Soldiers et SW Ey Ak: OMINALLY th La army of Bpain is divided ipto thease classes: A per: manent ery of 9315 officers and 70,839 men, an a0 | tivereserveof 18g, 972 men, and a second or seden- tary reserve, which | i poy on January 1, 1808, | was estimated at 1,083,500 men. i ~All Spaniards between the ages of | pineteen and forty-five are numbered in the second reserve, and are liable | 40 be called upon for active sirvice at | any time they may be needed. All of | | them are su to have served at. Jaast three years in the first, or nective reserve, which corresponds fo ont mil Every boy, upon attaining ly of nineteen, must enter either the permanent srmy or the first re. | serve, and serve three years. About 100,000 come within the provisions | of that law sunnally, so thet there is | a constant change from the permanent army to the first reserve. Then, after mix years, when the citizen has reached | the age of twenty-five, he goes into the second reserve, and is subject to iE | EHH » e, 1 gilitary duty only inltime of war and after consoription. It may be waid, therefore, that 250,000 men are ocon- | stantly suder arms in Spain and its | eolomies. The first reserves are nsed | for coast guards, customs inspectors, and for police daty in the rural dis-| triets, and are likely to be detailed for service in the guards eivii, which eor- | responds to our city police and the | © gendarmes in France. ~~ Voluntary service is accepted st eighteen years of age, bat the pay is ‘so small, only twenty cents a day, that very few Spaniards ever think of en- al listing until they ars compelled to do 80. By the payment of $300 any per- son may purchase etemption from military daty. _The 210,000 soldiers who have been a i AE a dtc es WPANIEN OUTPOST IN CUBA. x EAN A TH A I MN A ICICI IIICIICICIICICISIION EK | their regimental officers. and he makes the pay roll as long Pafleer makes a report of 8 battle represents that most of ba Ling the enemy, but > Our is Encountering. - Yoke ol which ars the militia of Cabin, or a total of 148 (545 £3 thease, wien the Jast oficial reports were made, 28,000 were in the hospitals, fenving an of EL fective fighting force on paper of | 000 men, These statistics are made np from the® official reports sent to the War * » Department in Madrid and published the vecagnized organs of the Min & ister of War, which correspond to the nal Army and Navy Jour and the Army and Navy Register of the wha ose SPANISH COAST BATTERY IN CUHA United States, and are accepted by General Miles and Secretary Alger ad official, The Spanish reports, howaver, are not to be relied npon, Their army largely mythical. Nobody knows how pany poor fellows have died in the field resisting insurgents, and the ravages of disease are sill more dif. eult tor ascertain, first, becanse Span. ish statistics in all brauches of the (lovernment are notoriously incu: plete and inmceurate; and, hacanss it is for the pecuniary inter iar pay department. The solders receive their miserable stipend of thre or forr silver dollars a month from The di: onel of the regiment sends in a regs sition at the beginning of every moni for compensation for so maby men possibile. When the money corses |) divides it among the raptains of oo panies, and the captains divide among the nen jest and moat popular metho tobbing the Government for $ie forwarded for their pay. It vorite saying in Cuba that when & biave been shot while gallasn they alive again befors he makes up Bid sent to been ing the big guns upon the | fortifieations, While it is impossible to get aconr- rate sta , the military journais at | Madrid have published statements showing that ten Generals, 615 field and staff officers, 6222 regimental of pers, and 180 435 soldiers have been to Mare 1, 1808, 1 General, 7 fleld offienrs, 63 regimental officers and 1314 men had been killed in bat ¢ during the present imsurrection, Cuba during the last three pay roll bave been drawn mostly from first reserve, although the per. | hax impressed in th y eviery able. | manent aroiy has furnished the larger | rt of the skilled artillerists who have | aa & RIN bodied citizen within reach of his conseript offies, and the insurgent sympathizers have enlisted in great numbers with the expoctation of being able to serve their cause ww tively inside than outside trenches. This clase of people, ever, are not to be dependad npon either side, The abupdanes of the physical somrees of Spein and the solirerh gnalition of We men, even wien th bave received brie! military train have beeu a snrprive to many. : Pre-exaivent are the Albarderis : who take their pame from the halbeld | a pictaresgue old weapon thoy i no longer of any fighting (of ri Bll ! Ee IE utpes! Ovly SKETCHES OF SPANISH eneral, € field officers, 55 regimental officers and 701 men nave died of ‘wounds received in battle, making casualties 2 (Generals, 13 field offeers, | 108 regimental officers, and 2018 men. . Upward of 40,000 men had returned o Spain. The same statistics showed that 318 officers and 13,390 men have | died of yellow fever and 127 officers of other diseases, | paking the total mortality on the Spanish side during the insurrection men March 1, 1898, there were sup- dd to be 96,287 Spanish soldiers or arms, with 52,000 volunteers, 56,638 officers ald men, which began in April, 1805, and 1! i the personal Li J - SOLDIER LIFE IN CUBA | defensive! value, but nsed as an | of ceremony, composed largely of aristocracy and including puked | | from the whale army. This forep organized in two companies, wil | total of forty officers and 230 men guard of the King for interior servicd in the palace, Colonel is appointed as Capa ant, and so the grades continue First Lieutenant serving as “caps All officers of the Spanish army | eligible for the Albardero Corps, half of the vacanvies being fille] : candidates selected for their sp | qualifications and the remuindep br al. ae sepond, | = ak | | bronze or steel, with 3.5 inch and 3.1 est of the officers to sonceal the mor | | . | tality of their men. There is no regp- | caryy, Lieatenant-Colonel as First Lienten- | , a are by | seinl | {eorps. The men (privates, mast be i : best gnalifieations, iit in & Dmttalion without a geivate ani | dier mn the ranks The gronp of bassars at Madrid is a representative body. The Spanisd Lesvalry includes two heel regs designated as the Prindess and i ara re garded oRy 4d i distil % oragh t Zn £ {id hy competition, and after a oh ak ay mei HB n the EER ofBeors anter r x3 3 Vatiah COTTE £2 Flows xe promotion on senMrRy within the the inexplicable conditions sergeants of good charactor and the In other words, m Calm, Their own kindred and relatives in} many cases are in the rauks of tow) revaintinosrs frees, hint they seen ; 3 animated by a lorocity that is ad! 3 ¥ ori Lope of three years ars appointed ’ ¢ regiraents as Resond fasten. The artillery of the Spanish army. like that of the English royal artillery, Cineluder the horse, field, mountain and garrison branches, and the gun factories ard other establiiihments are in relation with it, It had charge af | stores of pans sree, ammoanition and | “aanterial,” and ie provided with field TALES, Juannery schools, a scientific and practical masenm and other nec i ih Pa or FIRING ON THE AMERICAN FLEE - Semon i assary adinnets, Tha aectaal tion of the artillery in iluirteen reg iments of the fieid branch, each © ffor ix.gan batteries, a regiment of horse arttilery and three belonging ¢ frrmal | aed na er plicable ALY hee Cap depended upon ; rpsart and th ® an Spy saore snd na They are noi well "zed ap tind bearing dap rad FE ge nar A se rionn teint of the ¥ of maar in 20 i oleae strength to pul praciioe they may be marksmen xs pny habitant northern latitude. A § a Bore ER A MONUMENT FOR LAFAYETTE, Muvernent on Foot te Frert a Memorial ver Hine Grave in Paris. In a deserted corner of the tery of the Convent of Little Fiepus, | rE. in Paris. lie the remains of the French. { i the tame of er snrest need ¢ best friend in -Talavelts, by a plain wan who was Amers Hie RTAYe in decorated on talabs, and seeiss as deseried aw was Vietesr Hugo's L grounds with as § s+ 3% ¥ jaa rtal Der, Sean fed Fi Valean, when he fit! 3 # gros to fscape the persecute smelter Javert 4 i Pnged FP Rrgtes day A mavenisnt is now on foo fitting menment to TR. vatil Tor by the sgho ¥ At it #y ihe gel SiEgten in ' 3 gi NT faints at that 1b sham Pastel Foposition 10 < 18s the prest event of in the Paris ae LOT Livres fast alse 3 3 il il * x N thie foundation stanss ! SRE . oy : When first built the to was {wo the rratinsd: sow hyve erambied toy 1 . y Hie ave geal or and the top bas fallen alwont fas #1 5. Bain snd 2 3 eiiy wath iL tn be the honorary chairman of Cn ow Hg ‘ the mountain branch, ail Lhese having the same number of batteries [guns as the fleld artillery. Are | garrison ganpers and four companie | of artificers, Atthe present time th 5 | the Krupp sod the placencis, of inal eadrber, The ofeers of the Rid There additionally ten battalions of | Spanish army has guns of two kinds | i 1 farce enter | | ghrough the college at Hegovia, the | ad nuission being by compartitive exam. | imation between civilian omndid {and young officers from other corps stadies cover a pried of = | years, snd promotion 1s always Ly sen Lyority, hut on reaching the fk It isone of the ens § { curs to double the number of men on | duty and divide the money that i; moa fac HEED ® It ix well knowns that sinew the blockade began General Blane THE TROCHR m—— a of their od ce NIA HA $5 neational conse these ar ants and are promoted to the ix tenancy on appointuen at the close of their scholastic term al Segavir. Ths arrangements 51% he = . ST i 3 i ten ia Paes, anid | 3 President MceRiniey has consented tie evmnmiesion hoeharge of the rang THE GRaAYE OF Be LAFATEATTE 1% PARIS, ay TA MEGS. 5 £ ¥ ® « famde the ponstraction of the wiation and eres maell assintad to ment and its trans; % la ¥o x a Fai draw the resniaiog wih | nnanimontely passed the Senate of the United States providing ¥ i ¥ Haar : 150 Payee lion, Aillery endets bevome serond Henten-! fH lene | ever gradgated for the training and maintenaacy of the effec. | tive rondition of the artillery sean Ta i be eteeilent. of war thers ix no doubt tf praction it saccesifully is a question for shisentasion. ” The general im im of the hoth in the Soantel army and tary is they hare Agh hough they are 5¢ tefided eteriion wink ak bak hs ak ting 3% it capable of ab CAL LATEr COIN favorably with the Anglo-Saxen ele Bat» peerived somnendation it is the ennsas of uaprerndiced qggainion {they are “badly oflcered.” Many e Sent. [iat they know the art! 5 a 2 theV oan! £0 3 pasties, ot] 3 Ble Gan oles : yile thie Hie DAR GIWAYS { planations can be offered, but there 1s "mach laxurioas ease about the darn life, and even in tae srny he will ns forget the Heat consideration for his | personal benafit eves if disey must suTer. The best soldiers, Blawer of the Spanish army have bean * iF 5 ra ELAR the (out te Caba having largely heen evn- anthority tha a Taw aie Tiers Apt BEE Raa srary commissmon and au seliag foie 1 1 1 3 Erase Lo fake fnarge of Lge Work, Few Die of O01 Aga, astimsated be conmpatent foramen It is i= ave bar EMER maa PRA oF of Fonsy Jed Barsnan o §o : £3 sre from old age, while mila fo gout. 14 4103 £:% Th spe Exy erysipelas, 7100 to comsnmplion, 2 So iMHY £3 wi typh HEY Ts id) to seariet fever, ine cough, oh typhus, aed 00 End Phe aver WY ite but theses are suns fared genarae ¥. 3 #3548 oy seh on BN of Bis a RRR EL soporte to lead s % 8 5 0%, as pagar the PopRialion f thie plate AN BW Behe, : ¥ Oar Aviy's Ondy Cotared OfMeer, {al t to the corpse Military 8 : Lasgtenant Alexander | sent to the Philippines, those rashed { seripts and rude youths taken from | the farras to shatter their health 1 the 4 Ninth United States Cavairy ‘fever laden districts of the “Ever | Fatthtal Isle” The peasant boys that Spain has | | | representatives of her most ignorsn Lelase, and their own atter jack | knowledge of hygienie conditions helps thie lurking disease to find ready and iar ot oly Pons Xe of thes DAS f hapless vichms Dame of taem pate driven seross the Atlanhie Ocean are af : | nrally become fmbaed with the mali-} | tary spirit and make passably effective i soldiers, bat the majority have no Jk. ing for their eaforeed profession of Farms, and, controlled by a home wick fooling, tll clad and bulf pasl aps uot Yery free quently weleome death as a redief their Ih home guard of Havana, ealled Guarda Civiles, native born and consequently anmred to climate, is the promi pent armed force of Cala. 1 been thoroaghly detllad, fur months, they » : AS desperate saviranment. the drewded genuine enemies of all iberty- loving progress. In fact, the loyalty of the Guarda _ Civiles to the Spanish erown is ove of pers | i Lyd 3 Ley bave ars vicious fighters aud thoroaghly hated by the | insnrgents, who recognize them as the asd Flippers not une ¢ haries Yon Ixd, anid ms pow First Lientens Fears Rak Ser f wrganal wy hou Als a, is a Reutunekhian and a very large nu A $a A A a A Deflation by a War Sasden?, BH ch A oN HG SN 1 CO THE REALM OF FA i has already We Sis d Cl ve Bae 4 i 4 i & - shaped with front and sichiy groves. au A i siftly through i wrinkled stock of C tae neck the vial simmer dresses, wheter Tie Pmnnm gray poplin made tafela, the woke i that Spain 21 |W Cow, aust the waist is A Charming Motel, r May Manis era ih Eo PR 2 " " FSR OYET Bile Teen, nu model TR e sleander a A AFTERNOON pa LIE SE SORTTRR seiine de sie, The gathered roel that provides the decoration for waist, sleeve paps, wrists and skirt i» of the dress material, edged with sin. gle rows of pale green baby nbboy, Che” . fiw Ph Wal GUIMPE Wa Fr sarh tha preity tal fringad pile i fell tH that cies in oR eh founaation for the fall vw oatherml at the need srs, front aud § owing bagel fine 1a an Liat arranged, showing o saan wl API. ot SENG TS . ia 3 Sik Wa bape and a bith outline a front ers at the waist lise arranire the fash wnaile poneh front Tha skirt 18 if full straieht bresdth 1a entre back, atid wyee nf Ei 3 5 which in gativered Ih Yue Be ily = 4 4 % % 5 Hate Aes Wait, grien wd oun ; aie the Wi sea le ¥ alppioes that droop 1 a sight paflat the ton gathered SRD % mousse ine 0G sider the slvee ¥ EARS The sieeve lining can be aniitted amd the lining at the neck ent away if » transparent effect ww desir, for atl sorts of i oF eottan fabrics, anil very artis ats can be developed bv The urls 1v desiralis mii HM ’ ERE G ¥ £33 FRO Lateral, The Season's Favarite Costume, T! favorite waist SOa%GH ie fis shiows the guimpe effect, nad a more | gracefn] or generally becoming style bas seldom appealed to fhe popular | taste, Cr illnstration represents ain and plastron front 1iigire and the ¥ ringkmd shaver black and veo!- passaiuaniame Tis hanasame ennreled by a t ewaeled helt dered with doubis ARTE fined Cray, smbrondered dpoprate The bLunxlw darts and in | other usual seams, glominyg 1 centre Chimmie-~"" Wot dis gorilla warfare?’ Billy—"*Aw, dat's de Spa ox 4% selves, "Judge. front, 18 sh style | where dey makes monkeys of der | the foundation over which the round yoke fscing in back and plastron front that sunulate the guimpe 18 applied. The plastron 1s sewed to the right ; and all thin fabries, Cte the most fastidions bether, usted $s ok iengla two asenrely together, amd the ell LEN BY yellow ; SHION. | A starding colinr of the tacked ore pandv finishes the perk, closing sith front gr sft sbontder, Hivlivliiy pointed revers moll softly fren the rounded tops of the lense {fronts and ronnded epaniefies stand out over the tops of the twa sexe] slonran The skirt comprising six goose, bas » narrow {front apd twee gore on carl side the stratght back breadth sepecially adapting it to wash goods $8 kw Whether for sib, wood or coting foods, the simplicity of this style reve suspend it to home dresemakers and flat bands, rushings, applejne. sme brotdery, Jaca or insertion will frm . appropriate decoration. Putriotier Bathing Costume. The pstriotic combination of solar now so popaise is artistically carved aut 13 the effective sostnuie here iis instrated. Bins brilliantine i= the material representing the sador ool. far, slhueld and facing at foot of skri bloomers and sleeves being of while wiik alpues, over which is applied rows of ped Braid mm while amd sarrow widths Balt of brand. and sailor Ckoot, with ends of soft red silk This srstipime combines grace with utility, and its perfect {it will recominean 12 Tw blonwe, waist ami moderately wide bloomers are shaved tosether and ad. by shoulder amd wider arm sud aside ler seams estes being allowed for the blouse Beat, fe AND #P-GORED BRIZT. ASG a va apis ERE The ahinld is sewed same on ander the collar at the left, fart sleaves see & matter of both sivles ars included In tha pattern, The skirt ou shaped with et wid side pores. a stesrght haok hersd at the top closing ia trons plaeed at the walst- atre-baek sad asder-ara 4%, corresponding fo buttunbaies sd ine thie band of skirt, held tae # 5 5g By pa FARES. A ral AR braid sewed only oun one side covers Costames in this stele can be made all in one solos, aek '9e + hive being t serviceable tue or hisek 143 % § heen Buy fie BxiiX aie, hit ¥ fran X34 Ba pa EUR B anil lonst conspenons, wis ANE BATHING COSTUME serge, with white braid decorations, is as popular as it is pretty, aml other combinations will be suggested by in- dividual taste,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers