The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 18, 1898, Image 7

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    jarm Weather
: Weakness i guirkly oversome by the
totiing and hlcod enriching qualities of
Hood's Samapariiia. This great medi-
spe cares that tired fesiin £17000 re
gulekly as the sun dispels the morning
mist. It avo enres pimples, bolls, salt
beam, scrofula and all other troaties
originating in bad, impure blood,
00 nd’s Sarsa-
" Greatest Medie ing
$4: Kix foe $3
md atmo iri
Wood's Pilis cure Hilionsness, foastige ation,
Ty ctr. No fits or nervons.
news after Best day's use of Dr Kline's fireat
Nerve Hosta £2 trial hottie and treatise
free De BH. Rion x uh. 0 Arch Re Phila bs
Mr, Winslow's Soathiog Ry sup forehildron
teeth ing, sot thie grr, red noes in furs
Gon, nimys ia, carm wind colic, Re.a bottie
The Hank of England contains silver
ingois which have lain in Hs vauits
sinc 1696,
Beanty ts toed Dees.
blood mea a n skin. We
without it. ag pred hin andy Cathar:
tie ¢ your biol and ¢ it clean, by
Harring up the lazy live fiver and ¢ iriving ail im-
ies from t be } En Jo today to
Brat pimilen, wekiy bios wie ve A Aid
beauty for ten conta
Be Swaranteed, 0c, 23¢
The Inrgent enciosure for deer in sald
40 be the Royal Park in Copenhagen,
of 4.200 acres. =~ =
No-To Bae for oe Fit) Cont:
Guaranteed tobmece habit core. makes weak
wn rons. toed putt 800, 81. AU drusgisie
Marketing Early Pota'e o~
To those who are unfamiliar with pov |
tato growing. the high prices which
early potatoes comimand might seem to
make it an obieet to dig a large part of
the ¢rop and market it while the price
fs up. But there are several drawbacks |
in warketing potatoes early. The
weather ts hot, and while the skins of
potatoes are tender, they will rub off |
“thelr Jackets if handled freely, and the
. hem of the skirt,
Some Pretty Maslins.
Some of the prettiest masiins of the
season are of gray or of black and
tom has bean widely followed.
acoustomed to ont-door exercise, and |
macia wretched by confinement in-
- white made with frilled fichas, which |
fall in long ends to the waist or the
made np over
| Tope.
A preity gray one |
silk and
¢ frilled with black lace had the long
* fichu effect, and when worn with a
droopy hat of black
trimmed with white and pink roses,
ducing flesh
face straw
completely eclipsed the host of pink
and bine and other paie tinted gowns
| present.
Satin a Favorite Material.
Satin has again come into nse for |
‘ evening gowns, and a decided in- |
novation 1s that it i= now permissible |
| for young girls, to whose freshness its |
| severity is certainly mont becoming.
F ATgirl who looks biowrzy and rather |
milkmauly iu 8 muslin becomes a
. charming Hetie when
| draped with heavy, glistening satin,
. which, in such a case, should be but |
little tritnmed. For older women and |
young married women there ara fitted
flonnces to wear with these satin’
. gowns. They are made of monsseline
de soie or talle, most elaborately em-
. broidered with chenille, paillettes or
: vther rich effects. These donnses,
| with blonse trimming to match, may
be bought separately and applied to
f "ny toilet,
pee are theo almost sure to rot.
w ther are never sent far or in |
In digging potatoes
Jarge auantities.
early there is great waste, as only = |
Pheri : yi relia of Mayflower days of which they rs ep
are justly prond. Mrs. Faran's is go DOSIOERS and i,
few of the largest are of marketable
‘size, and those that will sell would |
grow still larger if left a few days
longer fu the Hill.
Row Muon Flo a Be Miserd
“Henrietta,” sald Mr. Meekin, “do
pou think you'll miss me?"
She looked at him io surprise and
“When I have Fone to war™
“Mr. Meekton” she answered, *1
have had reason for resenting a great
many things, but | am willing to own
that If Spanish marksmanship Is such
hat you are inissed in the war as often
a8 1 will miss you at home thers won't
# be aay risks for you whatever!”
Origin of Goldfish.
fare ‘Mount Tslentsing,
a prevent to Mme. De Pompadour.
iA | Warship of Vast Cost.
| THe pew British battleship Implace-
; ‘ble $8 10 cost over $5,000,000, the largest
sum ever spent in the building of a
man-of-war. Tha armor plates alone
eat $750,000 and the guns Beary
to the originality and
of the combination, but also
| by ‘scientific processes
the Cassronxia Fro Synce
and we wish to impress upon
new of purchasing the
original remedy. As the
1a Fio Svace Co,
Kgwlodge of that fact will
¢ hi etendied of the Cavs
St. 4
will 0 September Gth,
Nine Free on Application to
. closer,
| latter.
| the box, midway between bottom and |
| the corners of the box.
| other across the top, like a cover, and |
| sew it firmly to the edges
. the box sits upright on toilet table and | ht SN a
| hairpins are trust through the loose | Ath pradigality.
| uetting, their points will be caught in |
: the finer meshes of the second net
below. Any tiny ornaments, in the
Two Mayflower Relics.
Mrs. J. J. Faran and Mrs. Robert
i Hosen. of Cincinnati, Ohio, both own
. box of boxwood, almost bisek with age, |
and abont the cover are leaves and |
. flowers inlaid in other woods vividly |
: eoloved. This box is in excellent pre |
| servation, and but for a deep crack
- secross the top might have been kept
‘in & glass case all these years, [It isa
| tradition in the Faran family, that
. this little glimpse of Puritan precision
- was brought over by a Mayflower an-
| oestor, in which to keep her caps from
| the ravages of the salt sea air during
: the voyage. Mrs. Hosea's Mayflower |
| relic is & piece of a gown worn daring
- the voyage seross. It is of homespan,
faintly stamped in tiny clasters of
| delicately tinted rosebnds, The edges
Fn nse
Bodies Trimmings.
The old-fashioned aerophane trim.
ming is coming in again; snd it has
| a pink tulle, forming flat flounces in |
| converging lines, alternating with
classically |
i and the economy
or to a limited aren, nse the
Practisad with pradence,
other form of exercise, it is said,
eqnal to it in its beneficial results,
accomplishes greater wonders in re.
~ Harper's # Bazar.
The Charm of a Biack Har.
What a wonderfal charm there
about a black hat!
| home to the hearts of many women
{this season.
If yon can have cnly two
hats pee season, always let ons of
them be bisck, and if one chapean is
all yonr circumstances allow every
three or six months, then be wise and
choose it black. A black hat is like
charity —it covers such a multitude of
little wins of omission and commisnion
Prombs of roses,
indress, and itisalways distingnished-
looking and becoming, Ths long-
headed woman, who shops with
orders her hat all black
and dashes in whatever color she pre-
fers in the comb of lowers undarneath
| the rear brim Now, if yon drop in
at any progressive millinery stadio
you will find for =ale many of these
violets, ete all pre
pared to either pin on your haar bs.
fore yonr hat goss on or task to tae
i back of
| bands of silver, a thick rache at the |
hem. The embroideries are perfectly
wonderful. White mirror velvet ia
covered with rich orchids, carried out |
_in chenille and paiilettes and padded |
: #0 that they stand up in the boldest
relief. Another has padded flowers in |
. blue velvet, with black centers,
lined with gold.
figures in many of the embroideries,
ont |
Cold tissue on cloth
i Most of the bodices are made fall, while |
' some are swathed to the figure with |
pean de sole girdles in green, manve
aud light corn eolor and other delieate
tints. Some of the low-cut waists are |
covered with a lattice work of black |
poses entire bodices or forms the full
front ard short sleeves.
A Hairpin Holder.
In the bottom of a square or three.
' sud heavy for ballast, as a pasteboard |
. have been carefully fringed, and the lengthens
: i are of Ch origin. | “sample” in wonderfully preserved.
re originally found in a large lake
and were
brought to Europe In the seventeentd |
‘eentury. The first in France caine as
{ing able from right to left.
been applied in a sharming fashion to of silk and
the hat with a fow stitches,
Here we have a great convenisnce,
‘for itis not every amatenr miliiner
who knows how to work up a floral
comb or cache piegue with the proper
and it is on the
i bttie finishing tonches that a hat de.
| pends for ita chic expression and an
‘air of tidy completeness,
No More tha» Pin Cashion,
The return of needlework an a fine
art sad fashionable pastime accounts
| for the unusaal array of pretty fancy
articles that inorense as the season ad-
vances. With the passing of the pin-
tray came the revival of the pin-
cushion. The monotony of its old.
time pillow form is“ relieved by the
most decided departare possible in
contour. The ultras smart pinenshion
is a roll that can be spanned between
the thumb aud first finger, hut it
indefinitely sometimes,
reaching ont the {ail Limit of the dress.
It is of
rich sik, delioately embroidered or
{ hand. -painted, and finished all round
with double and even triple frills
Iser. The varthing fad
has invaded the piscushion ranks,
and silk and satia covers are overlaid
with dainty folds of silk masiin that
{frequently have profuse decorations of
their own. A searle! satin onshion of
(this Kind bas 8 monssshine dn sce
cover edged in lsce and decorated with
a hand. paisted rose and leaves of na-
| tural size. Delicate silks are draped
in white net ran with narrow ribbons
caught here and there with elasters of
long-looped bows. The fall table
length pincashion, which is more a
matter of ornament than utility is the
central figure of a set, the smaller
casuions preserving the general form
| of decoration, but ranging in size to
| very minnte patterns, devoted, hiv the
. velvet, and finely shirred tulle com. Way. to little ribbon pans. Lando a
: Maal,
Fashion Notes.
Hats that turn abraptly off the lace
‘ ave among the very fashionable wiyles,
. cornered box place something small
box four or five inches deep might
‘ be made top heavy when laden with |
Knit or crochet tec]
long hairpins,
pieces of open work the size of the
box mouth, one eof coarse,
The embroidered patterns in dregs
lengths are very elegast and tempt.
Raches, fuids asd rows
velvet ribbon are used for
of narrow
Fs +
silk, and
i shirring and tacking io varions widths
oom |
meshes, the other somewhat fiver and |
Secure the finer piece inside
| top, stretebing it across and sewing
using a» finer needle for the | +, oqually as fashionable cs those
arranged to curve upwards as they
- the corners of the knitting well into
way of shells and stones, can be put
on the sides of the box by pasting one
i side at a time with warm, hquid
glue, placing the shells, ete, there.
on, and leaviag to dry before orna-
dry and firm paint the four {or three)
sides i glue or mucilage and
sprinkle thickly with table salt.
Une Way ot Getting Thin.
The glory of having discovered a
her normal size. She coald not walk,
ness, either to ride or to enter into
ont-door sports. One day she thought
of the skippiag-rope of her echildhocd
After a few weeks’ practice she began
to gain in health and to decrease in
dred skips. As she exercises several
sam total of ber day's work, Her cas |
the other sides. When all is
of a usual means of exercise must rest
with the wife of an English officer in |
As sometimes happens after a |
long illness and its subsequent eoa- |
finement, this lady found herself, when |
able #0 move about again, almost twice | OF
Ntretels the
nor was she able, through nervous.
tout-of oor
| points, waves, chon,
for light wools,
Flounees put on straight all aro:
are earried towards the back of tha
Ribbon in faille, satin, ganze, grena-
dine, moire and velvet, in rows,
sli i: ler
used witis
knots and streasess, os
The silky Heuriettas and French
and India ewshmeres in white and
colors are regmning the place mn
fashionable favor which they lost when
dull-surfaced, rough materials fist
became so popular.
A striking-looking red pean de soie |
gown has the neck cat square, and |
edged with black mousseline de soie
raching, the rest of the bodice being |
a plain blouse, fastened under the arm
with invisible hooks.
The nary and army blue serges,
foalards, mohairs and light-weight
which the season bas produced.
The princesse robe, cat on
familiar, strict lines, and not elab-
orated with handsome laces, drap-
berthas, and other decorative
modifying additions, 1s not suited
WRAr, wevaer gracedul
Cand correct it may be for the house,
: ulie
| imaginable.
| princess
She makes a daily record of six hun- |
A costume of dark blue walvet is
of the
The hody a ful
over a guimpe,
made of silk mnsiin shirred on cords
Women |
doors |
skipping |
Hy $
This artistic truth |
are getlung
way of getting thin and of keeping in | C0Stume cloths are made into stylish |
good condition when one is deprived | tailor costumes for traveling and gen. |
! eral wear, that bold their own against |
all the endless smart and nove! gowns
coolest-looking dresses !
8 among the best.
Wala is
. The muslin is in creams color aud the |
times a day, her record represents the |
cords are of pink, the effect being ex.
' coedingly pretty as well as novel,
tender of
Frer regret
CY 10
bye this
esk, mads
of quarter.
sawed oak or
tinmbod in
pexiinhed, Jt
ead: ten Tb
in, high
fr. wile, Bin.
Pevioeind mir
por. Retail
Pres $0
Our mammoth jpenerni cataingoe,
the great bovpsehob) edacator is msl
{rea an request, Chir Clothing cate
igre and irith samples is also mat
1 free. Exprossuge paid on ait huni
Owing toan overprs CA
duction at our Bait SAREE ZD
more mii, we are of.
fering many specials
this month. Our Car
fet eatslogue iy hand
inted colors is yosirs
or the saking, This
MOnth we sew Carpets,
furnish wadded fining
Tree, and Sar {freight
on sil $8 Carpst pur
chases and over, Ad
dress (axatly as below:
‘ Dane Offered Ready-Made for the Deas
perate Literator,
A novelist in Bostas do not laugh
there are sovelists in Bewton, ves, and
aetunily living hersoosaid Us
other day. "If I ould ouly flad a pio”
Here is a plot for Bim free of charge,
and the story i= a {rue one
In 1730 a lady a»
Into RBirmingha Engiand, with a
handsome sqgaipage. and desired the
landlord of fan to
band, iw pied fo marry some
body or other before abs laf
The man bowed and r ia
dyship to be in 8 facetin imor, but
Deding made sens ble how moe she wis
fa earnest, he went out a search
man that wend marry a fine
without axkiag questions. After many
repulzes from poor fellows
pot desperate enough for such & von
ture, he met with ao sxcise man,
said he “vould pot Be in a we
fionn than be was
went with the innkeeper and made a
himself, which was all
bad to bestow on the lady, who mime
dintely went with Bim to one who gave
them a license and made them man
and wife an which the bride ATE Ler
Ppouse (200 and without more delay
left the town and the hridegroom
find out who she was or unrid
range adventure Roan after she waa
gone two genltiemen came into the
town in full it of Ler; they had
traced her so far upon the road, and.
fading the inn where she had put ap
they examined inta all the particulars
of her conduct, and on hearing she was
married gave up thelr pursuit and 1
ed tack.
Truly a noble dame. one worthy of a
full length portrait In the gal lery
structed by Thomas Hardy,
Why did this nolle dame offer her
poll to the Srst comer? And
the respectable males of the
hack ward?
a the
real lady came
the her a how
fawn 8a
BEER Was Bo iat of wean
Whe wers the phirsgers? Dud abe
ish by one sudden mareiage to ese pe
one deliberately sontrived and
pant? Wax the eveise man
fellow in spite of his abtesr ¢
Jitd she ever see hin ag
that she
the world and Fred with hig?
Laps the men of &
baunted him: perhaps It rauesd Him
doughty deeds. [1's a1 pity hat
Hardy has net accounted for hor sot!
and her fate with Lis grim irouy.— Hos
tou Journal
] twlty
avd i Tye
Prat ow
$d Bot hey
Tot ug
Ever Have » Pos 1 Bather Yom
rade sat Fay Bb
: i ae By
Deut Tebaces Spit sad Smohs . Your Lin Awwy,
To quit tobaenn easily and forever, be mag
setie fad of Life serve und vig
Bae, the wonder worker, thal makes weak men
strong. All drugeisia, 0c or fl. Cure poarsse
terd Pookiet and sumple free Address
Seriing Remedy Co, Chicago or New Yuk
hav deviated
&.0%8 vears
The Chinese
*oopm ot
won of
Pr whol
pearis and sponges
Te Care Constipation Focever,
Tako Quteure's Cagdy Cuatharte le orSe
It C CC tail weure, druggists refund mone
A huge surdial made af
plants and Sowers adorns south
Park, Chicagye The standard = his
ensts the shadow iu also decks ow
Bowers, and 3 made to resemble a gi-
gantic sar of corn.
Payable semi-annually at the Globe Trust C
These bonds are a first mort x
a Lnalls Are Gat
of & |
lady |
wha wera |
wha |
arse rondt. |
and sccordingly
Fle tas
why wore
r. fake NeTo
Where Fingers Are Clavesy.
The countries where the long finger
ratl 13 most affected are Kiam, Assam,
Cochin Chins and Chins The ap
proved length varies from three or four
{to twenty-three inelies. A Riatness ex-
| quinite permits the unfis ou Liv Angers
{to Brow to such an extent (hat his
| hands are practically useless. The ar
iNtorraie whn sy these nalls can
dress thommselved ur even
amiese hold the long Anger nati
Pin the same reversnse Bild
family tree. Many of them never have
their nails from the dav of thelr
coirth. On the fies finger the nall is of
monderate length threw or four inches
while on the oiler foagers the nalls
grow occasionally The
Fthmamb nail, which ailoves] fo
grow long. after reashing a oortaln
§ Bngth curves ground Hike a corkscrew,
Io both China and Raw (he owners
[of long nally wear mela] cases over
| them to preserve them, made of gold
or siiver, nnd While long
regarded as singular in
| China, rarely net with except
on fanatirs and pedantic scholars
| Among the {akies in
i peculiar custom jx that of holding the
i band tightly clench] and in ole posi
: tion so long that at last the nails grow
; Si the palm. smerging ut the
back of the hand and growing thence
j P slmost to the wrist
i | muscles refuse to apport the am any
{longer ir is bound in position with
In Nubla the long nal
. Indicative of good breeding Ths ars
[ porrats constantly subifect thelr Anger
EHos to sedar wood fire to nw
: lands
{ 3 the head
: ire sxe
| feed
The Si
Ws the
to two feet
tw Alas no
je sweled
they are
inhabitants of ‘the Marguesas
ATE AONE THe Bost SXDErt tal
pa the fingers and the toes
from teedia, The
arpsmentsd with | ttmost
Pears all The fingers havi
PRIIPTH, RO Gand would ook as
hough locased in oa right Siting glove
were it not for the dnger nails of enor
mau length which ent plete the hand
| adornment of the wealt hier aatives
Washing Mitk Vossels
Ail through the warm weather par
hod care is needed to cleause ves.
sontained miik. If any
particle of milk is loft in the crevices
ar corners of semselw. it will sour and
alfect any milk thar is af
Leal Many people no cleaning milk from
vousels wash frst with senldiog
hot water This na mistake The hot
wR es comguistes the albumen,
‘eausing 1 to stick more closely lo the
| sides of the vessel If 0 he of tid the
souring of the milk soou sats thmugh
the coming of tin, and canses roast on
the fron beneath It. What we cail tin
is iron with a very this tia coats
ing vane! is #1 for long 13s,
4G {An the rn
the more
bumen, made
repaires hard
The right way
Tay pivemer leeviny
and then weald
wrais 1580
sole That hinve
Ni SU h
Ly Bot water and milk,
hing 1a ren
“lean EY
weil with eold
the. to de
i¥ vi
A He 8
wa er,
The ondd Hay
BiG Reward Siod
IER Ww ¥ a
want fet reir iesy
wT apparition | foe
To Care A Cold In One
Take fagal
viii Par Eds
Edaeats Your Rawels With Cosearata,
LS $e 3 eH Pus any % #
Fie, ws. iC £ i
a a Te
AW x ¥ S34
Fai Fado
property of an Industrial C ompany located close to Chieago.
The Company has been estab
increasing business.
The officers of the Comp: any are men of high rep
business ability.
Com pany are r rurel
A few ot th One bonds ¢
accrued interest,
For security and a larg
€2 Exchange Placa, New Yo i.
ame into our hands
purchased them several years ago,
ital won,
They have made so great a success of this bn
Vy ever flered &
wo ie,
We offer them in
interest rate these Industrial Ben
First-class bonds and securities of all kinds hought and
wesr through aod all |
oagniated al |
Hindoimian 8 i
When the wasted | vv
¢ it all troubles hare pone
nh a a
Mra. Pinkham Relieved Her of Al
Her lor Troubles.
Mra Mave B. Bascocx, 176 Second
St, Oramd Rapids. Mich | had ovarian
tronble with ts attendant aches
and pains, now is weil Here
ars her own words:
! ‘Your Vegeta
trim Componnd has
made me fool like
# DEW Dereon.
glare | bes
nn taicing It
was aii ron
down falttired
de, and sueh
y ali the time,
i andeonid not
Sieey well
nights Tal
in had ovarian
Erouble. Through
advice of »
I began
ese of Lrdia B.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound,
and since taking
My ruonthly
| sickness used 16 be so painful but have
¢ not had the slightest pain sins taking
1 i= regarded an |
your medicine. I cannot praise your
Vegetable Compound too muck. My
: husband and {riends see such 4 change
1 mpm.
Are ’ pool | um !
Pe 4 x 5
4. ard not even the rrown
ung their own §
sip a
ove It.
Vim 1% 0
lished for many years, is well known and doing a large 3
esteemed for their hovesty
1sine=s that t
during the hard times
A A His i SAR
Tonle Ao mae h better ud have
SOMme Aolor | Bet
Mra Pinkham inv tes women ‘who are
Ll to write to her at Lyan, Muss, for
advice, which is freely offered.
non r &
1 in th
weok my wife wis frantic with
Two nye. she trigd some of Four CASCARRTS,
snd they relieved the pain in her head *
immediately. Wa lors recommend Cum... cote."
Pitsburg Sato & Degosit Co Pubury Fg 8
rerward adds |
Holt 4 and go
inte 5 we
HA A vis
any {|
have !
os Best.
Other Mo trig at]
Lew Pr
§ w wes
2 Lgl mina ian = ny
CO AscoLp: 4
ila golden Ea tas
WEEE wn bet
"aay Tow
¥ TANTEI «sem of hat hiodlh thar BI PANS
wili Got ‘eset Sacd 5a Bee Higbee fond
Ca. >
Do You Know That There is Seisnce in Neatness 7
Be Wise and Use
Ompany, Chicuro, Ii.
ize upon the entire plant, including buildings, land a
} othes
the bonds of this
issues of FLUO. each
ds are recommended