Aguinaldo ought to swap his golden whistle for Li Hang Chang's yellow jacket and peacock feathers. RS S—— History will doubtless sum it op that four-fifths of the constructive genius of the German Empire passed away when Bismarck died. The military exhibition which this nation has been giving to the world | will not diminish European interests in the peaceful display it will make at Paris two years hence. A steam engine, the oldest in the world, built by Bouiton & Watt in 1777 for the Birminghaza Canal Navi. | gations, which bad been working regn- larly for 120 years at Smithwick, in the pumping works, has just been pat aside for a more powerfnl engine built for the same company by the same firma. The old engine will be set np again at another station as a memorial ‘of what can be done with good machin- “The soul and ron “indnstries of the United States have now reached a point in their development at which it is possible for us to obtain our raw ‘materials and to carry on constractive work in which these materials play an important part under better conditions than those which surround these in- ~ dustries in Great Britain, says the Boston Herald. What is needed at the present time is a clear realization of this fact and the proper develop- ment of the facilities required for its . utilization. Iron and steel shipbuild- ing on the great lakes has been carried #0 a point thst its annual output now exeeeds the shipbuilding on the en- tire seaboard of this country. These lake shipbailders have shown an aptitude which their salt water busi- ‘mess associates have not equalled, and, what is more, the shipbuilders at Ho Detroit and Cleveland have ® command of cheap iron and steel and cheap coal, under conditions which make it possible for them to do t Postmaster: General | leering dats shoving the number of prople in each State who are wholly livery systems, both rural sad urban; and we quote from the last report of this official the following figures: Als- bums, 1,408,206; Arkansas, 1,069, | 498; California, 658,904; Colorado, 241,136, Congectiont, 362,149; Dels- e, 107,062; Florida, 356,939; 1 624, ne; Idaho, 250,000, Indiana, } nl, . 7 ine 1, 561, 128; Yoaiviaoa. Maine, 508,639; Maryland, : Massachusetts, 50,875; Montane, "28.012; Ne 798,971; New Hampshire, nied nar, 647, 304; Naw 8017; Utah, 148,178; } Sirginls 1, 416, o given in the Rewne Pranesise European Bussia and som Tl, 31, sn : Europe, 5, 800, 000; Ron. ,000; Portugal, §,000,000; 000,000; Holland, 4,900, 8, 300, iy. Bwitzerland, . 169; Holland, 149; Eng- 126; Germany, 97; Switzerland, France, 72; Austria, 69; Spain, 36; a, 20. While the annual in- se of the population of Russia has on 1.45 fcr every 100 in the last ten 8, that of Germany has buen 1.15, o-Hungary 0.96, of England { Italy 0.45, of France 1.08. At te of augmentation, in 100 years, would have 228,000,000 inhabi- fants, Germany 106,000,000, Austria 000,000, England 65,000, 000, Italy 080,000, and France only 49, 090, | ECORI) { aad popnious State me out av the clear sky, sor » 8 Pistol to each wan av me oars, towid { the imp had las shootin’ ears; an’ whin he sphoke the sehimell | | av bis voice was like sulphur. stitious fear. body-guard and a safe place at the rear, he finally consented to be one of | the party. strument, LIGHTS OUT. flow often In our ttle hoat On summer Syeninge We wa would float; Careless of time, o and west, Ceasing from idis talk and } bg As o'er the waters restiess flow, Drifted in eadencs sweet and low, That plaintive bagie reall ~ Lights ont! How through the oid fers it wanhd ring Sirangs eabiaes fram ton caremates bring: While we wonld wait, our oars at ress {pon the river's peaceful breast And wateh the yellow lamp-gieams din At the siivery warping sigh OF that pintotive mie endl L ights on ® - - - - - - From far-off from Iand of fears sr wastes of Aistanse, parting, tears, Comes the famiilar sound of old, SREP, { Oar life in darkness to safald Alone, npon life's troubled sea The fateful message comes to me, (4 that plaintive bag calles Lights out! ~frertrads F 1 yneh inthe Chap Book, WAR woHR é THE PY GMY B ANDIT. £Y Pall Fas¥aah rr” OHN, I see you are somewhat cnr ons abont my staffed eagle?” remarked Sand. harst, the detec tive, with » smile, as he canght my eye wandering for the fifth time to the big bird 2 perched, with outspread ings, on the top of his bookease, “Have another cigar, and I will tell you how I came by him. The tale is odd and will interest you, I think. “i happened in 1845. The great of Missouri was then little more te a thinly settled wilderness. Traveling was done mainly by stage and saddle. Tuere were a few main roads, leading for} long distances through woods and prairie; but for the most part the Pe was wild and uninhabited. ‘Father, at that time, lived about forty miles from the present site of St. Louis, in a little frontier community | called St. Regis. [I believe the name has been changed since. I haven't been back there for half a century. Father was storekeeper and postmas. | ter. I was his only child, and, at the time I am telling you about, was a kid of fourteen. “One day the mail carrier rode up to the store in a state of great excite: ment. He tumbled off his horse and came into the store, pale, and hardly able to speak. “ “What's the matter, ssked my father. “ “Matter, sor? The mischiel's to pay! An imp of sathan dropped upon , an’ wid Corrigan ® to drop the mail bag in the road =e ride for me life, widout wance lookin’ behind.’ “And yon obeyed? # Av coorse Or did. Whan the evil wan himself has the drop on a man loike that, do yez think it would be healthy for him to stop an’ palaver? No, sor! : and the fiend dropped off me horse's | flank, an’ the fates be praised! Om alive to tell yez the tale.’ “Pid you not get a glizapse of the | man? - , 1,481,120; Minnesota, 002, (hse tellin” It was a How “The man? No, sor! yoz it wasn't a man at all’ foul fiend or Oi'l] ate me head. could a man light up back from behind, widout a sound av warning? The first tiag Oi knew, irons in ma Carr! Worra, worra! Tim Corrigan’s coward, plaze God, whin it comes to d’alin’ wid man or baste, Bat the Old | 3 | Serateh himaself’s another thing.” “The news spread like wildfire through the little community that | | burly Tim Corrigan had been robbed Twelve or fifteen mon | and boys soon gathered at the store | of the mail. and a party was made up, headed by | my father, to ride back to the scene of the robbery and see if any trace of | Tim's ‘fiend’ could be discovered, Timm himself, at first, refused to go. He was entirely demoralized by super But upon promise of a “The wail bag was found at the ex act spot indicated by Corrigan, ripped | } open and rifled of all tents, consisting of several packages of value and enclosures of money. Bat not the slightest trace of the thief conld | ! Ibe discovered. There were no prints of a horse's hoofs, save those of the! animal ridden by Corrigan himself | Neither could a man's footprints be fond, nor a trail in the bushes beside the read. An old Indian fighter in the party searched long and carefully, | but even his trained eye failed to dis- | cover a sign. The affair was a mys tery, and Tim's theory of the agency | of the Evil One began, covertly, to, gain some ground. **This strange highway robbery, however, was only the first of many of a similar character which, from that | time on, amazed and terrified the pioneers throughout that section. The paymaster of a Inmbering gang was mysterionsly pounced upon a and re. lieved of $500 in small bills. A farmer | returning from the gristmill lost the | little roll of money that represented | pearly all his season's earnings. A | surveyor separated from the rest of | his part felt suddenly a death like grip about his neck that tightened re- | lentlessly until he lost consciousness. When he recovered he found his in- hix watch, and his little store of cash all gone. It was getting to be as much asa man’s life was worth | jo venture alone into the woods. 01 ent loose the mail-bag, nme horze's its valuable con. Juocttary victims, and that he “atwnye | sanity reported. Quite a saber | pounced upon them, silently, from | shove ard behind, It was supugh to | make a mats blood ran eold to yefleot | i that at any moment this mysterious | eresture, man, beast, or apirit, might {hight on his neck amd choke, shoot, ‘stab the life out of him was murder aga who conid tell what he resisted or anduiy pres uo record of inet the tig if i Cpraature, might do § yoked After : bad heen rod faant a detestive to MN Pinto the matter. This man, 1 remem | ber, was an ohisct of the greatest won [der and admiration on the part of onr fentire community, of ns ever having seen a real, detective be fore. He lodged with father daring { his stay in St Regis, and thus | was {brought into mtimate assaeiat jon with ; The result of that mtimacy, | different mal ded, the postoffice afciale fares parriers none jive htm think | may say, was what determined my choice of a profession in life. Bat ‘I am digressing. or anticipating. “The detestive seoured the woods for days at a time. He lay in conceal # ment atv acing. points of the post-road f boty een Rezis and the station on growing ! the river ere the mail was delivered to the carrier. He even risked carry Ling the mail himself a few times; but, ‘as be told me, langhingly, the strain { of that constant twist of the neck was too much for hoo Ro jong as the detective romeined in the vicinity there were no more rob. beries nor assanits. The clever man discovérsd nothing positive, bat he | puzzied out a clue which he gave to father for what it was worth, when be was obliged to leave on other business The cline was this had been overpowered the detective found an eagle's feather Mast mew would not have given this slight oir enmstance a second thought, Bata detective is a man to whom everything | possesses significance. My friend put the feather in his pocket and pon. | dered over it. He reflected that the approach of the bandit was always, ap parently, through the mir; that he dropped silantly down upon his victim | from bebind and above, as a bird of prey might do then —putting two and two together. that the creature, whatever it was might be something in bird form?” “I saw {hat my fother was inclined | to smile at the suggestion when it was | somehow that it came startlingly near the truth “No sooner was the detective gone | than I fell to working ont bus clue. To | be stive. active and inquisitive and vory desir | ous of doing something to prove my- self worthy of the detectives friend. ship. Besides, the postofice anthori- ties had offered a reward of three han discovery of the mysterions highway saan, or five handred dollars for his actual captura, Buch an incentive as wits as well as a wan s “The thing for me to do, I con cluded, was to keep a sharp outlook for eagles at all hones of the day i iarge share of my leisure time on top| fof a oliff about three miles from St | Regis, commanding a wide view of the | | valley ia which the village lay. “The detective had besn gone about | .| a week when, one aftersoon, as [ lay « upon the eh, 1 saw a shadow sail over ithe woods below me. Looking np from my place of eoticealinent, i Ee held, almost directly over my hesd, the form of a grest eagle : aguinst the sky. Leould see it plainly encagh, and there ‘was something so adl about ns ap | pearance that | was struek with amaze- iment. On either side of ita neok there | huog down what jooked like 8 black ; ; {ware wearing a mufiier, 1 | which trailed below its breast. ae over the valley, and its body ithat might be clinging 10 its neek ! But finally it male a tars, an did y see, although i now too great for accurate observa | tion with the naked eye, = sort of ex: | orescence on the bird's back, directly | over the trailing streamers. How 1} longed for a good field glans or tele Cscope’ 1 was aloiost wild with eur. ! , oaity, yoi cond do notd An bat con- jectare over the strange Rppearase e of i the bird. Of one thing | was almost | positive, however, and that was that | | the object which was now fading away Lin the ‘distanée had been directly con nected] with every one of the recent | mysterious robberies i "The very next day word reached ius at Bt. Regis of a murder and rob | bery that had taken place in the next A trapper, returning from | | the settlements with a considerable | township. | sam of money, realized from the sale! of his pelts, had been attacked in the | { open roadway, and having, unndoubt- | ‘edly, attempted to resist his insidions | | aasailant, had been fatally stabbed at | | the base of the neck. His money was gone and his body when discovered ‘lay in the road where it had fallen. | There was no evidence of a struggle, i no footprints other than those of the ' vietim himself, but in the dust some- body had found and picked up another | ‘eagle's feather. [ learped this fact incidentally, and it settled in my mind | {he real nature of the unknown as- | satlant. “From that dey I pever weat into i the woods without my rifle; for father | | had given me a little rile to use in | My thoughts dwelt constantly upon ‘the mysterious eagle, and Iwas always on the lookout for the great bird. “Weeks passed. Excitement was running higher than ever over the un- As yal ol Regis to jook w “Near the spot where the surveyor Was it not possible | made to him, bat [ treasured it in my | mind, for I could not help feeling I was only a boy, but I was | dread dollars that wonld lead to the : this was enoagh to sharpen a boy's | With this purpose ia mind, 1 spent a aatiined | It was sailing over | me at 8 considerable height, bat 1 | streamer. The effect was as if the bird : i the eud of “The eagle waa diifting away from | for a | time was between me and anyihing d1 pa ld : the distance was | | settlers bad moved sway from sheer terror and apprehension [t was just after this | 2 oid adventura | another 8500 had been done that my bafell me “1 had heen out after wild ostensibly, at any and coming home with an old gobbler sly year piy back Aq | approached the road I heard the thud of a hands and, as hal besoma ith me. hurried forward to risler pass, with a vagoe hope teat the wmysterions eagle might choose that very moment to swoop down apon an- other vietim, ‘A familiar proverb says unexpected that happens, WAY Ate Apa ‘it ix the turkeys ng horse's customary the | ¥ “DEWEY OF MANZANILLO." The State | had taken np the matter and increased | the reward for the villains capture by | strayed Nine Spanish I i Commander Cliapman C. Todd ' Dewey of Manzanfilo,” whose . ih piroved nine vessels of the cpemy on s the commander of the gud | July 1%, boat Wilmington and a son of Kem | tueky. His victory at Manzanillo was ‘a grand triumph for the nas y, obscured by the greater events Ly the second time distinguished himself, It fight at Cardenas, Tn ion Ss I 0 SU A CL nse rile has its exoeptions atid every prov. orb as wall pected that happened. sentiment that I was abont something wonderfal and strange and I did. Hardly This time it was the ex- : [ had a pre- | tos behold | had I some in sight ; of the horseman (and there was still a thin, concealing veil of foliage ba | tween me and the open road; when a great waving shadow came drifting along the highway. I glanced up and, «with my heart in my month, saw a | huge bird descending with set und | I motionless wings, thing more, frore the blood in my veins A minis ture man sat astride of the eagie’s asl. his farce little face set with vin. dictive purpose. To see the baleful gleam in hia small, hiazing eves. [In one hand be sarried a glittering, naked knife. The other ‘hand wan extended as if to grasp in | antivipation his victim's hair, “When the eagle was almost divect- ly over the upstispacting horseman, the pygmy bandit threw one leg over the bird's neck, sat sidewise and | poisad himself, ready to drop upon his | [ vietim's shoulders. Instinetively and with a motion as quick as thought my | rifle sprang to my shoulder. Just as | the dwar! let go ns bold snd dropped there was a ringing report, and the | eagle, pierced through the heart by | my bullet, fell simultaneously with bis pygmy master. Both struck the flanks of the frightened horse, and the ani. | mal sprang forward in a wild, snort. | ing gallop, so sudden and so endan- | gering to the rider that he did not even venture to torn his head to see | what had occasioned it. In a minute more horse and rider were out of might around a bend in the road | “The eagle rolled into the dust and after a few spasmodic Hutterings lay still. The pygmy bandit, springing | to hin feet, glarsd about him for a mo ‘his weazened and contorted face { Then, with & ary. whose utter despair | | and piercing anger [ shall never for. { got, he darted into the bushes on the | opposite side of the road and disap- | pearad, “Hardly knowing what I did, ¥ | bounded after his disappearing form, ! hut the sly creatare was too quick for we. In the tangled noderbush it wus | | useless to pursue a being who conld | | dart nnobstructed along a rabbit path, and 1 soon gave ap the chase an vain “Leaving my wild tarkey concealed | in the bushes, § revi : the dead eagle | to the village and told wy story. At | Brut there w here none who wonld he- | lieve me, but when | led the way to the spot where the tragedy had oc hate 1a the woes, which the | had erossad in his fight, donbt and envi 1 gave way to wonder and con gratalation, asd 1 became gt once the hero of the OAL “Although I had not captared the pygmy bandit, I had solved the mys- tery that surronaded Lim and de. | strayed the unijne means by which | | be approached and surprised lus vie. | the terrible tims, From that day little man disappeared utterly fast of his strange or & rapide oid The imen hud been re. my amatens detective work it | oferad tothe man w ha had puzeled out the necessary cide But he would fot tage 8 cent said, ‘you deserve all and more, whether you actually tured the pygmy bandit or not, | you fixed him so that he is letter dead to world He has ceased No, cap: the front his erimesand retributive justios | | has heen sparsd the unnatural job of | disposing of sch a hiaman freak. Yon | Atma & Pho Cnestag BR And I ( are a born detective, lad, and my ad. | vice to you is 0 go nto that profes : for all you are worth.’ i have.” “Good advice harst ceased, "an = 1 as Sand * 1ed . t profession [ ever heard of" Detrost ‘ Free Press. Degenaracs ¥ Tat Great Names. ‘born of great names in A. D. 1803 | Oliver Cromwell is a manufacturer of | | clock hands; Martin Lather seils sec | and-hand farnitare: John Milton is o | carpenter; William Pitt is a shoe maker; J. Fenimore Cooper ia agrees | grocer; Heury W. Longfellow is » broker. In Paris the same degeneracy | of great names is noted. An examina that Robespierre isa cheese merchant Moliere is a tailor; Vietor Hugo is » dentist; Chopin doctors sick horses | Donizetti is a glazier; i maker of leather straps ; : : | York if we had the hardibood to delve | hunting sjuirrels and wild turkeys. in the directory of the metropolis. New York Mail and E xpress. Venice, Italy, fants. Of these no fewer than 40, 14K ' are enroiled as recipients of reivef-- | “In every case it was noted that the | canny bandit of the woods, for bolder | that is to say, nearly one-fourth of the | mysterivns assailant attacked only | and mcre frequent assaults were con- | population are psupers, this day I ean | ment with mingled rage and terror in eurred, and theold Tadian Sghter had | i examiged the small footsteps in the | dust, and’in the soft mud of & spring. | dwar! | 1 reevived one thonsand dollars for | Halt of my boy,” he | you have earmed {iar than | “and in some respects the most remarkable introduction to a According to the London directory | a singular deguneracy seems to be | tion of Bottin's directory will reveal | one Boileaa is | a pork butcher, while another is s| i We might | even find that the same deplorable | state of degeneracy exists in New | has 144}, i) inhalut | | Lovhester. ! Ar U-esoia for Houtzdale and Ram ev with | But | saw some something that almost | COMMANDER APMAN TODD, the complete method of the Americans in all their fights with Spain. The com- mander was never io war before. When the family fight of "31.65 was going ob he was a iad at the naval academy, out two years. He was moved around from post to post after that like all navy officers and was slowly promoted from the rank of master to that of cen mander. which he now holds. He ls a beantiful example of the cool. bold, quick Americas, flerce ln battle but gentle as a lamb in his everyday coo tact with men. His report of the ter: ible destruction he wrought at Mao | that of Perry. Dewey, Shafter or Samp 80D. han IRISH BULLS. Instances of Tncongrulties ie. Forme of Speech. A “bull,” in speech, is defined as a grotesque blunder. ag apparsnt cob graity, but a real incongruity, of ideas The Irish are credited with a peculiar | talent for making “bulls!” why they | have it we do po! know, except that it [fw oa species of wit. Here are some eXx- © muples: Patrick Americs, go dashing by. 500 to his friemnd: ‘that! 1% bates thibm all | searchin’ fer wather” Another Irishman sabl Ryan the other side of Fehought it was Pat and Pax when he first inded the thought it it was peitier of us” Another excused blmsel! from going j to churel hy saving he bad such an ex cellent telescope that with the organ playing It was Par wim withing twa phe rend, men shot at 10 and kill ft that they might have saved fil alone the powder and shot, as the | would have killed the hind Another Irishman assigned sis a req { son for not putting ont a fire in his titehen with a kettle of boiling water | jn the conntry. “Hy me faith, 1 have wits as line as two of it Another one i told of a horse. said he cond leap over a diteh at least thirty feet wide; but it he did it in “two jumps” And it was 'a1 again who, gory as original + In fhe transiation of a Latin work, sie out: “Confound those pneclents’ Fhey are always stealing onn's onglite.” Philadelphia Times CONDENSED TIME TARLE, In «fect Docembar 3, 1897 Eawrwanp Week Daya AM AM NOON T3 2x 1B =37 8% 134 T4588 BHI 1208 R010 LW AN AM PA Week Days AM AN re. rN SW ILIA Les ADD N33 1081 201 AMA S50 1.00 LH OAR 200 1208 218 LAD Susuay Tease | | GF Bead Dawa, Fu | Ramey. Cunnenn ences B08} 1 Houtedale, k : eg i3 idwowcis Mids, 5a Philipsburg .. SA Po He: 312 A 31 34 ro. | an, Hout he Peceoia Mills | Philpsbiury West waRD Philipsburg i {meecin Mills | Houtedale Hamey. i Soxpar Taaiss | £3 Read Up. | Rame 1h 45 Huoutzdale, eowain Mills ‘hudpsburyg oa CONNECTIONS ion with all Bese Ureess fasiiromd trains or and from Beideionts, Leek Haven, Wile | inmsport, Beading, Phliadeliphia and New [ York: Lawrsnomiiie, Corning, Watkin ideneve nad Lyons; Cleartinid, Mehalfoy an Patton, Curwensviiis, wy, Ridgway, HBeadlord, Duffie asd ££. R, I traigs leaviog Tyrone st 700 FM GM. H. aOQl, | Geavral Sup'h Commmunder Todd, Whose Ships Dee American but its glory was just x ttle | gor) J . | Pacifie Expos, daily that : were passing in Santiago de Cob. This | 08 Commander Todd | was he amd | his Boat that were in the thick of the and his victory at | | Manzanillo was thoroughly in line with ! But every | I way Potrmin for Po Cmraphedt gr 45 » oY: Mata a1 [C8 Dalim HY Fronds LA Kaylor 4018 atviving of Uresss at £355 i Junction HERE Patton fee | ingsd i dose TAR iahaitey 12 { Campbell ul Fon and a mves Croiwon st wh . Kayine &j8 Ebwushurg 5 wi: Beasties Junetiog of which he came in 1564 to take his | first assignment on the Resaca with | the Pacific fleet. where he remained zganillo was as simple and modest ua in happend 10 see a Iodasmotive He started back aod | “Wil ya look at | Ov all the wonders | iver seen | Sure iUs a steamboat | “1 yaw Pat | Way. i £ wis mie. sand whin © came up begonta, | it he could | bring the church so near be could hear | after egngtin | that was pear that it was hot water; gid it was Pat's reply to a msn who boasted that he had the smallest horse | Fat as Pat describes | telling a and being informed | sy ane of his anditors that he had read goed LG Camp] i day. was | 618 | Hi At Philipsburg (Union Hae Dulles, Punxsutaws Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 18, 1568. Main Line. Lads Oregon Fastaard, Res Shue Express, week days {ORs Ate mOdntion. week dayy Sai Line Express, daily } Altec Asedns mveintion, Mat! Foxpresn daily Primdeipiids Fxpress, duliy Tye LU ross. AR wtormrd Johastosn Aeron, wivk days dati ¥ % Jim mn BE am 1% pin EWR 447 pa pon £54 pan Way Paesmniger, daily bitty Expt Roe Fastitmw, Auily CR Jodiastawn Aen... vl days cambria and <learfield, Ranthwarrd, Merning train for Patten and 1 rounon ons oe Glen Captet! S85 Manish ey Sa gs bas Jowe WER Westover ll Hastings 514 (ar for Crmmon; 8 Patton ie Bradies fovetion Talk Kavior fp Pheri “ue seri Ving st Cresson at 0 a me AN aid Pagtive aed Oresesasti LE hen ty = Waostover 258; Hastings & SHE digrway (fhe GE Patton 108 Beediey Junetion Nomthreard Morning train aves Cressi Se Makin tte Al ir Fleashurg 100 Raevior Gi Brule Gaerwas Hor Hast diay Hustings | fie Mabaffey 112F mr . SMahathey foe: w entree (3084 Jae nrriving al Glen A fternion tein for Pat way | Se Patton S62 Gareay Haat iroge | Sor Glemm Chimphett Toile Gurway Sie citen Canipbellt 798% estover Teg faniosn 28, Mabaffiy €I8 srriving at Glos Campbel] wt “ap oe For rates] auaps, ot mpi v or address Thos FE Wat Fifth avenne, Piibabung, Pa J.B Huneninsen, Jit Weed, Leen. Myr. fag, Pass. Axl Ni 1 AA GIA alia ee ar Hastings: THO fan ew syed PA, ] Woy, en a EE Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Ry. iris EB somes On and after July 3 1M trains will Beewh, Crom Depot, Clenrfisid, ax allows #0. Revnoidsvilie Asootnmiota tion, Sw Curwensyilie, DraBaots, Fails Uri anit Bevin oldavilie, Connecting at Dali for Ride wav, fohneoenbarg, Hraedfond and HRoelbestes sare Jha, om, Boffais Foxpro, far Vln rerenaeilis TBs wand Falls Creek. finecting of Dalle, fr Ridgway, Johssanbarg Brad ford und Huflaio B12 p on ImBols and Punsesawner Foxe proms. For DuBots, Falls Urol and Passe shlne ney. PI and £3 Trains arrive, 20 a mm. and pom For tickets, tines taldes and anil on or elds, CB Hyslip, Agent, Civ r feist, Pa “Beech Creek Railroad. NY CEH R R Co Lew Condensed Time Table, a. Read! down Foap Mail Ne ly Nam Naw pin nn wm iA wr ha 5. og | «52 8 100 ur py ih aC iw a oi um im id iar S58 Ed a4 a LE Ni Ite to ipfisryamt ion, HL ia Laity] Bi yr AR Howitsowter, Heud u Es » Nap E27 m Bos ; May Is 195s Patton Wistar Mab iley a Lain RAM Ro eresninr w MT pwort iranian Mitvhelin « lesrfieda sei gyi SAREE Wao land & 31 an Bigler wee Ws thawte: De Mosrtslale Minis » a Maram: a HS Philipsburg oi v is yang LET pee M ua romesn Wohbatrae Jrowoe Giiiahywn MEeish mine Paowwis { pro i Mil Hall awh Have nn ¥ oninpeatade Ws Joris Whwy Feiss 3 Foorwiy mbes Wille teynsr HPAI AR AI BP RE aw OE RRR Bg Ral wiEne ae big 0 ia Boa rr ina 8) . 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Rivision Pesinavivaniy midmed, amt 1 8 NW. mil. mat: #1 Whiskey Han wish Miianes & News fonbairy naditteil at Metis Sn IF &E NW read resaed Nitin: ily wwe BEG UE FH EXE ge Lo Ry Pig sire eddie Piastel Burthiee nedice Irdins wil ran igbon sation Siniadtey and A teins daly seep Maine HL Heke, Geis nl sSTaramgor, Maliafleov, Pa ————— Le RH Monsurements mm he ‘Xlondike. Citizen— By the way, | have been told that the Klondike gold is not worth se much to the ounce as some other brands. Returned Klondiker—I conldn’t say as to that. We never measured by less than & ton. 1 haven't any idea as tw aunee values. —Odds and Ends No Difference In “thi Sexes. An Oberlin professor certifies that squrping all my experiences as a pro fosmor years in all—1 have never abservigl any difference in the Sexes as to performanee in recitation.” The boys may now piel. up courage. cy A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers