Lad Ela SE ps © Hpi PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1868. $1.00 PER YEAK. VOL. V Vv. —NoO. 37 BON TON FOR GENUINE BARGAINS, PATTON, PA 1 bought before the war tax was put on tobacco a large, __quanity and propose to give . my customers the benefit. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, i $ : 5 Kix How. Co's, ‘What You Need. 3 ! Number of taxables, 22.381 ; elearedt land, 141,490. Acres of timber Patton were in x bad condition. Bar land, 261,500. $25,845,245. Valve of real estate ex. suddenly ¢ {in that place last Wednesday night and | all trace of ber has been lost. About neighbor's with two satchels packed | campment of the G. A. R, to be held i NTERESTING STATISTICS of the Borough of Patton Takes From ‘he i Connty Table * LOCAL ND GENERAL NEWS The following statistics are taken from the returns of the assessor of { Patton Borough and which appear in the Cambria county report of all town- the “Couner” Report ¥3 Poi BORO. Cou NCL MEETS. Valne of all real estate, $269 835, Value of resi estate exempt from Fwfective Bowrd Walks are Ordered Re. taxation, $18.00G. : paired. Valice Investigation. Number of all horse, mares, geld. Patton. Pa. Aug ings and mules over the age of four Boroug + Coun 43 met | years, 48; value of sume, $1,005, IWerd iD PegLAr soAmon |” Number of meat cattle over the age ¥ith the fullowing members prement as fof four years, 45; valae of same, $875. PFT rofl ru! Hubbard Sebwid Jones Valoe of milaries and emoluments of Blair, Mel ormick and Anderson. In offices, office posts of profit, profes the absence of President Monteith W. sions, trades and occupations, $80,690. C. Hubbard filled the chair. Amount of money at interest, in. The minutes of regular mweting held elading mortgages, judgments, bonds, Monday evening, August Ist, were i notes, stocks, ete. $4,583 ‘read and approved Aggregate amount of county tax | asmenned for the last year for county by Jones, it was nnanimously osrried purposes only, $1,256.82 | that the bill of $40 for water rent at the Value of stages, omnibuses, hacks, C1y works for one year be returned ‘cabs, ete. $585. to the Patton Water company. Inthe county the report is as follows: The Street Committee reported that Acres of the board walks of the Borough of 15 F'atte QUvETdl 0 Tit 4 iT ham ® Eh werent o Value of all real estate, Ere Prindible instrocted Street Com. missioner Jones to proceed at once to empt from taxation, $1,430,230. Nom. repair all board walks in the Borough age, 6,858; value of same $163,730. a teded in front of properties of per- Namber of mest cattle over four years %0ns who were duly notified to erect of age, 6,940; value of same, $105,025 the same Amount of money at interest, includ. On motion of Jones and seconded by ing mortgages, etc., $1,893,143. Aggre- ' Blair, it was unanimously carrried that | gate amount of county tax assessed for 8 commities be appointed to investi- the last year for county purposes only, ffaie the Teport | of the Fire and Polies ote, $10,545. Police, Spangler Girt Sising. On motion of Scheid and ssconded onda ohnisto by Anderson, it was unanimously oar * ; : 3 3 — y - the fol ig Pi tie shat the following billy be acer pled Lewis, oe 15-year. od Se ter of D. and the Clerk be instructed to draw orders for the same: Patten Clay D. Lewis, manager of the Ba ‘Masufacturing Co, $969 for sewer ' pipe, per bill rendered; Hunter & ' Baaghman, $§11.72 for lumber, per bill irenndered; D. H. C. Warren, $2.88 for painting roof of tool house, John Nagle, 5c for sharpening plow. No farther business Council then adjourned to meet at next regular | meeting night, Monday, September 5th. midnight that night she appeared at a with clothing and ssked a young man at the house to drive her to Patton. He refased to do so and notified the girl's | parents of ber strange condact, but by Ward Hiie in Town. the time her father had reached the J. Ward Hile, who is well-knvwn in | neighbor's house his daughter had dis base ball circles throughout the State ‘appeared. Miss Leah, who is rather and who wis a member of tise re- ‘heavy set, with dark hair and eyes, had nowned Patton club last year, was ‘ a pleasant home, and her parents, who shaking bands with his many friends ‘are highly respected residents of in Patton Toesday. Mr. Hile, who bas Spangler know of no raason she could been holding the position of catcher have for leaving. for the Lafayette college nine this sum- G. A. R. at Clncinasti, 0 sr, has made an enviable reputation for himself in the popular Anerioan For the Wirtysecond Nasional Ex. ‘game, and was considered the star of the club. He departed for Barvesboro Wednesday to visit with his father Grier Hide | at Cincinnati, 0., September 5to 10, . 1808, the Pennsylvania Railroad com- {pany will sell excursion tickets at rate of single fare for the round trip. These Water Company Tmprovemests. tickets will be sold on September 3, 4, Superintendent E C. Brown, of the {and 5 and will be good to leave Cin- Patton Water company informed the cinnati returning not earlier than COURIER thai that company are mak- _ jBeptember 6 nor ler than September ing arrangements to lay a six inch 113 except that by depositing ticket: water main, in addition to the already "| with Joint agent af Cincinnati on Sep four inch main to their reservoir at | tember 5, 8,7, 8or9and on payment Flannigan Run which wiil greatly in- of 25 cents, return limit may be ex. crease the capacity of thesapply. The tended #0 that passengers may remain company has already advertised for st Cincinpati until October 2 bids and work will be commenced ina Miner Killed Near Clearfield. short time. While attempting to serve a warrant Maniiin Surrender. | Monday night on a Hongarian miner On the inside pages of the COURIER i i ty dinner pan i7 ca. | hin all sizes. | ‘fast bacon, lard, potatoes, cabbage, | onions, syrup, vinegar, tea and coffee, paid to cleanliness and economy. ‘cakes, soups, canned goods, spices, by J. E Kirk Hardware Co. i flour, corn meal, brooms, wash boards, oil to : and Cooking Stoves SERS yat a shine | Effie McCorkle, Miss Jay Palmer, Alf : Peterson, John Thomas. (in Bigler township, Clearfield county, can be found the very latest war news, Constable McCully, of Ramey borough, the surrender of Manilla, Pennsylvania was attacked by a gang of miners State news, Good Road news, short armed with clabs. He drew his re. story, women's world, editorials, mis- volver and fired, killing one of the cellanious, etc. Particular attention is miners. The remainder then retreated. | given to the inside pages in regard to The dead miner's name is unknown. good, fresh and live reading matter. | | onsale McCally bas surrendered | Who takes pride in her home should Anything You Wien. examine the Cinderella Stoves and Everything in the grocery line at Ranges they are made of the best ‘Cash Grocery, viz: Mackerel, herring. material, carefully constructed, with a codfish, salt sid, ham, shoulder, break- view of meeting every requirement of the housekeeper. Special attention is Sold In thelr New Store. James Commons & Sous are now | secupying their new store room in the Call and see Yeager building on Fifth avenue. The | room . a very pleasant one and nicely | sitnated for a business of that kind. A grand opening was held on Monday which was attended by many. i sweet and sour pickies, maple syrup, | canned meats; in fact everything kept | {in a first-class grocery. Situation Wasted By a German girl to do general house | work for a family. Have had exper- ‘fence. Address Mary Rayar, Patton, : Pa. it : ] For Next Wowk. East of Umelaimed juned Letters. | The following letters remain in the ¢ of the Patton Supply Co., whi postoffice at Patton for the week end. _., eth. 1 Wie ing Thursday, August 18, 1808: [a en t Wik pay Harry T. Hoover, Methiss Hans. | YOU 10 Yateh lor it. baner, George Evings, Chas Brows, | James Kuntzman, Geo, M. Keller, Miss i i Festival. held in their church on West Magee avenue Saturday evening, August 20th. Persons calling for the above letters 3 | Supper only 3 cents Everybody | welcome. Om motion of Scheid and seconded | The attention of the reader of the | COURIER is called to a large advertise- A festival for the benefit of the Swedish Mission congregation will be ESENSSURG™S BIG Fam First-Class Aitravt obs Have Piown Secured Pig Time Anew | The officers of the Fhensburg Pair yieaned Here and Thee by | | inform the writer that the indications A Succes for the forthcoming fair at that place ' f | are most flattering for big exhibits and records. In addition to the neoal attractions at the fair the managers have secured a troupe of Japanes: performers who | will give free exhibitions daily in front of the grand stand. The i folie will be delighted with the entertainment to he given by Her Von Litg’s dog and pony circus The race track has been put in fine order and from the inquiries already made it is an assured fact that spirited speed contests may confidently be ex pecied. The several candidates for governor have been invited ty be present and address the people. Two have already signified their rin ILE let everybody endeavor to attend and have a good time. The fair is for everybody and it's everybody's fair, therefore “take it in ve Sawing Fiaished, Honter & Banghman, who have been manofacturing lomber a short distance east of Patton for the past three years, finished their tract Satarday, having cut in that time about 10,000,000 feet, principally of hemiock. The mano factured lumber is hauled to Patton where it is shipped to market Mr Banghman who looks after the interests of the firm here, stated that the mill would be moved to another tract as soon as definite arrangements oconld be made as to location. Chas Walters, whe had the contract for the culling of the timber and stocking the mill, has secured a similar contraet from Mr. Cramer, rt distance east of the old operation. A SIG Eekenrode Gaani iar The St. Mary's Catholic charch was the scene of a happy wedding Wednes- day morning at 8 o'clock, when Samuel H. Eckenrode, of this place, and Miss Annie OGsantner, of Ashville, were united in marriage, Father Eusebius officiating. The attendants were Wm. A. Mellon, of Patton, and Miss Rose Delogier, of Ashville. After the cere mony was performed the bride and groom proceeded to the home of Chas SE — on Mellon avenue, where 8 weil ding dinner was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Eckenrode will take op bouse- keeping in Patton in a few days. The Corser extends hearty eongrato- latins Big Ragines Tor Mousiate Use No 71 the Penmwy’s new monster locomotive, performed the marvelous feat Wednesday of last week of haul ing 130 loaded coal! cars from Altoona to Harrisburg. The company is build. ing 10 of these engines as the standard mountain locomotive. The trial trip developed some good gualities in the machine, but it required four men in the cab and a train crew twice the reg ular size to handle it; ita weight, to it is said, will seriously affect the strong. est track, and bridges and curves will also suffer. Of Talermt to Constables. The supreme court has confirmed the decision of Judge Biddle, of Camber. land county in a case that is of general interest throughout the State He allowed Constables 10 cents on each and every mile they traveled in per. formance of their official duty. Constables were only allowed 5 cents and proceedings will be instituted for back fees in many counties where they were withheld, A First laes Work. The COURIER is in possession of the niversal [hotionary, which constitutes basin baif ng nearly 5,0 pages. prof astrated and is the most complete work of the kind on the marker. i defines more than 5G, 000 words with over 50,000 important subjects encyclopedically treated. Any person wishing to ex amine same can do so by calling at this office. v four guarto valomes leather and coverd The dictionary is 1s PEEP The Canada Thistle, A law passed April 24, 1883, makes it obligatory upon property owners lo cut down all Canada thistles on their respective premises before the seed shall matare, and failure to comply with the law makes the said property owner lable to damages. Nudthew Bids are requested for the laying of about one mile of 8-inch cast iron water pipe and about 30) feet of t-inch pipe. | Specifications govern the work farn- ished on application. Address Patton Water Sy E CC. Brown, Supt, | Patton, Pa intention of being present, and it is hoped that a favorable reply will be received from the others. entirely satisfactory, in fact was be beyond Many THE nie MACHINE LX 3 11d B24 Test Made at Williamsport Saturda é PATTON INTERESTED Ar the Owners of the Saecbine Rowiile - ur Town. The newly invented spoke and handle machine, which is owned and controlled by the Patton Wooden Manufacturing company, consisting principally of Pattom parties, is now, beyond ques. tion, a pronounced sacoems. The first machine was constrocted at the shops | of Rowley & Hermance at William sport and on Satordsy a complete test was made in the presence of Lawrmoe Platz, the inventor; I. M. Pattempon, president of the company; Dr. 8 'W. Worrell, vice-president; J. W. Lapfer, treasurer, and others, which proved the interested. The principal feature of this pew expectation of those machine, which is altogether different from any other on the market, is that it shaves the handle or spoke while all other machines tarn them on a lathe The capacity of this machine is over 400 handles per hour, or eight times faster than any other one pow in use, . which will certainly revolutionise the spoke and handle business. As was stated in the COURIER some time since, the Patton Wooden Manu- factoring Co, which was orgasised during the month of March, i» an in- i concern with a capital stock of $12,000 of and it is the intention of the company fo engage in the handle and spoke business on a large scale The company has already porchased the B. F. Wise saw and planing mill near the P. RR. station, where it has commenced the manufactare of saw and planing mill producta The mill will be thoroughly remodeled and refit to suit their wants and when the new machine has been placed therein and the plant is in full running operation it will give employment to quite a namber of nen. In view of this fact the citizens of Patton will welcome the pew industry with open hands, The following in regard to the new machine is taken from the Willlamsport Gazette and Bulletin of Monday, Aog- gat 15th: “Mossrs. I. M. Patterson, of Lock Haven, 8 W. Worrell and J. W. Lap- fer, of Patton, president, vice president and treasurer, respectively of the Patton Wooden Manufsetaring com. pany, were in the city Saturday to witness a test made on a sewly-in- vented machine fur the manufactiare of wood spokes and handles. The machine was made at the Rowley & Hermance machine shop ander the sunsrvision of the inventor. The leat was eminently satisfactory “The departure from the usaal style in the machipe is that it shaves the wood, while others turn it. The capae- ity of the machine is between #0 and sa 450 spokes an bour. “Rowley & Hermance will cottinue to manufacture the new machine. The Patton Wooden Manufactaring com- pany holds and controls the patent, “Editor E. Will Greene, of the Par | TON COURIER, accompanied the officials and witnessed the test.” Y. MM. 1 Grind Connell. The grand council of the Pennsyl- vania jurisdiction of the Young Men's Institute, a Catholic beneficial society, met at Altoona Toesday, 135 delegates from the New England states, | New York, New Jersey and Pennwyl vania being present. Before the open- ing of the convention all the delegates assisted at a high mass in St Joba's church and listened to an appropriate sermon by Father Gallagher. Tues day's session was occupied in bearing reports of officers. The election of new officers will take place Thursday. In the evening the delegates were rentertained at Lakemont park. Labar my Penile A big picnic and dance will be held in Shorts grove on Labor Day, Mon- day, September Sth, for the bensfit of of St. Mary's Catholic church of Pas ton. Everybody is invited and a good | time is assured to all who attend. The best of music will be procurred for the dance and everything in first-class ‘atyle | Hastings Water Company. Letters patent were issued Thursday | at the State Department to the Susque- hanna Water company, of Hastings, | Cambria county. Col J. I. Spangler, of Bellefonte; W. P. Duncan, of Phil- | ipsburg; R. BR Spangler and C.F. Fraser, Hastings, and James A Me | | Cain, Spangler, are the directors. i one such frm anootneing (each retwipl 8 eh cents Ban Bocsipis Mast be Stupmpent, ST. Commissioner of Internal Rev: ve has decided that a stamp must be ae on receipte given by landlords to tenanta for monthly rent, they coming lander ibe besd of “a memorandum contract.’ quite s litte brvese among real estate firms which attend to the renting of The decision has stirred ap properties ind the colleetion of rent, is Pittaburg, recently, thst they alone would be com. polled to stamp about £006 receipts per month. The smount required on it i= gen erally believed that the aw will be evaded, Must Par Your Own Tunes The Act of July 15, 1887, provides, that from and after the passage of this act it shall be anlawful for any person or perenne 10 pay or cause to be paid ‘any ooropstion or poll tax assessed against an elector, except on the wril- ten or signed order of such elector, suthorigng such psyment to be made, which written or signed order must be presented ut least 30 days prior to the date of holding the election at which such eclvtor desires to volte Any person violating this act is subject to imprisonment for a term not lees than 2 days and not exceeding six months, or by fine not exceeding $300. Westin, We, the undersigned, do hereby agree fo refund the money on two 25 cent hotties of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, billionsmess, sick headache, or any of the diseamss fir which it is recom. mended. Also will refund the money on a Micent. bottle of Downe’ Elixir, if it dows not cure any cough, cold, eronp, whooping cough, or throat or lung $iffienity. We also guarantee "ane Wooent bottle of sither of the shove to prove satisfactory or money re funded. For sale by ©. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Farmer's get our price on ssit by the Parrox Sverry Co ON THE PROMENADE. Two and Two. When you come to balance up your accounts and make things «ven, you'll ind that what you saved in buying cheap clothes you will jose in having to buy more of them. The good tailor suits wear twice as jong every time. You see you save extra trips to the tailor's extras bother about a welection of goods and really pay jess if you come fo ns CALL AND SEE US Dinsmore Bros.. PATTON, PA ALL WAOKK GUARANTEED General Yeager Building,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers