The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 14, 1898, Image 3
A Stock Raising and Beeta, In all countries where the sugar Beet IE $5 male 8 specialcy ranch coowmiders tion ts (ivon the caine of the bests as : cattle food; that ix the resalavm, af ter (he sugar is extracted stork In conpection with the growing of the beeus for sale to the fsctory, car rying ome the pulp for stock food, the furmers’ oppertar ities from the grow. fug of bests are increased. Experl ments In Peansglvanis show fuat the yields of bests range from ten to ff teen tous per acre, and the amount of sugar to exceed 12 per est. he farmer will have to conte] with wet and dry seasons, and his profits will be more eames years than daring § others, but it is belfeved that farmers gf have nezhieted the beet as an import ent food for cattie, independently of fix nse ac sources for procuring sogar, pot that the best is as valuable larger iniresse In production eattle by reason of the feeding of sas “eglent fond, and sithotgh Sota preparation required for all kinds of roots before feeding them to stock, auch labor is unnecessary when the beet pulp from tone factories is need, the rombinailon of the pulp with grain giving better resul's than when beats or grain ar fed separately .— : Phdsdelvbia Record. Said n oly man of 40, of almost alder. mate rotasdity, “since taking Hood's sarssparifis’’ What he meant was that his grand digestive tonite had so TR By feeding . average ae i —— grain, but becavse farmers will ind a F from BS Owing te an 5 overproduction = have made grea redactions foy a short time only. rs Oar Caroet Cotgiopus and Fpecinl P= Be: Supplement, both in hasd pairitesd PE ® codnes god gil matrer pertaining to FS be this «x raordiaary sais, will be maied EE E mony one free, This is an SPperiymy 3 not to be neglected, Due ing this sale, wo sew Cpr- tg (roe, Tarnish wadass ny ining free an wy Tre boy ai anders ol 85 & 0 Fo Sr New 160-page i 31a logue of Furntore aod 2 everything pecessary for housefprnahing 8 now ; aly to be maiied--it's ‘87. as bursa msdsto poor m x ure Ald TE ar , © X prostagre yor satan. mod sarnpies free. AS | dress (vxactiy as below) JULIDS HINES & SON, | ot. 305 BALTIMORE, MD. a BEEBE iron ourn has nade fis appearance in the (rrlanda Fila, marker there in Den't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away To quit thao easily and forever, be mag. Cmetie, full of fe. nerve and vigor take No To Has, the wonder worker. that miske: weak en rent All druggists, We ar § gFuarant Beak let and sample Trev, Add res ter 4 Ranedy { ££ hics gi or New York soap aNich the Hindoos of arpa I made en The only » the rth aids x Tv : 1 trely af veer ear ie Berle pees rik rin nx: ary 5 oo pletely carea all distress and disagromable dyspepltis symptoms that he jived, ate and sept in comfort. You may be pat inte this delightful condition if you wil take Hood’s Sarsaparilla Amerion’s Greatest Madivine, er to die for his country gf old ire, To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathurtic Fe ards, He. C0 et ito orire, . A raggists pefnmd money. ined wiather, the oiiffs and Are very vaiunable to The Crs, galore firde cluster on and thelr orivg warn begiioen thal they are near the and : AR hm Spi So His Dniy Expressed Upon. Attorney~— Have you formed or ex- pressed any opinion concerning this ease? Yenlreman--All Fre sald about it is 1d like to make $2 a day settin’ on the jury. «hbengo ‘Tribune. The statement that our national em. bem tis fashijonably used for yacht and Lm Bammiotk cushions has been going the i © pounds of the newspapers, with Imt few ti say It nay. A young girl who pecenily gave a yachting party rallied her guest of honor, 8 boyish ensign, be esuse lie took an uncomfortable a fsolatil rest on the bow, “Really.” auswered, faaghing, “1 have A the bedids of so muny sallors for get tang heir Ledls sock entally mised up in the flap that | cannot Rit an It my sedf.” Adal be was right The Riars and Siripes are to be raised aloft tw Je wrapped areoud dead heroes, ic bw saluted with pride and reverence; am fo be nde into vhair sesix Bor to drape burgain bandkerchiels, pot fy from the bung of whisy barrels. Against such ecominon prostitation sf onr Bag. euch one af an Hye The FOUNg Menstruation, the balance whee! of womta' 5 life, is also the bane of exist- ence {o mony because it meanss time of great suffering. ! While no woman is hr free from evice. relieves the condition that pro- feet so much discomfort and robs roen- stroation of its terrors. Here ls proof: EAR Mus. Pryguas:—low can 1 thank you enough for what you have done forme? When I wrote to you | 5 suffering untold pain at time of 3 was nervous, had head- 3 the time, noappetite, that tired ig. and did not care for anything. e taken three bottles of Lydia E. am's Negetuble Compound, one od Purifier, two boxes of Liver and to-day I ama well person. 1 ke to have those who suffer that 1 am one of the many who been cured of female complaints yur wonderful medicine and advice. 8 Jexxie R. Mires. Leon, Wis are suffering in this way, write | files did to Mrs. Pinkham at | Yon PORTRAITS for 28e. Full in- tn make them with one nit free Jihad i f. Will be se » amount. Address HARVEY & Pri nite av. Chic, ih to sell 0y Teas, Coffess, proes. Eto ined. ltemunerative stapioys ds gunrant ego. Write giving age and previcus lose Jain, § Fleckley St, Rochesier N.Y. The average man 1 ready and willing © 1G IH Refiable cents wanted in every i ¥xclasive rights | To Cure a cola wm One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinive Tablets i Druggiste refund money if it Talis tocnre All Be. Lous company ship inehex hroad Row bor ship Fassia and Johanneshurg A Ba sed & Bolt 23 Fig? ¥ v Madr 3 et Fowt iy WY Sik faet ool 3 E g fay Lint fx LixpaNax. Heth any, Bonsmerr rhage of { ‘rein 3 Man Wa Fuwm SER» cries of BOR mirds. expec tally sea | in: Mre. Winsiow's Sewdhing Syeap torch ren teething. softens the gums, peducing In | nenrantion, sllave pain, cures wind folie, Se & Ate, pr EN Fits perpanenth on rnd. | pes AT%er fipet fy Howe ref Noo Hin ar ervire. Ire tie & senting Arch Rt Fuiia Pa Nerve Hestnrer triad Tas free DF Ho H Br ise L ta. Eo ¥.A Rod. Tuindn, Ohje, BAYH tarrh Core cuned my » ¢ Temrs Kiss mid shi has § A sure ogre.” Bald UY A Fortune From a Scare. An inventive genius who suffered from attacks by stray dogs when nding his wheel, set his wits to work {0 devise something which would be an eflios- cions, and vet comparatively harmless, means of defense. Asx a result he has brought ont aud patented a pocket pistol which will shoot smmonia, water or other liquid. The most vie- ions dog cannot withstand a few drops of ammonia in his mouth or eves, and yet there is no danger of actually in juring s valaable animal which might playfally annoy & rider. The weapon has proved so “mnch of a success as a means of defense as well as fan mak- ing. that the lucky inventor is realizing much money from his device. Mitta y Justion, og dud Dote, an early selller of ike. Inthe cof xf Won Ni York, wos a wiioary sms 8 PALIY Saya. having words, “fit the Brit shery {And he carried Lis Cdisoipdine toto tie fara. ne host sumener Jay bis sired five or 5ix in nomber, dec! gap afier thelr i and pie instend of setiing i Realn pt} They pf their number to Act AR sentine | keop watch for the old judge aud th {rest of them stretched themselves at full length in the shade of a Lig tree, I Unfortunately, or fortunately, sentinel also yieldwd to the desire slamber. ond at the ead of leh BWI was taxi acleep st his post. dust fv minutes later the Judge ap peated, to see How the work was Zo Ping on, and be saw at once the sine of affuics. From the sentinels pos tion the fudge Knew what duty the mina had been expected to perfor, ati wiihont waiting for aus jdanat's Le proceeded 10 administer & sound drubbing with his stick. When bie had sufficiently admonished tLe sentinel. the old fudge let hi saying. “There, 1 guess that'll feu not to sleep on your post!” without taking the least notice of the tiher sleepers, the disciplinariag marched off. porfectir satisfied. nS i I ARR SIN Economy in Housekeeping. In good houscekeping. as io natu'e nothing need be wasted. One might suppose that an old chalr bad a legit mate ending when the sm! was quite gone and the four legs falling apart Yet see—-the four legs will suppwet a square board, and when the whole Is stained and varnished there is a most useful little table for the porch. or Lp Ed ie we ia OW war of 1810 witlitary Lim - 10 greed 2 Lis iu the Habits of nana gent of B Wh, ene eon of ¢ a5 wp Xo wie as VInaX NE. ex a. i KO ww X 1 - STD to keep close Liy the sewing chair and hold the work basket. A second table may be evolved by using the longest | spokes of the chalr mck as legs only in { this ease the shape of the talde's top had best be triangular asd for it thres legs will be sufficient. This will make {a very small tabie, and need not bw stained or palnted if a bright cover I thrown over it; but its most convenient 4 o'c¢lock. All these haudion : should be handed over to cur sma carpenters—boys and giris— for it is the right of every family of children to pos sess a tool chest and a work bench =o In the garret. A tool chest ls an excel lent Investment in a household.—Phila delphia Ledger. of Carpets, we E | incense baths in Sxlved Bath, The Arabian worsen take spice and she sgme reanner that the American rl takes a vapor bath | The spice 1x pat under the chair and | the vapor opens and cleapces the pores x3 {while the spice and perfame enter them and give her flesh the fragrance of a fluwer, Pde know that, god tired from i they will Tes Cwelistn, ists may be pleased ven they return stiff long comniry derive great benefit and wth A rent eX wl * ra. lief from taking 8 wsrm | which hae been poured a good teacnup- ful of white vinegar. - hiberally in the same way also WRAY BS FOU oan; ; you become aconston bE establishment. — Ladies’ al bas 2X celient results. Bat it is only mon precaution to allow the body to cool before faking this or auy bath. FEET £0% Hoxtery, things soaail New Among the latest in the hosiery line are checks about the size of very large dice. They ve, red, green, purple ana with either black or ii splayed ene in | pink checked, white There iz & tan, cot: baned with wihite, for low shoes, thoagh the sales-pmopi say the siternating checks should eur respond with the shirt wars! instead of the shine And why fio? The sum mer irl has been a slave to the tan . bose Jung enough To Have a White Skin, Fat no meat stall, Besome a tarian: they always hare beannhifu skins {oes in six weeks or ext a meal of fresh meat. Drink vi eh cat Little grease avd tonch no ten or ooffee Your fast may be oatmeal and sour dinner fruit, nats frottea p {erably quince tes brows bread, affine, canhflower, eroquettes, mar ualade, and dishes of stewed veasta bles The diet i= not bead 4 to i. Cara Ps we am lorena & OTE es, ro. te when Hats For Hridesraids, For a sonvenir to each one of bridesmaids give the biack nel fimmad with tips that they are 0 wear at your wedding, Your ouidhiner, haviag to make so many, would, of conse, wake a special redaction for you. Indeed, if you went 15 a fittie trouble, you might get & milliser to & to the house who wonld work by bats wen id fat the day. amd make your pretare at much less expense thas it cost to give the order to a miiinery Howe Jour nal, Home Millinery. With the variety of sors of untrimmed hats on tar, and the remarkably cheap fi a neighbonag coun nothing to prevent every woinas having a bat thet will do her of she Lax any idea at all of wr The rough straws in brown with sprigs of wild, red roses, bunches of tulle or veiliagz Helisgrope sad purple ones are attractive whea tedded in violets. (irey ones sre pretty with aod Lhwmann sha pean Wars there 1a i Troms i sreid id fey, sag nok well wreaths of pansies. The average romgh over the eyes, straw tarns op in the baek and tilts For the dress hats there is no regulation shape, anything { IA WOTn that is room becoming. Panaad fomr-ta-hand specially Anche Vests and Ties. Jackets are worn with a faney vest eolored silk or lawn, fAgnely tuck striped with lace inserl %y ehirt waists: bat i 38 the ne Rear which stam pr the costume at Wu (rite ax much as the ont w@ilor of the satus material as the waist good style, while ather fash. i LE Bo wh tigen 7 ESO Misa | ionable stocks are of white piaue with a eploved silk fouran Sand or narrow : tie, which forms a small bow, “are black, | the oot i bo the | meakgear And | men’s neckwear, | ewnsting to women that they are good | white and colored alk with knotted {riage on the ends, and soft tien of net chiffon and ganze will very aineh on wold linen long bo Added Pd gowns, fist which seems sautBaent all needs in the anmra assoriment aa jrreststihly sr of fas | customers in this department. | elared the flower of the year and will | appear not only on the hats P trete, or in the hair, tneked indo the hodie | and even carried in the hand, The Base is Queen, In Vienna the rose has been de amd bon. dinner tables, bat ale wor e. in fact, | the queen of Aowers 1s to have 1 all i her own i usaal, for, except in spring, when the violet proves a formidable rival in| painted white, it may become a stand | the rose vearly holds! i public favor, CS AN HA BN be | way—it might be said as undisputed soayin the Vienoes: world of fashion. This is due in great measure, to KRaiserin Elizabeth of Austria's passion for roses, which is so great that her apartzients are filled ith them at all seasons. In the roms ot the Achiileinn-Schloss 1p ‘orfa a magnificent rose park was : laid ont at go special command, while use will be to hold a light tea kettle at afl trifles tour | I ing roses. The paths are borders | roses, marble vases of the velvely green at Schloss Laing, even the telegrapt and elecirie ag t poles ste repdere things of beaqty by trains of climb 3 with are filled with them, and out tar{ spriag roses, not tortured ute still designs, bat trained in exquisite | festoons and groups of e¢vlor, —San Fraucisco Chronicle. ride, into Ammonia need Mow ia w ith i are | There | ties | i i baby 1 iherty | worn owt of strictly feminine 0: The Work Baskets Fyolulion, My] lady's work baskst ay 2 * swoet lspestiogty ee 4 The Homaew fe. f all thangs Vipera sappy ative of “gD J he WHEY © in their stead are of solid gadd wai farlioned plate anid Cetnddead with ins downtows Abep the o ¥ beosrd a woman asi wi yee. A ht of jranteivar i Or an emptied wy] AY one Time dd for wht iw PW supplied at from 85 to RIN Nie purchased one at the latter fignre It was a flat ob. jong shank of gold Later I asecorvained that most faba. Ions sams are paid for the small thiags wy indy se work dim- are seoompanied wre four 5 BEY 5 owt of #0 whieh basi et, 5d wes by. goid Jas There gra pt ¥* Fo to complete Thinibles stnidded with paris hich sagnetimes Sry ax rich: shaped bars ard at either Theus sre baih Thee are to be id per chased val # (daraers $32 fe BIG rib! EL Wers ut to Evep Khe emery bail al WATS In have fad ry oa Li sof the flannel of the Rr pes whieh one yard — Now York ays wit] iw EE A The Cotton Shire Wale. Shirt waists of the cot Yery oosjnetizssn, their yohes of smbrotiery, asd the Seid of cotton Blouses has cone a new white shirt waist made of all-over embriidery It is an exceed. ply pioturesgne aud soul-sstisfying garment on 8 whit summer day, and under H maakt be worn a cache corset of white Linen or colored =k In ail respects this latest pomer = C made quite like aay Gagham shart, mings the very prevalent tacking Novae thens. i is trae, show wide sailor eollars of smbrosdery, nnder wit knote 8 stamil breght § suff whiste Linen ool Ax wre fawde on to $ rn bitous are white T per asIon wre indeed, La obs Feb ETowing ih byt of oF wavweh, in fr oF wf wii £7 is lie lars tf hese shirts waren hers mo aiipost a sensation ship] facies that Hie tas out a5 a bait $0 soweity direct sement Io sine saied As ns ta Piety seer the with put SSK eT Covi iE perce SS rFta Ors Are went ERs BEE Low Will Yérelvs i 0s ia Pan , And known wedge aged Liisa» Wma n GET REID 235 Y « ths oid RIG fie 5g SOU pleted, 5 3 ae Tt 4 @Rislea BOAO NIRITHE ait be vy Ih Ni le e Butige S Hag £pves RA Ts vis 3 PUR BY Tans Berd I sain k Swvineg es 3 ae the shirts of ; ARSED RL Bray S11 say 4 ntrodaesd in Are re Baris ap Du : 5, and 8 bright ab rusk tak % Tas ¢ you STOCK fakes 10% Digoe o8 B BPR SOG Tar = : I hese » daintiex of dress are | Togas as elpinantly appropriate fox PONT WRT LR Pane i Gf Ono wan res ewe led Dnibous ¢ ¥ ens SRR ow sil ing an TR for a weal: CHGRILE. 3 Blak del pha A Ti mae Fas ions Fancles, THT ¥ Plaid Silk elastic Black belting Many dark bs x gh 3% Pa ahha Eobhramdered hatiste all Black plismex for brevuy tondetten feather Halls 5 lise shirts, ne Jackel smite NY Ers, Chatelaine Dawn ia toad leather White moive for Narrow Rao Win dow sium des stamped wrth 5 Sap HRS Nel gOWMDR med sariors for # Poay BIR ReR, Sy Eggs Geis Lod Pett Load, | f plaid i Pacasols o tard f¥riental : foots Men's | plaids { Duek skirts with tw | APTOn Fora bros {euvers Tiny ng bags i Misses bie and crash Light-colored satiors haviag a brosd pistd band, Taffeta uilk in face stripes White Chi SOT wails soitton negiliges “WERT RIRVEIAled lerad Japanese satin fable Ber nerpsessies To leat 33 0d ¢ Tie ARGS having bavaiers efecis Ba crepe I Bick and colored stoaw white ns anderisin nitnre £3 g wiohAr and pauses TAT ATED Res for sn: White stitched di Tis R $: Lrreen Snes? en's traveling gowns White pique suits lack so tache bras ding trimmed with , streets of Beriin. 3 i waned President M-3 Har =H ha 4 PrRCe.y NO-TO-BAC | Whistlin Bg 1s nob permitted in the A Gasrdeman’'s Trouble. = i at gens with whi the Watiune: of the $1 %epant states sranonded 10 Tetra! Fowpranand far Sronde gt Low hegrimnd wr Han 8 ae ma LA aha avg Poni Pain Progis Pravies bast wort ly é A wed then ¥ * fw ? RgEraTaling ro ioe teem marnrily 3 sing er Wikinews Pie % anid My Pyar » Broa i top ro Tei gut f 1 perwrade wr § Ba Ry wri mpd ew yomrs § 3 URI Ren i ents sud § » ay Eee Camel cael pied Le ' 5 0 rr. Q The Head Clagu rr. <BR only oe 13nd 5 Ld Hose thie ine he tw Sead Fy FIORE ha # ® Iver He wal: $ret ah wa ut isin : “oun ABring the serfne: Riv Yee Noe To Bar for Fifty Conta. Sp Hak ve - Peak AMMONIA, WATER,COLOGNE, 1 Aspericans sue 100500 54 solisr but : tens manually, Berry - Wiood Deep. Clear ond lem JI Na heey Boar 2 asa v Tatharte chen by irae up sm parities bani = aud That raking Use rapists, Ail 4 Te, Be, {Se "ot a sweet Bail SHREVE ¥Filuente ad Powel Mh Caswrarets # 2 A = a ST erin money So Fiasco ier a Rentackian. “oe wn | degire fo enlist wah Boy there 16 ste I want to exact Fou ssl A a RN ad *T'm a Rentockian, sah and I point. edly tio being sol Wo the Dry Toastogen wh whist im 0% oH as Cad p ome of The stoad Beep ba SeRE Sly ; THE EXCELLENCE oF SYRUP OF FS wonainy and A but which it is DIOCESES via Fs Xyvece ish to NPress pos pare hussing the re dln As the manufactured pata Fis Syrep Co of that feet will sling the worthless wminginetared by other pare The igh standing of the Cale foRNIa Fa Mvecr Co with the med eal Protas wey, and the satisfasetion the genuine Svyrap of Figs has of families, makes bye 4 SEpany 4 roaranty ie of 135 rons y it = far in sduvnpee of all other lnxatives, mE Bf acts on the kkloeys Liver and fever ls wilhoot rritating or wesken- ing atid 1 dors ed gripe DOr pavsente, 1a order Lopet ix beneficial feria. plense remember the name of the Company - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. RAN FRANCINOS, Cul LorIvILLL Ky. oon VRE, X. V. Knows to thas © BEL We ai oy + ZF KIO eel Lane * BLT lB Bln hd wo Then. hi » wh we & of - < we 5 OTHER LIQUID. Poms 2 How ME w Tork t ION =i PIL) Mow a RL €o.. 135 Leonard st.. New York. Aas NE ** The More You Say the Less People Remember.” One “ For oft years § was a victim of ar iB Gs worst farms 4 ood an ent Got hing Midi tower, aml a GHEE MY siaaaah we wal 43 Giger oon that Loe Muh Pega taking TANK NRETS fu vis abpesiht momentenl ami FUNr WR 0 an aw well as i avin HH Misrny Newark i CANDY ¥ 3 § 3 se handsome oad || Lats with 31] Poasass Maia sad is Padent. Taste Gaohd Da Gonwt, Never Bogen Wasken of Gripe We De ie wn. CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Serine Roney E——. Chtergr, Fan rest, Sew Yooh. 9% a Srage Bada, Sug wowed Roma wo x T Amite hug CRE Tobaoos EN a afin wnt We AY. Bee atl stnoe thes { |} fir Cries sam I | | || Chain Wheels, $75 ii Hartfords, . . SO | Vedettes, 340 & 35 || POPE WFG. CO, | Thompson's Eye Water |