i nd AMER SRA, THE PATTON COURIER AUGUST 11, 1898. See inside pages of the Corner for | WAr news De 1 J Weida of Barnesboro, was ‘a visitor in town Wednesday Mrs J E Dale and two children are visiting relatives at Mader: this week. + Mr. and Mra Joseph Robinson, of Williamsport, spent Taesday in Patton, Chas. E. transacted business in Patton Toesdsy. The members of the strategy board of Patton have aboat concladed to close office W. J. Pyle, a traveling salesman of Philadelphia, was calling on trade in Patton Monday Miss Ida Guiher, of Vandergrift, Pa, was the goest of Miss Virgie Dale a fow days last week you been to see the fine line of Wm. Philip, of Alexandria, Pa, was among the many visitors to onr Wwown the Bret of the week Mrs. H. Allport, of Philipsbarg, and Mrs E. B. nil, of Philadeiphia, were visitors to Patton Toesday § One “geabead” wil acocanplisb more than a dogen of the “‘wat-and- L.A WR. Bulletin A. Hepmber, I= Bt Dry Goods . S. Good's store? We have them. ned Bipiran FP CC. B RHoper, the big cigar saiesman of DraBeos among his friends in * oderate Prices 2 fom ] ] 3 i : feild Wienlen A stopping a Patton fy WeeR WOW. Keser tawney Tooiay wh B prmalson AL Hus ad staf of life Horn James RKerr, of Cleonct Alex EF. Patten, of Carweneviile, locking after business : ton Tuesday. Councilman “Jack” Nebeid «= setting ‘em ap to the boys over the arrival of a young son at his household Wednes. day morning Are what most people Jook for nowa« If you want GOOD value come to us andffget it. 1 dvs. Miss lelia Brown and Miss Aliha Bivom, of Clearfield, a Miss lona Neff of Hastings, were guests of Miss Mae Cowher the first of thy week M. B. Cowher spent Sunday as 3 guest of the O. of M. cloh, Clearfield = : ‘ : i. . which is in camp along the banks of To buy Groceries at this store. Qualities are not sacri- the Susquebanna below that wn. to price, and yet prices are never high. We get Mm J C. Harp the best things and sell them as close to cost as We CAD. qunty. to visit her mother Mrs Estricher, who is lying seriously {i typhoid fever. There are several resicens in Patton who are possessors of fine gardens who ould be very much pleased to see an ordinance passed by council prohity ing cows from ronning at brge on of streets during nights Tne lecture given charch Tuesday even: IT'S PRACTICAL ECONOMY { warfeld eo S. Good, ...us fi Pa , to Nn Pa Lambing, of Pittsburg, was prononsicsd IAS Ane - & J) B by all present as being above 1h ordinary il appeared Lo be ded with the reverand gentleman's tuk DH CC Warren is has ing the walls of his pew house on Ma poe covered with a pew Kind which very much resembles To expecta to give he sgiae A ow paint and when completed will po a fine appearance POAERS a SiR ¥Fiswah Lagos free Tu Herasded a Frida. Michael! Sheebon Raney, Washing fs ! A. lL Hoppelet ux to HJ | Rpangler, $5,230 Thomas C. Brown to Willian Bilaniburg, £5. William Beers ¢1 ux to Flatza Reade, §25. Peter Db. McGuire to Conianangh & coke company, Clearfield, 3! Hiram McGuire ef ux et al to Cone mangh coal & coke company, Clearfield, $1,807. Hogh O'Dovpell ot uz io O'Donnell, Cresson, §1, 2060 Elien E. Schenk et al to Conemaugh coal & coke company, Allegheny, $680 i William Todd et ux to Urban, Allegheny, Rows Jacob Martz et ux to Thomas Dube, Carroll, $25 "TR Dubble et ux to Wimiey Lawns bery, Carroll, 125 Blacklick Land & Improvement com- pany to Mary E Davis Vintondale, $10. IIIT YL Patiel ou can always find lemenoe At our store and of the very A Common IDhaoger If you have ever had a cold which ‘ you permitted to “wear away’ it may ‘interest you to kmow that it was a ‘dangerous proceeding Every cold : and cough which neglected paves the way for comsamption, bronchitis, asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous German throat and long rem edy, will cure any cough or cold and save you from consumption. Sold by best quality. Our store is headquarters for everybody. dtiitiids bia Prices are as low as the low- Patton Pharmacy, CW. Hodgkins | = ~~ ~ Prices 25 and 50¢ per bottle. n = Anything You Wiel, a Cash Grocery, viz: — Mackerel herring codfish, salt sid, ham, shoulder, break- i. {fast bacon, lard, potatoes, cabbage, i onions, syrup, vinegar, ten and coffee, A {onkes, soaps, canned goods, spices, “® flour, corn meal, brooms, wash boards, = fewewt and sour plekles, maple syrup, a ‘canned meats; in fact eversthing kept lin a fimstclass grocery. all a | for yourself and see Cholera and alwys affords prompt relief. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins Patton Markets Subject to market changws: . Chamberiain’s colic, Diarrhoea Remedy { pm | Rutter a we = duosen * baasdyve! ( - we Connell, of Philipsburg, Harper left on Monday : Everything in the grocery line a iS ovis per posind a . Your money refunded if you are fied with the goods are not satished with the goods you purchase at our store: you purchase at our store. DID Goods. Men's Prices. th at * * § 4% Lo Wa he a BE 1 A 1 .“ ¥ + » . Ea a a A A EE ae Pa Z ee ae + A superb assortment, 3 h includes everything + ; gn i: v a hae a Pay Fl EA a 5 RIFE a + & $s} 3 Fair 1 ~ a a B ed alii» ATE Tad - A WES TR of v x JIE Y * hag gan FE a wo ON Mav 1 ang get it at a price fay, 3 - RAEN ¥ 4 yo . : f a Sy Ei » : » 4 Ss Papi fu X3mnaiian x : Sh aatry sans Rika 18 A ad RMIT TARY i * CORYINLT = oy % of Men's, i Nats i oy Camas, 3 wn pumas Ny Rugs, nspect Us! Criticise Know Us! And vou will find we deal fair and save - vou Dollars.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers