That Terrible tiching, Burning, Smarting, Swelling Which rofas pleasors, foterfores with | work, prevents sleep yields to the blood. ruritylog effects of Hood's Karsaparilia It has cured thousands of cams, it wii Suse Yous. Remember that y corel Xo 8 a ‘u feet 1 oh: x : $1 a BH Roane, Lt Lek 0 Arh Bt Phila Pa Thre pints of quid a day are gui. elem tor the average adult f= or nerves Clean blood wesns a cles skin No beassy without it. Cascare’s, Candy Cathartic cles your blood sod keep it clean, by etirring up the laey liver and driving all from the bl, Begin to day to banish - pimple alot bi Hackhonds, aw shat How They Res. A horse always gets up on Its fore qt fmt, ad 8 cow directly the op posite. ER Cra Ari 9 § WE RS 7) BORN i Dow't Tubacoo Spitand Smoke Your Life Away ; it tohaore easily ant forever, be mag- bat fd nerve foie: ¥igor, taks fake NaTo- WORSE hat x or MDE A Lr RS | A An EBrperiment with thes Memory. ‘Starting with the word Washington write down one hundred words fst as they oecur to you. word be the one which Washington naturilly suggests ta you. FPossibiy i will heceapitol. If may be Presifesnt Take the word whilels frst comes Int Four mind In the sume wasnner the third word be suggested by the gor ond, the fourth hy the third and so on Be careful that the third word 1s not | paggented by both the frat and second Prop the first entirely, asd Jet you mind go from the second slote to Un third Having written this list of words, you will have furnished your golf whi a cheap but very useful mir ror of your mind If son are able te gee this mirror, you may discover same wery serious defects in your ment) processes. Yon may discover that you think along certain lines too frequent oo. You may discover that yon are meing superficial principles quite tic much to the neglect of more important laws of mind. You will be led to avold cerisin linkings anil to encourage oth prs of a more philosophical nature. — : Saturday Evening Post. 8 St A A BRA oh JAAS Sr Peru's anthropology has Deen (he theme af 4.006 books, Two GRATEFTL WOMEN to Health by Lydia BE ‘8 Vegetnble Compound. wcan Do ary then Work.” Parnick Dassiy. West Winsted, Conn. writes: “Drrs Mus, Prynpas:—It is with sure that 1 write to you of the benefit 1 have derived from using vour wonderful Vegetable C ompoand, was very ill. suffered with female weak- : Bess and displacement of the womb, *lecnldnotsleepat night. had to walk the flor, I suffered so with pain in my fide and small of my back. Was trou. bled bloating, and ot times would faint way: had a terrible pain in my part, 3 lad torte in my mouth all the te and would vomil: tatnow, thanks re, Piakham asd her Vegetable s Lfeel well and sleep well, r work without feeling tired; 34 or have soy trouble oi gave me aad for what your ih has done for me.” “Cannot Pra‘so It Dnooghs Gans fexate, Franklin, Neh, writes: iffered for some time with pain- ful and lrregular menstroation. falling we womb and pain in the back, 1 pl yeicians, but found no relief. ‘was at lst persuaded totry Lydia 's Vegetable Compound, cannot praise it enough for what lone for me. 1 feel like n new would not part with your eoald be so Kilpe's Giveat | vy spring np to hear frat frapuritios weak §. Care | hie) Yet ar ir dire | ¥ Cu. Chivags or New York. Let your second | fet : and there a little" i ol { Blood 1% ronverad tions, 2 G00D ROADS NOTES, NERO RI IOI CAAA Sowing the Sead, A dozen years ago, when the good roads nzitation was started, and the eR iy srorkers hecan w ie seed that they hoped would brigg forth feviit & hundred fold, they had the ex perience that always falls fo the fot o ne seed fal] 6 80 Tig the sooner. % oe £9 % i Eronn A: goome Yell where thera gtd tha depth 2 {ell thorns, anid others by the ways it wis nnd ! sarthi: sOLR expected that all ri oon gonad band, sald be gown In Mors an nndertaking 7 it was than ever necessury to follow the exarsple whieh Natara sels, and sow with wanton Boanty, in order that here and there some miizht take root. In Nature's BOGOMNY, proven fo uae i fain a d prevent failure ix mac de with a lavish hand, and thoasan ie of hin pore and geeds are blown hither anid ail whieh #Noh thither to every one that rests in good - soil anil germinates It was thus with the doctrine better ronds. When that gospel ha gan to be preached it fell npon a fer willing ears; some received it with joy | Many wre who sod profited by it hegrd it were heedless and (218 iterenl they Hiatened, wers miterssted for the | PAsEAge of Then aid sid not ar throm soment, ancl then fort it all there were many more vw bear, or who, hearing, » derstand. Lastly, there were who rebelled at the Jdostrive, sdiszomized 1 who controver and who someht in fate it Nevarihaless, the roads sontinned to be nunremitling a HE font a Badd the ons wow BYELY prego hed nil avervone heard, or it. [ale many se it penptrated xls tivity of mind of 4 varied wid ir. The majority aronse themselves but sjowly to 8 realization of ifs truths, It was “line upon Hine precerd apon precept, hers 8 tte the sgme truth re peated and reiterated in a thossand WAYS. At first a sonsideration of the jects and advantages of permanent $4 4h highways is relied upon to srouse in | terest and show what can be gained by ments. This part of the subject may be banidled in a thousand ways, and be reposted o'er and o'er, liminary and all-important step, When interest is aroased, an investi. gation of the conditions that actuasily obtain revesis much that is surprising, | sad the character of improvements that should be mede presents itself Then follows s comparison of methods | of construction and systems of care and repair, together with the cost of | the same and, finally, an examination of the “ways and means” or the most just and equitable manner of | apportioning the expense. The work is all new to our eonatry, and experience elsewhere can only sorve as a partisl guide —to a lar extent we must work out the problen for omselves. This requires time and patience and no litgis experiment. It needs courage and determination, snd, as the work moves on step In step, it ast sontinne that persistent aitation of every phase of the sul by whieh alone its importance can broaght home to everyone LL. A 4 Byjletin, Fimetions of the Highways, i The antiquity of good roads, as well | | 8% their functions and uselniness, set forth by G. E Johnson, of the! Louisville Courier. Journal, ia paper rend before the Kentueky Com: mercial Convention, He said, in part: “Higed the day when Appins Cla dious Creens bailt the Appian Way from Rome to Capia: since the day when the cuildren of Israel dry turnpike, aud the Egyptisus were swallowed up in the mud road into which this tarspike wan dey transformed ~sinoe these histories evenis all the world has knows that goad rosile are essential to prosperity “In the harman body are thousands tiny arteries through which the to and froma the peat of lile—the heart. Clog up these | arteries, let the rainy weather of div of | ingtitnting a course of improve. It i= a pre. itle spin in London. Sule ker: snd turn that » bave an ides ig £1008 Yin 2 rii, A% a prepared pave fin Wi han I fret : got EN rYe tha inxury ing, I ‘said, “This is ut: baton oa little Heme 1 mug L 3 erate yx > like Yili rare To : % It of what 1% 1% % 3 3 810 2 B ye 3 ie ust rend ar travels BETO ii mamne, “Yen A slate $0 Five R Wr the way islined with adonbia treme, The soncrete like a long white ribbon re. and along each mide Eiotw Sad rw the ser are Joose. soil tracks, over native ballork nites a hon With two | Anring ear, in Apri CRYIE OPER E a : - riers rads more tame of Le Ha and Mar, and was never the hotest SIX TONELY for, at = pase of fifteen miles an hom, Liye Chambera's Journal . | Fad Roads in the Camp. | Prom all the eamps come stories of roads ent to preces by the constant Leavy wagons | ar Wy supp 5 For » while th sii! ita of fuss were Hoty pas ETI E higr: dships in dplay in the arrivel of ERATE Xow 8 re. mind and {OT Li fo Provigsny fine erie the pst that PENA EN 6 gir 3 Lheq Ate The {ravers ty fos lisp atrar { Tiwog Fa we li Hams ie" elders I £3 ZI» BRIstrne Cina Bonde ONjeet Lessors, State Ei cineer Adams, of York, Connty foniy more petitions for road iisprovenents ander High.» Al mstrong (roid Roads law They hiring tie pamber of petitions Gp 1G fifty, covering about 358 miles It iil be impossible to do sary work oe riot of the rowds, as the sppropria the pew tion 1s only $540, 00%), but 1 8 expected that a piece of road can be improved Lin each of the counties from whisk pe the 4 % { Yheal tae ease make them irupassable, and the | heart, controlling the whole systen ceases (0 properiy perform its fune Fail to repair these tiny tars pikes with the proper;medicine, and | the hesst stops work altogether Roads are the tiny arteries that bri prosperity to the town or city. them up with wud, rough and rudy, Gapassable daring COTIAIN pariods of the year, and pros- purity leaves thm town or city, disin- tegration setx in, and in & short tin census reports show that more people | eo] have died or left the place thau Lave! [i Leen borp or moved into it, £ Pea | Clog let them get ; of ae Us Lite i Stat: Bk 10% aba tor ie | “Much bas been done in Kentucky | in the matter of good roads in the | put, but still tite greater part of the State is wallowing io mad for severs! | months in the year, and palling over | hills and ruta the remainder of the 20 far as! tune, We have not got State aid yet, hat now is a good tine to begin agitation by way of prepara ton for the next meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly, when a good measure can be introduced.” Greatedt Cycling Road In the World, The road I have in my mind is in Todia, aud stretches twelve hundred miles from Lahore to Caleutta, It is the famons Grand Trunk Read. Let me explain cannot do so by comparison, for there | is nn road of five miles in England | Yet position, between the wheels | i beneath the axle, while the lad. that is anything like it. It is level; indeed, there is not above s mile the | whole distance where even a lady need | i yh i | etx, 1 its natare, though sae | jae ¥ i i i i Ported to eter pe fr; {wan inecharces wast is = HS Cah x SE tition have bees received so ihe. The improvements will he seat. [tiered ac widely as posmble throagh gut the Siate Neowd Wider Tires Here, The town of Reckport, Ma, ¥¥ sig wide fires, 800 it has been sng that they could afford to par a prretion of the etpense of new wheels At pres surly thirty teams are Nanhiog joads of Li tons of rock, and are roaning the roads how nee with their tires ¥ raked a 3s, F three is i Eide Salrow i om nn, nn Yow Wartare on Batty Donde, 3 %* 5 Foi fires R5 5 rod ihe road Eh * the sable rk 4 be ised Bo REA work to Degin dna Croat The 2a tan Hell R 8% ' To Oranges County, X.Y ; ryisors have 23:5 3 t TORR Within % 3 ", foam Bosr i “desiznated ii ix hous Ter { crossed | Tipe | the Bed Ses on a divinely-constracted] “hoe I ta bags ailow sh wa fires, . iy mailer RT aX pid roads, and then Ly faeces Ly | A Philadel Ysa ooh £2 ITs 8 be out 4 aig Few. 4 cOTnTUINAn tells ‘ ne pavesient said recently laid in that ety and Bob Rew paving. | 4 4 Lif lave Leen PALIN, | w “his Ty Te | A Maite | aly, intelling the ; & bain sy b te Bose wR Tass Celiline Agent ait soba Portable Rreastworks, Two Lhandred portable protestive hiside for use in the invading army raid- ing rifle pits, have been manafactwred ia | this sity. The “portable breast Gris, Cth WOT of te wy va engaged on them, large wooden wheels at feither ead of a wooden a seven feet long. To this atie is at- tached a teeny foot ladder, the lad. der being fastened abont eighteen hes from one of its ends The fadider ased as a lever | shield, whieh is fastened to the short, protrae ding end, while the longer por- i tion of 1 he fl 4 ad is po +b mad a. tae sted) piate roof szsiust all thy % wil bate de * thes, § itis $ he tachmen to take a ride pit filed with lalaauy Flog d a souall of soldier It fae ae. 2 I IN G0. Ligoe 4 Bigk~ ned and is to &nt 1H th el go #12 he shield swings down in an der 1s brought to a perpendicniar po~ sition. dismount to walk, Around Battersea | ing purposes. — Washington Star. It may now be used for seal. | i t | Park is supposed to be the easiest lit- % | The Cirand | . Trank Road is infin vitely muperior to i Battersea Park. The f which it is wade is called kn frites oo. ; with | Nearly the! wes Fre. ines ventenced by the heat, corld siways creste a draught — ded 3 w ith ! &s to! srovide an object lesson in road Bad. bas | tasalion jeams Was | Spprop riated toe BRNO G0 which will! we Stone tn Her mtomaen, Prom he Gapite, Mashinseile TL The wits of the Bev. AE. Adams, pastor ah ar Hand. sm nwiled to Sinsane Hoy of the Budlord Christian insville, Ji. was for years Hee a ifs tomtura fram pivysieiogns out ro. day she the 8 Ward riA2s » “3 side of my stomach and fr wide : CT hess atianks eft me nsrn ged sxiiogoet AGL imag syspmer Tapas si narrsns (al a Mug and yay fre wild *irmd ge ly troy bie gud dostoresd with PUysIADs Wilbon! rereiviag any help any bus. sx ud bas ng resd is LE BONY yas Tenge ven Ai%eregt - sada ocd ea Io tr pie ¥ them I gas is ng Them igxt wi GR orn use om Fame oF My pf lr fied $a i taking 1he simventls greatly berefred phim wits snd Pagil™ hand taken wl Te yem boiz snd have ews BETY NL TF AYE ANAS Vig po ‘ New | sand tas received from Reusvelser To Corm & Cid in Orne fray. wipe Takders a A Xe 5 Ss No Teo Bar Tor Fifer Conta. ivan rig ted BRE TR mag Frat To Care Cond iat ion Forever Clam aoets Lamdy {ar wig fad or LS TERE STE Ale TOT inTE WIR Aonwk THE EXCELLENCE OF STRCP OF Ps i only » Assist ome a the affairs are dabbed by Tee Rivet | is due not only to the simplicity of the o Lo the care and sill wi manuiscigred by known to the Cazirponvia Fria Syree wily. and we wish to Gnoress npn the importance of perehusing the and orginal remedy As Fenaine Syrap of Figs is mann fact by the Catrrorsia Fis Syroe a knowlmige of that fact in avoaling the worthless imitations maaufactored by other pur tes The high standing of the Cazs- Fonxia Fie Syutr Ooo with the med cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has hwy PRINLLLG PrUeaees & 2% hE Lr ww wah | given to millions of families. makes Pal be same of the Company a guaranty far the | : ing them, amd It be chmbing apparatus is used | ios the weans of pushing the affair in front of | -& pit or works tha fa. der ¢ i : j LeUIYILLE x se enshiled Rp f the excellence of its remedy. It fac in advance of all other Bratives, Lx i acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken- Gown Tod gripe Dor panvente. In ardertopet its bene Seiad effacts, plrase remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA HG SYRUP C0. SAN FRANCISOM, Cut NEW YORK, X.Y. UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, Chassis, Letters, Swivace, Law, © vil, visuieal amd Flecirtral Lagtovering Tharough Frropavalors and Cesmered wi AR # ns # Fonsonss Foon ne We a Wr w ary em Halt, | ames, RY. i Sentara SR 2. MBRRENE ¥antty of Dummy Shosa Tt tw said that a coguettish trick pre | 21% among The women at Ther Lave extra sets of a afr capigide their headroom fore ae *™, bp tiny boots and made pot for wear, donre. srticalnr . of mernsl xing #5 Seaciy the corridors of hotels LR furnish 3 uiaed part wate in Pars FLAT oA agen the Loot gan gail small ook, Ee SH eT ars sould DY the HZ shoe houses of Paris fo be placed " exhibition with the Grades troussess. The French beat | TS BEY thst fhe Madrid ladles wxve Lhe smaliest fear the Prrustiss snd Cuillas ladies pext. Lad es from the United $tates are also remariiudle | for swall feel, Rosslan nll splay feel. In Northern | Dext-spaped foot ars (lose pn of Rweaten tod for thelr small feet Parvicoisr abo shRuseuTe. Ge women Save fu: fot and English wornen are on the Coutinent for awkwardly boats snd shows. [wna Bertha, ot Dion Carlos, the Pretender, wears a Gveand a tall lady Maict wile of the ambassad bas a phenomenily | stall foul Ratarday Vvening Post ¥ ed their Lave hearty Earope tw a fhe wou lewoneors gre po S50 are very ties BEG Boted made > A Fartose Prom a Beare, An ipvemiitve gerins who : Xared from sttacks by stray doge wl hen " idvng gad bie * wiUR 1G wy 2 B in Ee ww Ha a DRY Hate ; Hit Be Bas Te & ot the seaside | E04 watering pines hotels 18 Eunpre LOT 14 be It f Wo in Paris the wre Ur Trend ap 5s E M. fe Nore Wipes Migr mame The grew iv “ir att x i Eaahay Cas Tek rR, agin mn 1h 3 ef free. Eopressne pals on 30 Cintring. (rowing 1 am ove CARPETS dacton at nur Bate REBECES. more gailin ws gee ferog thie month. printed CERN MW Yoni wr the aekieg. Tow month wr spel Brute, tarnish >usavg § Se *, . mney Foi Wns & ulinsHines &S Dag, Chainless Eicycles MAKE Mil CLNMINT CASY. Columbia Chain Wheels, 37% Harifords., , . %9 Vedeites, S40 & 38 POPE 76. in. J gprs, : Megees Pro : Ae mrad Beg gliergiive 4 Bote pepow Weiie giving age sid piisnets Boe bone wae pb ¥ Arerrvivens € Reciiny 80, Fochontir, BE. Hair tht with fh... § Eye Water XC ven aes ws 6 BS ESN. de Ee Ap He » A — AMMONIA, WATER, COLOGNE, OCR OTHER LIQUID.” »- yy 8 0 whi > = Phat 13 8 waan AIsii TO GC WEE AEs > » ‘ oe Air Al Fah BE age ode Ty 5 aE ftrave.ers 2 » and is hieves and tramps ier sitnatiaons, aor in makes no nos no lastin F and ar 1 3 livided attentio ~ A a a ee niente Vis tim aki ia a wane go viyLar yl " TS $% i % hi pA Yb i= thie ond 1: ay - Eat. Tod : ; times witli raoee int ¥i at ime nd=ome, and 1 boxed and post paid by how to use for "BO Cents 3 10 our reiiahbii : yy eo - Ry» » ww HE STR % * ey nw # Tam ¥ hE EET'S mercar ie Ao0T bat ure; 3 & S as ER £5 Aig ny WA L205 the * tO a Mio % % es to rand pistol. It the foe to instead wd : ah it 18 perteey i 3 HY wie i aw ir hreaks Do bullet by ioe nh Ak < ompelling self forawhiie i vy real weapon which protects and alse iter and ots of T it shoots, reloas ot It does not get rickel plated, not once, and will protect although loaded out of order; is dar- he matt with full dire in 2v. Postage Stamps Post-: Moce Money Order, or Express wii Order. 0 R. Gr. DU NS r BDRAD- ha, pe ——— NEW YORK UNION SUPPLY CO. {35 Leonard Street. New York. “Say Aye Ro' and Ye'll Ne'er be Married.” Refuse AH Our Cea'l Idvice to Use