THE PATTON COURIER, AUGUST zs. 1868. JR PAN | Patton Courier. ot Pires PATTON a BLESHING co. Proprietors. F. Witt Greene, Editor ESTABLISHED 1893. TERMS (OF SUBSCRIPTION, Chie oarpey tye Hae Advertising fates pauls neers phivation ny-Naoy hers ne : : ” ih Ben 7 PabHshe ~ : Entered ur the 1 iF wy W Brey H hauny Siw mines i rriniLe 6 COUNTY OFFICERS Froeaid SR melee Thon, AVR Frthormotary 8, WW. {amis Begintor ret Revsorder FH fon Trenen eal Sparii # NEO daca, MM Waorty Dhegasty Sheriff Blanor Tavis fstriet Alvord Hox Esprits ine iw or § parte i ane fiomnty =i fi £nty Maries Frente prison Connty Ainlitors- 8 1, Mil Laiwrenes, Jobin Crit iags Joey Ln aint £1 ard WB Miter, £ lowes a Murgin LRrperPy HOYER wo FT re X Fy, iter §rrmbionss fy. Fos Fie Poor Disses clas Spoor ile Jonge abisl faves Mow TIME GF HOLL DERG O00 RY tat Moda of Marek Fw en 188 Moms day of June Ext Mi Arpanet Court is hed bed Antex, wr esony 0% BEORGUGH OFFICERS Priming, bendy fyeds, Harpe. Exped! fritid yey Ww. « wo 3 ds Fae, EP Jobe Me held, pebemideny: {3 thar, tevin CMe Phersuin po Radian, Biehl Foc rd £140 ew edt, HL. Curfron, sen tars CBE fair OU. Hloiter, Ww Fivigis : Juatiow of the a Matton, Tremstiror WH {ork F. Will Green, ollovtor Jas. Meibon, Hsmsnoir John FL Somerville, Auditors Flaer Saale, WW A. Repstier, Judge of Ebction Jolin Truman. Inspeetor— Wan, (Baek, James Gil Cionstalibe- Samimel Fo Jones. (Nef of Potion Dan’ Holes Street Commbetoner—Sar] EL Jones : High Constable Dan’) Hobs, A VERY prominent and prosperous merchant says that it is easy to see that Faved FF eg pad nd, feared the best way to reach the public is through the papers, for every ome 4 reads nowadays. ae question of re-organizing our : Board of Trade is beginning to agitate _ the minds of the many COURIER read- ers. They are very anxious for a : speedy revival, Coroxer. Wax. A. STovE, Republican candidate for governor of this great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will deliver an address at the Ebenshurg r on Thursday, September 1st. CAND ANDID ATER aspiring for the election of county offices have not formally commenced thelr genernl canvas yet. The time is drawing nigh and the plemsant smile and perpetual hand. shike will soon be in order along with tha 2-for-5 cigars. | ARCHBSHOP IRELAND had a confer enne with President McKinley recently. It is understood that the Archbishop is empowered to make representations to the administration looking to the pro- of the interests of the Church of Rome in our new territorial acces particularly in Porto Rico. Te Louisville Courier-Journal says 0 ‘bandsomely, having 95 dele to the ‘convention out of 124. a many queries of late as whether Magee avenue will be paved the year 1806. Those in favor and those not in favor of well; this year are about equally ed and the discussions on the corners snd on cracker barrels stores waxes very warm at times. are of the opinion that if the work is not commenced very soon it will be use- less to proceed with it at a later period i the fact that the fall weather will 1 i prema | Philippines. All this frrvolves neromsed ! _expenditores, which must be met by ‘apgumented revenues. [It is thought by the Treasary officials that no neces. Isity will be found for another bond | ine to meet exigencies growing ont lof the war, bot it is quite genefally believed that it will be necessary to retain many of the taxes imposed by the War Revenne act for some time to come, particularly in view of the fact that onder the comditions at present oR obtaining in our foreign trade any marked increase of the receipts from enstoms duties ie not to be looked for sn ————————— WHAT A VROTOC OL B-. A protocol literally the first leaf of a sheaf of manasoript, gloed or draft od Bry Pwd gon in prises rw RR Ery BIrealy OF AgTeemnen If nominates the tormns oF lines which KMENEIOry parties to proces in raw ments Hon puastomary for Lhe ing np a formal or trealy syreement, and for the ti posed to have the binding powers « eonnplete and final agreement Th #* lowing the announcement of a proto roe IE iS In lOroE Im STP of & nsusl method of proogdure { is for the Lon EOVEIBINONIR CORORIHOG 10 appornl respeciivel) PERE IT iS for the drafting of a fornaal iraaty, pr reed by fhe EYEE rm and this will be the plan United States and Spain | cuestion. wr EH NR fi Pho preset ———————————— FAERYBODY WANTS A FPOSTORFICE, The rash to volunteer in the war against Spain was mid compared with the rash of the pat & who want to mere i Lhe ha 1} panes, The re ape Cuba, Porto Bie says the North American, aiready a thousand applications in, and very mail, And for up to the more are coming by ¢ a beginning, present time no offices have been Aum tributed, the regalar postal clerks Washington assigned work. When *omtoffice Depart ment is finally ready fo fill the pew offices it will probably have enough applicants to make a standing army for each Island. All patriots may not be ready to fight, but they stand ready to serve their country, regardless of expense to the country. this i= only : at bing. tis the thee The Cresson Hotel. Do you know of anybody who wants to go into the hotel business ? says the Altooria Tribune. Any one ambitious in this line can get a property with a world-wide reputation for the sum of a million or & little lems, when the Cres son house and grounds are offered for ‘sale at the Bourse in Philadelphia on September 12 Rumors as to the final disposition of this splendid property are circulating freely, but its aitimide atility is shaded in doubt. The latewt rumor is in effect that B. F. Jones, Lin Pittsburg steel magnate, is organizing a syndicate with the object of buying the property and converting it into a club house and husting lodge. The rumor that a company will buy it op and found an educational institution is still insisted npon, however. The Cresson house is not. as is generally supposed, the property of the Penn. sylvania Railroad company. It is said that certain of the officials have priv. ate interests in the hotel, but itis not in any way connected with the corpor- ation. The property is valued at ‘something like $1,050,000, but it will likely go for moch less than this sum. The property embraces 300 acres of park land, and the hotel, exclosive of cottages, can esily accommodate 600 | guests. : Nest Term of Court, Hanser va, Hodson; Friedberger ve | ll Kuhns va Clark; Kepple ve Varner; Ward vm, Riley: Hanlin vs. Prior: Konicz ve ‘Orient Insurance company ; Konicz vx Teutonia Insurance company; Fuss kanckas va. Farmers’ Mutaal Fire In- surance company; FEosmakaockas we Western Insurance company; Com monwealth ve. McCormick; Zapin va Mftabell C. & C. company, J. E. Wilson & Co. Administrator of 1. C. Cald- phi Administrator, vs Johnson et al; Cook vs. Portage town- ship; Leahey va. Martin; Hugh & Co. ‘vn. McConigal; Chang Gum Moon vx Chang Sun Noy: Bargoon va. Burgoon; Cataract Optical company vs. Larkin Jewelry company; Blough vs. Sappes: Bennett va. Harmony; Wehn va. Rob- ertson; Dempsey vs. Summerhill In- be here and the disadvantage of dustrial company. frosts and rain will make the progress i the improvement slow and dis aa THE EXPENSE OF WAR. Fstimates made by the Washington authorities last Saturday put the cost of the war with Spain up to that time, the day after the signing of the pro- tovol, at §150,000,000, of which $98,000, 90 had been actually paid out of the ; Of the latter amount the Hin eharged to the navy was about half that charged to the army. conrse the figures given will not cover the entire increase of expenditures a ‘octasioned by the war, for some extra- nary expenses must go on, though to reduced extent, for some time to come. An increased standing army and a stronger navy may be expected as among the probabilities of the im. mediate future, and garrisons will srob ly have to be maintained in’ Cut, Porto Rico, and perhaps the | of shal, Edward Kelley, ¥. M. I. OMcers Chosen At Thursday's session of the grand council, Y. M. 1, beld at Altoona, the following officers were elected: Grand chaplain, Archbishop Ryan, of Phila- delphia; grand president, Jos. FE. Keegan, of McDonald, Pa.; first vice president, J. P. Gibbons, of Scranton; ‘second vice-president, J. H. Kelly, Allegheny; grand secretary, P. H. McGuire, Pittsburg; grand treasurer, M. J. Fitagibbon, Scranton; grand mar- Pittsburg; di- rectors, M. H. Murphy, P. J. Quinn, ‘J. G. Criste; grand lecturer, W. H Gillespie, Pittsburg; delegates to National council, W. J. Connahan, M. A. MeNiff, B. J. Morrison, J. J. Keough, M.A. McGinley, W. J. Kelly, Thomas White, W. J. Rvan. It was "decided to hold the next council in Pittsburg in Fe All kinds of fancy cages made to order at Daus’ bakery. 27tf EPERSBURG S BIG FAIR First f tars Sttrmeriune “Mme Pven Sov ord Fir Yio Ksmarpad The Boers oof inform the wriier tht the ndiestione for the foribroming fair at are most Battering for Lig exiibits and big records the Erenstueg Fair hat place witrmeti semTEad “rw PRN MTP cars Desrfemimers whi R160 (0 Pree. forall pares, 3 : prise. gold wate Nery yede pace, Friday, témriter Gi address hy Hon Gea A randidate for Jenin, ero. of Penn re dy Lins yet heen paceived from Mr Jenks, bus Pw ORE ROY Xo pemitive ite confident] he wil present 296 pom, 255 clans, ptirse, $100.05, (ireen race, purse, $560 00 (ireen running race, purse, $5 00 x Twat 0 Auviborgg You Wis Everything in the grocer Cash Growery, viz Maekere! | exif walt i fast Fapoon, ME, OTEDRS, SYTUD, vitegis. ted and ones, Cakes OE four, West ang wand HIRE, CHEN Teal. Or canted meats: io fal every fet 5 Mp irs un Drs? ££ ¥ 5 apgagn 5 A FOr Yours . mR Ter RESOLUTIONS 47 RESPECT wf TE * By "hao § he anv a Ire toe Fordv ks were adopted al a oaeeting of Farmers’ Alliance and Indastrial Union held at their hall on Satarday, Aagust oth: : WHEREAS, Tt has pleased God in His wisdom to remove from our midst by death our esteemed brother and worker, W. FP. Bricker, late State sec retary of F. A. & L 1. Bemolved, that we have met this evening to most humbly bow to the will of Him, Who has pleased to take from this life to the world beyond oar respected brother ved, that we mast keenly feel the loss of our brother, as a vacancy has been made in our brotherhood that will be hard to ill Resolved, that we ever shall carry in fond memory recollection the name of our departed brother, W. P. Bricker, as Otie whose highest ambition was to live and labor in behalf of the op reaped, sacrificing self and personal aggrandizementa agpon the altar of prncip pie, ever firm in his conviction lieving that man's first duties were He and truths a or ring 1 prien 5 0 dint, to live for those aronnd him ax be had an sarnest champion of the grand oar order Resolved, that as we must all bow to the Divine summons, we Caf most deeply sympathize with the remaining tnembers of the family of the deceased brother in their sad bereacements of husband and father Rescived, that our charter be draped in mourning for a period of 30 days, that these resolutions be placed on the minutes of our Alliance and pubimbed in the county papers and a copy sent tor Lhe sister of the deceased brother. JOHN NEDIMYER, ANTHONY (ULE. Committers. 1 k % 3 ' Not few, We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 ent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billlousness, sick bheadsrhe, the diseases for which if is recom. mended. Also will refund the mane On a Mcent bottle of Downs Elixir of Cure any cong, croup, whooping cough, or throat or lung difficuity. We also guarantee one Dhownt bdtie of elher of to prove satisfactory funded. For sale by Patton Pharma r 4 5 § * iF ar Ah it does not edd, Oe alive GY ITH Mikey ee W. Hodgkins, “4 yw $a FIRE INSURANCE i Pix TA penis James Mellon, J. PF. G FN wl al 1d pan 1S, Office cotner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. & Cowman Pry hger. I ve had a sold which yor jwrmittes] fo Yaeny it may : ARE A $Y Have syer saw iE TW AY ¢ aething wou Dwesnt oe alee : ver THade. ; te Corvhicnt soe : BOK ON PATENTS 2255.3; nell fos before patent "C.A.SNOW & CO. Patent Lawyers, WASHINGTON. D.C. 2 WERNER ARR A RR eis SAARI Y Chas. Rhody, FAT RIEN ie PA AVERT. Pe tw R. F. Notley, Pnender in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. ' x . hh mo Fane = oh hy nS CY A sing, Y oh itz Specialty. Our Bestiewl Beer apd F family ase cannot be oxox are renscriable. FLASKS. CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTING » A PATTO # Srey for Prices Lael FRU ARANTERD Prices and tert reasonable We have just received a doors and sash 10 whaoh we special attention OF Fit Flows No Biailding. cdil your At Mi and in Hastings Furniture & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS, H. C. EASLY, Manager. Oy TO THE People’s § Market MAGEE AVENUE, SELES E FR Fresh and Smoked Hams Y Hone: adc BOLOGNA { In £5 4 Pog on ay od 1 i1A0G All » LE car oad of Girnge vo’ Pleple of Wilms fleas, For the secommodation of persons Seateik © tes #iend this intersting ple. te Pennpvivania ours on September eptember 3, Hi aN Liki raan Alanon - Fatim 3% el “ Lint Rpentie Cncars and fy Pation rant, DR. S. W. Wor § Hyyildivng RE. 80 Conery Surguwes and Se Eye 1 ® Suasin DR. W. ] DOWLER, Sur ¥ xe 3%. Pe yA, door 16 Postoffice, Paston, Ja % next ok : Vi Pris Um puta ih ’ ste Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSIC IAN & S SURGEON. Artington Boek JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Bailding. 10a! WwW DAVIS, - Attorney and 5 ’ & { SHR EAEY at i 3 PRExem ni, Pa, §it legni® Are steel tis {ee un Fe riber Bedibling TB. ACH el rms ¥ 4) and CHIARRKR TR Y “KS » i i Mages aventu, Dear K k Sept. Lid Hol Be Your Watch may need § 4 RE FREE SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. REA DY TY wan Twins pet ARE you Pes iy Tat Tg Teer Buia WF HEPES werk GOULD & REEZFER. we PATRON Pa CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepare 3 to do all kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron Rettion, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, Mow re pairs. Our charges are reasonable. vhd mrenl taken In seolaange Bar jew work CHPNT SPRINGS Pa Reuel Somerville, ttorney-at-Law, PatTox, Pa. Offiow in the Good Building. M AHAFFEY HOUSE wat #8Y Lo BY Pa. Flask uf 1 Clearfield Co, dan 2 retains Eg ahsffey, dow Wiss ATI hig Thaw Chanel GROBGE Fiat sox, Prop'r Parnell & Cowher, Spenis Haro LIFE AND INSU OE ACUIDENT ENN REAL ENTATE AGENTS Phaine Na YOUR FORTUNE in vogir health Your Saapiness Koop ihe Wend nad a Joe i od ea Rien a ea - x Fw WHY CL oviv.e ral tag Ber re oe BTN Pe Mr ron r —— Ber W. [ Asha : Setd CE MRNLX ROE ON, FINCENSIN, EAI © |W Lae bans FIRE, FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co., Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, £50. 0.00 =I'RPLUS S30 000.00 ATTEN Wa H. SaxNprFpornD President. Cashier “let me give you a pointer,” said M F. Gregg. a popular conductor on the Miswcuri Pacific railroad. “Do you know that Chamberlain's colic, you when you have the stomach ache ? Well. it doen” And after giving this friendly bit of advice, the jolly con doctor passed on down the aisle. It is a fact that thovmands of railroad and traveling men sever take 3 trip with- out a bettie of this remedy, which is the best cure for bowel disorders in the wordl 2 and Micent bottles for sale by Pulses Pharmacy, reek Railroad. CEH R R Co Lessee den nd Time Table, Way Ih wl nh “has, while oe en & ARGEBT ARNT RET SiS io aR #08 RY t Bass Fuge £82 UAL La * viene mEiimond and rome ad Maki vosds wa Brwdtwater and afew aved Paton © Sp ret dieiaiaes off (he A at Mahaes with the Baaelses maliuray. ¥ ¥ Harvinan, Eat Pas Agent PL tne bel iti, Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 18, 180% Main Line fen se § weeds Fant wl AS Ssnntan / 2 4 Wain Litee 5 x parm, Am A 5% a dg : nna lonin Ex proms, Amity Tams 1 rene Wot wenn ww Amy favs pmhria and Clearfieid 1 PERE RYT. srvwer Gel COR Pewee Bw MHawtings #18 Pative: £8 Howdley Tae Ravi Fiweadsang: The § ad {veces al X10 a mm A Serpood Pir ba wet {remses aves hv Camber] bat io ww Mabafey at 20 {atone ae Westower 251 Hastings 20 Gaurway fw peti ge Pattee 25 Beadle Janetion er Rare £18 arsiving of Urvessn a1 £55 Noethasnd, ¢ 2 hem ves Deemer Sor Malay FR Fema rg 1000 Rayviar 30 Bradlow sweliog BRAS Padtos ET saruny ior Haste spss TIA Maser gy for Maba®er: 1130 tan way foe Mahaffey [1 Westover - Kom (DOS Mn sn Bey 23% arriving at (Hen fampkeli af IPA Afernmons tein fie Pal tea, and Jen { arnphedl he i ressnn at 3% Raver ie Ehenelairg ie Rewdley Jonetion Sone Patio RED Camreay er lasting To Hantinge Sr Glenn Campbell 71% Garay for ivien tikissphwell TAR eatery Toe Lado Mabafey 0 arriving at Gdes Campbell aL *- My om For mbes maps, ole, ap ar lies Thaw ¥ Wat Fifth arene, Pittsbarg. Pa. J BR Husiehineon, teeny, Mgr Sar MWozesing ¥ theket pent PAW. Dh, JR Want, tern. Pass. Ag? Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 1) YARE EFFECT MAY 21 15aR Westward Nad =. HM Piet MERI Mabe fey Tae Powers powell Jann ony pl 4 Mada iy ba fateaihiare | > Mod pron Wootawil 1 Works © Sareelerinmd { Hik fdok 1 Hua rneidie Pamsnyained selon gnptell Horton Ran f Muller Ran Nari Nas LS * wa Ee wy - y t TEAue Ean Boge og nt aleg od nepal we Ea ELPA RL RRB RRR RL er 1 we » 3 7 £ 5 > Lone Falter Run Horton Ran © film Cihenptwll Prasmaysing Hag resale ik Lael mag pelea © Works If Wiss pwldl 1 Mo PANN fatima © Mana thy Fhewerdn 4 ipewel J nineties {nom MEation Mahafey £ Fling station, £ os rea! tions il with 1 & i Alvis Progr mam fv WR el 2 NW nab waned: atl 'W ( Ail Motos & New vag by i mes with PP & NX. W io ERs rugsnnaEe’ ¥ . pul, hh wae fats w ¥ # a oho ok BO BW nEshe is 258 Evins rReysnt 2 BOWE WERE N SE Lea BRERA EEE i e Hon, Mahaffey, Lote Tia! farther dwtice trains will man al Betiwown ala Satin Mabadler : aind £% $name] AE teaine Sable exert Nene j wo Mena Chemens) Manage Maha®es, Pa. fax Raise. Rorhestor and Piitsbarg Ry hoa remot nits LIN, trminse will Temrfeld as Sdiows: they asud aller daly ave Howse ty reel Dopo, tie Aoasonnsoadatian. Kae Bevin, Falls mek and Boyne ag at Paes for Bidg rd and Rorhester prwnnay {13 * ST ting bagi. Brad swner kx ond Punx oad a8 £4 Hysirp Lapmey Fn faim Pesseasger Agr 1 — i, Pn Howhester, N.Y C. W. Hodgins. vy