Upon rich, pups, nourishing blood by taking Hood's Barsapariiia, and you will be free from those spelis of de. spair, those gieeplnss nights and anxious days, those gloomy, deathiike feslings, thous sudden starts at mere nothings, thone dyspeptic symptoms and blinding headaches. Hood's Sarsapariiia has done hh. for many others-.it will care you. yd’s Sarsaparilla “w Amarien’s Greatest Medicine 81; six for $8 Hood's i's Pilis cure sick headache. So Bewire of Olntaments tor Catarrh That Contain Mercary, as DIPCRTY will surely destroy the sense of nell and completely derange the whole xys. bpd storing it th bh the mucous Such articles abould never be Byes Sd nx from reputable mage they will ir is you oan oC aa ten Ph Ch - i 5 5 I's Family {iy are the § oy OT BATT OTE. ine's 01 Great Putin Pa A single. amp ot “cont weighing exacly 4456 pounds shipped from Pa United HBtates to Manchester. A special derrick bad to be rigged to get it from the railroad Car into the stearner's hold, 10c, 2c, 0c. “Lady cook alse lady pariormaid Nunled; two persons and one child; ‘t residence; good home; ma rtent mended: preferrf: highly recom Iady nurse and man kept,” is & recent London advertisement. _ To Cure A Cold in Ose Day. Bromo Tablets Al money if it adie to cure. Bo. Barly morning exercises is denounced nowidays by the matority of hygienic teachers. At that time. thes say. vit. ality Is at its lowest ebb. and needs the stimalstion of food. ; As on | Batley juror was recently & ex © cused from serving because he weighed © 317 pounds and could not get into the Autry box. According to the Color, On the state raliways in Germany the carriages are painted according to the tolors of the tickets of thelr respective _ciasven. First-class carriages are paint. od yullow, second-class green and third else white. Tie primary cause of the horrible Msaster to the steamship La Bourn | was the fact that it was moving at a high rate of speed In a heavy fog. Nery likely this had been the usual custom of La Bourgogne on previous voynges. On every such occasion, Bowever, a risk was taken which no steamship owner has a right to take with the lives of passengers. Times without number the risk bas been akin without being attended with the disaster that always threstens the steamer moving rapidly in a fog. It was inevitable, however, that the cond uinual coquetting with danger musd fnally prove disastrous. La Bourgogne disregarded the precaution once 100 teil. and the vessel went to the bot. Bimination by » male physician is hard trial to » delicately orgasized an, She puts it off as long as she dare, only driven to it by fear of can: or some dreadful ill. tly such a woman leaves 8 physician's office where she | has un- ! He ‘her letter of advice a wring of hope, and her wide experi- skill point the way to health. with ovarian trouble for and no doctor knew what matter with me. I had spells 1d last for two days or more. t I would try Lydia E. Pink- Vegetable Compound. I have seven bottles of it, and um en- eured.”— Mes. Jorn ForgMax, 26 oodberry Ave., Baltimore, Md. @ above letter from Mrs, Foremar of thousands. dorm ¥ derive from manuisctured by | was recently | | making distriets. FX | ence of our troops in Cubs snd Porto * A writer in Industries and Tron re- marks that Macadam at first tolerated stones large anongh to pass through a : ring two and a half inches in diameter, brut afterward said that ‘soy stone which execeds an inch in any ¥ of ite dimensions 1» mischievous.” He did not lay foan dations, either, did. But the moder practices fi fers in this respes, as also in the use of some sort of lending material to hold the stones together. Tudustries and Tron eontinnes as {oilows “Among the sariier modification of Macadam's system whieh bave since been adopted with varying success may be mentioned that of Thomas Hughes, who laid a foundation of gravel and lime on which he placed an ordinary mascadamized r read, As the substratum was less hable to work to the surface than soft soil, the road re. tained its form longer and was jess Another rodifi. | who productive of mud cation was that of Mr. Bayhs, first laid & three-inch bad of two-ineh ¢unbes, which were allowed to become nearly consolidated by the traffic Upon this he laid smother three-izeh sovering the gravel blinding. bed of similar cnbes, whole with a thek This was folowed nm practice. In roads for Baylis laid a xi1:inoh bed cubes at one operation. © rering «un imrban tone Fd bags or road-metal screenings “Another modification was that of Joseph Mitchell, of Inverness, who introdneed a system of concrete mac adam. ‘the rosd to the required thickness, sharp sand was then well raked io, and the road was rolled to a uniform surfac . Roads thus made were found to possess greater solidity, and to be less productive of dust aud mnd thes ; They were conse | ordinary macadaw. quently more durable, but after a tithe the surface was found to wear irregn- larly, owing principally to its ngidity | sad the dificnity of securing uniform: ity in the admixture of the materials. “A good suggestion for the founda | tion of a macadam road is a bed of slag or hard fonndry refuse from six inches to eight inches thick, which | does not choke, but always affords a nataral drainage. amount of success in some of var iron t be used, but should not he rolled, as they then bind better with » the surface layer, while rolling would close up the interstices and impede Upon the bed thous formed x coating of 1; ineh metaling | the drainage in spread, increasing from a thickness of two inches at the enrb to three inches or four inches at the crown The whole is then ran with a hot mix ture composed of two ponnds of piteh to thirty gallons of tar, and a propor: tion of dry, sharp sand and fine | screened gravel, which shoald set firw sud rough on cooling.” What Wide Tires Will Hear. Testimony on the valae of wile tires comes from all sections of the globe. A correspdndent of a paper in | Bydoey, Australia, describes a road in | which heavily-laden wagons with nar row tires sank “‘hali-spoke deep, and in pisces to their whesl hubs,” yet a load of five tons, carried on six. | noch tires, sank but two to four inches in the worst places. tires until the dust is a foot deep, and then the rain will not make the dat set hard again. A good material for roads is gravel, “but no gravel roads will carry loads of ten and twelve tons on threasineh aud four inch tires. teameter will not speak abont the ton. nage his team ean draw, He will say. “I think the road will carry five tons? or more, ax the case might be. I have besrd road superintendents say that | enormous sums of money could be saved asunnusily raised against the wide tires is that they do not fit into the ruts ent by the narrow ones which makes the dran ght heavier upon the team. That is partly | true; but the rats would not be ent if all the wagons had wide tires. Port. able engines varying from six to eight horse-power, and weighing five tons and over, are drawn by lighter teanis than wagons which, with their loads, would not weigh more. to the broad tires always nsed on eu: | gines, The ash pans on ongices ars seldom more than about ten inches | from the ground; but owing to the wide tires these engines seldom bog | deep enongh to allow the pans to touch the ground.” Road Legislation In Vermont. It is felt in Vermont that the good | roads canse has received a set-back, but efforts are being made to regive it and secure favorable action from the | next legisiature. The State highway commission which existed for several Years but | served a good purpose as ua buresa of | information. In 1804 their powers public meetings were | possessed little anthonty, were enlarged, held in each county, road officials and citizens were interested in the work, improved methods of maintenance were adopted, and the roads were kept in better condition withant increase of | of 1x88 1 expense. The legisiature bowever, abolished the commission, thus leaving the movement without a head aud causing demoralization. Iu tue fall, a sample road acder govern- ment supervision is to be constructed, at Vergennes, and it is hoped that it will be followed by revival of activity in highway improvement. Eoldiers Appreciate Good Reads, The good roads movement may re- ceive an impetas through the experis Mr. | granite | 1%: : : 1 I afterward with a coad of clean gravel This consisted of granite cubes | of the nsnal macsdam size spread over Al strong grout of Postland cement and We believe this foundation has been tried with a fair In place of slag a! ayer of stones of the same thickness snd In dry weather he says the ron ls are cat up by narrow | An expenenced if broad tires were j used. The only objection I have heard This is owing { Rico, where the highways are so i wretched as to be searcely worthy the | name. (ienersl Roy Stone, the an- thority on rosdmaking, is at the front and has been tesching our boys prac. tieal work along this ine. Upon their retarn to civil hfe it is fair to pre sume thet the thorough spprecistion of good roads will bear from in a de termined efort to seenre such in ther respective sections ss Tedford ¥F aperisnent With Wide Tires. Ts wriil give to breycin iiders who sonatod wider tires some satisfac. to know thet in 8 series of sxperi- meuts made by the Missouri Depart ment of Agriculture it was found that it required much less trouble to pull 8 inaded vehicle having wide tires thay when marrow tires were used. This was found especially trae on poor roads. While the nse of wider tires i growing among American 5 8 pecals ar cirenmstances that Fagland tires are being made narrower. Covered Mommie Ie Porte Bien, selected & lending place in Porto Kice Leading to the capital is a macadan | romd sixty miles in eftent the experience of cycling bas some. thing to do with it, for, like Captain | Sigebee, the bead of the United States | Army is a devotes of the wheel Age Veosration in Africa. There is no section of the gobs in | which veneration for age is oftried to | such & great extent as among the in- habitants of West Africa. For the ‘men who bsve been successful in trade, in the pursuit of war, the bant, in the councils of state or in aay other way have distinguished themselves above their fellows, the respect shown | amounts almost to sdoration, asd pro- | portionately so when they bave at. | tained to advanced age. The ronnger | members of society are traived during their childhood to bestow the ntmost deferense on age. They must never | some into the presence of aged per: | sous or pass by their dwellings with- ont taking off their hats and assaming a ecronching gait. When seated in | their presence it must always be at a | respectfal distance. If they happen to approach near enough to hand so | aged man a lighted pipe or a glass of water the bearer must always fall upon . one knee. Aged persons must slways be ad. dressed as “father” or ‘‘mother.” | Any disrespectful language or deport | ment toward such persons is looked upon ae a misdemeancr of no light | moment. A vouthfal person carefully {avoids communicating suy disagree. able news to such persons and usually addresses them in terms of flattery and adulation. And there is nothing which a young person so mush de | precates as the curse of an sped per. son and especially that of his own | father. San Fraaciseo Examiner, The Horees of Manila, Mr. Wallace (nmming writes of | “Late in Manila” for the Century. Mr, CCamming says i Among the frst Shing to impress a | stranger are the horses Descended from horses brought from Mexieo, they have become much smaller whila Io fact, I have never seen a better look« jing breed. There is nothing of the | poay about their shape, though in | dze” they range between forty-eugh¥ At Sout 3t looked absurd to see them ridden by big men whose stirrups hang down horses’ Knees: but I soon found ont ‘ that they easily carried a rider weigh- ing two hundred pounds. The i migners have a jockey club, whieh hadds two meetings 2 year at the ben tifa] turf track at Santa Mesa To avord sharp practice, members of the eiub only are eligible 10 rile | necessitates a scale of weights st thi rte -Lws : they are also much more shapely. and &fty two inches. hin Cine at one huandred snd pontda and risiog to one hundred and | It demonstrates swth of these mina. mitts has been run in tes aud ten seconds by a pony carrying one hundred and Rfty peands. Oniy stallions ara used. No body walks everybody rides: and on any special festa thonsands of car riage 8H the streets. 1 doubt if thers “is a city in the world that can turn out fifty four ponmds the speed and srs trarea horses that a twin - half the number of private vehicles ma proporiion to the population, Texiperature In Parte 0 The higiiest reas in Porto Bic is best, mt such the mercury ite, wie] temneratng iii degeeca bi ren heat 1s phenotenal, rarely mising above ninety seven. This 18 “‘pretty con- siderabis hot,” sare enough, hat the prevailing northeast winds alleviate the discomfort amazingly. | SeASOn it Dot identical with Cuba's, | bat begins with August and ends with Decetaber. The heaviest rainfall re- corded was in 1878, when it aggregat- ed eighty-one inches. The average annual precipitation is sixty-foar and ‘a half inches. The average yearly rainfall in New York for the past mix years was a trifle more than funty-two inches. — New York Prods, Geological Camps. The summer geological camp ongi- nated in a Cincinnati woman's eclab, and has been developed into an insts- {tation by the Johns Hopkims Umi- versity. Experts or professors, as the case may be, first select a proper locality. Then tents are erected by the students, and the camp 1 ras on tae same lines a0 sue w Adirondacks Several of v¥ take turns in attendiag to the cock- wag, while the rest dip, collest speci: mens, sample rocks. ete. When rains and the cam npers are obliged to remain under shelter, the time is dee i voted to cleaning and labelling the specimens, comparing notes and re pairing tools —New York Tribuse ¥ yyy or yk sani x k EE ad Ta OF 10 Te the pas ; $ riders it in | : 3 | matisme, whish af General Miles must have considered | the advantage of a good road when be | Porbhaps | Eas been an equal if pot greater. In | brought about an edormous eXtension to the | for. | . eetis, fall of ; feed | Buerliag Remedy Co. Ciuagn or New York a The rainy | y# vi Told by the Seveant. | Fromm The Demanral rand Rapids, Wes. He was 38 tired looking roung man Af the Michigan Soliiery’ Home, in Grand | gq he leaned up against a shade tree on i Rapids Hves Sergeant Richard Down baie | and hearty, sitbough be rarriss the stare of seversl won is susisioed in pmttios of the Civii War rE perienee tn a rier TAlpmt a your and 8 sal ago Have t tr Bie with my Bo ome tha was go mtenws §iiat } svint mochioinne ard wet rime, UOT wiles Jn Sammon mh Me oy ng in rey ted & i pasd wit lh peyver permanent rele! Le ge | same along 10d hailed same of the] Snally queried. Miami avenue and the pstredman who | ton Lown IN ell “ore are you Aolog bhera?” ight, this aD 8 Or Es was i gwar 8 wh sate the: paper ¥ a ean have 3f i Woes ae | “Bank heck #87 said the 0 anmind it ander fhe Jight ¢ | your been trying to work a confidence | : he Tawned Seendily give s Ire. which § did } ‘Afar take ing Sve boven I was cured, mewar falf iy ses § do Mugen im then tery i oa Wonemded Selder Ian natoraiiy a ride Koh tromibhe ¥ aged bey TErWward set ip ing fast inroads wpm sev henith anlinned that would have tomes | time before ny som r radon La pondactiog fhe regiintion monies over my remnizs hag J so I font ¢ 34 and taken Dr Williams Pink Flite tor Puie Poche, “There are servers] hers In the Lome | who are taking these ills and are receiving | great henafy Biomany Doxw Sgiweribad and sworn 10 before me, thy ist Sav of Nov, 147 i Huspy Grimes Not "y Fukise i Rarpennt Trans is jerfectiy willing that t anyone shonid write Rim in reference to his ease provided stamp is enol for the | ply All the siements nectssary to give sew ifs and richaass to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained in x pon. donsed form fn Dr. Wiilinawy' Plak Pills for | Pais Peopie. They are sinc 8 specific for | trouve pecoaiiar to femains wy ah as SUP premions. Irraguisrities ang all forms of | wankooss., [on men they sure anes arising from Wanial Worry, OVSrwOri Or aEessses of whatever hatgre. eos i. Rise of the Engited Lonatige. We all kpow, says the Bt Louis Globe-Democrat, that the English lan | guage has been growing at a remark | able rate during this century. aod thar | t has Deen spreading over the whole | ay But few. however, really som A farys themt stom ; hopes. wera ak: snd T am | bart a wiser mother ooks at to see the Natural Bridge So sare the | Toronto Saturday Night O% na” replied the young mun 88 | That wes & Its racket of IY oD AreOunt. i ras fooves me for myself he I'm golng with a girl whe | sions Dat her gide of the i check to de i SRN question” “And you filed ont This Ww BATE IB YOU | 4 “Have J : i ‘How S40 vou mean? ! i E ; i Lim over § menutartarers. Cn ete fever bees ae svn aw Soong © This Speerdal syle own gn 0 ApPeTTREILY ee THAN Him iy 10 present tae! again, Our shew Carpe fore Darsish y ning Bn sey fowigar on | snd ower received doriag thie month iar Litbograihel Csrpes Casmiogioe showing Fooly Iw . | puted oor. awe, pow (Ghpage omtaioipe of Furniture sid every. hing mecossery Sor BoueTorsien ng wre makied Tres 10 BNI 8 enive her? #1 “That's what 1 44d 1 showed ber that I mad $1909 in the bank. Dut what Sid ste do but post right down there apd Sond out that § didn’t bave » Lady op on deposit” “Apt what? “Why. that's how | came to get tight, Bike showed me the Soor and [| koew from the war she closed it behing me | that the syodicate was busted and so I went Wo ruins at = nearest salons ee Detroll He Was There. Some visitors in Virginia hired an old | negro on a plantation to drive them CRFDETE are fammoos ¥ Address (exact iv me elow. Nr ot HINES & sox, A On pearing the bridge they asad the sojored man fs height and width and if be really thought it sued 5 wonder after all His replies were #0 TRIM | that one of them said. “Now, Sam. confess. You Lave Devel | Deen oo pear the bridge before” “Lord. sah” be repliad, “1 ‘member soming bere to help de day dey lay de | sornev.ston’: But I ain't week notice | "howe pow high de bridges was built por bow far ‘cross ‘twuz. Of co'se } | ate’ rome Deal moch sence; but dis nig prebesd bow rapid this growth has | ger never ad to forgit dat day.” been At the opening of the century French was spoken by ZLO0O0O O00 peo pie. Germas by 65.000, S00, Rowsian by | 0.000000, Spanish by 27000000, Eo. giish by 20,000,000, and Itailan by 18 HONG. Today English is the las guage of 130,000,000, French of 45.000, 0 German of Won Rowsian of | TROMO.O0N, Rpanish of R000 000, and Isalian of S00 a0N In other words during the present century Eaglish Lax aot oaly risen from the Gfih place Wo the Srst. but bas gained enormously on the rest in relntive magnitude sxpand ing from about 13 per cent of the tora to over 30 per cent, WILD 1his iocrense a? the English speaking poodle the lan guage teeif Has kept pace. Concurrent nis growth of he language there crease no knowledge Three hundred Fears ago one mas ronld know ail there was to be kpown. Today one man cad know thoronghly only one small hraned | of one science. This increase of now) edge has Deen moat rapid during the inst part of the priwent century. More than any other cause the progress of modern invention ani sclence has of the languaga. Thousands of techni eal words and expressions Dow In come EE : Man AR uk Re-To- Bae for FIY Conta | men surong. Rood guts. oa A rage tax of gixpence per hesd is vied passengers landed in the Snie of It is collected fro the lenny sgn Ties Carrying the pamseng. A whip HIE AA rt Fer ave - . Dog Rother You Woisen ruling wheel making vou wotkder for ton Wether, Sad i Are Lo get woken tev TO Womldn't ven Save | Freed Then Tor sore TRS A few Jevgw of axe. Pata PEL Tee xy my wre “LANs pw 5% Leomag SL tiwt af tithes 9 shes Be liad Now 4 afk 0 , Vb hon tse world sever have bees coined | bat for umerabia parts of the never ending ist of new Inventions ip machanics and discoveries In aclence 1 oo better way can this rapid increas In knowledge. and thereby Han r of words geed, be resiized than 2 8 comparison of ihe frat works with those of ths Dresent day. Suan fw 38 a in Re % 2% ws Tae riley AE Womnen Criminals Oustaasmber Men. Rassias penal statistics show (sal in eninion of the fzar the women Sulnn wen by pear per rent. Joel the contrary being | nEIres Most of | are pamarriod, | come Trou toe (abmrs | Ais ee prtssingls Bo The AD I AR RH SAA ORTH I mber the wy Fk GLaeT Ou Poe RR tha © xis wren STII a ad 3 ry : Shenk in 1 Bw by (a Le SOE g 5 hE may he Cities Pon"? Tobarce Spit 2nd Smoke Your Lif wey, To got whaoss euxily and forvesr be mag lite, meron and vigor, ike RoTo Bac. the wosder warier, 1261 makes weak mest sirong All druggists, Boor BL Cure gosrsne Bockiot asd sample frees Address | London's Zoo in Regent's Pa an 1 nt terior superintending ber Teo Cure Constipation Voreven Take Onacarcis Candy Cathartic. 10: or Se BCCOCC fail to cure, drogyists refund Loney a. We Prince father Na beer Drevisius Wales 3 grands f have Tomind fas C rs as safailing me iw 4 La t. Lav: lit Ry. fet, trot iing, softens the yume, relvces damm aluaye tion, pain, cures wind colle. So.a i Mrs Winsiaw" Soothing $rrap for shidren = Sl to the originality sol of the ssmbinstiom byt aos care aad skill wth wank tom ma an facin PEER 5 to Mh Caltvronyia Fa Serey aniy, snd we wish 10 Impress upon the Importance of purchastisge the and origingl remedy As the racine Yrrap of Figs is mann fartared by the Laaromsia Fis Sveyy Ca only. 3 kasowiedge «of that fact will assist io aveading the worthless smaitations ma tarred by other par fiom of the Cay Pouca Pia Syne Uo with the wel cai profession, asd the satiifacion ine Syren of Firs has tts of families skes of the (COmDRDY & Fuaraniy woelivaoe of ix remedy It i» far in advance of al] ofher laxntives 8% 1 arts on the kidneys liver amd ome ls withoat irriisling of WIaReD nw, and {1 does BOL ETI Dor 03 uheen le 8 order to get (1s beneficial elects mivase remeber the pane of SPRY Shee Gk CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANTCINC®S, Cal LaUBVILLE Ky NEW YORK, 5. ¥. $n tha rei by scientific Baw £4 Bil * gy wa a bs edt cl we faa The high stand ins w oh the 2 pis BK IRs tae nage uf she wp 7 woth fo it | ] Fai add Leer Pena Sag cael © WADE OWLY BY 2 WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, ! Dorchester, Mass. PXU Nw ator bE ER REF eS Sh Fur ea®ar uniodd pads pr Hore ne Wham 15 Me be mie wala WHT + ve MITC HELLA COMP ND ya raed by Fh abe dein Thomash of 3 tage Auten Set Pee a Fahad Tidtags oe. Mathers es Tew, OA AS coLp rw Cakanidn Form He WL Y, ee r waluatle mpvess So we oe oon Bosom PEPER ly Sunil thes Cienlur, BORLAND afce § JaTuS 8 Oo, B Valen Square, ¥ew Yok Caw + wr Sutintumente. | BURNN Patent ADanerw - ri wes xT The Best BOOK 2% wordy Ulgetrmtnd eres we BY a ERS Slee Et Lew at # Fh ? “AS YHA: Ea 0k Samana ure DROPSY rzzerm: oi Rew gr Book of tediasen eis sed LD dnve ul Pree. De % XK GE385 5 Mme. Atisasa. Sm Thomp's ye Water ba Bes a aM ion ie. Ea] Powis hg "Heimat ls at Pride. irf's Nea amesly.” moa Sense Dictates the Use of 16% Payable semi-annually at the Globe Trust Company, Chiearo, . These bonds are a first mortgage upon the entire plant, includin property of an Industrial Company located close to Chieugo. The Company has been established for many years, is well known and doing a large increasing business. The "offi cers of the Ce business abiiit ¥. EY om They hav, ¢ nu pany are men of high reputation, esteen ade so great a success of this Company are rarely ever offered for sale, A few of these bonds came purchased the accrued interest, For security and a large interest rate these Industrial Donds among the best. KENDALL & WHITLOCK, BANKERS AND BROKE m several years ago, into our hands during th W ¢ offer r Phe Lx ih Virst-class bonds and securities Basitiess d times g buildings, land and other and and this vind for their horesty that the bonis irom RIO: eae had snd are recomme af all kinds bought and seid, RS, £2 Exchange Plac>. Kew York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers