The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 01, 1898, Image 4

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    A Xk Ih
Patton Courier.
PATTON PU BLISHING Co., Proprietors.
F Wirt Grupse, Fditor
One apy, one year, fneadvanes, - - - 80
So Advert
8 No papers discontinued anti all arrvar
ages are juid, unless st the option of the
Entered at the PostofMice at Patton as second.
class mall matter.
ng PALE Yeats Enowo apo ape
President Todee Hon A.V. Bar
Prothonotary 8 WW, Tavis,
Regrister and Recorder oF, 8B, Jones
Tregsrer oF. FV. Miwneer
Khari livo, M. Werte,
Dopity Sheriff Eimer Tavis
District Aftorney - KR. 8. Marphy,
Commisdeners — Jones, Hostetler and
Commindomers’ Clerk John OC Gimten,
County Superintendent T. 1. Gitwon
County Surveyor 8. (3, Fetterman,
County Aoditors A Lo Miitentwoger, FM,
fawrence, John (Fittings,
at Id. Miller,
Coroner-- Dr. F, 8 Livingston.
Ansiernn Wes kiand
one more bottle will enre her.
Poor [inetore Jum Somerville, Thos T.
Jone ahd James Moore,
ist Monday of March. | lar Monday of Sept
tat Memday of June, | lof Monday of ee
Argument Conrt Is hold between the above
Bargeoss-. Lav, Prindible,
Connell Alex Montieth president: W.
Habbard, ant PP. Jon, J. Ih Blair, EP
MeCormick, Pane Anderson, John Scheid,
Behoot Hoard. OC Crowell, president;
H. Curfman, reretary; WH Sandford, treas
agree: OC. 0. Bolter, W. C. Linge, RB. MePheérson,
Jastios of the Peace -o Jewme ® ade, Jas
Treasurer WW. H. Sandford.
Clerk FE. Wiil Greene,
Collectir Jus. Mellon,
Assessor John H. Sommerville
Agditors Eimer Nmale, W. A. Melion, ©
Jodge of Eieetion- «John Tranan.
Wra. Clark, James (ii lieer,
Constabie—Samoel E. Jones.
Chief of Police Dan’! Holes,
Street Cornom isstoner-Sam’l EB. Jorn
High Constable Dan’l Holes
THAT ‘single, swift and awful blow,”
which, according to Sagasta, Spain
was to land on Uncle 8am is probably
to be struck in the Peace Commission.
There is going to be a lot of wind in
that concern.
mer of man he is
Tae Louisville Courier-Journal says
that a Tennessee man was so delighted
at being elected to an office that he
dropped dead. Many candidates would
leave much greener memories if they
would do likewise.
THE REPUBLICANS of this Congres
count threw
sional district gould all be very much
pleased if the conferees would make an
early choice and not parley as long
over the selection of n candidate as
they did two years ago, resulting with
$wo candidates in the field. The sooner
it is settled the better it will be for all
MoxDAY, Sept. 12is the day fixed for
the opening of the public schools of
Patton borough, and It is the duty of
all parents to see to it that their chil
dren, who are of the proper age,
attend. In all probability the compul-
sory education law will be rigidly
enforoed in our borough daring the
coming term.
AR ry bing mR A ERY SERN, ROHAN i
A test of the efficiency of wide tires
is described in the Mansfield, Mass
News. Mr. John Birkenhead says that
Deeds Recorded at Ebeashurg up to Date :
Friday, August 26.
Joseph Hogue et ux to Charles M.
Schwab, Allegheny, $800.
James Kirkpatrick et nx to Eliza J.
Kirkpatrick, Susquehanna, $240.
Isaac Weakland to Maria Seria de.
Costella et nx, Elder, $310.
James Mellon et ux to School District
of Carroll township, Carroll, $100
Mary J. McCord et al to Ann M.
Gardner, Barr, Susquehanna, $120,
David. A. MeAnulty to Henry Mo.
Annity, Barr, $750.
Spangler Improvement company (oO
Rachael A. Fngle, Spangler, $160
roped the Street {Tare
A wellknown gentleman said to a
street car oomdoctor the other day.
Please stop nntil 1 get off. My wife
told me to be sure and get her a bottle
of “Celery Wine
troubled with sleeplessness and nervous
trouble and can find nothing that has
helped her like Celery Wine.
bottles, 500. Sold only by W.
Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy.
Labor Day picnic and dance in
: Bhort's grove.
Even the children insist on going to
the Cash Grocery.
Go to Daas
fresh bread and cakes
Misses and ladies skirts just arrived
at Mrs. Dartt’s millinery store.
RE —————
His Method of Subdaing Some Refractory
“I was with Commodore Dewey when
' he was the executive officer of the Colo
ado,’ said a financier, ‘and 1 remem.
ber ome incident which shows the man-
We had a fine crew,
some of them as powerful men as I aver
. maw. Four or five of them went ashore
one day and came back fighting drunk. |
“Three of them were men who would |
singly have been more than a matoh in
strength for John L. Sullivan. The or- |
der was given to put them in irons and
it was found impossible to carry out the
der, for the men were
Dewey was notified of the situation He
was writing a letter in his room at the
“He went to the place where thee
giants were and he told them to come
out and sabmit to the irons. They did |
not stir. Then Dewey mid quietly to an |
orderly, ‘Bring me my revolvers.’ and
when be had his pistols he again calied
upon the men to come out, but they did
not move. Then he mid, ‘I am going to
If you are not out here
with your hands held up on the third
count, you won't come out of that place
“He counted one, then he cocked the
revolvers, and he counted two. We all
expeoted to hear the report, for we knew
that Dewey meant what be said The
men knew it ton. They stepped ont just
he “had u four-inch band shrunk ona
barrow wheel, having two barrows of
a similar make, one with a 1}-inch tire.
Each barrow was equally loaded to 180
The remains of a load of
sand that had been left on the ground,
and Jevel with it, was wheeled over
with perfect ease with the wide tire;
but on trying the narrow tire, could
not penetrate it more than 12 inches
with all the force we +could bring to
bearuponit . . 1 find that mud in.
solution offers little, if any, more re
sistance than water. A wide tire will
pass over stiff mud and compress it.
: Light carriages would be
improved by re-tiring them with steel,
say one-half inch wider than the rims;
it would protect the rims from
scratches and would not expand so
soon to require retiring. A 2-ipch
rim would carry a 83-inch tire and a
2} or 83-inch rim a 4-inch tire, so that
the old wheels could be saved, the only
outlay being in the tires.
Of Intervet to Lodges.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Scott, of Washington, has rendered a
decission in reference to lodge orders.
The ruling of the commissioner remds:
“Orders for the payment of money,
drawn by the secretary of an order or
in time to save their lives and held up
their hands and they had been partial-
Iy mobered by their fright and the moral
effect of Dewey's glance
“Ome of them said afterward that
when he sow Dewey's eves he knew
that he wonid either be a dead Jackie
in a mamment or he word have to yield,
apd when the irons were pat upon him
he was ss sober as be ever was in his
life, Dewey went back to his room and
finished the letter Lo was writing. =~
Philadel pia in Pross
“The Lasky Dafa”
“The Lucky Duffs” is the title of an
article in The English [lustrated Maga
zine in which Mr J M Bullock traces
the rise of the Duke of Fife like a
prince in a fairy tale, from a little
farmer in the north of Seotland 200
years ago One good woman of the
house used to ride to market with a
huge pile of plaiding which she had
spun from her aheep, in the crouper be-
side her and dnly brought back its
value in merke These she hoarded in
bagx. On one occasion she banked her
savings in a leather bag in the ceiling,
but the rats got at it, so that the family
dined amid a downpour of docatoons
The family flourished so well that each
of her three sons got an estate of his
own~— Patrick, the youngest, bringing
86 children into the world, while Wil-
liam became the father of the first Earl
of Fife
Queen Wiihelmina.
There ia no longer any doubt that
- Wilhelmina, queen of the Netherlands,
is engaged to marry Prince Bernhard
of Saxe- Weimar, who is now 20 years
of age and the second son of the late
bereditary Prince of Weimar. The
| young queen has lately been in Paris
swing the wights and selecting a trous-
sean Her dresses, rides in the Bots and
beneficiary society on its treasury, in
favor of a third party, requires a two
cent stamp.” Hereafter all orders will
have to be stamped before they
can be filled by the treasurer of an
Republican state Lesgne Convention,
On account of the Republican State
League Convention. to be heid at Pitts-
burg, Pa., September 7 to 9, inclusive,
the Pennsyvivania Railroad company
has arranged to sell excursion tickets |
on September 5, 6 and 7,
at rate of a single fare for the round |
trip (minimum rate, 25 cents. These
from all ticket
stations in Pennsylvanian to Pittsburg, |
goodness of face and character have
been items of interest in the Paris jour-
uals. They deem it significant that she
shops in Paris instead of Berlin and be-
lieve the future queen a valoable person
to cultivate
Thoughtful te the Last,
“Didn't your absconding
leave you any message”
“Yes He ft a line in the cash box
transferring to me his paid up member.
ship in a Don’t Worry club "—Chicago
are within the reach of all; mar
. and tesmale. Now is the Lupe ta
sirwelf and ger ave
Fuld micemation real og
ta Government peasitigas 3 he
how to obtain them, sala
past, wope and dates of examiny
tons, &c , &c., given cheerfully
Civil Service Institute,
tickets will be valid for return passage los National Washiytos, D. C.
until September 18, 1888, inclusive.
She has been
I think
Bakery for your
We will save You 30 por cent. on the following bull of Stap le Groceries if you
come or send your order to us on or before Monday,
where you
Remember its vour business to sce
money. Don't forget ats our
money than other pe ople do.
business to see
Performance in doing your part.
Sept. 5th, 1898.
can get the most for your
that we give you more for your
Come or send and
let us convince you how thoroughly we will do ours.
If you buy for Cash you naturally
over again that it is poor economy to buy a cheap article,
handle trashy and unreliable
3 4 - 3 Vv
réasonaun price AnG io never know ingly )
look for the store with
the best values. [It has been proven over and
It has always been our policy to sell a good article at a
stuff. Om this basis we offer you the fol-
lowing list of Reliable Groceries—every article guaranteed or money refunded:
1 sack Pilisbary’s Best or White Satin Flour - . 87
1 Clean Sweep Broom, 3 seams, : . . a5
1 Ib. Lima Beans . 08
i Ib. New Crop English Breakfast Tea . 25
1 can Horse Shoe Salmon . 0.18
1 box high grade Corn Starch : .
5 Tha. fine Granulated Sugar - .
1 sack fine Kiln Dried Sait . . 06
I box fine Rolled Oats . . 10
! box high grade Lye . « 10
} from bows As beat Matches - A
- 10
3 Se md C Chobe Pins : 0
1 bottle Boyur's Best Blue . : 10
bottle high grade Vanilia . 12
1 solid Tampico Scrub Brush . - . 10
1 can best new Tomatoes . 10
1 3-ib. can Grated Pineapple : "if . 10
1 34b. can Fancy Pie Peaches . 10
1 box Rise Sun Stove Polish - 07
3 Ib. Pride of Patton Baking Powder - - . 10
Owing to the spe
to change or alter the order in any form whatever.
order but what every family can readily make use of and you cannot make $1.50 as easily
to come or send us $5. oo for the above order.
Total . $2.58
Total of other column
% cakes Lanndry Soap
1 1h. 4 Crown Sesded Raisins
1 box best Carpet Retined Tacks
1 Ib. Arbockie Coffee .
+ ib. Arm and Hammer Soda
1 can hi Baked Beans
1 ch Mustard
FE Pac
1 hott i Amonia
3 ib. Cloth Starch -
1 Ib. loces Blend Coffee
1 cake fine Toilet Soap
1 box Cocoanat
1 box French Shoe Polish
1 Ib. Carolina Rice -
1 bottie finest Bedfteak Catanp
1 ih fine Mix Cakes
1 pac Fruit Puddine
1 spool Clark's O. N. T. Thread
1 3b. Pail Lard
1 Inserted Rubber Pencil
se So
cial low price we have given you on the above biil of groceries it will be impossible for us
By careful study we have tried to embody nothing in the above
in any other way than
To parties hving out of town we will prepay freight on two or more orders.
Think of it!
And think of the BARGAINS we are offering you in DRY GOODS.
Our Midsummer
* 1 1 Ya ¢ » Sales 7%
W ere LOIS 5G this would BCR VETY NOISY
1 oir 1 ‘banlt Raves
Sale that we would not blame it if 1t shouted itself hoarse.
themselves of this money saving sale.
- ae
. 1 1Y aay
money saving Se hortaiies {or al. wiio wii avi
Surprise Table No. 1.
Om this Table you will find 300 yda plaid dress goods; something
nice for children’s school dresses regular price 0c, our Npecial Sale
price 4 cls.
Also 300 yds. cotton flannel made to well at Se per yd
what vou want as long as they last at 4 per yd
Also 700 pds fant color calico regular price 8c, Surprise 33 yd.
Surprise Table No. 2.
On this Table we have placed 800 vdu. fant color ginghams, which the
knife has cut from 8c to 34e per yd. Think of it!
Als 500 yils, int tonade pants ¢ Soothe regular price He par y vard: our
knife fell on tie lot and cut the price in half, now only 10¢ per ) “yd.
Also 206 yda nice dark outing Aannel we bought to sell at Se per vd.
hat we need money and oar Surprise price is only Se per § vel.
Also 106 yds blue denbam, nice for overalls and pants; the regular
price on thews goods was Lic, our Special Surprise price only Se.
Surprise Table No. 3.
Contains Mx yaa. dress goods in cheeks, plaids and stripes regular
price 15, now lie,
Wl vu, Hae deem Bnen, regaiar price 0. ROW 3
1.000 yds, fine Lancaster dress Zinghams, regu
price sc.
1.056 vida fine
prise price Se,
f% halle Dogght 1 sel
viii Can have
ani se. Think of it]
pre Nit MELA Ne
Action wis A RB
: we Mn:
i a it iat 3s Ay ak MW, mir Fis prow i
‘Surprise Table No.
LA, i asim i
t 3 1
sev £ VEE 4 Tsay
RB ip! i
ertisement, because cag
Sal OWI We Wl
Surprise Sale 1s now In Progress—it is said that Pnces Talk.
h article is marked so low for this Surprise
This Sale is going to be replete with the greatest of
hints follow:
A fe Ww
Wt vids, French Organdy dress goods, were Ak, our Surprise price
only 1k i
“io ik waist patterns, regular price 85 and Boe per yd., now
nly &% per yd,
On Surprise Table No. S.
ed el Penis
y (3111 Wilt andie——
1 lot of Amsterdam Smyria rags, size 30x43 in, regular price $2.35,
now $1.85 ;
{ lot of Amsterdam Smyria rigs, size 38x72 in, regular price $3.35,
now $2.85.
4 Vidvet FURS, regular price n. 00, our Surprise price ’. So
i 3.54, ! 3
1 in we ie se 4. (M1, Le we se 3125
1 lot of Velvet. Brussels and Tngrain carpet samphis in 14 yd. lengths,
will make beautifal rugs. Will close out at vost. Fringe to trim the
rugs with at 12e per yd.
1 lot of ladies’, misses’,
Surprise Table No. 6.
Her underwear, wens Ake now [18
Ee 5 Ee 18
A ladies’, misses’ and children’s underwear Sa 40 to 38
¢ Misihui shirt wists most go regardless of ©
Melba wrappers our reputation for sel ling the best made,
item Hrting amd al stylish wrappers in town has built ap forus a
adie’ wrappers that we feel proud of we still have abont 3
wrappers on had that we are going to offer you
har Lar sriee of these wrappers was $1.00. Think of it!
trea ur pe av iy minds and cretons for sash curtains and
and children’s plaid hose, were 46c, now Se.
arings, regniar price the, now le
Hompson’s Glove Filing samimer corsets, were SLOG, now Tée.
sil every pair we sell, but we wold loose more if we
iF it
wwe Fitting comets have more bright spots than any
of Wa carey a full line of Glove Fitting corsets.
13 iene PEL pad
wp corse we Rnow
sre going Ww raake vou a special discount on all Floor Oil
; x TYE
hy TY
ws pe speaking for the mselves.
w Lhe place. Go to a friend for advice,
They are havens of
{30 10 8 Woman