The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 08, 1898, Image 3

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    & Hand
Ars the danger signals of impure blood
They show that the vital blood Is in
pad esondition, that health is in dsoger of
wreck, Clear the track by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilia asd the bicod will be made
pure, eomplexion fair and heaithy, and
He's journey pleasant and sucoessfal
y 0 d’ S Sarsa-
Tr Anjerica’s Greatest Medicine. $i «ix for s
i i Ge
Hood's Pills care indizesion, livasnens,
ver Have a Dog Bother You
When viding a wheel making yoo wonder far
a few minutes whethérar not {Are bo REELS
fall and a broken novk ? Wasiiin't von have
giver. sa small farin just then for sorne means
bt driving off the beast? A few deopm of am.
monin shot from a Ligand Platol wi fav dnt
effecnualiv and till not permanentiy ing 2.
the animal Such gheteds sent postpaid for
EA vents in stasape bir New York Union
apply Co. 18 Leonard Ne New York City.
dak Meyelint at tines wi shes he bad one
We think Fiso's Care for Conmm fvny §6
the nnly wedicige for Coughs Jd BEXYER
PISCRARD, Springheid, His. Ort L jon,
aA ARMA HS AA rn RA et
It Is said that in some of the farm-
ing districts of China pigs are har-
riesnid to small wagons and made to
drav them.
HG rp? 14 sre va
So-To-Bae for nies € Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habt makes weak
A new suhbotnet, a sort of poke
headgear. has been designed and tried
on 8 thousand cimels. Out of these
animals, which have marched all the
way from Assiout, only one animal
died from the effects of the sun, and
that was a camel which had het its
Five Conte. ;
I uous that DodMad' Eleetrle
Dest in the world, and for 33 years
Ban eld o¢ tho highest price. Its prioe is
pow § cents, same as ccmmon brown
Bers full sie and quailty. Order of groeer.
According to siullsts, poor window
glass Is responsible for eye strain, on
arcognt of t the faulty refraction.
The sifgworm § 3 Hable to Over one
hundired disea
Bear) Tobasce Spit snd Sunche Tour Li Auey.
Pg quit tobacco eanily and forever, be mag:
metie; Tull of life, nerve and vigor, take No To
Bee, the wonder worker, that ates weak men
rity. All druggists, Se or #1. Care guarsd:
Booklet and sample fres Address
Starting Remedy Ca, Cuicago or New York
Rarely Besotifel and Fascioating
i Woman in Her Prime
‘Much has been sald and written
about this beautiful and fascinating
woman, but. however great the praises
bestowed, they have never, to my
mind, been exaggerated, says the Corn-
‘Bill Magazine. It would be ® ggible,
no doubt, to find more perfectiy fauit-
Jens features. even more beautiful eyes
and complexion, but 1 have never seed
the woman who united so many per-
fections. The creamy luster of the
skin, the expreasion of those tender
and sympathetic eyes, the radiant
smile, the glorious mass of quite goid-
en hair, the siope of the graceful shoul.
ders, all these charms, snhanced by a
toilet as exquisite as Parisian taste
could conceive, united to make a per-
fection that seemed to aclipse and ut
terly to destroy the beauty of every
other woman present, although there
wera many celebrities of all nations
present who were famed. and justly
famed. for the gifts that Venus had be-
stowed upon them. But yet the em-
press was mot just pow what the
French call on beaute, for the event
#0 deeply interesting to France, so im-
portant to thy imperial pair concerned,
Was pot very far distant, and great
care was needed, although the imperial
~ 1ady herself somewhat pooh-poohed
EBAY extra precautions; at any rate,
‘she never allowed bersel! to show or
ease to feel any unusuxl fatigue.
At Only Casey on Record.
La “Through all his passionate pleaqings
she sat absolutely unmoved. It was
the first instance ever noted where a
-t thus whe had secureq pos-
2 & SE
Daan Mes. Prexnan:-1 owe my
to your Vegetalle Compound. The
rs said 1 had consumption and
could be done for me. My
and they
m 's Vegetable Compound,
ed mo gut sway! menses
“Icould neither sleep nor eat, and
80 badly my friends hardly
E Pinkham's Ve uctebis Come
pound. 1 feel like a new person.
world not give your Compound for al
the doctors’ medicine in the world, I
#80 not praise it enough.”
| strretor to tell the people just exactly
Function of the Road Service,
The function of a pavement or rowd
surface is very imperfsctly ander.
stad, even in
roads have been in n=e for
long per-
It x commonly supposed that
spot or boy will haeenge dry te
filled in £31 7% given]
made a yw ere, Snply by suaking a
shallow trench the desired
and Bling it with stone, and that the
surface of a stons rond nesds
“protected” fram wear by covering it
with loose screenings, wand, earth, or
any old staff that gs s
a wet
aE Ea
to Ha
many failares to pet durability and
satisfaction from attempts at
building. The importaves of drair
sections. bat it is at the bottom of |
successful road constroction,
neither permanence nor econOMY ix
possible if it is not anply provided |
for. A wet spo!
drained before a road is carried over
it, or it will always be wel at leastin
the wat season, no matter what else 13
done to it. Water ander aroad bed
is ax fatal
water in a
to the life
Hoxu os buanoes io fatal
| existence
{ allow.
than its
lian a mera
The not nasoam
Ing a ros
sides makes 11 ittie better?
drain, for water settisd on
face, quickly soitens it and prepares
it to be cut up by every passing
vehicle. A raised and crowned road
bed which will shed water readily is
essential. A dry base with a slightly
arched eover of stone,
shedding the rain,
dry, permanent stractnrs,
The stones roadway is not only to |
serve ax a roof for the natural base
beneath, but is to take the wear of
traffic, and not to be covered with
other material as a “protection” to it
In places where earth is used for
“‘pinding’’ parposes, and little regular
Wy prasioes
» 5
i AY liv MW GoW
attention is paid to the roads and |
your shelves with paper
sprinkling is pot done in dry weather,
the road sarface breaks np rapiliy
ander the infloencs of the sun.
“oroteet” it, quantities of fine seresn
It is
then that it Las heaped upon it, to
i piie plash,
Jess streagth ie
: 4 first with a oloth saturated with kero. |
Sections wWhsars stone |
road may be
ad they may be treated in snes
{To this
handy 1a bot
and |
of the road as |
to bis | grrange in a little book kept {
[| sene oi,
i fey
. place Hf,
To these erroneons notions are dus | F
road thay
ORE | them thoroughly with
| wax and then with sandpaper.
age is not {ally appreciated in most |
Ofting th the . Wringer.
Dao not {ail to oil the wringer every |
time you wash If ciled often there |
js less wear on the machinery, and
expended by the
To clean the rollers rub thew
and follow with soap and wa:
Always loosen the rollers bo
fore putting the wringer away,
Caring For the Irons
x fan ii
Trons may be made to last for ¥
wear ont In a few montis
in their proser.
yon an bo
ration is to rating
end, they
shonld be stowed away in a chan, dry
in spite of this pare, or,
more likely, becanse
shonid still besome rasty, rab
{ard and bees-
first great seovel
keep them from
whan not in
of some pegiect,
Piann ng the Heals,
The average housekeeper finds that
i her memory is shortest when 11 comes
! to the daily plansing of meals. Her
mast he thoronghiy : fraqnent sry that sha cannot think of
anyihing to order never seams to ha
suggestive to her of its own remedy
Rha kas ordered and does order eTErY
day the round of family Lining . and
if when the process is over she wold
ir the
| purpose the chief dishes that have ap-
| peared on the table during the twenty.
| four hours,
| quickly aconmnlates a vainable menor
the sur- |
| dishes
i Tuesday, it 1s simpler to classify them
| breakfast,
| stantials and desserts.
{ who has practised this plan since the
capable of
in requisite for 8
| proverbial new dollar
i the good ecloring of your specially
ings, or earth and stones, and some
times even ~lay and sod from the gat
ters. The resait is a poor road, for |
months, unworthy of the name
If complete drainage is secured a
the ontset, the road crowned and sys. |
tematically cared for, with sprinkling |
in dry weather, and is thoroughly |
roiled as laid, without the use of clay |
to bind it, it will perform its fanction
satisfactorily and prove » valsable in. |
vestment of lasting worth. — 1. A. W.
Farmers Can Mak ¢ Good Rounds. ;
John Gilmer Speed, writing on |
“How to Have Good Country Roads,” |
in the Ladies’ Home Journal, pro-|
proses ‘that in each county thers be
founded a Boad Improvement Asso |
ciation, which shall have s one or two |
days’ meeting in the sutawmn of each !
year. To the membership and to the |
meetings all the farmers should be in. |
viteud, while all those in the country
acting as road overseers, or road sa:
pervisors, should be urged expecially |
to attend. At thess menting: special,
definite, practical jostraciion shomld |
be given ju maintaining aud repairing |
dirt roads. Competent wen to give |
euch instruction can be secured with.
ont cost to snoh sorietien, for the |
United States Department of Agrical- |
ture has a Road Bureau, and this bur-
eat will always suppiy as competent in-
what they need, and how to do the
work as it should be done’ Mr.
Speed also urges that schoo! children
be interested in the work and taught
the randiments of road building and
road keeping.
To Make Better Roads Possible,
The electors of Arkansas will vote
at the next ceneral eléction, on aa
smendment to the Stats soustitation |
designed to provide for local option in
road improvements. If the el ctors in
any county vote in favor of a public
road tax at the general election for
State and county officers, then the
county conrt shall have power to levy,
in addition to the county tax, an
swonni not exceeding three mills 20
the dollar on all taxable property as a
“County Road Tax,” to bse used ex:
slasively for building and repairing
roads aud bridges of the county.
Notes of the Crusade,
A sample ball-raile of good roads is
abut to be eoastrneted on the Fork
snd Kingsville road, in Baltimore
County, Maryland.
Stone roads un which earth or elay
bas been used for *‘binding” pur
poses get very muddy with every rain.
They should be cleaned and seraped
while wet, as the mnd can best be re-
moved at such times,
The series of practical articles on
“The Value of Good Roads and How
to Make Thew,” lately dontributed to
the press by D. F. Mugee, of Lan.
caster, Pean., are about to appear in
pamphlet form. They contain much
valuable matter.
It is proposed in North Caroling
that narrow tires be taxed on heavy
vehicles, one-and-a-quarter ineh to
pay $4.00 anunalliy, and the amon to
be decriased down to five-inch, which
should pay fifty cents, while six-ineh
and Siler ones would not be taxed
at ail.
State Hizhway Commissioner Me- |
Donald, of Connectiout, says thut the
roads now being built or improved in
that State aro very satisfactory, and
he predicts that in a few years the
State will have a syst m of highways
{ sary wm buy an EXPER Ive one,
| honsekeaper,
| then she went on to expla
| rather than brilliant,
| age
! ing ou sad taking none of wan all that
| was necessary for the precious metal
| ter of & century have been go
i YERIANCR IN Eociely is
{ wise, make straight on ends,
quite up to the “standard of New |
Jersey's, which, he says, is the finest |
in the Uiited States
she wil find that
cataloguing these
Monday and
abilia. Instead of
under Sunday,
dinner. sab
A house keeper
beginning of the year has over and
over again heen amazed to discover
how the nsefal simple dishes escape
hier wemory withont it.
The Chins Closet.
A china closet should have ts glass
doors and sides kept as bright as the
To bring ons
fine bits of china and silver, meaxirs
and bay jae
enough material to allow ag inch be
ing tarned in all around Let tha
fabirio to cover your shelves bea hugh:
wither of deap OF imRoy
Lincoln green or golden brown, Crim.
! som brings ont the bright trifles best,
aod while J advise getting a thiek pile
in plush, IT do not think if at all ners.
A gros
whose Alwar
looked brighter than aay one's ew
was asked what preparation was nee]
to schieve this effect. She answered
laconieally, '‘Fibow greass’ And
in that the
average bit of silver was nsually white
since the aver.
maid thought that putting whit.
What good raaid shanld do.” sa i
‘x to use as litle wHilin
possible, and to rab and brash antl
every particle of the whiting 1s re-
saoved | ~~Ladies’ Home Journal,
The Rag Carpet’'s Retary.
The raz carpet, alter many ¥Yeurs,
has retarned. It is once again faurly
popniar, and the raz: that for a quar
Beto the
ragzman, ate Bow Leing treasured up,
if they are of wonl, they are ai.
most worth their weight in gold. Wh
the rag carpet ever did go ont of styis
it 1% hard to determine, and its resp
ot difienls t. ¥
maderstasd. Properiy pat together
aad made of a good assortment of
rage, it is exceedingly pretty aud
withal, easy to manalactare, all the
knack needed being the skill necessary
to ent the rags in strips, sew them to
gether in lengths, and wind them into |
a bali, For a small saz the rag car
pet weaver does the rest. Bath room
and stady rugs are the ehiel axes of
the rag carpet of today. It is not so
mach rag carpets, in fant, as it 1s rag
carpet rags. The rag carpet rug is
not large as a rule, Six feet by three
would be quite an u3tfantdinery « wi
| The idea ix to have quite a namie
tiie, aud
hese mach sualier,
clean easily and wear Like iron.
Banana Croquettes— Strip the aking
from four bananas, oat io dalves cross
roll an
powdered sugar, pour over the jaice ol
three lemons and fet Wap I covered in
cold piace for aa boar. Di ia
then in bread comushe 25d v7 3a deep
Peach Crea Peal and eut up
enough fine, ripe peaches for two caps;
add half cup powdered suiar,
whites of two eggs, and beat with
oh ad
fork haif an hour. The frau will
come entirely disintegrated and
exg light. Sei on ce sad serve wilh
Creamed Salmon—~Two enplals of
milk, butter, pepper and celery salt |
A layer of the fish, then a thin one of
bread crumbs. A deep layer of the |
latter ou top, bake Just before serv.
ing this may be daiotiy Jotted with
carrant jelly. Salmon may also be
served on toast, crogueties, ete
Milk Soup —¢ Jae quart of cold water,
one pint of milk, two boiled aud
mashed potatoes, one taliespoonfal of
butter, two tablespoonfalis of tapioca
Let this mixtare boil befors addin
the tapioca and then boul ten minutes
An onion may be al ded, if desire,
Serve in the two-ban iled boatdon egy
Jaked Cora-—-Taka fan
of Breen swedlovly,
and eat them fron Vie ob
COTR In & winrar,
or one guaart of Bil
juiciness of the corn.
well beaten. one-lialf te
one-hai eapfal «i baiter,
spoonfal of sagar and sat
bake in a well-zrease} eazturn divhiiu
a hot oven fur two Lion
S01 a
| The Clothes
| born person
: fzer,
| revolution ;
| La Nouvelle Fielolse 414 not take saufl,
‘mor 44 Martie Astoinetta
Has ty and ohjent
{ pros-nts it wel
ian Americar
Teil enn,
3 when the 285
(for valida.
{Tears tama
Pearly in
(AD 4
i 3%
: Wiwrnmein Yodan . f
fF {peti stusra
} Wenig
RX as
i Peery 1
crieneas at Dis Dlaiw
{grass a8 of some animal
mal | appeared, ouly some strange spirit |
in Mr
Ledge of this
| Smet by
« | #rioss
i Mr.
to the roots
i the terrible thing ¢
z : He only remembers the curse that was |
| hurted spon Bim and his dousehold by |
‘Bis aged father so many
} 5
£ op ALE
| your own heart «tid 1
{ the face”
They Wore
fondon Truth: 1 dares say that our
Were Nos
| great-grandfathers were delighted with
belongings of our great-grasd-
But for comfort one would
hardly selsct the eighteenth century
straight-inced comet. Above {I was a
corsage all lined with buckram and
whalebone The hoop-expanded skirt
. was garlanded with artificial Sowers Or
it was Bard fo sit down
When ones the wearer
other faiisia
properly in |
sat down. she
A bolt.upright position was obligatory
The hair was expected to remain us
disturbed for several days Hence tho
necessity, when one retired for the
night, to he propped up with piilows
Thers was really no other way of en-
joving a little comfort, The coveriets
and pillow cases wers considered ad-
functs to the bedgown, a most juxariouy
object for the time Theres were bath
coverists of embroidered Sanne,
visitors might be received in the bath.
room. Fashionable people
circumstances lived in a giass house,
unless when at Jes petits chateaux. The |
ehildren were early trained to bear en-
nui and to behave like little stoles I
really do not ser the harm
trained, they died “game” on the gull
row was La Dudarry. She was 8 ow
praperiy fo Part de la femme
skill was lavished on it!
one's ring in taking a pinch of ssufl
veloped. How could jt be when nos
triis wers filled with snuff?
1t was on the wane before
Fieraey OB: Wa.
Foam fhe R500 Ti mene Floral
Tha fenling of Admiration for heroes of
war seerns ta be innate in the Suman Spenrt,
« Broaeht to the sarises as the oppor
toy such Dero worship
thelr hapolsm
A gps $B cua WHO proved
ders wgr (4vtl Dar was A mal
af hi Neg g
TE sree
RR fio
wu Auxiran
pg HiAwt de Sspia
+ America at
age of
twanty and
Isr aine
ving I
ke »
BoA 4
Hiv weapived A wrauwnd,
SduTE §
Torani poi tlh
aa Army of thw
41s Youiley
a AL Eh
fete pn 4 he
war ta thee Slersaged
fa thm Aral day # fa
ys aad
i HE
§ rincispent af
and after 3
Bim peg te av
was transfersmd Io
5 #5 then Lome
fare ¢ uf the stan
ak Plibs for Pals Peo
be sat x pat Xho
taht be godsd Tor my 100
fwd 10 try them, | bore
igh “teoed
ite? 1 &
eid AR
taunt ihre RO0 a
f A Tver Nie
They ne EEL ren peiieat §
that Box | bogeht aaather hen ]
a wig 1
wax wall
snd ow
: al 3 Was
set ite gad Ris AriuY.
¥ awgss
3 to the seed the pidla did
Mr sSshiYensder is a prominent Cirnad
Arey man in Chicago whither Oe moved
some Jears ago with bis Isamily,
Saline County Farmer Is
Strangled by a Sireece.
Dennis Sailivan, who lives west nf
. Brookville, ia in town today marksting
biz wheat! and relates a strange expe-
Mr Sullivan bas
fa America on
fomientic relations
incident referred to took p
morn. ag shat 11 38 an
in a patch of rvs near
Me Sullivan went there 10 look
ler a young call. when he entered
tha Seld Be noticed a movement in the
But no ani
been in this
of the wind or cnknown thing passed
over the feild in a narr
whirling any
horvitie lashing manser and
ay direction
rigdly stepped aside and only felt
SITMRR® eledien
He was almost
He hur-
1 move He saw ihe
a low bellow of fear and pain. As
soon as Mr Sullivan recovers] he went |
(to the call's asaistance and found the |
and hones brok- |
#0 as if some mighty club had smote it |
the grain traversed |
over and the grass also had died clear i
He can not account for |
flesh bruised aad torn
Sullivan sayy
hat swept upon Mm.
the land devopd Fea and is look
edd latter from Couns
ity Clare from Ris boshood
= id his
: Coifrespon
i mall
Fn we vr x i#
ata ele Oi
Ph Feiealf ¥ Las passibiie,
“Brethren” said a well -K
other any. in
“1 beg of you to
took 1d
— Plek-Me-U
liked to remain seated. |
for |
ander all
Thus |
The only woman who made 8 |
The snuffbox belonged
What |
Ome showed |
taste for scedits was not much de-
: But 1 can |
imagine the snuffdox as being indis- |
pensadle. Snuff was the only deodor- |
Ladies quite gave it up after the
of Roisia
ak the
: Sra cag TO
Cter of Tart
[Ane anxiety
i that she
c exceedingly fat
battle of |
paved yaad ®
eleven years and |
account of very |
ihe Thurs i
wd oreurryt
tha Saliivan pas
TOW Tigtag path.
beating the grain in a
roming |
the !
as it
sirangied i
ang fearfully wrenched and was pow- |
grass |
beaten and orn with dead leaves and |
[grain following the wake high (an the |
alr after the demoniacal sirocen
cal?! which stood partially in the path |
was struck ou the hind leg and gave |
5 WED in
The bat}
> by the Se of Ivory Soap. Itc
impurities, leaving the skin
rud i and healthy.
vegetable oils.
Dores +f
ait mooth,
2 (1 pul e,
Ie adil Y and
TI T=x
dy i
can be made an earn
Ivory Soap is
The lather forms
hrpmetghs THER vr The Pieter § Capen Tn. Maines
The Crarian’s
From =
the sabhieet
Tear obiacta to all
But as a mat
hewn canse fe
ths compress for
some time ast. She has never heen
vary robust and ‘he afiack of meas
leg from which ebe suffered marly na
there has
the winter has lofi her painfilly weak.
An Epglisd visitor writing from Rus
mys. The Tsaritza ovks so fra
that 1 seems scarcely possible
can bs the mother of the two
ebies to whom she is
SO Dassionataly
Dante in Chinesa,
At 8 recent lecture deliversd In Nahi
Laieett, Germany, 8 missionary samesd
Fiohler resid extracts from a Chines
twas inf avenih cenh
presets some striking poiat
semblance to Daate’s “Inferno”
ae wl
Deanty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means & clean skin, We
Beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathe
tie clean your blood snd keep it clean, bw
ster ng up the lazy Liver and eyeing ail un.
the bendy. t
Canegrers «heguts
Sia, salisisction guaran? wed, Joc, 35¢,
To Care Coastipation Poreves
Take Cascsrets Candy Usthartie
It C CC fall Ww core, druggists refund moony
pint dwaier gual ds 1 GBF ow dec rating
Wr a end nd Deviianes Bn DRE ea Lene
wall with coded or Bet wate?
Iw wEND FoR AMPLE COLOR ( ARDS and if von anno!
ibaa Yours md dealers let ge kouw snd we lil Bt yom 4 Soe Way of oitninting ir.
“IF AT FIRST pies DON'T a ;
ith warpid which is
ww » liver, ALO.
tio, § found CASCARETS 10 be ail Hon « mostiye
for she and secured sah relief the rat rtd,
tant f par amd Another wopany and a as
Pletal cured I shall omiy
ommend Casares Sarr The opportanity
a preseaied 4. A Swru
oo Are Philadelphia Pa
; ensmnt 5. Taste Goes De
| Gewd, Never Sioken Wanken. or Goipe ibe. Be dike |
Wovandy Commun. Chitane, Suntrasd, Son Yeoh. 080
= ie nv
rune Won
HO-T0-BA FIRE Tomo Babi.
ms BE i NW.
NET JONI nar id
Successiyily ¥ ima.
Lads Prigaiom seer ? tes H a
BS Fre ln eed wal, EReagt CASING aie BL shite
sn r % % - Ww brs sore tt
An ba le HS
Petersburg come poor as |
sunt of the health of the Bmpr
iiftle is sald aboae it,
10 or Te
Low ged fo ree |
Just » Suggestion.
A Frepchman appited to a local of
cial for x passport to visit Kistterwings
schen, (np Switeriand The fellow. whe
was not a fall 11ow of any geographical
society, strogRied in vain with the
spelling of the place's nams Then,
unwilling to confess his diflenity. be
Slandly sdded “Wouldn't you as lief
vigil sole ater town? - July.
How's This?
We ofr One Hundred (sillarc Reward for
¥ gap of Catarch that cannot b- cured by
oil’ wi ata rrh are
F J Cnexexy & Co. P ops Tolsdo &
We. the undersigned have xnowa FP J
ney or the ist i5 years and bani leyhe Bon
foctly TonorsBle ‘un all Dasitees 1 an
and Aang ial able 10 Carey out aay ohilgn
vio me de by heir Sen
Went & Tat ax, Wholes'e Draggivs Toledo
il a
Watoira Kinxax & Many,
Dragwints. Toledo Ohio
Hall Catareh (are is inken inoraally, sols
ing Hire Uy ups the hlovsd and mucous ei
raven of the syatem Pidee "Se pee hottie. Sold
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