5 wi PATTON. CAMBRIA CO., PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1898. $r.00 PER YEAR. FH Those $3 to ¢5 Suits ai QO (ents at the KK = jul STON. i, CLOTHING CO. Fhink of I bought before the war tax wis put on tobacco a large quanity and propose to give my customers the benefit. TOBRCCO OLD PRICE Re 8 8 Weyman's Cut and Dry Honest Weight Best Dark Pay Roll Blue Bell Freshmuth . Honest Long Cut Siwest Caporal Cigaretts Hest Tobies 4 for Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #8 Tobacco. ‘Opposite School Building. me ManUMetUrer: ad Posies Hee Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, pouting, Valleys, Cornices, Tin © Plate or Sheet Steel Roofing, Steel Sidings, Repair Work, Ete. Also plumbing work of all kinds. Bath rooms fitted up, closets Bot waiter axtachmangy con ol Call and sce the quality work done. fo v Stoves and a com line of Hardware, Doors, Sash, Beta 2 Doors Hast of Ist National Bank. complete ES nis, Just ved new line of window 18, $20, ; a aa. 8, kine of and extensio tables en EL ull TR of ‘Hardware and | Give us a call | and see for yourself _ abouts. of sleeping rooms and wash room, f.umlsr Growing Scarce. A gentleman who has been traveling through the op-river lumber regions tells the Lock Haven Fxpress that lumber is growing scarce in the Clear- field region, and there are now only a few lnrge unbroken tracts. These will be cleared aud the lumber manufac tured at saw mills erected in the woods The building of the new railroad 16 miles in leagth will open ap the lum- her region of southern Clearfield and give an oatiet for both coal and lamber. The latter will be sawed in the forest Next spring the drive above the mouth of Sinnemahonicg will consist of about 80,000,000 feet of jogs and will be the inst drive from that region. There will be about 20.00.00 feet of logs from ‘the region of Rinnemaboning and places this side, making about 80,000, 000 feet to pass Lock Haven. There will be 50 rafts of round timber putin at ope point in the Clearfield region and this will be about ail the timber that will come off the river from above the mouth of the Sinpemahoning There will be but few rafts of sqnare timber come down the river next spring, and the lumbermen have con. cluded thers is more money in round logs. A Queer Pumpkin Vie Mr. Hempfield, a farmer who lives at Belsano, a small hamlet nine miles west of Ebensbuarg, is the posscssar of 8 very queer pumpkin vine, which was grown on his premises. It staris from the root like any ordisary vine and at the length of about three feet it began to spread out in width from twelve to fifteen inches, resembling a flat of bark, and retaining this shape for about ten feet. It is but one inch in thickness and routsins folly 1,000 little pumpkins about the size of a walnut It is certainly a freak of vegetable growth, and Mr. Hemplield expects to have it on exhibition at the coming Carrolitown fair. BP sa Nettie Nowl Dewd Nettie Noel, who has been living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Shee han, near St. Angustine, during the past five years, died Sunday, Septem- ber 4th, after an iliness of about two years, suffering from an exceptionally large malignant growth on her left jeg, caused by asceidently falling and bruis- ing ber ankle. She was aged eleven years. The funeral services were held at the 81. Aagustine Catholic tharch on Monday, September 5th, at ¥ o'clock a. m., where her remains were followed to the last resting pisce by cponcourse of friends, large Pressed With a iMeyobe Miss Myrtle Hoover was the hapg recepient of a bran new Wineh ladies bieyclé Tuesday presente her by the Bt, Mary's Catholic congregation BR POLO RT Se securing the largest amonnt of money to bo used towards the ervotion i pew choreh being built al this place. The contest was made by ber and Miss | Mary Campbell, the former lady re | peiving $127.50 and the latter lady $112 15. It was not jearoed af writing whether Miss Campbell received a present for her effort or 1 BS as of the this had hot For Their Employes. It is rumored that the Beech Ureek Railroad company proposes to erect, at an early date, a large buliding near the | yards above town which will be used for the convenience of its employes who remain at the vards over night and those who are employed there. The building will contain {- will also contain a well appointed appartment, which will be used by Yardmaster Wm. Cramer as an office. The Carrolitows Fair. The Carrolitown fair promises to be far ahead of any pre- vious attempts from the fact that many entirely pew attractions have been secured for the event in addition ‘to the usual attractions secured each year. The exhibitions promise to ex- cell all others and the races will be ‘above the standard. If you wish to have a good time you shuuld not miss | attending. Remember the dates, | Sephomitrer 0, 21, 22 and 23 Against the C1 (ampany, The United ier court at Pittsburg Monday ordered the Cambria Iron company at Johnstown to cease to operate its Bessemer steel process The court says it infringes upon the Carnegie patent and that the process in vogue at Homestead and Braddock is the distinet and very valuable hold- ing of the Pittsburg firm. { Joseph Buffington decided the case. To Hold » Banquet. | Patton Lodge, No. 1089, Independent {Order of Odd Fellows will hold its | Third Annual Banquet at the Com- | mercial hotel this (Thursday) evening, Tuesday, September 13th. Many of | September 8th, at § o'clock. A large number is expected to be in attendance. | this year tember Judge LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Frag and There by + Reporter (Gieaned Here the “Courier” SOL.D BY THE SHERIFF. . tt adir the Hammer al the County Scat Propirites Pat The result of the ster 's sales docted at the in Fens burg at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon was as follows: House and it of the (olden Star Castle. KF. No 81 in Summerhill, to Peter Burtnett for $20 Lot af Fdward township, 0 Hastin Association for 825 Pisce of land in Cresson township, property of Paul McKenna, to the Gal litein Builging & loan Association for £35. Lot of Aagustine in Hast to Excelsior Ballding & Loan Awsex ion for $250. Land of John P. Elder township, to Excelsior & Loan Association for $50. Lot of George Coiling, in Hasting to T A. Strittmatter, for £545. Land of ( Cassie Sanders, in Washing na tims OES Court House Thon i raner g» Building & Loan Yilim, F Ors, tgs, Gi Fongheiser, in Building so Latty Boisling & Loan Association fr $i Land of Martin Scanien, in Washing. ton township, to Lilly Boiding & Loan Asseiation, 345. fand of Riss Yingling, in Washing. tom township, to Lilly Balding & Loan Assoriation for Lot of Thomas Lance, lilly Buidisg & for $25 Ground of BH itgin snd Lilly for 845 Land of Bdward Nagle, in Dean township, to FP. A. Sybert and John G. Svhert for 825 The sale of balance of the property advertised was held over or the writs stayed 5 p25, in Lilly. to Losn Association i. pei FER, tad F Fae, in Ual Mekenrick Happily Wedded Mabafley, Pa. Sept. 3. Mr, John D. Catherwood and Miss Kate M. Kin. kead, both from Patton, where (hey sre well-known abd have many friends, on last Thareday stopped long enough Rev. BE 8 Lug were united in te then wok the Beech Philipaburg $0 spend BOGE » ; friends. Box Yoy- ney through i FE ail Beran of the paslor C3 Bere. Bld wil ook They i ® {rel ronson 0 Tei Lien Rasy Tin SO union jon Mav ug Mis Mis Express is sothor following: Mr. Abraham weil known lumber dealer of Mineral Point, Las taken a contract to do a big job of sawing for J. C. Wise, on the bead waters of Little Clearfield creek, and moved his mills, teals, ete, in the vicinity of Berwindale, Clearfield county, which will be Bis address and business headquarters for some Line te Lak Haven 4 * hw to come, Now Sells the Grit Ed. Hunter, the energetic and hustling news agent of Patton, has se cured the exclusive sale of the Penn sylvania Grit in addition to the many other metropolitan newspapers of which be so ably handles. The add- ition of the above ited paper to his will greatly assist his boasiness and the COURIER velicty a bright future for him. ine L.A. BW. Jiotel. The Commercial hotel atl Cresson is mow an official League of American Wheelman hotel and all members of that splendid organization will receive favors especially designated by stop ping at that popular hostelry. Mr. ‘Brown, the proprietor will pot every effort forth possible to make the wheel. men feel at home when they slop with him. Schoo 's Voslponed Que Week. Owing to the extreme hol wealler the Patton School Board has deemed it advisable to postpone the opening of the public schools until Monday, Sep- 18th, instead of Monday, September 12th, as was heretofore an- nounced. The parents of all children are requested to bave them report for roll call on that date. To be Welded The marriage bans of Aaron Kane, of Windber, Pa., to Miss Francis Karl- heim, of near Patton, are published in St. Benedict's Catholic charch at Car- rolltown to take place at that place on HOME FROM THE NAVY cdl Harner Mart Fr. of the ws vind er Batts Wilkiase o Ary William and Hanwr sang gentlemen who joined Sam's Era navy a sticrrl tirne to the conflict wit inet {any wk Marte the two Uncle previoos h Spain, arrived bome week amid cheered of weloome by her of people. They were the station by the Uniformed of Patton Fire Co. No 3, of they are and ihe Keystone dram corps, when they were on West Mages re nam % 1A mel at Rank which tue reir, eRGOriec] Wo thelr BVEnGE BCE arrival crested he pari Their great enthos fens of gat EE nh @ oe Nk Live as They ; a: Lass On 1 ihe ff Yankee [Doode ie, Flags were town and W. Hed Arse OHNE pera] Phe fran Patron wha marten tat the way to thelr b cbedd Lo the Drews all over togetier with kins’ cannon and «ther fire cond ns bait fee] his Troe Amer Daring Uw evening a honor of the navy the roar of © belo ran spirit Arise Dali was given in boys by the fire largely attended company. which was AE grnerally friends, were heath termed ty 8 =f Pa rable A “sys, thew i 3 Ay fhe on II. 8 reed hates bege of retin and vent meharges, with the BiG service, if of three monlis ard i, Ja iV fs fv ¥ 5 W hile Wiliam eho, irises nn the large anxiliary rribeer Bela Lhe esitiony of soond Captain of & three-pound gon and Hamer was Aesdstant to Captain of a on Be § of th Pacis yan ot of he Ie % moarkably Fpl we > igeols & Me Lhe fee peel ved for service ane fs which can Ihe Law ® or discharges. Their Captain D. Sigsbws, who was on Maine 4a Havana harbes, speak in highest terma of toward thew while on the St. Paul The navy life mos Ares with both of the bx IVA Be he V are POOR ~ ing splendidly. They have not yet decided as to whether they will rvtarn before of their discharge pir. wf vy ys pat sry bee meer on 4 thedr was (has the J fatead ana both las treatment certainty the date They Fmerve Credit “Every coal beaver deserves credit’ Thewe were the words of Captain Clark recently, in speaking of the journey of the Oregon around the Horn, and ber part in tie baille at Santisgo, says the Cowl Trade Journal The words perpetaated in a Sei im erected Lo in that great mebley's state gory for Captain Clark's remark is of to make { wight $00 Tab tide was enough ier all the dmpute as it need for SY Veer Lo Zot credi {pear fs feel & LeTVErA petdy incl pov {ound Trade doogriad rv, Bent. 1 Bitumanoas odd Are aolive wre of the cominabies pest ficient orders in band wo Keep the mines busy for the near fuolure There isa gui supply of vessels, and a large fleet of twenly or more schioobers wilh cargoes of mw: the Kennebeo in nw The freight to Boston, Portland Aber Raters ports i 80 cents. Altogether the hilum mons tidewater (rads seems in very satisfactory orl SEPM nie roms Lh bo sad we from aw rae of and $i bai comlition, and he look for nines the balance of the year is very good Wil Revotwr a Fing The Tribaoe of Jobustown Chairman Jobin H. Brown, iF pabican Commies of says hat of the Re. Canina county fricm thve Slate Com pe yon has received word illew OAS <a nt a handsome fag to each the State. Each flag will Iw 20x38 feet, and it i» suggested that a pole be erected and the raising of the colors thereon be made the oocasion a patriotic demonstration Cambrins fag will be shipped some time early in the present month, that body intends COUR: jo 158 A Beactifal Site Philip Ross, representing Weekly, of New York, bas purchased a plot of ground sitaaied om She high knob south of Chest Springs, formerly the property of Dr. H Somerv is a beagtifol site and copumands & picturesque view of the country for miles arcand. Mr. Ross contemplates precting a summer collage on lhe grounds soon and bas already christ ened the place Mountain Crest. Siler Lae. £5 Enfse: wal. The many friends of Mr and Mrs William Strattif, of Beech avenge, Patton, will regret to learn of the sad departure of their san, Roy Allen, who died Saturday, September 3d, at the age off two days and four hours. In- termeint occured at the Patton cemetery Sunday, September 4th Heartfelt sympathy of a bost of friends is ex- their friends from this vicinity will tended to the bereaved parents attend the wedding. i OF INTEREST TO FARMERS. 5 rye % 5 ; ii Aas re hk 1% WwW rs TEAR BY H. T. FERNALD, Ph.D megte Loosiap et, Department of Aprica inte for Prmnsvivania. alwyy i i offen Enown as Ue it This inwect, whieh n Pennsylvania, fy pr the “wheat fy” sponwmible for a large amonnt tanh year, itn Sestriaving of the i very R re of fae me aariey crop and Js particularly injurions in Wed segs ms iL. fe History, There are two broods of (his insect each year. The winged fly appears in August and September, and searches for the young witiler w al To lay ile eggs on, and places them on the jen! blades, anywhere from one (0 Ihirty On A blade ur five days the egits hatch and the youn down the blade, snter the joint. Here boas fron $3 In four maggots crawl shot and ey stan we plant aot When They vis bw va liane pass Gown the suoking the ju about the turn or etic of Noverihe ww 5a WT ALG DarGeen ia in hw they pass The winder Soule 25% the Bax seed stage Eu mie OF a fai These, at cues, began lay their eges as before, and the history OT AML Me aa ths i as mireaady given the Pew from Ax - a Ww wha we Pe peated 4 trond Bi pearing in aod September 10 Le & rans in bree, we the Biv av XY. e. This, the Hes Yok gic Be os Bk SA iter ow liead mstory of BRIAR Trestween, From what bas been gives, tht there 8 no treatment of the wed which will da any 1m pasts Foemi, teoT Trealmaint | ETuY ing of any possibile te here pas De in OLher HDes The best thing to do the tection of wheat from the fly i» 1. Plant s small pleve of wheat sary in Aogust so may Come ap early, and be found by the flies when ooking for a place to lay egR piece will, of course, fall of gots later, About plow this under, not tye groand for wheat the next year By thin method the Ries will lay their ejpas in this suriy wheat and as they die after egy laying, few will be left #0 2. Do not plant for pro- that This Ta Bg the snd of September their and do Ge the whend axed iat He sind the small piece just spoken of about September 2h, by thal simost every fy thers will be © id Sede eran RG | Wii DRve Qed, we Jef to lay Uesir eggs when the wheat! comes 45 : There as well each year to get his sowing done & Hite earlier than the year before. This is {avaralde to av Wheat MOWT As (Ale a September me, Wii make growth enough so that it will pot winter Rill, and this method Bas Deen tried in states farther north than Peon. svivania for many years with stoomss 3 Some Kinds of wheat are ess attacked by the fly than others. Rolling the fleld, with a heavy roller, feds are smooth and free from alsont the fest of (tober, in some cases. Letting sheep gram on the fledd as soon as Two or Three blades from each root appear, also heips, he sheep eating the egrs of the Hy with the leaves aaaaly suffer Dost; fertilipers Lo enr mE TAO down the Geet 4 Where the already Wn wheat, cutting a little higher than usual and plowing the stubble under al will Ri the insects before they nave changed fo the winged stige. Burning the stubbie beneficial al this lime. ix a tendency i Penne for the fa ak elsewhere, Fgitiw % 2k dirwotiy when SLOTS, of viene the Oy, asbug por aad Bo # Lrops Gn henow Shwe bh the wd, andy in kes 3:4 iv ws Tale 7 Ge, x | Ass WEIR TY The fv must be killed To kill as many as sonal pecs early, a a to ay its eps on, then and thus Ril the eggs brood commen, sr starved. pant a trap for tha 8y plow i ander whieh: thw poms bre, from spring To starve the dy abogt September will die before i can ay Its eggs on. If both these methods are used to gether, and if all who rise wheal any region will work together tw do this, but little trouble from the pest should oeccar Many farmers in the Stade are follow. ing this pian already, and with good sooeess. One writes: “1 plant a trap piece early, and my main crop late, and am never troubled with the fy while some of the farmers in this town- ship sometimes lovee one-quarter of their crop.” If results like this can be obtained in sach an easy way it will certainly pay A 4 4 A 48 3 do Bed pest antlal Mth, thas the Ry find anv wheat Ww _-. Yas aM Two Lots for sale Cheap Two very desirable SE OF Pedi Antics one on occrner of Pifth andl Palmer avenues and the other ad. Jousing on Fifth avenoy, one ball square noth of CW. Hodgkins drag store v at and fT Horess KF Basin ots, the respe tively. Will Grvene, wscoamet Bing for Nothing. To get & ¥ a. peg WET thing for nothing iv con. fgws of natare and man kind, if you want s&s Hangs that sa good baker and a perfect roaster, ry thr Cinderella, in 3 fairy price wil servioe. It care, Sold ov the i. a i good OEE TR Se VO i Aditi Kirk Hards SER LadoT AF 1.4 Fite at Panis The coal tipple, boiler Bose and stables of the Henrietta Coal Mining compnny, about x half! mile wotith of Danby, this wire de stroyed by fire between 3 an 4 § oboek Saturday morning. EDITS TOO, HOT fant ¥, Stree) Paving Beds Aceording vo an Ordinance snacted and ordained June 2th, 158% | am re gdvertine for bide for the siding, paving and enrbing of Magee avenues between Fifth avenue and the wymt wide of Clearfield ston, Pa ardder. wn. Seqtenber £ pete 16 the Cambria & ralirosad WEY, Pi Bids will 5 2 3 % sSprness anti y CE atk 18s Plas CHEE Ow sewer Yasginwer ail Dice is reserved yh E. C Baows, Boooungh Eagh fit of Poa lwismed Faotters, win in the a Poviy hg Lge basi peta ne at Patton Bs September < [8898 MM. Anas Green, Mel racioen, Te ing Thursday, William Jue Lindebarg, PF T land Potter 2, *Bilips 2 Persnne calling the above letters will please say they are advertised. E A Meuiox P.M or 1 Beat Rocker on earth for $1.65, sold any place for $2.50 J BE Kmsx Hagpware Co, TRIUMPHANT TAILORS. Our line of suits, for quality and work defles competition. They are just what you have been locking for. As Te sty de they APE AWAY 9p. a8 Li price they are moderation itself. Be. fore buying do yourself the justice to examine our offers We have cur full line for ful and inter suitings. We also carry a fall Line of samples of the most dostrible goods in the markel LAL —s AND SEE 15. Dinsmore Bros, PATTON, PA. eneral ardware oves, ic. Copper and Iron Work. Tin, Yeager Building. PATTON,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers