The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 04, 1898, Image 4
THE PATTON COURIER, AUGUST 4 ht Patton Courier. Jon oe . hi PATTON PUBLISHING CO., Proprietors. | F. Wirt Greene, Editor. ESTABLISHED - - 1563. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - - $1.00 So Advertiing rates monde Known Upon ap | plication. SN papers dsermtinued nnn all arrenr- ages are paid, unless at the option of the publishers. Entered at the Postoffice at Pation as second. class mail matter. COUNTY OFFICERS. President Judge-Hon, A. V, Harker, Prothonotary —8, W. Davis Register and Becordor— FB. Jones. Tremsurer—E. F, Spencer. Sheriff ioe. M. Wertz, Deputy Sheriff. ~Eivenr avis, Pstrics Attorney. - FL 8 Morphy, Cnn issioners Himtetior Hoover, Corn as issboners’ lork ‘Connty Superintendent T 3 County Burvesar- { Pitti rrnsn County Asditon—-A, Lo Milenherger, P.M fawrente, Jobin (attings, Commissioners - C1 Miller, wa Ire. F. 8 Livingston Poor Directors Jlumes Somerville, Jones ahd James Moar ww Jogos, and wd HT = {ym tas Tym svy Ansiern Wenkiand Them, T. TINE OF Ho BING COURT. Ist Monday of March. | Ist Monday of Sept. int Monday of June. | Ist Monday of Dee. Argament org is held between the above dates somoucH OFFICERS. Burgess.(heo, Prindible, Council Alex Montieth, president; W. Hubbard, Das’l P. Jones. J. Dr. Bale, KE P. NeCurmies, Frank Anderss, John Scheid, Carfiman, wera > WH. Santor, t = H. Carfran WW rons urer; H. E Harton, C. C. Holter, W. {angie Justice of the Peace — Jesse Fo Lo Jas. hon. Clerk—E. Will Greens, Colleetor—Jas. Mellon. Assessor--John H, Bomerville, . Anditors—-Eimer Smale, W. A. Mellon, Jadge of Eleetion-—John Truman, Inspector Wm. Clark, James Gilliree Comstabio- Samuel E. Jones, Chile! of Police—Dan’t Holes. Breet Commbsioner—Samt F. Jones, High Constable-—Dun’) Holes. Bi er SPATN'S DEPLORABLE CONDITION. The Philadelphia Commercial figares of Spain a few deductions tending to show reasons for the deplor- of the ladies is to the effnct th + able condition of that country. population of the country is estimated “at 18,000,000, and half this number have. no employment. work in the field The total number - son, $1. DICKERS IN DIRT. Recorded at Elemsburg up to Date Friday, July 29 Executor of Rev. Thomas Van Scoyoc Ellen Ferguson et vir to Darragh, Ebensburg, $1,700. to William McCartney, Reade; consid- eration, $20. Augus J. Charlotte Watt to Conemaugh coal & coke company, Allegheny, $1, 304. Matthew Ivory et nx to Conemaugh coal & coke company, Clearfie Thomas J. McCullough et u emangh coal & coke company, gheny, $1,072. id, $1,018. x to Con- Alle Samuel Kelly et ux to Conemaogh coal & coke company, Clearfield, $1,654. U. 8. Flick et ux to Abram Matthews, Reade, $175. Catharine Kirschner et vir to John Kirchner, Jr., Cambria, $3,000, John G. Kaylor to Conemaugh coal & coke company, Manster, $1. Assignee of John G. Kaylo emangh coal & coke comp ster, $424. r to Con- iy, Mun- Oliver Evans et ux to Harry Row- land, Cambria, $575. | Bernard Litzinger et ux| to Philip Burkhart, Carroll, $50. Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to James Lynch, Patton, §150. James Lynch et ux to Patrick Lynch, Patton, $100. John Ashoroft et ux et a District of Cresson towns John Ashcroft et ux et al District of Cresson towndl son, §1. | An Pditor's Hard Lot. A melancholy picture of life is drawn by an exchange “There are Sivave those who inal article, they will say it If you reprint an article, the If you say a de can't write.] word for a man, you are p jealous; and if you don’t, win, you are a tin horn, and to School ip, Cres. fo School ip, Cres editor's will Kick. the danger of A New Means of Sher itaation. Ome of the simples: and most thor - ongh methods of sterilizing when it can ' be used ix by means of heat One of the difficulties in the nee of this megs is that the articles may be soiled 5 cially where the heat is long continued Baking or placing articles in dry heat for any length of time ix rg uly an anrelinkle method but ato 4 with Are if a degre oo 1% sufficiently thorough to sterilile them Boiling or steaming is objectionable becanse most things would be rendered oseloss from the oomtact with moisture. Experiments have proved that hot ofl is ome of the best sterilizers known, espe- cially for instruments (Ome of cur mest aminent surgeons has demonstrated the fact that the most complete sterilizing follows the dipping of wurgleal instruments into boiling olive oil. Ome may determine the tem- putatere of the ofl by a very simple of dropping bread crumbe into the ofl eriep, the oil is hot enomgh for the sur. geon's us. This is moth more oon- venjent than nsng the thermometer, which may not always be at hand. The nil may be heated over a spirit lamp, and a few spoonfale will be sufficient for sterilizing the lostraments ased in sme of the more simple operations — Exchange Rutned the Sate, A young lady from the city was try. ing her band as an amategr sles onan ina plantation store ope morning last week when an old colored woman, gor- geously arrayed in ber Sunday clothes entered the store and, pointing to a bot- tle of German cologne on one of the highest shelves, saked: “What dat™’ “That's cologne, suntie “Well, I'll take it."’ Delighted at having made a mie in soch s short time the young Iady busied herself in getting down the bottle and dusting it for the customer's inspection, _ at the same time commenting npon its youself away. but now you done let out dat it's puf- fume, an I don't want it, for puffume excellencies with the volnbility of an experienced auctioneer. » “I believe, auntie '' she continued, ““that this is the finest perfume ever She was trought to a sudden pause, for the old negress had thrown up both oq DADds in horrified protest “Stop right dar! Yous done gd Fust you maid oclogne, nebhear holds its scent I wanted co erat. Jogne. '—New Orleans Times Demo- Yaloable Ware. At the Saveton male, in London, a few years agn, a servios of old Sevres ware was sold for $5,000. The genuineness 1. of this set was proved by certificates is sued to the owners by the Fremch gov ernment, writes F. Vizetelly in Godoy’ persons unable to read or write is 4 00 one continual round of pleas- estimated at 6,104,470, of which FARMERS C. CAN MAKE GOOD ROADS. to Have Good Country Roads,” in the | August Ladies’ Home Journal, pro- ry first shot on Sunday (althougs | © © we did fire the first shot, after all}; but ; is is well enough to remember that | DUe Patton Markets. an Subject 1 to market ok changes: Cea 38 eents pe r pound “dozen * bushel a“ - MovRs STORE Co. [Limited] ant complion Putier than Kiondike! is part of our profit, at the John Gilmer Speed, writing on “How (i. O. Brady, Prop., Patton, Pi Important Notice, ,. If any of your family shou i tacked with a sudden cough , don't fail to try a bottle of Balsam, the great guarantee gare Jt HevG i promptly cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup and w' ‘No family with children without it. Samples free. ties 25 oenta. Sold only by Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. | BENE of the condition Lonos and discounts... Overdrafts secured “unsecured 0. &. bands 10 secure strealation, Premios on U. 8. bonds... : 1 Banking House, Wark rony & fixtures National Hanks {not Be Due from in pan urer, 5 per cent of cirenlation Liabilities, § Capital stock pad in. Narpl fund, vided profits, le Jews eX peniecs and i Time certificates of dep at) Certified checks. Total. -— TATE OF PENNSY Ly ANI AY Qoumy aL oan Camltata } . ndford, Cashier of Aanied Bank, Ao solemnly swes above statement is trae and compe best of my Rnowledge and Hellef H. SAaXDrorn, subseribed and sworn fo befure nw day of July, 18, Ls But by far the most valuable service turned out at the Sevres pottery (in 1778) was made for the Omarins Cath erine II of Russia and oonsdeted of 745 pieces, which cost $635, 880. The Sevres ware, old or modern, is asanlly light in celor and daintily dec orated with flowers or figare mbjects ', sostatully arranged. The porcelain rounded by frames of gilt scrollwork iteslf, although of good texture, is in- ferior to that of the English potteries Decorated pieces gemernlly bear pic torial panels om white ground, sur 2} Those, well as the tableware, are _ quite in keeping with the national char- | Soter. utation in the manufacture of the wares | which made them amos Blew OF the My. “1 was onos speaking nt a temperance meeting in Creen Bay," says ex-Gov- . ernor Peck of Milwaukee, ‘and in the . course of my remarks I looked about for some water A mug bad been placed be ~ side me, and bow it could have happen: od at a temperance convention I do pot know, but it was a beer mug filled with water Well, it was a warm day and . where there is comvention food spread ‘out on » warm day there are likely to , be Blin “There were flies, and one had light- 558 od aot the surface of the wa ter in that mug | saw him as I lifted it, and 1 did the most natural and hu- snes B2s8AR si 2,100 00 270 00 yo § 000m 0.00 0 | the above | that wl $s the | Castiler, & this hb | Jesse BE Dav Notary Pablic. Qorrect-— Attest: E. Parron, Brows, G. PALMER, | A FE. A. i > Directors, mane thing I could think of—blew him off the water. Well they cheered for - | five minutes. And to this day | suppose you can't persuade a Cireen Bay man that anybody from Milwiakee can drink | » glass of water, even at a temperance ' convention, without first blowing off ' the fom.’ oman A Real Gentle Beven. “I want a gentle horse for my wife | to drive,’ mid the prospective purchas- er. “Can you recommend this one?’ “Yes, indeed.’ replied the owner “There ia not a safer horse for a lady to be found anywhere, aud there is but “He is awfully afraid some one will my ‘Whoa!’ to him and be won't bear it," replied the conscientious owner. — | New York World Mrst Requinite. “Now,” mid the lawyer, "I cannot take your case unless you tell me the | whale truth. "| states that birds have been seen at a _ beight of 15,000 yards. Their distance was estimated by the time it took them to cross the moon's disk. ern OS rt Sl Sm The street decoration which takes When they tarm brown and Although the Sevres works are en ne i You Don't Buy of Patton Supply Co. You Don’t Get the Lowest Prices. Our big Reduction ~Will continue for— I'he prices we are naking are sure to interest yOu. All Wash Goods, Dress Ginghams, Percales, Shirt Waists and Tan Shoes will be closed out helow cost. Here is a chance to get a Handsome Dress Pattern At a Bargain Will give you reduction on all DRY GOODS Our stock a big In our store. is all new and up-to-date, and: of the best quality, Special low prices on remnants of carpet Will make beautiful RUGS. Don't fail to come before this big Reduction Sale 1s past, for prices WETE never as. low as now. If you want bargains that are bargains call and get them. Try Thomson's Glove-Fitting Corsets and Juha Marlowe Shoes, The most perfect fitting corset and and shoes on the market. Patton Supply Co. i is een ted in the subject of the war New DENTIST POR PATTON Dr. Chas. Ernest Chase, graduate of Pennsylvania University, the Medespine 1 besilding. coppewmite {ivy Bewlgurant, wi wer Be iw prepeeryel to Sa all Kistrte of Dental work ench aa § FILIING TEETH. PLA MEiivdsg WR EXTRACTING ET. CROWN ARG AREER Se $m mon nom !owbmrw of WOODEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, we So vinferteivers of and Deniers) Lamber of ali Kinds, Planing Mil ork, Sash and Doors of all Kinds WORKMANSHIP AND LUMBER GUARANTEED Prices and terms reasonable. We have just received a car oad of doors and sash to which we call your special attention, OFFICE At Mill and in Room No. 7 Building. FirsiNation'| Bank. OF PATTON. of Good | Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. siromimasinni CAPITAL PAID UP, 50,000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.00, Arwvasnts of Corpeomtlnes, Firms, Individo- ain aid Hanks recut unt wpa mr Ue mat Savors. le terme onmeietent with safe adel conservative Swen Reg wie We all The ond Mteavpaeditp ies. Foreign Tronfin pay abie bn the pried citiom oof the Old World AH ovrrespeeststetne w personal attention. Interest paid of ttme deponits, A. E Parrox, Wx H Saxprokd, President Cashier. R. F. Notley, Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family use cannot be excelled, are reasonable. FLASKS, air AGENTS WANTED SRD ag 9h sve duty prosnplt and CORKS, JUGS, ETC. Armerica’'s War for Humanity TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY Complete and written by SENATOR JOAN J. INGALLS, of Kansas. Ulnatrated, on Sook Nearty 200 SUPFRR ILLUSTRATIONS from Photographs taken specially for this great work. Aunty uve sre making selling i. A 0 a week snanza for live Jat so CAN VARNES. yi for description, terms and terri- | tory at onee to | N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO. ST. LOUTR, MO. or NEW YORK CITY, GO TO THE People’s ¥ Market £=° MAGEE AVENUE, POR F resh and Smoked ‘Hams, All nds Home-Made BOLOGNA On Hand. All our Meats are Pure and Wholesome. HASTINGS, PA; A Remarkable Care of Chrome Dinvrioss. In 1882, when | served my country as a private in Company A, 167th Pean- ivania Volunteers, [| contracted rosic diarrhoea. It has given me a great deal of trooble ever sincs | have tried a doen different medicines and several prominent doctors withoot any permanent relief Not long ago a friend sent me a sample bottle of Chamberlain's colie, cholera and Diar- rhoes Remedy, and after that | bought and took a 50-cent bottle; and now I can say that | am entirely cared. | cannot be thankful enoagh to you for this great remedy, and recommend it to all suffering veterans. If in doubt write me. Yours gratefully, Henry ' Steinberger, Allentown, Pa. Sold by Patton Pharmacy, C. w. Hodgkins. Tu Avorn Hereafter all patrons who wish a display advertisement in the PaTrox Coven, or who wish to change their “af” now running, must hand their copy in not later than Toesday at 2 o'clock p. m. of each week. [If banded in later than that time it will have to be bdd over "till the next week. All wi A rigdaied newspapers most have fled time in which to receive pA odie if not, the paper is lable to be issoed several hours be bind time and then the subscribers would have good reason to complain. Try to get copy in early. Parrox Pura. Co. It is always gratifying to receive testimonials for Chamberlain's colie, Cholers and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when the endorsement is from a physi- clan it is especially so. “There is no more satisfactory or effective remedy than Chamberlain's colic, cholera and Dinrrboea Remedy,” writes Dr. R E Robey, physician and pharmacist, of Olney, Mo.; and as he has used the Fewmedy js his ows tunily and id in his drug store for six yearn, he should certainly know. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. w. Hodgkins. 17Art de In Mode. The corrent soe of Art de Ia Mode is full of the latest imported ideas for all kinds of costames. Seven oolored piates and nearly one hundred other illustrations make it the most useful hook for dressmakers poblished. Articles of great interests incloding suggestions as to every important branch of dressmaking. L'Art de Ia Mode is for sale at all newsdeslers, or send 58 cents for a single number to The Morse-Croughton Co, No 3 East 19th street, New York. “Let me give you a pointer,” wad M. F. Gregg. a popular conductor on the Missouri Pacific railroad “Deo you know that Chamberlain's colie, cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cures you when you have the stomach ache * Well, it does.” And after giving this friendly bit of advice, the jolly con- ductor passed on down the aisle. tis a fact that thousands of railroad and traveling men never take a trip with- Prices out a bottle of this remedy, which is the best cure for bowel disorders in the world. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkine. Got the Benefit, Old Party —Is the editor in? Office Boy Nope. Old Party Where is he? Office Boy Dunno; committed suicide last night. Old Party Heavens! Init possible? What for? Office Boy Took a tombstone on advertising and couldn’t see any other way to get the benefit of it Chamberlain's colle, cholera and most Disrrhoea Remedy always affords prompt relief. For sale by Patton Pharmacy, CC. W. Hodgiina. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. RE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles es and Consump- tion Can be Cured. CC An Eminent Sow York Chemist a Free Ofer ts Ow Simply ® x Pine street, Now York. giving office wd xpi Lspian it free medicine promptly sent. Sufferers should take instant ad- vantage of his generous proposition. Please teil the Doctor that you saw his offer in the ParroN COURIER.