fon Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING Co., Proprietors. FE. Wire Greene, Fdltor, ESTABLISHED . 1893, One copy, one year, in advanss, £3). . - BLOOD F- Advertising mites made Known upon ap-| : it You Don’t B Patton You Don’t Get the Lowest Frices. / of the | and Buckwheat Milla-20ef A Remarkable Care of Chron Plarrhoss, in 1862, when | served my country as | a private in Company A, 167th Penn svivania Volunteers, [I contracted chronie diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal of trouble ever since I have tried a dozen different medicines | A ph Patronize home industry by baying | Go to Dans’ Bakery or your your flour and feed at the Patton Feed | j fresh bread and cakes Parnell & Cowher, wo Agents for. ‘FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT BEAL PMTATE AGENTS Crown? Baila: Pa vir. Parts 3, Fhe No i INSURANCE. i iis be Cool soda water and refreshing root | : beer on tap at C. W. Hodgkins, Patton | | Pharmacy. Ripans Tahules sure headache New DE NTIST : Hipweisl attention fives u to the $4" IN Preserem FOR PATTO tion of the natnral tes ifieinl tewth 8 Dr. Chas. Ernest Chase, graduate of *Poially. Good Hatiding Patton, Ps. Pe Universi noayivania Univesity. a. DR. S. W. Worrell, NW ILSON, oon Dentist. Gnidunte Philadelphia Dental College. wilted in the Sadosuon ballding, £0 NO papers discontinued anti] all arrear | ro are Jai, unfess al the option of the Borer at the Postoffies 81 Patton as weond- olan mail Alar, Our big ten | Red uction marvellous that, put through a venreh.| ing investigation, it is found to have been accomplished with the simplest and most practical rules, persistently followed, always adhered to, never deviated from. Since Dewey sent “ : Montojo’s ships to the bottom of Ma- —Will continue for— nila Bay and Schley drove Cervera’s fleet ashore on the beach below Santi ago, the world has gazed in rapt admi- | ration at the vkill of American gunners. Their performances have been hailed as marvellous, and the accuracy of J Articles of great interests including thelr gans snd hit them. How? By and several prominent doctors without YOU i Jour Roi ps. any permanent relief. Not long ago a | Keep the friend sent me a sample bottle of | FORTUNE uur a nea in '3 a a bea snd braln is Fan's iia NH ATER one Fda Chamberiain's Colic, cholera and iar rhoea Remedy, and after that I bought | and took a 50-cent bottle; and now I can say that [I am entirely cured. I cannot be thankful! enough to you for this great remedy, and refommend it to all suffering veterans. If in doubt write me. Yours gratefully, Henry Steinberger, Allentown, Pa. Sold by | Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgkins. 1LArt de 1a Monde, The current sue of [JArt de n Mode is full of the latest imported | ideas for all kinds of costumes. Seven, colored plates and nearly one hundred © | other illustrations make it the most | useful book for dressmakens published. | { suggestions as to every important’ branch of dressmaking [Art de ia | Mode is for sale at all newsdealers, or prices we are | snd ss cents for a single number to | The Morse-Croughton Co, No. 3 East | : ETE [edt of the O34 Ward relist 10 mevki les. a. 5 A na VI iw, SNLY SURBRAN AC Se TiecEE, 19. Try oa ! FirstNation’ Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Casibria Co, Pa. TA appears b CAPITAL PAID VU P, $50,000.00, SURPLUR, $40,000.00. Acvounis of Corporations. Firms, Individo. ale ard Ranks reeeivesd gpm the most yore. Ble terms constant with safe ured conservative | banking steasnabiin thekoets for sale Go Hines, Foreign mfix ™ abies in the pri 3 3 vorrespondeiise will have our prompt ond pera) altention rites? pald on time AE Parrox, Wn President. Tepomits H. Saxpyn ( soubor: £315 med {ity Festaumnt, where he fa prepared to do nll | ¥indso of Eweritial work, sted an FILLING TEFTH, PLATE WORK, : CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK, EXTRACTING ET. Cif fitted thammmghon Pp Ianevs won NE ip mw hp moan T pomp om All west guaranteed and a hem! share of Four patronage solieited 8nd 1 with all moder ap {for Bours will bw from S a. GO TO THE People s ¥ Market MAGEE AVENUE, POR. Fresh and Smoked PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offlee in (ood Batlding, Room No. 3 HS Gooersl Sorgury and the Eye a Specialty All lis will neewive prompt stenting. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoffice, Patton, Pa. wa antis day or tight, promptly responded Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offiee in Artington bloek, next Wo Postatien Patton, Ma All » emlis remponded promptly Diseminr of the car, nose and throst given speedal attention, OFFICE HOUR Twa mand 12 Wwipm JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, Patton, Pa. | Office in Good Building. -10tf. i | WN. DAVIS — Attorney and Counselor at Law, following persistently the rules laid’ down for their guidance, by practisi ng gunnery, by indulging in target prac- tice and gun drill regularly and perse- weringly. American nerves, notwith. ~ #anding the rapidity of our life, are and so, combined with steady nerve, making are sure Interest you. All Wash Goods, Dress eet; Gingbams, Percales, Shirt Waists and Tan our gunners had grim determination, | Shoes will be closed ont g Over 8 year, which was taken | laid down by 4 | 138 now 108 days since the war with Spain was begun and in that Haw 0 nan pion Soca mot a os mag _ tode. Since April 22nd sn army of ns, men has been placed in the field and victories have succeeded each other om the land and sea in a manner prob- #bly never before witnessad. To con- Wey an idea of the achievements this brief recapitalation taken from the Philadelphia Press is given: April 22 War was begun by blockade of the ports of Cuba. | May 1.--Commodore Dewey attacked and sunk the Spanish fleet in the harbor of Manila. : ‘May 34.— Commodore Schley’s squad- 2 von blockaded Admiral Cervera’s fleet . : harbor, . 20.—Ceneral Shafter’s army ar. | 2.—The American troops at- | Spanish, drove them into, 44 enptured E1 Caney and below cost. Here is a chance to get a Handsome Dress Pattern | At a Bargain. Will give vou reduction on all . DRY O0DS Our stock a big In our store. 1s all new and up-to-date, and lof the best quality, ; Special low prices on remnants of carpet. Will make beautiful RUcS cE —— Don't fail to come before this big Reduction Sale is| past, for prices were never as| ow as now. If you want bargains that are bargains cal} ‘and get them. Try Thomson's to return every seventh day, but = to Celery King, 1 havered but | know that what helped me will won _ others.—Mrs. John D. Van Keuren, magortien NT Celery King for the a 50c and 25 packages by Patton | Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins. ‘Glove-Fitting wor Corsets and Julia me Marlowe Shoes, The most perfect fitting corset and and shoes on the market. Patton Supply to! | 19th street, New York. | It is always gratifying to soouive] | temtimonials for Chamberlain's colic, | : cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and ! when the endorsement is from a physi. cian it is especially so. “There is no! more satisfactory or effective remedy than Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,’ writes Dr. R. E Robey, physician and pharmacist, of Olney, Mo.; and as he has used the remedy in his own family and sold it in his drug store for six years, he should certainly know. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkine R. FE Notley, | ‘Hams, Salt Wines, Liquors, All Kinds Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & S Be | Home-Made D). Lutz & Son's Beera | Specialty. BOLOGNA Our Bottled Beer and Porter for On Hand. | oe family ose cannot be excelled. Prices | are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA; Wholesome. an Meats of |All our Meats are Pure and AGAR SR BR Sk 8A RR These are some of the Consequences of Constipation: headache vomiting torpid liver heartburn foul breath sleeplessness drowsiness hot skin cramps throbbing head dizziness weakness backache vomiting jaundice piles pallor stitch irritability nervousness biliousness loss of appetite pimples sour stomach depression coated tongue nightmare palpitation cold feet debility are a Sure Cure for Constipation. Dr. J. C. Ayer’s Pills are a specific for all diseases of the liver, stomach, and bowels, These testimonials are from the thousands received: — “1 suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form that | fearnd it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. After vainly trving vanous reme- dies, began to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected a complete cure.’ D. BURKE, Saco, Maine. = For eight years | was affficted with constipation, which at last became 30 had that the doctors could do no more for me. Then | began to tuke Aver's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action,” WM. H. DeLAUCETT, Dorset, Ont, “Aver's Fills are the best in the world. I used to be annoved with constipation until I began using them; now I have no trouble of that kind any more, and 1 attribute my recovery to the use of your valuable Cathartic Pills.” H. PLOWMAN, The Pill That Will The Pill That Will Portland, Oreg, | wstisfuction® Don't pot o Engnssura, Pa. All legen! business prompily attended io. Offiee in Harker Ballding. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest Hine in Patton af . G. J]. FITZPATRICK’'S ' Restanrant on Mages avenne, »aar i PRR MEALS AT ALL HOURS Your Watch may need 12% oslook at 3. No fit ya and if yoo woold have us put it in shape weil do it well at 8 i Fou wait" oliiect tn, Punmants oF NE. Be Be eh FR SERD FOR CATALOGUE. ARE YOU READY Fir winter® Does your henler give with troalibdes € xa LT us aboot 1 last yemr. | Dewting your house, either bry ir, bot Wnler oF steam. any work. GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, PA. an give yoo esti on YY CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. Casing a ra 0 So Si kinds of BA Ans Sova: re id metal * Shaigee in ue ne for new wool, 8-iyr THEST SPRINGN, PA. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. Office in the Good Building. MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Acoammodations fint-olass. Best of Liquess and Wines ut the bar. Stabling attached. GroRaR FERGUSON, FIRE INSORANCE James ‘Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com panies. Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aven. Patton, Pa. COMPA NY. wee Watt ict ares of and Deniers eee | Lamber of all Kinds, Planing Mil} Work, Sash and Doors of all Kinda. WORKMANSHIP AND LUMBER GUARANTEED Prices and terms reasonabie. We have just received a car load of | doors and sash to which we call your Spectal attention. OFFICE | Au Mill and in Room No. 7 of Good Building. ‘Hastings Furniture . & Undertaking Co. UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ETC, | All calls promptly attended to. Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho- tel, Patton Pa.. and Spen- cer building, Hastings Pa. Also office in Spiece building, Barnesboro, 'H. C. EASLY, Manager.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers