TERMS APPROVED. The Reply to 4 Frosttent Aiopls the Pease Condi- tions Imposed by the United States Pease Commission Will be Natned This Week. rb WE Spain has submitted to America's terms regarding peace. The cabinet eouncil at Madrid terminated last Ba- gurday, after having completely ap- proved the reply to the United Stat:s, ‘whigh accept the American conditions | Immediately after the formal accept ‘ance of his terms by Spain, the Pres fdent will probably arrange for an ar- ‘mistice pending negotiations, In its final form, as carefully re. wised by the Foreign Minister and re- approved by Queen Cabinet, it non MINISTER SAGASTA, Ho Sen mney mecepts without discussion ‘the four preliminary conditions of peaee im Jossd by the United States. Fut care is taken to explain; that Spain gives ‘WRY to the force of events, again a@s- werting that she had neither sought mor done anything to provoke the war, 4nto which she was driven by the con. duct of America. The President and his Cabinet have fecided that the United States shall pot assume any part of the Cuban bt, and will not permit the Republic Cuba to assume any of it. Spain “of eanrse, bring the malter before Peace Commission, but the rep- tatives of the United Biates will tructed to oppose any plan to oh bom the debt upon this country or the new Republic. Of the $550.000 000 fndoltedness for Ciba i given as security. all is in Spain but §W000000, in the wf French syndicates, President has acted on the as that the money was ton. tracted for by Spain to carry on the af in Cuba and against the United : , and that, In consequence, this ernment should pot be expected to any part of 1. The portion of it in lmpproving Cuba. the Pres. ‘believes, has been repaid by the ppressive taxatinn which Hpain has pried on the residents of Cuba. merican speculators who have pur- Bpanish bonds at 25 contx on he dollar are endeavoring to persuade administration to take up thelr President Benjamin Harrison Md ex-Bepator George FF. Edmunds, Yermont, have declined to act as Comminsioners for the United #Senator Cushman K. Davig ener chairman of the Bente aitten on Foreign Relations, and Np a a rl nA rE i NAN, recog Wathority on internation. | Inw; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. of usetts: Senator Hedfield Proc : of Vermant. and ex-Secretary 2! Rate J Olney will probably be ng the men jected for Cormpmis- hes accepted the verbal under- ‘between President MoKiniey " Cambon, that the method of Cuba and Puerto Rico shall by the Peace Commission, or as Spain can get together igh transports to accomplish the ask. The President is willing that the Ap ve remain In Cuba until of the rainy season. He re- that ihe American forces stcoumb to disease if sent to the this time. The Spanish sol be atilized for police duly their removal to Spain. They under the tion of the States, and the insurgents will permitted to attack t The vernment will be administered oficiales under the super of an American Commander, yet nied, reply was received In Wash- Wednenday » but was not made papers hope that the mag- ty of the United States will Bpain th be leniently dealt with. Morsson. judge advocate eps iikely to be taken in Sain between the United y ad the censation of hostili- This agreement to suspend 1g the drafting of the treaty | muicated by both govern- hear armies In the field as possible. ; Cri commanding generals ly notified they will proceed to their orders. The United Btates can cons o send troops ta Porto Rico or An armistice terminates | ve warfarefi but it does not either party sending troops to tory already occupled by its . The blockade at Havana need ised, ot that the United States the city and bay and the ar- ill be followed at once by an Madrid 0 allow General Madrid press strongly blames ¢ of loyalty the volunteers in ico have displayed in allowing erican invaders so easy 8 walk- nish the ‘regret felt here at losing fsland. Santos Guzman, Calvo and chiefs of the Spanish party in who have recently returned to der, speak aespondentiy of the of the island and declare wil be compelled to keep L00¢ men there for years Prisoners Ineur Expensns rensports to remove the § from Santhiigo have not vet Thin proves expensive to the ted Baten government. It costs a fosd the 24,000 Spanish ites, an additional large t he kept on the ground to aptives. OUR WAR WITH SPAIN. Gen, Bhafter has turned loose all po- litteal prisoners at Santiago. New York is arranging for a big re- ception to the returning saldiers. Bixty tong of supplies loft Phitadei- phia the other day for Porto Rico (Gen. Garcia has rapiured the town of Mavari, and taken 360 Lrisoners, Capt, Clark of the Oregon is IHL L has been ardered home by the denartment, an. Fred Grant's third brigade oft Newport News for Porto Bicw lust Thursday. tien. Miles has 20.000 Krag Jorgensen rifles at his disposal in the Pi CAMPRIRD. The Yale college ordered to Porto Fico of tren. Wade The Potomar has frond the grognded Spanish vessel Maria Teresa, Brigadier General Ring will with several! thoumand troops for nila next wick, Foreign consuls at urged the Epantards 10 they prefer 4a fphl Five thousand immune now on their way to relieve Gen fers men Bat Santiago Fire procf woind will be enmelrus tion of ail fatgre the United States navy. Three thousand of Shafter’ Santiago on five transports for tank Point 1. 1. last Monday There were a Inrger percentage of Rough Riders Killed hy Bpanish bullets #1 Santiago than by i Se Paris has bein selested ing pimce for the peace 00 of Spain and the United States en. Weyl GF OPLOREE Pesos All the other Hpanish party leaders agrees that the country has suffered encugh. The war has caused the making of various kinds of contracts at San Francisco 10 the amount of $2000 60x Admiral Ssmpson ix eager for peace, fireat yelief will come to Cub when the rigors of the blockade are removes) Five hundred Cubans held as pobitio- al prisoners by Spain will be released 80 son as the peace treaty has been signed It will probably be three months at least before all of the Rpanish froops ave embarked from Cuba and Fate aiid, After the war it is the intention of this government 16 Keep a jarger squadron in European waters than ever before, The war department is charged wit 8 many scandais in conducting the var that a congressional isvestigation is talked of. ne Davy battery the Inve Ma- have hat fan Juan surrender trisass gued in the vessels for men jolt Mon Fest ns ho thm nN Po reir AA AS BOATS M. ITLES CANEOY. French Minister who fs fone for Spain ia the Peace negotiations. nd ir General Young, now in Cuba, SAVE the Insurgents are no more cas pable of sell government than the savages of Africa, The Navy Department has sent out orders to stop further recruiting for the navy. The enlisted force ja 27006, and the authorized war strength - 27.000, tags last Monday. They occupy quar. tere formerly possessed by the Bank of Spain. Thirteen carloads of portable houses have been sent to Santiago. They will be usd tn shelter the stores of the army which 40 not keep very well un- der tents, Francis Murphy hag accepted he appointment offered by Gor. Hastings, ax chaplain of the Fifth Pennsyivania regiment, now encamped at Chicka manga. The war will cloge without an oppor. land to show the possibilities sub-marine boat. He Baren the navy dermartinent. The charters of the 81 Paul and Bt Louisa will soon be canceled and the vessels are to assume their old poss tiem in the International Navigation Company's line, were injured during the battle of July 3 They wore all remounted las: week, the work being done entirely by the i Brooklyn's ¢rew A mass meeting was held at Boston, Mass, a few days ago, ment of volunteer troops at Nantiago under Gen. Shafter. Americans in London are protesting pgainst the use of the American flag for advertising purposes London shopkeepers have used the flag exten. sively as a device to catch tourists dollars. : Capt. Philip an commander of the Texas. As Captain Philip will be made | a Commodore next month, he is re. quired by aval regulations to give up his ship The Dixie’ s shot at Morro cestle on Saturday caused the utmost conster- nation at fan Juan de Porte Hico, where it was believed to have signified that the place would be bombarded within twenty-four hours. ’ Three hundred deaths ars arcorsdit- od to the use of the war ba loon at San- tiago bY a military officer. It always gave the Spaniards an idea az (oo the whereabouts of eur men and their shooting was thus made very effective, Citizens of Greensbore, Ala, the home of Lieut. Hohson, have extended an jopvitaticn to Admiral Cervera io i visit that city. The admiral wax faresd to deoline saying he soon expwoted to depart for Ppain to stand trial for his canduct. A meeting of officers of the i society of Santiago iat the palace and the election © cers took place. Gen. Bhafier elowtecl president. Gen. Wheeler, vice-president; and Mal Sharp, retary. CRonr {f oh first Leonard Wood, the military cnmmander of Santiaga has threaten. od ta reveke the Heenses of ail buh ers and grocers uniiss Shey moderad the prices of thelr goods. » 5 tunity having been given Inventor Heol. | of him Twelve of the Brooklve's S-inch guns i Riven | has been i under command | receversd $16 00a MEPIRNG 0 TK SIN RESISTAN ct EXPECTED. AE The Fourth Okis Belidiers Captors Guayams After » Sharp Skirmish Pate of the Pnemy Set tied by Dynamite Gur inited Brates Juan. the capital of Fora Hico, began BEuniday morning Great and carcful preparations have teen made for this attack as consider Tha fire eR movement of agai inst San the URL TAROR | guns, in | able resistance fa expected. The men are gnder coramand of Gin. Miles Funday a news dispateh came to the war department from Gen. Mies It was as follows “Ponce, Aug. 8 139% "een. Brooke reports Haines brie ade, Fourth Olle and Third Hiinola, The Captain-Gansral of Porte Rice Com. manding Forces Opposing Miles, Right abut captured Guayamo yesterday, skirmish with sremy in and LHW. 8 Pavigt BE aw ascertained If any thers are regilars] resistance strong Private John QO. Cordner wounded below the knees: €. WW, Riffes bath Jege below thigh: T WW. Waientt, right foot. none serious all Fourth Ohio, Ome Spaniard killed, two wound. od %G far as Known 5 not “MILER” A cable from Ponce, dated Ralurday, says: {Gen Brooke's advance guard entered Guayams after a sharp skir- anish, In which several om hath sides sera wounded The general advance was delayed hy the groundings of the transport Massachusetts, with Gen, Brooke's headquarters atward The captures of Guayams was accomplished only after A lively skirmish outsides (he Clty with #90 Spaniards and after the lens of thise Americans After their frites the town tien, Mies wen were forced ta revel an Ritack which they did with Basar to them. we ivem tinder (ion hin, Col Colt; Cod Bennett Haines were the Faurth and the Third Dims, There were two Ayne- rite pune in the expedition also Prajse can be bhener Cfiomns for thelr telling ©» the Bpanisnies For a toe th barricaded taeif being aimposl fonermind, but the fivrce jie Americagse rade it fee It Onde reflirment that raised and Btripes over she town hall At the sight of the flag all tives who gatherad to weltome tripe cheered ax loadiy tim our men Friring the interval the enerny suds 7% “R uf en the town fron the forth The Ohboe BANK Were gon ran inte a het figer It Bosive, Five shota from the which were swoon brought into position, settled the fate of the Bpani- ards Fromm the very moment fir: wasopen- ed 1a the lve of the engugerne nt Cihicoanx, more than held heir sun Nars of the Americans wére siriouxly Fitiiured, The North American Trust Compa. | ny begin a banking business at Ran | protesting with the war department against the treat. HE ES Capt. Sigsbee will probably succeed | struction of sewers and those {mprovements will military : was held Sunday | WHS Biwi= 1 {hua C Juan, bel, Salinas. Arroys, the Americans Miles are Without resistance, Bt Portis Rico umier Gen, pushing into the interior of the island | At Pande, Yauco and Juan [Haz the Americar flag has been Bosted amid the enthusiasm am] greetings of the axsemibied inhabitants vad the Rixteenth Penrayivaria has cupled Juan Diaz about! eight miles enthusiasm by the populace Besides the towns of Yau Ponce, thelr delight at the caning of Americans. Thess thane are Guay- amo, Juana Maz, Penuelas, Santa Isa- Patillan Yabucoa Gusyams was occupied the and Guasyvabal and the troops were recelved by nbabitants with acclamations and American music by lcal bands The Bpranizh ganas had been driven from the town and En ye Aerie TR iged) before the said Arrived. Pe Gemramest Wik Toews Menten Point a Fit Bite ! for & New City When the soldiers Point, 1. 1, #d by & new and magnificent the sey. ar» airendy under vay. The government has pald 51590 ren. tal £4 iin goo] condition givrs will necessitate of thousands of doilars for the provi sion of 4 water supply and the con- romals All be taken over without cot by the new city, Five railroad facilities, the construc: tion of docks and the erection of many leave oity by Newlin Buildings wiil also attend the sstablish- went of the camp. Specdlitors baiievs that the ovcupation of Mositaak by the Cuban army will advertise this pros. pective (ity mors widely than anything else. probally, that humana ingenully coud devise, » Two soldiers, leighton amd Joseph Forsythe, while sleeping om the track near Fredericksburg. Va, wore Killed by a train last Sunday Rew Sores mayor of San C Franoiso 4 ‘hauncey “Den ssf dw horses for a stand RH then. ‘ output af fields this year Gis Alfred John prisohr ban the will Rmount to Ree can, aged I Is at f ni : Hs admits copmitiesd burglaries dur : PARRL Your. Dx Swearinger, Expert of Austin raving a Tex, dbsd fast rh A a | Ranttago fer garrison duty Enemy's sirenglh estimated at of 2 ously glven ths! AE uinat entirely | ha $ a Pa | Ly j ade tha port, i ths rox the i and ment TO sOMme pesint 3 cient of 8 dendy returned, making a heavy attack eal ne Fple of the United States to resist the attack, amd | : insted two — dynamite | sporadic Fliwabiond By meslarial thw i future Bent Hulirgs with ten companies of | oo | I from malarial northeast of Ponce on the road to San The American flag was raised and greeted there Bunday with great i Ivy rooved mow, and nine other towns hive signified | the | of Joy | can Bag | Montauk | the camp is to be succeed. | Plans to carry oul the project | {| agers to rie jand and contraited to leave | wf the sol- | the expenditure : ship nent i declares that at Grand Army ike god | poted yellow faver | Sima. f INSIST ON REMOVAL Ofoers Bonded by Dol Koserrelt Protest Agsinst Ex- peving the Troops Any Langer to Yellow Pover, Priseasry Will be Trussperied First nf war has ordered froomn The secreiary {yen Bhafter's further Saty transportatio troops reiieved in Bastiago as ean be provided and the transfer Branish prisoners will Admit of reduction of the garriscn “The rest of Montauk Point will pre- pare theses sdgwoned troops for the rampRign agninet Havana they will proYably take part. The § transportation eft Santiago yester day. The movement is expooied to vornpletad by the Jk of Five 1'nited Brates vod ments, immunes have bean As fast . mn the nifesr reg rile rind ¥ 8 SINeTE Are as furnished” pointe out A Whale ey the ire has aiready arrived, ing pushed a trARSDOTEAtion ‘an be The war department Shutters ACY BS is ign frivmy nih tha weet dis pervmandd San RE IR nee fvem ghie woah not on ¢ pel PEIN ERS ER gy and i ie t oi Frode wich V5 he Fama aved re eS indted month, red boat that ran be ryrnstan Theonlore 74s t BEilors has addr Cape & Com to en BRafter urging the rem the troops from Santiago troop there, he AF ETS, the destroction of fh diers, He devlares that thee Priel ars wo weakened by fevers, that they ace all rigs figs rolitén sheen when a real fever epidemls sel in After Tn Wowwevell Inttiative, all the American foers united in a rounder dreswsd to Cen Shafter We, the undersigned Fem fa neling ths warioas } I the army of Bis n AV RS involve 5% jot i which | rar | Bar month. : Prat | Poss 3 rapidly as | rRenst he | the | v Rep fhe j Pheri] ven Rivers, gradually bhrotight Fw NINE ANZRICAN S KILLED. The Enemy Orestly Outazmbersd the Troops From the Doited States They Lost 200 Killed end 9 Wounded Tenth Prossyivasis in the Fight The first fighting in the Philippines between the Asmerican and Spanish from aecarred Angust 1 uf Malate, a flere hattls ensuing, saerarding WO New Tork Journal dispatoh, The Span ish made a dash for the purpose of tarning sur right. They were unsue- ronsfoal and after three hours of the Bardest Kingd of flighting they wers re. pirimed The tronos tha italie i Third A tery A, tah The Spaniards wl ade erigaged in the strogele Tenth Penney vieriin, First Revanth alfifornia RBatta- rililery Regulars sn? Rat. Wars B ci ved i RArEeR upon they were ry presnion gion the brave minds a Forious de. fever LOW of the attack- % wh Te Rte 4 The Bat faa cen wan $ xiisd and riority of the Ie pve: sreat . : tak se dhonbe of FUG nae. £41 Within rasge #1 PI rvs tle garing Brin iB upon hems chee edd 1 a Rl Maia | the arene of this engagement, Plow wenth of Mardin, chose To the inser. gent lines The Tenth Pernsyivanin hive who especially Ft ngaished were originality joes. the marth of Ma 4. bul were uP to the Lines sur. % BLANCO TELLS OF PEACE wel he nei ng M ainte Fin» Prsioastion Se daiems Bivmss: That: he COMMUTING 2 £ WATEAY, it merchant has af Rownls CERES SRR ww | IR oy if vat nod te Bb ar hard i, or" ~~ advised the ordered by Ni pefasing mm, Pipe War risk to Cadiz Watson's saundron an wok a se ta ate ha this army * the in at BHAnIMOuS Basugisl be at land of Cada | a8 the northern ¢ Stag lew 3: $H0N {ahaa afinion that gre TREE $A vf tise In edd hat Lah be done without danger 10 the pe that yellow present Are that fever in the airply al hat there amen bgt fever Bg fen the army ie toy GX tent that ita «ficiency in deatroaved snd | that it i= ia a condition to be practical, iy destroyed hy an spiders of yellow | fever whith is stive to come (0 Lhe near § 9 t ¥ he "We know fran petent officers apd the reports of come from personal ole servatine that the army is unable 16 He the interior and that there | are no Taceiiltios for such a move if empted, apt that 1 could not be tempted until too late, Morsaver, As medical authorities of the fmland sa¥Y That with aur present sguipment | we cold met Jive In the interior dur. ing he rainy season without eses | foyer which ax Jeadly as yellow fever “Thin army must he sped perish. Af The RUMMY CAN the persons resp waible | for preventing such a move wUl be re sprinaihie for the unnecessary oss of | many thousands of ven i “rar opintors are the reoau CRITE personal hservalion ey they are Based on the unanimous aur medical oWieers wi understand the stuRtion sciutely. into ai- | &E~ § in almost | &t 3.57% 0 of og ns SHAFTER — mr sane Condition of the Bick and Wosnded A full explanation tre Bis stand paint of the Regier ted condition of 1 sick and wounded a 1 i vied fromm Ran ‘tin. : 2 to New York on the transports Con. | cho and Senson has been nads 0 the War Dwnartment hy Ceperal Bhafier | Almost ungualifiediy, he puts the blame | SpGn Burge: 1B General Sterntery tar | the sufMering which atisruded the vay. New York, and declares In gnevrtaln language that he will not | sighmdt Gs crim TH $i i afd an fiiting the | Burgeon ene ral 3 fin. tinctly answers the Pepe ales ed stateme nl i nt (leneral Nierntersy the com. manding General ¢ ar “iim Sowrs of the | army” Bave filed to allow the prompt | of medical supplies. and he | Tite Was ample | provision nmde by the Madical Dw ment for ihe } Pha eda af the army, Suerte Arms a. Consds. The Daninton government granted the request of a section of the | af the Republic to vit Hamilton, Ont. to attend a ceishra~ | tion varryiag their arms. As soon as | the request wis made IU was answered, the permission Deng granted wiih pleasure. 0a Ti Fy rae 3 % 475 $4 has | “Disaster st s Fasersl n tor vi of th a Lren Th resulting. $i Y gains: deailt ¢ wither is Bot | a | sta tewenan, are tof the Hismarek sign ¢ Beara nat 8 F mien i eR aracte ; irg 3 ; Ww} POAT Bu parden reach i ing FP iRRta | Raids Surpren Gears Bhurnierg Soupenaitle fur the | Les Part. } TRB P alertagd i the whats } persuaded § ile course Prwery Perved Spain is Yield News has Just sear Redd OW ashington “4 ® recent proclamation of amnesty in | B® {jen BP the Bpouanish pe had, Through PET DW ers graceful wma that thers further ow Marag bd de ef Cushy the intervention hewn foroed that Tih wid be no mere ae for satdiers prisoners aad over 158 wears seed in Mavana, In expla defen in Rim proviamation aren Bite preadaly raving eulered WEE Foe Hianes in. f dew renders That Rpain, corphd rexel the powers and fat relen to she wae Aicia tion he says ane Bnd wii £ir & _,y ther Wis 1Ea. A fyirie Roan iariis ba gia Gye Tahans and the Greed 10 eva ate. Fle amvures the soddiers and ail Span. ab resblenta who wish oretarn LG ¥ Res 1 other Spatial perme. froe fransporialion Will be ih the? omniry they Rel wy bap Sewtingd ted fears ¥ Labtans ar Americaae gents tha the {Cubans lw wngper regarded as seem & foe gem Tue of mH fntarfore hg. NERAL, — BISMARCK’ s FU st Berlin Ceremuingy im preealy harsiay at Berlin ant yo rt di piny. ther resmpeits wtely decorated and ayed na pothaxiaen fr ¥IT% ¢ gif pl meiTniaR Tor a nation's diMersd hardly hundreds of similar | Tune way be witnessed hers al Perhaps the most disappointing feat: though if was Roown beforehand, wks the Tact that not & wingle faniily atiended The their avoom- stouely must be ad- sLateNral DiiAY With the 25 Ae R An wR harlly acdogat and pondescrip % » public attracted hus The hagire BB Was the In the having $n Fable Sr any from LE any Time Rpart for ARP It YOUYRL pew bin He anhtiy SInpLy. we ; Set porn shined » st in Berlin, Ae KParyenens fg Mase thin al: fae ths Tr § hee the sowne The wreaths at ready wWreRihs Vi fom #¥ax influx in He nbosn PMC eR er ith fant Try be plated in The toward bhitfwrnoss of the old chasvelln th Png Raiser seems be ¥ amd den th * Ambassador Whites sent @ Sblegeam Wednesday the fallow. * : sanvey the sin Emperor Wiltam peanie ta The pe of the [nites Slates fe of sYinpathy on the death of Prince “1 am requested fa thanks the CPR iW» Hin sag ge oF FP 54 the wo ——" i ar Rs — S ORDERS With » Lyseding ry. a young Ranisare merch “arendom, Ark. Was sassssi- night of July frige haf Firat ing a ®iars af le a $e th a lad of bas Rah Gert Was thro TERT and serested, and his woegng WAS 3iso arcested ts stated has confessed that ah the aessasinat nda Attempt Was tarry. hwy the moh 1 Hirasg pn WHMmEn Ww Mys Et fs yen En LB eight an aw tako mPa ined of red H Mpa Jueen extransiinary prevagtions have j Aen taken 1 Mayer Saves Three PI ar Van Wyk, of New at Fresporr. Lo LL York. Wes May nas Deen fries. Waorner Miss Jennie print $211 gf ¥ Porvent aad ¥ In i co Rehayiki & rons travery am Die 3 Biss made Xnown Bo | Spain :w Pach of farsi the dis. | of maing for peace. amd JC 5 : war an PRE of # pardon to all Cuban poe ; : | by Spanish subports ning Suaina the C [CH so ae in the Drasent | vis {BTarforenee | WAT | 5 owned Bar RHE, | Berne, x! I san fe, aibywing : TREE forgiven ami!’ vx ard thas | Pim the aveny | won belng authorized MANY CLAMS FILED. on i Ph Taited Bates Wil] Amume Liahility for Demag : TeSieted by the The announcement that the [United Flistes government will assgme abil. ite for the claims of the insurgents amainst the Spanish goysrament on acitiant of injuries and damages sus- talried in the Coban insurrection has came the Ring of &% large number of cite with the stats department. Vary many of these ara not based up- OY dvents occurring during the last re- ection, Bm dute back for very many yeigre snd relate to exXeess customs collections, damages sustained through wimdiripal raladministeation, alleged Hirgal confinement and «ach things in the other hand there are Bow Spanish claims to the amount of $8. M0 ageinet the 'nited States that of & Joint claims commis- would be proper Americans here A theme claims 4 Are made off pote iarge 1 many rmbaer of Xe The assistant ssoreiary of war, Meoik- eijonn, stated that sufficient trans- portation for the next expedition to Mania had been srranged for. About Cbd mettle the 15 TH8 officers and men have already ¢ feft Ban Francisco for the Philippines, Fang of this Rum her about 1108 have arrived at iH The transporls cirriond the first expedition—the Australia. Uity of Pekin and City of Bydneyv-have started on thelr return trip. and will is all proebabitty csrry the remainin troops. Ww hioh Merrit: saves will be needed at $i Evry, Man an scoount of Jetravmt or sgppropriated by whfederate tracts during the war thus havisg exactly the dgane Danie ax a number of claims filed by Amvrboan oo citizens agwinet the Spatial government far ariperty seigs ar Jestrayed by inenrgents in fms Slime flowing from the f the Fomminsioners svg Cad by CHARTERS Fe rita chats” pdt far De probable Rows the sdivusiment of poeges wrerarment will ignore ai} sloped by Amer ome sustained In the others 1s Tee at~ on by & jon! commie Praiwmirty the flame of whe ir te bBeliews that in aur Salm sve oes & thats 000 Fitimpryg fiw wf for later &ioie, 2000E RIDERS RETURN | Ther Are he Piewt of he Sestings Troms 0 Ba- . Wot Wonk Interest Shown is the Publis Serviess Heid | f | Lave st Rantisgo has wee ax TERRTAL | Fite Sepaoiat NE § ¥ the | fa tinae | gran tent that Ee ¥ mn hey | bork fer the North Apertran soldiers to he unhealthy candi heer Reeded and is Bastening the tis Mon “Rough the trans. the The plea of the ee plage] Troost the war department work of thelr franspariation tank. Lo 1 Ihe Mirae roRUiAY cavalry. Potaws © agile Masday an sorte Miami and Matteawan for Viet The Rough Riders ragw 99 town by rail room thelr camp pear Xantiage. AL the station they fall into line, emch pontpipaRyY being preceded by a red and white Magner bearisg the number of tha regiment and the company letter Posies roads 47 the Bead of (Re feginment as 11 marched down thr Ala. wyedin akirting the waler fran ta the i deli where the Minami was moored, Ald and Letters and soerftows | BAYE those geriving (ater . ; x Lot tes deliver the ri to Wash | and | ubclersl So J | 4 Young Mershuant Setasinsted Judge Interferes after ro} i tor onked 2 aL “but warn GAT, oeora am ows man Spann Craiser Marts Tureen Afloat sad wil dwl Isr Nertellk Merriit-Uhapman wrecking coms pax Informed the navy depierts the wrevkers have suceeded the Spanish cruiser Maria Toros amd are about to start Ber ane der Ber gwa steam to Norfolk, The Bas nosh ti da with this the Kers having contract- § af the vessels of Core might be recovered oon iw sxrretet that the w-ararred Hpanish ship will af Feme® faogssads of curious wish rs when she resches Hampton Road. It x fully expected at the savy departs it that the Maria Toros will res the men 3 He pany floating VOYARe Paris's Heat fro Ae ah st, shel and nn o@ month's submer. auivkly fouling water of “aba. H. weyver, fhe repairs will he made far sentimental is srrang sought wars expenditure of BONY JAGUEN thw inte serviceable cone Sait ihe foamy ahip — rH A AIR PREPARATIONS AT NONTATX Large Sumber of fuppiies Sent ts the Camping Grounds of the Sazliage Seidiers Saturday's ments from the I arsenal were the argest to sine beginning of the war, Montau®x Paint I. 1. where Shat- Army ia to be gquariered, were S300 carupaign hate NEE pairs * ship a8 waa . sent of sizes 20 0 ponchos [508 biankels, Iyneh | Judge | ip tnmp oo Iam anarshiste | 4 { far the uae w has Nn iram of Ftockings 10.068 bed. hospital tents complete and copapletz Preparations tas faciiitate the prompt dellvery of the gousls at the wie {ither shipments made Hin the arsenal wers 1LA00 frags caps 2 i) wiyeiter tents to Fart MoPher. 1 pala light wz ght trousers, af ronvalesents at Fore $1 00 sachs, 147 fa wall tents are being made pars son and Cargo for Forts Ries via, chartered by the Fito Rice Rreamship patil the heginning of of atvamers ather Parte Brooklyn on Rice She GOONS CATED amd ir Ihe DANPORE- wn a justive of Lary An i ton mill samples of the ooesdls « Be thinks that a weds otton goods can be ese eid with Porto Rica Passengers end The steamer Si York >
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers