The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 08, 1898, Image 2
The devoted Mahdinte strove heroloal- RUSH SUDERS ANHLAT THOUSANDS KILLED. A I Mokdism Recsives its Dests Blew ot te Bands Englisk Trecpe-Omdurmss, ide Capita! Eeized - British Lesses 200 Between eight and ten thousand [rer- vishes were killed last Friday at Omdurman, on the Nile, Nubia, when they come forward to give batiis to the advancing British Army, The sirdar, Gen. Sir Herbert Kitch ener, With the khaiifas black stand- ard, captured during the battle, enter. ed Omdurman, the capitsl of Mahdism Friday afterrcon, at the head of the ‘Anglo-Egsptinn column, after com. pletely routing the Dervishes and deal. jug a death binw to Mahdiam The Engiieh losses were #6 killed ‘while thousands of the Dorvishes killed or wounded Wednesday right the Anglo-E gp tian army encamped at ARaiza, i miles from Onaurmsrn. The Dorvisn were threo miles distant. At dawn Priday the Dritish cavaiey, pateal ing toward Omdurman, discovered the WEF Pused] in movERENTS rowagn pLACT Camp Wikoft wilt Cotober §. President MceRinley Wiko® last Saturday. More than 3 men have died in the Chirkamauga camp since May 1 Most of Grrmany's ships have been withdrawn from Phillppine waters An insurgent newspaper. printed in the Bpanish language has appeared a Manila then be dissolved by rimited Camp walogned from Montauk last Mon Shy ftor Aatention day The Plant resummed ie end Tampa. Bnnageless powde the navy davx ago ite wan Camp At Lite of Br hoe wtogrishipe betnersn hereafter Bf Were a few 4 0 New Amnhiteit Mich eet Bers Pray wii hand Forad of the siate erifwer 12 wits 11the ~1 Bavrastary romigr y i partment on Rept Ackrmiral bir of the oft for Havana ast The troncehip Hompania Mirtauk from Rartae Mo +H adn Aremy advancing to the attack in hate tle array. chanting ‘war songs. The front consisted «f infantry and caval. ry. stretohed tut for three for miles. ( “ountl: sr barnes fluttered through their masses and the copper and brase drums resounded thenug! ! the serried ranks of MARRS Wi Mors who advanced anwaver: ate with ail their oid time ardor | “Of the battie Gen Kitchener wires | the following: At 7 # our artillery > fire, which was answered by the Dervish riflemen. Their attack was developed on our left: and In sccordance with their tra- ditional tactics. they swept down the es with the design of rushing our : But the withering fire main. tained for filteen minutes by all our © Jime frustrated the attempt. and the - Dervishes balked, swept toward our eenter, upon which they concentrated & flerce attack A large force of horse. trying 10 face a continaous hail of bullets from the Cameron High- a the Lincolnshire regiment and tha Boudsnes: was literally swept away, leading to the withdrawal of the entire body, whose dead strewed the As our troops surmounted the crest adjoining the Nile, the Soudanese on our right came into contact with the enemy, who had reformed under cover of a recky eminence and had massed beneath the black standard of the khalifa in order to make a supreme ¢f- fart to retrieve the fortunes of the day. | A mass 15080 strong bore down on the 8 w oar the Gen. Kitchener swung round the cen. | tor and left of the Soudanese and seie- ~®4 the rocky eminence, and the - Bigyptians., hitherto in reserve, joined “the firing line in ten minutes and be fire the Dervishes could drive their ate | tack home "Phe flower of the Khalifa's army was | caught in a depression and within a | ~ some of withering cross fire from three | Srigades, with the attendant artillery. I¥ to meke headway, but every rush Wan stopped. while thelr main body was literally mown down by a sustain. od deadly cross fire. DPeflantly the Dervishes planted thelr © siandards and dled beside them Their | se masses gradually melted to come anler and the companies to driblets th the lenden hall Fipally they ‘broke and fled, leaving the field white with Jibbah-ciad corpses, like 8 snow pift-dotted meadow Among the chief Incidents of the battle was & brilliant charge hy the Twenty-first Lancers, under Lisut.- Col. Martin. Galloping down on a de tiched body of the enerny. they found the Dervish swordsmen massed behind and were forced to charge home Agninst appaliing odds. The Lancers Backed through the mass, rallied and Kept the Dervish horde at bay. Lieut Grenfell, nephew of Gen. Sir Francis ll, was Killed, four other officers were wounded, twenty-one men wore | Xilted and twenty wounded, The heroic bravery of the Dervishes evoked universal admiration. Time ifter time their dispersed and broken iroes reformed and hurled themselves he Augie Fay vtians, their emire Mously ing and spurning Even when wounded and in they raised themselves Ire & Inst shot ] Neufeld the famous German, ho had been a captive of the Mahdi he was ToRcued. paper cditoriale resound congratulations upon the aveng- Gordon, are full of eulogy n Cromer, the Hritigsh financial F to the khedive. Gen. Kitchener all concerried in the splendid suc. All day Bunday impressive “wire witnessed al! Gordon's in Trafalgar square, London, in the morning the statue was bed and decorated with a pla-ard earn the yards: AM ast “ The police removed altogether thre: such Biacards. but the demonstrations con- ALLS RI I A FANDO 13 UNEAPPY. ARE bo. Spain Sunerst Sage Toral Bhonid wo Omurt Mertialet for Gen, Luis Pando, chief of staff of Gen. Blarao, landed in New York from he steamer PhiladeipdMa Sunday and tnt to the Hotel America, wheres he It remain a few days, when he sails ots the Aurania for pain. He was not ond humor when a reporter called fm. One reassn was that he did Bave the 12000000 francs which New York Herald accused him of in Cuba, and another was that il the way up from Havana on the jsamer the Cuban passengers, who fere many, kept insulting and reviling he Spanish passengers who were few. It required all the diplomacy of the officers to keep them from ed, rt Pando would say little to re- porters, He di} unbend enough, how - wer, to declare that Cen. Toral ought to be courtmartialed for surrendering Bantiago, and he was glad he added, to be able to say that Toral wonld cer- y¥ be court-martin’ed. He a'so ase pec sareasticully; that the lritel "n ouxht to start a fund a raise a monument to the premier of Spain. Soversment Fiaanses. The monthly statement of receipts and expenditures of the government for. Avgust shows that the receipts 1 gil sources aggregated $41,782 - 0 increase of $22.759.083 over Au- gust, 359%. The receipts from the sev gources af revenue follow: Cus- $16,549,699, internal revenue, $14,- Fit. miscellaneous, $1.517.073 The expenditures for the month ag- 356,250,741, an Increase of §22.- Cha heavy inerease on hath mbles of he jedger are due to the war mxpenditures on the one side and lle ~ iaterna) rovenuie Jaw on the other. Peers C hespitals, : toenth i while delirious from | Wik? last! Wednesday, i Mop | an aiting the tls power to avert PFar. i soldiers at her place at the. Hudson arresting and shooting avian deaths oiourred { Already five thousand patients have attendsd to at Montauk Poi The deaths number sighty. sce dopartment an to Porto Rico to artaneg? f the establishment of (fices on bxland J mann, ohio SG res view ve cau flv aors, holds Ft p for the epidemi ago The Eighteenth Pennsyvivania ment may go to Cuba with the army of Ser pRt ion be commanded by Gen Eheat tien Satie of th Cam Wheeler has ret cavalry CRBurgean General Sternberg Camp Wika® the her day well satisfied with the things, The hospital ship Oifvette, sank Fernarnding, Fila, A few days ago. Al on board escaped. No one Knows what caused the accident. The pat camInisal fav hy wry if the Bhnfter i HY * at to in rr rag Montauk { piri pommand of (he IE naw a2 drrred) vimitead ard was condition of the | 5 3 tiranied % Ried {idiseinded by Pant i iead ! Santiuge : Fay oy xs sant yer 1 Yimin od ; Santi. | : £ reg F Wheeler had mend WNLEY ISHS ick SOLDIERS A DAY AT MONTAUK a Greets the Mea ix the Hespital Word Ger Shafter Tes Iii ts Move Pravifent Visita s Dyng Lisstemsat A Patristics Speech With a persistency that tried the pa companions, President made 3 tour of the tienes of his MoRinley Montauk President Prezident Attorney born pat ror tee 1nd fant Maturduny Spal Hotmrt, Necretgry Ase fienerat Griggs and a men in Washing tele BY Tred Wis iter cova Freosident loft 1th Be aw Cndonel Hoosevel! ru sf hersemen RORTDY ; ately lef: rough rides & few as Enilinry for Sun $i nt Pe Ennfier was tamp and when gaw. the {resident he gttempted to rive but was | : Mr McKinley, wheres you are ge Beryl mores’ The president fren. Bhafter fpon CRIPRIED An the president ward FE nF rn “Have, the Ponies 2 - States has Sores 1a S00 af the soldiers sirpt on #errme listiesaly raised “lhviws. Grhers Teed) hands Mr MrKiniey hands with manv, smd at eve af he padest an instant and if Bb saw the mick man IokKing at hin homed in a direc! and perscinal way When the prestident was about 10 leave Be was informed that promised Liegt wh Wa in on dying condition, wha sad mE fir then oongratiaiage they wrope EN 6) passed through ital Whesler we frre ists BCE gon Pr FT that ; shad see the president CMe Kinley 3: 3 Admiral Schley oft New York on the Rensea last Wednesdny for Porte Hiv where he will act an dine of the military © eRe OOImmissinniers, Private John Wagner, regular infantry fryer at Camp The bodies of soldiers, 4 wor, Atiantas, (FR. embaimad by the war PRR IVR ying at Are wish of Commodore i of the Keven. | Bung hirossif & Lihat wy For? crrddernd | Aepariment, | Watson cables from Sans & Hage that the rruateer Marblehead sue. seeded In raising the Spanish gonbont + Randoval, in A Spar flag captured Was presenioed the inst Tossdny, 11 is the only fag duriag aotael warfare in Porte (abans sbout Mavens are Rpaniards are dosmg ail their poser to prevent the and their faiiics fram receiving fond Radldiors gre being rushed home fromm | arte lion Many of therm mre sok the government is doing ali in EY sunk (spantanamo, Bt Li 5) Yea Bice, rene The Rough Biderse ave Secretary Alger betligse they treat ared dat of services without Riven an spportunity to parade in Now York {its Carnslius W, Bliss sacratary of interior, defends secretary Alger of the war department, He says no secretary of war hak ever devoted more tire, ENTRY Or ochre 14 the weifars of soldiers than has Alger ‘Mies Helen Gould has notified hospital authorities nt Montauk, ATR its | were 3 bring | { TERYRRY nO RTeAal ity inxrurgents | § i i sther Bantinge hor. | f i the KT | i ¥ the | regulars, {them all the : the | that i she has prepared guarters for 5% siek | That rumber of xick men will bw sent there An accident to the fowa while dock at the Brooklyn npavy flooded her water last Monday. The vgter was sean pumped out and the ship none the worse for the mishap. Secretary Alger snogbbed engine room with 10 feet of | be | Alger and the others of the party re. WAS | mained outside Irvington-on- | i fiulred [a : Bun in dry bad better go in here vard, | 3 (enernd MUen again by ordering that the Porte | P Rican troops be not reviewed on their command had wished, An open rump ture between the mien is expected when General Milex lands Private Alexander Ladue, Company I Becond Wisconsin volunteers, pinced in the Federal prison at [eay- er worth, Kan, the murder of Private Thomas Staaf. ford, of the Thirtesnth Tinited Siates infantry. in a salocn row at Ponoe, Porto Rico CHEERS FOR VICTORIA. A SR Bain nh Bl RAH tn remain for Jife for Porte ; Regite President © taken | had the hey “Certainly. Let us go to him” Ms wa iid The fthers of the party Jmereetiy re ant ite he EaatY The den reappearsd with the niurse a wm Gis ar twee inter. His syea vere are ax! He next proceeded fo the pigin, as it i» exiled The nen Ninth Massachusetts, the Wirst rode the Faghth Ohi Twenty Bret, Twenty meen tid Tenth regular infantry were assembled without! arms. About 060 en tlose order President M: Kinley said rifiers of Camp Wiko®, sad the Fifth army corps 1 will put your hats on giad 10 weet vim 1 arm Ronsred to stand before you to-day I bring the Eran trade of the Nati to whose txt wy Bate added by Your glorinns page ver gh phe} Aaa nd infantry Ys HEH as ie Wheeler, ier of which hax md Hrd hattie xo far-reaching serra nl the SH BIrY ISR H% nny Eauit, siege BO RIP eIent BE tn i praise of ac Br ¥ 14h fared " th Ar personal bra never before exes “Tied wry ow here som the sdwirgtion of wvogr fel CALI. ard the genuivs respect nf gl ¢ : wry SEE rT ty wud waNer cour hers) Yong hope Very Haw pr A Ye theday with Ferran whens services and wae whose Souvags and constancy. far distant Seid of operatioas LEVEY beer sgrpassed BY any se 1H RBIoR the world over and the pavy. to the marines to te the vislunitesrs Rind fo thar Providenre ohich Bar waiobhed the Nation to-day is full of thanksgiving and praise Mr. MoKinley went wards of the detention hospital he came to the inst ward Major Eber: said: This in the dangerous ward and turning to Secretary of War Alger in “Ix yeu think ihe President CRY et 45) of Loot 8 8 #3 land thal in slth all the the i Mr McKinley, without waiting hear what General Alger s reply woul started Into the ward Gener The President issued an crder direct. Ing that the regular troops at Camp! the | Wikoff swhome jwwmts are eawt of Mississippi should returs sith (he least arrival in New York, as the general to {down to the station Capecial train § 5 WRK § ! § i ; ; Emperer William Calle Tpen Bis Mes to Boner ‘Britain's Sovereign. The garrison of the ity Prussian troops quartered und tended a comp service Place, the site of the fine rolumn erected to the Hanoverian who fell a2 the battle of Watering, Famperor William attended the serve | ice, and sald that the troops sere on historic ground. He reminded them of the comradeship In arms of the British and German at Waterloo, and referred to the fact that, oniy a fow hours before, an Eoglish army had won in Africa a victory over 8 much sthonger force. At the close of his address Emperor William called upon the troops to give three cheers for Queen Victoria, who is an honorary Colonel of the Meckien- burg Grenadiers. a R Ossvation st Clnsisnati, The streets of Cincinnati are this week crowded with civil war veterans The first ceremonies of the encamp- ment was the dedication of Camp Sherman, the tented city srected for the accommodation of the veterans at Chester Park, which coourred Monday afternoon. The encampment proper opened Thursday morning In Music hall when Gov, Bushnell made the ad- dressg of welcome on behall of the state, Mavor Tafel on behaif x i SA a ASI SSAA SIAN A HR RO SA EHO AA A AP OR 4 of the | city, and M. E. Ingalls on behalf of the | citizens’ committee. Gen, Gobin re. | sponded on behalf of the Grand Army. | a Levers Mecsare in the Pilippines According to advives from ails, Gen. Riog, governor of the Visavas, sons, including prominent natives of - Manila. The obstructirns on th: ral way fram Manila to Caloocan have ten removed and the frst train oft Sunday. It expected that traffic will be resum te the Dagupan terminus in a 1 Tw days. i ed W ednesday I Anita N. i appointed is suspected pers | i females, i Ir 5 ! 3 i “ i The skirt is nade of amy i gaged in i gratifying to me” iain new i near pomsibie delay to their powis presidential party then and left the train Mr Riatrment The Lh Moo Kinley made thin 3 Gi apirit. What | saw the sick men in the Hospitals by those | Lin charge and by the noble women eon. | was especially | that work The grave yard in which & wooden the romd an the joft. The Presi. dent aniemnly raised Ris hat, The President spent Sunday Or #t 1} A pe DESERVED BETTER TREATNENT. a a Keme Four hundred packers, fteamsters and labwrers, mostly wesirrpers in bad shape a! Santlagse They poi] service (n getting supplies up from HBaiquirt while the army was «n- crmiped before Santiagn. After sursender these men were 16 go bask to the United States Humphrey, the quartermaster, to furnish thers with transportation The cost of living at Santiago is en ormaas. and the men's Mansy Was sion exhausted Cubans. Gen Wood them Baturday, and issued reilef tion to the United States Col, Humphrey's action in in the subject of comment port City of Washington, went to Mantauk Point sides himself! his clerk, troopers ami three horses lots of room for the iaborers fhe Yon a totior s Toei on which he carried two negro of provisions for the army in Porte lice are aboard the Seneca which sall- for Forte Rico, Isr Motien, a surgeon In the United max bi ny yesterday se whom sre fo the States army, jeeting the nurses. ail of She giso Mode» has Heptenant and wears Eating that rank. ie eoyiar aMeer's prnifiorm Ne wens a skirt inst wrt oad x of trousers ghsth Jacket ix lHke a mans | then committed ‘12 Hebrew relogpsed rosted and sentene Cod some ponthes se tary docaments Mosl | Bowpital i : for making publi | fo an oficial of oil ny { . i Benry, a popular soldier of ; AYMRY Lomae railway | Fmaxe a thorough resrarch of the Direy.- | fu ame it was this inquiry which | P imtaly i BBC the de. F Cavalgnas Ggwin | simpped Fr hg ye ye | {tauk Pot Presi- | roost of thse i the Thirteenth, | ©9 from and | maxi: 3 1 3 | a3 ; BWARY Venera | YOUNG was at the pler at 1 trust; ] ae gi snd the guns waiting ying | P mh frer vaior Yim haves | Alter twa mantis of REVERS ~ when We learned that len Shafter | peer odd ~E EhOre Gystinyed | supreme | CoE! get dar | fmm. & has Kiven ‘ § | spondents that 3 American wed | TY ary} : trons Jae. i ers { 4 ihe rey | ’ . TY } Lamp Wike® { the reins ayer | © { Maxon greatly Whar | Cp Wika i 1 should have selected i FC uaint | detalis ! bune has se ured (he went | on. 01 Crosses wowed was Camp | Tampa : e | the | OMe of Vice President Hobart at Pat | | In the vie} termon, NJ cinity of Hannover, Prussia, Bunday at In the Waterlo: | = : : Ladersrs Whe Good Wir Sestings Refused : iu hia ”" i nets thind with 180 with # and New Yo § Rome, et P ports and Bre aig | the dropped } from the service and when they tried | ited refused | pired last Tuesday. i od to bring her hoy to Springfield, bud | I had no means For days they have 000 been draning rations lke the beggar | has undertaken | the task of procuring them trunsporta- | the matter | The trans. | | tag last Saturday be There were | gppent for peace { reported in fix surgeons, 30 nurses and LO tons | murke #4 New the frst worn to be | CMa The FORGED INTO EXILE. reyes May be Released "~ Satins sad Bai. wide of His Esewy Colonel Hegry, a prominent French army officer hae made a confession to having forged certain papers which re- suited fn the exile of Diveyfus, anathsr French army Mier Colonel Henry wipbe ide with a razor sensational revfos we opened at Paris and the exil- freyius was ar. throat The again mii fore ye ! 4 a iE porwes. tion was Col thew F Fl ardent in the It appears that so soon as M. Cavaig- assigned the ofics of Minteter War he c2arged the oie barean and od in the (discovery of don in the Chamber by M showing that proof of the Direyfon wan forged. Henry pegtinnmed by M Affrme «3 suthent minting doeament. ¥ ancl jen ware pointed out he ited adding sentences a verife med 1 fabricating the wax = Cavaign SLw n wat whee iw ? ig 2 #5 Wale ix sfromed, Aimoery it ver nis Bowe Bas that while erased MM cuipmbilivry Ty = bart ’ Dreyfus the thei b Tu aio k Paris M war has resigned Irrovius guiity of trexson ar sentiment is prawing #Xiied Ll Tier SHAFTER HOME FROM CUBA. be. al what hy Omit MAY the Treeviom sgt TRvaignay § He ori in | Bo is Plonsed With Camp Winef Binder s Ro Misw | oto The trassport Mexico Shafter on board, was sighted of Mon int Thursdsy Inter dropped anchor in Fort Pond The ity of Mexico has Brad i AT (perry REafier the bers of Ris staf including Lieut | ¥..J Mclsrpand, BOF Pope arn a: MoO, [rerby. Majs Robert H. No Jokn Miter and & WW Grosbwek Capts J BE dithmore and EH Plummer Gen Shafter and Bis sta were and Eh (Try § airiork eing taken ary munboat Alesn the "Boating dock RFS from the quarantine with senerxi have ey oN ie and Janded dint * Fle The coming ashore at th the coarnmander and his sta®™ wax or expected Gen Wheeler Bad the oa wiry drawn up 8 the quarantine pier, that ten fannie ral He was ot aware Was on shore until and his ota had been the detention Boapital | fen. Wheeler was a i Shafter Shafter £6 CRTTIAR GE ¢ Pat oul Ay i Rowe Bealth when Ae Om the £710 of Mex on the general and his staff came Gane npany of the First regular infRnLry report ax to their Nas Pamidwy rade pen. Wheeler tert. MEgftor wus ashore ordered tite guns fred I* was 4c neny (sors Shafter at the dels But the commander of the = CAMDPAIES 1b word ta th Be was Riad £0 INR Bur wad aor ears that sc many of his dined and wears =i sivk a Fe maid Boweter that had remkined in Rantiags wok have fared much WT fier, Shafier Sow sirietiy speak by remson in soramamnd of ESET SETS when Inf ia red img ao be are 83) aed thu PN bt CREE interview Gen Hhalier “I enjoyed the trip bait pr of the ship being a prize cheervation, 1 ike ERE = a Casual LR I owill acu Bo mysel? thoroughly with al the of the camp. Sr fs TEE DEADLY CANDPS ers eters Tove Dio of Dison Than by Spusioh Buliotn While 108 ofcers atl men have been Kilied in batlle died of wounds cefved. there Rave died of Peease casips between 1290 ard 2008 volgn- teers and regulars The Chivcage Tri. naines of 1 tragspoeis ar at the drend or ris in who died in camp, on hame afler cantraciing i ady at ane of the camps Was | very much plessed to meet the heroes {of Santiago and te oheerve their spien- | af thax care of BMGT been Goss vt She ured. says (he There 2 no doubt ahome MAIER have Neither in thers muh Tribuns, cutting Ris | CHEE WAY “3s | of the Dmlaware & Hudson railroad at ; fratght was { ; of 3 6% 3 £ dead ard at ina | i at Lirsy | finally et grade TW Papen ; darermined to i 4 | punieh sil the guilty parties no matisr Vireghlent af the { wax gal : the emis PAGTOrmar on Bde {lighter vehicle | Ble. The motor | pectione Paplinters i mae torn and mangled morning and an : Ero ¥ ! b, i found Ir some of Mexion shortly bw. | § the Land amid shrek to mRinte Lpenerail Ariven em ¢ han ed TR TENE 3 Feo aide FREER & Mon | ti the they | | Baw | gat and : pommel Bde fn It seems fust such a Dincy as | § § i { i | ! 384 BEAve I Rater Lis ALGER INVESTIGATING. Wastes 9 Enew Wiy ss Bighth Ohis Seidir Wen Refused Buepital Attention Berretary Alger sent the following order to Montauk Point a lew days ngs “The Command N.Y: “The New Yok World of ght 2th ultimo published a3 statement of the desth of Private Hugh Parrett of the Eighth regulars. in ahich it is charged that when he begged of Dr — 10 takes Rips to the hospital the docter no ited him that the hospital was for ek men, and it ia reported that Par- rett dined that night. Thix jiccount is sent me by Eepressntitive Grosvenor of Ohi, who says there (5 great indig- | hoEy CAR STRUCK BY 1 TRAN EIGHTEEN KILLED. MR OA Loeomatios Reveing st o High Bate of Speed Dashes Inte & Curlont of Pasovagers- ofl Rights ot Osboes ¥ TV Afar the Movin ng Geners!, Montauk, disamter ocurred at ingt Monday nlght. A af the Troy ft raiiromd was struck by the night boat speiisl An appailing X.Y. ircdisy car § "Dhiee crossing and its load of human hurried inte the alr. Euph- thirty-five passcngers gro vast tem of the remainier fewn of the wil re The foil swing bexdies Rave ween dons | nation in his community over the came, fand if it is as reported. there be “I wish an inauiry isvmediately in- stituted 1a find out about this meatier I understand a and report made to me Pihbe CRmpeRDY. of Cobos dames Temple Lansingshure. Fdward Barney, Cokovs Mrs John Craven, (ohoes Misa Kittie Craven, Uchoes, Joseph Renee, Colon Nellis Sever 15 yvorrs ob | Mee. BE MoElroy, Cohoses Mrs John W ie (Cohises i Fhe (racks of the street line ran at a from the brides 10 the point the divaster (ook place The motor was strack directly in the ey which : the engine of the train ME AY A RIED rate of speed SRT was apon the tracks before ned in sight and so potver 4 Rave saved ir The SRLIY saw the Train wpe i reached the track pnd | can tesiier Mut In Vian With a8 crash wis heard for ks the engine striack into fhe The »®ert van Bored car paried in two. both being hurried inte the air in The mass of humanity. for war crowded 10 overflowing, Those in the mel with he worst af the sollidon wae to the pretest fee that "aki, “53 mat SET hy a Fi 0 SRPIH aw Proschinge. as ape red Miw inet the car id AF The car The force wf gem hp pron and every homan being in of the car was killed wegre was Borribis Boution had Buried the air and their | opidiows and Hmbiess trunks were | amen Ry faut from the fate there Tha 4 Li Tew aby nt ¢ Pomwing : The pliot of the engine sas sruasliond © ite wreckage were he | mugirned corpeses of Two Worry The passengers of the train auffared ! in addition te a wicket | injured were taken to ihe | wnt the 0 3 : net having os % hy # SRT Sie hamseital 16% the former PiANS Wrvice In ary The corpses were placed in boxes and | fAReR to a nelghboring mill shind. Many | nf ther were gnrscomnizabls. Head rpeny With guy sumiraer dresses their own and the biosd of mabe without traosks or any | ant fying to whom they be. | women's and men's bende rahe and distorted features crgehat and Sattenvdthess ronaEiTG ted mowt horrible - in A Didaware & Hud | he Resident The sngireer $a load Bat see the oar Hye ¥ He tried to pre Bim sry Atelking the car. but Bie ef. 5 ve frigitioss, Fin traln was y- nl x very high rate of spend at tae £ ive He wan sane inutes inate pend was frying to make up lost thwe ie | tins that the mnstormpn. when the train was pon him. tried 15 Wesond the danger Hine The griwie the spesd of the car made 17 fae Rim to mtep efors the Faitrond tranche Lt was endl of Rim car that caght wt He was iid sutrighl vei telly after i toe Troy Sid . x it until Yan he vo dh Bad Front the Crash ar wore rier mr A rm Burdens Imposed Types the Red Cress Seeiely 8! Beveza i Miss Parton probably will be obliged | ts pay the dathen and Anes the Ruanish oMotals at Havana ulen the cargo of the relief ship Comal if she desires (0 secure the admission of | | the supplies to Havana and their dis | tribution The info reszhed ar | mation that : pmpesition of | Government as to ihe : these charges came from the British | Conwgl at Havana, who i» charged | with the care of The 1nited Sales n- terval After consideration the cficiain here derided that until the Usiled Military Commission, which is to arrange for the svacnation of Cuba, digeparged. the administration of PF Rpanish laws by Spanish officials mut that there are hutkireds dead whose names could not be secured on recount of lack of records, and the in. ability or uswiliingrness of army corn to furnish Het of the dend Camp Thomas 08 Rantiagn, Ran Franctsco, 8. Camp Alger, Wik, 8 Jisksanville 3. Minmi, HM. Fernavdina, E5er i Javend ta Likely Lakeland, Camp Meade and other mine | in private hospitals, $15 state amps 36 hospital ships, of CRAMPS, Total, 1.784. if the regular army I are Massachusetts in second with 15 Mi ohigan fourth rR aren with 85 do dead 8 ie soos Charity far o United States Seldier torpotal Charlies B. Boden of ighih Ohin returned & few weekn ag from fever at Fort Hamiiton, and Bis mother Aas sent for, woman lef! Springfield O boy” and was from ~~ Yr 34 Strangers heard and contributed encugh money te send the lady 14 the old homestead NEWS NOTES we wo Miss cases of yellow Crew cond has # fever Earthquakes shakes were £401 at San Fie in New York last Saturday France does not endorse the trermuany does Twenty-one desths due 1 heat New York last Friday he Newark NN J. At of Saw an Ww EYL (e ¥ DeACE Bar’ Firs destroyed t Piva iesdd Bri india King scar elie. gates to the Russian bias Prench Liem. Saussisr of the Tow Riv Torn the EL ha Fiagiish Indes union send two delegates af the American Federats ta al: trate. | { Spanish naval pris ETH Ji the «© the sath the Santiago He wan sersousty i | | relearn them witbont The Prosar i sew her | with him when Re ex- | The mother want. | the | | stenmers now ving thers wan soldiers | studied fry deaths from heat weve reported | 8: sagtharily i Were Be respected and so long as it appenrs ; that there is nothing unusual or une | lawful fn their action they must be al | roamduct the custom Douses ia | wn Way LEAYE a srs seamen Pag veanp slisitlonivos nll ng Secretary Alen of the the release of all the captursd in the batile of I 3 from tleryeras These are ow RT Annapolis asd | iste, Portsmouth harbar, Moers being 2 the acadeéany and ea At the sland The combi the mien physically is ail that mild he desired, The prissners are to be returned to | Spain ar the sxpense of the Spanish government hat was Ide condithen gpon which sur government agresd fo parcie or oiler Admiral LErYeEra Wok charged hy hia government with the arrangements for the trassporiatiom of the prisaners. They are all to go {0- grther officers and men and itl in pre snnved that apt Eulate has gone to New York to charter the two Spanish At nANY. has aulhoriged el Seay -ys sais restr tion SN Poor opinion of Amerisss Seldiars A Spanish apy has fust masde the owing statement convsrning Amar Be sail, “and In embarkation. | racties of the army ot tae Ther» WAS Yeo were withevit a Mobis 1 saw 1he the military Americans. 1 saw the g=ther withaul ridwe system: The generals the soldiers Fierw Shi not Row I walked aman ng them as thay worked rigs in? sEmatie Wy Rawr YL owas at Flastda. Cm a A ON DI ri sn it BS IRAE TR SRA they them In ate Pn Se, [reason why walter ahen 3 told in ths { curred while the Alleghany was on the | ford, and Care in such eritical condition that they Pmen and a { Excuse i made by the i The sho men Ww : Te ime Ewer ribgte dd anu he Po grmeant walt fares Amounts fing the coming session i of this { Dwwey ¢ Bo will, the wis Ia una Hite imposed by | 2 . | twentieth of avery prize taken in North | the head | explosion at St. Philip. Ll board a party sngaged in removing the i Rogers ta grapple for them th aecident one Rergl. Bich of same company or regiment, conmplnined of teard much of the neglect of the men, having I have is pander arrest fir this matter much of witch poe doubt is fietitious, Phen i ihere lx any foundation for this statement, or if thers are any men ill in the repalars in thelr tents that are nt provided for 1 wish to know the and at omce, als he sfioers in command of and company in each sans of the the regintent a: ah “RA CALGER, "Recretary of War.” A Ar ARAN HORRORS AT MONTAUK. A A a A Messnekusetts Men Arise Prom Oubn in » Pitishle Contition Frurteen Destite Tre deaths among the soldiers of the United States at Camp Wikoff are siisnt svidences that the stories in re- gard 19 starvation and neglect are true, That these wolgnteers should the nation has rd at the dispersal of the authorities for their relief, millions of doliars has are » the people to indignation and exacted from the president a promise that the matter will be investigated. AnGthyer harry ship arriving at Camp Wika, Walnesday with the Ninth i Marea huseits Volunteers on board What (hess men passed through a Cuba and on thelr way home is mutely long Het of deaths that oo. YOYIRe. Fourteen of them succumbed ta the ravages fF disease seglect and poor faily five times that number will far survive lang after resching their native soll The Alleghany carried all told, large number of horses tor the large death rate is Slate ecanwe The Alle ghany carried 140 sick of the regiment; But the mien say they were poorly fed had arcoemmndations and little madival attention The sie soldiers my far aw food was conperned. had ttle better care than the others Wien it iw stated that a majority of re guftersra frome Ty fevers the big can readily De paay Te eEinrind of the aiip photd and unmade rataned ——————— PRIZE NOMEY POR ADNIRALS , A Mlius Suliars te te Distitet Ang be Amerh on Swiiesy To Sinking Main v Shige AL hea $500 G00 prige money will be ag American satiors as of the War wWila Npan Mure than one Ralf of this sum will be pad in accordance with that sec. tion of law providing for the payment sf & Bounty for persons on board ves af wir sunk in action is ewtimated that the agRrogate igee the Asigtis flee! as & re destraotion of the Rpanish 1 $IRT 8 whieh ov%- grees will be asked to appropriate dar Ome twentieth yu belongs to Hess Admire as commander-ip.ohief, and thers? ara, he pigs richer thap hefare the war Admiral Zampecn Nas realized frrtane &8 a resait of the AR onmmander-in-ohief of the Antic fest he will get one Kk Test os it of the 3 "mr near War North Add walers and ane-Uiventisth of money allowead fur The ves. poln destroved off [xntiagy and in Cue han Sorts It oe estimated (hat he wilh Anaily seosive JON as his share of prige Arianti wo ph A MOnYN. ; SE a A A AR HS RY BLOWY TP BY 4 TORPIDO BE Pour Wea Killed Wile Removing Wises From the Mossionippl The government steambant John RR. Meigs wis destroyed Raturdsy by an Khe had on torpedoes ald in the Misshusippi river during the Seginning of the war The killed were Captain Starr sommander of the boat. Sergesant John Newman, af the snginecrs, Par Caries. Ralph Major {minn. of the snginser Corps | was advised that the Meigih had been — tn -l Bluwa up by a tarpeds or mine Cioverament enginecre had been unas bie to recover the mines and torpedoes from shore by means of the cables 10 which they had been attached, owing fey the fact that the sand In the river had weighted them down and caused the cables to part On thin actount a crew was cridered gown on the Melge the mines and the surface The crew almewt completed the aori when the ocurred. VICTORIA'S INFLUENCE 7% Pee Dosument laoved by the Comr Said to Rave Been Prompted by the Quenp. Ta some cheervers the czars call for digarmugment Appears a dirious ax- ample of personal feeling and the workings of the inner family politics Eurspe., Queen Vietaria is Emperor Nilliam's grand-mother and she I» ama with the czar through the garriage of the duke of Edinburgh to the Grapd Duchess Marie of Russias, sinter of Alexander IIL The czar and emperor having secured about ail they want by aggre and fAnding a vast military establishment a Burden, were willing 20 heed the desive for peace of thelr royal relative. Em. peror Wiliam oopsidered the ides of procigiming peace when he visited Jeo rassiem. but it was Nicholas who first gave form to the idea. It in Delleved that the influence of England's queen toit am if in the family circle of alty, was the moving af were rian comments upon the y pace proposal, the {yagette FRI SNey the : sr will find allies s, 8 Lis aim Ww practical. Eevee Storm at Savanmais ¢ was ao less of life from cals storm which swept the damage ta prop- clime to half 3 million Hey haildings were WaRny more ware SPST 5 LEW s¢ on agud,