VALUE OF BATTL THE EFFECT OF THE CANNONADING AT CERVERA'S DEFEAT, he Resistance of Thick Armor—Value of | thie Battienbip~Impertance of Having No Woodwork—Short Time the Span. tarde Were Under Five. Aw officer on an American veusel gives his observations about the effect f battle on warships, made during the with Cervera as follows: The re- English guns. Still the ly wes an i one. big shell also struck the or line, just a few feet aft of the t one, and made a clean hole in the ¢, it exploded, but the pieces some of the Spanish ships ould not have been inflicted Hi ¥ ec ‘the Spanish ships were un- our fire before something hap- d that demoralized the crews. It show that every man on the t bo so trained in his duties nows exactly what to do in cise of accident, for there will be no lime to wait and summon assistance. well | iviee for the | The valine of colfer dams was can- einsively shown by the swelling np of the ceflulose so that it closed the six. inch hole. One of the great dangers to be avoided was shown great number of the wounded were lsid out by splinters rather than by the fragments of shot or shell. Steel splinters were very bad. If one conid get a ship that was absolutely splinter- long stride in the direction of the lickable.” A AI 4 RSA The Boundaries of the United States. i his recent visit to this country told the following story: “I'm as heartily American as ever, i snd believe more than ever ‘manifest destiny’ of the United States, or perhaps | should say that the belief I have held firmly for twenty years has been confirmed. historian and suthor, said in one of his famous essays on American politi- fally as the years by.’ ner illustrates the idea. the United States of America first speaker said: ‘Here's by the Dominion of Canada, on the west by the Pacific.” received. ““The next speaker said: “Here's setting sun.’ followed this description. by the process of the equinozes, on the east by York Press. Od Insurance in Teelund. 5 A 3 SAAT a the old Icelanders: burned down. One is the women's sitting room, aun- % room or the hall insared. shall all the hangings, t cans for the rol conditions. The latest ingenious de- former purpose is a ten-inch shell that has bydrogen for the explosive. The inventor is Chemist Waiter T. Porbes, and he an- nounces that the anthorities at Wash- ington will give his shell a trial. In oe it is similar to the gas tank in the ordinary soda water foun- tain. Hydrogen can be exploded 1 fire, and as the pressure in the shell is about five thousand to the square inch, thus making it impossible to keep a fuse or percussion cap in place, Mr. Forbes was confronted with the dificult problem of design- ing some way to set the gas off. This shell. Mr. Forbes says that tue five thou. sand | : re is multiplied in- stantly, when the shell strikes, two { hundred-fold, thus giving the enor. { mous explosive foree of one million pounds, which would annihilate every: thing within many yards of the spot that was struck. The inventor says that the sheil weighs about one-tenth as much as the regular ten-inch shell, and can be made for about one-twentieth the cost of the other. II Mr. Forbes isn't at fault in some way abont this inven. tion of his he will doubtless find tial he has dove much to avert war by making it too dangerous a fanetion tu be splinters. A “When the third speaker rose he x of ripping Port os dig i said he was loath to confine himself to | aeans of bringing Pavsy His dogs the restricted limits of his distin. | gaished compatriot, and ventured to give more scope to the boundaries in- | dicated by proposing that all present United States, bounded on the north | by the surora borealis, on the south ‘device is the only secret about the proof and fire-proof, it would be a’ CURIOUS FACTS. A certain Chinese flower is maid to | be red in the sunlight and white in the | in on 4 BATTLESHIP PENNSYLVANIA In the Bank of England there are | a : moonlight. many silver ingots which have min nn- touched for nearly 200 years, There are three times as many mus cles in the tai] of » cat a» there are in | the human hands and wrists On the west and sonthwest of Koren the tide rises and falls from | eleventh century. ideal something unsinkable snd an- | Henry Norman, of the editorial staff | of the London Chronicle, while on twenty-six to thirty-eight feet. Stockings were first used in Before that bandages were nsed on the feet the cloth A Michigan man has in his posses | sion a piece of hard tack basen: | sued to him as 8 part of a ration dor. | ing the Civii War, in the A Kansas recluse who died recently ' at Olathe bequeathea a dolar to each | of his fftcan brothers and sisters, and : 3,000 to a chinreh in Sparts, 11 My belief in | ¥', what my good friend, John Fiske, the | Appleton, Me. showed 360 grains. and | this was taken as an indiealion that i § i ¥ tra » | onl ideas, ‘establishes itself most grate- | he tree wa i old. pass » i 5 “The stonp he told of the Paris din- Tt was a din. ner given by the American residents States Marshal . I {of Paris, you remediber, in honor of complaint against » ¥ brotam | some achievement of American diplo- | *hooting at my mother. ‘i macy. The toast of the evening was | The | to the United States, bonnded on the north | A hemlock tree recently ent down in nearivy four captures | A Bionx of the Rosebud Agency, Sonth Daliota, wrote to the United “f want to make for He massed her at least a foot A shepherd in Chambery, Savory, employs a horse instead of a dog to keep the herd together. The horse | nnderstands the orders given him and south by the Gulf of Mexico, on the | east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the | It was heartily | carries them ont ss intelligentiv as the best-trained dog. #iFarly man used to be able to wag | bus cars as an indication of pleasure | | or to brush away flies from under his back hair. bnt as the muscles were | not brought into continnal assy they became radimentary. to the United States, bounded on the | north by the north pole, on the south | by the south pole, on the east by the rising sun, and on the west bythe Tamultaous cheering | to ‘the | are tiny Porte Rico Dogs. “I prophesy that the war will be the into this conntry,” said a New York merchant whose business ix chiefly | with the West Indies. "You don’t know what a Porto Rion dog is, do | youn? 1 suppose mot. | have only | se06 two of thew in New York. Porto | Rico dogs are not Spanish at all, bm aboriginal. I have been told thet they : : are mnch the same as the long haired primeval chaos, and on the west by the day of judgment.” "New | alen of Mexico, and | believe the breed is still found io Santo Denungo. They little creainres with siky | white hair, all except & tan patch on | one ear at least, all 1 have seen have In the time of the oid republic, the | | golden age of Iceland, every yeoman farmer was by law compelled to be a member of a mutnal insurance society. | The method by which compensation for loss by fire was made is thus ex- pisined in Gra-gas (name for the laws prior to 1262), and is a striking proof | of the thoroughly practical views of been marked that way, and what makes them particaniarly interesting is that, secording to the learned, they are the descendants of the pet doge of | the aborigines of the Greater Antilles It seems strange that the race of aborigines should have been so com pletely wiped ont and ther pet dogs should survive. Bat | have bean told | that when the Spanish first landed on ““Thers are three houses in every man's dwelling, for which compensa. tien may be obtained in event of their Ta leelsudic dwellings each room was a separate building, snd so is called a ‘house.’ 3 { other the common sitting room, and i the third the pantry, wheres the wo- men prepare the food. If a man bas | both a sitting room and a ball, theuat | the Jamaica. Spring assembly he shall choose | whether he will rather have the sit- ting I" there is 8 church or chapel on any Santo Domingo they used to see the natives going about with thesn little aleos on their shoulders or in their | bosoms. “If the baman beings that kept them were anything like their pets as 1x generally the case, they must have been a kindly, affectionate people . I have heard of one of these Porto Rio dogs that was given to a little piel in The ecbild sickened of a | fever and the dog would come and liek her face and Lands at regular intervals during the day. When the child died the dog lay for a long time | with its muzzle close up to the little | . dead band and whined pitenauly when | | the hody was taken away for burial, | . They teil me that a trae Porte Rico | i dog will not let itrelf be made the pet | {of a whole family, bat will attach oo | self to one person always and #ill not | | other pet. i have allow that one person to bave any next winter our sailors will | ght back a goodly aamber “B {of Porto Rico dogs as presents for | their sweethearts, 1 expect, and then | every other girl you meet will have reckoved slong with it | is in China. si a A es maa one for a pet, jnst as now every other | girl lias a navy bat nbbon or a lot of United States buttons Then the pugs will be deposed. "New York Nan, : : pias nh - ERG N DRI SOS GF ARUY S The Oldest Obgervatory, The oldest observatory in tho world | Centories and centuries | | before Earopeans constructed astro- The activity displayed in inventing destruction of haman ot jen i . highest valine, and they were known pomical icstraments of metal thin | observatory had metal iustraments of | ‘ to be hundreds of years old in 12379, The instruments in the Chinese ob- | servatory are marvelous works of art, | and their beauty and boldness of de- | sign could not be duplicated to-day. | . The observatory itself stands higher | than the city wall, and is square in shape, thejbeantiful astronomical in- | straments standing on platforms with | no shelter, trae to the Chinese dea of | doing things bycontraries. Entrance | to the observatory from the from gate leads to a hall of rare proportions. Then comes a yard surrounded on | three sides by one storied buildings | and shaded by enormous trees. Here | are two massive and valoable bronze instruments, exposed for centuries, | bat without a flaw or sign of wear, : In the Chinese observatory is a | hage celestial globe, seven feet six | inches in diameter, having the planets | and principal constellations shown by | raisod stars in yellow bronze and xed | in their proper places on the chovo- | iate-brown body of the globe. There | are eight instruments in the observa. | tory, each worthy of special study. — | Phuladeiphia Record Carrier pigeons in China are pros tected from birds of wrey hiv a little | apparatus cousisting of bamboo bodies i thn tubes fastened to the bands with thread passed beneath the wings, | As the pigeon thes along the action of | the air throagh the tnbes produces a! shrill whistling sonnd wlueh Keeps | engage in. —Oswego (N. X.] Times, | birds of préy af a respectable distance. ; the Koy sogets mo Coltege. B- Martin Armstrong PB | Hanwerors Pee $A. Henry Hirt, Frie, $8 John Milg iN ser #4 Francis 7 Ptewn, Huntingdon FP Co heth Mark oar § Mime | erE Armstrong IX Flimvis, +332 = wend, i 38 Thomas 7 Ham raw land C Mercorasbonry to $15 ¢ The grand lodge of Masons Cand yer it ¢ Theme Whe tool Bard . Baveurees of ‘he Keyrtowe Bate Wii Foodie Ber te Entimely Conetruet (he Now Toon Benaior Quay, sand seventy ERYY department had ded 3 3 gimmie Es. the beats v4 girgcied negraed rinving. he said Wilt he deity gd Philadeiphia armored with Pitvsbarg and ar Bethisrherm Bhe wi vy end Sips mieiee RB ¥. Ta 1. Jubipwsen burg 3 Jobs frepson Jaokeon mit. Towa $1 10 Bx Cinrk MoLaughiin, North Warrsn, Warren Mare M {dns Fig FP Ouick To Withron, Muartoskes iil Wesley N Beynolds William H JEries {ale ry Penrsyis The » “TY that ped the ne stmre Pires Rie Fine ¥ James 3 Bialey Travis Sarre Washingten Prlaluview Hradiord, 7 Peightal, Mod $6 to 8 3 fie Pramas ta visrg. 3% bt 3 (yeorge = $5 =" $8 to $17 nrmsiite 2: Pitiab 1 on go warns § fon Fria Ns fy £ Frew, Smithton Fittshurg $id Weilsbunr se Bb Hantingdiy Allegheny Toa eps alter Tanbhuaes Willemsen Ear Kibet gw, 3 Hideeway, 3. geid, Fdaindh re. MM 10 Fla me Mirrie Rope Fiigabethy Parks Fre hbey Mo Keosport $4 x. eraveavitie Th ¥ i Tioga, Cems Jobs Mapiaton [hepa Mary Alexander, Pardes ira Eileen Miller Bomersel. $F Jeuls Arthur $ Foe BB Tay . Fleet viinte a Ww ow d H Buchanin, : 35 Javed formed Falvey a ri lam A $i 1 NMismray At ie bu “993 $s 31 Temvia) indiaga ¥ 1B Lilegheny BB fo §1 Shade Gap Hu Ebfpuberh Paits Mo Calan Rs # JR Erieu op » ie Alege Meson er k FULL FE, ry x 43 ove silltayaburg. 54 in Beatty, Pittsburg $10 Jaca Wo SXsgrac we of murder of "AN Adron ai SRY Tas Bomatiuel Wamers Rew citigen, wan shot in the bead a burglar while siveping wife amd young ~hiki and died BR Basra The burglar fwd n alarm was given amd i x shor? Tine a party had started In pares baavadteund Bad been trail of the aungrderss antler & Cornfetd 58 Bast there his trail was host Beery thoatoughiy raoeas ed ihe shooting. But al the 5 ay speed “as iL. BU cine ver aad $a A memiis the pl nm whieh nike Bt rhite was The laving of the cornerstone of enpitol took place @ Harvisburg premence of a large gathering. of Pounayis aud wee of (he i banriogg™ ff Laarcanter st PGT EAR Iwate fon glam wed He as the barddlers tan haste Bad Poe op Paes Be 354 $a et She TN in {he Talla were i charge nent distinguished men of the Riate Ware sremsnt To holsor the occasion, A Reavy rain during the ceremonies pit dampen the The rarsey.stone in the historic capitol de fire in Pebiruary. 185 The Budd Boonie Teil i454 ardor of i that awed St raves} hy Ries of he capitol ston jacigded State Melals the suprame nd superior members of the lagisiatare, The tlentity of the remains » moan whe was foand the woaals Bumalt township the other day i8y has sriaue design which lay with Adeietan Andrew Carissa the box as one Raving besn Jann Rbode an inthnate mayRterivasiy disipseared nearly VORTre Ag The manner of Rhoden death could mot be determined reat numbers of fies invaded the Bome of Zeno B James tear i hester, a few days age, during a siorm, and ihinling we Ki them Jarmes podred some gUNpow der on the Nomar and touched 10 oF. A can of paws dey which he Beid was exploded by the fash and his hand vas badly torn wees hy frivnnd. Wh | The es stent A CAapias was issued at Butler aga net Philip Winter, a young nian of Ale gheny lowaehin 10 recover $a das apes for alleged marriage The plainly guiston, who entered Ball of his Jdaughiosr Fear Prof. Peter Jack, a music pear Apciis, was struck by passenger train West, a3 the uther evening His skull crushed. his right hg beraken and his right hand ground off. He canner sus Prof Jack is about 3 Years in x # the sil Natiie i in hes aged 20 Togo hey Ihe way Vig age Cin Sarurday Prof. Edward purchase? at ale 5 sale for 3 valuabie tract of coal land, « AH acres in West Pike ship. Washinglon county property uf Mahlon Lien ver ard others Cie of the Rauiage cables Samers Pusl Company's mines Beileverpon, broke a few days ago whieh will cause a shutdown of several wenks Two miler of sew cable will be needed and will cost abun $5 a0 A Hghtning strokes started a Hos which destroyed the large barn rant Molivaine, In Boowersel awn shin, Washington county. Loss 5.4% principa’ty on hay and win! partially cuversd hy insurances, Javeb TT. Eshisman, £8 vears of age, an inmate of 8. Joseph's hospital ay Lancaster fell or jumped from the sec and story window of that institution Thursday and was instantly killed While hanging up a pioturys at Hrad- dock co Saturday, Mrs. Michael Hig gins. of Homestead 21 and was prob ably fatally injured by the arm of a chats penetrating ber stomach Rosing ap object on the track az night. Engineer Moyer, of the Ledigh & lackawapna Raliroad, pur on the brakes just in time to save the 47 » steeping child Wittinm Pukey, a Archbabl Lackawanna ¢ laath by a runaway the other day. Ws foot catching | Lia chain An unknown megre heen Charies Edwards in Washiat: saturday At Privebyrg. LikRawanna ogni Thopas Jones mel a terrible death oy falling 490 feel Lown 4 mine shaft hast week, iGEM Ta Thay » Feb’ % Yormeriy 5 vh ¥ 23 inIon, HH wf miineariv GRRL wt upposed to sadf Tas CL Atecnesion at the time Lb Eparatste and that ther were ax black at the age | Fal 7 mnant hs av they aver would ie this imapeschment mr boemveral { geihuamy rie Poamed emuling with shen (was the iris of a { amyw far Dor had bewn washed sheet figs the ski tx dew 1ihge Pa Aellomte SE worn dnrier | hand : heanrifal rosy ting | aps snd it | hands Aays later the main tint of the body Mores | leather : Ale baby shortly fell (31 amd wan taker Ln the hospital ! Cir wesw Been ds yx old, and by that tie ! tem color had deepened oo | #2 pom Comat mee the pew borg child | hours after birth Caf shamed skin : FC hoeoinle outer aver of skin, ls composed of "hres | films superimposed one open Yhe other, | and holding between them, in the case | Caf the negro, the roloring matter whivh | makes him brown or Mack. fudgre of © iris and | apd ln the Mangoling yellow f the : +5 3 | Inter Quran, haen sxtabiished hy a tabacoo box af | the | recognised | three ; ing. thunder | i they shonkd endeavor to | neighbors to the school, i they sbould be [ike a rain | being the englue and hls converts the | CALS i ent, | The nadve Ceply was: Posn station va Rs ‘ Ramey. | Houtedain ! Hostadale COLOR OF THE NEGRO BABIES. Freeach Physician Faye They Are Born White and Ture Hack. Ravers] yours age Dr Facabetif, pro fowsnr of histology at he Farulty of | at stated fn oa pled Ar Timms f pxactly the sme colar gs whine bables gud That they shawed signe of color only after an idterval nangily of wrveral days, ten often ox teed ing to gaany gmail tie «Bln pever grtainest Paris so Bag bhites Teg the hw Of hiesly wore o YE Anti the age of puberty This sesertion causes 3 good (deal of Eime nhyisieian whiny Badd SDART same Years It emphaticslly chtidren of Fh invariably barn Floarain it KR frica a doy iond Jertarodt thar he bine X Tas Ta Farabeu! made “Hiack babes ave i wingle reavansc or white fax: samuney a Souda ness Af whieh sunbered se Hipek 4% OY ext atinr fre nanan de Mare THe danny Hinge anodred poranne Weer Tear X pie? pen Mlignon sty dam f Ci rnY erry in tly VIER % axing the Hroos ofiroaa Thi seals tg fan gradations gle Few Tay Hig tinty x made ws of 3 Ty Be FEinnl winning inter. bigvy, thee Toning shades 2iving all the grades that replat inte A that ie Are up of hlgek coffee #3 ee any ot Rept. 19 hlgrk. penny SE rents ware oli “1 arrived iar of hirmh nn nY tail Hpht sink. soo what Lighter Than New. 24 of Braves Within n very ¥ary Ti which gradasily wean ita. ertain parts of the Wake hat. on tie fot and hamis Than i iY wuld on leugii ime amd abmindant, ner early Yi mew capt le Pe The mix! day | AA dnrker, and front (dy foot wera peshiish Ton rnrreapteied to Na whitch thar of a light tanned the SYTremE lew were hirleR ores sg ie ix wy it haseoliite fn the weenie case Ie « when it cuses were practically Hike the des It subsequent cases the peculiar of the first were confirmed: from of arbi data the nrestigntor felt jos titted tn waving i “The negro baby comes ute the warld | a tender plpk color: the sevomd day it is hae ten dass afivewand iv wthecnlor of | tanned leather and ar A0een days it in The human epiderinis granulations: in the Indian it a made of this pigment AT Figueative Speech. As sb example of The error of talking | figuratively to those who do aot appre. | Pedate, amd who are apt fo take every. ; . thing Wierally this story is worth read. | The respected superintendent of a Runday school bad told his boys thas | thelr that jw hodar | bering saving the Judge of his surprise whes per? Ran i day. the doar opened daring lessons Wrsmel of promise of ; amd a fitthe bay, making a ooise like an | {engine ran in, followed Dy bal? a doz Pen others (0 single fie al Bis back, | came to a halt before the superintend wha asked the meaning of it ail “Please, sir, 1m the engine thew's the cars” toma & Pulbury Conectng & fantors | CONDENSED TIME TABLE. In »@ect Docember 1, 1897. Esstwisp—-Week lawn AM AM NOON CTE 2 133 3 a3 am T8 3201 10a Las 119 AM AM FM Wesrwaan Weak Days. AN AR rR PO L820 11.18 Le AW Useeoia Mills 538 11.31 201 416 88 11 138 318 $00 1200 133 Le Suxpar Tears 8 Read Down. ra Bamey... .. ............ 400 Houtsdale ........... ALQ sescis Mile... ....... AN Phliipsburg . . a Pu om td Le im 348 re Usenain Mille Philipsburg. Philipsburg Ramey. Buxpay Traiws, Coxymorions— At Philipsburg { Univn Sta ton with all Beech Ureek Hallroad trains ar and from Bellefonte, Lock Haven, Wik iamapurt, Beading, Phlisdeiphin asd New York: Lawrenossii a Corning, beng Geneve and Lyons: Uleartisid, Nenatley so fatton: Lurwsasvidie, Dullols, Pongsuataws awy, Biigway, Desdiord, Boffuie aad Rochester, Al teonola for Houtzdale and Ramey with P. BR KE trains leaving Tyrone st 200 PLM GU. MM GOULD, General Hup't EE a Yhem te dares vige | I Pittskarg Kapress He | FR i Sm § Ceewbvan: (08 Patton thers wis on ox hibition | wit There gn OES gnity to Blo wr tp work {Eee Pati B00 (larerar { iplem Camighwi k § TER, Made Mos Mur arriving al tilee tw ith creat white | : ar adidrwk Thee ¥ ¢ ¥Fitsh aves. Pitttsbeivg. Ie weal, say, by pouring milk | Tie first | Collignen bad a chines 41 The | Armes with my | i examined the ohibd the instany | Irs skip wan of a the | aller § af 3 oe of {I 006000 and the Italian house nair wis sory | Wg » i dun the child again, the | Again when | oilignon did | until rwelve @ : i Trains jrrive 88 wax the color | f The thi and fourth DO ———— a — of Nix pig | ment i» semi fuld or in the form of Soe pend, Firovkios | Chteago | Pht New York pesedgers meet He | i and | TU aton Mation Mabey Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table May 16, 1908 Main Line hen Luvs Erouttio Sant wird. At oome Asooermaodation week deve Main Lim: Pyprves. dally : Altocms Anspmmdations, daily Mail Vxpryme, Satis a - Priladelpi in Expres, dail a {omwe ¢ peony West ward, Jolawtorm ti Rowson. welt dave Pacific ¥ypree, daily Way Pawerger dadly Mai! i : Fastiine, (buiiw : Jotimstown Aovven , week dave fambria and Clearfield. mort imal Maeve fesin Se Pation ad reas leaves wamwenne mi-Bes LUNE EE “HBENN CETUTUNS yews BEERBES BBERED otiten aug! p06 Maba®ry eo w | hilnek, a ] dome WER Westover oil way Fitmed sey | ETE Ng trate Bar Ups pote! (nt § Lo 4 ; ‘ Wome fast ings 1 Gurewny fhe Be Hrudiey Ju #9 Kaylee £05 arriving of (rows of £35. Northwand Morning Irels wmv Crean for Mahe Sey at ie Flweosbaien Davie Ka vier rey 3 Jame fion Br Patton 300 Gerwsr Sor Hasse fogs: 1140 Hastings Go Mahefg (130 Gam way (far Maha ®a oo ide Westover Jd0 Ie Joe 1008 Mahafey 100 artiving at Ghw arsptwil al 128 Aftereen 1mia Se Pale toes wredd Laden Cappel] lemvve Oreansn at 25 Waviar cis Flheanshaey 0% Bradley fouetiog Hosting Bo Glemn Campbell Te Garway Sw i Cowie Te Ladies Lap re For ratwier taps, sp . Sppiv to Yee Wat PAW Prag JR Worst Gon. Pues Agt NS a a 2 B Hatehinsus, somes. Myr op A WO 420 Sor . dio Royal Yearly Incomes. The total anoual income of the fmpe. | rigl family of Russia cannot be Jess than thee and a half! millon pounds storing Probably the nearest approach to this revenue is to he found in the combined (promes of the brothers | Rockefeller, the ofl kings of Americas. | which amount te two and a half mil wan suffused with Vion pounds. The Austrian imperial family posseses ao sstimated snsus! in. ome of (1.500000, the German family of Savoy a revenue of 000,000 a year. « Drarhan Observer. Rafslie. Rochester and Pittabury By. ranina’s ied pan penn Cr and after July 4 INR trainee will ave fistlowwe P Bewcls Criveie Depet, (Temrfield, on Dea om Rerncideville Accommodation, for Me of the Bows | Tmewenavilie, DaBots, Filet ree and Reyn. oddsviiin. Coapeeling at DuBois Sw Ridg- way, Mhosoabuaryg, Beading and Rochester. 8a om. Bufhio Express, fv nreensville, PmBols and Fails reek Comet wi DsBote, for Ridgway Jobasonbang, ford and Bullsio Daflois and Pauresiagesey Es prow, For DaBoie Falls Creek god Puss. slaw ey. wi. amd 2 and &9 pm Poe teeta Hone tabien and full information, Loelil an ar addres few | ail | ¥ * eng Laagvey, “awaetiger REY. Hawdionter. NX. ¥. LR Hhesdtp, x t Cieaiield Pa Beech Creek Railroad. NY C&H R R Co Lowes {sndensed Time Table. Hewd * Exp 2 wil Nod Nao po ia. Po May [5 ew P Mail wy ¢ No Enea ROESCRASUASEN NUTRI Pation Womtaver iv FS iv ERNE EY ot a . AERTS Ee wR BPE Po Mea ie Mites oh Fhillipebairg ‘5h “shy EAE Aaa SUEBESUACHARBLERNKY CoHENBESHE Mc rsmaes Winimrim Prualer faitiintown “pw Soe Bewwh « vel Mik Hail Lawl Haven Yisrugeetale Wasa Ju pey Sore Junction Jerry Shore Wil msnspmrt Hive & Rewsting ® R WitHamns por ivy Phitadeiphia sr N § vin Temagos ar 28 NY vin Phils ArH WN 9 Pm sm TWewkdnys #10 pu Sundays JH Aa om Sundays via Phils wilelphin on (E50 pas tein Thom WL Ha mspart wiil change cars at Hantingdon 3 Phila, Coane AT Wilisipsgert with Phila dedphis snd Reading mdiroad; at Jersey Shore with the Fa Jwok Ry, =t MUI Halt with teptmal Batirosd oo Prone ivania Phiipediarg with Penosyvivagia mired Altossha & Philipsburg Lotreeting mdlrosd; ax Cemre Hi with the Buhle, Hochester snd Pirsabinung mitway: al Mabey 4 | wiih Cairites apd Oleeifie 3 division of Pransvvanin milred: a! Mabsfey with Penmsyivanis sod Nath oesters miiway. A i Paimer, F. FE Herritnan, su pair pendent Gen, Pas, Agen Phtisded pling a i A. CRE aE Rokk nd ve sir heii ERASER EURILBUBYYGE i nna eee ss CEEEwswnnan td ny “ TEBoweowcmnn > as exdig esi yssunEuice lal “4m i¥ HER SW am pom amily the the Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. TD TAKE EFFECT May 231. 1399 Westward Loave Cos} Ta Toe TH - w w ¢ wv Fz Fu g® Howe ti Creek Jotwiion Man baa they faisaihesg ( Mien Watawi! Works 1 synderinng © ik Lael 1. Tharaside Prosmrnoned {slams Cmmipbedl Horton Ran © Fuller Hun LE penef Engsen Adv lod Reh eg RY resiskban ROBERTO R SWB Bb 06 BE RE Bl BE BERG Be ee Re URBELLEAREY - 2 Eastward : A . - # « ¥SpAERS Lave E oo», v ol kt Fatler Ian Horton Run Geis soon peal Prasssinoare . Baraldi Pik laek wigderiand | Works | Woe gail ¢ | falmtinirsg ¢ Mira ffi Tew hy «tek Jumwtion inion Seation (Mabie $ Fl stmt iatmtetions AL 1 nion ratirogd, © mint FF with Metiess & News of Motos HAP EAN. WW, Esrf EEE CrEEREE TRE ei * > * SExsusenncset ue ASEAN NT 2 IRB ERB EEE B EEBYEnSEABRUES o- - x »0 Maton, £ Meier notice mins will man ¢ Von sation Mahafles: and tvzen im pdaedl, A timias daily exes Sane day. =H. Hicks, Gogermnt Manmger, Mahatley, Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers