iE Fo) ny di THE PATTON COURIER AUGUST 18, 1898. ip an RRR AR Bridge Letting! Sealed proposals will be received at : the County Commissioners’ Office, Ebensburg, Pa. nnti! Toesday, Aug- pst 23rd, at One o'clock P. M,, for the | erection of an Iron or Steel Bridge over the Mlearfield Creek near Flinton, ! Length of span, 100 feet, width of road- | way, 14 feet. Separate bids for masonry and saperstrocture will be required. All bids to be accompanied by bond with two sureties or the bond of a surety or trust company to the fall amount of the bid, as a guarantee of good faith on the part of bidders. Plans and specificatiems for masonry will be on file in the County Commis sioners’ Ope. Bids on superstroctare to be accompanied with plans and specifications. Successful bidder will be required to furnish bond in double _ the amount of the bid for faithful per- formance of contract. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bide. BEN. JONES, Anam HOSTETLER, Toman Hoover, Atte County Comm'rs. : Ino OC Liars, Ulerk. Comm'rs Ofe, Eleusburg, Pa, Aug ast 8 1888 O81 A Remarkable Care of Chresue Diarrhosa. In 1862. when | served my country as a private in Company A, 167th Penn. sylvanin Volunteers, TI contracted ehronic diarrhoea. and several prominent doctors without any permanent relief. Not long ago a friend sent me a sample bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy, and after that 1 bought | and took a 50.cent bottle; aed now I ean say that 1 am entirely cured. 1 sannot be thankful enough to you for! this great remedy, and recommend it to all suffering veterans. If in doubt | write me. Yours gratefully, Henry Steinberger, Allentown, Pa. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. w. Hodgkins. Ik is always gratifying to receive | testimonials for Chamberlain's oolie, | cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when the endorsément is from a physi- | eian it is especially so. than Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” writes Dr. RE Robey, physician and pharmacist, of Olney, Mo.; and as he has osed the remedy in his own family and sold it in his drug store for six years, | should certainly know. Por sale by | Patton Pharmacy, (©. W. Hodgkins, Ripans Tabules cure indigestion Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. ~ Ripans Tabules assist digeation, Have you been to It has given me a great deal of tronble ever since. I. have tried a doxen diffsrent medicines “There is no | more satisfactory or effective remedy Fier DICKERS IN DIRT. Deeds Recorded at TEhenshurg up te Pate Friday, Aagas 12. Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to J. C. Gould et al, Patton consideration, $150. W. 8 Donnelly et al to George M. Tibhons, Carroll, $600. James Faller to Elizabeth A. Ross, Patton, 8110. Mary E. McCloskey et al to Cone- maugh coal & roke company, Munster, $451. Barnes, Jr., Barneshoro, $100. Administrator of Jane 8. Gallagher CC. W. Williamson et al, Reade, $100. J. M. Notley ot ux © Sei Sup- ply company, Hastings, $275. Adolph Krause to Auguste Krause {iallitzin borough, $100. Steich & Motson, by Treasurer Uam- iia county, to Fred Risinger, Gallitzin i: rough, §20. simon Vaught et ux to Conemaugh «il & coke company, Allegheny, $602. Rachel Hopkins to Wiliam Hopkins, Reovie, $175 Jitin Goldy et ux to RL. Gallitzin borough, $70. Lr ge, irnagers Piente af Witham Grove, For the accommodation of persons desiring to attend this interesting ple nic and exhibition the Pennsylvania Railroad company will sell excursion tickets from Aagust 27 to September 3, good to return until September 5, inclusive at rate of one fare for the round trip, from principal stations be. tween Fast Liberty and Bryn Mawr, ‘om the Northern Central railway north of and including Latherville, and on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Di- vision east of and including Waterford. For information in regard to train ‘service and specific rates application | shonld be made to! Heket agents. Are Your Narees Weak * If they are your blood is out of order ' Yon need a nerve remedy and blood cleanser. Barr's Celery Sarsaparilla [gives the best results and has more real cures to its credit than any rem ‘edy known. Dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation will wreck the nerve ‘ous system if left alone long enough. Try this great remedy and get cured. Samples free. Large packages 25 conta. Sold only by C. WW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. A fireatl Sarpriie {« in stare for these who have not heating virtues of Gray's § It ix sold on a positive goar- {antee to cure vou, Why suffer an ir | ritating cough when you can cure yourself eusily and promptiy by this iremedy ? For sale by C. W. Heodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. iriedd the . Balsam. see the fine line of ry Goods At G.'S, Good's store? We have them. rate Prices Took for nowadays. value Are what most people If vou want GOOD > come to us yer it. IT'S PRACTICAL ECONOMY To buy Groceries at this store. ficed to price, and yet prices are the best things and sell them as Qualities never high. close to We get Cost as we can. Thomas Barnes et ux et al to John : 5Y “Ten their first Danes : pever call are not sacri- | Mary. —N HE WAB WELL MADE UF. The Conse of a Wondesful Hit Made by the Late BIN Nye. James Whitcomb Riley tells a quaint : story of his former lecturing partner, : Bill Nye. | joint mason. They had hoth heen roati. It was the opening of their cating during the vacation and were brown as berries. Nye looked mach like an Othello in his sunborned mace ap, and Riley soggested to hin th Suniion tion of some *‘ligaid white, '" a cosmetio much affectad by the gentler sex of the profession Nya sent for the preparation, and never having need anything of the kind the palm of his hand | before he filled with it and carefully smearsd it over his conntenance Thors was no mirror in his primitive dressing room, and Riley was beautifying hirasslf on the ber side of the stage The * lignid white” dries out some what like whitewash, and when Nye appears] before the andience he was a Aght to behold His head looked like a fromted top piece on a wedding oake His fare. white as the driven snow, was expressionless and blank. The andience shrieked, aml when he came off from his first selection they demanded his Lg He obliged them to howls of laughter Again he made his oxit and again was radBmanded by the up rosrions amliopen Belioving be had made a hit, be was abrmt to return was canght by the arm by Mra Nya, who eried, William Edgar Nye what bave you got on your face?’ “Nothing but ita usual expression, my dear CExprission! fright,”’ rricd his wife him to wheres there was a pbs broken lwiking glass showed him he fonked, Nye wax mortified, and catching wight of Riley, just about going on the stage, be would bave andonbtedly fol: lowed him on and been revenged but for the intervention of Mre Nye His head was soraped, combed and washed, and his next selection was read without ‘a band’'’ from the audience BIA, Fiddleaticks' Yon a OE C3 Morsover, the story is a fact and not 8 press agent's conooction ~-Detrott Free Presa MARRIAGE OF OFFICERS. The Arniies of Earope Have Varions Roles Regalnting Jt. The restrictive conditions at present m force with regard to the marriage of ofMeore in the Russian armay forbid this privilege nnder any circunistanes in the cane of officers under the age of 21. Ba tween the ages of 23% and 28 years the dot of an offleer’s wife mast amonnt to a sum representing the minimam in come of 250 rables yearly Om comparison of thea conditions with those regulating the ame qhestion in other Earopean armas it may be noterl that in the Assttia Hungarian army the pumber «f offers ath riod to contract marriage ww liniited by a ed proportion assigned to each grade, and, theses totals being reached. all for. ther marriages must be deferred pend ing the occurrence of vacanciss in the married establishments The Italian army reguistions, which fix the income of the Sancee at a mini mun of froan 1200 ta 2, 000 4 & appear to be more rRtional operation. Dalian oCleers piv & sane thix law, with rt ber of marriages (CORrring noder softs provisions does not exceed wore than an eighth of the total Lanter, sven eighths of the officers belt nuited so der the cvsditions of the religious cere momy only, sand thus exposing them slvea to all the inconvaiionoes whi h attend a marriage not pecignized by civil law Similar disatslities would now ap pear to be incurred by Ruossian officers and suggestions ave been made by the press in Huwda that a general revisioa of the law ix becoming necessary The question is assumihyg sane buportince from the fact that Ruowsian ofeers remching a total number of nearly 40, O06, represent oom of the most impor: tant classes in the state, — Brooklyn Cit teen ¥i ER Axia Yer et s roanalt rhat tise The Tascher. Oma canse of the low stunding of teacher's calling is lack of extended professional training. Professions easily etitered are not aenally highly respect ed The medical profession has been cited as an tilustration Not long ag when one could be a phvsician without special training, the profession was not hy sat} very highly esteemned. Now, when ex tended training ts demazsded both by public opinion asd by law, the profes sion is respected as one of the highest In like manver the teaching profession would undoubtedly inoriase in favor were training of a high order demand: el In fact, we find the respect fur the profession varying in different countries | and in different grades of the school almost tn direct matio to the education and professional raining re quired of candidates —Forum Pidu't Call Her Mary. It is said that the pative servants in Hawaii used to call their mistresses by Au English woman of stroug will determined on ber arrival ind#lopolala that ber servants shoald her Mary and instructed ther carefully in the prvsence of her husband One day, when she had visit ors, her cook put his head in at the drawiog room door and politely 1o- quired “What vegetables for dinnee today, | my love!’ He had heard her called that and proud of remembering not to say yew York Tribune A OS HOA BA BN Braving a Risk. “I told you I would not marry you, | Why do you keep on asking me?’ “1 want you to understand that I'm mot afraid of your changing your mind." > Regard : tn the stage when he nd leading - Your money refunded if vou not satisfied with the goods vou purchase at Your money rciunded if are not satishied with the goods you purchase at our store. Are Our store: vy Devon nd Bie Prahte pane’ 3 TIE eS, atid Dig routs can't exist. v AACA Wn Mave ore tha verde and sy Ne +L ! CASE we Nave i i iit db His Ata axe Lie prices that SWAN EN 3 PLEXDID , Trusty, Serviceable Goods, that , ; wun} sn ¥ os a: the people's money Showing of Reliahl Rich Men's are Qualities at Poor Men's Prices. A superb Assortment, vhick ten Yon rd nis ¥ \ super includes everything new and desirable for the SEASON. All Departments are freshly stocked for the popular and desirable goods made. % - ¥ ¥ - Come to us for anything you may need and get 1t at a price you can afford to pay. New goods for every day wants; uty of them; the latest ple R80rime grades and Sty les and best a Ts ” Nit a ay aA grat 3d : Wow on . SEW Can Dies . TE yx gy +31 a} Ty . Yn ta 1 Examination will show that STOCK 18 especialy * “ yy g oy RR % kh atts ren yd Pe EX Law > 3 A £3 i118 we Nothing will ’ " whist uf a ok ir enormous stock of Men 5, so oroughly mm st + : ax jo * sg we 4 x vires and ti ¥ * OW BY convingee i AL, an the mspection of 0 * Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Dress Sool + 5 ! La wr bs EiN . Telescopes. nspect Us! riticise Us! Know Us! save WE yay Sede Blind FY atc ad ans, Larpets - And Vou will ind we vou Dollars. deal tar and PENNA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers