect aavione of our army. for if the packers unable to work there wonld hive been no any of There wisps fie roads that o wagon train conld My comrade and myself had the good] fortune to | in ff thie medicine for onr pack-train before we sft Tampa, and i know in four cases it a fe dts] Lime this Laedioine had been getting supplies to the front The ay a supply © abanintel y saved ( family use cannot he excelled are FLASKS, 4 oF *5 12 WOODEN MANUFACTURING [amber of Beer, Etc. sr & Son's B Spec: aly Bottled Beer and Port ry i} [ut AAR ir regeonahle. CORKS, HASTINGS, PATTON € 'OMPANY, i all Kinds, Wark, Sash and Dogs of all Kinda HHEMANSHIP AND Prices and terms reassnable, We have just received a car load of your ow srwedial At P srw and sash to whieh call Attention OFFICE Room No. 7 Hailding. ugha Mill and in of {3(} eople’s gs! 7 ENUE. * % The above letter wax written to the Fresh and Smoked th sn, Des ie ton Pha mannfactares of this medicine, Chamberiain Medioine Ox iowa, For sale by Pa . W. Hodgkins. Lumber! Having secured a million feet of lomber | am now prepared to fornieh it in the rongh in all arrow, lengths, ete Deliverad on short notice, al the lowest ACY, price and on reasonable terms. ber such as hank rails, ete {an farnish all kinds of mining tim. I will also handle hard wood lumber All Bill ent to order Kindling wood hy the load. Chas. Rhody, PATTON. PA. (ce in Oto building, Beech avenue Hors H All i 3 eer Aa ter for Prices JUGS, ETC. PA: 1 forts ver of newt Deniers fem Planing Mill LA MBER GUARANTEED Cinond * jams. Salt All Kinds, ome-Made BOLOGNA {On Hand. . : - 4 our Meats are Pure Wi 303 le Siitiie, and @— GO TO THE ——t Where You Can Get Good GROCERIES at the Follow=- = Sugar, 12 Cans Tomatoes 13 * XNew Peas ] L.hs Tea 10 I1 nk Prunes Raisins [)ried Peaches I rec Pea So You can buy ¥ Kemember | sell of goods considered. erties and one visit » ie! IY ing PRICES: B akn or vu: . a i WOR Hane + ye Fg gn Lo 1 ons ore A : ‘ kles THY x * if * if Neth ml x. p : } gn ANY i] {or Kemember will cash and I won't onvIinee Stare ‘brightest stock mn town. DOX'T FORGET THE PLACE fum kot 5 ¥ yLr Paw £1 er les » ¥ PC that | have a full line ot 18 Pounds for $1.00. i Der pouna § WEN saa lll undersold— 30! have AT THLE H GROCERY, 1 t quality Ciroc- 3 JOHN BOYCE, Proprietor. Get Your FIRE INSURANCE Be | cn James Mellon, J. P. Gord and reliable com- panies. OMeoe corner of Fifth and Magee Aves {Marker dhe arith : Af tonitian & Philipsburg § Meats ( f Main Line Express, i § Patton, Pa. Beech Creek Railroad. NY {CC &H BR R Co Lewes Condensed Time Table. Mas 15 ve Puttin WW tan or Ma bun Mes Kerra wer fT Ker puma Now Mi pert itanta Mitebadls % ton rfintd Wowsilaand gangsgt paw a wR EF Em F RT i Reayu HABA BRB RB re We GE Ee 0 48 iv wh be Bi Bar = IS ar Pail a Muanen Winhgrmne Ponds ivillintown rpevg WE pe Rowe ly Crimi Mi Halt fork Haven Yoaungedale Waynes: Joawey ¥hawe Fapetion rey Shore Ww Td Pirdi's & Hewding B R Witlinonuport iv Fhiladeipdin “48% Woh ed eden YF Wed rhe BE nb aroy of DASE EERE Ed -~ L320 5 4 SCEEESEACHAASHBAORE ZauEnNEoLE 58% eas oF Fm am pon ain wel ar Ee oi #it fw 4 1a iy HOE Roy opm “Leaily ” ® YEveuvennn ®B ge3dyostnsHIZARGESEAYEAS . xi $s weds wie ar N > vis Tomisgin ar 58 NY vin Phila srhio® OW $ Weowkdaye 30 5 a vey Sa ho New York FTIR raving via Phil ated phy on D258 pom train fom WiHlamegeet wil} Flange cary at Hontingden 8t Phils, Conpaptions.. At Witdasnewet with Phils Nia ned Beading milrisd; at Jerry Shoavw : Fall Beosk Hiv: ost Mut Hell Central Hetioad of Pennsylvania: a Phtlipsbinrg #ith Pennsyivnnin sailed and Tmnewting matiromd at Chmrfteid with the Bafals, Hochoster aud PMaahiaee stlwae: 30 Mahaffey asd Patt with {amt and Cienrfieid division of oe Panmevuy sailrowd at Mahaffey with the Peaneyiy art Northwestern miteay, A fy Palmer, VE Heeriman, Mappwirtsilenelent, sonrr, Pass. Agent, Pir iiadel phi, Pa wil Pennsylvama Railroad Time Table May 18, 1588 Main Line. Lama ve Crvmesn Fast ward Nog Nba Foy press, weal days A towns Aeon treaiation, week days daily Aine Avearmmodation daily Mail Express daily Philasteiphin Express, Aniiy om ve © risen Wisse ward Aotuetomn Asean, Weel dues Pacifle xpos, daily War Pamenper dully Pitan Express Mall Fastiioe, daily . Joirsetorwrn Aeooms week dave cambria and clenrfield. Rass th wand, Marning train Sv Patlon aisl Cressin loves Glen Chmnpbed! pc Mahal bo os ome La Jowe SA Westover oi; Hastings ®1% Gar wise for Orso 0% Patios 00k Head Janets TGE Ravior Sw Eheosbnng : arriving at Creweon al 0 a mn Aflerhoon train fr Patios afd Ores leaves filen Cartel ad 135 poate Matador at 200 Ladose dea Wasa Tid: Hastings SHE Charway far Le TT Paes an BE Hredley Junction a: Kavlor £05 arriving at van at 438 Rorthwant Teme resins for Mahaffey Hrmadlev fisr Hast. FE Gene la Mabaifey 10x. araving at Glen ok ANerv ny rnin Se Pate isan adaedl lemons Urea: at 50% 4 Tih TT ediey Fnsrtion tt Lara kat Hastings: T HTN Garwayi ve fii wr TE Lado Crier white] Ea ERATED #388828 gga Maming trsin Ba Elenmborg 10 Kavior 0701 RR Satan VAY Casreny fr Matuwitey im Westover 11: Br Falbavames # AE guiwett 5 WE ap iain Wey XE rN $8 MEY Fi Fis oxy hase aap, of Apply vr addres Thos BE Wail Fh svenoe, Pinttshare Pa ORL Hate hinsoen, Leen. Mgr. Pag 8h my Heket agent PAW, Da 1 KR Wood, thers, Pass Agt Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 19 TAKE EFFECT MAY 23. 18988 Westward Nin d x IN 7 iw Tin i Nari Xa {mm » Ga { AMY pices Miata Makailey Flaws Bp 1 ewe Sane ion ARLELE SR a a » ow a Pr gm rered inet Eadie flirtess Run | Faller Hun x ony 8k Fastwanrd fotaedl ¥ a w Zs WO How 8 Jame tlon 4 Mahan 4 ug wladicis Ivgsprennt di Al Psion sStdilon, Males, 5 Pew Cmdr radioed, © & UL divinion FEAR NRE FNS vad, stich AN WN mlb ut Whiskey Huan with Modes 8 New. par paired wy Pin with PAN. W wis hil - Nowe Until fasther nolbes trains wi ran apiy tetwesn Udon Stal Mabafloy: sad Gus Camipberl, AL trains daily HEE Nun w BE Hicks Ceniersl Manager Mahnify a i 23% Bu Palio, Rochestor saad Pittahnrg By rf rimmed In trains wil Leni i), aw fallow: © 1 ANG wm RB wapesistwvilie Ras spas tion, a LE us gh wus, Fails ek and Reva. aban ii { : al Trig Boks fur Ride Wk hui ae frm fond mrad How het, Hathie Express fr Carwensyille, ariel Faille Opdek., Ummuweting sa fier Ridgway, Johmenbuarg, Hmde Hualaia aml Poanssaiawney ils Url seid pom DaBeas nrves., For Dabods, PF “ELA INT RES Ex and Panx. Tins airive, 8 5. W., and HH and +0 PH For Vokiets, thon abies and fl informa lon, sondl oon Gr mld ross, 1, BL Hpsdip. E.C La Agent, tron! ried, Pa. ey, k Wer Agr, Rochester, N.Y, FEL Ripans Tabules cure dizziness, Hipans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure nausea.