THE PATTON COURIER JULY 28, 1898. J. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. tiradnate Philadelphia Dental College. Specind attention given toy the preserve tion of the natural ipet! Artificial teeth a | specialty. Good Building, Patton, Pa. DR. S. W. Worrell, : PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in (ood Building, Room No. 3. Ha-Oeneral Surgury and the Eye 2 Specialty, All exlls will roseive prompt attention. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. OfMce in Mellon block, next door to P , Patton, Pa wr enils, Any oF night, profi Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. ow in Arrington Blewk, neXt to Pomin? Patton, Pa All night enlis responded | prompily. [risesse of the ear, vind thrid given special attention, OFFICE HOURS 7 ta 8 5 10 and | JAMES NOLAN, Attorney Tad wal £3 3g "ah - xen vp .at-law, Patton, Pa. Office in Good Building. 101. WY DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. AT toga busines promptly sitendad 10. Cites Jo Harker Baliding. TOBACCO and CIGARS The Anest line in Patton at . J. FITZPATRICK’S Restaurant on Magee avenue, P.R R de MEALS AT ALL HOURS Your Watch may need Regulating. 1% uslook at it. No charge or orn, Hit rests attention we'll tell vou, and If yon would have as pit it in shape we'll do it well st a regulary ofarge that FOU Won ahi Le TOZER, The Patton 3e Sie : Business Educaton. The Anerson Belowd of Business, Alle Pa. wis give you a gradusting conn wok Roseptig, Shorthand, Typewriting, Fennel and English Branebes for the UE OF ONE-~BOOKK FREE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ARE YOU READY Fir winter? Doss your header give yon satisfpetion! Don't put ap with trim bles that annoyed yoo bast venr, CONBULT a= abet hesting your hogs, either by hofeir, bet Water oF Snot. Can give sou cetithaeles oF any work, GOULD & BEEZER. at PATTON. PA CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. Onis. “e reparcd to do all kinds of hipery, iron kettles, stoves, Swing se ops rs, plow points, plows re charges are reasonable pairs metal taken in exclmnge for now work oye CHEST SPRINGS, PA Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Iu Ww, : Patrox Office in the Good Building. I AHAFFEY HOU = Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa Anim rnodations fretcimen, Pest of Liguom and Wines 41 the bar, Slabiing attached, GroraE FERGUSON, Prop'r. Parnell & Cowher, or we Agente for me INSURMEE REAL PSTATE AGENTS, Phone No. 8, | power. “bey § Near : must backie on his sword and nds LIFE IN A WARD] THE OFFICERS’ QUARTERS ON BOARD A MAN-OF-WAR. | Where AN Except the Commander Fat, | ¥/ Superior | Live and Have Their Social Being Naval | THE QUALITY, i Etiquette Isolates the Man WE vm All Others on Board Must Obey. i The wardroom on a man-of war is the : living place of all the older officers of ' the ship, with one exception, the com- | manding officer. He lives by himself, : has his own cabins, his own mess his | own servants. Naval etiquette and cus tom have established this habit of isola. | tion for the man om the ship who has oommand of all the rest. The reapon is inary = any if his eis OF ales ns on fact that he represents extraord Under these circumstance attempt to forget the superiority rank by means of a common oa messroom for him and his sabord would emly result in embarrass beth sides This dies not mean that he may not be sociable, for much depends upon the man. But it is safe to say that any show of efasiveness among those whe live ataft the mast must come from hig side, if he wishes it to be general. The sitaa- tion ia a delicate one. In the freer air of the wardrx find fromm 10 to 20 officers living % er, the namber varviog with the 3 the ship. Their ages may range fr to 50, and they are of all ranks above that of naval cadet, and of all porpa . Engineer officers, line officers, mpdical officers, marine officers, one pay (fficer and ome chaplain, mary all be indloded in the wardroom of a large ship. These men live in staterooms arranged alwnt a common space, which is known gs the “wardroom country. * This assumption of & space of prairielike dimensions is comparatively truthful in the ors m ped quarters of a ship. In this * try’ exists the social life of the wardroom. Here thess men of varied callings, yot all of the sea’s following live. move and have their social being | A day spent in a wardroom by a land- lobler would reveal many interesting differences between naval officers and their brethren on shore. To begin with, they are more cosmopolitan in their speach. The men in our wardromys are gathered togethor from all parts of the Union. Looal discussions find bat ac uninterestad audience, or even a derisive one, =o that a naval officer gots fecus- scanned to speak and think of all the 45 statew as belonging equally to him, Out side of his own country he is so great a traveler that very few civilians can keop up with the way he skips in conversa tion from Ubioa to Pern or to Tasiaa nis thir chasioteristios are quickly noliceable are his icity, his ohoerfuli,ees and his he The wardroon stantly rescunding with lacghter The men in it are healthier than men who live in houses They get up earlicr in the morning and go to Led earlier 84 night Most of our wardrooms wre bustiing with «fficers at 7 o'clck in the eruing A glance at the breakfast table shows the senior line officer presiding, and the other officers placed near him according to rank. At the other end of the table $2 the man who bus been elected || messna ties ress. Between 1 breakfaet feng. Ww hy EF AT Int hinlf past 18 or 2 oclork Lore id life in the wardroom, for the daily sal itary routine is full of drills and exer. climes which keep most of the officers ds deck. There are drills with gregt guns and with small ars, drilis in clearing ship for action, drills in handling am. | munition #84 many others—all of then rooted in the one des that preserve your own life by Jd that of your inemy As noon 8s an offiorr retmrns wardroom from one drill and be conversation or perhaps hams a : is interrupted Ly the } Gg Tom (40 hi Brak th that Th + ties $5 v » J 2.4500 Poy tidied ier Eg tiie iE er ¥ 5} Tian ¥ a Pane 3 ls Mia ier 8 and fran tf ¥ : another drill “Si BILE To agents asa sample, C This Is the opportun- fy Bor a hastier. particulars address 'YCLE CO., _ INDIANAPOLIS. IND. E INSURANCE James Mellc Mellon, J. P. 300d and reliable com- panies. Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves. Patton, Pa. 1h a Huy Is Furniture lagtings Furnitu: Co. INDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, FTC. All calls promptly attended to. Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho- tel, Patton Pa., and Spen- cer building, Hastings Pa. Also office in Spiece | building, Barnesboro, H.C. EASLY, Manager. For 5 At every call GuAriers allo . must report themselves rady for due The chaplain and paymaster, ae ing much less to do with drills than the other officers, are usually the firgt to be back in the wardroom, where thers other work for thems. The medi cer has gone forward to the sick look after his paticnta When the midday breakfist there is the first breathing spe little leisure and relaxation. | drills for the day are not yet ovj st 1 o'clock the bustle is 1 throughout the ship. A sudden of come for collision drill, or fire battalion Seah get may ! tis IE » im is wd off bay to CORE, ew fra .8t0d clock in the afternoon thers is generally a respite from work, and the wardroom begins to show signs of be ing a bore. Some in it are reading or writing, others are smuoking or playing games or loafing Still others are in their rooms taking the seaman’s after poon nap But at 5 o'clock the drills and exercises come again By 6:30 o'clock there is a feeling that of interruption. The mess as 8 whole is undoubtedly to be found in the very It's sensible, (quainticst, Cuiest. unique, Furnishings, Extraordinary ! 4 pon res] novel Onesampled | Unapproachable my fase Ir ITY THE STOCK. and we have the prettiest, loveliest, dantiest, charming, cunning. captivat 1st tion Of [i "y (.oods. ( » Oil Cloths, THE Q: A 1101 Ign ots and Shoes, Carpets, and al colle 3 | Etc. In the city. mn we ize of tn 358 i And wi ith yon bri chase sound of the i our many funeral knell to « « ¢ s To you belongs the spoils o The pric €S Gi ted will make ius sad mer a We ask but a 1 ” 14 fy. ing the pc ket-book Wels filled. a Artes an over pur- ~—yonu happy--and the comparison, no tears, no ge ve = is. flowers, no eulogies. This 1s a case of The people want Hg not Bonecn: be. BARGAINS, Low prices give us The folowing is not a price list, DONUT] assertions, 1108 CON al * wr "un on mls yx aw 2 THY 23 PEE . ga tacts, sYtOTIieR) reales, imaginations, voila 3 3 a arn METIET] LE I~ worth A Wipe . ETS the | DOG eX} argument. > - 4% hy 4 * * . sy 0 A I8W 0s 3 a 2% ten of these EYE OPENERS. Paralyzers. Best grade lancaster Ginghamas per yard Liberty Bell Indigo per yard, Columina Shale Go American Shirtings White Lawns 5 per gant. leached Maosiins & Unbleached Muslins per Diamond Plaid Salting Shepherd Plaids 1c Deacon Fancy Plaid ile Norwood Fancies 15 Brocades, all sty CE -~ Am «71! Sas ai tons, # ie om » ‘ 5 Ay wey gS B He 11 EL La Pulveri Men's good Suits at Meus elegant dress Meus aobby adl- wool cashimeres $6.25 Dandies. Men's 6 ine derby Hate The : * Youman Hats 81.25 Crusher Hud, Toe bine cries Men's strict bent Crashers $1.0 and bine 87 25 : “ Urash Hata 3 i Miners ¢ pet yard gf apm foun Tw Bp. 4a por yar Ams by per ya 3 ¥ A Yad » ® : Fy EE BY y sv per yard sim HLiLel yd § par % 3 vue id .- Ry = a Nyy Hr 5 wad ih ga rs ak r % vy LENT oh LATER RAAT > CREMAT TORS. #2 is iro Arann %1 Men's = B gine megs BOI FIR MEd 3] vig: vig ys int AEH 3; ia, bap dross Nhoew $1 ba tas Sioes TfL copdovan Shoes $1.10, eather cil Daisies. Men's dress § “ darent = oe adios’ fin kaa warking : zZers. i # - ! é ALR RL i SAN OR Les 5 Tle Dong. Kid Shoes $1.25, Lofelta Dong. Tan Shoes 31.25. mows $1 “dr Yi 1. SILOM ay vk 1 “h - aRS0] sis 1 Ie % yr iid ta $4.70 hy A Few Purse Openers. Umbrellas Ladies’ and Genta™ Umbrellas, style, from The up SKIRT PATTERNS Ali-w Mackintoshes Ladiien’ and Gents doable texture, from $2 50 up are le It vot Cine cg ll * & one can sit down and dine withous fear now gathered together, and the meal is | generally a tharoughly enjoyable and jo delightful affai® After it is over there are cigars, games, music, or the night to withdraw within oneself without ex- | citing remark. By 10 o'clock most of these sailors are in bed, but even now the drills may not be over. the bugles may sound, and in two min- utes all the ship's company be rapudiy making ready for an enemy. —New York Post. aaa I AAS SN It is strange to notice bow many oid classical expressions still survive in At midmighs | Tuscany. The people still swear ‘By Bacchus!’ and “By Diana!'' just as we ‘do “By Jove!" but when they talk of | “Tom, Dick and Harry'' they say “Ti | ron Caius and Sempronius. PATTON rool Country Pl terns, full size, from Se up. will convince you LEQ 118 TOT i> Ay ALIN «DKERCHI! latest wipes colors, and griuies, Ladies’ Rairt Waists, combination at- tachabis collar, all colors, 35¢ to ee, faddies’ Ei sterling Silver Corner Alligator Leather Combination Pocket-boolks, from Xo up a pd Axi . i raid styles, 400, 4.50 to goo Ladies Nik Walsts, rim, latest nnet Skirt Pat WRAPPERS SKIRTS Ladies's Wrappers, full size and best make, 83, TOe, Nw and $1.10 $ Laniiien’ eity, 1.50, “ine Dress Skirts, latest pay 200 300 3.50 $4.00 Mackintoshes, Yodn Auk 3 frue - $ for a store ane ands, come and see us. what we where qu sav 1s Wiking w=-REMEMBER THE PLACE. = moth Dpt. Store, PENNA. Dne%ceptional | | x i X § CY A SA Neportant Rotten. If any of your family sbouid be at- tacked with a sudden cough or cold, don't fail to try a bottle of Gray's Balsam, the great guaranteed cough ‘cure. It never fails to relieve and promptly cure coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and whooping cough. No family with children should be without it. Samples free. Large bot- ties 25 cents. Sold only by C. W. Hedging, Patton Parnas. : 2000 or ld ress Cartel Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table November 20, 1597, Main Line. Lonove Onomanti- Eastwand. en Wl Fagen, weal dave antes Adeombsedation week avs Main Line Expres, daily > A itnestin A conminne lation, dniiy Mat! xpos, daily. Phitadolphin Expres, dust Lame rant Foliratown Avvo weelt dun REI: Pasa Foyprens daily Win Passenger dally habiryg Expross in Be Byuy - — oi w § Koad pr “- YCURVEE WLTEAS EEBBEEY ®BNERS OW E¥nsEy Morning tran foe Putin ans ong ve Cxtony Clr patty 2 Mabey 3 Ae MER OW estoy 06d fiaetings " Way or Cross: 90 Patton Ea Bradiel Junetion Tah Kaylee (foe arriving st (resen af 0 a i Rensturg 3; train for Pathe and Oreos ave filo Camptell at 215 pom Male #1 a, Ladowe A Wosgeover Rr Hastd Giareay for Orso. 3% Patton 29% ad ery Jusetion A Ray ior Dil arriving at Cresson af £35. Nowthwanrnl Morning train haves Cresson Se Maliaffey At SW Fhensisorg 00 Kayo el; Bowdley Janets RRR: Patton 10:47 Gueway (for Fast. ingest 10 Hawings for Mubintfey) 112% Comer uy or Matiaflor, 10% Westover [Lk La Pad Mala ®ey 120 arriving at (len Camphelt at UEeh Afternoon tin for Pat tons ad Glen Oanpled] legves Cresson at 53k Kaylor v4]: Fhwusbarg 268 Rrsadley Janetion A Patton G43 Carway for aE Fasting for {ims win hth 7:3 Cmrway for (item mt Ti Fowtsver Tow Lato Ma TRUE arriving at Glen Camphel a hes pm OF Mites shee, cle, apply 4 theliet Jpn Thm ¥, wah: PAW. Dw Fifth avenue, Piltusban. Pa 4. B. Hotohinson, Coen, Myr. 4. BR, Wond, Gen, Pasa Agt, Beech Creek Railroad. NY. CEH R EB Co Lemwwe, Condenned Time Table, Faavaad Read dows Ex ‘Mat Exp Mail Nal Non Noo Pr ¥. = am May 15 ew Patton Westover Mahaffey Kerra Evi p ian Kerra Now MU fairy fHantn Mitebhells lem rfleld Woe lant Rigler Wallaeeson Moreistnie Mines Mutaon Flisilipmbu ry W iv ie or - Slheey ot Gs a i a HE gE © oy ABD BERBER es oon 0 ee ¥ a FERRE TEE EAB aa EE nme ASEAERRRNNF EINES Y "ee > w BHT EAFSANNEES nn EBrcummmmamimmotingt 2 ; BLEBVEYACRARSLEAREY ERE uMEn i Sir woe «5 Maonen Windhwirae E33 Sa fe 3) 6 In 8% aN 0d <5 £3 “35 Fronie Eviidintown wiv Show Powel reek Mil Hall Lok Haven Youn@edals Wayne: stew Junetion erwey Mire Willisaneast sim 4% 47 8 iw GB Phila & Beading B® Withimaepuirs iy ¥ Phibederiania ar 23 #1) 8 i Rs Fe 0B Ix am pm sTwmily t Ws ae iibne AK on Nasi ue ¥ a HA Mew Yu otk ; 3 ph ef 100 3 Hi cane cas ad 1D & ‘es seine AL Wil ammepent Wi ni = ia wind Reading : radinoed at Jersey Mhare Hwee Fadl Brook Ry oat Mid Halil ntrnid Railmad of Forney! varia: ar and hie i: aw sh i Hi Plalipabisrg with Peassyivania raiirossd Alton & PHN paburg Oonpeeting railroad; a Clearfield with thee Huffhia Rochester and Musburg milwas: a Makai and Patton with Cambrie and Uleargeld dbvihdon of the Prstuay + vasiia retirvad) af Mahaffey with the ¥ wits aed Northwestern a Tway Signer, ¥ BE ferrin, stendent, Laer. Pass. Agent, Phituade ipa, Pa i Time p; titshurg & Easter Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT MAY 23 1898. Westward Xai Ned Nan a. Bi. pom. » by Mahatlvy 74 - Lane tubes SERS) Hogwds Uriel Jursetion, Muha Lasts fainenmt § MoCo Woetantl Wiwks £ sspsiberiand | ik Lien Ru rasids Passenmaet Evie Ren peteedl Horton Bas © Han ie = Toe iS t Ee EB RE ER ET BEER AST RR rd et BUC EEREESREn EY! 2 REBDBE BR PHwR & Eras REREETEARE EEEABNLYN Faller 3 * w ¢ ee Laas re ~~ ¥. B ¥ g# 2 wil nd wk ag Fuller Ran Horton Run @ tem Campbell Pravisnsore Bu rise ik Lak 1 “a milerinant © Works I Watpodl 1 Matas fatalities 1 Mahailie Hiwsch Creel Janets hi Pinbos Station Mabey £ Fiag station. Connmetions-- At Unbon Stats with Heswlh Creek miiroed, Ss Pegynwy ivania mailed, and ¥ Ww. rail mat; at Whiskey Hun with oy & New. spare mired: al Medieosx with P 8 8S. W, suiirad. Mates 1 atl] further notice tesins will ran wily betwaen Unborn Satin (Meiafley: and fen Campiteil ALL trains dally exoept San. 8 TR SH. Wicks, General Manager, Muhatley, Pa EuilEnecRevEn BOS hl eB a eed EFEERnaSEEALESR AMBER ASEEB ERD sEBEEnTSaRHERY REECE REE . ¥ : rd Pe B 1 Buialo, Bochesier apd Plitaburg By. ir wim Pady BER Undine Will reel Dvpol, (earteid, as Sdlows rave EH and sey x Phnies 1% noddeviiie Assanvimxistion, for Erm DuBois, Fallot reel and Bevan aldavitie Connecting ai DuBois for Ridge way, Jehnsentmrg, Bradive ad Hoeliestor, Hay my es . 83%. PE oe By Battin Express, Bor Curwensville, Paden aad Falls Une. tonbeciing at DuBois, for Ridewny, Johasonbung, ferd and Bailaio. Pag satawney Ka Bilip mw Pun im bois sal press, For DuBois, Falls (rork suinwoney Trains arrive, 0 a om. and 50 and S85 {INL For tekets, time bles and ail infGrmation, sail on or sidress, 4, B. Hyslip, ie, dd, ¥ Ee 1 1 Pamscoger coin AgL., 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers