is SR AR rs RAS BN VOL. V.—NO. 38. i sib th QL ANE PATTON. CA) ON TON FOR G TTY i il URSDAY, $1.00 PER YEAR. ARGAINS, PATTON, PA. I bought before the war tax was put on tobacco a large quanity and propose to give my customers the benefit. > : TOBACC 0 wir AF THE OLD PRICE & Weyman's Cut and Dry § Se: Honest Weight * : * pnw ew ~ & BE) eseeanns Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ah Stationery, Confectionery, 2 : i Cigars #P Tobacco. Ware, ING. 3 LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS (GGieaned Here and There by the “Courier” Re ¥'y Pe ok ge CRs ow irpreriion ta Yeo Primpoanied of xf t Cov ty went Monde Sept, Hh George M. Werte, Fag., high she ‘of Cambria county, has advertised the following property at sheriff 's syle a the court house in Fhenshurg Monday September 5th, at 1 o'clock p. mo The interest of Wm. Thos Smith in a lot of ground x10 feet in the borough of Gallitzin, The interest of same in two ground in Gallitzin borough, koown lots Nos, 15 and 16, having thereonjs two-story plank dwelling bhoose and onthuildings. The interest of M. C. Weskiin lot of ground in Barnesboro, ba thereoti a twostory dwelling vith mansard story built for a hotel The interest of F. ;. Harve of ground in Spangler, having there ‘a twoestory fr The interest and Margaret A lin a lot of ground jo Gallitsin hoe having two-story dwelling and outhaildings The interest of the ground in Gallitzin borough, 50 feet on Oralg etreed, The interest of acres and 120 perches cough of Gallitzin, The in rgroand in Gallitzin borong thereon erated a ry vecupied for story rooms, with a ball and second floor, [The interest of ground in go 5 add fos £4 5 Sg ih i ai» therson a rare RE Ene fa 2 BH Te interest of same Pan wri # LEITH 133 2 y *E Khown Fh ® Pid % {resis The interest of same in a Jot ground in Cresson, known as No. 87. The interest of Paul McKenna in one-half acre of ground in Cresson township. The interest of same in Cresson township {once Summitville borough , having thereon erected a two-story framed dwelling house and outhuaild- lot in | The interest of George Litzinger, + @ of ‘devil’ in a print shop and ALYIN EY ANS, v Five Flegonhilh cdi Kon ing bran divtianars manager of establish rent, % % served bis firme “a= * 5 herefire was thoroughly aware of the needed wants of a country office ahen he kindly made the above presentation. The gift ie highly appreciated by the! entire COURIER force and if the paper, contains mimpelled words bereafler it will not be hecause the office did not possess the necessary key to the many words in the Engihsb language. int £3 dei The Winder Leader The Windber Leader is the same of { Bridget Moyer and Lucas Moyer ina, pow paper that has just made its plece of land in Clearfield township. gooeurance. The editor, W. A. Kins having thereon a two-story frame .,. who was the publisher of the ‘dwelling house and out buildings. Patton Herald, annovncoes that the | The interest of Augustin Fors in 8 windber journal will be independent lot of ground in Hastings borough, ;, oolitics and that it will conduct a ' and outbuilding=. | The interest of John P. Fongheiser ‘in a lot of ground in Elder township, ‘having thereon a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings. § "with a two-story frame dwelling house gi, iu department. The initial num- ber is a very creditable looking sheet. ~Johnstown Democrat. labor Day Fienie. A big picnic and dance will be beld The interest of same in a half lot in in Short's grove on Labor Day, Mon. Hastings borough, with a two-story day, September 5th, for the benefit of frame building containing a storeroom of St. Mary's Catholic church of Pat- {and four dwelling | The interest of C ton. Everybody is invited and a good rge Collins in a time is assured to all who attend. The lot of ground in Hastings borough, best of music will be procurred for the x ‘having thereon a two-story frame dance and everything in first-class ' double dwelling house and outbuild- style. ings. The interest of R. L. George in one i acre of ground in Gallitzin borough. The interest of Edward Nagle in 113 acres and 92 perches of land in Dean solicited. Estimates furn- The $150.00 Lyon & Healey organ, Hardware, Doors, Sash, P ta, 2 Doors ist National Bank. ou and see the quality of which as was announced by C. W. at 2 o'clock p. m zeceived new line of window | re BS . CHAIRS—from $1.00 to each. , $e $18, $20, p leaf and extension 5.00, $6.00, $5.50 and line of Hardware and Give us a call | Hodgkins in the CoURIER during the ‘early part of the year, will be given absolutely free on New Year's day to Come from £ Jobs Lang Dead. As the COURIER goes to press word was received that John Lang, president of the Chest Creek Land & Improve. ment company, had died at Block Island, a watering place near New York. Interment will occur at his home at Watkins Glen, N. Y., Friday a Yen ite long experience. The cash register checks representing the resalt of over thirty-five years exper: ‘largest amount of money, ‘and is on exhibition at his store. will be the lueky one to get it? pay everybody to remember that with ‘every purchase of five cents or more ‘they will get a cash register check, has arrived ence, they have every new feature Who that is of valoe to a housekeeper, and It wil} &re good bakers and perfect roaster Said by J. E. Kirk Hardware Co, Tough ut swalp Level The Somerset County Star says that ; 4 od i ooo dition o. 1 : . : which can be used in the competition Quip Level, in the south of Cambria {for the organ, or is redeemable in guty is making an unsavory repata- i & chance to accumulate checks for those prizes, if not for this. ; Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parnell, of | Palmer avenue, Friday, August 19th, La son. ' To Mr. and Mrs. John Boyce, of Lang avenue, Sunday, August 21st, a daughter. Five rooms over the Miners Store | merchandise at any time. Mr. Hodg- tion for itself. § 3 7 House For Rent. oi Speak-easies are flour- | kins Wishes to announce that next year : ishing there, and the place is getting to he will give three grand prizes for cash}, 4 regular hotbed of crime, according register checks. so as to give all a 4, reports Nitben : Bids are requested for the laying of about one mile of 8-inch cast iron water pipe and about 300 feet of 4-inch pipe. Specifications govern the work furn- ished on application. Address Patton Water Co, E. CC. Brown, Sup't Patton, Pa. Noilee Wr Volers All voters of Patton Borough are re- FS. Dweocnis i Mandolin Rs hy OF a FBEXSBL Re, TH Teas » foe RA TWast A Pleasant Peni Ey Sed of Hunter ef friende of I. F. Bagglman & Baughman, ere Bhat SATY i Patten siabrgte f x3 FORE There were #ii re of the kind that they had ever had the a wl a Eos pa pork LGRd GL was the fries iay gal’ EGS ME pleastire of enjoving in this “peck ‘vo The Aeolian (uartette and club wiz present and dis sweet straans of masic al intervals besides other amusements which were enjoyed by all. Mr. Baugh- man's kind hospitality will ever be remembered by his many Cambria friends “as namin nieaiod Eprror Courrier As Patton is about to have a handle factory with the latest improved and only machine of its kind in the country for manufacturing all kinds of spokes and handles, why not encourage wagon, carriage, furniture and pick factories to locate here. We have abundance of good hardwood growing all around us and the shipping facilities are A No. 1 to ail the leading | commercial centers. Wake ap Board of Trade and make things hustle and soon the hum of industry will be heard in our midst, and the smoke from nomercas factories will ascend place a wreath on the mountain's brow while you and labor will be crowned with success, H 8 Wil Remain This Week In view of the fict of meeting with such abundant success, Philip Ross, representing Collier's Weekly and un- matchable and popular Dictionary, bas decided to remain in Patton and vicinity the remainder of the week and cap be found at the Com- mercial hotel where he will await upon customers. See large ad elsewhere in the COURIER this week. Now Have Electric Bells. The Palmer house is now equipped throughout with electric bells, the manager, 8. O. Daggett having placed in the office a modern ansuneciator This is the only hotel in this section which is pow equipped with that ad will De greatly apprece- ¥ $a an 3 3 iy sil ated by the traveling publi vantage whi Cireniar a Flees. Curwensville, Pa, As To Our Brother Firemen: The report has been circulated, by persons ankoown to us, that the people of Curwensville will not be able to accommodate and feed the visiting fire- men and people attending the coming meeting of the Central District Asso. ciation of Volunteer Firemen of Penn- sylvania, at this place, Wednesday and Thursday, August 24 and 25 We desire to state that we have made ample arrangements to meet all re- quirements in this direction, and desire 1g. 18, 108 that this be made known to all firemen in the district. Come and we will take care of you. By order of executive committee, Universal NORTH CAROLINA LETTER 3 3 € ALNCK, 7% J. C | of Patton. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY tn Frcursion Trip Ivwa Cape Fraud Riv for Pureard ys Bay. Malmo, NC, August I%5th Enttpn “The Ar- i your paper reminds me that it I wrote my last wiil take advantage » FOO One COURIER. - 3 ¥ 5 yon - HUI ST ete a 3, FOO ¥ and | fF t a day at home and drog oy Twi We bave Bad beantiful grdwin last few weeks, Bot day 1 ‘ o stil 8 looRe aw z “lt 3 PRE ery & uP 1% Fdoppesy thes aban WE 4:31 aad dads 0235 tHe Boggs? 38% phat nart of the stale Tee rLharn {| and Sr wf miolatuonsly eve » Bt Foo pu £3 from de wis tie most Wad With rs sev lead sur genus and hie family, on SILER bi : : BAYe Bad sinew CRI sun era Las ed & Ger Gr TWO spend A few friend. JW an exeunrsion to Buzesrd's Wi Ware AVA Wilh tr AY, down the Cape Poay River Bay, hat might be ii 5 bx EES add hog * BOG Dt, termed a foeatesd near the This bay is A wl EP 3 THRas On viet river, betwanin old Fort Fister and Fort Cas well, and 8 navigable to vemwis of jight draoght at bigh walter, being ap 1h proached from the ocean “gh a narrow chanpel Roown as “New Inlet’ which was created hy a4 severe storm during the last century and connected with the Creeks, which wind through the marshes near the month of the river. We anchored river proper hy house is suroanced magnificent five oaks and other huge frees whose age one can only guess at. Our friend, Mr. Gray, wan for several years the superintendent of this estate. Aller visiting the different pointe of interest ul the plies and having our photo- graphs Iaiten iz of the sid man Cowes west an board, made a short ston at the nex! plantation (6 view the fields than on again, going ahisrd ap “Town Creek.” where was planted one of the first English colonies in this country. We landed finally at the plantation from which we started a few days before, ome of the best in The number of meres under cultivation, and pot excelled in the quantity or quality of Hs product per acre by any of them, i af bee estate of hy sh Poss t front £1 fire tears a distagoe {lolonel Alkinsosn, over which our genial presiding Fen ins $b the Hot is the aflernoon, 3 Fy it late in bat thwmgh somewhat tires we zi felt the effet of our ooting, and ander ting obligations 19 our frend, Mr. Bact gone aur Wan twine lionl z * i i EE ig i i 3 Fa sain bs ok f¥rRyY. and see LARESRRLY, Wied . a Tighe ited ix y RAHN EF Ri Pare, #0 GE nt On Him gal grind from Jan ust break away for ged thy Tha Wegislly 165% lie iw One ary oo eos Ri fT pleasure, ach as we have ~ 5 1 h his panting room a few days enjoyed, amd he will a health and spirits retewssd and beller and Bei Ges Or with and da duties opportunities and responsibiiition Our little colony here i bregking ap. Two families ntared to Pennsylvania a week or two ag, and we may move for | be lieve it to bw one of the healthiest states in the Union, find a healthier location han tha With best wishes for COURIER, and { repre. ale broader views of , oa 5 di soon, hat aot oat : 3 5% FAS Ad 3 ever axpeet to tia 2 HF ) 2 POs the enterprising sents, 1 ams sn ever Nineerely Yours, JOHN CU. Patrick. Pure rye or corn chop st the Patter Feed and Bockwheat Mills tf in the bay snd had a good time for ON THE PROMENADE. several days fishing, bathing, gathering sen sheila fromm the ocean shore, and the night before we loft we went out at mid-night on a floundering expedition, With torch in one hand and gig in the other we waded through the shallow water round oyster beds and across sand shoals to our hearts’ content and were rewarded by a pretty good catch | of the homely, but excellent fish, that ‘weighed from two to ten pounds, in addition to which we secured two ‘large ‘sheep heads, a fine and “wporty™ flab. immensely, an we did the fish after. ‘ward when served up hot by the ladies ‘of the party. We had all the clams Land oysters we cared for, as well as and other varieties of fish, of which the | bay is full. It was a common sight to ‘see several porpoises chasing the ‘smaller fish. These porpoiss are large, some being 10 or 12 feet in length, and as they come to the sur. face of the water they seem to turn a somersaulit, churning the water into a foam and making the amaller fish jump in every direction. On our return we stopped al what was once a thriving English and Scotch settlement, and was known during the late war as “Fort Anderson.” Early in the last century a prosperous town existed here, but all that now remains ‘of the place is the four bare walls of an old Presbyterian church and a few delapidated tombs close by, on the slabs of which the storms of a century and a half have failed to eruse the old- time epitaphs, which set forth mn lengthy deed glowing terms the virtues I don't of the silent sleepers below. now the dimensions of the old church, but if yoar M. E. church was dropped inside it, 1 think you would be able to drive around between it and the brick walls of the old edifice. Though crumbling in pisces these walls are still in a remarkable state of preservation, and are fully three feet thick. Could those early settiers, who had such anbounded faith in the future of their town, come out of the crumbling tombs surrounding their former meet- ing house, they would be surprised to find how utterly misplaced was their confidence as they gaized on the old structure in the light of its present sur- roundings. [It is a picturesque old ruin and well worth a visit. Leaving old “ Brunswick’ we steamed We enjoyed the sport Two and Two. When you come to balance up your accounts and make Sings even, you'll find that what you saved in buying cheap clothes you will lose in having to buy more of them. The good tailor suits wear twice long every time. You see you sa extra trips to the tailor's extra about a selection of goods and pay less if you come to as CALL AND SEE US. Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. Abt. WORK GUARANTEED. General Hardware Stoves, Etc, up the river to the famous plantation Tin, Copper and Sheet known as “The Orton,” the finest rice plantation on the river. Here we went Iron Work. and see for yourself company's store on Magee avenue. | quested to call at the office of James Ay For information inqaire of James Mellon, September 6th and Tih from Mellon. ‘9a m. till 3p. m. and from 6 p. m. till a an {9 p.m. for the purpose of registering Misses corset waista in all the sizes . as legal voters of Patton. at Mrs. Dartt's millinery store. : JOHN SOMERVILLE, Assessor. i ashore and wended our way up to the ‘stately old mansion, which stands on an Yeager Building i * elevation half a mile from shore, and PATTON, PA. Joux F. BROOME, Secretary. Patronize your home bakery and ‘buy your bread from Dans, oppo- | site the Palmer house. river and the rice fields between. commanding » magnificent view of the The ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers