eomciudes its libtors to the commissions, who will ing that island and assume the guvernment a# has been the case in Santiago. nquadron of the P0060 in the treasury { President McKinley pa GOES TO PARIS. His Bxperivcees in ibe Philippines Buabls Him le Advise the Pesse Commission - Cuban and Perte . Riess Commissivners Reevive Instractions. ft was announced at the War Ire partment Tuesday that General Mer ritt is to go to Paris to give the Peace Commission the benefit of hig exper: tence in the Philippines. The original plan had been fo send Admiral Dewey to Paris for that purpose, haat this was change! upon representations from the Aami al that he could be of great: er service at Manila than in Paris. Whether or not General Merritt wii return to the Philippines has not yet buen determined. That will depend etitirely upon the state of affairs in the jatands when the Peace Crim iesion The choles of A rete ts left to himself but it is expect. ed that he will be fn Paris within sii dnys at the latest The instructions to the Cuban anid Porto Rican Military Commissions were drawn up and approved by the President before he left Washington and are now ready to be Astivered to “the President of each before he jeaves Co Phe instructions will not he made public, buat thelr general terms are Known to be the same as the insiruc- thons sent to (General Shafer regi rd if the government of Santiago and to Benoral Merritt regarding the Philip: pines. This wil mean that the Miii- tary Commission will take control of Porte Rico the same as the Military Governor Bow controls thas sortion of Cuba surrendered to the fnjted States pfter the Santiago cam: many minor details relative to the evacuation of the islands are Jett prepare sny dificult or disputed points 10 Was tom. There never has been : that the United States wonld take full control of Porto Rico, but the instructions 10 the (aban Military Commission setile any question regard. mean that for the present, at least, the United] Btates will of the inland issued at the Navy An order was Dep Rear Admiral ment detaching tron command of the wecond North Atlantic flest and ordering him to Ports Rico as a member of the Capitulation Commis. son, during which time he is authoriz- wd to fiy his fing from the cruiser New Bg which wii remain in those waters until the commission Is ready to return to the United States, “The order for Admiral Schley to fly his flag on the New Orleans is made in order te keep him constructively on wea duty while serving on the comms. wion, thus entitling him to the hignest pay of his rank, $6000 per annum. A NN TO SATS APTAIRS IMPROVING AT SANTIAGO © Adjutant General Corbin has receiv. wd the following cable dispatch from Sienaral Shafter under date of SBanti- ®0: 1 have transferred all business re- {ating to customs over to Major Gene #ral Lawton. There has been collected, with the exception of a small amount Cin July, 362.083 Salaries of oficiais and all expenses, including sirest clenning. city officials. police, eto, have been paid to date, leaving over The expensss been ut of the custom house have © down from $40.000 per annum to $8.60, and that in me can be materially re- | PTheee collections are all made un. ‘der the minimum tariff, x large reduc including a tion In tonnage. The mtonomy and celerity which has char: seterized the business of the custo house has been brought about in Aa great measure under the supervision - and good management of Donaldeon.” ~ Ewping the Kary is Repair It is pot the intention of the navy artment to make any considerable reduction in the number of ships on ie commissioned let at this time. Aside from the questionable pry. dence of reducing the effectiveness of naval strength in advance of a at tory Gutcome of the peace com. minions work at Paris, the departs int is desirous of using the time now ble to make many Devessary ges in the ships, so they will be athered at the navy yards and put in * most thorough re one after other be weeks it is hoped to have the navy in bi better shape than it was at the Malietoa Sacupepa, King of Samoa, Tuesday there were 308 sick soldiers at Camp Merritt, San Francisco. dmiral Dewey hopes the stars and pes will float at Manila forever. Camp Meade, at Middletown, Pa. may become a permanent army post. 1t i» officially announced there were 300 deaths from the plague last week Simla. : Shafter has arrived at Montauk Sentiage. He will take charge of Wikott L monument to Alexander 11. of Rus- was unveiled st St. Petersburg a days pRe. Hobson has arrived at Santia- and will make an effort to raise the shal Colon, ; ‘soon ax the Oregon is overhauled may go to reinforce Dewey's ron at Manila. Cunton, 0, soldiers accuse their of- ficers of robbing them supplies and selling them. The regulars in camp at Montauk Point, received a shipioad of provisions | from New York merchants last Mon: aay Governor Claude Matthews of In- 2. He was stricken with pa- diana, died Sunday at his home in In- A bake house is in the course of con- struction at Camp Meade, near Middle- | town, Pa., which wiil turn out 100.000 loaves of bread a day. “A thresh V a ni machine exploded at ar Grand Forks, N. D., Thompso ~ Monday, killing the owner, H. Ray. and three firemen and seriously injur- ed several others. On his way to Cleveland last Monday, passed through the Pennsylvania hospital train at Greensburg, Pa. The President had a kind avord for each of the sick soldiers. | The peare commissioners for Spain {il be Henor Leon y Castillo, Spanish mbassador st Paris: Senor Urrutia, qpish minister at Brussels; the duke Vajera, governor of Cadiz; Beantor eartn and Senor Abarvuza. M. R. Todd, the cashier who wrecked the Fillr county bank has confes- wed at tan. Minn, the theft of ali & bank's deposit fupds. Todd seems o have conipletely looted the hank and his mother in-law's Jarge estate, ! troops {| Paint Saturday, I Manila are | American supremacy { petwesn América apd fermany on i count of the Philippines, | English { have appeared at Manila. ! eoyrareisianere | t for tor | Pthnse islands Wednesdays | mick at Ponce, P. R. suffering { team malaria or dysentery | Camp Thomas, | the first troops were seni thers, Cabans in | the United States are endeavoring to | management of | Imigo, Rerretary Alger may ask that {his department be investigated. of necessary OUR WAR WITH SPAIN. Gen. Garcia. leader of the Cuban in- surgents has resigned. The steamer Comal, sith 1.000000 ra tions. arrived at Havana, New York im celebration early in September. Spanish residents of (‘uba are grating in large numbers to Mexico Sick soldiers are allowed 66 cents a day by the government for deliiacios The governinent SL. to have a great peace | Kas thus far spent | Fi71 600 in femiing Cuban reconcentras | dom, The Fourth Pennsyivania . |The following pagirnent was ordered mustered out last Thurs. | day. There are yet 6000 Spanish troops | XIE shout Santiago awaiting transporia- i tion hame (jeneral Shafter and the last of his jefr Santiago for Aguinaide, the Manta GUT UPRt Un Hreien (Gould hax given $15.00 for the Natives assert the religious ordecs at instigating opporition {ike 10 Ree Bpaniards woud Newspapers pubiighed both in the ard Hpantsh Ths military Parte Riko Free and Cupra sailed Cine thousand Amer/can soldicrs are Ex-Governor Augusii had his arm | broken during a typhoon. on his way | | trom Hong Kong to Singapore. More than 306 men have Chickamauga, Rapresentatives of the disband the armies of insurgents receiving letters from that they must leave (‘aba or die Montauk | {ranrgent | Licader, saves he is satisfied with Americ Lean i DAY HEADS THE LIST. Will Fail for Paris About (be Middle of September Language of the Conferenm Not Tot Docidod Upon First Meeting Held the ow Be oF Fogg hee Rre to with have been Hate negotiate Spain for this decided upon Wer announced The mon ter Bovey nent ist Friday, secretary of State William HK. af hie Senator Minnesata Repator William PP. Frye of Asnociate Jumthe Fagar White of louisiana, Whitelaw Reid of New York, The President some time ago asked Justice White 16 accept a place on the t wrissian The President regards fray, Cushman A Maine Pougian [his aw ene of the best fitted men for | benefit of sick soldiers at Camp Wikefl, | i Montauk Point L. 1 Loney White is a sound He was appointed the place, Mr Piemporat {to the Supreme Hench in 1884 by Presi. 1 dent Cleveland, The olhetn Are Re : publicans war ava I partment, when | joined by Renators Davis AnguaAgT i The first meeting of a majority of the American Feare took place Thursday at the State Jw Becretary hay was and Frye Prior to this the Benatorinl member: { ship of the Corseninsion had a confer: i epve with the President Moone, the omnmission Assixtant Secretary HiKely to aeoompany rmissioners Lopiategyee i weltioment and settlement of | tence supplies whe iv ; War | 1a Paris tn an advisory capacity, was | i present part of the time either the Coramiseion as to At the meeting the general plans of provesding to | Parie were talked over amd an ander. | made briween September 15 died at | sinoe | i : [the reembers of the Commission searhed that the start be and 30 The exact day was left open in order to permit further conference with Ast yey sanding [definite arrangements have bess made thus far as to securing quarters in Paris. but this will be loft 10 Ambas- | sador Porter. the plans of meetings to Prominent Spanfards at Havana are the insurgents be grrasged between Mr, Porter, the Spanish ambassador at Paris and thy : French officials Ome milion dollars to pay the army | at Manila. was shipped : Francisco on the transport Scandia The military commander of the troops at Manila is Gen Otis. Gen L Merritt is the military governor of the City, (yen, Merrist will leave Manila short- iv for Paris. He will advise the peace commissioners. Gen. Otis will succeed him. Mi Kinley has thanked the army and | navy commission of the Y MC. A | tar its work during the war among the soldiers, Hurgens General George NN. Stern. terg asked an investigation of the con. ditione at Camp Thomas Thicka- WRUER. The naval examining bard has rs commended Assistant Naval Consteas- tor Hobson for promotion to Naval Constructor The sale of lHouor has been tempo. rarily suspended at Porto Riso New regulations to govern the traffic are being perfected A hospital train, from San The question whether the negotin. tions with the Spanish Commiskioners world Be in the Fnglish or French lan guage will not be determined prior to j The Pariz. Tt Sai A A NTI CEA APA RY SA ( emch: Texas, 06, Ohi I 77: Indiana, 18. Alabama, 35 the (Commissioners in iw om matier that must be settled By ail the Commisaioners will not be determined arbitrarily by the American Commissioners in ad- vance of the meting. aretenl of et tur coud SECRET SERVICE REPORT. Rondrede of Pistes for Counterfuiting Mesey Beined Spanish Byy Syvtam Breknn Ty The report af Chit Wilkie, of the Recret Service is the first of the bureau oMces of the Treasury Dopart. ment which has been made 14. the Rewretary of the Treasury Missouri (ed the Fiates with the iargest number of cases 8. Pennwyi- vania £3. New York and [inode 58 4, Arkansas Nabras. ka and Virginia. 4 each, Georgia, 2 SC Michigan, 21. and the other States ews romsisting of nine Pullman cars conveyed 110 sick Mas | wourt soldiers home last Monday from fosouthern camps ! tive Vessels are arriving at Havana with | provisions. Gen he visited the : lance has ordered | { that all Americans who present them. ! selves will be well received FAH the wamen who could get the op. | {portunity Kiseed Admiral Schley when D weigedd reenvermd 534 plates for the printing of | 1-3 Owing to the severe criticism of the | the Rantiags (am- Sraninrds, returning 16 Fantiago, say the Admiral Dewey snd General Merritt have acknowledged the congratulations of President MoKinley, recognizing their herole work in capturing Manila The navy department the other day | cpennd bids for 28 terpedo boats and torpedn boat destroyers. The coat of these boats ix not to exceed 36.900 000 The death rate among citizens and | troops at Santiago ix increasing. The Aekihe in the city dally number abou? $8. The mortality among the soldiers ix amall, however. All mines niust be removed from Ha vans harbor before the New York with the military commission on board anchors in the waters, where {reachery blew up the Maine Over 180 men out of 530 of the Secand Massachusetts regiment. whieh eft Montauk for home, dropped out of line on aecount of weakness while march. ing to the (raasport, The Spanish gener! at Manila com- plainy to Madrid thet the Americans have taken for themselves the best sleeping places, and that his men are compelied to sleep in the churches The government in to have n regular transport line between New York, and Cuban and Porto Rican ports. These boats will carry mail, suppiics and other necessities for the American troops. The Eighth Ohle men were brought back from Rantiago on & cattie ship One man, Okey P. Eddy. of Marietta, 0. died of starvation, The hardta:k, offered the men on board was upneat- | able, being full of warms, The mother. two sisters and sweet. | Penrt of Okey P. Eddy, of Marietta, 0. were reported to have gone insane pecnuse he died of consing home from Cuba, The Eighth Chio regiment, known as “McKinley's Own” suffered hardships on beard the transport Mo- hawk, which landed them at Montauk Point last Thursday. Privates Rouse and Eddy are said to have died of starvation, The American postal system is soon to be introduced at Santiago and house to house deliveries and letter boxes are to be established. The merchants are much pleased, and the desire is genera! for the establishment of American business systerns. A telegram was received at Madrid | Wednesday evening, announcing furth- er fighting in Cuba, the insurgents at- tacking the Spanish outposts. The at- tacks were repelied with great vigor, the total insurgent losses amounting to 300 men. including several chiefs, AAA AA SB A OR tl Cealdiers Lait te Dis Ir. untold | Phil Reig. surgeon in charge of | : during the {were Cpeanteriedt and § fF Atom Tor Oo wt § cod 3 i navy department at Tete of tien for counterfeiting coin and | Washington ast Saturday. than 20 Representative value of notes recovered BET 240 value of eodn recovered; Total $170. M3 (iver 000 000 8G (rn Confederate faowioy and drstroy cotrnterfell repress htx- yin all asks : ; mere . #1 There - watam ke “aet FIR 1-2 mers Jog molds for the same par me Nineteen new counterfeits appeared veur, only Hye tn any degree dangerous and this year tion of articles authorized 10 troopers of Battery B of the 11ah ar PLACING THE BLAME Mex Wha Are Directly Bevpenmbie for the Present Condition of Our Troops. In view of the rriticism of the war d¢ partment for its general miscandyet and neglect in regard io the comiors and health of the soldiers, and in view of the investigations which will tainly be made by properly appecinted gmmitises 11 may be interesting to know the men wh are directly respon. sible for the management and care of the army. They are: Hrigagisr ensra MI Ludington, Quartermaster eral Brigadier General Charies FP Fugen, Uomminsary General, and Drie gadier ipeneral (iM, Sternberg Burg pony Crameral The Quartermaster General provides transportation clething. wouipany. | horses mulew wagons, vessels forage statinnery and cther misrellanesas | ginres and property the regular army. and clovhing and equipsge for the volumtesrs: construct buildings. wharfs roads and bridges at militar: posts and repairs the same. Tariishes water heating and fighting apparatus pays guides spies and Interpreters and in in charge of national cemeteries The Comsissary Cieneral has control of rations the purchase and distri. bee wept sale to oMicers and enlisted nen | examination of accounts of suds | funds preliminary to thalr | py the secounting ofoers | +f the Treasury, and the examination | returns of subeis. ry. £ ge for a RHA SAE 3 S85 for tha The Surgeon General under the fn medimte digpetion of the Secretary of is charged with the administra tive duties of the medical department, the designation of the stations of me. doa! Miers and the jswuing of all or ders snd instepctions selnting to thelr rrofessional daties. He directs seles- tion. purchase and dlstribution of the medical supplies of the army. FOR WITH FATAL RESULTS At WS Hh BAA NA Treeper of Cavite Dissharges Wis Gus. Conving » Sample Among the Natives On Wednesday a corporal and too a A AA tillery, after disembarking at uve were sent on an errand, While passing | through the streets Trooper Hudson Asc harged his revolver It was ail ers fan. but the natives In the joie dfmte tocality were much alarmed for the time. The natives rmanediately Logan far. Dismounted cavalry werd sent ta | auell the disturbance but the nELiVes | misunderstood the movement and (he firing became general Trooper Hud son was Killed and Corporal Anderson mortally wounded Troopers Jayden Naehbar Cannly and Doyles of Ube Fourth cavalry were = sanded Pour natives were Killed and overall | Founded 3m Aguinaido haw e€X~ pressed his rogyet al ihe Enea | anid provnises to punish the Mende ry No further trouble is expected He. | SRRAT ARNY OF PENSIONERS Here Than & Million Rowiving Assistaner From the | Sevvramens Pow Cisime Duder fhe Recent Wor | In the forthecoving annual report of the commissioner of pensions Mr HL (ay Fyans it will be shown that en June 38. 1897, thers were on tae rolls of the pewsion bureau $6004 pensions i cr To this snust be added 8853 arf | i ginal claims granted. but not recorded, | Cand hast 1 ME resterntions which were foantered 81 the time on the Books ome po mitestoner Evans granted 63 848 origina, were i under the recent of which | The | | maker of three of them was srrested ‘ Bpain from Americans forced | them to sneamp in & graveyard, the | { ¥tench from which caused sn epidemic. Covaticn along the starvation while with his regiment. the Eighth Ohio, the Olivette on its last trip, sald a few | “The (Mivette was certain has days ago: ly in terrible condition It mare | patients than it should have had, 1 was the only surgeon working and had so medicines for fever patients could do was to let them die. ms provisions were concerned, were plentiful, but net of the kind. When we reas hed many had died of exhaustion, I do not know who was to hiame for the transport in such 3 manner.” As far they fed a All I sed convicted, Ome had ro elfrealation as to be no general menace, while fhe B7th the Jd silver certl- Halted & } and | who Zell before ¥antiagn floats the most Aangervus ever placed fasion in circulation. still threatens the busi. | rege cormmunity. with now n Ci the outbreak of Bestilities fix makers un. | - | avers as Ameriess Trotestorste to » Retory of Bost. | ween this country and Spain. the U- vision was called upon by the War i Manila Department to investigate numeraus cameos of persons suspected of farniss- ing information te the nemy. The dernagd for this service WR= sn great ind increased so rapidly that an emer gency force was organized outside ot the regular division, and the operatives were so motive and suscensful in their tnveatigations that numbers of Spanish Amerie ners arreatad and the principale inn the spy system were driven from the neutral territory In which they had taken refome The President's Veostion President and Mra McKinley i A A AN SI API SAAR loft | Washington last Saturday for a week's visited Pa. vacation The president first Camp Ms=ade near Middistown, sod Rimnself as well pivaned with the § of the | emablivhed Spanish rule visime during the past year and re. stored 4 08% pensioners to the benefits of pensions. THe pensioners HOW ag gregate 1048 54 There is absolutely ne means of sven | approximating whst the claims will be wane. The penmion of Ace has dene poiBing with the Claims that have been Aled up to this time | They 42 not aggregates a hundesd, and for the mont part ars claim of @idows | next of Kin for the saldies Boye | ASUINALDO WILL PROTEST = | Spuninh Baie Aguinaite the ipsurgent wil wend delegates 10 Paris io attend the Peace (‘ommission stung | A meeting of Filipinos (8 now 0 wri thal af Cavite to @imeuss the proposition gay | act on AFuinaldo’ ss proposal He save that if the Filipinos do net | agree to the proposal he will sep deo | jegates personally. These will probably make a proposition for a republic un. | dsr Ameri an protection They will vigorously protest against the Span tarde again controlling the Philippines, | preferring American ownership io oe feaaier af Crusted ins Tuasel Fight men were killed Tuesday night in the tunnel of the Chartiers branch | Panhandle cafiroad, between | | Carnegie. Pa. and Woodville stations | where he received a royal reception | from the troops The president expres | condition of the camp Baturday even. | tng the presidential party arrived at | the home of Abner Mo- Bun- somerser, Pa. Kinley, the president's brother i John Jones. Any they attended service at the Meth. odist church. At 1] o'clock Monday | morning the party Bt for Cleveland | where they were the guests of Mr. and | Mrs Myran T Herrick Tuesiay the | president left for his pid home at Cane | ton. where he spent the day. returning to Washington the president | will make an Inspection of the military Pram at Montauk Point Aithouxgh the chief executive received ovation on entire rouwe, fo speeches were made A So re Pattost Man Dead 3 A P Fisk better known as Uncle John, end supposed to have heen lhe fattest man in New York died a few days agn. He weighed 358 pounds. He was president of the fat men's ciud and tor over # years conducted 8 well known restaurant The funeral will take piace in Jamaica Lo 1 Before | np sa AN A A 3 of Binghamton NY. As no last Tussday morning hearse in New York was of sufficient | sige a wagon was used 'o transport the body. Sir Disposal of the Philippines | found any trace of Andree. been caused tn Madrid by telegrams intention of instructing Lhe commissioners to insist pon The ces sion of Luzon, that American merce should have the same fooling as | attributing to President McKmiey the | peace i a mosquito bite a few days ago. com | Spanish in the Philippines amt that Spain should pledge itself that none of | the Spanish colonies should be ceded | te Burapean piwers Ee Dives Pras s Caitet Muses Senarai pammlssione rs are no It is reported that General ¢alixto | Garcia, after entering Gibara assauit- ed the custom hogse administrator, © slapped his face and afterward order : beat him sail that he negra in machete. It is xiso de- i manded money from the Gibara mer. i chants. proper Yaston, | refused to whsreupan The merchants comply with his demand he ordered that they sb eval Garcia alse ordered the arrest of | gver 1400 Spanish residents, with a | y 3d pay doubles | | the amount of his Grst exaction. feading | Cae fLargucs A very unfavorable impression has : TRISAGN They were part af a gang of 8% smpioy- od in removing ibe top of the tunuel and making it a through cut al that | point wher the sides caved in Many thers were tnjuresd The dead are fords miAn married, and lived at Ashion, Va Felix Mille lab | rer married, and lived at Glendale, six foreigners Poles and 1lalians ; These mien boarded in a boxcar at (Jiendale aml went by numbers, in. tend of names on the contractor's | fine - book. TELEGRAMS CONDENSED Theres werd four deaths from heat in | Chieagy Tuesday. The President will visit the Omaha Exposition bs October The Omaha exposition has thus far teen a Noancial success The cont of running the Clty of New | York pext year! will amount a $850 2 James Dmvidge a weaithy resident dropped dead | Theodore Lerner s expedition has re- turned to Hammerfest without having | Harnett Prusan a Kansas ity some merchant, is organising a Jewish colony sor Porte Rica The infant sen of John Ureisemann, | ¢f New York died from the effects af | The state department has been poti- : fled by Minister Sewall of the raising of the American flag over Mawall The apadian- American have organised at urbe Ww resdy arbitrators | and the | tor hard work Harchd Sevall I nited will be States | the first | rYRCRLLY ane The death of having 1iive fas a dd viiien & biseuit saved the ¢ Revenge Unllector COUR Was arrested Spanish will soen be taught a OR cago sohoals, "The opening »f our nes possessions in the tate a knowledge of the suue Ritter from being sgt h iti nevessi this angunge ntandent of sehoois [ pnent PAarier | (aking L put forward as an object of Pthengl | themselves power LE | CYORSe Them REY {ba netheent Pprward merch strike at 1ot milliins are dey i terrible ; waork i ei catalyse (t arsiaments smi 5 I the supreme | has been pleased to | imirerial i tary i wares Pte make the greal conoepiion of FP wanul al FW Rhereon | ther of the administration the LB | wailed from: Tampa to Havana a fon {dave age with | e006 rations far | supply hy the fosding of Cmine, At Mence, Silesia, @ | REC | fuseia and took POWERS APPEALED TO. Bmperer Wishelas Proposes That os Roduekion iy Armed Feroos bn Made Cont of War limtarts Proopgesity A Conforenen Oalind - ’ - Ry order of Emperor Nicholas, Crunt Muravief, the foreign minister a1 the Mth inst hacded to the foreign diplomats at 81 Petersburg a note dee claring that the maintenanse of DeRse sud the reduction of the sxosimive armaments now crovling al nations is the Ideal for whivh all governments cught to strive The cgay considers the present mo favorable for the indiuguration GF a movement oiling to his and ariel an internaiional conferdnos ARa Si ans of thus fasuring reel and lasting prace pred terminating the progressives ine creas of grinament The “pars proposithe for an inter. rational conferees for [ne purpose of | ec uving ren! and Beting peiRce SNOT the powsre and the termination of the progressive increase in arimments is ely 10 prodiye a senmstiogg through ot Farope and, coming fon seach a gid with sah evideny slneer. ity of purpose, 2 he likely ta have ime poriant «Mects There i» no donb they with Rigesia the jead in surh a ston Gers many, France and the other nafions will be ready to follow, The text of the note follows The maintesiance of general jeace ard the possible reduction of the ex. vessive armaments aliich eisigh pon #3 nations present themselves in 2% ting conditions to the whale world aw gn Heal toward which the endeivors of all governments should be directed, “Urtersati oral digcasedon ix the most effectual means of Insuring all peo plow Lenefiv-a real. durable phase; above sil putting as end to the pro gressive development of the pres nt ATRIAL S ‘In the course of the igs tye only | years the longing fr ener appease. { men has grown expecially ronotneed in thie cope tances of civ ioe nations: ard the prossreation of posde has baw interne pesitey It in ip ite pamwme that utiles Have coanciudsl among Ailinnies “It jm the Betier tn guarantees aoe they have develaonesd in propor. tions Ritherts nnprecsdefited taels wiliitmry forces and stil contings to Ine without stirisking frm Brent suorifice. Neverthelens all hess afforts have heen able fn bring alwint the rent desired pacification The finnncial cRAnrger following the the very rot The ute! cctusl peat yer of public prosperity. Cand physioal stivagth of (he na Lions labor and capital are momity dluertod Eescem thelr patural spplicathon and are f anprodactively ennetmed. Hundreds scqairing rpgines of deelrgotinn which thoumh to-day regarded as the [mat af wedeses are destined to. mors ire All Their vale 18 OME * oti to row fo f arenes of sone Frosh discovery In the flold progress and wealth are slither paralyvasg or in development Tf appears ovident of IRInDES Wore To be inevitaily emi tn the PTY im Aewived to avert and the Borers wheres? makes very (RnR ing being shudder in ad ogre “Toopat An ond tr thesp seek the Henny of warding of the calmmition whieh are threatening the whole waorldesph is uty roe lmy errpaied id LEI National cunlfare, the prsduaetion of cM oad PETE wl rn that if thi Mat frrind arend ie EE {pn Fie NRT an all STAtex tiles) with YR Jew Pig Eas wee alva, his oxrnaared prapomse to gil the govarnnents representatives are ae cradfited fo the the assembling of a upy teed this SIERRRY ¥ inference Which shall on Pwith this grave problem Thiw conferanys will be By the Bap of Godl # Kappy presage for the cen whieh in about te open. It would chnverge tnte ome powerfipl fons the af all stRTes sincepeiy sesking ant GRE a # erasable and Hecerd ard i the sare Line permet Their aRreement By a © Sra Ee DOD TREN af the principles af equity and TIKBL rot The security of slates amd the walfars of peaplas PROVISIONS FOR CUBA versal the Ente pens trivgmph | one Willies Retions Sent he sient Spanish Avthorition Glad to Have tie Pool in acesrdance with the deren ing VEER Aim rethutien to The starving people of uh a Thess rations will be Aintributed DY Lieutenant A. DD Niskern yader the direction of Caption Lotus Niles of the artihery, in conformity with the ardars | of the President and Secretary of War {Supplies will I provinces in the island under the Be furnished to he other 31. rection of officers of the ariny as emer. Biney may demand {1 has heen learned that there will be ne SiMeuity regarding (he entry af Lhe vensels to Cuban ports or thet? distribution ander the dgrection of Tiited States army affiowrs it is | atatwd that the Spanish sutherities in {raha are gisd to have the provisions i went in, A SS SE re CABLE FLASHES. hres hundred miners were drow ned the Kaaimer onal few Aayy The lerman press continues to praise the Dnited states for the moderation she has displayed towards Spain as a i orpanit of the war Londan is in the throes of a reign of terror front the law iessniiss wf gangs whe defy the police and murder and Crib with impunity Frau Danneberg a lalented portrait [| painter has committed wie ide lecaiiee | whe could get Bo News af her son Who | fought with the Ameria army in Luba. Af Vienna. the pianist siveking re- raked to salute & priest with & rucifix, was rebuked by the priest, mwuitesd hy a mob and on threatening Io shoat, | was arrested A Blacksmith found a shell in a Heid after maneuvers at Wan Gorod, i Home ahess (1 ex the bDlanrksmith and ie wilting ¢ his fanmail oicded, rey eed 3 Waidnesda ry. Amsterdam and Mikelnring Was Neterigncn on y posh place al aaeent i9 Dut IS yeass of Huge pocii ve E1008 IKE 3 warts TRIAL EE TON tha? as Gas purposes,” | af the nea cruiser Hert Knots far 1% announced iw partmend rtant technival whe cveling at a speed of 13 . MTRPhS were Laken uy a pte by a pew msirumnent, fneitem the powers to take paet in ; the general { Smith, Raymond | geons in charge of that division NINE DEATHS SUNDAY. Sma ——— 9 Bue Bod Peaght oi Samtings Set Neglest Sul Consed Their Damion No Aotomme- © gations fer the Shek in Nine soldiers succumbed to death at Camp Wikoff. Montauk Point, last Bunday. They wets heroes of Santiago who withstood the Spanish bullets but could not contend against starvation and neglect, The hoepitals are crowded and many sick are ying on the Soar, there being ny donations for them. Another horror ship reached Mon. tank Sunday. the Yucatan with six companies of ‘he Raventh United Rrures infantry. It is alleged tha the Sed W hose Management of the War Depart ment May be Investignted. transport left Rantiage with nothing but army rations for the sick, 18 of whom died en route. Private Harry Duvall of Troop A, of the Rough Riders killed himself Sanday by shooting himeelf in the temiite while in the guard-house He Bad heen absent fram camp for 13 days as ithaut leave rogrt-martial. He enlisted from Ari sons. He will he given a military fun- eral by his comrade The hospital list nt the general bos pital numbers, 1638 Of these 1LI6 have typhoid fever The farce of nurses st hospital i» now IT Red Crogs and sisters. Three hundred patients are wtill sleeping on the ground. At the distention hospital thers are 515 patients, Fifty nurses wer added to the forces Sunday, EXPOSURE AND NEGLECT The Imad Body of u Beltwr Allowed ts bo Deversrnd by Insets. The death of Private Nuns, at Chickumange, of the ambulance carps, Sect division, Third army cerps, de velops the most stekening story of hestality. Captain O'Connor. of the Ninth New York, is antbority fur the farts Nuns belonged formerly to the Ninth, He was from New York city, of good family, well off in his own right and Big family wax rie He vas IJ years of agi and robust He had been sek only five days. When he ded an su- topsy was performed. and the body was ety nude and Jost a Cut ah OF the surgeons. No ics was used, and insects Rad full play. The body gave aut terrible oMuvia In the next tent there lay & dopen sick soldiers The hed tay for days. No ane, not even I hie family were notified Anally Beard of Hie haw Cantain YQanner the death smd investignted iaid serions charges with the dota. manding general against Mailors and Hubbard sur- Alger Visits Nestonk Revrstary Alger spoke at length of | Camp Wikeff and the somidition of af» fairs there ax he viewsd (1 He said “Parore | left | guve orders that the | men be supplied with everything that iM in | meat, the market-omiik, spe, fresh {roah vegetables —evervihing that 1 have on my dwn table-and if {my orders have been executed the men aire Hing ax well as | am to-day The | sommaniisma ry tndd me that this was not eA SAGAN SARE? the regular army rations aid down by rogulations. 1 told him it was not, bat je was the order of the secretary of War. The Americans ot Savenn Manduy morning the first of the Amserican soldiers Innded from the Comal and took breakfast ashore ai Flaruns., Their appearance eoxeibed wiivieresl curiosity. large crowds fol lowinge them from the whart and com | mending thelr dulet and gentlemaniy i cosnsediget The attitude of the penple af all classes toward the American sol- | dierw and onrrespondents and toward C Americans generally ls one of Courtesy and politences ; snake sank his fangs {was given antidoues and I treated with powerful In the afternoon 3 detacionent of 15 {pen fron the Comal visited the graves af the victims of the Maine Convists ae Cosipterfhiters A gang of canviet sounterfeiters han Been dimroversd manafaoturing spare cue coin at the Kansas state peniten- tiary., The work is performed in the cond mine, the metal used being Bate Litt, buckets and spoons which were melied and cast neulds. A considerable quantity of the coin hos been placed in cleenlation, An unsuecesstul attempt was made to assassinate Rev. Daniel 7 Potter, af Naw York a few days sage. Three she ware fred a7 Bim through he window of his home snaps RR Seidiers Rodded of Nendsd Preit The oitigens of San Diego. al. re contly donated a carivad of lemops for the sick regulars at Camp Wik at the request of Mins Helen Gould. The car. appropriately bedecked with bunt- tng arrived Sunday night. wan pes curely lueked, but when the Commie gary opened the car be found that more than two-thirds of the 158 boxes of jemons had been stiplen. The car bore railroad seals on the door and to all appearances it is a railroad theft Tos Self Reliant Mrs Minnie Ninn 25 years od a snake charmer #t the Washington street dime museum at Boston, died sunday from a rattlesnake bite. She apened a box of newly arrived snakes ars began to transfer them from it te a cage. laughing at the ocaution of those who lonked an But one rattie in her fdesh. She the wound remedics, but I ghe died during the evening. tes a Mom SES Eves the Produzt of thr Geean Cornered. ian and oveter dealers have taken Che final steps in the formation of the Peeombination that will contre the Sea i snd luke products of the United States ; and i Booth Canada The capital of the A company, which was organized ig. Lomdon with a capital af 0a ae i wilt be inerensad to HAW 60 and the trast | dismlers in both countries wif baciude nil the where are about 30.000 farms in the | Transvaal, wheat and tobacco being * the chief craps and feared to fave the in pilaster of paris 2 important »
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