bows sweat and tres, bat A soo! and take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This fs good advice, 8s you will fod if you follow it. Hood's Sarsspariiia fs a fimt-ciass sam. me: medisine, beiaase it fa so good for the stomash, so cooling to the blood 80 helpful to to the whole body. Maks no mistake, but got aml fr » Greatest Mod vine, ‘euro {iver This any 16 THES, RES tH alwrale a ast One Hundred Dall ez Bud for rl On er & Oo. P.cge. Toleds, O. fin She it 15 yes have Endwn fd Che yk a eT all business ran ne able th carry out sony oMigs ost mgmt Pia nS sms. for omens pm Whee I Tows. Fr. Howard, i Sihma Devotion) Oyen. In many parts of Gerrasny it is be tieved that oxen {all on their knees in the stalls at the moment of Christ's eativity. Five Cents, Ereryhody kere that Dobline Kectrle Soap is the bert in the world, snd for 38 years ft had sold at the highest price. Tin price fn pow § canta same ds common brown soap, Bars tultsias and yuali 5. Ot der of groves, Ade ies te a sh HA Ths reassn why ships are nhl stro by Hehtaing i= attributed by Ge I autheriiies to tht genera! use which Is new made of wire pope Lor vigring Ppurpises. ax well ; as to the fact that the hulls of ships sre usunily COnELINe {ed of from or steel. Thus the whele ship forma an ex ellen? and continpous tone duetiir. by means of which the electric ty in od away into the ocean before it has Hires to do any serious damage. A et HOF WA oa Rs To Cure A Cold it One Day. gative Rromno Quinine Tablets, AN Phi bop rund motiey 108 fails to care. Sa, THe Massachusetts Riate Raciety of the Sons of the American Revolution has presented to the Connecticut so- elety a bronze marker to be pinced on the original grave of General Israel : Putnam in Brooklyn. Yo Cure Constipation Forever. ~ abe Cascarets Candy Onthartic or HC Ea toe re. drageist re refund money a sy SN New Use for Peanuts. A sew use for peanut is developing as | the peanut butter indestry becomes better understood. The vroduct of the peanut*answers fn the place of ordi nary butter for the iable use, and is sald to be excellent for shortening pur- poses, and for gravies, sauces, ete. In point of purity it is well designed for the tise of vegetarians who strenuous Iy object to anything animal. There is | airesdy a considerable deanand for this bptter substitute, and It Is very prob "sible there will be an enlarged market for the muta. At present the product of the United States is about 506,000 bags anoually, and thar of the world Is 00,000,000 pounda West Coast Trade. A Chinese Typewriter. A misslonary at Tuusg Chow has ‘no. vents & Chinese typewriting machine, The chatacters number abo four thowmnd, aud are on the edge of wheels about a foot in diameter. Twenty or the characters, and two keys must be struck to make an impression. The first turos the wheel, and the second stops it at the required letter, which is then brought down to the paper. The ma- ¢hine ls complicated, but the inventor (Dr. Sheffield) hopes to make M more | lmaple. There are 18.000 characters in (ines language, ech represent jug & distinet word. The 4.600 in com- : mot tse bave been seloctad for the new FROM PAIN. sarin “pram Mus, am Before tak- our medicine, life was & burden I mever saw a well day, At ly monthly period I saffered untold | . and a great deal of the time | # troubled with a severe pain in my side, Before finishing the first bottle of your Vegetable Compound 1 eonld tell it was doing me good. I continned use, also used the Liver Pills and itive Wash, and have been greatly Sroulq like ta have you use told me was infamma- womb. Every month | suf- s y. 1 bad taken enough e from the doctory to cure any ye Atlast 1 concluded to write in regard to my case, and can nd hat by following your advice I am ly well,” * R. BATES, Mansions, La. writes: writing to you I suffered lly from painful mensirua tion, lencorrhma acd sore feeling in the lower part of the bowels. Nowmy - @s want to know what makes me well. Tdonot hoslate one min. ling them what has brought this great change. I cannot Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable nd enough, Itis the greatest by band. The farter w | ing poor hay. be greatly improved by building & i then plowing down the sides thirty wheels are required to carry all | : : vated, | ness. or, if the s Sharp Tools, There is little danger that sither the scythe or cradie wonid be left dail tile these operations had to be done But we have often seen mower knives dniled by contact with stones, or gammed np by the juices of grass so that it required far greater forse to run the machine, besides fre. quent failures tw ont all the grass. In such times as hour's work at the grindstone, sh ar pening the mower knives, will be work that well paps. i — wd s—————— . 2) Proterling Newly Sef Grate. It ofsen happens that a Braft re quires several weeks to effect a nnion- | with the stock, and unt this 1a done tips. In caltivating all raspherries : after the fir tivativs 1m spring, the miitavatar sl I be set shallow a5 the roots rv near surface. Just before winter a light farrow ' shonld be throws up against Se row of plants, [In the spring the ¢nitive- tor can be set so a8 to tury dd away | from the plants. Too deep cmltive- tion meskes to MANY #ncEers | spring up swong the red sorts The | smokers from black fap Taspberries ‘are mot worth planting Only those | from tips will kesp roe % from rast. = | Ameri san Caltivator, a Ll a * Fisgly Cut Silage Kops Best. | The extras labor involved in remor. 5 at tue fur it is liable to be moved by winds, ths {ing the whole oorn fromthe silo isa loosening its hold snd waking uafon serious drawback to tha! wethod of 1mpossibie. is always best to fir closely over the graft a small, conical paper = enp, which | is extended dow award fae rrazh so be secured thi; drring winds frou I ’3 TE thas dest 1 the graft before the un should be resuvcd a koown that the anion stock has certainly been As bk Fi Ei > a5 3% is £0 BME efpeted, Water in Farm Crope, Those crops alwars hsve most waler them, farnisies water with psy hes He Fyn ® one in iy who soils «% any kind or frais afths water, while eli part of the frat or root it taken | by the leaves from the air. In growing sa crops enitivation so 8s to retsin irs. ure in the soil is more vnperiant than manures.’ Whatever deepens the soil enables it 10 hold more moisture and to grow better those cops which de- pend on abundant sapplies of water for success. It may seem paradoxical, but it is true that soil meade deep by thorongh underdraining will be the | wmoistest in time of drought. Porate Cultivation. The cap | on aud pg To prevent this evil, it | storing, 4pitioagh fodder corn placed Lin the silo whole has in many invlanoss poms sot in good eandition. AM things considered, however, | packing proves most desirable. Cul silage can be more closely pack ad and ithe air will be more compistely ex- cluded than when the crop is put in } For these reasons the Snely pected to a wall fermentation snd the bindly less, filling as Mrony- ANTIng a x 3 bee mgt 13 o designate % of a prodnet B% never came fron and the term, if used at all, » ong of deores rather than of Kind Blow filling causes 8 greater degree cof best to develop in the silage and this tends to soflen eanse closer packing, while the high temperature dees not favor the forka- ition of acids. At this high tempers- tare, 133 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit, certain forms of fermentation often ! | progress ragpadly, snd tHe fact thet less | acid is formed when slow fillings Csweat linge Plasting a field of potatoes involves | practiced doer pot prove that there is considerable expense for labor and seed, and puts the farmer under obey ligations to give the crop good and | Va rienltarist. With this crop prompt. | prompt care. ness is more important thau with al. smaller loss of food constituents uring he ising process —Anierioan A Serapar From a an , O14 Hor. The cut shows a worn-ogt hoe and at any other. A single day's neglect | its transformation by a blacksmith ray cause a loss of several doliars an acre. The weeds and the beetles are ever at work. Both size and quality | chicken coop, of depend upon the foliage | j into a very usefal implement {or serap- { ing the tie-up , for cleaning out tearing of old shingles from théwoof that ix to be It 18 through the leaves that the erop | newly +hi ingled, fot well, one ean gets the carbon which 1a the juices of | the potato tarns to starch. Beetles | BAAS Canina se es Ee and their larve may be attended to next week, but after the foliage has been half eaten up the crop eannot be . expected to smount to very much They must ever eat some of the leaves to get poison enough to kill thew The most eareful cultivators prefe: hand picking from the beginning of the season. — Farm News, Smoothing Rough Pields, On thousands of farros are fields having “runs” or “guilies,” the bot. toms usually being wet and prodan Nueh rans” stone wall across the lower ead and we wo the bey. two accompanying ents sho THE “GULLY BEFORE IMPROVENINT. eficial changes thus “sade. The “har in the first ust always be harvested | by hand with grest effort, and the land cannot be top dressed nor ealts- Sd 1 Fig. 2 the work can be "done by ma. chinery and the hay will be of first quality, for the land ean teenitis vated, w uere water fl Eh CSA sh wa Lar on arty” the run a stone drain an first be lad and then the banks worked down. | This 1s a practical method of improv- | we a farm, Cultivation of Raspberries. All! the saccessinl growers of the raspberry practice clean culture, go- | $ng through the rows ones in two or three weeks, and keerfing the weeds AFTER IMPROVE T YT, ont with a Doe io the rows where the | plants are. The cultivation black eap must be suspended after Jaly, as the long, naked, potuts wiil then begin to stretch their plants, in well-enitivated soil uckers will spring vanteties. IN will be better fort plantation ¥ most of these are cu with the eculfvator. But with cme da sundlnz thew ofter Huy ai tiasplanted, SRCLers ean teien ap and used Ww ax! tend ih 3 Innumerghile ae fines prodactive one, the re will sale {ar them at good prices. spe 18 itne In most Places of the black cap raspberries, which edn only | be successtally propazated from the ive oan often 3 i th nk of a More of aes fr : implement i maxhed | grindstone and it {sen®eloe in the gar ! die. When in the shape shown in ‘ground ahead of him thie | Sous that with : thon forms. ~~ New Yo £ § { i i | leaves no hiding P bmg, or for wien : A OTA HH KORN 0) : , ® < Lao rr Bi ‘ Leads toward the soil to form new | TOOTHAE 13 damp or Sithy esops. They wil! root very quickly 4 y | Sprinkis peenty ap among the red | excellent food for pealtry, TRANSPOREM ATION OF A WORN « P HOt, nek 45 how haa far the edge ou the can be aseid as a wn Fer Lhe a5 tha odd Sharpen parposs have the sh form an angle of abont & himde and tie thas saove the the surface of grees between tn (de can blade along Bat the Htering the weeds as he goes oid farming Impiemialls are throws seide as worth. tle ingenaity migh ry isd ute other mnsefnl x Triban Be on he in: &gricaitneral Notes. Senou from LS af sup poalwy. The EY resnit to cunfined of oid berry place for their sgos. skimmed, sour or sweet. isan espedially { when yom have mo ground bone to feed | removal Mik. | them. An sore devoted $0 the cnitivation | of choice pears will yield as mich ae is ordinarily obtained from twee or three acres of apples It 1s better daring she long davs to milk the cows milking clean each three times a Say, once | of the | BEAT sanrise and again at sunset and Ol 1a3€ | then at midday, NET time, snake-like | close the ones and Rp ANA AR AN wh * Chicks may get weak in legy from | he remedy is W remove the esnse and | of sir-slaked around, a ReBMON 10 tinal Ii ; # Sitnre sad | rot that | blow are spent 1a gro wasted. THE MARKETS. PITTORE Be. Grate, Flour and Ferd, Pod er GF Sa Wen prim Prairy 1 robacis Eagle creamery SreRI ery ~Gyrens. i Wai CABBAGE For CIRINR.D Foultry, Etr Per pair sme Per A and Ohl & 5 froask CINCINNAYL 3 red 1 creminery - PHILADFLYVHIA 1ivE Central Seok Yaris ETI K Fast 1 ier CaTT LE. Prime (6 to 1808 lhe Heoend, 1000 So THD Dew, Tile, JOO ts 1108 Pw Fade Hght vtoare, Wa 1 Cogan, Yb to HE Be Winaiew & JOEY Bon Madtom | Hoary Boughs and sags SHERY Prione, #5 tc (32 2a Good, BS 50% Ba Fair, 70 to 8 Ra i HME On. Spring ams —~— ; TRA DE RE = REVIEW Prosperte for Proce Exssnrage Bue sess Gront Demand for Bael Reale Parmers Bed ug Book Wiest Pietans hry Soap ted a Ti BS SR 3 Es “i in Py ay dg a - he iam yy am —— FL ARP # Dogewrighn. | BEE by The Trees 3 Seseton C0 leet set 808000 MSY S84s0/43asaA8M0R180800004, aan BEE es MTA Wiapr ok an Ene # FRLE wae wrinial ane ati 4 w Soaps of Amn n i. ee De big ALY anima. give It mate TH ww 1 other that Botbering » oP a Boek Bo wheelmes oe Wh DE. from was bey had sal lemon * hack Rael tm the glimerntary Snot tw woes and bad sprouted fF ones eighth of Rng. AE x inng Trt EAE &® er suffering aera tin Te wihand s i 3 subesscentiy Rat the TRAE A g cus wey Ct It Bis Burr os oS eaten Xa 2d. which Rave waorra | mad AF ian Civ slooed seams us chen skis No hegute © i Mathers clean Den’ 1 Tobaere Spit and Smoke Your Lite Suny ; : i 0 uit towers easily and forever he Shag wid wxel keen oclesm By etirring satis F410 of Ue pervs and Figur, take Nala ner Uver asdedry : hae, ihe Wooden wstker, al Takes weik ow mows $310 AL dvageinis hee 2 ty Bou = gy Tyg Berk lot arch sat pie Tree. Addreas Sing Hemedy Coo CSlosgs or New Tork ew hs the motive garmies frog aed Ee te Bf wn ter frie dogeiians ¥Fduente Your Howeis Wik Casrarets { ah die 4 ww Sel Bat 5 Famer + re Lele nel vad Moe No-To Par for Fifty Cente. Batt ree Sha om Wag Cogan teed x A: dendiista humains . ix cade Lar thal welt wo an wee SEND FOR AMPLE C01 OR Carma ics Lf wn mmr ae vor bots Sobers el us Kew anal we Wilk pa ; Ai ony of oh “lge the Means = Will Give You the Blessinz.” Never Neglect a Useful Article Like Ismoee sver — . Bare glow; er i hav Formal Sv repsesen ied Plasany PR Peaewt . thend Dw Gea. Nwvur Sichen, Weskes 29 Gre Be Se See CURE CONSTIPATION. .. Ws Sg Rsmoty Vyas, niren, Bows. EN York » NO-TO-BAC Pn a ERE ner U NIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, Clamies, Letters. “ivore, Law, Clini, We chasiond and Flectriond Ensihering Thereoaugh Preparatory and Comamercisd Canraes. Foo damest Radi Bi Tah ? Taovcamms Frew, oir ate Conrses Si. Eawariks Tail a Ene! Best Outer Moira ot Low Prices FC amaogue Trem | STANDARD OF THE WORLD TBOPE MFG @. HARTFORD CON ART CALSRE OF COLUMBIA NOVOLIS TY EE TORESS FOR ONE TWO ONT STR ORR Be Ag oY eg tb TER Term = will sewn Seep tne in IRAN. Catalogue crn ¥F ree ERY, A MORRISEY. t. y STOPPED FREE 24 Fr - K.. President. nw We PX Fax TED Onn of Bal hamlth ok Deals Boy preiin La. Mentors Ra We sa ples wud Yi ow Sniaim
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers