The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 14, 1898, Image 7
Wasting of Road ey amonnt annually wasted in repairs of mud roads ; County, Penn., seccording Magee, in the Lancaster Ex. is over $200,000, sud this is what it means: ¢ handrad thonsand bushels of | conid be grown, or $0,000,000 | $s of beel ratsed. to feed the | 800,000 yards of cloth to the the naked: 400 honses to shel- er thi homeless; ested at Millersville one year: 200 hirehes maintained to Chritianize | ¢ atigodly. —one each of these items | very vear, and all of thew in six yours. merciless ear of Jagger nant was less to be dreaded than this | | macritice of the country to the it hax not been for one vear iy, aor for ten, Int for more than a | atney hax this worship consamed’ ont substance, anil vet we are wore iping our vitals wince the dawn of civiliza. io whall it continue for another de 4mde, or another century? It is for the pirople to say. The road tax i all | : ight, permuuent roads. We don’t want to stop the tax, but we do want fo stop the method of spending it. want and more taxes, but we do want a better metho ‘of finance, We spend enough money in this county in twen- ty-five years om (ur roads to give us “one thousand miles of the flaest macndam roads; bit we don’t spend it | right, The maw of the mnd fend is never appeused; feed him to repletion this year and next year he is hanger- ing and demanding the same old tri- bate wil over i ‘This same thought is dwelt npon by an Ohio man, who writes regurling the way that mouey is spent in his State on the roads. He says: "What Okie jieeds in better and more intelli- Give the ty ue then the power oint them, and pay them, and ¢ will soon see a change. Skilled sond-makers can then have achanceto get this works chance to cotupete “The resalt ‘would be an mpeove ut in Any ee in tho road tax whatever. The money Ohio now pays for road man ify Sus filling holes in the rosd with a mixture of muck snd mndfrom sewn, ie required amendment to our Jaws eonld undoatedly have ue coomitiee ro) passed if the Leag it. The Ohio Division then bave had something to to be proud of. Now it has boing MeL. A. W, Balletin. Good Nosde Taxation. Te been enturiained by the sug- Westions a tr eorr dents on money , which to build ot improve roads, writes a correspondent of the St on only sous aciple raging to benefits nr your o in rio and shows sn apprecistion when it poiats out that are the proper subject to raise the revenns for ug. Lund is the only form the value of which is en- public improvements, and ne tax is the pnly one that 4 with certainty and srhiality. wing the tax on the value of id of a county or of the wn te, no injustice would be pos Cities, towns and villages re- argest benefits {roca good sod they, haviug the greatest ues, would pay the major [the tax. (ood roads do not the selling-price of the far products, however much they him in other r , and the valna of farming land is Hence, stich taxation would the farmer. On the con- ould benefit him in many and of all producers he most relief from burdensome taxation is most entitled to an increased ut of the Musniages of civili- Good Roads Inw, jew York Legisla- n begun by State the. . ning trom aad Onondaga ; Fag neer Herschel 8 ~ over six to the improvement of a anning frota New Lebanon in! Fork State to the Massachusotts | effet is very marked, It may be ‘as & sample of many other conn- | at his altar; he bas fod npon | prop it has made no headway in | Wie don't | | eight inelies wide, and rear axles wx. { teen inches longer than the front ones; Esch ert is thus made equivalent te | The The good ef fect of anequal axles, even with cons i a roller thirty. two inches wide, ini | paratively narrow fires, way De seen oat any shart cenvve in the street of road where the rear wheels do not Crack with the front ones, Eeanamy of Wide Tires, At i hearing before Governor Voor hees, of Now Jersey, on the proposed | Wide.’ Fire Bill, it was stated that heretofore the township have generally cpprovriated small | sro for the care of the roads, bat | [ meetings in a body, amd if the ronds | [are pot in ax good repair as they! think they shoald be, | aD inoresse in the appropriation aud generally carry their point.’ It was also avgned that it would be cheaper | { to rebate ten dollars of faxes fo any | farmer naire wide tires than to donbin | [the road appropriations, | Hires wonuki greatly improve | roadie, they Efert of Bad Hodes, nesting | 428 childrem edn. | 06 now the wheelmen attend “these | meve for ; : i $ i and wide! the | Loti Ralvhack, Sprankie Mills Jefferson, to 16 fain ¥ The intimate relations of bicyelen | and good ronda are sot forth in the fol. Cjowing lines which have been ceived, aud apparently owe their or igin to a Canadian paper violin Anderson, my jo, John Whar we wera Hest avqasnt, Your bhoveis wag pew. John, Your front Torks were Bil Hens, Bat pow your mounts a wresek Jobin, You re walking with your loads And all wean in Canada They don't tive us frond Roads © States Ald In Connertlont, applied for State.atd for their roads, and get one hall themselves appropriate, jimmit of RISG0 to» town up to the The tota 1s $190,100, to $95,000, appropriation vet wnealied for, Shets at The hetter Fad Nosds. the roads, make their howes hesi le them, The easiest heep ihe romds in condition 1s to pat wide tires on vehicles, Under present methods, will they cont? In Michigan $132.15 were expended in paid for overseeing the ontlay of that sum. of Canada. in a recent sddress, ad. vised the people of the large town in alone. He said tha haps, improve them Hehe we ae in The Destiny of Lowy 3 Yenr, event. In the ordinary courses it will got left in the calenlation other words, while it does ocenr, does not eecnr, not iu the agreement that it skall oe. “nr. cau be briefly told, #0 that the aver. it much difienity. In 1582, in the ar runmng on the then present basis of calealating time. So tury should not be bissestile, except every fourth century. Thus thers was no leap year in 1700 or 1800 nor will there be ia 15m It rather, or at Jessel wan, rather rough on the Iwbies who special advantages in leap year, for it is the only year it is proper for them to propose themselves in marriage, bat it has always bean 50 in matters affecting womsnkind, men always fal reasons for restricting their privil eges, 1300, bat though sew 2000, the Iatler year ending a fourth century, will be a leap year. In this way three days are retrenched ia four centuries, and the remaining seven days will be made np in a little over eight huodred years. After that calendar years will be like solar years and futnre errors in the calenlation of time will oeenr no more. The loss of leap years will in thonsands of years affect the seasons, bat | suppose the will be so flip in haadliog figures and going correctly. — Washington Star. At SASHA lh OR HALE Pablished For 1400 Years. | termission for nearly 1400 years. tion de luxe for the Court and npper foar cents a mouth; and an edition, costs sixteen cents a month, life at Court, and the reports of Miu- isters. It is painfully significant that hl error in printing the latter is anished with death. —New York Vorld. The government road coramissionsr | % A Poa ! “ The Tsing-Pao is the London Times | 2 {of China, and chronicles the wealth | {and movements of the Emperor, the | i i « ! ! t i Is re | Lp i 112 i Ablix : Fralli Sixty-nine Connecticnt towns have the amount they amonnt appropriated hy those town | which the State achedn © Dot hard Washington leaving 84000 of the State thard Washington ! Eu i mh sO IMeGeath the nore | Sane! | prosperous the people who come to 2 ey and cheapest way ta | Iapehburg, $8 te $518 Joseph ® Pek, Washin i Loftie, Mifin Pure. $5 ts fie how fo ! will it take to get gionl rowds sud what one township iu Fo fertetia Holeomb, £ fey repairing the roads, and $97.52 were | JLo op ta which he spoke to leave their roads they eonld not possibly get auy worse, and, if they | were not toached, Nature might, per: {oan oo elle : be i hig In titue leap vear will go ont of ex. istence entirely, but as it will not oo- | Lear for over eight hundred years, we haven't much personal interest in the af | events 1900 would be leap year, bint In simply becanse it is | The story is a loug one, hut it age person can anderstand it withoat | rangement of the Jnlisn calendar, ten days were dropped so as to get things new, bat the | as to keep things ranving right, it wae determined that a year ending a cen. | in bhava The ladies get left again in there will not bw many of those who see 1900 who will mathematicians of the coutaries hence | making ealcalatious that they will | have no difficulty in keeping things | The oldest newspaper in the world is pot, as is generally stated, the | | thousand year-old Kin Pan, but the Teing-Pao, or Pekin News, which was | first published more than BOO years before the Norman Conquest, and @ _ | which bas been published without in- | : hinkiself in a hotel! bare at Linglistaown, The Tsing-Pao has the appearance | tot a yellow backed magazine of twea- | ty-four octavo pages, each page con- | taining seven columns, and each col- | nmn consisting of seven ‘‘characters ” | Two editions are published-—an edi- classes in China, at a cost of twenty- | inferior in paper and printing, which | Oh Ra an POWDER IN THE E COAL ‘5 Atrapt ts Vir Oy Ons of the Government's War Stipe ining seven and a half nds coarse black powder was wivered in coal consigned to the nator Prog asd Bwiteh Company af hater a fer Amvs gen Had thd van Prern detected among the My Gmps by Willian t 7 atier. whe Was ane af the meh Belding griond the shipment fev the vars on the siding HB owould i halle gone with the com guder (he Podllers of the plant, and a terrifies ox platen sroubd Rave sovirred, 11 was thriaght that the powder was doposited by la spy, with a view of blowing up thy form of one of the Government's ho. he foo Sere AK: Pes. as os we Toa wos A Psy dis Job Can cont £37 nov i ted sil a i Laat Vii 5 ir Pf ehtwnitaie gnlivia, WW James F $8: John Rilling Pluss heders Prursanviiis losing pensions were mued | Wiltlnm HH. Xumbere, Green Frankiin, $B. Willilamy MM, | frends 0 William J Monres, | i Henry 1. Anddrson, Jarniex Fahanna, Manon. | Heal, Unjontoawn, re. BB Abert Siair. IN. Amaewm no! Pittsburg. $M to w fry $5: whies, “n Wall, | Abraham i $x oy 14) $0 { Thoarmpesog, Iv. WW. Martiey, Fata 3 Mott kd Zod. $4 vo B30 Twa §% hry Flue, Indtane. to B Hens Smicksburg Indiaoa W. Fair, Penn Han, BB Anil Heston, Imdlena 88 to Be i id Baldridge. Milesburg, Center. $8 ge Kumine! BL Robinson, Monvnga. He, $8 #1 $= Hesings Yount Hural ‘alltey. Armstrong Bota BD William Asdin. Valier, J: i $0 drcus May, Hyndman, $10 Joshua fe, Towanda, $1) Hoberi hine CEAW ADRS Juniata $i: ts 14 lines Wade, ML Morris, Grease, 8 wart Oreenles father Harimtow sn, dow ford $IE 0 Raniuel Cra ian, liarsviiie Wazhingion $5 Fost Jhdmey, Waoarleviown Franka, villthan J. Walier= Masontow fi Hiiak N. Price, Pitealry | Joba B Snyder, my ah, Weed ville in 8 iy. Duncanville. Bliar, = faowi Lavan i £3 ny Ab Hr Pe Pir ” Fears $= Forha frediana PB Luke raw. Washington, $8 Samael an Westmoreland, $8 1a HI Allen Chambersburg, 3 to $8 Iahestown, wo $8 seme WW. Daeker. Harrisonville, Pais od $e to Pin Mamuel Dickey, Beye Fevilie, 8 to F106 Lawrence Pisher, ie ¢ arion, $11 to Bi, George | ote 3d “havin H Lacurgus Paper ings. Harrods $10 to $i. Oarrison, Pittsburg, 29, Washington, £5 ralmors Morgan Felighoaver, $2 Perdnvilie, raw - fant rine, rom, ¥ } Jone fn Ajien, Wright, Foil ville - Howlin, Nagvior, tind Fairmount, Ears I. wljerge WW. Fillem Moore, of [meld WB 4 f% minor of John ceeph Rightasnr and Jahn Revens, Pelle fone. returning fram 4 fianing | y June 23 were oR the to%0 af Nir. v mountain, as *ipvation mort shpn fest when there wae Beas xf OR RINE. sysning sound similar to Rat wm Inree BRKY- Ret, acoompanied by betiliant Hiomination Looking Bp wv saw in the sky a mele thimt wed fot unlike a telegraph pole, foul. wd by A fall of fire. The Ugh! was Bright as that of a sixteen randie ric wht ir was sari-cnlorad, kging fron rad fo greed and light Fightoour sew iL at 10. 1 Pr i Pompton, NJ wi af tr of E £9 eu Hod iit the passage Lis sre it Ix wles reported 1a Rave Tres bE ay SF 03 miles own fade IG less lien Bve midiites, as iI Was reported : pre #0 15 Heber Hunune!’ # Row bam yile recently wml fife MANY snoRk thieves pio bt exrdsnarps. The old shell 4 worried aml several Pra vistors eer taMen signs up fo fas J HHenikins, a traveling saan. detected nied in the act of chm bdim of A AP manasey Rd prenintly | Ripa hi dewn hut in the sxctemeeay the no oencaped Mee Mary Harpe dost ot Wot Lui ERAT a Whe Total an PA ant vf pansy gitar frome y for the mons Jum » elas are se which inwl rr By resent nf HH aE made by thy Pooe | {lie hank af Prailadeipbia,. and whi s race May rg lis transfers d-Ranion aak of Ph $ thei merount for Apel calle $1190 500 67 fe Latrobe, Lwe burglars a few dave | dh remmied the feet of Harvey Patter. until Be fold where Bis moBay i has HH they BER wnt Ad rt deyvihing of valor In hiz lease aod Kir in a dengeropgs camlitisn The glares were later af Palisbar® i As anmeys and pursued by ern arsed lLizens, : bite Joseph YarsenskKy was on his | ay hewie at Ashland the atlhey nigh | was at?acked by John and Ja a tol ere. the former Bbgiott ly a knife! y Yapsersky's peek inflicting a Aond which extendsd ta the Jumatar | si. Yapsenaky & recovery iw debe The Bowers wre ayrestid 4 & row betwen Jodie Beesth i owt, Br LanesEler. the man Sok op the peck with a bdtle and | aly die from the offects of (he Biaw fod & vid Tel wey 1 Hwmen 3 arptie 5 Flectrie | winpanies, of Wihlsrsport, a! Rr] roto the PIgHY fo string wires : Fark the other day, added a pl ian tu the oll oan Vietimae Fold, a domestic in the fammtdy of Mra i. Hag hes was burned 10 dealh | ie im ow attempt to Hi a dana while | was lighted she wax burned al- arcler to a crisp. Her Bome was near | Prejiin £ slevenisen-yoar-hd Aacharias Clay | walls orrested 4 few days age al fealanon on the charges of assaulting Mids fiecrge Hartman aged 8 years a Siri kKlerstown, She te 8 widaw,. has bedn Led.ridden for pany yoads and bed vandition Is grave, There were four sudden deaths in or abjut Frankiin bust Woe i Pater Culey was caught vndor a falling 1res anit instantly Killed J Davis dropped deddit. Jehn Smith vas found dead in bed by bis wife, La Vean Bard died denly af appenalivitis aged 87 years jn Lor dant HY Es » mowiate LaNKe Was Lig i! Peat ah Ur and wae aloe Zito] ip § itEgens Bred vi Feb Andrew Heat Ranged govern miles from Harrisburg tant wepdk. He was despondent over the (oss of ja home and situation and a subse. pufnt uss of $18 during a drunken i Harry Peterson of New Castle hehiring screams in the sire, rushed tothe window, net noticing iI was daolen, and crashed her head through fb plate glass, cutting eyvilds, Dose, rok and face severely, prisons. sald to have heen a murs Yr. being taken to the Western pani. escaped from Bberiff Hare . of Somerset conuly, taping from passenger train east of Tharies FF Rumbaugh sped 318 of itsburg, a traveiing salesman for a all paper Hem, was Killed By a train shar Greensburg: a f2w days ag Velson Sonnsg, agead 14 was Killed by ail of Bigt: at the Carbon mink near pensburg. | HAY No. 1 umotuy | FEED | BEANS Green, # bu ONIONS New Soiittiers TURKEYS, ¢# 1: BUTTER FLOUR WHEA PACE Na | OA TRG Nu i BUTTER CBO Pa Bows D Gpoad, 1000 to 1N0 tha Tidy, 1,000 to 150 hs Medium. ME : Heavy : | Boughs and sags - Good, 55 to 96 Ta Fair : Calis, ; ardinary | eontracty thers fir str ; abil thom of deline in the demand for finish. MARK ETS PITTSBURG, : o Jsuus sud Feud WHEAT Ne 1 rl, nee : Rodred CORN-—Nu. § i yor, “ur. No. 2 yellow, shiviaowd Mixed ear... .... OATS Ne, 2 wiiiw p. 1 | rane RYE No.1... FLOUR. W inter pateuts. Faury sirnight winter. Kye pour, Tar Be Liover, No, | Hay, from wag ; “Non 3 Waite Mai, tus. Beowa middling Bran, bulk... i BTHAW Whent | 0 a 4 ww Oat. BEES 1 over, 6) ibe. fimsothy, prime Dairy Products. BU TTER-Eigin © Fosmury. Ubi sreinery. . Fauvy evtntry role | CBE ESE -uio, new New York, new Pruite and Vegetabies ¢ 8 aan PPUTATORES - White, per bY... [CABBAGE Per crate | . ad Poultry, Eta | CHIC BENS, ¥ pair ston 9 Ya. sud lice, (reel CI NCINNATS Ean FLOUR | WHEAT - 3 pend Rig Ne. 3 * is AIBN Mixed PLEA EGS Ota i creamery PHILADELPHIA. A ie La For Xo 3 rod 4 mined 2 white Lreanyery, Hales, NEW ¥ozk FLOU L—Pateite WHEAT Noy, # ret CORN Na, § COATS White Western | BUTTER { EGOS Mate of Foun. 13 id Lreartiery LIVE STUCK. CENTRAL Pia TARIM XAT LIBERTY. CATILE Prime, 1 800 to § 400 thy PA. $i ue Fis 63 bi po Fair init stones 300 1G JoD0 a Compson, 700 to 300 ibs Biv. 8c2éd 3 * 3 4 3 - os e& 0 SHEER Prize, 9 to 105 Ba. wetuvrs 8 4 5p 5 70 to W Ne Common Ww ws ase 1S Fur Tey food nme. : $ J TRADE REVIEW. FN EREE a Extraordinary Bxperis of Wien Contisee Failures During the Sesest Quarter Ine vaned Rie Trae & Fa a Weak! rate rep iY The Wilh fem Niew Rave the fret * Geilonae of 2 Bete pac ted from ER Lay Deh pant ten years bul with wn A Tere: pd ayy BG Sew se charged war und Tears Whereas solver! payments Clearing DoGeses Hay the Byer $1 S06 Me Win in yrars etayits Rome fr Bith of | per & 5d 8 Bad tien fe Of 1 peor cent the proreatn BLEarteyly pC Wes I Year ol BrnR Flea am foloven fay Law ria PURI af ti Tr neg Parrar dy 04 shart fie tie than a #f The Year ahersas cont nuEhl Baye of 1 heir silda nee can be £4 £ WR . iipoagh AUB TIRE were the Foard Ban +ghth £5 Fuh parents third Loo a ball at thie your 2 Brith. The Alpe AN Ww Rieh is syns gunrier of any sage wngd the delanit 16 frases CXC mngYn me wena ter wage of tHe argey Juri haat i ya avg. 4 Eg ¥ 4 HE iw fem than aie gi BEd regate of Md 45% 004, ier th the wee nd PN axon Ee h han In Fear Wine AVerage of Labilitioa in business apd ta ieludie Inround clearing houses than ARV your ex PRRt wees BEN The exports ot Pw in ae wo Pier ¥ inpving 1} {hte Pert ¥ 4 ok 108 a [GaY Sn iIne eXITR a Week they have £m Oa hashes mgninst 208417 ifs exports 414 544 This sane “3.81. Sour in Ral. the Vit bese, ive AtRants Be year and Dessboetn san inat makes for ihe CPE YEA minor FEL ts Rear from, Wii bepabiels exported of whent, eines. apainet 258A 812 in YRRY Of lkygest previcags exports #1 aRe tif 1% $4 5a Briehels “ne Sorn have gone auf against Td 86% 28% buslieis fn that year and 178317810 WHRICH wie ued the largest LriEY Trove Ye ¥ with Ports tiles aa year, Foci The ir Tusatry wha in isa samen er DIE Ri 3 “= and in gray forge v HI here avd $11 ES ax g. 1 anthracite while the weell Have hewn riviinghain to Hambarg, Rotterdam, Gros Hritain, Australis and Japan, Baggh in the aggrs te nat larg Bur toantracts Tor 12.985 fons steel rails have Beers Glad henge amd pendin wos wares decline i Els $ BIR fa 3 with *miladeiphin sRipients wade Triom af BRET Leg) mans for tn willl Fenersil Kets went wp at lite tons while the de. Hnplenent ard car material beyond all precedent. and In reas be snld that the mars of Philadeiphia are remarks ww. with scarcely sav lmliva- of products Minar stetals are agin Tin picees are og shade weniter at $3 5% for full weight Amerivan. thw snrreges poanding foreign grades growing acme. what sironger It ia fudged bie experts thar aay 1 8 por cunt of the trons mmmnufactory pie hinery is now employed, and yet the demand for gonads is strengthening. Sales of awool Have been aniv 381L 2m pontuds for the week at the Hees | markets, and fof the month ponds agatnst 4115798 4 vear ago and 385 G00 in 1852 The decrease In salen wince the culmination of specula- tion tn ¥ebruary has been most re. markabis Fallurss for the week Have been 254 in the United Siates dgainst 241 last year and 10 in Canada, year. £2 The Bivckaide fawt Bate yee needs fresh vegetables and ice, Syaaieh Steamer Grenade. The Fpanish criser Antonin while trying 1 e#iter the Jaan, near Nan Juan de Porto Riva re cantly secretly with a cares of provie- fone and war material, was de niectad hy two American warships, bat ewcap od by swiftly changing ber mugese, Her captain, dutermined to land his cargo, headed fav shore at Salinas. The ahoek of grounding sxXpioded the botieras. It is not Kvown wheather there wis any loss of fifa, The Spanish gun- haate Caneba and Isabwiia isaued to the assis ane a 3f the Antonie Lopes, whereupon the Americans withdrew pnd the Antoni 2 Lopez landed hep carge. river San seETTEeEaas resolution ;rmmnaded hoy Coster Cynander of fhe pevenipe finally v 1 Hye : Peowmpy a Copan Cmpnropriation bill ; mEtfarm wes sEa¥ ined eR WL Pe } formed} ox grantsous Consent CMe FCA rey i of cof Havalb i ronchaded, ook Drniight Be ou Land the committee amendments, a far Law they itn CONGRESS. EESATE {he entire seusion of the sen- wan occupied by Mr fad in aR continpition against the annexition At 4 avlock he had not tint vislded the floor iv ors the general deficiency bil The bil naw read Almost Toyota Lwin hie epescly that sepa ioto rend have been offered, were aireed A precedent that will be histori was established by the Senate a1 ite session Weainesiay For probably the first Ptieies fn the history of the Senate a reso. boivitdon soyufering Phe Cesta Yin Ea A wasn adopted inanks of Congress in mina, specially naming them in (he The resolutions recente the President were adapled, tenderer (he thanks of {Tongro to Naval Congtigcter Hobhean and the Boras of the Morvissac, ad to aeutsnant Frank H. Newdomb cam. nitey Hudswan, for his gailan?! rescus of the Whisiow wad her of Cardenas; and reir mg on Call pay Captain Hodge, of the MoU gihaeh for dintingnive ed perv fe at Manila, The resalution arovides for ou sutlable medal of gold for New. yore spsaialw for aired nnd megints for of his FOr I Fyn the members Hate lear Thue log. s deoke for what mar be the dion ppan The Muwaiian annex- cgaiutions hy disposing of the Af the suptepriation hills Alter a lasting three Bours Benale rere Promy ie groendmeinis 10 if wnad the Game report oft Indian apploprintiog Mr Allison (la in charge of the Hill exniined that it van ede. AREY that the reports should be grees 3, AF this was the the fiscal Mr. Pettigrew (¥ D0) vigetously teed the pomimidies for the free hvones pros rr Pas Thursdas gh debais I he ryder yy oldk galdanitan ; feat dtu of Yeu =i% i Eri 9 which had bein In. daywed {hve Tate vy “ff the Moawe Toesgay the confirence gis: the bunkruptey BE was we of 134 te 30 arksl the the president Bill wan diss po. Pas, peaked disagrvriont war for In rerwirt DY wn Vs ¥ iil now go ta the bankraploy Mr Mahon {1% for amendments to Live bill, and When fer claims foe ST ER ar Canpibas | granting the poiiest of the ssaate fur L the rea nest; that the hagas SH Cowher td cg Ci the © Finssell’s Ctinne ; plamatic conference Pending dispoxitinn of Me Loud (Rep, Cals, we. cured the fonr and declared goneral opposition 10 the payment of the war slatma, criticising seversiy the palicy was leading fo wholesale pry mente of such claims He sald the bill ax it passed the hoose originally, car eld But $118 an and the senate had added & O00 WE hat B comapast, he adel. ad existed ar the tithe the bill jumaed whereby. Go Olle? aie Fe po Be paasedd in cae the $1 160 owed & through, Citisent sas given _ Taanl eoncludest and the appointed as conferrees Messrs, Mahan fies (Rep, Win), and [Loh srdeon (Dem Tenn} Representative Hithorn, of Califor. % member of the Hogse Naval Af. a eersiit tee, Tuesdiny introadiost a joint fosniution fondering the thanks af Congress th Ansialang Naval £7 Briohmand Pearse Hiabsan and to the volunteer sreaw of the Mer. Pima and authoring oabsan's rrgnster from the constr lion earps 1a the line af the navy It im in cease to the recommendations made by Pro siilant MeRintey in his osaayge to tlongress yesterday Notable among the nwastives pasaed Weitneaiay in the Ragse wers those preciding for the enlistment of Sooke ArInY a giving the ssopetary war dlserstion to permit any dhureh rellgiasrs irs fucethmes ind Point military Mr Hromowsell (Rep, the fatter ax being frase fhe Cathedbon Mr Bailey it and paul oo superh 1zibuate sting soldiers of hee coun wis suppertad further by Papi Hen Wa) and Mr Lents £55, mos thenenstoe 00 Te i “ when sign ior is ered the West I wee f Wakely pen yews Union rE pea wiyiely MART ar Lay Yous fhe ry The Mr A if deers a Raprater ot the Vatiser. in apather from Hon (George allections and Reecoilec- relent of mine in the di- vigiting Foane In the Here A AMREYise, aid days of the temporal power had the : hespr of an ptepview with Pia Nano ce gracionsly ofersd Bim A any tsld vou will fing his Fhe Eunglishman made that stupidest of ail ansvers “Thank Vane Holiness, but | heave no wioes hie fen't Rk vies HL was Yen wanhi wave it” Another reparise fram the Vatican reached me 8 few yess ago, when the German Emperor paid his vite ta Leo NIIL Count Herbet Bin- migrek was in attendances on Nim eae portal master, and when they ras Ted ihe door of the Popes audience cham her the Emperoy panwed in, and the Tram tried ta follow A gentleman of The Papal Court motioned him to stand Wack, as there must be no thin person ge the interview hetween the Pope and tural work are | “1 am Lount Elerbert Hismur J shouted the German as he strangled to fallow hin master. That’ repileai the Roman, "may aecount for Fest shenem PART SON ETIRR WEEE 00 mada” haat he the Emberor bir m e in a recnnt book on China the author says that hivese Burginrs are diticuit tr caten, as fuer ob ther Daddies all SY er Rnd vas Tel ERs nts bunches staek jull of nesdive, Sm SARI A i rn In rural districts many people don’) sis more than 200 words; the ardinery Cnglshiman cap do very wail ¥ith a visa bulary of i words a sept A tom of dirty rags is worth atlout 19 | pounds to a rag deals Yo PAE 300 | The majority of the clergy are ab- stainers and non-smokers. against 20 inst | Buffale. Rochester and Pittabary Ry. sess rE Ou and after February 20th, 1808, teains | will save Market Street Depot, Cluarfieid, | as folicws Havana | { S50 a ns. Rerpoldeville Aecommnisation, Lo ex, ! 8d pe AE ES 5 38 tor Curwensviiie, Du Bole, Fails Creek and Laytoideviile. Conameiing st Du Bois for Bidgway, Jobnsonburg, Bradioml asd Rovhesier 1145 a. m. Pullais Express, fur Carwess ville, Da Bods and Falls Cree. Conpeot: fog at Du Bois, for Ridgway, Johoson- burg, Bradford aod Duffaio, mm. Da Dos and Panxsutawasy x wows, For Du Bois. Falls Creek and GH XAUIAWDRY. fi:i2 Trains nrrive, 8.50 a. m., and 309 and pom For tickets, time tabien and full forma tion, oail en or adilress, C. B Haesllp, E. C. Lapey, Aaent, Gen'l Bey: tre Ait, Chvare dd, Pa Rochester. 3. ¥ shelding © the Indian liepubiican National | $2 5 3 | Passtore IL FHA wR SL BERT 00s oad BRR + br beta ba sha FER BARN 6 es Fastiine, daily .... sr Johnstown Aveo, week pr iain wR. mom Ba wn SUARERS SNBENE §33E823 PRENNN VCYPORS weUsEe Sonthward. Morning wate for Pat 1) len i Wore - 1 i IRI urriving a wh LEAL A ferro min fo Les and al, Erensrars aves Cresson at mayor a bY in Heke A i I BR Word, Gen. Pass. Agt. do Utoons & Phiipshiry Connecting B. R CONDENSED TIME TABLE, inh - aA J.B. Hutrhinson, Chen. Mgr. in effect Dacember §, 1807. Barr aen. Week Days Xuan 345 an 14 0 ie vou. lamer. Hootednie Dhacwirin Milis Philipsbury AN AM £W iL %.3% ILA 858 11.9 5.00 lle Suspay Tuaiss, SF Read Down, Pox Ramey. Low Houtzdale, |, AH Dmvenis Mids, .. As Paikipatinry hdd e... Repay Tasins, AN LI Eh Li 3A einenen 2A AN, Cowxperions- At Philipsburg (Usion Stee thon with ail Desch Creek islirosd trailing tur and from Bellefonte, Look Haven, Wille intnsport, Heading, Philadetpbin nd New Tork. Lawrrpesitin or A (reneve sod Lyons: Clenrtinigd, — Patton: Ciivwensviiin DuBois, Punxsataws der, Ridgway, Hradlord, Duflsic and Hovhonter, A (heen for Hoatudale snd Ramey with ERE Sains leaving Tyrone st 7.20 P. M. MH GOOD, Guueral Sup't Et aon Philipsbarg Ogewoin Mills Houtzdale Hamey. CANA NEE ews Ea SF fem Up. Bamey... ..........¢ Hoatzdale puesta Milis, | Philipsburg .... ES Beech Creek Railroad. NY C&H. RB Co. Laue, Condensed Time Table. Nov, 1a, i897 gh Patton Wastover Mahaffey 3a 5 g sndguuseNs? = nus as onl rd vcd vi ok WE RR we rv PeanceadYs SREANUCBBUEE om » Mire welia bs Mis inew Meiners Philipabarg ah xp on BEBE D ho F458 RET SER we ny mS - Manan Wintmirne Ponte flintown spi Mio Bowel Crvek Mii Hall few ett Yonngsduie Wayne Tomer Sore Junethon vray Shore iw Wilms port Phila A Rending R Ay Leper, iv ail pK eo b+ NY vis Tamaqua ar 4] tug ¥ vig Phils arid ® Daily Weekdays — pm Sundays 10 Nam Na “i New Tord fa tere win Phil adelphia on ie x i will change chrs at Columbia oLunneet one AL Widen spvia and leading ratiroad; oy the Fail Broak Ry. a wi tna Ras rewnsl of Echt Phillpsturg ‘with Pennsyivan Rionted Altowns 2 TL gs all lenrtiid wi £ Filters and Pa ot we B= = SEAEEAUNUSEAENY ab EEEewes Bot 00m mma sid Beinn g ad BEELER ANBE EST BRN BT : EC ESE EAC HERENEESY : "Bev 24 Ex, gi RR SEALE ERERRERB ERIE RE Ass lasrnenead 3 fr 7 def SPREPREENEEEE z ® 5 ges ww 2 — be iv Holy ¥ sediunen Ti tebnrg Tailway: at with Csmbris and U Penney vania railroad: at Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV. 16, 1897. Westward 2 » © ¢ w Lemve i anton ation {Maha fy} — Beeehs Soi Jv Matin. v ¥ 8 wr » i II a kya Eb oa na FH A hea Cappbeil. Horton Ran ( Fuller Run. FCERENBESREEREF WI WE NW BEBMNUUSERSERE Cr GE En Le ee CEBUSEUEREVIRE Lod “ e - 7 Leave ee _¥ ; a & SDB EBL PRU BECCERSLREEBER LE 0 EEREOREYHEREEER Faller Run. Horton Ran © Glen Onin Burnside, Eik Lick f su mderinnd ©. Winks Wetpndl Motives aia fabmtharet £ Mahaffey canis Beech Crosk Junetion Union Station Mabafey: t Flag station; Connections At Unbe Station, with Beech Civek railroad, 5 & i Pennsvivania miloeel, and PB & N.¥ roils ot Whiskey Bun with Mothers tantnry mdiioad: ot Motes with P.. Fk pve Notes lint farther notice trains will wily between Union Suton {(Mabafley: and Giron Catapbedl, day. Al trains dal pt Hite 5H Wats me Name % a 4 Essiatareunest “oe Z5 on te 33 £3 - 3