5 Hs AR I oss Bea AA in Patton Tuesday. at Mariposa park on Labor Day, Mon- i ~ two of Ebensburg’ 8 prominent young Lock Haven, and brother, A : eitineun, drove to Patton for dinner Williamsport, who accompanied him Mrs. Aandi Harper and Me evening. Sidney Church, of Rochester, N. Y,, — Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harper Dinsmore candidate for governor, will deliver an urge line of fall and winter suitings. address at Hecla park Thursday, Sep- See advertisement on first page of the tember Sth. eprsenia large hols shoe bons flag to the breeze at Tyrone iast Emr (Cri aay rem the total ex- . ednesday penses being $499 41, and the subscript. Siena bs Peston. Sandford and W. C. Lingle attended Clearfield counties beld their regular in Jefferson county for a few weeks ‘been fixed on trunk line association for Woomer; No. 4, Miss Flo C. Fair: No. | hisson who is in the Tenth Regiment resident of Patton but who was residd- of P. V. L at Manila. The letter was ing at New Castle, died at that place THE PATTON COURIER, SEPTEMBER 1, 1808. ; 3 atton Courier J : Festival in 4 in Ficmon’s ab hall Swarday | ; fi : evening. PATTON PUBLISHING co, Propristors. | J M Troxell, of Clearfield, spent | FE. Wri Geeexe, Editor Saturday i in town. ; W. MR Lytle, of Altoona, spent’ Tuesday in Patton. Geo. W. Thompson, of Welleville, O, was in town Saturday. CHURCH NOTICES. Piscorat-Rev, IM, Cann, pastor Rery. ex at 8 o'clock p.m. every Manday., Man. day school at Wn mm. CarnoLic Father BEusbius, pastor. Mass GOR avery Sonday at 8 and 0am. sunday iW, G. Kelley, of Clearfield, was a school at 2 p. in. and vespers at 7 p, m. visitor to Patton Monday. LUTHERAN Hey, BH 8. Dise, pastor. Preach. - Some Bp. Mtornate & Sundays oe 1% = in. ay 1 | The next Firemen’'s District conven- 8 {0 F at £30 p. m. each Sunday. tion will be held at Tyrone, Pa. Maram ErsoPAL-Rev. EH. Witman, Wm. McFarlin, Jr, and wife visited J Setvion u : a. . oo Mar Aeiends at Windber over Sunday. San a BIIing every Wadiws. Martin O'Hara, of Pittsburg, is vis ‘iting Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Nagic tide week. Mr. and Mrs. J. 5. Stratton, of Carwensyi visited in Pa on (eo. Gill came over from Flinton, Pa, Monday and tarried in our town for a few hours. J. B. Ellis, a prominent business man ‘of DuBois, was a welcome visitor to ' Patton Saturday. Dr. W, B. Diefenderfer, of the P. R. 'R. office at Cresson, transacted business | in Patton Tuesday. | The hustling travtling salesman Jas. T. Young, of Johnstown, was seen on | our streets one day last week. For special bargains go to Mrs. Anna { Dartt for she is closing out odds and lends to make room for new goods. The carpenters have just completed Hi ‘the work of enlarging the store room Try 'of Mrs. Anna Dartt, on Magee avenue. Hodgkin's Eliza, wife of John Travis died at her Nice Cool Soda ‘home in Barnesboro last Thursday Water and Root Beer. ‘evening after a lingering illness from | cancer. Satarday was the last of dog daye. The famous Backtail veterans of the Sweet potatoes at the Cash grocery. uj; war will hoid a regimental reunion Por fine cakes and pies go to Daus’ gt Gettysburg, on September 9th, 10th bakery. ‘and 11th. W. EK. Mitchell, of Sylvis, Pa, spent will I. Thompson, of Patton, took in Monday in Patton. jhe Fires’ convention and paid his : Pallentimber Saturday. Review. OG. W. Given, of Greensburg, had Miss Virgie Dale, of Patton, has been business in our town Saturday. visiting the Misses Wood and other’ Miss Alice A. Ashcroft is visiting friends here for some days. DuBois friends at Saxton, Bedford county. Courier. ee big ad of the Cambria Hardware B. W. Wills, of Loretto, representing company on the last page of the. ‘the Home Life Insurance company, of Coumizn. New York, transacted business in MoPherson came up from Patton Tuesday. Clearfield the first of the week to visit Attend the festival in the Firemen's hin parents. hall Satarday evening for the benefit Tomkin mi ¢ citizen of Of the Independent Order of Good re er en a pleasant Templar. Everyone invited. visit Monday. F. X. Bauman, wife and child, ac John G. Solomon, of Mahaffey, was COmpanied by Mrs. Bauman’s father, lovking after business interests in Thomas Lilly, all of Patton, were in Patton Monday. Cresson Saturday on their way from Ham. Lippard, a traveling salesman Altoona — Cresson Record of Pittaburg, was looking after trade Newspapers uncalled for are no . Jonger forwarded to new address. Per- sons who change their addresses should therofore be careful to notify the news paper publisher in order to insure the delivery of their paper. Posters are out announcing a big day day September bth. Mrs. C. C. Grenninger returned home 4 ee oy Monday from a few days visit to ber cor 8 « Holy en hh sinter at Pumseutawsey Sesion Began Wm. F. Moser, proprietor of the of = Gi ng nam large tannery at Westover, was a welcome visitor to our town Tuesday. burg SM onininopy: Herald Marray Lewis, who has been spend. J. H. Sands, representing E. Keller, Iugs his vacation among relatives near .....r turer of boilers, at Williams 4 ATH $ i Lamas WTA id ~ Rochester, N. Y., returned home this port, is stopping in Patton for & few week. days. He is overseeing the work of Little Miss Della Neiman, of New inspecting and repairing the large ~ Washington, is visiting at the home of boilers of the Flanigan run colliery. Mt and Mrs. J. C. Harper on Fifth o Good returned from El Paso, avenue. Texas, Tuesday evening. He was met 5. Prank James and E. J. Luther, here by his wife and daughter, of . Good, of to his home at Lock Haven Wednesday Howard Dinsmore, of the firm of iros., returned from? Philadelphia Tuesday where he has | Rev. Dr. Swallow, the Prohibition pen for the purpose of purchasing a | COURIER. The familar face of J. L. Rich, who The committee in charge of tiirowing Miss Mand Glenn, of Lock Haven, ony 8448.05. The flag which is 80 by | med to her home in that city Mon- | 100 feet, cost §235. The residents of | day after a two Weeks' visit among Tyrone will make up the deficiency. Wm. B. Shaffer, who had charge of ‘the boarding camp at Hanter & Baugh- OE man's mill, left Thursday for Vander. 51 gamers of John lang, at Watkine grift, Pa, where he expects to make rr L.? ¥- his future home. His wife and daugh- Emeralds of Cambria, Blair and | ter left on the same day to visit friends G. Lewis, E. C. Brown, Wm. H. sal picnie apd reunion in the park when they will join Mr. Shaffer at sson Thursday of last week. Vandergrift. You cannot help but notice the large 11. fuitowin J Ha 2 100K & persons have been : ad of the Patton Supply Co. elsewhere 4 by the school board at Hast. : in, this paper this week. I. will be ings for the schools in that place: No. money in your pocket to look it up. ‘1, Miss Edyth Hertine; No. 2, Miss A rate of two cents a mile has Mabel Heichel; No. 3, Miss Belle the Christian Endeavor state cou- 5 Miss Lottie McCloskey; principal, ntion at Harrisburg September 4, 5 leonard Jones. The schools will open and 6. Monday for a term of eight months. 1). M. Jenkins received a letter from = 5... 1 Joneq who was at one time a tten July 16th. He reports enjoy- 1. yp, mday at the advanced sge of 75 n ; good health. years. He was a brother of Wm. 1. rd ~ A big bouncing boy arrived at the Jones of this place who attended the Borer Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCall on funeral which occured at Rrishin Magee avenue Saturday morning. Wednesday, August 24th. His remains le fellow has ready been were interred beside bis wife who died. : | about one year ago. rm ——— DEATH OF HON. JOHN LANG. provement Co. | Mr John Lang, president of the : je hest Creek Land & Improvement Co, died at Block Island, L. 1, Monday. : | the Fd, 1888, after a short illness, and was buried at Watkin's, N. Y., Friday, August th. Mr Lang was a promi- pent man in the state of New York, and has held many prominent positions in the state. He has been particularly identified with the Fall Brook Railway company and its various interests, AL the time of his death he was vice presi. dent of the Fali Brook Raliway come pany, and had been its treasurer for many years, and was president of the Chest Creek Land & Improvement Co, at Patton, and a director and stock- holder in a large number of railways and other corporations and companies. Mr. Lang bas been president of the Cheat Creek Land & Improvement Co. since ita organization in 1890, and in conjunction with Hon John Patton, (ieneral George J. Magee, Hon. James Kerr, A. E. Patton and others, he has been identified with the developments of Northern Cambria coal flelds. He was a man of excellent character, strong capabilities, and of great force and help in the development of the new industries in the new sections. A Novel Social. One of the novelties in the way of an evenings entertainment was the “YB social recently held in the Fire men’s bail by the Junior Epworth league of the Methodist church Breaking away from the customary selling of ice cream and cake, it gave s light lunch at normal price. Its bill of ‘ fare being of the nature of a series of conundrums afforded considerable amnsement to its customers. As a financial enterprise it was a success, since the proceeds enable the Janiors to pay ita recent subscription of §10 for the repairs to the church and leaves a balance of some $20 in the treasury. The Juniors are happy in thees results and grateful for the patronage of their friends. The superintendent, to whose management and hard work this soc cess is due, is to be congratulated om the thriving condition of this society. Niagra Falls and Canada’s Grent Pair In connection with Beech Creek rail- road, special excursion to Niagara Falls and Buffallo, N. Y., on Tuesday Sep- tember 6th, 1898, low rate tickets will be sold from Niagra Falls to Toronto and return via Lewiston and Niagara Navigation company at rate of §1.50 for round teip. This arrangement will afford passengers an oppertunity to ‘make side trip to Canada's great exposition and industrial fair at Tor- onto August 2th 0 September 10th inclusive Robbery at { resson The Penpsylvania railrond com- pany’s baggage room and Adams Express office at Cresson were broken into Friday morning and robbed by supplied with ammunition and rations, “he rooms adjoin each other and ail the contents were manied and destroyed by the parties. A lot of the naggage wax carried away and the ratizoad employes are frying to find if what each passenger let. The rote re gaiend kn entrance through Gnaivewh Jel one of the windows, which they. getting supplies to the front. There were no rosds that a wagon train could knocked ont. Foationi! The members of Patton Lodge, No #1, Independent Order of Good Temp- lara, of Patton, will hold a fistival in the Firemen’s Hall Saturday evening, September 3d. Everyone is invited to attend. All the delicacies of the season will be served. Remember the place -at the Cash rrocery. President of the Chest Creek Tan! & Im. New Pragident ©. ¢. LL & 1. Co. At a meeting of Chest Creek Land & Improvement, Co, held at Watkins, N. Y., Friday, Angust 2, 1868 Col. John Magee, of that place, son of Gen. Geo. J. Magee, decensed, was elected presi. dent of the above named company, to succeed the late John Lang, who died at Block Island Apngust 28nd, 1868 Col Mages was active, with his father, in the opening up of the Patton onal flelds, and the developments of the Beech Creek railroad. He is president of the Fall Brook Railway Co, and is man of great wealth. Although mparatively a young man, he ooen- minent position in the affairs 51 York State, and is widely Known, and in taking the place of his father at the head of the varions corp erations, nveiving large interests, his careful business methods and good judgment has impressed those with whom be comes in contact. The inter. ests that he represents and controls are many and valuable, and Col. Magee's ability is shown in his assuming and carrying on so successfully the import- ant doties that devolve upon him by the death of Gen. Magee and Mr. Lang. “That's What's the Matter” An exchange says that the way for a town to grow up and be prosperous is for the people of that town to be happy and contented with their lot and to sing its praises to the outside world. The corner loafer and growler who are always both belittling and iying about the town are a menace to the commun- ity and a wart upon the prosperity of the place. Cow Lost On Friday morning. Color is red and white; has large horns; age about 9 years; fresh about three months. A liberal reward is offered. Mixe SHITE Patton, Pa. Pare rye or corn chop at the Patton Lumber! Faed and Buckwheat Miils-268¢f A CRITICAL TIME During the Battle of Santi- ago. SICK OR WELL, A RUSH’ MIGHT 4 AND DAY. The Packers at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba were all Heroes Their Heroic Efforts in Getting Ammani- tion and Rations to the Front Saved the Day. P. EE Butler, of pack-train, No 3, writing from Saatiago, De Cuba, on Juiy 23d, says: ‘We all had diarrhoea in more or less violent form, and when we landed we had no time to see a doctor, for it was a case of rush and rush night and day to keep the troops but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep ar health: in fact, 1 sinceraly believe that at one critical time this medicine was the indict saviour of our army, for if the packers had been unable to work there would have been no way of use. My comrade and myself had the good fortune to lay in a supply of this medicine for our pack-train before we left Tampa, and | know in four cases it absolutely saved life.” The above letter wis written to the manafactures of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co, Dea Moines, Iowa. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, LC. W. Hodgkins. Almmmmmmmmmm—eL —IT ON faulien’ night gowns, well made, Ladies black silk gloves 2-inch band saw, our price 10-guart tin bucket Miners’ squibs, per box SH OFS THE B 33 k af * »- Brady, Prop'r, £E ENGRAVE MEMORY 3 That we never exagerate. DO THE BAZAAR! Men's full size suspenders, braided ends, at at Men's cape Macintashes, plaid lined, at Man's catinlodd collars, Foon 813 3 ie Good Stair or shelf ofl cloth per vard Ladies’ black gloves, Livle thread Das! t horrow when vay ean bay a 1 gallon oil can, it will not leak, for No. 8 wash boiler, first guality, at AZAAR, AE YOUR —— That what we say we- g Pk * . i 5 2 - teariess, = Flom - ii we gh é Te vmpas at The Bazar for ‘ 4 . * SHOES. = ti get satisfaction in wntingne to buy them. Here dddidbiiddidiiil = § Patton, Penn’'a. Zaidi Nitiew, We, the andersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 2% cent bottlem of Haxter's My elsaye Bitters, if it fails to cure cons hitliousness, sick head he, the diseases for whi mperpdeed. Also will retin ) an a dent baotile of it does not oure any el croup, whooping congh, or throat or inng difficolty We also gugrantes one H-oent bottle of either of the abo satistaotary or money sie hyo nr Ha Flsarmany basting You Wik Everyibing in the grocery line a Cash Grocery, viz: Mackerel, herring. ccelfish, salt sid, ham, shoulder, break fast bacon, lard pofatoes, esbbage, onions, syrup, vinegar, tea and coffes, cakes, soaps, canned goods, spices flonr, corn meal, brooms, wash boards, sweet and sour pickles, maple syrup, canned meats; in fact everything kept in a first-class grocery. Call and see for yourself, Misses corset waists in all the sizes at Mrz. Dartt’s millinery store. Cool soda water and refreshing root beer on tap at CW. Hodgkins, Patton DR. C. ERNEST CHASE. , Surgeon - Dentist, 23 FIC wN. FEXNA Poiding, opposite Ah Avenue “DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Good Building, Room No & Flies wf Rt. PEATE ' DR. w. } DOWLER, hy i i Surg FES a. {few in Moilon block, sexi door io Postoffies, Pain, Pa SEY Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. iMBee in Arlington bloek, pel to Postof®er Patton, Pa Li night salle sponded we proathapliy Frisemgee Of LHe onr piws adel throat given wpevin! Attention OFFICE HUBS Tea mand 2107 ow JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. 10tf WH. DAVIS Attorney and Counselor at Law, Enpnsstng, Pa L0 Tewm dl Drews prvsp pty sitiended 1 LL Ofer in Barker Building TOBACCO and CIGARS The fnent Hine in Pation af G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, oewr P. R R depot. MEALZ AT ALL HOURS Your Watch may need Regulating, lot asjonk at it. Noe for examination. IT it needs attention we Having secured a million feet of Inmber | am now Topared to fumish it in the rough in alt lengths, ete. Dwulivered on short notios, st the lowest | price and on reasonable terms. Can furnish all kinds of mining tim- ber such as bank rails, ete. 1 will also handle hard wood lumber. Ail bills cut to order. Kindling wood by the load. Chas. Rhody, | astisfaetion? Don't put 9) Ciel! you, and if vou would have os pot its shape we'll do Ht well atl a regalar clergy Jesd you won't oles fo, TOZER. The Putian Jeweler Business Educaton.; The Andermon School of Business, Alw pa, Pa. will give you a gradostiog course} in os R-Aenping, shorthand, Ing { hip and Faglish PRICE © OF ONE-BOOKR ry ; SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. ARE YOU READY For winter? Does our lnemtor give wilh trodibsios of annoyed yoo inet your INSULT us ar hamting wone hiss, har Hy botRelr hoe walter or stisarn. (RD Five vol setiates op ANY Work. GOULD & BEEZER. (Br PATTON, PA PATTON, PA. Office in Otto building, Beech avenuoe. Et R. FE. Notley, -Dealer in. Wines, Liquors, Beer, te. 13 Lutz & Son's Beer Spe Claes Our Bottled Beer and Porter for fansiiy use cannot be exonlled. Prices Ape reasonable FLASKS, CORRS, JUGS, ET¢ Ber HASTINGS, PA; PATTON WOODEN MANUFACTURING Ce i PAXY ww Nl i Pas 8 % wo Matsa Beotarems of aad Desilers Die Lumber of all Kinds, Planing Mill Work, Sash and Doors of all Kinds WORKMANSHIP AND LIMBER GUARANTEED. Prices and terms reasonable. We have just received a carioad of J doors and sash to which we call voar special attention, OFFICE At Mill and in Room No. 7 of Good Balding. GO TO THE Foie: t Market : IAGEE AVENUE, Fresh and Smoked Hams. Salt Meats All Kinds, Home-Made BOLOGNA (in H: ind, Al our Meats are Pure and Wi holesome. CREST SPRINGS FODNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mchipery, iron kitties, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are reasonable. Old ovelal ken in exchangy Sr new work. lyr CHEST SPRING, PA Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParTrox, Pa {low in the food SEER M AHA Mahal% Prop'r. Parnell & Cowher, Agente Swe FIRE, LIFE AND INSURANCE. ACCIDENT : HEAL ENTATE AGENTS swiwnd Blasiiefing, Paton, 2% "Pecans Now 2 YOUR, FORTUNE nd Firent cies le vomr bamith. i he Wend and Fm 4 LEAS SEE (Uw corde.” wou ums, FES i. - fou Wi. Wy areas bys to Ty Sar v on IE Fue eha't got EE weil, 18 sents. Send Tor phi er ob gow, CURMM AN EUS C0, YINCEESER, (38, [= FirstNation'l Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000 00, i erin of Uirpearations, Pros, [divide Hap ka reowived upon the most favors fe oadsieienl wilh sade and conser vali ve BBR InE i five wade dow oll the Jemding Hrvew, Foorwlzn Drafts Jor adie Dor The prinaeipad tiom af Shue £28] Wy frre ARGO will hagow ay proms and Peeves Aalieaiiom Pater paid! tn tie dhpeemiite AE Parmox, President Castiier Hastings Furniture & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS. Wa H RaNDPORD 1 ve Yen hbtamelasd bs All calls prompt vate need to : Fy ¥ Ofhce 1m Cornelius build: iN % EY hy 4 Lanimerciad cer building, Hastin Pa. Also othe be i hutlding, Barneshor Manager.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers