# olla baie 5 P ; AUGUST 11, @ourier. 1 ATTON PUBLISHING co, Proprietors. © BE Wiig Guus, Editor, CHURCH NOTICES. Eracolbal.- Rev. Ir. M. (ann, pastor Joes ali 3 o'clock p.m. every Sunday. day shool at 10s. ™ Carnorac--Father Fuwbias, day at % and 1a am every San schon AZ p. mi. and vespors at 7 pom, FOTHERAN ~ Rev. 1. ~ ain wey i oF: alterna: munis 3 1: Munday | Fwy Y 1 FC Eat 85 pan. veh Saudny, Memsoom Briscor si v. £. BH Witnmn, Bervieos at io b oa em and Tap, ne Ay sehool ar : P.! Epworth Longue am, La raping every Walnes Mary jes ae 5 asi le Ti and oF and » Jmstopr. tite Eh BR on Fr i And then hbvw Alot 1 the ih they trouble, it's a curse! brothers, Ioning it to thers Roasting ears appear plentifol. Prom L. A. W. Belletin. A Mm lem Hit life bs nenrty done & hve won jouid they have had a show. Dose PET EE ‘Berry pickers are numerous. Remémber the place—at the Grocery. Miss Clara Hornsar visited friends | Cash son Dil, of Hastings, vied Willam Tomlinson, of Loretto, was | in town one day last week. ‘George Gulich, of Clearfield, spent a : fow days in town last week Evan Morgan, of Oarrolitown, was a visitor to Patton Monday. were visitors to Patton Sanday. Bee thange of Geo. O. Hradys ad eleewhere in the Courier this week. | > ~The Episcopal congretion of Patton EPESIA 10 erect, a pew church very R Somerville and C. W. Hodgkins , took & bicycle ride to Westover Sat Bun. iremedy? For sale by C. | Watkin Evans, of Danville, Pa, i | week. Few odds and ends in shirt waists, closing ont below cost at Mrs. Dartt’s millinery store. In order to reduce stock you will find some great bargains at Mra. Anna Dartt’s millinery store. The Cambria county teachers’ insti. tute will be held this year at Ebensburg ceommencing November 21st. The new silk mili at Reynoldsville is nearing completion. pay out about $200,000 a year | Wages. George Dewey, a bright little boy, ‘arrived at the home of Mr. and Mr Geo. O. Brady, of Pifth avenue, Sat urday, Randay mn Dave Wilson is compelled to move ‘around by the use of crutches owing Al G. Curvin an employe works, is nursing four very sore fingers, | which were injured in some manner by a large rope. The familiar face of H E. Holtz worth, the genial traveling salesman of | Philadelphia, was seen on our streets | Monday and Tuesday. Mins Blanche Minnick, Who has been | visiting her sister, Mra. 8. W. Worrell, { during the past to months, returned to her home at Clearfield Tuesday. : | Frank Sharbaugh, Faq, of Ebens- ‘burg, accompanied by his sister, Miss Hattie Sharbangh, of Carrolitown, were pleasant visitors to Patton Sat- urday. : { Osceola will, it ls presumed, soon lose one of her prominent citizens in the person of W. A. Crist, who is ‘building a handgome residence in j Jotimstown, Quite a number of Pattonites expect to attend the ball game at Johnstown to-day Thursday | between the Pitts ‘burg National League club and the ‘Johnstown Athletic club. During the year 15831, the receipts of | Cambria county were $3,830.35, and the expenditures $3,140.68]. The vearly | total on both sides now is considerably : more than $100,000. Tribune. Miss Maggie Donnelly and two nieces, Misses Anna and Agnes Don- nelly, daughters of W. J. Donnelly, are visiting at the home of Squire | Graham, Strongstown, Indiana county, i OC. T. Miller and Indy, of Altoona, | this week. There is a General Garcia in Coba; there is a General Garcia in Porto : there is a General Garcia in the Philippines. Has Jobn Smith taken a a nom de guerre and gone on the war. ‘ path. — Ex. James Gilliece and H. Hubbard were elected as delegates from Patton to the , Democratic county convention held at | Ebensburg Monday. M. J. Ryan was chomen as committeman for Patton for | the ensuing year. The festival beid by the Ladies’ Aid | Society, of the M. E. Church, in front | of the Chest Creek Land & Improve ment company's office Friday night money was realized by the ladies in charge. Wanted At Hop Lee’s steam lsundry, a good Balsam. “orp: Diigo Tyondy antee to cure you. Why saffer an ir- yourself easily and prowpay by this W. Hodg- ar] shirt waist sets, worth 25¢ at 10¢ ee po brush, 3 rows of bristles, 3c ren’s Tam O'Shanters, were 2 5¢, now 15¢ : alarm clocks, ssc watch, warranted, g9c weralls, our price 25c belts, were 10c, now at sc socks, “double heels, for lack hose at 4c 3c ack hose, better, at sc color work shirt, 17¢ linen collars, 6¢ heavy suspenders, wire ’ night g size wash ard 10c | Je make prices that will nce. buckle, 9¢ “Leader” for 19¢ , well made, 42¢ win your trade and court your Your satisfaction after buying is part of our AT THE It is expected to was well attended and a neat sum of | Cd hs yA si REE The Presbyterian hall, Barpesboro, for months, has at sta last been successful in providiog a church home, having purchased the church building of the Methodist Pro- tentants. Never judge a person by his outside appearance. A shabby old coat may enwrap a newspaper publisher, while a man wearing a high plog hat and sporting a gold-headed cane may be a delinquent subscriber. — Newspaper dom. Charley Stratton, past has been employed as a miner nt the Asheroft mine pear town, left aboot a month ago and a friend has received a letter from him stating that he has enlisted in the army and is now at Chickamauga. Carrolitown News Mr. Deitrick, of the new hardware, to having sprained his ankle a few store, certainly knows what ix most the last day of August days ago. needed in a country print shop, having at the clay presented the editor with a beantiful once in abont three Vears, and there pair of scissors Monday which were made in Germany. snake editor will soon be compelled to ‘take up a contribution to purchase a new paste bucket as the present one is ‘not quite in keeping with imported schmors with gold-plated handles. Sk ME congregation, | visiting among friends in Patton this which has been worshiping in Burns’ Rosebud woman cured her husband of who {or some time | paper, It looks as if the | month again until 1901 fe AAA “The Conlport Standard save . that al staying out nights by going to the | agree to refund the money on two 25. door when he came home and whisper. | Cent botties of Baxter's Mandrike ing through the key hole: ‘Is that Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, you Willie?’ Her hasbands name is | | billiousness, sick headache, or any of John, and he stays at home every night | the diseases for which it is recom. now and sleeps with one eye open and | | mended. Also will refind the money 2 revolver ander the pillow. | on a Bcent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if it does not cure any cough, cold, An exchange says lot your motto be’ | spanp whooping cough, or throal “lie, Steal, Drink and Swear” When jung diffenity We alen guarantees you it be down to pleasant ' ne dreams. When you steal, let it bet orove satisfactory away from immoral associates. When ainded Por sale by C. , ou drink. it # be nothing but pare, Patton Pharmacy. cold water. When you swear, swear Lumber! that you will patronize your home Having secored a million feet of pay your subscription and not send your job work away from home | , lumber | am now i to furnish it in the rough in all lengths ote Dislivered on short notice, at the lowest *Next! price and on reasonable terms { ‘an furnish all kinds of mining her such as bank rails, ete, i handle hard wood number. All hills cut to order, Kindling wood by the load. Chas. Rhody, PATTON, PA. | Office in Otto building, Beech avenue. ie jet Or money re. W. Hodgkins There are two fall moons in August, the one on Monday, the Ist, and one Full moons y tim. pocar twice in the mane month oniy Alen not he two fall in one The harvest | moon i the moon which is nearest the $ autumnal equinox, and will be this | | will moons ; year the full moon, occurring on Sep tember 20. The Store that the People of all Central Pennsylvania have learned to know as the Universal Provider of Dry Goods at A Giganti( Personally directed by a Popular Low Prices. Mill End Sale of Dry Gnods representative of the largest mill contractors in the Eastern States, commences here on and Lasts One Week. ——ttp This store is known far and wide for its management, upon a high plane, in thie Dry Goods Art. The energy, the , tion of success and as further ‘have this GREAT MILL END SALE at our store for one week, push, the bustle and the crowds all point in the direc- proof of our growth and improvement we have arranged to when we will give the people of Altoona and Central Pennsylvania an opportunity to buy Dry Goods of all kinds ritating cough when you can cure as well as mill end lengths of goods sold by the yard, at such prices as have before been quoted in the history of this or any other store. rtunities will be appreciated yrobably never We know that these wonderful and taken advantage of by our patrons. In fact, whenever ‘this sale has been given in Other cities it meant such crowds of enthusiastic buyers as was "nev er before known. We bel ieve that such will be the case in Altoona, and have prepared for it by having lots of extra salespeople here to serve you all promptly. A “Mill End Sale” Means the selling, at a mere stores throughout the country. to make the Jie doubl rtmen t saving a dollar w ‘to buy goods at the prices we are going to quote at this sale. from every | person w ho Cares a 9epa raction of their real have been bought from all kinds of mulls, by one concern, short lengths of goods that , by them sold to different We have succeeded in securing the sale for this city, and interesting, we have 29e8e in the store, marked at PRI that wil rare every It will pay you to come fifty miles worth, en possible. TRIS SALE COMMENCES THORSDARY, ROGUST 11, At 8 a. m. and Continues One Week. REMEMBER -Every Departmentin the store, whether mentioned here or not, will be repre- sented in this sale with values that are rag. roachable—It will be to EMAIN AWAY FROM T Sur disadvantage IS SALE. WILLIAM F. GABLE & CO, Altoona, Penn’a. Nottie. We, the undersigned, do hereby oe cent bottle of either of the above | Phi pele Co Aleons & Clearfield with ; Penusyvania milrosd; Peunsytvania and North ¥en SCof res of items V “Let me give you a . poiliter” said M. F. Gregg, a popular conductor on the Misouri Pacific railroad. “Do you know that Chamberlain's colie, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy coves you when you have the stomach ache ? Well, it does.” And after giving this friendly bit of advice, the jolly con. ductor passed on down the aicie. It is a fact that thousands of railroad and traveling men never take a trip with- oot a bottle of this remedy. which is the beet cure for bowel disorders in the worid. 25 and Scent botties for sale by Patton Pharmacy, © W. Hodgkine Beech Creek Railroad. NY OC&H BR R Co Lessee Condensed Time Table. opst Fors Eep Mall No#® Sas ATE om cd Hw CE May BE Patton iy hme Moab they ETT tonne K errinar Nowa Wiligeat 552 pp dey FABRE OD = 3 vi Bed Wownlinnt Bigher Wal Morrietnle Mises Murriven Philipsburg Mutisom Winbasrue Penile {Fin tam 1s Moow Shiw Howdy pve k Mil Hal jaw Haves ¥ oa regalia de Wass Aersy Rhee J anetion Setwey Miho Willig snepuery et Bo vl nh mk A eh 38% oy 8 ge 8 AS ww we 3 * ot CP aELE gins io - he « * He il is ar 185 2m LEARY THE & vs £3 8 - + wh We ga gh gf i PRR ERR EE dn We g Ap uw Pu wv Phit'a & Reading R BR L Hi Willan sageort iy = Pr ported phi ar $ > MY via Tamagus sr 38 NYvia Phila arhiog pm am Hus gas “dnp ; § BERTINI SHNBLESRAUSERL REED Foi ds @ wv Fed ily PWeeRkdayx Bw BP . NMundaye eS a mm Nan ‘New ¥ wk pamengers traveding vis Phik —t tplids on (23 rnin from Willismeport will vhesupe om at Hantingdon St, Phils. Conners AL Wikia pany with Phils deiphia and Reding mil share with the Fall Brook ak Mill Hall with Centra! Railroad of os Mil nt with Pennaytvania ratinmd and pany Dnpeeting ralirond: at the Beoffabo, Reeieuint and - # Pittsburg XH» at Mahal with arabes and Qeareld at and Palton vision of the wilh the wey. ¥ E Herriman, ER, Pennsylvamia Railroad Table May 16, 1888 A. G5 Palmer, bat perintendent. T 1 nie Main Line. Fase Crosman Eastward Sew Shore Express, week days A Towiian evan mediation, week days Main Line Express, daily } A tows Aeron yooseticn, Mail jap Auils Philadelptita os pres, suit) rane © remem vat ward Johnstown asm, week Facife Foxpro, Anil Ray Passenger, daily rittatirg Ky puene daily dave att Fastin, daily Bpstoss Aoeuae. wew lk dass cambria and Clearfield. Noathwand Morning ale Sor Palle amd reson aves Calan Cm pial ob Mahaffey vo os wm a Jom Jel Wesbover wil Hastiogs 1% Gar way (far Cressi BC Patton e0 radie Janetion Tak Kaylor {fer ng Tie arriving aL pie ai i a wm Allernoon traits Bor Patton and Orsesn mves Oleg f amphel] at od pore; Mahaffey at 23: LaJow Wstisver £50 Hastings & HE arway for « rewnon er Patton TW ley Junction Ray! or 0, arriving at pint A £5 Northward rsdn hie a Shi sr Mutat Few Mornin al iy KE Loge’ 1H | way (for Habtley | Jowe [2a Mal Campbell at 18S touts mint diem ¢ simp ave. orem at dc; Kavior dy ng ley Junction fo. Pation will Garway 7 Hastings for Glenn ——, Glen Campbell ToEE “ 57. Maha fey #30; arriving at tilen Cminpbedi fmm “te. ® Jan 1 or Tales mae, ¥ to agen ar adios Thea KE E Walp i, we Fifth averne Pittsbare, Pu J. B. Hutehinmen, JR. Wood, teens, Mgr Gen. Pass. Agt Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT MAY 23. 1898 w Nod z ‘ EE AEESREELBaET. Leave} nian Station Makallfey Hew Uroek Junction Fu Bg ¥ g EL ne EEREF. Maha tPry Labsthuret f Mod iowm Wostaell f oa a dn Hurnside Pascoe! Hep hg 3 wl ol ol od Ll ag od wl od of wd Cad saxty ERNE fads Harta: Han ry Faller Run LEGREAREURENT BE 0G Eh 4 AE NE RE BB WR en Lh ae LE ane » wp ¥ bonne ter Hun oni Han 1 tales ( hv 3 sbwihl Pass ioere 1 Burns sase’ 2 HugE® go Nim LV = 15 2 = 5% x «BD CHS REEE EY Mud dvs Latailtars | Manaitey Reset Urvek Junction Pinion Mution Mabaifey £ Flag <lation pump time AL with Heed mvek By BONS ENLIST ix AEB DBR Edessa E Union Nation, Mabatfey, miiroad, (1 & UU. division Pennsylvania milrond, and P & NW. mil rowel al Whiskey Huan with Meties & New contre milroad) st Midiees with PP AN W wil rowd. Nites UT 01d] farther notice timins will man arly between Union Station Mahafles | and Sy pen man pba hl AL trmins daily exoept San day , H. Hicks, General Manager, Mahaffey, Ps. Buffalo. Rochester snd Pittaburg Ry. asl sas a—— in asnd alter July L 1K laine will leave Hewo hh Creek Depot, Clearfield, ax follows: wdia. om. Revaosidsvilie Acoommostation. for Curwensville, Do Bats, Falls Creek and Reyne olitsviile. Conoeeting st DoBais for Ride. way, dobre bing, Boaadford and Rochester, 55a, me. Buffhio Kx prvss, for Curwensviile, Priods and Fails Creek. Conneeting at Dulles for Ridgway, Johnsoubarg, Brad. furl and Barfaio feild om Pa Bods preven. Far Ths Bais MILE W TIN Hx and Panx- and Pan ssats wines ¢. Palls Creek Trains loa Pn. BITE, m.. Cid and £30 Cor Thekeds, Bae Thess gnd fil 3 W tiles te pil om or address, Or, K€. Lager, fen eet Ast Hoo hyester, Lo. 4 Howsiip, Agent, enriicid, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers