THE PATTON COURIER JULY 14, 1898. J. VAN WILSON, i Surgeon Dentist. CGraduste Phitadeipia Dental College, tom of he patos he ne: tee" inca" 3 al DR. S.W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, | Office in Good Building, Room No. 3 | Surgery and the Eye a Specialty. Al : calls wilt receive prompt attention. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. | Office in Mellon block, next door to | Postoffice Patton, Pa. CAR enix, Huy or night, prog ply’ ress led | >, V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. in Arfimiton bloek, next ¥) Postoffiee, | he AH might oalln Meponded 0 % i Tridenin of the oar, nose and throat se pial Attention, OPFOR HOURS ~ Tt 8amand ll wlpm JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, | Patton, Pa. Ofee in Good Building. 1001, we IPAVIS solar at Law. Enuxsno, ¢ eum Een A TOBACCO snd (1G ARS The finest Hine in Patton st G. J. FITZPATRICK'S ‘Restaurant on Magee AVENUE, Near R]. depot. ae R ALL HOURS, Your Watch may need Begolating. Let Dslook ar 0. Ny * charge or examinaty rg i oF pemedde tion 1. | wisi $ At os 51 FE TUF EN, The Potion Joweies | Ts Educaton. ns Andy weiss mac tuonnd of Fussireen, A [ews ow £4 Sh we te Hy Hook. Ree praritiong, Penni 7) and . ish Fim # Bis the gruie OF NE PRES FREE SEXD FOR (A ATALOGLE. : nt Font Nr Per arts ARE Yi Sad i EADY hemting your b | WAN oa 3 soma CBF Ws GOULD & BLEZER. ATTN, PA CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. | We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mehinery, iron Retties, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re pairs. Our charges are ressonsble. (HA metal taken in slchangs Ry pew work Gyr CHERT SPRINGK, PAL Reue! Somerville, Attorney ane -at-Law Pa Lo TIN Office in the Good Building. QAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Cleartieid Co., Pa. ck at? ad 1 3 Aaa potatos trios, ef som i GroRGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. ~ Parnell & Cowher, on ar ao TNSURMNE ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Building, Patton, Pa. Phos No. 8. i | & coke company, Allegheny, coal $1,020. MeMullin, Clearfield, $1. Si mss OR A INS 45 | Deeds Recorded at | Ebensburg ap Friday, July 8. ARAL ir coal & coke company, sideration, $453. Augustine E. Farabaugh et lax to Convuangh_ os coal & coke | Allegheny, §736 B. F Grove ot ux to Conemany Jonathan Douglass et ux to !maagh coal & coke company, gheny, $88. Edward D. Fry et ux to Cone: & coke company, Alleg Thomas . Miller et ux to maugh coal & coke company, | field, p92. Con PO AL John J. Burk et ux to Conenjaugh ‘coal & coke company, Clearfield $652. Andrew Basal et ux to Conemangh coal & coke company, Alleg $1,058, Simon F. McMulien ot 0x to Cone ‘mangh coal & coke company, [Clear field, $397. John Feicht ot ux to Conemaugh coal 3110 _& coke company, Clearfield, ba D. A. McDermitt et ux lo mangh coal & coke company, field, $168. James Alexander & ST {lear | Ivory et coke rgd ay ppany, is TH | Clearfield, $1, Jorn Po Stalte o8 ux to Coney company, Clearfiel Waltz ef ux to peal A ooRe company, gheny and Chest Springs, $32 John Barnets to Conemaugh coke company, Allegheny, $808, D. A. Hollenbaugh to Penns & Northwestern Railrosd Reade, $18 Sarah Melermitt ot naugh onl & cone J. Alle Iesiad Soffipany, al to Simon P. ¥ Wag Lr eurge, James Maloney et ux to Jaco per, Allegheny and Clearfield, § Jacob Wagner et ax to Henry | Allegheny, $750. Henry George ef nx to Dan Laney et al, Clearfieid, £1,100 Administrator of Mark Mod Danie! Delaney, Clearfield, $40 Julian Keim to FEilzabeth Bacher, Clearfield, $300. sche! Becher #i id snger. Cleariiend, $100, Jement Daley et nx ] heny, Bi 20 Thomas (ol worge i, &% ol Phe wire Wo Rachel! vir to [Engene to Andie Allngs i Al Lang- bein, Clenrefeu ol A Suk Penn. sel David A. tlailenbaug Northwestern Py i ad ian, $0 syivania CORIDENRY, Barder Than Diamonds. When boron is made to act ajo bon under the beat of the ale pace, two bodies are formed, | ' them stable, the other attackab mixture of potassio chlorate a wold. The first of these has the {rmulia PM. OM Motssan, in la Boe My is obtain: ” by | tha direc nace and in h sas! WAYS which ate indi eated by the snthor Boride of carbon belongs to thp same clase of componnds as silicide of |oarbon fearbide of silionn). Like the La possesses great stability and gros) pess. It cocurs In brilliant black crys ‘tals, baving the density of 2.54, than the diamond, yielding | acid and » Black reside conte property of this pew compound ix its ex- cemsive hardness. While silicide bon scarcely polishes the diamond Goes not cat it, facets may be pri if Car and | instead of diamond dust for Toagentaaus snp. Thin ie the ofperinan. iy for a hustler. For pu rticu fare add ness INDIANAPOLIS, IND. E iNSGRANCE mes ‘Mellon, J. P. > and reliable com- panies. of Fifth and Magee Aves. Patton, Pa. sley & Leese, UNDERTAKERS, EMBALMERS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ETC, All calls prot nptly attended to, Office in Cornelius building, next to Commercial ho- tel, Patton Pa., and Spen- cer building, Hastings Pa. Also office in Spiece. building, Barnesboro. H C. EASLY, | ‘Manager. | an make good sole leather for the all in all that the buffalo was to dian, that the camel is to the . CAMS AWAY. diamonds The hardness of this boride 1s |) ppar- ently less than that of the du wince it grinds mare slowly, b | facets are cut with great olearne _ 1t is the first example of a defini stance capable of cutting the di The compound therefore is hard silicide of carbon —Povular The Eskimo and the Wal To the Eskimo the walrus is th 4 md, 1 the Trick the reindeer to the Korak. I him Its tough hide coves his a bis shell like kayak apd bjs big, clumsy bidarral, sud cut into sy . makes his harpoon lines and ddg ‘mesa. [ts oil furnishes him light and fire. Its ivory tusks are legal tender for all sorts of civilized luxuries, such js froa and | even guns Certain tissues mak mackintoshes for Mr. and Mrs lpn and the flipper bottoms of the also. —St. Nicholas Tennyson and Pictares. The late Lord Fenny WARS ited with mneh ade fay 1 art. Lord John Re ey met bianllen Lis return from Italy and asked how be en joyed the pictures and works of art in Ficrenes © “1 liked them very nines, satd Tenny=an, “bat I was batinold I cause 1 conld not get any Englisl oo for love or money A late bed could smuggle some ¢ from an K ' ghip if I heavily bribed the « house officers, but I didn’t do t "'—San Francisco The Bots of the Inte € hares ih or, at Nantucket, should p | cial interest for women on soo its being without closets The an was a young relative of Mr. O'Conar, | and the house was finished before either noticed the deficiency. ’ eff ered Bias » i fe i ng lish aT hs and paat heny, : ax to! Of i sso. FROM JUNE lone & Whole number Flvania Nomber w Mo Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty, Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family vee cannot be excelled. Prices mre reasonable, FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, FTC. HASTINGS, PA: THE FISANGIL REPORT Borough & District =. 1807, TO of Pawel Patton PMN The {ost Manih. CRO pL of mehawiis oof panels {ng TEACHERR Bg Te Jane 13, Fapil Per Average pumiod Sirti arse PIG sewed eid Avy id wal Tr nf AM Nupsbwd 1f the selimids z 3 wNoamber of ¥ tae Mebane plieiud all the sn Bowie In the dime Whose wr onl iE aise ys tuny § Hine A varaay the ley A Nara of dewey path TAX ANI RAG? Ragnar of palile Joa fo whet hl pe Pe A sa of atten Ghee fo get & fay RTD PELL wT i wud Papi ify A pode. le vhiesl B PET 4 Akpan feared RECEIPTS pwnd Power tate 0 an 55 PERS nals Poe ral ine i¥yp., Lee Praye., pe, Fiore rd tas Ee yas Sa % om Fire itive seiplries Podal Beewiils EXPENDITURES $ sar hilativg ¥ em ery” wages Tait so »® | Fuel and conlibgencios apa ge Uhre mi orent {a bedi wap, eG frage. § anetie ge retary” . RY Printisg Tombs 40% 4 , Water resid EO EO Booka what anny Eh ton veer Fae Te BR 1ida RESOUR FA Ams pl Tage fron odlavidon Bor wil Dap, Ne 4 er Coop uoaealed mods Lew id ot 208 I i Tax dus i SER fAnIIIT: A ssid due Treas + pet cp Cg EET iin (tig bo siitnated Lalas Sehdwd Property fo. has bag Rang Aud 1 frae and coro son} the 6 fas 1 | knowledge same T A. Slocam, In. coveryof & reliable and ubsoiate cur Arab for consumption ips 8 sanditions of wastin bar. THREE FREE BO Eimer Rus iR, Wo Meira ¥ 4 iis Fea Bil TRE E Woamry OF SCIENCE g Troubles and icons ® tion CH — 1 AITeG. An Eminent yw Yark Chemist sad Scientist Makes a Free Ofer fo Cur Resders The distinguished New York ¢ heist, demonsiesting his dis 11 BP Lisas 31 Awan { Prlmrnas ry Tuber, calosis and all bronchial, hrost, Jang and chest diseases, he coughs, catarrhal affections, sneral decline and weakness, loss of flesh, and all awiy, will send LES [all differ ent: of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the PaTroN COURIER writing for them. His “New Scientific Treatment’ has cured thousands permanently by its timely ose, and he considers it a simple rofessional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial of his infallible cure. Science daily develops new wonders, and this grea! chemist, patiently ex perimenting for years, has produced results as beneficial to saffering humanity as can be claimed by any nuslern genius. His lang troubles and consgmption are enrable in any climate Is proven by “hu wtfelt letters of grat tude,” filed in his American and Europe: tabra. tories in thousands from Hdl cured in all of the world Medical experts concede that bron “chisl, chest and lun Srofiisies ) lead to consumption, which, inte rupted, astom DEANS speedy and ce ad i deat , Simply write to T. A. Slocum 0 98 Pine street, New York. giv ing post office and express address and the free medicine will be promptly sent. Sufferers shoald take instant ad- vantage of his generous proposition. i § | Ri Please tell the Doctor that vou saw itect | hig offer in the PATTON COURIER. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. \Superior Extraordinary THE QUALITY, THE and we have the most charming, It's (uamntics sensible, %* My cutest, prette cunning, Unapproachable ! TITY, THE STO st, dantiest, artistic, loweliest, captivating, unique, novel and ong ni 1) i of Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents Furn shings, Boots ancl i Shoes, Etc., in the city. % 0% rags Lan Fey cam DOC KEL-DOOK Wei T™h A RE at x Mie sd EAA » . io you nr £* UW © RISK Ww ant it B WIN THY #3 le AINS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Trunks, Etc. belongs the spoils of an over pur- ces quoted will make us sad—you happy-—and the hut a o smpar 1801. 130 fears, no not imaginations; Ces give us the boom. A little experience is worth a whole page of argument, follow tug of thes Se e EY E OPENE RS Paralyzers. Best, grails Lancaster tsainghamsy per yard i T.etd 3 Pe o 5 onl clays, black nida Shalie S30 per y ami and hine, Amerie Shirtings do per yard White | id Se Der yard Humlins 40 per vard suc bed Must THamend Plaid =oitings 40 Shas id Plaids 100 per yard v Plaid {lo YAR. Fancies 150 per yard ri Se per and pry ward, Themis per » ® Narwrd Brocades, ail styles, Lie por yard - . Daisies. Men's dross pants §1.23 ap. darlent ES working © Se © Pulverizers. Men's good Suits atl $4.20, is A ¥en erin te A boy sien Ye a And EVErVOLe 13 Worth qouloig its price. We can show you the finest assortment Men's, Boys’ and Youth's Pants at the very est prices. : : i of Men's elegant dress Suits $0.50. This is one of » low- EFT yal dnd iT + facts tersely told. Scan over a few Dandies. Men's ine derby Hate 5c. * Youman Hats $1.25 Crasher Hate, 75¢, best Crushers §1.00 Caps from 5c up. (“rash Hats 30e. Miners Caps Se. 5 id We also carry a full line of Boy's 3 and Youth's Hats and Caps. CREMATORS. Men's flue dress Shoes 80 vied fin bedi Nhoes a 9 tan dross Shoes $1.0 cloth top tan Shines = Fg pat. leather cloth top Shoes {00 fine cordovan Shoes $1.10. Laiiew’ fine Shoes 85. Dong. Kid Shoes $1.25. Lofeita Dong. Shoes $1.25. Tan Shoes $1.25 #4 4 a4 Also a full lime of Boys, Youths’, Miss and Infants’ Shoes A Few Purse Openers. HANDKERCHIEFS. and grades, Umbrellas Ladies’ and Gents’ Umbrellas, style, from 75¢ up. SKIRT PATTERNS Allbwoat Countey terns, Mill size, rom All atvies, sizes onlors, * from %e ap. Intel Ladics' Elegant Sterling Silver Corner Alligator Leather Combination Pocket-books, from 200 up. WR ~. Ladies’s Wrappers, full sige and best make, Tike, she and 81.10, APPER Mackintoshes Ladies’ and Gents’ Mackintoshies on $2.50 ap double texture, fr wir, sf i } WR § alt Fg 1 Ww llere : quan ¥ Anda fru It One cal you are lookin a lure 7 1 3 x 3 y * 1 will convince vou what w sik y economy WAISTS. Laclies’ Shirt Waist, combination at- tachable collar, all colors, 35¢ to Me. Ladies’ Silk Waista, full trim, latest styles, 4.08, 4.50 to $5.00 SKIRTS. Ladies’ Fine Dross Skirts, latest poy elty, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 3.50, $4.50. join hands, come and see us. w=>REMEMBER THE PLACE." =¥ amsertion that
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