The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 01, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. V.—NO. 39.
1, 1893.
$1.00 PER YEAR.
eA BE AA BoM Ee HC A arm Hi
BT Those $3 to §5 Suits at 99 Cents at the K
tax was put on tobac
quantity and propose to gi
Boro. Engineer Authorized to
Advertise for Bids,
The Specifications of the Proposed New
Pavemint as Adopiad by Council
Patton, Pa., Aagust 27 In pursuant
to a call by the President Patton Bor.
ough Council met in special session this
evening for the purpose of arranging
for bids for the paving of Magee ave
the pavement for the purpose of build-
ing inlets or other public work in.
advance of the paving.
17. The work shall be so constrocted
that not more than one square shall be
torn ap at once,
at the discretion of the engineer.
18. At the expiration of four days
after the completion of each squire if
deemed advisable by the engineer, it
must be thrown open to the public.
19. Streets shall not be closed to
travel until the contractor is ready to
lay brick, without permission from the
2. The contractor must put up
signal lights and otherwise guard
I bought before: the war nue in the Borough of Patton. The against accident during the progress of
my customers the benefit.
~ Weytnan's Cut and Dry
’ : Honest Weight .
i 1h
lon Pharmacy.
Headquarters for
J — Confectionery,
! Cigars BP Tobacco.
Ovponie Schoo! Building.
i Hi
\ Repair Work, Etc.
P. Jones, J. D. Blair, Frank Anderson
and John Scheid.
On motion of Blair and seconded by |
Jones, it was unanimously carried that
the Borongh Engineer, EC. Brown,
be authorized to advertise for bids for
the paving of Magee avenue in the
Borough of Patton in accordance with
plans and specifications. Council then
adjonrned. Next regular meeting
Monday night, September Sth IRGX
{ Polls wing are The Spa Reatines as Ado prted
; by Patten Borough Coanell,
1. Each bid must be accompanied
by a certified check of 8300 00
2. The party to whom the contract
is awarded. shall, within five days
enter into a contract with the borough
for the work called for by these speci
fications, and shall, before starting
work, give an approved bond for an
amount equal to the entire estimated
ocst of the improvements, for the faith-
fal performance of the work.
3. The work must be started within
5 days from the time of the signing of
the contract, and completed within 20
days from the time of the starting of |
the work. The sam of $5.00 per day
for every day that the work remains
gncompleted, after the time set for its
completion, shall be paid by the
4. The Borough Engineer, or his
assistant, shall set all grade stakes and
stake out the work, and shall make all
measurements and estimates, and all
stakes set by the Borough Erica, « or
main tained by the contra wetor and his
yn until the services of the same
‘are no longer needed.
5. The contractor ander these speci.
fications is to farnish ail materials,
labor and tools necessary to complete
the construction of this work.
6. The work and mauterisl tre
done and furnished in striot accordance
with these specifications and plans
ander the direction of the Borough
7. In case it becomes necessary the
| Engineer can make alterations in the
grade or plans of the proposed work
and the contractor shall be allowed
| payment for work actually done at the
| contract
; 8 Should there arise soy misunder-
‘standing as to the interpretation of
i plans or specifications, the matter in
dispute shall be referred to the borough |
engineer, whose decision is final and
9. The contractor shall give his
personal attention to the execution of
: the work, or in case of his absence he
work of all kinds. shall put a duly authorized person, who
| closets
HD, Slosets laser,
Estimates furn-
aad mee the quality of,
Stoves and »
2, Doors,
Sash, Fanta,
new line of window
Oc, 15¢, 25¢, 40c, Hoc, B0c, |
a $1.00 each.
is competent in this kind of work, in
charge, who shall observe the instruct.
ions of the engineer.
10. Any person employed on the
‘work who shall refuse or neglect to
obey the instructions of the engineer
or who shall be deemed incompetent
‘shall at once be removed from the
work when so required by the engineer.
11. So far as practicable the con-
‘ tractor shall employ laborers who are
citizens of the borough.
© 12. The material delivered on the
street to be paved must be piled in
‘such a manner as to cause the least in-
convenience to property owners.
| public alleys, street crossings or fire
‘hydrants. The side walk at all times
must be left open sufficiently wide for
13. The contractor will be required’
material is to be piled at private or
Co a large following named members were present go. work
ye 38 per roll call: President Monteith, DD.
21. Auy damages arising from his
work shall be borne by the contractor.
22. The work shall be guaranteed
for one year from the date of |
coptance and during said period the
contractor shall make all necessary
repairs and make good any defects
arising from fanity material or con.
straction, aad at end of sald period
shall tars over to the borough a good
pavement withoot additional expense.
Five per cent of the cost of the work
shall be tained for this purpose
1% ae
on enfitract
the whole ins
the work ie
inspected and if
it will be
Na portion of any
wil be accepted
finally finished
completed, it will
approved by the
Preparation far Road bed,
i. The rondbed shall be excavated
or filled as the case may be, so when
thoroughly compacted it shall be at a
sub grade below the prescribed form of
complete pavement. The cross section
of the roadbed to conform with the
cross section and plans given hy the
| engineer.
2. In order to bring the sub grade
to proper shape and grade, a pattern
made to conform with the above men-
| tioned cross section shall be continually
i umed as a guide to the grades
3. The contractor shall be obliged
pon the completion of the grading to
. notify the engineer, who shall proceed
| to examine whether it agrees with the
i above specifications.
4. Rhould there be any spongy or
vegetable matter in the bed thus pre
pared, all such materiale shall re.
moved and (he space filed in with clean
gravel or broken stone
5. After the roadbed has been ex.
cavatead to the sufficient deptn it shall
be thoranghiv rolled with a r
weighing at least 256 pounds per lineal
inch, or tamped with an 3 poand
tam pe may be required the
The sub grade being rolled
or tamed shall b he made wet when con
side rad neoeseary.
A. The material excavated shail be
ased to lil the space between the curb
asd roller
AR hy
sng nesr
and grade of side walk which shall be
brought to a true and even sarfiwe or
the material excavated shall he re.
‘moved to such a place or places as
shall be directed by the engineer, the
hanl not to exceed 2,000 feet. This
cost to be included in the price of exca-
Only the area covered by the
finished pavement will be paid for as
J xeavation.
7. When the roadbed must be filled,
the material for filling and the manner
in which it is to be done is as follows
The material for filling shall be a shale
‘or heavy soil to be approved by the
street committee and engineer.
5S. The material must be deposited
in aniform layers not more than 8
inches in thickness. Each layer must
be thoroughly rolled and if required
by the engineer must be made wet
before rolling.
1. The roadbed having been prop.
‘erly rolled shall then be covered toa
‘uniform depth of five inches with clean
sharp sand, which, when thoroughly
tamped, the top surface of the sand
‘shall be four and one-half inches be
low the finished surface of street
2 Where a different foundation
than the S5-inch sand is required by the
engineer it shall consist of gravel or
broken stone stone to pass through a
24-inch ring’ 8 inches thick, thoroughly
compacted and sand to fill voids. This
CHAIRS from $1.00 to ‘to set aside plank crossings stones, material after being properly puddied
8%, $5, nea
‘brick or any other material that may
‘bein the street, and he shall deliver
SUITS gi, ne $18, $20, ‘mame where directixd, the length of
leaf and exten
pr od
free haul to exceed 200 feet.
14. All dirt and rubbish made dur.
ing the progress of the work shall be
immediately hauled away at the con-
1 Jine of Hardware and tractor's expense.
Give us a c
and see for yourself
15. All materials furnished by the
| contractor intended for this work shall
: be subjected to the inspection of the
| engineer. Such inspection shall be
‘final and any material rejected must be
| 16. The engineer shall have the,
| right at any time to suspend work on
shall be thoroughly rolled or tamped
as directed by engineer and shall be 84
inches below and parallel to form of
completed pavement. After this haa
been prepared as specified, two inches
clean dry sand to serve as cushion for
brick shall be placed thereon, which,
when tamped, shall be the thickness of
brick below the finished surface of
inspected by the Borough Engineer,
and kept 50 feet in advance of the stone
foundation. After the foundation has
More may be allowed
No stone or sand shall be pat in
_ piace until after the sub-grade has been
make a close fitting joint, which joints
. immediately removed from the work. and said sub-grade must be prepared
been inspected and approved by the
Borough Engineer, it shall be covered
with a layer of clean sharp sand five
inches deep, and tamped with tampers |
having a cross-section of 64 square
inches, before putting on the brick.
grade or slope at least 50 feet in ad-
vance of the paving. The latter must
be laid in sections the full width of the
street, and not lesa than 100 fest in
length at one time,
1. The bricks shail be laid in close
contact with cach other, in parallel
courses across the siepet, on their edges,
with the longest side a’ right angles to
the axis of the street
directed by the engizor
2 Whole brick oniy shall be used
satirse or making a
paving around man
exvept in starting a «
closure and in
holes, inieds, ole
3. After the brick are laid they must
be wettied to a firm bearing by rolling
with the road roller or by ramming on
a plank not lees than S inches wide, 30
inches long and inches thick, the
hammer weighing not lesa than 49
pounds as the engineer may direct.
4 The paving, after roling or ram-
ming, must Bave a troe and aniform
shape and must conform to the grade
and crown of ef reat established
5 Any defects afler pavement is
rolled or rammed must be relaved at
contractor's expense,
8 No paving shall be done on grad.
ing which has been filled for two weeks
after completion of grading aniess per
mission is received from the engineer,
7. After the rolling or ramming, the
joints are grouted with cement grout
ing until the joints are filled flush with
the surface of brick grouting to be
composed of two parts cement fo one
part sand or the joints to be filled
thoroughly with sand as required.
8 At street intersections the brick
shall be placed at an angle of 45 degrees
on the line of the street, and those in |
joining rows so set as to regularly
break joints.
8 All cgrbs moved or displaced by
grading or paving must be set by the
contractor at his own expense, uniess
they were ordersd so moved or dis
placed by the Borough Enginesr.
1. When embankment is necessary
to make a foundation for the paving it
shail be made bv the contractor with
out extra cost 10 the borough from
taken frien the
aterial street aXCava-
sight inches
they shall be
thoroughly hard
tions, placed in laters
deep at a tliee, whan
rolled antl they
and compact
11. Acres the
shail be placed 5
stone ux
and not less than two feet long, to be
in good shape, with paraliel sides and
straight tops, but in the rough without
dressing, except as made with a ham-
mer. They shail
the ground with the tops level with
the brick paving.
Card Ne'ling.
1. The curb must be set alongside
of pavements as directed by engineer.
s i
miliaris OF IAIN
atule aii paving,
streets there
butting or baseoking
inches thick, fost deep
2 The trench for setting curb must
be made sufficiently deep and wide to
allow sand to be rammed under and on
siden. The bottom of the trench shall
he made six inches below the lower
sdge of curb and the space thus formed
shall be filled with sand wet and thor
oughly tamped. On this bed curb
shall be firmiy set in a vertical posi-
tion accurately to line and grade of
street. No joint aball exceed one-
fourth t inch. The space adjacent to
the curb shall then be filled with sand,
wet and well tamped.
3. All joints must be filed with
cement mortar one part cement and
one part sand.
4. Dressing of ourbs necessary for
filing at trees, inlets, efe., most be
done by the contractor
5. All curbing shall bBave a backing
of not less than 1% inches, three itches
from the top.
4. The price for curb
shall lgelude all curb, ail
refilling, removal of waste
wbor and expense to
The curbing sball be of good hard
sandstone or limestone, wo feet deep,
six inches thick and
feet jong. The top shall
with a chisel, the front for
nine inches, and back
dressed for a depth of four inches from
the top. They shall be neatly and
and selling
not fess han fonr
A depth of
firmly set to a grade line given by the
Borough Engineer, and all backing
thoroughly tamped. The end joints
shall be chisel dressed, so that they will
shall be filled with cement mortar com-
posed of one part cement and one part
sharp sand.
i quality, hard burned,
| brick, repressed and especially burned
In paving, the contractor must keep |
the mand foundations to the proper
. brick,
ir as otherwise
be placed down in
No allowance can be |
made for ditches dug below the bottom |
of the curbing.
i. The brick shall be of the Lest |
vitrified paving
for street paving, and shall stand all
reasonable tests as to durability and
fitness for this kind of work.
2. The brick at the street connec
tions shall be standard size paving
and the balance of the
brick shall be what is known
4! inches wide and 34
inches thick, but not to be less in dow
than the measurements given above
3. The bricks for the paving of a
grade exceeding 4 per cent. shall be
beveled | inch on all sides except
the ends.
4. The brick of the respective sizes
shail be of anitorm size, hard, and uni
formiy burned, free from warp and
fire cracks
5. Three bricks of the sis and Rind
proposed to be used for the paving
shall be furnished with each proposal,
also a statement giving the tests made
of the brick. and information as to
where the brick have been used for
street paving, amd the length of time
they have bes in wervice
8. The borough reserves the right
£0 have such teats made at the expense
of the contractor as satisfy them
of the tines of the brick submitted.
7. The sand used shall be a sharp
river sand free from animal and vege
table matter
8 The enrb shall be mmde of good
sandstone, the top face or width to be
dressed 8 inches wide; length not tp be
jemn than 4 feet long and depth not lees
than 24 Inches. The inside must be
dressed 10 inches below top and oateide
8 inches below top of curb End face
must he dressed so as to make a closed
sari t}
9 Nochange will be allowed to be
made unless in writing and signad by
the Borough Engineer.
10. The new pavements and founda-
tions are to be absolutely the property
of the borough, and the borough is
entitied to exercise all rights of owner-
ship, without incorring any Hability to
the contractor, Or in any way éxoner-
ating him from Liability er his
Arm Hrokoo,
White Mrs. Wm. MeFarlin, Rr, of
this pince, wan visiting her daughter,
Mpre Joseph Lee, at Windber, Pa, last
week feinting
which ragmead her suddenly
she recived apa]
Yall off
her daughier's
of the porch-step of
remidence, sustaining a fractare of
lef arm. Notwithstanding
vanced age of 890 years, she stood the
severe shook well Her friends in
Patton trust that will ot be dom.
pelied to suffer much
from the injury received
her aad
Oh moan venenoe
Primed at Jersey Shore
Mes. Maggie Bastian, wife of Harvey
T. Bastian, died at her home at Jersey
Shore, Friday, August 28, after an ill
ness of about two months suffering
from consumption.
of Mrs. T. N. Nagle, of this place and
‘was aged 27 years. Besides her hus.
hand she leaves a father and mother,
Mr and Mrs. John O'Hara, who reside
at Pittsburg and two sisters and tlree
brothers. Her remains were taken to
Clearfield where interment occured in
the Catholic cemetery at that place
Pouit Rail for Pallia.
Patton will have a strong foot ball
tesan the coming season.
evening for the purpose of organising
and the team will be chosen from the
following named players:
Gilliece, Harve Lingle, Frank McTigne,
I. Courtright, W. Merriman, A. Dillon,
Prank McEwen, 8. Simmons, Frank L. 1H
Harry Custer, W. mg
Baker, John Wolfe,
as §
paving blocks, the size to be about 34
inchew long,
‘indy who
She was a sister J
A meeting
was held at the Patton hotel Monday
James |
A Sad Accident Near Winter-
set, this County.
Of Near Chest Springs, Meets With A mest
Instant Death
A sad accident occurred near Winter-
set, this county, Tuesday about 12
o'clock, in which Mrs. Samuel! Wills, a
much respected and highly esteemed
lived near Chest Springs,
met with almost instant death by being
kicked by a ferocious horse.
Mrs. Wills, who was accompanied by
another lady who resides pear Chest
Springs, were driving in a buggy to
Ehensburg and on nearing the railroad
a short distance from Winterset, the
borse became [(rightened al a moving
ncomaotive and began to prance (nan
gly manner, throwing both the cco.
pants ont of the cotvevancs, After
alighting ground Mm ‘Wills
ravely attempted to hold the animal
and doing so was kicked in the
region of the abdomen resulting as
above stated, Her companion, whose
name was not learned, neeived buat
slight injuries from her fll
Mrs. Wills’ remains were at once
removed] to her home. A husband and
several children survive Inter
ment will take Ashville
on the
piace at
Street Paving Bids
Sealecl bids {or the paving with brick
of Magee avenue to the west side of
the right of way line of the Cambria &
Clearfield railroad in Patton, Pa, will
Ise received by the undersigned until 8
o'clock pm, September 12 188%
Plans and specifications can be sen at
the office of the Borough Engineer,
i. Brown. E. Wir, GuErNg,
Clerk of Council.
To Buy Fall Millinery
Look out for the large millinery ad
of Mrs. Anna Dartt next week an she
has gone to Philadelphia to purchase a
inrge line of goods,
Our line of suits, for quality and
work defles competition. They are
ust what vou have been looking a
AS to style, they are away up; as to
price they are moderation itself. Be
fore buying do yourself the justice to
examine our offers
We have our full line for fall and
winter suitings. We also s full
line of samples of the most on eairable
goods in the market.
Dinsmore Bros.,
LaPorte, Harry Potts and Mr. lddings. 1
The manager of the team, will arrange |
for dates and an game may be
looked for
eho! Exansinstion,
The COURIER has heen requested fo
announce that on Saturday, September
10th an examination will be heid in the
Patton High fur the
members of the junior class who dosire
enter the senior class. All who
school room
expect to parvipitate are reguested to
be at the piace of examination at
m, sharp and to brings with them paper,
pencils, pens and ink.
Notioe for Lids
Patten Public Schools for the
term will he received by the Becretary
o'clock noon Saturday,
up to 12
3d, 1368, con! furnished must
certified to before settlement will be
made. The Board reserving the right |
to reject any or all bids.
G. H. CurrMan, Sec.
for furnishing coal for ase of
coming |
Sept. |
clean and of good quality aml weight |
Tin, Copper and
Iron Work.
Yeager Building,