Matton Courier. | a PATTON PUBLISHING co.. Proprietors. EB Wins arene, Editor. A i OPINION OF A TAX-COLLECTOR. He says: “Bicycles should be taxed a certain sum each, regardless of their | intrinsic value; for the obvious reason that the nse of the highway is required as much for an old bicycle as a new one.” We are forced to admit, says the L A. W. Bulletin and Good Roods, that the advantage to the road is as much in one case as the other, but where would snch a proposition lead us to? Certainly no one would serionsly think of a special tax on bicycles in the | interest of road improvement withoot also taxing other vehicles in propor tion, and then how about the idea of taxing the twenty.-dollar old wagon of the street-peddier or truckman the same as the two-thousand-dollar car- riage of the millionaire? There may be instances where it is desirable to specially tax bicycles to build a eycle-path, or to specially tax all vehicles to build roads, but it seems to us that the fairest plan is to tax all vehicles like other property, on the basis of a proper valnation: prevent by law any vehicle from unnecessarily injuring the road; then build roads from the general fond. There is no logical reason why all expenses of road building and repair should be borne by the users of vehicles direct, since, if it were so, they would necessarily be compelled to charge more for thelr services, and it would eventually come out of the pubiic pocket, as it does at present. A NEWSPAPER In the first issue of the CoURIER it was made plain that it wasnot tobe a journal devoted to the cause of any political organization or an assovia- | tion or associations of any kind. That has been determined npon because it was known that a publication which was other than simply a newspaper could not be made self sustaining in this locality —and there is not a more popular ambition in the newspaper field than to make a good newspaper. This matter is referred to here be. otnse it is gathered from some conver. sations the writer has had that some | who toil in the mines at Patton are disappointed because the COURIER is not practically a labor organ. We will | explain briefly the situation. There are said to be about 400 English speak- ing miners employed here at present. If we wore to publish a8 paper for them alone we would get say 400 subscribers at §1 a year, $400, with which to pay the expenses of the office. That sum would really pay the expenses but a: ~ frmotion of that time and after a num- ber of weeks the COURIER would be no | more. That is the actual situation as ‘related to business, without a line of | sentiment. Andisitnotaplaincase A newspaper you all want; an organ | but few want. The COURIER means to | bs & newspaper friendly to working | men. “Johnny,” alive.” Le ho demg Ttisa Jane, : 108 theriginal draf of the Declaration | what are supposed to be the plotures] of the men who placed their names with steady hands to that memorable | document. If the likeness is good, it would be hard to find in a modern ‘congress an equal number to match! hem in intellectual appearance.— a Dreadfully N Nervous. Gente: —I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea It quieted my nerves and = ‘strengthened my whole nervous sys- tem I was troubled with constipation, | | ‘kidney and bowel trouble. Your Tea ‘soon cleansed my system so thorodighly that I rapidly gained health and, strength Mrs 8 A Sweet, Hartford, | others. Mrs Sangerties, N. Y. ‘nerves, stomach, sold in 50c and Ze packages by CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. : said the kind-hearted | “don’t you go into the water until | a —. for If you get} are in progress for the | and Diarroah Remedy is the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, oolic and cholera morbus. 2 Becanee it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases | of the finest in this section of the Of dysentery and diarrhoea. country: Joseph Ricker. Gould & Beezer. C. W. Hodgkins. H. A. Witherow. W. CC. Hubbard. M. M. Craine. Frank 1. Baker. i W. P. Jackson. | cance of cholera infantum. T. W. Lotta. ; * E. C. Brown. WC. Lingle. i bowel complainta | 8 PRecaase it prodnoss no bad resnits C. Grenninger. i es S. W. Eddy. P98 Becanse it is pleasant and safe to J. W. Lapfer. take. J. C. Harper. John N. Nagle. B. FF. Wise in the world. Goo. Prindible. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Mr. Johnson, lineman on the C. & C. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. division of the P. R. R. Howard Woomer. Geo. C. Yeager, and many who gave a willing hand towards its’ constraction, {that will care chronic disrrhoes. . 4. Because it is the only remedy that | Lwin prevent bilions colic. 5. Because it is the cnly remedy that | "will ctive epidemical dywentary. | more people than any other medicine WwW, ! Yon may haunt the world over and others | YOU will not find ansther medicine tequal to Chamberlain's colie, cholera i and Diarrheoa remedy for bowe! com- | plaints It is pleasant, safe and reliable [For sale hy CW. Hodgkins, Patton | Pharmacy. Heddache for Forty Years For 40 years I suffered from sick ‘headache. About a year ago | began | To using Celery King. The resait was Jlereaflor all patrons who wish a gratifying and surprising. my head- | (display advertisement in the Patron aches leaving at once. The headaches | Cormier. or who wish to thange their ‘used to retarn every seventh day, bot | “ad” now running, most hand their Advoribers thanks to Celery King, I have had but copy in not later than Toesday at 2 one headache in the Inst 11 months. 1 o'clock pm. of cach week, If handed know that what cured me will help in later than that time it will have to! John D. Van Keven, be held over "Hil the next week, Al Celery King for the well regulated newspapers must have liver and kidneys is 's specified time in which fanech business: if not, the liable to tis pea paper bakery Dans, and would have good reasom oppo- | : {Try to get copy in early. Parrox Pra. Co. Patronize your home ‘buy your bread from site the Palmer house, 8. Becanse it is the only remedy ‘that can always be depended npon in| Because it is the most prompt {and most reliable medicine in nee for | become so. 10. Becanse it has saved the lives of | injurious droge. ‘Bold only by CO. Pharmacy. bee besued several hours be. | ‘hind time and then the sabscribers to complain. | 1 served from 61 to "84 and was wounded May 10, 1584, in the Batsle of the Wilderness. I would like to have ‘my old comrades know what Celery King has done for me. In 1590 my old complaint, chronic diarrhoea, ‘back. The doctors conld not stop it, 3. Because it is the only remedy ,.¢ Celery King cured me and Iam —Frapk Beeb. once more enjoying life jer, Owosso, Mich.,, (Co. F, 4th N.Y. IV. Lj) Celery King for the nerves, ‘liver and kidneys, is sold in 50c and 25¢ packages by 0. W. Pharmacy. The Way to be Besutiful. came Hodgkins, Patton Every lady wishes to appear attract. : By using ‘Celery Wine" yon will Rlpeplossness, fainting spells, or female weakness, sofn wear a woman out ive, sound nerves. “Celery Wine” and strengthens the nerves, and pro- | motes sleep. Warranted to contain no Large bottles, Mo. W. Hodgkine Patton Karl take Blot For constipation Root Tea, the great cares headache, neryvousto on the face, and makes the Dead amg bell Raold at Corner [rap What Pr A. F Salier Sars Buffalo, N. Y From personal knowledge, gained in observ. ing the effect of your Shiloh’s curs in rae of arlvanoesd ¢ prepared to say it is the most remark- atde remedy that has ever been broaipht to attention it has certainly ‘waved many from consumption. at Carner Drug Store, Carrs my ¢ HiERineEs, farhe, siem cure head Ages x ipans Tabules: Ain laxative Ripans Tabul ATTRA, Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach, Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripans Taboles cure flaiulence, el care “ Best” is an easy boast. But there's no best expect something extra of best; something extra flour; something extra in wear from best cloth; It's that something extra in Ayer's Sarsa- That something extra is quality. cures from best medicines. parilla that makes Ayer’s the best. Remember it's quality that cures, not quantity. People’s Drug Store, Seymour, Conn., says: for twenty-five years and when a customer asks me I say: ‘If you will take my opinion, use Ayer’s without a test. You in bread from best something extra in Geo. Smith of the “1 have sold your goods for s Sarsaparilla; I will guar- antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of When they take it, I never hear any complaint.” = After twenty years’ experience as a druggist, any similar preparation on the market, and [ give it the preferance over all others WixIDWARKD, AC = Is our estimation. as regards § heard it spoken of in other than the W.E TERRILL & es terms” «1 consider Aver’s Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier on the marks” West Gardaer, Mass, Pa GRISE & CO, t * During fifteen years of experience with Aver's Sarsaparilla, i single case wherein it failed to cure if used according to directions ” F OQ COLLINS, compound.” Aver's Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tetter, It cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. arilla, Aver's is the standard CO, Pharmacists, g State Strest, Montpelier. Vi Druggist, Paris, Mo. Ayers than vou would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind.’ in impure scrofula, etc. That's why it’s best. i consider Ayers Samsaparilla superior to we Warcester, Mass We have never have set to learn of a “1 believe Ayers Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value than any other similar JAMES DOANE, Dispensing Chemist, Kingsville, Out. To keep yourself attractive vou must have good quiets my Beied Patton dizziness, BR AO and r= of them ; fine home, or would prove a profitable investment to anyone with any Ba) Sapa) CG invest Parvmir & or de Ee Bublect to es changes: Restor i rvemte pvr postin Cabbage Fa = - Basehiw hog a - Cras i Paton ESE — Will continue for— Sovpen ¥% - . 3.2 : MiveRs Brore Co. | Limited | New DENTIST Fon rr. Chas. Ernest Chase, graduate of Pennsyivania University, fy cried in the Releases baiting, eg te ATC Vity Bostaursnt, when be is prvpmeved to do alt Wide of Tested work sued as FILIING TERTH. PLATE WORK, THR N AND BRIDGE WORE, EXTRACTING ET. Cofbos Stent (homme haoart with ail 3 Pim {ee Roms wl HEE Chem dopo me Ted poe and 7 Divess COAL work Arr ted ard 8 Proenr patronage solhoited ed PATTON WOODEN. MANDFACTURG COMPANY, vor Mass faeto vers of and Divi irs Jimees ail Kinds, Planing Mill Rash and Doors of all Kinds VORKMANSHIP AND LUMBER Fre » TATION y , No i ICCS We are Sure Vill. T making interest to weolern 8 Trae =a I pny Se Ep - ihernd share of th A ii W an G . 9% oy 3 ; nnghams, hie 1 hirt Wo Ch a wiil i below CORet. Here is a chance to get h Goods, Percaies, and Tan * a he closed ont {IstS 2 a Handsome Dress Pattern j BF A ur gen { At a Bargain. Lambe of Work, LU ARANTEED Prices and terms reascnabie Wea bave Just reveived a car load of doors and wish to which we your special attention. OFFICE and in Room Nao 7 Building. FirsiNation’ |Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. LAL Min of Good Will give you a big reduction on all DRY GOODS In our store. Our stock 1s all new and up-to-date, and of the best quality, Special low prices on remnants of carpet. Will make beautiful RU GS. Don’t fail to come before | (this big Reduction Sale is) past, for prices were never as. as now. If you want bargains that are bargains call and get them. CAPITAL PAID ep, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $40,000.00. Asecints of Corporations, Firms, Individe. ale and Hanks resdvad spon the most favor Ble terre cosisiatent with ale and conservative } icing 0 Leman Hekuts for mnie Sor a Se . reign Deals in io tiem of Lhe EE ied sd ALi SoA will have osr pmenpt and prrwonal alten STR or ne dope, BR Parron, Wax H SaxproRd, America’s s War for Hu TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY and written by Oomplete SENATOR JOAN J. INGALLS, {Try Thomson's Glove-Fitting Corsets and Juha Marlowe Shoes, Great Bargain Sale at QUINN'S, JORNSTOWN. corset and and shoes' The entire remainingstock of Ladies’ Th fit ee most perfect nt ting ; and Misses’ costs and fares will be on the market. hos We well oo. best ¥ musiin at 34c yard Outing cloth at fe ya 4c yard Ginghams at Cut prices a . misses’ and children's Po. the lowest made AT QUINN'S. Supply 0.