[ascii dais sul} : Chas. T. Kartz came up from Clear- ai Sa ua i a oy ! | The muslin andrwear has at last ar- | de : the costs of the same. rived at Anna Dartt's. or | Secriox1 Be it enacted and or Mrs. W. C. Lingle is visiting friends 3} 1 § dained by the Burgess and Town at Philipsburg this week. ; ir Bb iC ouncil of Patton Borough, and it is Everything in patriotic ribbons at i] TINUL | hereby enacted by authority of the | { Mrs. Dartt’s millinery store. ‘same: That whereas 2 majority in Dora Rively, of Altoona, rode to ‘interest and number of the property 9 his bicycle Sanday. ‘owners on Magee avenue in Patton {Pa oa Be. Borough, have petitioned Cooneil that Pure rye or corn chop at the Patton laid street De graded, paved sod | Feed and Buckwheat Miliy-26tf | E | carbed; setting forth that the street is Cambria county was visited by quite | in such a condition that some perma. a heavy frost Monday morning. 3 E nent improvement is necessary, and . Master Howard Bloom is visiting pespectfally asking that the same be relatives at Clearfield this week. : Ee, | paved with lick or other snitable : F. V. Perry, of Coalport, spent Wi wv ’B material Thursday of last week in Patton. ; hos f Therefore i+ enacted and ordained reir mr Mr. and Mrs. A. Mirkin and son Ly Lo? that said strocl beginning at the Penn. | Prom LA. W. Bulletin. visited friends at Altoona Sunday. | Wl | Sylvania railrosd, ul enntieg out of Hig 1 ; to the western side o h avenne, be Posd Spain oy And her warthy 348% © The Cash Grocery is beadquarters \\ FF ed hii ad” mnt : iil ogi home ~ Yankee pigs” for everything in the grovery lines. 1 € properly graded, corbed and paves ~ Are bristling for a fight. ; : with vitrified brick or other suitabie It taken shower of thumps snd Kicks Grenadine skirts, good things for hot Ud material to the width of forty feet. (HIP 1 hait-pst fat) " ; yr ' -» ; : Fiza 4 hon hay i on weather at Mrs Dartt’s millinery store. Suc. 2 That ding, curbing and is gloria aris ¥ par : Hew up and drome at just zn William P. Duncan, of Philipsburg, paving be done according fo the plans ~The latest wore Ta thas indicated: made Patton a pleasant visit Satarday. : and specifications prepared by the Bor. ne i 12 Sash ribbons in ali the desirable ongh Engineer. which are hereby 22, shades at Mrs. Anna Dartt’s millinery approved, and ander his sapervision, store. ; : a along with that of the Strest Com. mittee. Bye. 3 That the grading paving ba w . (yor to the Patton Feed and Buckwheat Mills for your rye flour, corn meal, i and curbing shall he done by oontescl. ete 2600 : is ey 11; a Contract to be advertised and nt to You Tried Hie. and Mn. Jota Dinemes are of S¢ lhing—1s ended. the contractor who submits the lowest P, risiti Hativ t Poanxsuisaney ope . C. W. Hodgkins’ Te ms - : ] he ga me 1s over eutimate or bil fers the beat terms Fine Soda Water Yet? PO We N: Sn on a and submits 3 sofflclent bond for the Dr. Hills medicine show has “some An infant dar rghter ef Mp, and Mra Prices are dow n : fait hfl prrfarmnanoe of his duty ander and went." John Ardell is quite lil of cholera 2 the contract Even the children indst on going to tae 1 he whole story of Sec. 4 The cost of grading, curbing the Cash Grocery ga A young son of Mr. and Mrs Frank h . ia and paving tie same to be ascertained LC pa to . " Bruneag, of Magee avenue is guoite ill their fall IS told in and assessed to the owners of adjacent Ge Dans’ Bakery for your .. .o. 1 few words : property and the Borough, according * fresh bread and cakes. ad 1ICW WoOrgls. to law oy wera appointed by the CA of wea a Vii. Jas. McKnight, of Philadelphia, was MW, DY Yirwem app a by 8, looking after business interests in Pat WW ¢ h ave too muc h Court for thal purpose, and that the tor to Patton Tuesday. ton Tuesday. same be collected by the Borough Ladies’ wrappers for the most fas- J WwW. Reed, wife and son Ire, of stock. Solicitor, and taraed into the Street Eo ~ tidions at Mrs. Dartt’s. Pund in the hands of the Borongh Hontzdale, visited friends in town : a viedo, or - Yo Swturday T h © Scasom 1s S € ! hg Pup a he Engineer i ery. oo ¢ nog: : : : 3 : 3 » 3% ; POS hs : Alex Dunsmore, of Phillipsburg, was 'So must the sradls. directed . VW Les John K. Miller, of Tyrone, transacted g.yine hands with bis friends in 8 hereby directed and empowered © beac in Patan Towns. Fun Moni So Prices must | sive tere gadiag, pr. Dr. C. Ervest Chase spent Sunday a, aod Mrs. James Reilley, arry them ¢ ff report the bids submitted to the Bar with his parents at Clearfiekl. Clearfield township, spent a few over x goss and Town Cound], who will enter A daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ed in town Tuesday. into 8 contract with the lowest 8nd Walker is ill of cholera infantum. Z 1. Hoover, of Mahaffey, spent hest bidder for the prading, paving and Dr. J. Van Wilson and Howard Sanday in town, the guest of Messrs curbing of the same. ~ Dinsmore spent Sunday at Mahaffey. Parnell & Cowher. WOLF & nacted and ordsined the 20th day Wan, Heslop, of Johnstown, tran- The work cn the new Catholic church of June, 1888 Kigx. Mover Arensiaient of Comin! : Altsmt Al \ Lippard, 5 , commercial man of ia progreming rapidly. Pitabary spent Monday in our town. The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of E Wit Greesn Bd. Martin and wife, of Williams the State Dental Society is being held Clark of Conall port, visited friends in Patton last at Ebensburg this week. oor ns Coun Approved by the Borges the th week, L. W. Weakland, of Friendsville, N. REAT Opportunity for day of June, 1998 ‘Harry H. Sweeney, of Pittsburg, Y., and John Weakland, of Myersdale, early buvers at Geo. BE PRINDISLE, Bargees ; ‘visited his sister, Mrs. J. R. Cornelius, Pa, spent Friday in town. ’ J hai i Haven, are guests of Mr. and Mrs of Curt. Elmer Smale on Beech avenue. BR yo : By a special request of several ! patrons of this paper the COURIER pab- linhes the following list of grand and traverse jurors drawn from North week. ; ’ | Cambria for the term of court com- Hon. Jas. Kerr, of Clearfield, and A. TT TE REET mencing the first Monday in Bep- EB. Patton, of Carwensville, were look- tember: ing after business interwsts in Patton Grand Jurers. Monday. Ladies Dress Skirts Reduced Bel, W. H. H., book-keeper, Patton. Peal, Peacock & Kerr, bituminous coal for the season. Delogier, Benjamin, laborer, Hastings. merchants of Philadelphia, was a visi- Grumbling, A. A., carpenter, Barnes {Yar to Patton Monday. Black Brilliantine to close at yo L. W. Nicholson, proprietor of the !* w finer Central hotel at Hastings, and Post | [New style, fancy solu, worth #5, master H. J. VanDusen, also of that - iL = 1 80 ondsy. piace drove over to Patton Wednesday. A wei; colors, worth at 17s E Trozell and wifs, of Mm H. Repsher, of Reynoideville, Syren I farmer, Allegheny >a, were vied (visited ber son, C. A., a fow days last’ 400 Veaviras Sorare-ttr Weak. week. Mra: Repahat Wi sccouipanied All silk, plain or figured | by her danghter, Mrs. P. J, Weber, o { 535 ship. Movkgumery, John, farmer, Clearfield | Burk, John J. farmer, Clearfield town- J. L Mitchell, of Gallien, snd La di -’ un by baying Wm. M. Smith, superintendent of the a $ 1€S Doyle, Joseph, carpenter, Ashville. Mitchell Coal & Coke company of, Myers, W. G., farmer, Susqoehanna So wianbtp friends and relatives in the Mises Mercy and Anna Moore, of wra ppers Tra Sarre Second Welk. Rend of ik b BE oor, ME ks a {Baker Justo ., armen, Suquesesse 2 McCormick {wm MH. of the township. Er been - ot] railroad, whose head- Are marked down to cost and Cense, Adam, miner, Filder township. | quarters are at Patton. must be closed out Lather, S$. J., farmer, White township, Judge Barker and family passed soon. Shoffner, Augustine, farmer, Clearfield | through Patton Wednesday morning township. enroute to Mahaffey where they will | ight color, good quality wep Thomas, Clark, blacksmith, Carroll- “spend two weeks of camp life in the pers, worth §1, at $ 75 wa. of | cottage owned by Harry ) Mahaffey of Bioe calico wrapper, fast color go Wise, BF millman, Patton. that place. Black sateen, worth $1.38, at - 95 Notiee. & Men's Social club of i grand ball in who | the evening Howard Austin, representing 8 New style wrapper, imitation wat- We, the undersigned, do hereby Ewart & Co., wholesale grocers of ered silk. changeable color, agree to refund the money on two 25- Pittsburg, and Harry Neely, also a waththCen - 16 cent bottles of Raxter’s Mandrake | sravaling salesman of the same why, Bitters, if it fails to cure constipation, (RI... _ : billionaness, sick headache, or any We have a few the diseases for which it is recom- David Goldstein left Friday for ein suis in Fr mended. Also will refund the money Williamsport where he has entered morc shoes left fre MI |p a S0-cent bottle of Downs’ Elixir, if | Pott's business college for the purpose SDECL i it does not cure any cough, cold, now resides at Clearfield, | of taking up the study of short-hand Our Spc cial sale which croup, whooping cough, or throat or hands with his many | nisin. He will also stady law while Qe the rarest Bargains lang difflenity. We also guarantee Lone rent Dottie of ther of the above in that city. 2B-cent bottle of either of the abe | Charles A. Edmunds and Lottie M. eve r offered. to prove satisfactory ar money re ihre Edmunds, of Prospect Station, Chau- funded. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, y; « NY, ¢ : Patton Pharmacy. visitors to Patton one oo tanqua county, N. are parents of Yon had better look them , two children born May 20th and May over. It will benefit vou Mr. CL. Hasbrouck, a druggist at ‘23d. ‘The elder of the two is a girl and : . | Mendom, Mich., says all of the good | testimonials have been published by is ts of Wolf & tion to answer i is whether the children i i the manuficturers of Chamberlain's Hodgkins, Patton | shall be classed as twins, there being | TRE BRZARAR colin, cholera ond Diarrheca remedy, : ? | could be duplicated in that town. For sale by (. W. Hodgkins Patton 6. 0. Brady, Prop'r, | Pharmacy. : Reining ts the Paving of Magee Arcus to. | : 13 1 ; ; the Pennsylvania railroad west to | EC. Brown made a business trip to r . the western side of Fifth avenne, Mahaffey Saturday. HL HIUL | and providing for the collection of - v . \ ou can always hind FRESH : dN GROCERIES At our store and of the Very best quality. Our store IS headquarters for everybody. ya Prices are as 9s ST LIMITED. A 74> SAAR Za AAAI Mr. and Mm J. H. Miller, of Lock From North Cambria for September Term Rembrandt Peale, of the firm of to close out the entire lot Boivin, Isaac, carpenter, Barnesboro. $n Lantzy, Wm. A., carpenter, Spangler. to Baker, Wm., farmer, Allegheny town- GEO. S. GOOD. AAAI sss Adds
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